Chapter Two: Love's Labours Won

Story by Kisa on SoFurry

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The old wooden door to the Manor slammed behind Bell as she walked out with several weighty sacks of clothes, magic supplies and anything that she could find in Juliet's room in tow. For one the last time she gazed at the eerie oak tree that once hung Juliet like an ornament, sadness flooded her brilliant, ever watching eyes as the stayed locked on to the tree and she walked to the iron gate at the end of the stone walkway. Fond memories of her dead friend played in her head and she wondered what caused this mournful tragedy.

Bell opened the tall and rusty iron gate and walked out into the cold and colorful autumn sidewalk. The cat teeter-tattered under the weight of the lofty bags, her meek footpaws crunched on the dead leaves under foot as she walked down to the end of Love's Labours Lost Street, where she lived for so many years. As she walked past the empty, well-to-do houses on the "L squared street," (as the locals call it) - a swirl of wind bolstered around her, a mixture of hued leaves flew around her like a mini tornado, and as quickly as it had came, the wind whooshed off into a direction of an abandoned looking house and the fall leaves that it carried hit the rotten door with a thud.

The feline watched astounded at this flying leaves phenomena, it was almost like something or someone was trying to tell her something. Her curious head tilted to the side as she wondered why in her 17 years in existence she had never noticed that dinky looking house before. True as it may, the house was dark as mud and ate up with kudzu vines, Bell and her observant cat eyes should had spotted something like that a long time a go.

Having no where else to go, and the bags on her back digging in something fierce into her nervous-system, Bell decided that this mysterious house was a better place than any to become her new home. The cat looked once, then twice down both directions of the street before crossing to the other side, where the rickety old house sat idly by engulfed in a thicket of wild trees and feral planet life.

Her tiny black feet cautiously plotted through the mess of vegetation and mangled looking tree roots to the entrance of the house. The floor boards creaked and screamed as Bell stepped onto the porch, a light cold sweat and goose bumps broke out across the cat's body, a sinking feeling sickened the pits of her stomach the closer she got to the front door. Bell swallowed her irrational fear the best that she could, and held out a trembling hand to grasp the rusted over door handle. Her dainty finger tips brushed over the cold metal and wrapped themselves around the cool cooper, twisting open the unlocked mechanism, an ancient wash of dusty air and cob webs greeted her into her new home.


Bell's radiant and mildly spoiled self looked over the entrance way, the house looked like it hadn't had any company for over half a century. The rotten floor was covered with a layer of soot, the bare minimum furniture that was still there looked like that could fall over in any minute, and the lack of electrical lighting worried Bell a bit. But oddly enough, as retched as this house was, the cat felt a wonderful sense of freedom about this building. The realization that she would not have to share four walls with her ex-friend Heather, hit Bell like a ton of happy feathers and the cat slung down her bags in what looked like a tiny closet and danced an elated jig throughout her new residence.

She danced and explored the house for hours, and all the while the mid-autumn sun grew red and sleepy, pulling the surface of the Earth over its self as a blanket. Darkness slowly took over the sky, and flooded into Bell's new house. The Cimmerian gloom bogged down the atmosphere in the room, even the cat's night vision eyes began to fail her. Bell fumbled about the "living room," and tripped over one of her bags. Catching her self from the fall with a cat-like grace, her midnight furred hands groped about in the darkness and found the bag that she tripped over. Delving her arm up to her wrist in this huge ass Mary Poppins bag, Bell threw random things out onto the floor, looking for a candle. Her feline fingertips meet a long, smooth, waxy shaft that could only belong to that of a candle. With a gleeful smile on her face, she pulled the candle free from its tangled confines, wistfully whipping her left hand above the candle wick, alighting it with her elementary magics.

A sleepy yawn sundered past her lips and watered her eyes, and Bell didn't realized just how tired she was. What with her friend dying and being raped by her second closest friend, the cat went into an energetic blur to temporarily forget the tragedy of today and it has finally caught up with her. Bell glumly stumbled along in the dimly lit darkness, to an old mattress lying in the main room and clawed on top of it, snuggling her fine furry head against the neglected material. Going to sleep on a mattress like this one isn't exactly healthy, but Bell could care less anymore. The cat blew out the candle, and lay detached in her thoughts full of sorrow, and pool of sadness glistened in her emerald eyes and spilled down her face. Bell shivered in the cold and cried for hours in the darkness, eventually drifting off to sleep.


The next morning was the start of a school, Monday morning and the ever bright and happy sunny ran into Bell's house and blare its intensity on her face and body. The sun turned the blackness of the cat's inside eyelids to a radiant blood red and stirred the witchy feline out of slumber. Oddly enough, Bell feel refreshed and a hundred percent better about her situation than she did yesterday. It's a strange truth, that weeping out your sorrows right before you fall asleep almost always grantees you a sunny deposition for you in the mourning.

