Dragon Spa!

Story by Ben332 on SoFurry

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#3 of Tales From Mianka

"Well? Is there anything I can help you two with? Some food or drink, maybe? Perhaps a few billion dragon-sized condoms?" Nick offered.

Sal blew a few bubbles, before rising out of the pool of water enough to speak.

"I don't know about Richard, but I'm mostly sated in that regard. Perhaps a menu while we decide?"

"I'll pull one up right away!" His fingers tapped against the screen.

"I don't really need a menu, but I suppose now would be the time to ask if steaks are in stock?" Richard let his tongue flop out of his muzzle, enjoying the humid air, and still rather hot water.

"Last I checked we were a bit low on meats..." The tablet interrupted him with a rude beep. "But apparently we're completely restocked now."

"Well, I haven't had rare steak in a while, so I suppose I'll order that. What about you, Sal?" The water splashed a bit as his sinuous neck cut through the water.

"Steak and a burger on the side sounds pretty great to me. Perhaps a salad on the side as well."

Nick pecked at the tablet, adding their orders to a list, also noting the room number outside.

"Any particular salad in mind, Mr. Arsit?" Nick asked.

"Please do call me Sal. And not really. I'm perfectly happy with the overwhelming majority of salads, so surprise me!" He beamed.

"Gotcha, M -er- Sal. Any drinks, alcoholic or otherwise, I can interest you in as well?"

"Got a rather odd craving for coffee, so I'll have that. Dump all the sugar into it, and the entire container of creamer."

"Uhh... specifics please?" Nick was almost confused.

"Five cubes, and a few dozen milliliters of creamer."

"Okay. Can't say I've heard of anyone putting that much of either into coffee, specifically. But it's always interesting to hear of odd beverages. We'll try to match your order!" He plastered a smile onto his face, despite the odd beverage choice.

"Some cola would be nice, no particular brand in mind." Richard piped up, not to be forgotten.

"Anything else? You sure you don't want any side dishes, Richard?"

"Nope! Not particularly hungry, and I'll order more if I'm still hungry afterwards."

"Alrighty... order has been sent to the kitchen, and they're estimated it'll be about fifteen minutes." He slid the tablet into its carrier. "Any other desires you might like help satisfying?"

The silence in the room was thick for a moment, the only noise was the gurgling of the underground springs. Nick shifted uneasily. It almost seemed the two were communicating telepathically. He had to remind himself it was unlikely, if not impossible.

"Well, if you'd like to fool around with us some, we'd be fine with that." Richard spoke for the both of them.

"You seemed rather, uh... flustered upstairs earlier, as well." Sal added.

"I was dealing with some customers not knowing how to work a remote control... and then not knowing how to connect to the wifi. The usual." He dodged a bit.

"That'd explain it. I did customer service for a while, it was rather unpleasant." Sal empathized.

"Still! Sounds like you could use a break either way!" Richard opined.

"Wouldn't be wrong, and I suppose it wouldn't be too long of one, either." He mulled it over for a scarce few moments.

His eyes lit up, as if he'd stumbled onto a great idea.

"I'll call it customer satisfaction!"

Sal giggled at the silly idea, though it may be true in the widest of senses. Richards' laughter echoed off of the walls, following Sals'. It took but a moment for Nick to swap the sign out for a more appropriate one, and shut the door.

"So, how about it, you two?" The lock clicked shut, sealing them off from the rest of the building.

"Well, I was wondering what you taste like..." Sal stuck his tongue out.

"With that in mind, I'm sure we can figure something out. C'mere you." Richard beckoned the fox over.

The two dragged themselves out of the oh-so-comfortable embrace of the water, steam rising off their scaled forms. The relatively cold air felt almost soothing against their footpaws, and the still colder stone floor felt just as good. More than a few drops of water poured off of them, warming the stone, and pooling on the uneven surface.

"I should probably get rid of this first." Nick removed the tablet, and its' holder with a quick few snaps, setting it well away from the water.

"Don't bother with the rest, I rather like undressing my partners."

"Really? I suppose you wouldn't get to do that often with quads." Richard stated.

