Finding Wyatt(Chapter 31)

Story by Xiuh on SoFurry

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#29 of Highschool Days

My next chapter, finally out.

*WARNING: Hints at rape and has homosexual content, do not continue if you disagree with such acts.

ABSOLUTELY DO NOT read if you are under 18/21 depending on where you live.


The next month was spent setting up different ways to advertise Wyatt being missing. Posters wherever they could put them, pictures on the back of the milk carton, mass spam email methods that Gideon got a lot of sad replies from, telling him they would search as well as they could.

Even a newspaper article was dedicated to Wyatt missing and the news mentioned him, showing a picture and asking for any information if anyone has seen and to call the Restin's number if they saw Wyatt.

The month had been spent in an excited frenzy, searching for Wyatt, searching the town in pairs. Dylan had dropped all of his death wishes and dedicated his time to find Wyatt, wherever he may be. But Gideon was walking towards the bus stop, Raymond bundled up as best he could be without being noticed by many people, safe from the chilly morning air, he was actually sweating.

Nathan and Alan were stepping out of a car at the bus stop and when they got there Gideon asked, "Why do you take the bus if you can get a ride?"

"The school is too far away for my mom to drive to,"Alan said with a grimace, "she got into a car crash a few months back and she can't drive for more than a half an hour at a time."

Gideon nodded, "Ok, how does she work?"

Alan grinned, "Online."

"Oh," Gideon said, nodding, "working from home is good."

"Well," Alan said, putting his arm around Nathan, the small fox was dressed in a long black skirt and a blue girl's t-shirt, "it wouldn't be possible without Nathan's charitable donation."

Gideon saw another fox, that looked exactly like Alan, jogging down the street toward the bus stop and when he stopped he was panting. "You... couldn't... wait... for me... before... bugging mom... for a ride?" the fox asked between pants.

"You were taking to long," Alan said, slapping the side of his head.

Raymond leaned against heavily, "Well, at least you guys aren't melting."

"Oh, I didn't bundle you up that much," Gideon said, kissing Raymond's cheek.

"Jesus Alan," the other fox said, "you attract gay guys or something?"

Alan sighed and said, "This is my brother Travis. He doesn't have a problem with gays, he just has issues with not being in the loop."

"Well," Gideon said with a grin, "if you want to be in the loop, I'm the one you want to hang out with."

"True," Alan said, "he is one of the most popular sophomores in the school."

"Yeah," Travis said, "but we're juniors."

"Nathan is only a freshmen," Alan said with a grin, "being friends with Raymond and Gideon is a good idea for him."

"Alright," Gideon said, "Gideon and Raymond prefer to be in conversations that include them."

Nathan giggled into his paw and then looked up at Gideon and said, "Did you see the posters about that fox that's missing?"

Gideon sighed and said, "Yeah, I was the one putting them up, that's my adoptive little brother."

"Really?" Nathan said. He walked over to Gideon when Gideon nodded and hugged him around the chest quickly and said, "I'm sorry about that."

Gideon sighed and said, "It's no issue, we'll find him eventually."

"When was he kidnapped?" Alan asked.

"About a month and a week ago," Gideon said.

Alan stiffened, "I was home sick about a month and a week ago, and there is a house across the street from me that this creepy wolf lives in and I saw him carrying a fox inside that day, it seemed like the fox was asleep. I didn't put much thought to it, but now that I remember the posters he kind of looks like the fox that was carried inside."

Gideon stiffened, "After school, is it alright if I come over and... stake out the house?"

"From one of the rooms in my house?" Alan asked, "Sure, I wouldn't mind, I don't think my mom would either."

"I'm coming too," Raymond said.

"No hun," Gideon whispered, "you need to be home and tell mom where I am, one, and two, I don't want you involved in this more than you have to, because if I find out what I need to and call the cops, it may get rough, and I don't want to risk...." Gideon didn't finish what he was saying, instead he just put his hand on Raymond's stomach.

