Joey's Student Body Initiation

Story by musicalewolfcat on SoFurry

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Workin on a new style and did this one night.

I don't normally do erotic stuff, but see it as its own unique challenge, and am a bit proud at making it work.

Note: Everyone at this college is adult

Tailtown College was a community school in the town of Tailtown, notorious for its wealthy student body, exceptional science programs, professional table-tennis team, and one thing in particular... all the furs at Tailtown College were not allowed any clothes unless absolutely necessary, and in such cases it was still rare to find one fur with more than a jacket and boots.

Though known as a more secluded wealthier community, Tailtown had its own reputation for formality and respect for other furs, though many might associate that to its _very_friendly student body. Whether or not that's it is anyone's real guess, but it was not all uncommon to see the various tail wags, boners of many shapes and sizes where one would not discriminate, and many different species of masturbating individuals laid out on the many couches in the student centers, and even in the classrooms. The school only had one policy: "Don't let it distract your focus, hinder your work, or overtake you till you become a one-track maniac or that you might hurt someone." In other words, let it beat the bottom of your priority list, if even on at all if you know their reputation for outstanding students.

Joey the skunk found it hard to believe as he walked down to the student social development center. It was the day before his first semester as a transfer student would start, as he took his first official morning after moving in to explore the campus. In his personal opinion, he didn't know why he was even accepted. It was considered to be a prestigious facility from the rumors he'd heard, yet they were talking about a school very few had seen very much of themselves unless they were accepted themselves. On top of that he didn't even know what he had to offer. He was only a B- student with an associates in computer and media technology, didn't have any money to even afford all his books without a loan, and had a starving-thin, far from handsome physique and a far less-than-impressive package... if they really looked for that stuff.

Walking down the large hill from the dorms, he looked out over what campus he could see. Unfortunately, he did not see anyone else around yet. He couldn't help but wonder if it was too early, or if the rumors were just set-ups for newbie pranks. Only ten minutes after waking up he was flushed with potential embarrassment, and now it only grew deeper.

Joey was nearly to the bottom of the hill, hiding his package behind a printed map of the campus. His little 'wallaby' wiggled and bounced around silly until it would get the occasional boner, which would cause him to stop until it would turn flaccid again. He peeked out of the corner of his eye to see a small, dark figure walking his way from an adjacent road, probably from the building located just behind her. He couldn't tell if it was also nude, though, or just wearing dark clothing that had yet to come into focus. He didn't want to stop and stand there like an idiot either way if they just happened to walk by, so he pressed on to the bottom, spotting a bench and walking over toward it.

As he stepped closer, the dark figure came into focus. A large female black panther was walking down the far sidewalk toward what would be either the student center or the library. She was still a good distance away, but he could definitely tell she was wearing a light jacket unzipped around her large bust, but nothing more; anywhere! Joey's fears were only temporarily calmed. He still feared if it was still just a trick to get him in there, or by any chance if it wasn't, what they would do to him because of his... size.

His heart beat faster as he assumed it best to pause while he was ahead. He finally reached the bench, though his conscious holding him back, questioning the sanitary condition of the public utensil whether it be bare fur or gum and tobacco where they'd normally spit around before they would head anywhere else. His ego got the upper paw, though, as he slowly turned around, raised his tail high, and planted his furry rear to the seat with his map still conveniently placed.

The skunk glanced over his shoulder to look at the panther again, this time closer and blankly meeting his gaze. Joey quickly shot back around, trying to hide his blush, not wanting to appear rude. Looking down he could only find one thing not wanting to hide.

"Heya, Skunkie!" A cheerful voice called out from behind.

Joey jumped and fell forward onto the grass in front of him. Trying to keep whatever composure he had, he looked up to the screeching source. It was the same black panther as before with her paws resting on the back of the bench as she looked over, smiling to the skunk.

"Uh-Um..." Joey couldn't mutter anymore out as he got to his feetpaws and back to his seat, making sure to keep the map in place.

"You look new around here! I mean, we don't normally get any skunks around here. Do we even have any?" She seemed as though she were talking to more than one individual, though Joey was the only other one there. "I can't think of any. Anyways... you alright?"

"Um-Yeah. Yes." Joey murmured.

"Yeah? Cause you don't look like it." She said still happily, jumping over the back and onto the bench just inches to the left of the nervous skunk. "New stew jitters?"

Joey smiled and nodded. He tried to contemplate how to keep the panther's eyes on his.