Bell sat up on the old and probably mite reddened mattress, and yawned and stretched her arms while pulling herself onto her feet. She looked at her pink cell phone and was glad to see that she had plenty of time to get to school. Not wanting to be alone, for fear her mind would wander into madness, the cat picked out a nice set of girly school clothes and slid them on after taking off yesterday's mess and went into the bathroom for her routine grooming and such.

After all that much ado about nothing, Bell walked the half a mile to her East Craven High School. It was still fairly early and she didn't run into anybody during her short walk to the lame public school. A few minutes pasted with just Bell by her lonesome in the clear early morn, the crisp air nipped at her nose and the morning star-shine smiled brightly in the beads of dew on the grass. Bell hoped that this peaceful morning was a sign that things will get better, but little did she know that the day has already begun to conspire against her.

The medium sized brick building that is free government schooling finally came into sight as Bell marched down the street's busted up sidewalk. Her little feet picked up their pace and soon she found herself standing in front of the school's entrance. She could see from the window that already a few students had already arrived, milling around the cafeteria tables.

The cat entered the building and what she saw when she stepped through the threshold, knocked the wind right out of her lungs. There, hanging on the biggest piece of manufactured fabric that this small town cat has ever seen, in the middle of the room was a banner that had: "R.I.P. Juliet Berton, July 23, 1988 â€" October 15, 2005," in big, bloody red letters that ran and smeared down the white polyester. Sorrow slapped across Bell's face, and tears welled up in her eyes, she turned her face away from the banner and a far as she could away from it while all the kids in the room just stared at her.

Bell stomped into the girls' bathroom and locked herself in one of the stalls and wept tears for the dead sister that she never had, hoping that she would get the crying out of her system before class starts. After a few moments she managed to clam herself down, wipe the tears from her face and drop in some eye drops to get rid of that blood-shot eyes of a drowned rat look out of her two sad emeralds.

Once Bell was cleaned up the school bell rang, noting the start of first period. The cat picked you bag of books that she threw onto the isolated bathroom floor and slung round her back. She waved in and out of the congested crowds in the halls, making her way to her Computer Programming class. Slumping down into her seat in the back corner of the room, Bell rested her beautiful head in her heads and waited for class to get started. Jason, an arrogant Otter sat down in the chair next to Bell and looked her over with hateful eyes. He knew that her friend just died, which made Bell the perfect target to his vendetta against witches... and everyone knows that Bell is a witch.

As Mr. Zetty, the scrawny muskrat computer teacher walked through the door, Jason, the spoiled preacher's son slipped a scrap of paper to Bell, the tragically beautiful cat who sat beside him. Bell took herself out of her morbid day-dream long enough to notice the piece of paper that the guy beside her just slid on her desk. Her nimble fingers lifted the paper to her face and unfolded it; she was sickened with anger as she read: "One witch down, two more to go." That note was an obvious shoot at her, Juliet and Heather. Bell growled lowly to herself, crumpled up the paper and stormed out of the room with her stuff in tow, before the teacher even had time to check the role.

Jason laughed on how he got the one up on that freaky little child while his tiny otter hands unzipped his book bag to pull out his homework. He screamed when, there amongst all of his things slithered serpents from Hell. They were as black as midnight and had monstrous fangs. Jason leaped to his feet and let out an unholy, girly blood curdling scream, knocking over his black, pseudo-goth backpack on the floor.

"They're snakes in my book bag!" Jason leaped and trembled, his intense phobia of snakes possessed his every being, and the young classmates just laughed at him.

"What the fuck are you guys laughing at? They're snakes in my book bag!" The otter climbed up on his desk, making sure that no part of him was left touching the floor. A classmate walked over to Jason and picked up his backpack. "There isn't any snakes in your damn book bag, you moron," The random kid answered the otter sarcastically and threw Jason's book bag in his face.

Jason just looked about himself in shook, his prudish faced washed pale with the dramatic rushing of blood from his head. The whole class laughed at him, and the teacher looked at the otter with extreme concern, wondering if he should recommend psyche help to the "poor Jason." Bell listened to the commotion with her ear pressed against the blue door and laughed. Glad to finally take her frustration out on someone.


Dusting off her baby doll blouse, and slinging her bags across her shoulder, Bell came to the conclusion that coming to school today wasn't probably the best idea in the world. Her soft padded feet ambled noiselessly the empty halls, hoping that she could escape from this publicly funded Hell, unnoticed. Bell graced the dreary school halls, with her colorful colors and stunning looks as she made her way to the entrance way she had just entered a few moments before.