"Well, I mean, no, unless they're all fancy and like to wear suits and such." Sal huffed at the ridiculousness.

"You'd be surprised!" Nick opined.

"And you have better noises to be making with that muzzle." Sal pulled at the foxes' hips.

Rather large paws grasped at him firmly, tugging him into the perfect position for the muted green dragon. Even with the hefty size difference, it was a bit of work to maneuver his fortunate victim just the way he wanted him. Richard watched as Sal carefully tugged off the foxes' cargo shorts, while Nick let it happen. It was slow going, but Sal managed just fine. The shirt was far faster, a quick yank and it was out of the way.

"Boxers huh? I suppose that's convenient!" Sal grinned as he yanked then down, before tossing them onto the growing pile of clothes.

"Convenient I got the brand with no loo- AH!" Nick had no time to finish his statement.

Sals' long, wet tongue dragged across his belly, almost tickling the small mammal. He instinctively looked for something to grasp. Sals' muzzle was the closest thing his paws settled on. Already, even with this slight, barely sensual contact, he was poking out of his sheath. Richard smirked a bit as his new roommate engulfed the entirety of the light-furred foxes' groin. Nicks' ears flattened against his head.

"J-just a reminder to not harm the employees..." He muttered, a bit dazed at the wet sensations.

"You'll be fine!" Richard beamed, letting Sal have his fun for the moment.

Nick whimpered while Sal slathered him with affection. Using his long, rather large tongue to lap across his balls before dragging upwards. By now, even Richard was growing thick just watching. It was cute, in a way, to watch Nick try to suppress his pleasure, and hide it from view. Of course, he had other ideas for the fox. He laid a heavy forepaw onto his shoulder, and pushed down gently. Sal got the hint, and brought the fox up to be suspended between the two.

Richard hoisted the fox up a bit further, and pecked a kiss right onto his nose. More things to try, and more experiences to be had! He gave a gentle lick across Nicks' face, ending at his lips. As awkward as it might be to try... He brought their muzzles together, a bit mismatched in size, to say the least. His composure finally broke, and he leaned into the kiss. He even relinquished one paw from Sals' muzzle to find a place on the bridge of Richards' own.

Being teased and fondled by not one, but two dragons was certainly a unique experience for Nick. It was at least a first for him while working at the Lodge. Richards' tongue slid between his teeth, bringing his own mixture of saliva with it. Small strands drizzled down around the foxes' muzzle, leaving wet trails in his fur. Heavy gusts of air from the dragons' nostrils parted his fur. Some of it rushed across his ears, tickling them.. However, as those gusts came more and more quickly, it seemed like the dragon was out of breath. All good things had to come to an end eventually, but they were both seeing stars already.

Thick strands of saliva connected the two when Richard broke off the kiss.

"That was... interesting." He huffed between heavy gulps of air.

"I bet." Nick grit his teeth as Sal adjusted himself a bit, to vacuum at his almost ready to blow cock.

"Better things for your mouth to do anyway." Richard repositioned himself, and made clear his desires.

It seemed that his own rod was not one to remain uninterested in such hot and heavy action. It was already primed and ready to go. Nick let himself fall into what came easily, hazarding a quick slurp along the underside. It took but moments for his paw to follow up, grasping the base of the shaft.

Sal, however, would not let his own ministrations go unnoticed. His forked tongue curled around the fox in his muzzle, and stroked, even as the rest of his muzzle worked to vacuum the foxes' seed right out of his balls. Nick let his ears fall back onto his skull, the stimulation almost proving to be too much. But, he held back for the moment. Sal would have to work a bit more for his curiosity's' sake.

Richard grinned as Nick finally took the tip of his length into his muzzle. The warm, slick insides of his throat and tongue bathing his rod in almost too-warm saliva. No doubt his pre was already pouring into the fox, dousing his taste buds. Hopefully in a taste he enjoyed, Richard supposed. The moans from around his rod seemed to confirm that thought. Of course, he'd have to ask later, and see just how much the fox could chug down.