"Aw, don't worry about it! The classes aren't as bad as they look... except for Mrs. Shoze, she has a bit of a snot issue... and Mr. Regg, he's probably the most susceptible to fleas of anyone on this campus... and Miss Vozigno, if you have anything on your desk, her dick has a habit of brushing it off..."

Joey's ears perked. "'Her' dick?" He thought to himself. There weren't any herms in the small district where he came from.

"...though she does keep a condom on the monster to keep away from cuts. It also helps when she tends to orgasm sometimes spontaneously... but other than that, that's all you need to worry about... oh, and the financial advisor. That zebra will spit right up your snout if you tell him he needs to speak louder. Just follow the usual protocol and you'll be- OH! I'm sorry! I tend to ramble. I'm Shana!" She put her right paw on his shoulder.


"Oooo, that's an interesting name! I never met anyone with the name 'Uh'" the cat giggled.

"Um, Joey. Joey!" he said, reaching up with his left paw, attempting to hold the paper still without making the point too noticeable.

"Joey. Cool! Yeah, I tend to ramble a lot. Really helps me do my debating, though! I mean, I'm on the college's political debate team. I'm going for business, but it still helps a lot... at least to let me make something of it, where my parents weren't so supportive. They didn't even want me to talk at all." She bowed her head down slightly, showing a bit of a frown.

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"Eh, it's okay. We all just need a fair amount of hurt and sunshine to know how to make a day, and good friends who really care to help push you forward. That's what we're about here! Where are you from by the way?"


"Again with the _'Uh.'_Don't sweat anything through your fur, Joe. There's nothing I could judge, let alone any reason to! Now come on, puff your chest out, tail high, angry eyes... okay maybe not angry eyes, and say powerfully where you're from!"

Her sudden tenseness toward him thankfully made him flaccid again as he proceeded.

"Moleboro Cliff."

"Mole-boro Cliff?! Where's that?!"

"It's, uh-"

"Hey, no 'Uh!'"

"It's around ninety miles east, toward the coast." Joey said strongly.

"Ah, okay then! Long ways away from home, aren't you? I mean, most of our body is local, and the rest either athletes or special scholarships for a few with potential that no other schools would take. You know, like outcasts or 'freaks'" she concluded sternly with air quotes.

"Heh, I guess that's why I'm here."


"Well, they always said I had potential at my other school, though I don't even know even what in. I got my Associates with no help or support from them, but I finished with a bit of a lower average."

"And how'd you get here?"

Joey shrugged his shoulders. "Apparently someone referred me. They came to me and said that someone reviewed my records. Then I got a letter. No one thought it was legit, though. I mean, I didn't even know about it until everyone started with rumors."

"Rumors? About what... if you don't mind me asking."

"A-About this school."

"What about this school?" Shana seemed to tense up again.

"That it's a higher-end school for furs, with a solid reputation for academics, and..." Joey gulped. "...that the furs who go here have to go... naked?"

Shana tilted her ears and looked blankly again at him.

"I mean, all those things are true, but nothing here really is an issue. I mean, sure, my folks are better off than others, but I was also a local, and the academics aren't _that_much harder; probably where you were at in your other school. That and the climate is perfectly fine here. It gets chilly between autumn and winter, but your fur should be thick enough. We got the awkwardly shaped land around us, though, that likes to trap the air in, so it's completely bearable."

Joey stared at her, starting to get hard again from her confident response.

"Well, I still don't see why they'd want ME. I mean, I don't even..."

Shana leaned in closer, forcing him to blush deeper.

"Don't even what?"

Joey knew he'd have to face the embarrassment sooner or later. He gave a short groan and closed his eyes as he removed the paper map.

"What? I don't even... ohhhh, you have an issue down there?" Joey nodded. "What is it? Do you cum too much? Too quickly? Randomly? Is your brain down there? Does it talk? Do you grow when you're angry and it turns into a giant snake-monster and eats people, and your balls are its stomach?!"

She managed to get a giggle out of him.

"What, are you just worried about our size? That a whole- what... foot and a half?"

"No. two and a half inch solid at full!" The skunk became flushed. "UGH! I don't have anything to offer!"

Shana looked at him worriedly as he put his face into his paws. She knew what was wrong. It was a norm for new students, though to be honest, she had seen smaller, but this isn't exactly the place to judge that at all. She tried to think of a way to cheer him up.

"Well, when do you start?"

"-sniffle- Tomorrow."

"What?! Well then we have to get you settled in now!"

'What? How?"

"By introducing you to some new friends!"

"No!" Joey backed away from her.

"Hmm... I've got an idea!"