Nathan stared between them curiously and said, "What's going on?"

Gideon looked at them and then looked at Raymond. "Should we tell them?" he whispered, "They don't need to know but... they are curious, obviously." Everyone of them except for Travis, who was leaning against the street sign listening to his Ipod.

Nathan noticed the Ipod and walked over to Travis and slapped his arm and pulled the ear bud out of his ear, "That's my Ipod you know."

"Really?" Travis said, "Oh, sorry, Alan said it was his."

Alan glared at Travis as Nathan turned on him and stomped over to him, "That's my Ipod, not yours you liar."

Alan grinned and picked Nathan up and kissed him, "Better?" he whispered into Nathan's ear as he put the fox down.

Nathan fluttered his eyebrows, "Maybe."

Travis held the Ipod out to Nathan and Nathan said, "You can use it, I just wanted to make sure you knew it was mine."

Travis grinned and said, "Thanks."

Nathan looked at the song named and said, "You're listening to classical music?"

"Yep," Travis said.

Gideon and Raymond watched this exchange and Gideon couldn't help but let out a laugh, "Are you still curious about what's going on?"

"Yes," Nathan said, turning to Gideon eagerly and leaning back against Alan.

"Alright," Gideon said, hugging Raymond from behind and resting his paws on Raymond's stomach, "Do you want to tell them, or shall I?"

"I shall," Raymond said. "Alright, first, don't interrupt me, or I will slap you, now, for the actual story. About last December, Gideon and I had our first time, I'm sure you know what I mean."

"Yes, we do," Nathan said, smiling up at Alan.

"Alright, and about a month later, I went into a coma," Raymond said.

Nathan nodded again and said, "Alright."

"When I came out of it, the doctor had taken x-rays of my body to make sure nothing was broken or anything," Raymond said, "and he caught x-rays of my stomach, which had a womb in it."

"A womb?" Nathan said, his eyes wide, "like, what a girl has, where the baby forms."

"Yes," Raymond said, "exactly, and I was pregnant."

Nathan nodded, "Go on."

"Well, about two months ago, Gideon and I had our first children," Raymond smiled up at Gideon and said, "a baby boy and a baby girl."

"Names?" Nathan asked.

"Zakai and Zandra." Gideon said, "You can come over to dinner tonight and see them."

"You're inviting us to dinner?" Nathan asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, is there an issue with that?" Gideon asked, laughing slightly, "My mom makes plenty, and you can bring food home to your mom and Travis if you want. They could come too, but there is nowhere near enough room for three more people let alone four."

"Ok," Alan said, smiling, "we'll come over for dinner, and then you can come over for your... stake out."

Gideon laughed, "It sounds like we're in a spy movie or something."

"Well," Alan said, "we are spying on someone."

The bus pulled up and Gideon put his arm around Raymond and said, "We'll talk after school."

Gideon sat down near the back of bus, Raymond sitting in Gideon's lap. "I love you," Raymond whispered, putting his arms around Gideon's neck.

Gideon sighed and said, "So, as soon as we find Wyatt, we get to assign a new date for our wedding."

Raymond smiled and said, "Yes, we do, but Wyatt comes first."

"Yeah," Gideon said, "Wyatt comes first."


That night Alan smiled at Carol as he walked inside and held out his paw, "I'm Alan," he said, "and this is my boyfriend, Nathan."

"Well, it's nice to meet you, I'm Carol." Carol said, smiling, "and the black dragon that looks like he has really bad gas in the living room is my husband Ron."

Ron turned his head, with obvious effort, and said, "Hi." He even managed a smile.

"Does he have a problem with gays?" Alan asked quietly.

"I think he's trying not to laugh." Clarice whispered from behind him, causing Alan to jump. Gideon laughed from the kitchen.

"Or he's shocked beyond belief that a guy would actually dare go to high school dressed as a girl." Gideon said.

"Gideon pegged it," Ron said from the living room.