Nicks' orgasm hit him unexpectedly, with no time or opportunity to warn the dragon nursing on his cock. He felt his balls tense as they spurted jet after jet into the waiting muzzle. Feeling the warm, fleshy walls gulp down load after load until he was spent. Sal milked every last drop, and then some out of the fox. Not once did he slow down until he was sure that the poor fellow was spent. After he was completely finished, he went almost limp in relaxation.

Sal did his best to prop him up with his paws, taking care to not graze his sensitive flesh with his teeth. While his mouth was still plugged with Richards' rod, his lungs were still trying their best to suck air through his nose. He let the foxes' still somehow stiff rod flop out of his muzzle to speak.

"You okay down there?" His concern was audible.

Nick brought a paw up to give him a thumbs up, and a 'ok!' gesture, before letting it hang down limply once more.

"Good, just wanted to make sure."

A bit of sticky fox cream flowed down across his lips, just enough to get a bit of a taste for what was just pumped into the back of his throat. In a way, it was rather plain. Sal supposed the fox didn't taste much of anything, really. Sure, it was salty, but not much else. All the same, his long tongue swiped the messy remnants off of his muzzle, and into his waiting maw. It would be an agreeable enough snack.

Nicks' breathing finally calmed enough for him to focus on the task at hand. Or rather, task in muzzle. Or, perhaps even more practically, plugging his muzzle, drizzling dragon seed right into his throat. Even if he had only a few inches in his mouth, there was plenty more to go, and a rather heavy set of balls to unload. There they were, just hovering less than a foot away, exuding their rather thick musk. The scent was rather intoxicating, truth be told, and Nick wanted a closer sample. And the only way to do that...

"Be careful down there. Go as slow as you ne- Ah!" Richard had to grit his teeth as the fox popped a few of his ridges into his muzzle.

Sal grinned at the cute expression on Richards' face. It was rather entertaining to watch him learn that Nick wasn't completely oblivious on how to please a dragon. All the better to watch from a close-up view.

The fox made sure to not leave his tongue idle, slurping along the sensitive flesh on and between the ridges. Taking care to ensure that the dragon above him wasn't quite ready to knot. While it'd be an achievement to be sure, Nick wasn't exactly looking to be stuck with a large piece of flesh in his mouth for the next half an hour. Or perhaps even more. Maybe something to look into in the future. For now, he focused on jamming as much of that thick rod into his throat as possible. Saliva strings connected his muzzle and the rapidly disappearing length. If nothing else, it made it a small amount easier.

Richard was doing his best to not try to face fuck the small fox, and it was taking all his effort and focus to not do so. For now, he was almost content with letting him nurse heavily on his rod. No doubt he'd be receiving a large blast of dragon seed any minute now, either on him, or in him. Maybe a bit of both. His legs wobbled a bit, and he didn't trust them for a moment. A quick couple of gestures and movements later, he was laying on his side next to the pool. Much more convenient for the entire trio, he figured.

It took a few moments for him to realize the added pressure just in front of his growing knot was the foxes paw digits. A good precaution, and he was doing his best to simulate the feel of a welcoming hole around his knot. Of course, a few tight, pulsing grips would definitely make him go right over the edge.

Richard gasped for air as he realized that wasn't quite the only way a knot could be used to drag a dragon over the edge. His tongue lolled out of his muzzle, dripping a trail of saliva. He couldn't be bothered to stop, as the pleasure was far too overwhelming.

If Nick could smile, he would. Using his paws to not only grip the knot, but push on it until it popped into place in front of them was genius! And then pulling back... replicating the feel of knotting almost perfectly. And of course, doing that was one of the better ways to trigger exactly what Nick wanted. His nose bumped the front of the knot. He was getting as close as he was going to get to swallowing the entire spear of dragon meat. His jaw would be sore later, but it would be worth it. It took just moments of this intense stimulation to drag the dragon roaring over the edge of his climax.

He saw it coming, and needed no warning. Seeing the dragons' balls tense up, signaling the impending rush of fluid. Right into Nicks' gut, bypassing all but a few inches of his throat. Even then, he could only chug it down so fast...

