Let Slip the Cats of Lust

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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Sometimes we have to share the secrets we thought we would take to our graves. And sometimes, if we're really lucky, those secrets are received not just with understanding, but with delight. <3

This story was written for Ikenna. It contains M/F incestuous sex between consenting adults.

Let Slip the Cats of Lust

'Cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war.'

That phrase had been playing on Ikenna's mind a lot by the time he sat down with his mother and prepared himself to tell her the truth. Not just some of the truth. Not just the parts that were the least invasive or embarrassing for both of them. The truth, whole and complete in its terrifying scope. Once he went through with this, there was no going back. No undoing what had been done or unsaying what had been said.

And now, two hours later, it was done.

It was said. All of it, and the dark maned lion was sitting on the couch, clutching his mother's left hand between both of his own, staring desperately into her stunned and utterly still face for any sign of how she was going to react.

"You're my son, Ike..."

The lion felt his heart breaking. He felt his world collapsing, anticipating the look of disgust or guilt that was about to cross his mother's face at any second. How could he have been so stupid, so twisted to become attracted sexually to the woman that had brought him into this world? Even now, at the moment when he knew once and for all that she would never feel the same way as him, he wasn't just sad or scared because of what might happen to him now. He was sad, he was terrified, because now he knew that not only would he never have the chance to be with his mother as he wanted, but he was almost certainly about to lose her in all that she had been to him as a parent and a friend too.

"...you're my son, so... I should be shocked right now. Never mind offended or horrified or anything like that. I should at least be surprised, right?"

Ikenna stared at his mother, the male looking more angry and frustrated for a few seconds than she ever had, before he realised that she wasn't playing some sick sort of joke or misunderstanding him. Jen's other hand rose, trembling from her lap, and came to rest around one of the paws already holding her hand. She squeezed Ikenna's paw tight, and gave a soft sigh not of sorrow or disappointment, but relief.

"When you sat me down and started to tell me all these things, I was waiting for myself to get upset. Waiting for the moment when it would all sink in, and I'd realise how bad it was. I was begging myself not to be afraid... not to be scared of what you're feeling, or what you were making me feel with every new truth you told. It took me so long, basically till now, to realise... I was begging myself not to be afraid, Ike. I was asking with all my strength and willpower to let myself accept this. To let myself be brave enough, and honest enough, to let myself embrace and share the same truth that you gave me."

Lion and lioness, son and mother, stared at one another in silence for almost a minute before Ikenna was able to find breath enough to choke out the question his racing heart was begging him to ask.

"What truth, mom?"

Only now did tears spring to Jen's eyes, but they weren't born of fear or sorrow. She wept happily, because she could already see the hope blossoming in her son's once terrified eyes. Hope, and joy as she sobbed and nodded at him.

"T-the only truth that matters, Ikenna. You're my son. I love you with all my heart. And... oh god, it's not in spite of that fact, but because of it, that all I want right now is for you to kiss me... hold me... a-and make love to me."

Rising from the couch, Jen grabbed at her son's hands and pulled him to his feet. He looked so cute, all dazed and overwhelmed by what his mother had just said to him. A thousand times more than he had ever let himself hope for. That cuteness rapidly turned to something more intense and passionate however as Jen led Ikenna out of the living room and towards the bedroom. Not to the guest room in which she was staying, but to Ikenna's own room. Ikenna's own bed, which he had shared with Hannah on countless nights for countless passionate and romantic romps.

Jen shuddered as she pushed the door open and they slipped into the bedroom together. She could almost see her son and his lover lying there together on the bed. Writhing. Moaning. Screaming and roaring in mutual orgasmic bliss. And apparently at least once or twice, they had been thinking of her. Whispering lewd and taboo fantasies about her to one another to fuel their play. It was so wrong, but it drove her wild to think about it. And now... now she didn't have to just think. Now she was leading Ikenna to that bed in person. She was moaning as he wrenched his hands free from hers and grabbed her body, dragging her close to him and kissing her savagely on the lips.

