Looking for a different room

Story by Yaxnonth on SoFurry

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#6 of I'm Real (scales & wings)

here is Chapter 6 of Dachii's story i know it's a little more twisted than my last one

but anyway warning time, this story contains m/m and rape... so if you don't like that kind of stuff you don't have to read it, try another story or read on anyway


Chapter 6

Looking for a different room

Test lab 134


Storage room

I was looking at all the rooms that were labeled on the map until I found something strange

"They have a pool and gym here?" I said to myself "what's that doing in a laboratory building? ... It wouldn't hurt to go check it out"

I looked at what floor it was on and headed for the stairs, it was about 2 floors up

After a climb to the floor I opened the door and all there was there was a large room and weights, but there was a door on the left that I would assume was the pool

I tried to open the door but it was locked, I guess I could lift weights for a little bit no one else is here

I walked up to one of the many pairs of weights and looked at all of the numbers

20, 25, 30 ... 50, 55, 60... 75, 80, 85, there were a lot of dumbbells and all of the bar bell weights were above 90 but they were bigger than me so I didn't bother with it

I grabbed a pair of 50 and started lifting them like how Carlos showed me before

This was easy I kept doing this for a few minutes then I tried something

I opened my wings and flew around a bit while holding the weights, it wasn't all that easy but I could feel that my wings were pushing harder and feeling stronger

It's a good thing my wing wasn't still damaged, they can really simulate pain

I stopped and decided to try something more challenging I put the 50 weights back and picked up the pair of 80 this was a little harder to lift but I could manage

But before I could try flying something hit me on the head and everything went black

I open my eyes to see that I'm lying on my stomach on some sort of lab table in a dark room

I try to get up but it looks like my arms are being restrained on the edges of the table, my feet as well

"What's going on?" I ask weakly

There was no answer back but I noticed my tail was being held up by some sort of lift above the table, what was going on?

"So you think you can just sneak around without anyone watching you, I don't think that's allowed, now your going to take the consequences for leaving your quarters

I got really nervous then, I know that voice, this isn't going to be good

I try to open my muzzle but it was being held shut by that big man, the head of security

"your going to do what I say or I'm going to use this" he held a cold metal object to my head I couldn't tell what it was but I knew it was dangerous

I looked at him before I saw him step back and remove his clothing

He was slightly muscled in his arms but he had a gut, I saw his human cock already getting big, I can only guess what's going to happen to me

I tried to yell for help but as I tried he slammed my muzzle shut and pointed the weapon at my head

"You just do what I say and you won't get hurt, and don't even try to scream this room is sound proof, no one can hear you"

I panicked, was there no way to get out of here?

He got really close to me and put his cock in front of me

"Suck it, and don't bite or else" he pressed his hardened meat against my muzzle

I nervously opened my maw as he inserted it in

He pushed in and out and yelled at me to start sucking, I did I was told I hated every moment of this his shaft tasted terrible as in went over my tongue it was sweaty and salty, the bitter essence of this very man

He told me to stop after a few minutes as he pulled his cock out of my mouth

"You are doing well, now lets test out the other end" he said with a wicked smile

He quickly ran over to the other side of the table to where my tail was being lifted

"Please don't do this" I whimpered

"Shut up!" he yelled at me pressing the weapon more into my skull

I stopped talking this man was clearly not going to listen, there had to be something else I could do to stop him

I then felt the tip of his shaft pressing up against my tail hole

"This will be enjoyable" he said as he pushed himself into me

I screamed in agony, it hurt a lot as he pushed harder forcing himself all the way in

I heard a moan come from him as he started pumping in and out

There was nothing there to help ease its movement it hurt really bad, after a few moments I could feel my butt getting sore

I whimpered and screamed but all he did was laugh as he continued his forceful pounding

I felt something on my right hand; it was pulling loose maybe I could get out of here

Then I heard a loud grunt and I felt a rush of warm liquid pouring into my bowels