Richard pulled him off of nursing his rapidly spraying cock when he saw he was trying to swallow it all. The disappointed look on Nicks' face disappeared in a sea of white, making quite a mess of his already messy fur. It took forever for him to come down from his blissful climax, but when it was over, it was certainly over. Though, Richard had to admit, that was the absolute best climax he had in quite some time. From a blowjob, at least.

"Well. That was messy." A web of sticky, off-white fluid stretched between the foxes' fingers.

"I'd say good luck cleaning it all, but it should be easy enough to just take a quick dip. And since most of it got on you..."

"Yeah, yeah, but then I'd have to dry of-" He was interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Perfect timing!" Sal beamed, enthused at the idea of food after their romp.

"We're a bit messy at the moment, be right with you!" Nick did his best to flick the remaining droplets off, but they stubbornly clung to his fur. He mumbled a grunt of mild annoyance, and ignored what was left. His footpaws flopped noisily against the floor as he reached for the door.

"Disregard the uh- fluid in my fur."

"As if I'd do anything but!" Blue scales slithered through the doorway, platters of food in tow.

"And I'll just disregard the fluids on the floor as well, and on the two gentleman dragons too." She dragged the cart through the doorway.

"Didn't we see you earlier?" Richard asked.

"Yes, you did! Everyone else was busy doing stuff, so I volunteered to bring you your rather appetizing meals." The blue-scaled, rather curvy dragoness smirked, before adding, "And the odd coffee and soda combo."

"Coffee is his, soda is the other dragons'." Nick gestured to Sal.

"Thank you much for bringing the food, Miss... I never did catch your name." Sal asked.

"Val Crosse, at your service!" She did her best imitation of a bow.

"So that's your name..." Nick muttered to himself.

"We've been busy lately, I had meant to introduce myself the first week you were here, but I got a bit carried away." Val apologized to Nick.

"It's fine. Was just rather odd to not be able to tell Braddock or any of the other coworkers who I meant when I mentioned you, that's all." He shrugged.

"Perhaps I'll remind people I exist later, heh." Val chuckled. "Either way, would you two like a table, or should I leave the cart?"

"Cart is fine."

"Okay... anything else? Perhaps some towels or something?" She asked.

"No, thank you. I think a bit of a tongue bath is in order." Sal nuzzled at the underside of Richards neck.

"Naughty gentlemen, you two. Should I leave, or maybe assist you?" Her tongue rolled out of her mouth.

"I'm not one to say no to some more company! So long as there isn't anything else that needs doing." Richard smiled.

"Your pleasure and relaxation is our business, after all. We have plenty of staff if any other vacationers need help."

"I feel like it'd be quicker to just slip back into the springs. That'd clean just as well." Nick grumbled.

"Sure would! But where's the fun in that?" Val said.

"And the food will get co-" Richard interrupted him by licking along his muzzle.

"Food will stay warm enough. You worry too much."

"Worth mentioning that the cart has a pair of electric hotplates. And since the plates are conveniently made of metal, it wouldn't take too long to reheat even if they did get cold." Val clarified.

"It's maaaagic." Nick waved his paws.

Richard smirked, and the other two dragons did their best to conceal their laughter. They failed miserably.

"I guess electricity could be magic, if it were a thousand years ago, maybe." Sal supposed.

"It's starting to get sticky..."

"More so than usual? I guess that means we should start cleaning the messiest person in the room!"

It was a bit awkward to have a trio of dragons slurping their tongues across his fur, but Nick figured it was nice enough. Even if he'd still need a shower afterward. While they tried their best to keep it utilitarian, one too-close lick lead to another and Nick felt himself poking out of his sheath once more. Val slurped up a particularly messy spot in his chest fur, leaving only a thick layer of saliva behind, and a wet sheen on his fur.

"I thought we were supposed to be cleaning, not going at it again."

"It's not like we couldn't just clean up again should we decide to." Sal spoke, close enough that Nick could feel the sound waves going through his fur.

"C'mon, even I need a break. It's already been..." Richard had to count with his digits. "two times just today!"