Nathan giggled and sat down across from Ron, "Well, when I have someone like Alan to protect me it doesn't really matter."

Alan sat down next to Nathan and Raymond took the last spot on the couch. Clarice sat next to Ron and Carol sat down next to her. Clarice leaned into Ron and said, "Daddy, did I ever say I love you?"

"What do you want?" Ron said.

"Nothing," Clarice said defensively, "I just have something to tell you." She rubbed a paw over her slightly, but not noticeably, bulging stomach. "Well, Jack and I have something to tell you, and Jack should be here any minute."

They heard a knock at the door and Jack walked in and smiled, "Hey everyone."

"Perfect timing!" Clarice said standing up and walking over to Jack, putting an arm around his waist. "Alright, Jack, we have something to tell mom and dad, don't we?"

"We do?" Jack said. Clarice gave him a look and he said, "Oh yeah, that. You tell them."

Clarice sighed and said, "Chicken." She walked over and sat back down next to Ron. "Daddy," she said, hesitating slightly before saying, "I'm pregnant."

Ron's reaction was instantaneous, his body stiffened, his claws dug holes into his pants and scraped against his scales, making an absolutely dreadful squealing noise. "You're what?" Ron said, the what bringing his voice to a shout.

"I'm pregnant, daddy," Clarice said, trying her best to soften up the glaring black dragon, "and there's nothing you can do about it. I love Jack, and that's all there is to it."

Ron took a deep breath, "You couldn't have waited until you were married."

Clarice looked down and to the right, away from her father, "I'm sorry."

Ron took a few more deep breaths, before putting his arm around Clarice and saying, "Alright, there isn't anything I can do about it, so, I'll go along with it." Jack sighed in relief but his relief was cut short, "But! I expect you two to be married before the baby is born."

"But, dad, if we get married, where are we going to live?" Clarice said, "Jack barely has enough money to support himself and Dylan, let alone me and a baby."

"They can move in here," Carol said, silent until now, "we can support them. Of course, Jack gets to pay rent." Carol winked, "Hundred a month to stay in your room."

"What about Dylan?" Clarice asked.

"He can stay in Wyatt's room." Carol said. "They don't have to move in right away."

Clarice nodded, "But how do we know we'll find Wyatt in time... I'm already two months pregnant, we don't want to cut it short."

Gideon coughed loudly and said, "I actually, might have found him already, I'm not sure though. It depends."

Alan took his turn to speak up, "I saw a fox, that looked like the Fox from the poster, being carried inside the house across the street. I don't know if it was him or not, though."

Carol was obviously excited and she was about to say something but Gideon said, "Mom, don't get your hopes up. We don't know. After dinner, I'm going over to Alan's house, I'll hopefully find out then."

"I hope," Carol said, nodding grimly, "we all hope."


Wyatt cried as he rubbed his sore rear. He sat on the rough stone floor and he heard a quiet whimper and a thump as the wolf threw the last kid he had taken back into the basement and took the next, a small tiger, upstairs.

Wyatt stood up and limped to the small white wolf, not even six years old yet, and helped him stand and walk over to the softer part of the floor. When they were sitting down Wyatt put his arm around the white wolf, Garret, and the other fur, a small bear named Marty. He could only tell the colors of their fur, not what they actually looked like, it was so dark.

He put his arm around the two furs and pulled them close to him. He was the oldest fur there, he was the leader of them. He comforted them and helped them with what he could, and he tried to take the punishment away from them, as much as possibly, but it was difficult.

He rubbed the crying wolf's stomach and tried his best to focus his efforts to comfort on him more than the bear. The little bear had gone before the wolf, and him before the bear, but the wolf needed the comforting now. "What did he do this time, Gare?" Wyatt whispered, using the wolf's nickname.

"He put his thingie here," the wolf said, clutching at the front of Wyatt's shirt and touching his tail. Wyatt sighed and pulled the little boy into his lap. He didn't often rape the cubs like that and they were always sore for days after.