The man then leaned in on my body almost crushing me

"You did very well, maybe I'll keep you around for more fun later" he said before he pulled himself out of me

I winced as I felt his tip exit my tail hole, it was definitely sore now I could feel it pulsating from the pain

He came back up in front of me and told me to lick it clean, I was hesitant but he was still pressing a weapon to my head and my hand was still stuck

I used my long tongue to lick of his cum and what ever else was there, it tasted terrible worse than before I almost threw up from the taste it self

I had lapped up anything left on his cock and then he pulled away

"I'm definitely going to like having you around here" he laughed before putting on his clothes

"You better stay here, I wouldn't want my new toy to get lost" he then hit me on the head with the metal object and I blacked out

So this is what my life is now reduced to, a sex toy for some corrupted and perverted man

What was I going to do? I was going to be used everyday I wish there was a way out of this, why would he even do this to me? What did I ever do to deserve this?

I suddenly came to, to the sound of someone's voice


I heard the sound of crashing objects on the floor and hard smacks to the face

"What did you think you were doing?" I heard Ace's voice yell

"Taking disciplinary measures, he broke rules" the other person said

"You idiot! You broke protocol and raped a child!" Ace said and he sounded very angry, I heard what sounded like footsteps from many other people

"Get him detained" Ace told the others that had just entered the room "his employment here has just been terminated"

When I fully opened my eyes I saw Ace coming close to me and undoing my restraints

"th-thank you" I said weakly

Ace looked at me "oh my gods, Dachii your alright, I'm sorry about all of this, were making sure that man doesn't get near you again"

He briefly hugged my side and finished getting me off of the table, he lifted me up gently and used a wet cloth to help clean me up from my recent experience

"Dachii, I'm going to take you to see the doctor alright, I want to make sure that you aren't to badly injured from this" Ace said "would you like me to lift you?"

"No" I said quietly, after what happened just now I don't want to be touched... by anyone

"Alright then... just follow me ok" he said

I nodded and proceeded to follow him, it was a tough walk my butt was sore moving my legs hurt since they were held apart for so long

We finally made it to the doctor's examination room with the doc already waiting for us there

"I'll be right outside if you need me ok" Ace said as I sat up on the examining table

I grabbed his hand "you don't have to leave" I said quietly

I let go of Ace's hand and he sat down on one of the chairs in the room

He explained to the doc what happened to me and then the doc asked me if there was anything more that the man did to me

I just told them everything that I could bring up without crying... it was terrible

By this point I got over my little un-want to be touched and let the doctor examine me

He checked everywhere to make sure I was alright; he took a blood sample to check if anything was wrong and put this cool cream near my tail hole that seemed to sooth the pain

When he said the examination was done I saw Carlos come into the room with a new one piece suit just for me

He asked me what happened but Ace interrupted and said he would explain later

I put on the clothes which now I was starting to like, and I asked Carlos where I could go to get some rest

"Why don't you go into your room?" Carlos asked

"... I don't want to get stuck in there..." I answered back

He didn't say anything he just looked like he was trying to think

Ace looked at me and then at Carlos

"Would it be alright if he stayed in my sleeping quarters, I wouldn't mind letting him use my area"

"I guess that would be alright, mine doesn't really have enough room" Carlos said "Dachii, would you like to stay in Ace's room for a little while?" he asked

I didn't really know what to say, Ace was a nice guy I guess he would take care of me while I was there, it's better than going back in the simulator to be tested on

"Sure" I said simply

Ace smiled "well we could go there now if you're tired" he said

I was getting pretty tired I didn't know why maybe it was those weights I lifted before or from being used

I got off of the examiners table and waved the doc goodbye as I walked out into the hall with Ace and Carlos

Carlos told me that he would be in the lab for a while clearing a few things up, he went off into another hallway as Ace and I went off to his room

Ace opened the door to his room and inside was a large and comfy looking bed, a small desk with a laptop on it and a small bed side lamp next to the bed with a notepad and pen under it

Ace welcomed me in "well this is my little home away from home, so I'd suggest you get some rest now, there is someone I have to take care of but I'll be back in a little while"

He helped me up into the bed and pulled the covers on me, he then turned off the light and walked out of the room and closed the door

The bed was very comfortable but it felt like it was missing something...