"I'm sure you could add a third." Val encouraged.

"While I could, I think I'd regret it later."

"Pfft, I think all three of us know that dragons have absolutely legendary libidos! Or, at least, the overwhelming majority of them anyway." She oh-so-helpfully clarified.

"I just met you and already you want to get between my hindlegs..." Richard grumbled.

"I mean, it's not like there are two male dragons in the room, oh no." Sal mentioned, not to be forgotten.

"Okay! Once more... but any more and I'll probably need an ice pack." He submitted to her demands.

"We're not even done cleaning m-" Nick was interrupted by a certain vibrating tablet.

Before he could move to answer it, he was blocked, and the tablet kicked away towards the cart.

"Oops. Can probably answer it later anyway." Richard grinned.

"If it's important, they'll call you. Which, I'll remind you, all your personal and business calls are forwarded to your tablet." Val fished out the tablet, and put it next to the dishes.

"Fiiiine. I'm blaming you three if it's Braddock though." He sulked.

"I'm sure he'd understand." Sal reassured him.

"So, you boys have any preferences I should know about?" Val asked, her voice dropping into a low, sultry, almost whisper.

"Well... I swing both ways, but I really want a taste of Nick for some reason." Richard gave a half-concerned frown.

"I think he tastes rather plain, but in a good way. No really specific flavor." Sal offered up his experience on the subject.

"I'm not a fountain of jizz you know." Nick huffed and crossed his arms.

"Of course not. You just happen to have a convenient straw connected to the pair of dispensers." Val remarked.

Nick blushed a bit, fur discoloring a bit more underneath the ample layer of dragon seed still coating his face.

"Well, I still want to try."

"We'll work it in, somehow." Sal spoke, picking at a particularly stubborn patch of soaked fur.

"I dunno, seems like a difficult enough bit of logistics getting all that going at once." Val stated.

"What? We could just put Nick on top of you." Richard theorized.

"I mean... it could work. Pending on which end you want, that is."

"I'm just fine back here, so I'll just get started..." Sal grabbed at her haunches.

"Why Sal, I could have sworn you only batted for guys!" Richard poked.

Sal let his tongue hang out a bit, before speaking.

"Only for handsome drakes like you. Ladies are just as nice!"

"I suppose that works just as well. Anyways, up you go!"

Nick did his best to not yelp when he was suddenly picked up, and placed atop the rather large blue dragoness.

"It's almost like it's effortless for you guys..."

"Several hundred kilos of muscle and bone tends to do that." Val stood still, letting Nick situate himself firmly on her back.

"Not too sure this is going to work well once things get moving, but I guess it's worth a try." He stated.

A shudder ran through Vals' body as Sal put his ample tongue to work. Nick could almost feel her skin grow warmer as the pleasure jolted through her. Even through the scales, it felt rather nice. A particularly rough shudder tossed him to one side, before he found a grip on one of her wing joints. He almost ended up using it as a handle, before his handpaw pulled back, as though it were made of fire when Val gasped.

"It's fine to grip that... just know that it's really sensitive." She clarified.

Nick debated asking for a better spot to grip to avoid being jostled about as much, but thought better of it, and just settled on the wing joint. He made a mental note of it for later, and wrapped his paw around the fine scales on the base of the joint. It'd have to do for now.

"It's especially so for females, but they're also pleasurable for males. Worth noting later." Richard clambered into position above the azure-scaled dragoness.

"I feel like they didn't mention stuff like this in species-specific health classes." Nick quipped.

"Of course not. It's not exactly common knowledge." His tongue stopped flapping when Val snaked her tongue across his still-churning balls.

"Feeling like we should yap less, and fuck more." She quipped.

"And you wouldn't be wrong!" Sal agreed, giving his tongue a moments' reprieve.

"Don't stop just yet!" She frowned.

"As if I had any intention to." He shoved his tongue back into her waiting folds.

Nick rolled his eyes, and held on as best he could. He almost quipped about his position being a three dragons roller-coaster ride, but shut his trap for now. Especially when a certain red-scaled face was getting rather close to him.