Marty still leaned against him and Wyatt rubbed Marty's shoulder. Wyatt could hear the pounding of the bed against the floor from two floors above. That poor tiger, Wyatt thought.


Gideon sighed as he sat down on Alan's bed, "How am I gonna see his house with the street lights out?"

Alan walked to his dresser and dug around for a bit before pulling out a pair of military grade night vision binoculars. Gideon looked at him curiously and he grinned, "I spent three years in military school because of my dad, he wasn't cruel, he made up for it in gifts. These were one of the many he gave me."

Gideon took them and smiled, "Thanks," he said.

"Don't mention it." Alan said, smiling.

"Hey Alan," Gideon heard a high voice say from the doorway, he turned to see a little fox- a seven year old?- smoky gray fur sticking out in every direction like a puff ball, standing in the doorway, "will you read me a story?"

"Sure kit," Alan said smiling, "are you going to sleep in here or in your room tonight?"

"In here," he said, walking to Alan and raising his arms to be picked up. Alan picked him up and kissed his cheek before putting him on the bed farthest from the window. "Gideon," Alan said, "this is my cousin Steve. Steve, this is Gideon."

"Hiya Steve," Gideon said, smiling widely. Steve shrunk back from and Alan sighed.

"He's shy." Alan said, "it's kind of cute, honestly."

Steve buried his head into Alan's chest and Gideon said, "Should I leave?"

"No," Alan said with a sigh, "just, do what you were doing."

Gideon shrugged and pulled the binoculars to his eyes and turned them on, a soft whine as they lit. Everything was tinted in green but he could see just fine. He looked at the house Alan had told him and he heard Alan telling his little cousin the story.

Gideon scanned the windows and he saw movement in the upper left window and he focused the binoculars on that window, zooming in as far as he could. What he saw sickened him. An old wolf was thrusting roughly into a small tiger, obviously a cub but at least it wasn't Wyatt, the thought sickened Gideon but he couldn't help but feel relief.

Alan had finished the story and Gideon whispered, "Come here Alan."

Alan walked over and took the binoculars from Gideon and Gideon pointed to the top left window and Alan looked in. Gideon could see him stiffen at what he saw. "That's sick." Alan said as he turned his head away, lowering the binoculars.

"Unfortunately," Gideon said, pulling a camera out of his pocket and holding it to the binoculars so he could see the man in the camera's screen. He took a quick picture and then lowered the camera.

"Now the question is," Alan said, "do we call the cops now, or later?"

"I'm not leaving any cub, even if Wyatt isn't there, in a situation like that," Gideon said, "we call them now."


Twenty minutes later, Gideon stood behind the cops as they knocked on the wolf's front door. It took about three minutes before the man answered, wearing only a night shirt, his fur standing in every direction at the places were you could see. "Can I help you officer?" the wolf said.

"Yes, we'd like to search your house," the officer said.

"Do you have a search warrant?" the wolf said.

"No, we do not, but..." the officer started.

"Well then, I have every right to deny you access to my house." the wolf said. "Good night."

The cops stared at the door in shock then turned to Gideon, "We'll be able to get a search warrant, but we'll need you to watch the house for a few days."

"I can do that," Gideon said, "as long as Alan's mom will let me."

"She will," Alan said, smiling, "of course she will, now that we have evidence."

"Good," Gideon said, "I'll do it," he added to the cops.


Wyatt heard the door slam upstairs and saw the old wolf come back into the basement where he kept the children, he was obviously seething. He glared at Wyatt as he dropped the tiger cub, who he had been carrying by the scruff of his neck, "You better hope that damn dragon brother of yours doesn't get a search warrant," he growled, "or your hide will decorate my wall."

Wyatt grinned and said, "Oh, you can count on my brother getting a search warrant, he doesn't give up once he starts something."

"Well," the wolf said, walking forwards and slapping Wyatt across the fate. The crack that came with the slap was loud and resounding, "you can expect your hide to decorate my wall."