Of course the only way to leave the school was to go back through the cafeteria that had the banner for Juliet hanging gloomily in it. As the dreaded moment of looking at the crudely painted banner crept up on Bell, sad butterflies fluttered around in the pits of her stomach. And when she entered the cafeteria, the cat cast her eyes to the floor, hoping to avoid looking at the horrid thing, taking one fast step after one fast step, eager to leave this Hell hole behind for today.

She finally made her way to the door, all the while avoiding all eye contact with the banner and stepped into the cold morning's air. The colorful autumn day hugged Bell as she sucked in a good amount of crisp air into her lungs and set off, halfheartedly on her way home.

The trek home was much like the previous walk she took this morning, only there were a few people out and about at this hour. There was an attractive panther girl walking just a few feet in front of Bell, and a couple of cars past by on the road, now. The road was as crowded with activity as it possibly could and Bell shuffled her feet softly in the rustle of leaves.

Suddenly, the whole atmosphere changed. A blood curdling scream bellowed out through the hallow wind and rang in Bell's ears. Everyone froze and looked about themselves searching for the person who screamed, they saw nothing. And even thought the scream was faint and sounded far away, within seconds another scream rang out, much closer now and you could see and black figure of a woman running on the sidewalk.

Hearts pulsed wildly in the two bystanders' chest, and Bell whirled around to get a look at the panicked footsteps that blundered down the sidewalk towards her. The cat's ears twitched as she saw that the panicked woman who was running down the sidewalk was Mrs. Wynona Livingston, a local librarian and only goat in the town.

By now the sounds of the goats hooves clinking against the concrete was as loud as day and she was now close enough for Bell to notice that Mrs. Livingston's hands clutched around a shiny pare of scissors. The cat froze and stood in awe, her jaw dropped and her hands trembled. Bell had no idea what was going on.

"Why won't you leave me alone?!" Mrs. Livingston was now only feet away from Bell, the goat kept turning her head as if she saw someone... Someone that Bell couldn't see, and then she turned back to run some more. The goat ran wildly and in no direction in particular, Bell tried to get out of the way, but the woman smashed into her side, the scissors slashed lightly against the cat's side and tore and hole in her shirt and broke a few layers of skin.

Bell winced and watched at the woman ran on. Livingston ran a few more feet and stopped in front of a child's swing set and turned back around to face Bell's general direction. The goat's eyes was wild and flitted about madly while her chest heaved heavy breathes of exhaustion. Wynona's mid-forties body trembled, almost like she sees a ghost. Bell took a few steps towards the goat hoping that she could get her to calm down. But the goat paid her no mind, like Bell never even existed and kept her brown eyes focused onto a nearby shrubbery.

And as quickly as all of this had started Wynona raised the hand with the scissors up in the air, grasping them with all her might and pointing them to the side of her neck.

"Please, no! I don't want to!" Wynona bellowed, tears running down her face and stared at the shiny death that is her pair of scissors. Bell ran to help her, but it was too late, just when the cat took her second step Wynona jabbed the pair of slivery death straight into her jugular vine and clasped instantly. A panicked gasp escaped Bell as she ran over to the woman and took her into her arms. The red river of life flowed out of the still young goats neck and stuck to the cats arm and gleamed in the scissors. Wynona's eyes rolled back into her head, revealing only the ghostly whites of her eyes.

The other panther woman ran right over to where they were and knelt down, examining the wound and flipped open her cell phone, calling the police. Bell shook and felt sick, her green eyes dilated to a morbid black and she just held the dying librarian in her arms and rocked back and forth like a mother trying to comfort and sick child.

Everything was in a sickening blur and it only seemed like seconds for police cars and ambulances to pull up, though it must have been minutes. Bell still clutched the woman, who now was in a state of suspended animation between life and death. And the EMTs had to pry the woman out of the cat's grip. Bell sobbed for what seemed like an hour after they had carted Wynona away and asked questions from cogitative bystanders. The panther woman stayed behind, even when everyone else had left, and rubbed Bell's back and sobbed with her too. And Wynona drew in her last breathes in the ambulance over to the hospital.


Finally, the traumatic scene had passed and Bell's anguish died down. The other panther teen still stayed and looked at the cat with worried eyes.

"Are you ok, Miss?" The panther asked.

Bell wiped the tears from her eyes, she is so sick of crying, and hated the fact that she was crying again. But she just looked back at the extremely attractive panther, who oddly enough, was wearing clothes that looked like they were from the 50s. Bell only just now realized that.