"-sniffle- What?"

She kneeled down in front of the skunk, opening his legs, and putting her large, warm muzzle lips over his full package and gently massaged him with her tongue.

"What are you doing?"

"Relax! I'm not gonna bite your pee pee off, you dum dum skunk!"

The panther got back to work, and almost instantly had Joey under her control. Intermittently she would scoop his balls in and out with her tongue while gently massaging and sucking on his cock. She slowly proceeded to move her head up and down, taking a gentle claw to glide along his sac as he let out soft moans of pleasure. She continued at her work for a good four minutes or so until she felt him starting to twitch.

"Mmm... almost there, are we?"

"Hnng- mm-hmm."

"Well then here..." She stood up and turned away from him.

"Wha- What?" Joey was somewhat disappointed, hoping it wasn't over.

"Put it in here!" She raised her tail and presented her luscious rear, covered in a thick coat of rich, dark fur to the skunk.

"What, in your ass? I mean, I don't even have a-"

"Don't worry about it! Really! Just put your dick in and we'll walk into the student center together!"

Joey could see where she was going, and agreed with no hesitation.


They walked toward the large, windowed building in front of them, Joey's body pushing her cheeks apart slightly to accommodate his cock. With each new step he found himself making small jerks inside her tailhole. Before long, he found his hips wriggling a little.


Joey stopped his movements abruptly in embarrassment. "Uh, Joey?"

"Joey? can hump me if you want."

Joey sprang to life as if by command, she stopped just outside of the door and he commenced his sex. Shana clenched her muscles to make it as tight as she could around him, helping to add to his madness as he banged her faster and faster. His ears perked when he heard her making short, loving moans.

He couldn't take it anymore. It pushed him over the edge. He got ready to pull out, but completely forgot, and blew a measurable load into her hole.

"Oh, OH! OH, oh, ohh... Joey YES! -huff- Joey, yes! -pant- Joey, you're the perfect size!"

"-huff- -huff- Re-Really? -pant-"

"-whew!- Yes... now, keep your cock in me and we'll head in; and don't worry about the dripping. You'll see why we have some of the best-paid cleaning crew around!"

Again as if by command, Joey obeyed, and they walked in the door and started up a flight of stairs. Joey began to relax, but his anxieties returned. "What if this really IS just a part of a prank? What if they're waiting for me, to take pics and give me the labels? What if she makes me bend down and clean her out, and then others?"

They continued up the second flight of stairs. Joey looked up to find another feline's rear on an upper railing, seeing her pussy showing just below the rail.

"Okay, what about best? At best... What if they gangbang on me, or find out that I'm a media major and put me in charge of their porno department?" Joey couldn't guess anymore as they finally reached the top of the stairs, overlooking a short hallway lined with tables and couches that led into the café. Students, students of all different kinds of species, even ones he'd never seen before filled the vast majority of them... and all nude, tending to their various tasks and conversations.

"Hey everyone!" Shana shouted, turning free of Joey's cock and stepping to the side as a bit of cum still dripped from them both. "This is Joey, he's one of our newbies, not from around here, and I mean at all! Let's make him welcome!"

Nearly every fur turned toward them and offered some sort of hello, though Joey's attention turned mainly toward a herm dragon, vigorously masturbating as she waved to him. None of it was anything he'd seen before

A number of other furs stood up and approached him, though to his surprise in all of this, nearly all of their dicks were still in their sheathes, and all their vaginas unaroused as they formed a small crowd around him, giving their own welcome greetings and introductions.

Shana stepped in to quickly lick off the remaining cum off Joey, exposing his again wet and hard member, causing him to blush and turn away. However, no one made any comment against him because of it. In fact, after the casual intros, a few of them actually lined up asking for him!

He looked over at Shana, who was giving him a smile while she leaned against a wall fingering herself and talking to a lion beside her.

"Um- I mean, Yes. Okay, yeah." Joey said as a Labrador dog with spiked headfur stood in front of him and asked him to dock into his sheath. The dog's sheath was very thin, but an impressive enough length so that the skunk's cock actually fit snug inside, and touching the dog's own tip when it was in.

It didn't last long, however, as the dog's tip got aroused and began to pop out.

"I have an idea!" the Labrador said as he moved behind him and lifted him up, placing his tailhole over his thin length and holding him up with his surprisingly strong paws. "I'm Vince, by the way," he said in his ear, "I'm captain of the table-tennis team here. You could watch us play in the gym every Friday if you want. It's free to come to our games, which almost balances out the outrageous meal plans here."