"It's been less than twenty-four hours since the first time I considered a male handsome, and now. So let me know if I'm doing anything wrong. I probably will." Richard confided openly.

"I'm sure it'll be rather difficult to give a terrible blowjob and not notice. It'd be messy." Nick quipped.

Richard rolled his eyes, and then screwed them shut when Val got to work on his rapidly inflating rod. A hot gust of air rolled out of his lungs, and matted a bit more fur on Nicks' midsection. He was going to need all the shampoo after this. And then maybe half the bottle of conditioner. Dragons were such messy, messy lovers. A strange mixture of fascination and horror washed over Nick as Richard opened up his rather large maw, and yawned.

"Sorry..." He looked sorry, as well.

Nick patted his nose.

"It's fine."

Of course, it was more fine when his tongue rolled out of his mouth, and pulled his still-somewhat soft rod towards that slick, dark flesh. He made a show of it, pulling and tugging before encasing it in warm wetness. Nick was briefly concerned, until he began to pump his muzzle across his rod. Tongue still wrapped around his rod, pulling in time with him enveloping his tool. For a newcomer, Nick had to admit, what he lacked in skill, he made up for in enthusiasm. And if there was any distaste, he didn't show it.

At least he was watching his reactions carefully, two too-large eyes boring holes into his soul.

The rather odd fox-capped pyramid was off to a good start, each position doing their job faithfully. Sal in the back, slathering Val with attention, who herself was giving Richard yet another enjoyable wave of pleasure. And Richard himself trying his damnedest to give Nick a good time. And, well... It seemed like it was working, from the echoing sounds of pleasure. A bit of distraction vibrated yet again, but it was paid no heed from anyone, much less the owner of the tablet.

If those eyes weren't so large, he might have almost thought them cute. Nick still supposed they were rather caring-looking, at least. Still, for a first-timer giving some oral pleasure, he was doing a fine job of it! His ears pinned to his skull when the dragon shuddered a bit, applying a little bit too much suction at once. While it wasn't quite painful, it was definitely making the fox see stars, and a bit too soon at that.

While comparatively tiny in his broad muzzle, the rod resting on his tongue leaked more than enough for Richard to get a good taste of the fox. It was difficult to point to an exact flavor, but the taste wasn't unpleasant. Quite unlike what Sal had suggested. While he was no stranger to pleasuring a lady with his tongue, it was a bit odd to do the same to a male. Odd, but strangely pleasant. As was the gentle sucking on his rod, by the only female in the room. She certainly knew how to please! Though a bit too enthusiastic, more than likely egged on by Sal. Well, was being driven on, right up until he stopped. It was an odd sensation, to hear her whine vibrate through her muzzle, and the air rush across his scales. The meaning was clear though, and Richard knew exactly what Sal was planning on doing soon.

Sal smirked as his rod began to sink into her. It had been a while since he last bedded a female of his own species. He certainly wasn't about to pass up the opportunity, even if Richard almost had. Would have just meant more for him, anyway. His smirk gave way to a pleasured moan, from more than one party. And he was getting a close-up of Richard blowing Nick, though he was watching for when he got a shot of that odd taste. He'd show it on his face, that was for sure. Well, unless he liked that sort of taste.

They all kept at it, the water gurgling up from deep within the earth not the only sound in the room. Their orgasms were also slowly building towards a peak. One thing was for sure, this room was about to get yet another layer of mess slathered onto it, and the occupants therein. The added aromas of the dishes they'd ordered earlier layered on top of the earthy scent of dragon musk, seed, and heady lust.

Richards' own orgasm took him by complete surprise, as he was completely focused on learning how to best please the fox in his muzzle. Spurt after spurt was guzzled eagerly down Vals' throat, right before she popped off of the firehose just in time for the knot to form fully. Her tongue continued dabbing at the still-sensitive flesh as it painted her blueish scales a rather lighter color. Sal followed shortly behind with a muted roar, as he dumped his own load into her waiting depths. He felt the urge to find some bit of flesh to sink his teeth into, but he grit his teeth until the urge passed. It simply wouldn't do to mar her fine scales in such a way just yet. Nonetheless, he saw stars as he emptied the last of his seed into her. It almost seemed such a quantity should have made her swell, but that was fantasy.