Wyatt spat into his face and said, "And I'll be glad to know that you killed me instead of innocent cubs."

The old wolf grinned and grabbed Wyatt by the scruff of his neck, "I never said I wouldn't kill them, there murder will just be more of a, choking."

Wyatt glared and spat into his face again, getting him another slap. The wolf walked up the stairs, cracking his knuckles. Wyatt heard the loud lock click at the top of the stairs and stood up and turned to the cubs, "I'm getting you out of here."

He walked up the stairs and dug into one of the loose bricks and pulled it out, grabbing the knife that hid inside of it. He sidled it along the crack until he found where the wolf's wooden lock set into the door frame to lock the door. He grinned and said quietly to himself, "It's a good thing that old wolf is a cheap old bastard."

He started to saw at the door as the cubs whimpered and then started snoring quietly downstairs.


Two days later Gideon sat in Alan's room, watching the house across the street that he knew Wyatt was in. It was night now, and when viewing the hallways, he had seen a knife tip sticking out of one of the door cracks. He suspected he knew what was going on, but he wasn't completely sure.

He saw the cubs getting raped constantly, and his brother Wyatt, who he had to turn the binoculars away or risk getting angry and flying across the street and murdering the wolf where he stood.

That wouldn't do anything to help the cubs and Wyatt. That would only hurt him. He hoped the cops got the search warrant soon.


Wyatt continued to saw at the lock, the wolf had finished with the cubs a few hours ago, it was ten o'clock he guessed since the wolf never fell asleep until then and he didn't here the blaring of the T.V. from the living room that was only steps away from the basement door.

He heard a soft thunk and the knife went down the crack. His eyes brightened, could he have done it? Could he have finally cut the lock?

He turned the knob and the door opened slowly and it squealed quietly, but it seemed to echo in the wood floored hallway. Wyatt grinned and walked quickly downstairs and nudged the cubs awake. "Come on," he said quietly, "we're getting out of here."

He picked the small tiger, who had just gotten the worst of the wolf's temper again, and ran up the stairs quickly. When he was outside, on the front porch, he took a deep breath and grinned. He saw a light on in the house across the street and saw a silhouetted figure move from the window. A moment later he saw the door across the street open.

He saw a dragon gesturing for them and he knew it was Gideon. He heard the wolf thundering down the stairs and shouting when he realized the door was open. He put the tiger down and told the cubs to run to the dragon.

They were hesitant but they went. Wyatt started to follow but the wolf caught his ankle and he was dragged inside.


Gideon cried out as he saw the door slam on Wyatt but he sighed and took the cubs into the living room and when Alan's mother, Stacy, saw she almost gagged. "Are these the cubs from across the street?" she said, standing up and dropping to her knees in front of the tiger, who was on his own knees, and started to examine their fur and skin. She checked their teeth and grimaced.

"So he kept their teeth clean but not their bodies." she said, shaking her head.

She took the three cubs upstairs and Gideon followed them into the bathroom where she had turned on the water and put all three of the cubs into the water. They all sat still, obviously scared. No one had tried to talk to them yet.

Gideon got to his knees and put his elbows on the side of the tub and smiled at the three cubs, "Hi, can I ask your names." Gideon said.

The snow white wolf, he looked oddly like Raymond, said, "I'm Garret." The little wolf was shy, the warm water was coming up around all of the boys' chests and it was obviously stinging cuts under the fur.

"I'm Marty," the bear said.

The little tiger made hand gestures but he didn't speak. "Are you a mute?" Gideon asked the boy.

The boy nodded his head and symboled some more. Gideon sighed and rubbed the boy's cheek, "I can't understand you."

The boy frowned and Marty spoke up, "He said, "My name is Horen." The tiger gestured again and the bear added, "And asked if we were going to save Wyatt."

"I'll get Wyatt," Gideon said bitterly. "I will."

He heard a knock at the door and grinned. He knew who it was.