Mother and son kissed deeply. Jen wailed as she felt the younger man's hands on her ass, his grip so much like that of his father. Dominant and passionate, yet immensely tender. He didn't cling to her because he was claiming her, he clung to her because he adored her.

"Mom. I... I want to... p-please. Can I... take off your clothes?"

Jen giggled as she nodded to her son. She hadn't expected this when she awoke today. She hadn't dressed expecting any sort of romance or sexual activity, certainly not from Ikenna of all people. Thus her clothing wasn't exactly the most intimate or elaborate. She was wearing a spaghetti strapped red top without a bra, her ample chest visible to a degree she only now considered probably hadn't been helpful to her son as he confessed his attraction to her. On her lower body she was still dressed in her Pjs; a pair of blue PJ trousers made from a comfy flannel fabric, again without underwear beneath. Quite simply this meant her son had a very easy and swift job of getting her naked.

Still, despite the lack of clothing and the ease of its removal, Ikenna revelled in the act of stripping his mother bare. He pulled her top up over her breasts and growled tenderly, leaving the garment basically hanging around his mother's neck as his paws came to rest on the mounds of her chest. She seemed to push her breasts eagerly towards him, and groaned as he teased her nipples with his fingertips. The light fur on the front of her torso was so soft and downy, and it was all the male could do to keep himself from burying his face between his mother's breasts and nuzzling into them for comfort.

"Ohh... ohhh g-god, Ike!"

After her top was finally tossed aside, Jen shrieked happily as her son grabbed her by the shoulders and rather firmly threw her down upon his bed. She squealed with laughter as she bounced on his well sprung mattress, and barely had time to come to a halt resting upon the bed before feeling his hands grabbing at the waist of her PJ bottoms. An involuntary shudder of lust surged through Jen as she felt her son stripping her fully naked, peeling away her last remaining clothes and revealing the dark fur of her legs, not to mention the neatly trimmed and softer, lighter fur that just ran down as far as her crotch. She was about to pull herself upright, to try and scramble to her knees so that she could pull off her son's t-shirt and start disrobing him in return. Before Jen had the chance to even try however, she mewled in surprise as her son grabbed her now bare legs and dragged her closer to him, so her rear end and twitching tail were hanging over the edge of the bed.

Pulling herself up onto her elbows the lioness watched with wide eyes as her son dropped to his knees, almost disappearing from view beneath the mountainous peaks of her heaving chest. She could still see the dark top of his maned head as it leaned forward however, and could just make out his eyes blazing with excitement as she felt warm breath washing over her suddenly bare lower body. Everything was happening so fast, and Jen was so overwhelmed by each new occurrence, that she barely realised what was happening before it actually began. Her eyes bulged. Her muzzle fell slack in a desperate mewling cry, and her legs wrapped themselves almost immediately around her son's head as he pressed his muzzle between her legs and began to eat out the woman who had brought him into this world.

"Ike! Y-yes! Ohhhh fuck yes!"

After so much emotion and so much fear had been poured through the male lion's system as he confessed to his mother and awaited her answer, it was all boiling over in the relief of discovering that she felt the same way. Ikenna felt like he was going insane with how happy he was. With how desperately lustful he felt towards this incredible older woman who apparently, miraculously not only still loved him despite what he felt for her, but reciprocated those feelings too. How could he not eat her out. How could he not take the very first opportunity presented to him to take her and taste her and pleasure her.

The lioness's pussy was sweet and sharp all at once. It was hot and damp and every bit as beautiful to look at as he had imagined when he had slipped inside of it in his micro form. Her clit was large and thick, the perfect target for Ikenna's rough tongue, and as he focused his muzzle on tending to that swollen nub the male brought no fewer than three fingers to press urgently inside his mother's pussy. He growled savagely with pride as she screamed and writhed against his muzzle and paw. He grinned and huffed with lustful delight as she begged him amidst wild shrieks not to make her cum like this, that she wanted him inside her when she came. Much as Ikenna loved his mother though, he didn't even consider obeying her wishes at that moment. If she thought she was going to get out of this having cum just once, if she thought that somehow her first orgasm would be the true climax of their first session together, she was insane.