Val herself had experienced several peaks of pleasure during the rather frenzied coupling. Knowing that the fox on her back was likely going to pop any moment now, made her squeeze out one last orgasm. Her fluids mixing with Sals' thick dragonseed, oozing out of her well-used folds.

Richard knew that everyone else had already blown their load, and that Nick had to be close. It took but moments for him to amp up the suction, already eager to prove Sal wrong. As if it were possible to vacuum the seed right out of Nicks' balls! Richard was certainly trying, and Nick gripped his muzzle before crying out. His seed splashed across the dragons' tongue, not once, nor twice, but many times. For all his protests, it seemed that he had quite a bit left. Not that Richard was complaining at all, he quite liked the taste, he found. A bit drizzled out of his muzzle, and down his chin as he thought over the experience. Though, he could finally place a digit on the taste...

"And if we weren't all messy before, we are now." Sal squirmed a bit.

"I'd agree wholeheartedly." Val panted, tongue lapping across the bridge of her muzzle, scooping more than a little of Richards' seed into her muzzle.

"Y'know, I disagree. Nick doesn't taste plain." Richard mused.

"Oh?" Sal ruffled the mentioned foxes' headfur a bit with his tongue.

"It tastes like overly salty eggs and bacon." He slurped a bit off of his own muzzle.

"I guess that'd make some sense. Had exactly that a day or two ago." Nick leaned back onto his handpaws.

"And your more recent meal?" Sal asked.

"Uh... some meal replacement formula I ordered a couple of weeks ago. Tastes closest to oats, I've found."

His muzzle scrunched up a bit.

"Eww. Though that would completely explain the taste. I am not fond of those sorts of meals." He almost spat the last words.

"Unfortunately, the bland taste is what you have to settle for when you want a days' meal ready in five minutes or less." Nick shrugged a bit.

"Well, if you're going to be doing this often, I imagine that's something we'll have to fix. Won't we Nick?" Val beamed.

"I mean, I guess. I honestly thought it wouldn't effect the taste, uh, down there." He looked back at Sal.

"No worries, Nick. So long as you do your best to fix it, I won't complain." Sal squirmed a bit more at his softening shaft, already starting to pull free of its' own accord.

"I'll... ask around later." His tablet beeped yet again. "Though, maybe now I should at least check that?"

"Well, I'm definitely spent. What about you two?" Richard grinned.

"I mean, I'm probably going to regret this a bit later, but I'm running on empty." A small trickle of dragonseed leaked out of Val as his shaft retreated into his protective slit.

"Glad to hear the both of you are happy with the experience! I myself could go several more times, but there are also other customers I can attend to." She beamed.

"Mind squatting down a bit? I don't trust my legs at the moment to jump off." Nick requested.

"As you wish!" She complied.

He slowly slid off of her scaled back, holding both paws to her scales until he was sure his legs would hold him. While they were a bit shaky, they would do for now. The now rather neglected tablet beeped once again. Nick mumbled something or another under his breath as he retrieved it. A few taps later on the case, and it was on. And just as soon as it turned on, his ears pinned to his head.

"Aaaand?" Richard inquired.

"I told you it was Braddock." He frowned, scrolling through the message list.

"Let me rephrase that. Is it anything important from Braddock?"

"No-Yes-Kinda sorta." He flipped through his answers.


"He was asking if you two were finding everything okay, then if you were finding each other to be a bother. And if you wanted separate rooms, or VIP treatment. There's a whole list of things he sent, really." Nick rambled on.

"I'm still fine staying with Sal, if he's fine with staying with me." Richard glanced over to his partner.

"That could have somehow changed in the last few hours? I was unaware." He sarcastically remarked.

"I'll take that as a yes." Richard deadpanned.

"Yes, I am fine with staying with you, still."

"Anyways... He just wanted you guys to swing by his office sometime to confirm with him verbally." He trailed off.

"That doesn't sound like that's all he sent." Val nudged.