Wyatt whimpered as the cold knife touched against his neck, pressing against his neck and drawing some blood. He whimpered. There was a knock at the door and a moment later the two cops came in with Gideon close behind him.

The man pushed the knife as hard as he could into Wyatt's neck and Wyatt cried out then collapsed to the floor.

Gideon shouted but Wyatt didn't hear it. All he heard was a soft buzzing as the world faded to the black and the cold.


Gideon growled and charged the wolf, slamming into him and knocking him to the floor, he held the wolf's wrists to the ground and waited for the cops to grab him and cuff him and then he picked Wyatt up and kissed the fox's cheek, trying to get some sort of response out of him.

"We need to get him to the hospital," Gideon said fearfully.

The wolf laughed maniacally, "It's to late for that."

"No it's not," Gideon snapped. He turned to the cop, "Can you drive me."

"Can you handle him?" The cop asked the other cop.

"Go," the cop said, "I'll watch him."

Gideon ran to the car, the cop following behind him, and Gideon got into the passenger seat, clutching Wyatt closely to his body. The cop was about to object, but the situation was serious. He got in and buckled his seatbelt then started the car and set it to drive.

He turned the sirens on as he got onto the more crowded roads and the cars pulled to the side of the road as the cop sped down the road. With everyone moving they made it to the hospital in less than six minutes.

Gideon walked inside as fast as possible, trying not to shake Wyatt to much. A nurse saw Wyatt and then instantly showed Gideon to a room where a doctor came in moment's later and started to examine Wyatt's neck and the rest of his naked body.

"The smaller cuts aren't serious, but the one on his neck needs stitches, and he's lost a lot of blood. He's going to need a blood transfusion." the doctor said as he wiped as much blood as he could from Wyatt's neck.

"My parents can pay for it," Gideon said, "just save my baby brother, please." Wyatt would have resented the use of baby brother but Wyatt was his baby brother, and by god he would call him that if it would get the doctor to move faster.

The doctor nodded and pulled a mask up over his face, "You're going to have to go to the cafeteria or the waiting area."

Gideon sighed and walked out of the room as the doctor set to work. He walked outside to use the phone and called his parents, "Mom," he said when she answered, "get dad and come to the hospital. Right away."


Carol was smiling brightly at Gideon and hugged him as the doctor reported the news. "The transfusion was successful, the cut is stitched and as long as he doesn't get whiplash for the next few days they'll hold, which means he needs to stay here for a few days, just to make sure."

Wyatt groaned, he was awake now. "Can I at least see Dylan?" he asked.

"Jack should be here with him soon." Carol said, "And it is a complete surprise. Dylan has no clue why they're coming here."

Wyatt grinned and said, "Act all sad."

He laid down on the bed, his hands at his side, not moving. They realized what he was doing and acted like they were sad. Ten minutes later when Dylan and Jack walked in Dylan saw Wyatt on the bed and walked quickly to the bed and sat down next to Wyatt. He reached a paw out and when his paw was right in front of Wyatt's face Wyatt sat up straight, careful of his neck, and shouted, "Boo!"

Dylan jumped back and off the bed and glared at Wyatt as he giggled. Wyatt held his arms out and said, "Can I have a hug from my puppy?"

Dylan stood up quickly and pushed himself into Wyatt's arms and put his head on Wyatt's chest. "I missed you so much," Dylan said.

"I missed you too," Wyatt said, rubbing his muzzle against the back of Dylan's neck. Dylan brushed his head against Wyatt's chin and Wyatt whimpered. "Are you ok?" Dylan said.

"You hit my stitches." Wyatt said, rubbing at his neck carefully.

"I'm sorry," Dylan said, hugging Wyatt again and kissing him lightly, "maybe I can make up for it when you get to leave."

"I'm going to be in here for a few days," Wyatt said, smiling at Dylan and kissing him again. The kissed lasted long enough for everyone to leave without their notice. When Wyatt pulled apart he noticed this and hugged Dylan.

He felt Dylan's body started to shake in his paws and heard soft sobs. "Are you alright?" Wyatt asked.