"Son, p-please!! Please, you're... ahhhhh y-you're going to... aaaahh yes... going to m-make me..."

It had been less than two minutes since Ikenna had started to eat her out. Not even Jen's husband could make her cum that fast, but then he didn't usually have the advantage of their love-making being the first instance of incestuous, forbidden mother and son infidelity. It was obvious that like his father though Ikenna was a natural. His rough tongue on her clit was heaven, and his fingers knew just where to stroke inside her, their thrusts combining a mixture of deep, striking jabs and rough caresses to the upper wall of her pussy where her g-spot lay. Just as obvious as it was that this young lion between her legs had every intention of making her cum then and there, merely the first of god only knew how many orgasms he felt his beloved mother deserved.

"Ike! Ike, I... ahhhhh! Ahhhhhhyessss! I'm... ohh god Ike, I'm cumming! M-mom's cumming!"

Jen screamed in pleasure as she came, but found herself wailing in dismay at the same time as almost the very second he drove her over the edge of climax, Ikenna wrenched himself free from where her legs were clamping down around his head. Shuddering and writhing as her inner workings convulsed in spasms of ecstasy, Jen barely managed to keep her eyes open, her son's body a blur as she watched it rise up onto its feet and begin to tear off the clothing that bound it still. She could just about see her son's face through her orgasmic haze, and blushed deeper than even her climax was forcing her face to flush beneath her dark fur when she saw the way he was looking at her. It was like he was feeding, physically sustaining himself on her pleasured cries and heated, orgasmic expression. He craved it. He craved her. And as he ripped the clothes off his body one garment at a time, Jen could already feel her insides fluttering in renewed desire and longing, even before her first orgasm had even begun to wane.

"Mom! Aahh... oh god, mom. You feel so... aahhhhh!"

Throwing himself down upon the bed as soon as he was naked, the lion growled passionately to his mother as he pulled her trembling body further up onto his soft sheets and straddled her. He looked into her eyes, and though she was weary and satisfied from her intense climax, still saw hungry fire burning at the core of her being. Before he could even lower his hips towards hers she was wrapping her legs around him again, this time locking her ankles around his waist, and threading her arms around his neck.

"You haven't felt anything yet, Ike."

Her teasing whisper set his already boiling blood aflame, and the lion's swollen erection twitched violently, letting loose a string of pre-cum across his mother's belly before he could even lower it between her legs. Jen's eyes rolled and a strangled yell of delight escaped her lips as she felt the barbed nubs of her son's head brushing across her opening, glistening wet and still quivering in the aftershocks of her barely past climax. Even in those moments of their most heated passion though, neither one could forget how much this meant to them. So, after he'd had a few seconds to take in what his mother had said, Ikenna found himself chuckling and shaking his head at her.

"N-not true, mom. I... I'm feeling so much right now. I... I love you, mom. I love you... Jen."

The lioness mewled with joy, and shivered desperately as she felt her son's cock throb and drooling across her flushed, needy outer lips.

"I love you too, Ike. Ohh... ohhhhhhhh!"

Both lions growled, groaned and roared as Ikenna sank into his mother in one long, smooth, drawn out thrust. He didn't start fucking her right away though, no matter how much his body craved it. He simply pushed himself deep into her and held his body there, feeling himself throbbing and pulsing inside her pussy and feeling her squeezing and clenching around him. They lay there, shuddering and moaning and kissing and nuzzling at each other for minutes, and even when the initial haze of their bliss began to settle, their voices were strained with pleasure as they whispered to one another in the midst of their motionless first love-making session.

"You're in me. Y-your cock... it's inside me, Ike. We're on your bed. In your home. And we're... oh fuck. Ohh fuck..."

Jen's words might have sounded like they were coming from a place of concern or second thoughts, if she hadn't been grinning quite so wide or speaking with a desperate, guttural gurgle of arousal in her tone the whole while. She was so overwhelmed feeling Ikenna's cock deep inside her pussy that anything she had been holding back thus far, any desires or thoughts or wishes, were now rushing through her mind and clamouring to be spoken aloud.

