Story of my life. Chapter two

Story by DarcWolf on SoFurry

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#2 of Story of my life.

In my sleep, I dreamt about Tiff. I didn't know why, but I noticed I never got an erection from thinking about her naked...I just assumed it was normal. Then one thing came to my mind. My best friend Sever. I didn't ever think of him sexually before, but for some reason, this time, I did. It's...hard to explain. I didn't know what he looked like naked, but I could imagine him, running around, naked in the rain.

I woke up sweating. It's a good thing I did though, the alarm clock next to my bed said it 7:30. I had to start getting ready.

I turned off my alarm clock, and walked out to the bathroom with my towel. Luckily, I had my own. I got in the shower and turned the water on. I sighed as the water hit my fur. I grabbed the soap and started washing myself, paying attention to my balls. I closed my eyes and thought about my dreams. I remembered seeing Sever running, naked in the rain. Before I knew it, the small, pink tip of my cock started to slip out of it's sheath. Of course, I didn't know why, but when this happened, I thought about Sev in a way I'd never thought I think about him, his crotch area became clear in my head. I could see his sheath, the pink tip of his cock, I could see him totally naked. I didn't know why back then, but suddenly, I got competely hard. I looked down, and saw myself throbbing. I wrapped a paw around it, and started slowly stroking my hardness.

Now, the thing about me, is that my cock isn't exactly...'small' as some people would say. With my sheath, I'm about eight or nine inches. Without it, I'm about five or six inches big. It's pretty thick too. I've never measured how big it is around, but it doesn't exactly matter.

Anyway, when I was in the shower, the feeling of the water pounding on my cock made me cum a little early. I pressed a claw gently against the head of my dick, and then, before I knew it, I was spraying cum out. Normally I don't cum much, but this time was different. It splattered against the wall, and stuck there. I was panting, not knowing why I thought of Sever like that.

I took a peek out of the shower, and saw my watch, it was almost eight! I had to hurry. I quickly washed my body, then got out. Drying off, I carresed my balls, smiling. When I had my clothes on, I ran downstairs. I said hi to Tiff and her friend, who of course were humping each other. This time, her friend, who I later found out, her name was Shela, was on top. I ran out the door with everything I'd need, of course, I didn't need much though. I ran down the street, making sure not to be late.

By the time I got there, it was bustling. There were so many more people then the last time I was there. The manager was sitting, and drinking a beer. I walked up to him, and poked him. He turned around, pointed at the, now empty, counter. I could see a small line, and I walked behind the counter. I looked around, and I saw guys dancing, drinking, talking.

It was a club now. I started to serve the drinks, not exactly knowing what I was doing. I was just taking what people wanted, and just basing my drinks off what they sounded like. Some people told me exactly what they wanted in their drink, so that made it easier. Then, the one person I'd never thought I see here. Sever walked up to the counter.

He noticed who I was, and there was an awkard silence. He looked...better then the last time I saw him... I asked him "So...what are you getting?" He said nothing, he just wants to talk to me. I knew he didn't really mean that, but he customer is always right. He looked around, wondering what to talk about. Then, he finally just came out with it.

"Darc, I'm gay. And I love you."

I didn't know what to say. I'd never thought of him like that, I'd never thought I've ever loved him before. But the more I thought it, the more it made sense. We had a lot in common, we both liked the same things. I just didn't know it... but I did love him. He asked me "So...why are you working here? I thought you had it made with your parents."

My heart skipped a beat, but I shook my head, and responded "My...parents threw me out. And I guess Tiff is a lesbian."

He knew who Tiff was, and he looked hopeful for a second, but then he shook his head, saying "Wow...that sucks. But...I thought you were only six-"

I knew what he was gonna say, but I cut him off by shoving a paw onto his muzzle "Yep, I'm eighteen!" I moved my paw off, then whispered in his ear "Listen, people here think I'm eighteen, your only seventeen yourself, what are you doing here?"

He said that this was his favorite club, and that he was lying himself. Just so he could meet someone. He then asked me if I could take a little break, and follow him.

I asked my boss if I could take a little break, the bar wasn't very busy at the moment. He said that I had five minutes.

I walked upstairs with Sev, it was...quiet here. Almost no noise. We passed a few rooms, and I heard moaning in them. I bit my lip and tried not to think about what was going on in them, but no matter how hard I tried, I felt myself start to poke out of my sheath. I was getting horny, but I didn't know why. I wasn't exactly against gay sex, but I'd never thought I'd do it. Sev led me to an empty room, and asked me to sit on the bed. I did, and he sat next to me.

He stared at me for a bit, and I stared back. He leaned in a little bit, closing his eyes and tiliting his head. I knew what he was doing, and I wanted to kiss back. My body and mind were at a stand still. My mind knew that I shouldn't, that I wasn't gay. But my body thought something different, it knew I was, and it wanted to kiss Sever back. But I didn't let it, I pushed Sev back onto the bed, with a simple shake of my head.

"I'm sorry Sev...but it's too quick. I...need more time," I said, and ran out the door, softly crying to myself. I cried because I knew that I should have kissed him, I cried because of everything that had happened to me. Before I ran downstairs, I stopped mid step. I lost my footing and almost fell down the stairs. I quickly got my balance, and knew what I needed to do.

I walked back upstairs, and walked back into the room Sev had led me to earlier. He was scrunched into a ball, and was crying softly. I closed the door, knowing what I needed to do. His ears twitched, and like he knew it was me, he said "I'm sorry Darc...I should have known. Your not gay...I'm...sorry. Your just so...well, sexy to me. But I guess your not just needed a job, didn't you?"

I had nothing to say, instead, I walked over to the bed, and smiled. "Sev... I think I might be." I chuckled.

He sat up, and looked at me. "R-really?" He struggled to get out.

I nodded and looked down. "Maybe...I'm still not sure... but I'm willing to try." I looked at him, and smiled again. He leaned in a little, tilting his head. I lean in also, tilting my head until our lips touched. I gasped softly, and we started kissing. I could feel my hardness start to grow out more. I closed my eyes, and I felt his tongue press against my lips. I opened my mouth, allowing his tongue to enter mouth. I sucked on his tongue lightly, and he moaned softly into my mouth. Hearing his moan caused my cock to throb in my pants.

I guess he felt it, because he broke the kiss, and smiled at me. "W-what?" I struggled to get out.

"Your horny, aren't you?" He asked me, chuckling. I just shook my head, knowing deep inside that I was, and that I wanted to do Sev. Of course, I didn't want to admit it.

Sev suddenly took off his shirt, revealing his body to me. I stared at it for a little bit, but I knew that if I stared to long, he would know that I did want him. So I looked away, blushing slightly. He playfully punched my arm, saying "C'mon, you know you want my body. Your mind may not, but your body does." He chuckled and grabbed my crotch. I gasped, and closed my eyes, he felt that I was hard, and he laughed softly. "Come know you wanna fu-"

I cut him off "N-no! Please..." He started to undo my pants slowly, biting my neck. I lifted my head up and submission, I did want him, I wanted him I wanted to be in him. But...I was a virgin, I had no idea what to do.

"But... Sev... I'm a virgin, I have no idea what to do." I told him, shaking slightly. He whispered in my ear, purring slightly, "That's alright... we can take it slow."

I nodded, gasping, my heart racing. I felt like I was gonna pass out. And I pretty much did... I blacked out.