I fell asleep quickly, my dreams full of thoughts that I wished that I could understand

I'm stuck here

I can be strong just like Tye

Why would they do this to me?

What did I do to deserve such pain?

What can I do about anything my life is being controlled here

It's been almost a year since I left Tye... what will he think of me if I ever see him

I feel so strange, it's like I don't belong here... I want to leave

Do Carlos and Ace really care about me?

I just don't understand anymore... when did I ever?

I suddenly felt like I was moving a little but then it stopped, I felt warmer then I woke up

I opened my eyes half way and looked around, Ace was in the bed with me, he had put his arms around me and pulled me close, the bed didn't feel so empty anymore

Maybe that's what it needed, maybe that's what I needed, someone to be here with me...someone to be there for me

I felt like I wasn't so lonely here, I guess Ace felt the same way... but what about his family, doesn't he have them?

I heard him whisper something "I won't ever let them hurt you again... I promise"

Tears almost came to my eyes as I tried to stay silent, he really did care about me maybe as long as he was here things could be a bit more bearable

I wanted to know more about him now, he understood me ... maybe he can help me

I then shut my eyes again and fell asleep this time my dreams were full of good thoughts and the feeling that someday things will be alright

I awoke to a loud noise; it looked like Ace was being called back to work since his phone was going off

I felt Ace get off of the bed and check the phone, it felt a bit cold without him here

"yes he's here... huh? ... really that's great, I'll tell him once he wakes up" Ace said talking into his phone, he sounded quite happy

I turned over to face him and started to get up; I stretched out my arms and unfolded my wings to get a light snap sound from my still tired body

I seemed to have caught Ace's attention since he came up and hugged me

"The results from your blood tests are back, and they found that there was nothing wrong with you from what that man did to you" he said before letting me go

I was happy that nothing worse had happened, but it's lucky that we are in a lab results come back very quickly

I nuzzled his neck and hugged him back; he seemed to like it when I did that

"I have to get back to work now but later on there is someone I want you to meet, I'm sure you will get along pretty well" Ace said before taking off his shirt and replacing it with a different one "Carlos should be in the test room so if you need him for anything just head there and he should be able to help you"

I nodded and then he waved me goodbye as he walked out the door closing it behind him

I was still a little tired but I decided to get up anyway, there was a disgusting taste in my mouth maybe I could get some water to wash it out

I got off of the bed and got out of the room making sure to close the door behind me, I didn't want to make Ace upset from leaving it open all day

I used my memory to

Figure out how to get to the test room and when I got there Carlos was just about to walk out the door, he spotted me

"Hey there Dachii, you feeling ok?" he said rubbing my head

"Yea..." I said back to him "but do you think we could get some water and maybe something to eat?" I asked I was starting to get hungry, despite everything that happened

"Sure thing, it's lucky that you caught me on my break"

I grabbed onto his hand as we walked to the food area, I already knew how to get there but I didn't know how to get food

We sat down at the usual table Ace wasn't there and neither was the doc but there was a collie sitting across from me

"Hello Jay, how's your project going so far?" Carlos asked the collie

"Oh it's going fine, a little better than the last one, if you remember it" the collie said

Well I knew his name, and he somehow knows Carlos, but who is he?

"Well I got to get this little guy his food so I'll be back in a few minutes" Carlos said before walking off to get the food

"Hello there, my name's Jay, what's yours?" Jay asked me and held out his paw

I had seen this before I'm supposed to shake the other persons paw right?