"Yeah, I'm fine now," The black cat stood up and dusted the mud from her jeans, "Thank you for staying with me." Bell must have looked like a drowned rat again, and felt self-conscious in front of this striking beauty with unique fashion sense.

The panther wrapped one of her arms around the upset cat's shoulders, "My name is Rasa by the way," Bell could feel the panther's worried eyes scan over her body, and heated flush colored her checks. "I think I should walk you home. You're way too upset." The panther grew up in a mortician's home; death hadn't bothered her since she was a little girl. She was new in town, so this scene wasn't too traumatic for her, the panther just thought she had the misfortune of running into a loon with a pair of scissors... Rasa wanted to make sure this girl was taken care of, at least for the few moments it would take to walk her home.

Bell's ears still buzzed with disturbed, all she could bring herself to do right now was to silently nod her head in acceptance and walk with this cute stranger to her house.

Rasa took the hint and interlocked her arms with Bell's and followed the cat's led.


In a short amount of time the two felines were standing outside of the cat's rundown house. Bell removed her arms from the stranger and walked to the house, desperately needing space to process all of what just happened. She knew that Wynona's death was somehow connected to Juliet's death. Heather was never one for coincidence. But that space won't come so easily. Heather had found out where Bell had moved into and had staked out a spot nearby in a tree, she had a plan to keep Bell's mind off of figuring out the truth behind Juliet's and Wynona's death... At least for the moment anyway.

"Well, this is my place," Bell said to Rasa, "Thank you for walking with me. You.. can go now." Bell's voice was awkward and squeaked like a kid going to puberty; the cat flushed again and took a nervous step in the direction of the house.

Rasa shook her and grabbed Bell by the shoulder, "Where do you think you're going. You have a nasty cut that will no doubt get infected in that house. I'm not letting you in there until you let me take care of you." Rasa had a strange since of determination wash over her, and for some strange reason she felt like she HAD to stay.

Bell's emotions wear both spent and taxed, she didn't have any shred left in her willing to fight this strangely girly panther and just silently nodded her head in agreement like she did just moments ago.

Bell walked up the creaky steps of the house and pulled the unlocked front door open, and turned back to look at Rasa, giving a mute invitation into her house. Rasa quickly followed in behind her and slammed the door shut behind her.

Heather rubbed her hands deviously together, all was going as planned and she took out her video camera, making sure it had fresh batteries and peered into the run down love nest's window.

The cat plopped down on the floor, tired from today's events and looked up and Rasa. "I'm your patient miss, fix away," Bell spoke somewhat sarcastically and waited for the panther to say something back.

Rasa sighed and fished in her purse, looking for that tiny bottle of Purell that she always carries with her and "a-ha'ed," when she found it. She knelt down on the floor, in front of Bell. "Raise your shirt up," Rasa told the cat frankly and waited at the cat raised her bloody, muddy shirt up. The cut wasn't too bad; it should heal in a few weeks. Rasa's heads squeezed tightly around the clear bottle and a disturbing sucking sound exploded from the bottle as the clear liquid sputtered out onto the rounded palm of her hand.

Rubbing her heated palm against Bell's chilly body and sanitizing the cut of its impurities. Rasa's golden eyes gleamed seductively at the sad cat as an unknown power took over her, and Heather giggle manically to herself while she turned on her camera ready to record the action. An invisible cloud of lust commandeered their bodies and slowly took over the two felines.


A hot stinging on the Purell jolted through Bell's nerves and sent an odd shiver through her spine. The black cat felt a slight prickle of goose bumps raise on her skin to Rasa's touch, her green eyes scanned over Rasa's incising body and lingered on the panther's bubble gum pink poodle skirt.

During the semi-lustful glance over Rasa's body, Bell's eye traveled up to the panther's face. The black cat jumped a little when their eyes meet each other. A hot tremor of lust rushed through Bell's body, and a mesmerizing spell enchanted her, she leaned into the panther's direction for a kiss, Rasa's hand know rubbed up and down on her side where she once was putting the sanitizer on.

The two cat's lips meet in a warm and gentle kiss, the goose bumps on Bell's arms now stood ridge and made her skin feel funny. The black cat raised an arm and caressed the side of Rasa's neck and pulled the panther in for another kiss. This time, their tongues danced a hot tango and Rasa lowered her back against the wooden floor, pulling Bell on top of her.

Bell could feel Rasa's dainty hands snake up the back of her shirt and light run her nails on the flesh of her back, it tickled a little and the cat couldn't help but squirm and giggle a little. The black cat positioned her knees between Rasa's legs and spread them apart with her own; the pink poodle skirt was also pushed up to Rasa's upper thigh with Bell's skillful legs. The two pulled away from the kiss and gazed contently back at each other for moment, then Bell brought her lips to the nape of Rasa's neck and kissed it passionately while she ran a free hand up the panther's shirt and toyed with Rasa's lower abdomen.