"Eh-heh, cool!" The skunk blushed. "OOMF!"

"And I'm Lisa!" A small female hare jumped up onto them, putting Joey's cock into her cunt. "I'm a member of the exquisite culinary program here!"

"So, Joey... how would you like your parade?"


"Yeah, to let everyone meet you!"

He chuckled. "With what I've experienced so far... however they want!"

The dog grinned and with Joey still sitting on him, Vince started carrying them forward. "Your attention please! We got a newbie welcome parade! Now if ya'll wanna form a path for us... thank you, and we'll meet with everyone momentarily. So if any lucky fur wants to give this huge dude a kiss, or share their welcomes, or load, please feel free!"

They started forward through the cleared road as Vince held him firmly, licking his neck fur. One by one different furs introduced themselves, and took turns hugging, nosing, giving belly rubs, kissing him, and a few rubbing to an orgasm on him. As many the fur moaned and played around him like one large orgy, the now not-so-small in size skunk couldn't be any more thrilled at the situation, only further when a domestic feline herm carrying a package comparative in size to his came over and hugged him. With the one thing that used to almost set anyone in their own higher rank where he came from, he gave a loud, "Thank you!" With that he received a deep kiss from the dragon he saw a moment ago.

"This is awesome! ...I hope they're just as accepting when they find out I'm not a fur. I don't know of any places round here that would look past the labels of a wereskunk."

"Alright everyone!" Vince said again. "Let's give him a break! We all got classes tomorrow, and I think we should all be focusing on getting ready, while enjoying these moments of summer we have here as full as we can." Vince shouted proudly to a responsive audience as he held Joey up, pumping his long dick in and out of him as the rabbit had her own excitement on top. Others joined in between themselves, even on and around him as Vince continued. "We're still hosting the student bonfire tonight just outside the café! Every-HOHHH... everyone's -err- welcome -NNNG!- to -OHH!- Cuuuuuuuum!"


Later at the bonfire, most of the only somewhat small student body chatted calmly amongst themselves as they stood around a lit pit of small sticks and old papers from the summer office cleanouts that just overlooked the setting sun on a distant hillside. Eventually the chatter was halted when the Labrador, who turned out to be not only one of the more well-known furs on campus, but also the head of the student body, spoke up to the crowd.

"Alright now everyone, here's the deal! We got a huge semester ahead! The table-tennis team has to seriously beat out South Pine Park this season; softball team, you too. Kick their own balls into the nets if you have to! Hey, where's the cooking crew? Yes, those guys over there. They're plannin on opening two four-star joints up round here; one by the music warehouse and the other off the parkway ramp! Let's hope they offer some student discounts, and if so let's try not to make any enemies with the cooks! Also, it's posted the debate team's goin ta fur state to present their own cases and directly influence their decisions regarding environmental regulations, so that's a serious deal, guys! OH, I couldn't forget, the tech department recently signed an internship contract with a major Hollywood film studio, so we could have ourselves a few movie makers here. Another note, I keep hearing from the chem..."

"Did he just say Hollywood studio internship?"

" you beaker buddies, sticky yer pads or get some gloves with better grip on them, okay? ...So all that and a bunch of other stuff, if ya'll would join me right now, raise your bottles and your eyes; I'd like to salute our student body; helping to not only build a better future, but a better family of friends right here! So while we're here, let's forget the past, enjoy the now, and make a bigger and better future! Don't focus on any material crap, alright? We'll focus on what's important, because THAT'S more important, and that's how we get things done! That's how we make good happen, alright? That's how we make ourselves; by what is made here! By what has been made and is still being made from us! Not for us; from us! Because of us! Look around you, see all of US! This is where the future starts!"

Beef-ore: Chapter 4

Beefore: Chapter 4: A "new life" long friend "(Yawning) Crap (very big yawn) Dun, dun, dun." To be honest, her mind wasn't all at it yet. It was on Laura, who successfully haunted another of Kelly's dreams. With how clear her memory was, she thought...

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A Swim for her Money, Part 1

A Swim for her Money "Are you sure about that?" The otter girl asked. "Come on, it'll be fine." Jack seemed to have the only bit of excitement between them. "I'm an island girl, I don't do cold!" "It won't be that cold." "Yeah, you're a husky, you...

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Beef-ore: chapter 3

_C_hapter 3: _A New Job, and a new Boss_ Another couple weeks went by, and she got busier than usual. Midterms were coming up! Not being a school fanatic, she certainly wasn't looking forward to ... then again, who does? She found as much time as she...

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