"I'm fine," Dylan said, pulling back from Wyatt and wiping his eyes, "but you shouldn't be."

Wyatt frowned and said, "Why?"

"You got kidnapped, and were away from your family for a month and a half and who knows what he did to you besides you and the other kids that were there." Dylan said, the tears flowing openly down his cheek. "You should be hysterical."

Wyatt smiled and hugged Dylan tightly, rubbing his muzzle against Dylan's neck. "I'm with you." Wyatt said, "How could anything be wrong?"

Dylan smiled, "I'm glad you think so."

"I don't think so, I know so!" Wyatt said, kissing him deeply. "And it will always be that way."

Dylan smiled, "I love you."

"I love you too." Wyatt said, kissing him.


Three days later, Wyatt walked back into his house for the first time in a month and a half and he sighed in relief as he clung to Dylan's neck. He was a little woozy. He ran his paw over the spot where the stitches had been, luckily they had dissolved quickly.

When he got in he saw the little tiger from the basement on the couch next to Carol and Carol was reading a book, she was learning sign language and making the hand gestures to see if she could get them right.

The little tiger nodded when she got one right then flash it back at her and she would say what it means. "Why's he here?" Wyatt asked Gideon quietly.

"Mom adopted him," Gideon said, shaking his head, "our house is gonna be packed."

"Why?" Wyatt asked.

"Dylan and Jack are moving in." Gideon said, "Did I forget to tell you?"

"Yes!" Wyatt said. "And you didn't tell me, either." he said, glaring at Dylan.

Dylan blushed, "Sorry hun."

Wyatt giggled and started to push him towards his room, "Come on, you owe me."

"Oh yeah," Dylan said, grinning, "sounds very pleasurable."

Wyatt laughed as he pushed Dylan up the stairs, struggling with him all the way up. When they were inside Wyatt's room, door locked, he pushed Dylan down on the bed then whispered into his ear, "Do you want top, or bottom?"

"Dibs on bottom," Dylan whispered.

Wyatt grinned and kissed Dylan, rubbing his hands up and down Dylan's back, reaching under his shirt and rubbing his paws through Dylan's fur. The shirt came off slowly, next came his pants, and then his boxers.

When Dylan was completely naked Wyatt stood up and held his arms up and Dylan grinned and kissed Wyatt's neck taking Wyatt's shirt off then slipping slowly down towards Wyatt's body, kissing every patch of fur his lips would reach.

When he was at Wyatt's waist he unbuckled Wyatt's pants eagerly and then pulled down Wyatt's boxers, Wyatt's already stiff member springing and slapping him in the face. Dylan grinned up at Wyatt before pulling Wyatt's hips closer to his face and taking Wyatt's member into his muzzle, licking the tip of his member and making Wyatt spurt some pre onto Dylan's awaiting tongue.

Dylan murred at the taste of Wyatt's pre and started to take as much of Wyatt's member as he could, stopping when it tickled the back of his throat. "Can you go any farther hun?" Wyatt asked, his paws resting on Dylan's head, his eyelids flickering in pleasure.

"I don't know," Dylan said after taking Wyatt's member out of his muzzle and stroking it slightly, "let me see."

Dylan took Wyatt's member into his muzzle again and started to push his head back down it, when it tickled the back of his throat Wyatt said, "Relax, just relax."

Dylan relaxed as best he could and took more of Wyatt's member into his muzzle, the tip going down his throat. Wyatt moaned loudly as Dylan started to bob his head, up and down Wyatt's full member. Wyatt moaned as Dylan bobbed his head rapidly, licking at it and getting all the sensitive spots.

"S-stop hun," Wyatt said quietly as when his knot started to form. "My seed is going somewhere else."

Dylan grinned and pulled off, "I wouldn't have it any other way."

Dylan got onto all fours and raised his tail, wiggling it seductively, "Come and get me," he said with a wink. Wyatt growled playfully as he got onto his knees behind Dylan and position his member at Dylan's tail hole.