Rasa giggled and squirmed at Bell's touch and rolled over, forcing Bell to be on the bottom this time. "I am the one that was supposed to take of you, remember?" The panther whispered playfully and nipped at Bell's ear, a red blushed heated the cat girl's face.

The slender hand of the panther slid under the thin material of Bell's baby doll's blouse and snaked onto her back. Shivers coursed through the cat's body as the light sensation of Rasa's hand slithering up and up until they reach her bra strap, sent an irresistible stirring to pulse between her legs.

The panther's skillful hands unsnapped Bell's b-cup bra with ease and tossed the garment several feet into the next room. Bell bit her lip in anticipation as she felt the same hot hand that removed her bra slithered back to her front at up to her left breast. The cat almost let out a whorish moan when Rasa's dainty hand cupped her breast and squeezed it with undulating pressure. Bell's spread eagle body felt like fire and strained in vain to control itself when Rasa's fingers stretched the cat girl's nipple and snapped it. Rasa's other free hand joined with Bell's right breast and fumbled with the cat's nipple as well. Bell wriggled under Rasa's weight a slight dampness pooled in her nether region and she let out a low languorous moan, begging for more.

Now rock hard and blood red from the snapping, Rasa removed her attentions from Bell's breasts and slowly, tantalizingly tailed down to Bell's pants and undid the binding of the zipper and button. Bell felt the cool air rush in from the opening of her pants and hit her bare sex, the look in Rasa's eyes as she gazed at Bell's nether region sent a hot boiling of moisture flowing in her vagina.

Rasa yanked Bell's pants off in one quick motion and spread the cat's legs wide, exposing all of Bell's sensibilities. Bell closed her eyes and whimpered in ambrosial torment as she felt Rasa's caress her nether lips and gently spread them open. The panther's slender fingers found the hot, moist node of flesh on the start of Bell's womanhood and began to firmly message it. The dominated cat girl emitted soft groans of arousal while her heat rose, and a tingling itch began to grow within her, looking for its divine friction. Bell's breath came in short imploring pants in time with her moans, while her body rocked to the pleasure.

The panther giggled and fumbled the moistest part of Bell with firm fingers and began kissing the cat's neck, Bell's eyes fluttered back in delight. Bell wrapped her arms around Rasa as she felt the erotic pinching of her flesh from the kisses that the panther gave her neck. Slowly, Rasa's kisses trailed south, lingering just above Bell's heart and bit the cat's left nipple. Bell's fingers ran through the panther's luscious hair as Rasa began to nibble at the cat's pelvic area. The cat moaned with every pinch of flesh that Rasa caused with her teeth, begging her to move further down to her pleasure spot and release her from this torment. Bell's amorous juices flowed and coated Rasa's fingers that still worked her, and the cat just became a being who lost all since of weight and time and became a being of pure pleasure.

Bell shuddered when Rasa removed her fingers and finally moved her kisses south, the panther held the cat's legs open wide and nibbled of the flesh of her tight, teasing her. And Bell groaned loud, her tiny hands grasped and clawed at the rotten floorboards, in intense sexual agony.

Pleased with the work that she had done, Rasa licked a slow, inciting lick from the base of the cat's vagina to the start of it, lingering in the taste of the salty-sweet liquids. Bell quivered and arched her back, quick pleasurable rasped of breathe pasted through the cat's lips. The black cat's eyes rolled back as she felt Rasa's tongue explore the aroused node of flesh in her nether region, and lustfully ran her nails through the panther's head of hair, again.

Rasa's skilled tongue explored every bit of the woman's nether lips, stimulated it to the fullest, she slipped two fingers into Bell's entrance and drew tight circles around the house cat's [g-spot.](%5C) Bell bucked her hips hard, border lining orgasm and called out Rasa's name. The panther's tongue flicked across an especially sensitive area of Bell's region, and sent the cat in a blind frenzy of bliss. Bell trembled violently, her love juices flowed and lapped up into the panther's mouth. Bell gasped and laid there exhausted and Rasa sat up and looked at the cat.

The lusty panther pulled off her own panties and hiked her poodle skirt up past her waist and grabbed Bell's hips. "Oh, we aren't done yet my dear," Rasa said to Bell.

To Be Continued...

NOTE: Sorry if I bored you all with the massive amounts of reference to Shakespeare, I was reading a lot of his works while typing this.

Characters and Story (c) Kisa