Tina's Story Chapter 26 Guess who's back......

Story by Gray Muzzle on SoFurry

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"Can I buy you a drink....coffee?"

Sean's question hung in the air. Colleen knew full well what she ought to do. Sean Shamus O'Reilly was trouble, then and now. But Colleen knew just as surely that she needed....wanted?...to know what prompted his reappearance.

"You understand that if I say 'yes', it's merely out of morbid curiosity"

Sean gave her a very solemn look, nodding his head.

"Then yes, you've got the length of a cup of coffee to explain yourself" Colleen replied, tersely

"Well, then where shall we go?"

Colleen was tired, and dying to get out of her work clothes and heels.

"Look, if you promise to leave when told, I'll make us coffee back at the apartment. You want to follow me?"

"A bit hard to do Missy, as I took the transit here....."

Colleen knew that nothing with Sean was ever easy. Already he had her over a barrel.

"All right; come on" She motioned him to the Sebring parked at the curb.

As soon as they got underway, Colleen nerves kicked into overdrive. She rummaged in her purse, picking up a gold monogramed cigarette case. She fumbled till one of the cigarettes fell out. She grabbed it, tapped it on the steering wheel, then groped for the lighter...

"Bad habit there, Missy..." he intoned

"Please! This could be a VERY short visit."

The trip home took minutes, but it felt like days. She grabbed her stuff, then they took the elevator to the top floor. As she opened the door, Sean took it all in

"Hey, nice place...."

Colleen smirked. In truth, this was at least partially why she brought him back- to show her ex beau how well she had done.

"Listen, thse shoes are killing me. I'm going to change. Coffee's in the cabinet, left of fridge. Coffemaker's on the counter."

With that, Colleen left for the bedroom. Before starting coffee, Sean gave himself a look around.

'nice place" he thought "no sign of a boyfriend, or husband"

In time, he wandered back to the kitchen. He found the coffee and set the machine to brew. A few minutes later, Colleen reappeared. She was wearing a kelly green wrap dressing gown, with heeled slippers. Checking her out up and down, he observed...

"Missy, you haven't lost a thing'

"Not that you'll ever find out"

So they sat, and talked. They started with the usual, who did what, when and where and with who. Just as they were about to get to, well what Sean was supposed to be explaining, Colleen got up abruptly.

"I need a smoke" she declared "Follow if you wish"

With that she left, walking to the patio door, She opened it, then put a cigarette in a holder, lit it and inhaled deeply. In time, Sean joined her, walking up from behind. As she smoked, he began to talk......

"Weren't we the talk of the hunt country back then"

With those words, Colleen's eyes got a far away look.

"Remember the night of the Harvest Ball?" he continued

"How could I not?" Colleen replied "The night of the cotillion. The night I was presented to society. You as my escort, chosen by my parents"

"Remember stopping at the corn crib?" he asked suggestively

"It was....my first time. It seemed like such a big deal at the time. My dress got ripped; I knew my parents would be furious....."

"I got a piece of straw stuck in my ass...I couldn't sit for a week!"

Colleen laughed softly

"I was so in love...."

Sean felt the need to explain

"Look, Missy, I owe you an explaination...."

Colleen stopped him, putting a finger to his lips

"Don't.....take this for more than what it is." she whispered. She then began to slowly unbutton the Irishman's shirt, handling each button slowly and carefully. Likewise,she undid his pants, and lowered his shorts. Colleen inhaled deeply, taking in his scent, his cologne, his pipe smoke, then untied her wrap, letting it fall softly to the floor. Colleen now wore only the tiniest of satin g sting, which was almost swallowed in her luxurient fur. Sean took her in his arms, tipping her backwards, covering her mouth in an all encompassing kiss. She reponded in kind, exploring his mouth eagerly with her tongue. By now, the big Setter was at full attention,

"Missy, may I...."

"Sir, please do..."

Sean swept Colleen into his waiting arms, and carried her to the bedroom. He lay her down gently, and placed her on the covers, already conveniently turned down. Colleen closed her eyes. She was going back, twenty or more years, having sex with the handsomest young buck in the county. Sean sat at the foot of the bed, and kissed her pussy through the fabric of her panties. His touch was so electric, she jumped at the slightest contact. The kisses turn to licks, his big, broad tongue running roughshod over her privates. Colleen scoweled slightly, pushing her panties out of the way. Taking the cue, Sean pulled them off, inhaling deeply of their muskey smell that her flaming red hair held in. He then went to it's source, inhaling directly her hot moist sex. By now, Colleen held herself open, inviting him inside. He accepted the invitation, lapping deeply of her hot juices. Colleen was now playing seriously with her clitoris, clearly in need of relief. To her surprise, Sean stopped licking, and put his big hand to hold hers still. He then lay down beside her. She turned toward him. His cock was out of it's furry sheath, fully extended, and as large as she remembered. He kissed her, more tenderly this time. She nuzzled, and licked his ear...


Again she held up a finger...

"Please...no words. Not tonight....."

Then she kissed him, at the same time guiding his penis toward it's destination. Sean's large penis slowly moved it's way up the length of her vagina From the moment they touched, she was on fire. She took him in eagerly, pressing into his every thrust. He was big, and stretched her tight vagina mightely. Yet Colleen wanted more. She grabbed his strong, furry buttocks, pulling him in even furthur, nails digging in, Sean's pleasure mixed with pain. At last, he could go no deeper. Sean bounced off her most female parts. Finally, she saw a look of desperation on Sean's tense face. She reached to gently touch his face...

"It's OK...let it go....."

Sean went rigid, and with a small shudder, filled Colleen with his burning sperm. The flood qwelled Colleen's fire, when she whimpered, pinched her clit hard, rubbed violently a time or two, then collapsed, whimpering softly...

"Come here, my Missy" He said soothingly, scooping her toward his broad, hairy chest. She went there willingly, murring softly, as she stroked his fur......Her head on his chest, Colleen found herself in a blissful state of relaxation. She licked idly at his nipple, while Sean stroked her head tenderly.

If Colleen intended to send Sean packing, she was singularly unsuccessful. They drifted off to sleep, not to stir till morning, the most restful Colleen had known in months.