"He also mentioned that I was to come by his office as well." He stared at his feet, avoiding the dragons' gazes.


His face betrayed his smile.

"You're talking to the new employee of the week!" He beamed a smile at the lot of them.

"Congratulations!" Richard emphasized.

"Hah. And he doesn't even know about all this yet." Val smiled, genuinely happy for him.

"Right? The big bear himself is already impressed with my performance!" He could barely contain his enthusiasm, a stark departure from earliers' almost drained appearance.

"Couple of perks that come with employee of the week, but I won't bore you with them. Mostly techie stuff."

"Oh?" Sals' curiosity was piqued.

"Well, I mean. Mr. Lansing is in good with a porn company in Mianka, so if I wanted to browse their servers for in-house footage, I could. And if I wanted to move sideways , career-wise, he'd put in a good word for me. They recruit more than a few people from here, if they have the right skill-set."

"All this for just employee of the week?"

"Well, I mean, yeah. I also get a small bonus, and a few other perks I get to choose from. But those are all minor compared to those." He explained.

"Employee of the year must be something spectacular, then." Sal posited.

"It's actually a big deal. Last time we had a party, a couple of people over from said company, and well, a few new models... access to the best footage..." Val trailed off.

"I can only imagine how much fun that was!" Richard dipped his paw into the water lazily.

"It was a blast. Though, clean-up crew had a fair bit more work than usual. And a corresponding bonus." Val mentioned.

"Remind me to stick around and make plans for that one!" Nick almost shook with excitement.

"Now, now, it already happened a few months ago, so we've quite a ways in the year to go yet."

"Anyways, it's fine if we just take a dip to clean up, right?" Richard asked.

"Of course. The filters can handle it." Both Val and Nick stumbled over each other saying the exact same thing.

"Good." He affirmed.

"So long as you don't mind us joining?" Val asked.

"Perfectly fine!" Sal was already slithering his bulk into the water.

"I'll rattle off a quick message for Braddock and be right in." Nick waved them off.

"Wouldn't want him to worry too much!" Richard flopped himself into the water.

"I dunno, three dragons in one room sounds like a recipe to burn down the spa!" Val tested the water with a forepaw, before plunging in face-first.

"Oh, please. That's a fairy tale and we all know it." Nick dismissed it.

"Fairy tales are often based on truths, if a bit exaggerated." Richard said.

"You know, logically, it would only take one dragon that knows how to breathe fire." Sal offered.

"Magic is only getting more uncommon, and more diffuse these days. There's no rhyme or reason for where the users are born. No correlation with what they can do, and no real way to tell until poof!" She splashed the water. "Then it's there, and no one has a single clue how to do it safely or effectively!"

"It's one of the unexplained mysteries science still hasn't wrapped its' head around just yet." Richard sighed.

"Eventually, we'll figure it out. We generally always do." Nick snapped the case shut, and laid it on the cart, on a separate shelf underneath the still-warm food. "Well, usually anyway."

"Get in here and enjoy the water already!"

"Not like it's going to get cold, no matter how frosty it gets outside." Nick retorted.

"No, but that dragonseed is going to stain your fur an unfortunate shade the longer it stays matted in." Val mentioned.

"Pfft, it'd blend right in!" Nick laughed.

"Hardly." Sal smirked.

This section of the hotsprings was looking quite occupied, but Richard didn't mind in the least. All people he wouldn't mind sharing the company of for at least a little while longer. And to be sure, he wouldn't mind sharing several other things with them, either. Sal looked happy as well, it was a lovely change to see his face light up as Nick slipped into the pool. And the two began discussing technical topics that Richard couldn't quite wrap his head around. All the mess from earlier began to unstick itself from fur and scales, only to be carried away by the gentle current of the filtration pump. Even Val was having fun at work, seemingly.

Life was good, and he was in good company.

Braddock could wait a while longer, at least.

(Hey! If you made it this far, and enjoyed the story, don't forget to comment, fave, and vote! It felt really good to get this on digital paper, and I hope you guys liked it! As always, let me know if a particular section sticks out as odd or awkward.)