"Ready for me?" Wyatt asked quietly.

"You bet, big boy," Dylan said, winking again.

Wyatt pushed into Dylan carefully, waiting for him to flinch. He moaned as he pushed past the tight ring of muscle and push steadily deeper into Dylan. Dylan moaned as Wyatt pushed steadily into him, stimulating Dylan's prostate as he slowly hilted inside of him

When Wyatt was in all the way, except for his knot, he waited for Dylan to say that he was ready to continue. When Dylan said, "Go hun." Wyatt started to pull out slowly, then pushing back in when he was halfway out. He started to speed up, slowly getting to the point where he was ramming himself as hard as he could into Dylan's tail hole.

They were both moaning loudly, the familiar room filled with the smell of their combined musk as they had sex. "Tie me," Dylan moaned quietly as Wyatt's fully formed knot started to slap against his tail hole, "Please."

"Alright," Wyatt whispered, "as you wish."

Wyatt started to pound Dylan's tail hole, his knot making more progress with every thrust. When his knot slipped in he moaned loudly as Dylan clenched his tail hole over Wyatt's knot. Wyatt released his load, painting Dylan's insides with his white fox cum.

Wyatt collapsed on top of Dylan and Dylan moaned quietly and shifted before saying, "Did I mention I missed you?"

"Yes," Wyatt said, "you did."

"Did I mention I love you?" Dylan said.

"Did I mention I love you?" Wyatt asked.

Dylan laughed and put his head on his paws, "Yeah, you did. Night hun."

"Night." Wyatt said, pulling the covers over them.


Gideon smiled at the Horen and picked him up and nuzzled the boy's neck. The boy made the gesture that was for giggling, but being a mute nothing came out. He made hand gestures and Gideon managed to pick out, ‘Thank you.'

Gideon smiled and said, "My pleasure."

Horen rubbed a paw over Gideon's scales and then giggled as Raymond grabbed him from behind and he switched arms. He made another hand gesture and Raymond picked out, ‘Hi Raymond.'

"Hi Raymond?" he asked.

Horen nodded and gestured, ‘Good.'

Raymond grinned and said, "You've gotten over what happened surprisingly well."

He made some complex hand gestures and Gideon stared between them confused. "It's because you guys are so nice." Clarice said, leaning against the doorway and the little tiger nodded vigorously.

"Where did you learn sign language?" Gideon asked.

"If you're forgetting," Clarice said, "I spent two months volunteering at a school for mutes."

Gideon blushed, "Oh yeah."

Horen's mouth opened in a yawn, no sound came out. "Why don't you make any sound at all?" Clarice asked curiously, "Most mute people will still cough or let out a dry wheeze to laugh or cry or yawn."

His fingers moved and Clarice said, "Oh, you practiced not making any noise at all."

"Are you tired?" Gideon asked. The little boy nodded.

Gideon smiled and walked upstairs and laid the boy down in the bed that had been put in Clarice's room. He tucked the boy in and rubbed his cheek, "Do you want a bed time story?'

The little boy shook his head and gestured, ‘I'm to old for that.'

Gideon laughed and said, "Ok, I'll talk to you in the morning."

The little tiger nodded and turned onto his side. Gideon walked quietly out of the room and Clarice was grumbling, "Why does he have to be in MY room."

"Because dad doesn't want you doing anything with Jack." Gideon said, grinning. Clarice's mouth opened and then shut.

"Good point," she grumbled.

Gideon grinned and walked downstairs and Raymond grinned. "Our wedding is in two weeks, and next Saturday we're having a large picnic."

"Cool," Gideon said, grinning. "I can't wait until the first part."

"Neither can I," Raymond said, smiling, "neither can I."


Positive and Negative feedback, please comment ASAP. If someone wants to be nice and find Troy's brothers name for me, or tell me if I even gave him a name, I can make a chapter for Troy's funeral. :) Hope you enjoyed!