"Ike... aahhh... are you... a-are you going to tell Hannah about this? About us? B-because... oh god, that would be so hot..."

The lion growled, rocking his hips ever so gently as he began to fuck his mother. He nodded, staring down at Jen with piercing intensity.

"You like that Hannah will know about us? That she's been a part of this... a part of bringing us here? You get turned on thinking about her lying here just like you. Begging for me to recreate exactly what me and you did together. To do everything I did to you, to her. To share every detail. Every whisper. Every feeling."

Jen whined loudly. She nodded, thrusting her hips up against her son as he gently pressed himself to the hilt within her, wordlessly begging him to go faster as she continued their passionate conversation.

"Yes. Yessss... ahh... I w-want... I want you to tell her that I was thinking about her when we fucked for the first time. That I was thinking about how many times you've fucked her on this bed, right where you're lying with... ahh... with me. With your mom. Thinking about how hot she looked that time I caught you two together. How lucky she was to... ahhh... to be with you like that."

Ikenna grinned, leaning down to kiss his mother on the lips deeply once again.

"A-and now you're the one here with me, just like she was then. But there's no-one here to catch us. No-one to slow us down. No-one to keep us from spending the whole night together. Both of us cumming until we pass out in each other's arms. Just like me and Hannah."

The older lioness giggled at her son.

"You mean, just like me and your dad."

Ikenna's face flushed, and he growled a deeper, more passionate growl. Not quite a sound of jealousy, but perhaps of friendly, eager competition.

"You and dad? All night, still?"

Shuddering at the very idea of her husband and her together, Jen's pussy clutched tight around her son as she nodded and snarled hungrily.

"Mmmmhh... god yes. Once the two of us get started, it's hard to stop us until at least one of us is asleep. And even then... a-aahhh!"

Before Jen could finish her thought, she let slip a cry of pleasure as her son pulled about half his thick cock out of her, then pushed it hurriedly back in. She thought he was just teasing, but then a second stroke of equal force assaulted her senses, then another, and another. Her eyes widened, and she urgently clutched at her son's back, digging her claws in and crying out to him.

"Oohh... oh god, Ike!"

Her son snarled passionately back at her.

"T-tell me more about dad, mom. Does he fuck you hard? Does he... ahhh... does he fuck you like this? L-like we're fucking right now?"

Jen opened her muzzle to respond, but Ike wasn't done. In fact it didn't sound like he cared about the answer all that much. He just wanted to say it; to implant the idea in his mother's mind and indeed in his own. To have them both thinking about not only their own infidelity, their incestuous love-making, but to think about Jen's husband. His father. His rival, and the man who had made his mother cum countless times over the past decades.

"How many times does he make you cum every night, mom? H-how many?! Aahh... yes! Because... aaahh... tell me, and I swear. I promise, mom. I won't stop until you've cum that much... a-aahhh... and more."

The lioness cried out louder and louder as her son's speed and the force of his thrusts increased exponentially.

"Aa-aaahhhhh Ike! W-what if... ohhh... what if he makes me c-cum so often I... ahhh... lose count?"

With a carnal roar, Ike began to fuck his mother without restraint. He grabbed her roughly by the hips, claws digging into her flesh, and started to pound at her pussy with loud, wet slaps of his balls against her ass. As he did so, he cried out savagely.

"Then I'm gonna make you lose count... a-aahhh... and then lose count again, after you start counting the second time!"

Jen wailed in pleasure, in lust, in pride. Her son was such a wonderful man. So passionate, so giving, so eager to please. She couldn't have felt luckier, or more wanted.

"Oh god! Yes! Yes, Ike. P-please! Make me cum again. D-don't let me stop. Don't ahhhh... dont' ever let this night end. Forget Hannah, a-and I'll forget your dad. Tonight... it's just you and me, my sweet, handsome boy. Tonight Ike... aahh... it's just... it's j-just you and me. Just you... a-and... ohh yes... Ike... I'm g-gonna... just... just you and your mom. Your... aaaaahhh... ahhhhyessss... harder, Ike. More! I... I'm cumming! Son, p-please. Yes!"

By Jeeves

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