"I'm Dachii" I put my claw in his paw and shook it lightly

"Dachii?" he cocked his head "where have I heard that before?" he had a look as if he was pondering some deep thoughts, but then I felt a little weird like I had a little headache for a few seconds

"Now I know where I remember that name! My nephew Hyeed told me about you, but from what I heard you were digital but you seem pretty real to me"

He knew about me, from someone I've met before, I forgot that the people I met had relatives working here

"I'm the same one... they made this body for me, and then gave me back my memories" I told him and then I told him a few other things that had happened to me

"Wow sounds like you've been through quite a bit then to get to where you are now" he said looking a little sad

"I guess you could say that..."

Just then Carlos came back with the food, this time he brought me meat as always but he made sure to give me this sweet fruit that I liked called watermelon

I started eating just as Carlos sat down, we quickly finished and I chugged down a large glass of water that made me feel refreshed

As we got up to leave Jay stopped me and came around the table to talk to me

"if you ever need someone to talk to I'm here, ok?" he whispered to me before patting my back and letting me leave

How can this person be so nice? I barely know him and he's already trying to talk to me, but I guess he felt he knew me a bit better so I can't really say much about it

I walk with Carlos back to the test room when I got there I had noticed Ace was there to

"Hey Dachii you're here this is perfect, now you can meet the person I was talking about earlier" he said to me smiling

I smiled back at him "ok..." I wasn't really sure about this person I was supposed to meet but if Ace said we would get along then I guess I would trust him on that

I then saw the door to the wind tunnel open, I couldn't believe my eyes

It was the other dragon still dark green and about my size, it was standing there staring at me looking just as surprised as I was

"Dachii this is #2651815, but we call him Zero" Ace said to me

Zero? This was interesting I had never met the other dragon for real so I'm not sure what he was like

"n-nice to ... meet you..." he said, he either sounded nervous or he hadn't gotten his talking down yet

I smiled at him "same here" I said, he then smiled back at me

"I-I ... remember... you" he said stepping closer to me "I saw you... somewhere"

I thought back to the time I had walked by his container, he did open his eyes could he really have seen me? Would he really be able to remember that?

I stepped back but then Ace interrupted

"I think it's going to take a bit to get used to each other... Zero you should head to your next station the next test will begin shortly"

Zero nodded and ran off to another part of the room

"You wanted me to meet the other dragon?" I asked Ace

"Well you seemed a bit lonely without anyone to play with, maybe it's a good thing that you both met" he said

"... how come you made another dragon... was it just incase I failed?" I said a bit sad at the thought

Ace looked a bit shocked at what I had said

"No Dachii we didn't make him for that reason, it was more like a random circumstance that he exists right now..." Ace said rubbing the back of his head

"What do you mean by that, why would he be something randomly created?"

"Well it's a little hard to explain..."

"Alright I get it it's complicated... but why did you want me to meet him?" I asked

"Well I couldn't let you just stay here and not even know your own brother"

What? How could I have a brother...? I guess that really must be hard to explain

I was shocked I had never known what it was like to have a relative, I had a brother... I guess I really should get to know him better

"He's my... brother?" I said confusingly

"Yes, you were both made from the same cells before you split from each other" he explained

"That's amazing, so does this mean your putting him through the tests to...?" I asked

"Yes... but we've learned our lesson we aren't going to put him through the emotions test, figuring you've gone through enough we don't want to make things worse by messing with your brother"

I smiled "that's good"

Hopefully he would have a better sight on the world then I would, since he wasn't being set through what I had gone through

They had to get back to testing him so they said it would be best if I headed back to Ace's room

Carlos took me there before saying goodbye and leaving again

I thought of everything that has been happening to me lately, mostly everything felt like it was crushing me, but I had to look at the bright side now, things were looking better

I know that there are people out there who care about me; I have a friend waiting for me

And now I have a brother

End of chapter 6

well readers what did you think, please comment i'd like to here what you think about my stories

and tell me if any of you saw that coming... this is what i got from drinking to much milk before bed

don't it messes with your head, and your stomach XP