Comfy, Cosy, Warm and Wet

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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Pyjamas are the best clothes to relax in. They're comfy, cosy, warm and... wet?? o.o Well, when Taki is around, don't count anything out. ^^

This story was written for Taki! It contains F/Solo masturbation and squirting. :3

Comfy, Cosy, Warm and Wet

Taki giggled as she looked at herself in the bedroom mirror, the blue skunk admiring her plump naked body. She absently ran the fingers of one hand over her left nipple, and with the other paw squeezed at the right of her ample breasts. She spread her legs slightly, toes curling down into the bedroom carpet, and moaned as through the soft, neatly trimmed white fluff of her crotch she saw the glistening pink of her pussy's inner flesh peeking out. With a happy sigh the skunk turned away from the mirror and padded over to her bed. It was dark outside, and with the curtains drawn the room would have been pitch black if not for the room's main light shining down over Taki, her bed, and the garments laid out upon it.

Shivering in relish, knowing what was about to happen and barely able to control her anticipation, Taki picked up the button-fronted top of her pyjamas, the light pink fabric so soft and warm to the touch. She slipped first one arm and then the other into the sleeves, pulled the pjs up to cover her torso, and stretched its front over her breasts before beginning to secure the buttons in place. Even as she began to fasten it she could see her nipples poking through the light fabric, and a soft gasp of excitement and pleasure escaped the skunk as the endlessly comfy cotton rubbed at the stiffened and sensitive nubs.

Turning back briefly to look at herself in the wide, full length mirror again, giggling and shifting her hips playfully from side to side as she looked at her bottomless self, Taki soon found herself gripping the bottoms of her pjs in both hands. She stepped into them, left leg first, then right. The legs were loose, but the pink pyjama bottoms got slightly tighter around the female's strong thighs and broad, plump hips. The elasticated waistband was perfectly comfy, and when it settled into place just below Taki's thick white striped tail the skunk gave yet another happy little giggle. She looked herself in the mirror one last time, twirling on the spot to take in her pink, pj clad self in all her adorable cuteness, before dashing over to the bedroom door, shutting off the light, and in near total darkness racing back to her bed to begin the night's fun.

She may have been dressed all cosy and warm in her pjs, but right now sleep was the last thing on Taki's mind.

Crawling under the covers, not just partially but all the way under like a cub in a fort, Taki rolled over onto her belly with a giddy groan. She ran her paws, palms open and downward facing, over the smooth new sheets she'd bought just last week, scooting up onto her knees and hunching down over them like a hedgehog curling up for protection. Her toes curled and splayed out in anticipation and excitement, and it was only when she could feel the warmth of her increasingly ragged breathing beginning to heat up the air beneath the cosy covers that the skunk lifted her hands away from the sheets, shuffled her bent knees slightly apart, and reached down between her legs with both paws.


The skunk moaned ever so softly as she felt her hands push down on the delicate cotton of her pjs, the fabric already slightly stretched by the way she was lying, but with enough give in it to allow her to push down until she felt her pjs and the paws pressing down on them brush against the most intimate regions of her body. Through her pjs, right there in the dark and the heat of her own little bedtime world, the skunk stroked her pussy between its already flushed, eagerly waiting lips. The feeling was muted by the presence of the cotton between fingers and flesh, but enhanced at the same time by the knowledge that this was exactly what Taki had been waiting for since her new pjs had arrived in the mail that morning.

A slightly louder moan, and a shudder of pleasure, passed through Taki as she pressed down purposefully with two fingers and rubbed over her clit. The direct stimulation from the cotton fabric was intense, so soft and almost ticklish, yet far more textured than the smooth pads of her fingertips. The skunk rolled over onto her side, whimpering as she found her thighs clasping themselves almost involuntarily around the paw bringing her these new and more powerful feelings of pleasure. Her free hand groped helplessly for a nipple through her pjs, unaccustomed to its body being dressed for this pre-planned type of masturbation, and she groaned in frustration, huffing and gasping at the increasing heat and stuffiness beneath the sheets. One of her legs kicked out, the bare footpaw at its end reaching beyond the limits of the sheets and causing yet another gasp from Taki as the relatively cool bedroom air shocked her system.

She withdrew the leg hurriedly and flopped over onto her back, knees bent to create a slight tent of the sheets around herself. Her trembling hands grabbed at the waistband of her pj bottoms and pulled them up, rather than down, so that the fabric of its crotch was already pressed to her increasingly warm and now already slightly damp pussy. When her fingers returned to rub at her clit and pussy, Taki found herself able to push a little of the pjs fabric between her outer lips. She held it there, running the fingers back and forth across it, and groaned louder still as she felt wetness beginning to slowly soak through. Her other paw was still tending to her clit, and as she felt the swollen button throbbing through the fabric and against her eagerly rubbing digits, the skunk let slip her first fully fledged cry of pleasure.

"Aaah... ahhhh..."

The more the heat and the intensity of the pleasure grew around and within Taki, the harder she pushed herself. The warmth and cosiness of her pjs was already enough to make her flesh tingle beneath its lush fluffy fur coat, the skunk's body desperate to sweat but only able to leave her panting and gasping. Add to that the enclosed cavern of sheets in which she was lying, breathing her own hot, humid air out and only serving to further heat her immediate surroundings, and Taki soon felt like she was trying to get off in the middle of a rainforest. In fact, it almost felt like a different kind of heat. Like the intense, uncontrollable rush of biology that periodically swept through the skunk's body and drove her wild with lust. Which was, of course, exactly what Taki had hoped.

"Yes. Yes! A-aahhhh!"

Rolling over onto her belly again, Taki feverishly humped at her hands while she ground her fingers against every last inch of intimate flesh she could touch through her pjs. By now she could feel the wetness of the pyjama bottoms fabric not just against her fingertips, but also its damp heat pressing back into her nethers. Already the scent of her arousal was thick in the heavily contained and restricted air, but it almost got too much for the skunk to bear as she pulled one paw away from her crotch, the other feverishly stroking at her clit, and brought it to her nose, inhaling deeply. Even through the pjs cotton, the amount of fluid and scent that had clung to her digits was overwhelmingly intense.

The wet spot on Taki's pj bottoms got bigger and bigger as she rubbed herself with such focused passion that her breathing actually slowed dramatically rather than getting faster and more shallow. She sucked in great gulps of air, holding her breath in the meantime as though even allowing her lungs to function might take away from her devotion to making herself feel good. With every throb of her clitoris and convulsion of her inner walls she could feel herself dribbling and drooling more fluids out onto her pyjamas, making the next touch all the more lewd and delicious, and the resulting pleasure even more erotically intense. She was so hot and so wet by this point that every gasp for air felt like she was sucking down a lungful of the same juices she was dripping onto her bottoms, the air thick with its scent and moisture. It was all too good. Too much, even for a woman with as much experience at self pleasure as Taki.

Just when the skunk was sure she was going to make herself cum though, she did something that she almost never let herself do. She stopped. Stopped touching herself totally cold turkey, and before her body could do anything more than force her muzzle to let loose a shriek of frustration, kicked herself free from the covers and dragged herself up and off the bed, into the relatively chilled and still air of her bedroom. Taki wailed miserably as she dragged herself off the edge of the bed and to her feet, cursing the fact that she'd turned off the bedroom light when now all she wanted was to turn it back on. She staggered bow legged to the light switch, groaning and gurgling as she felt the wetness of her pjs clinging to her crotch and inner thighs, and flipped it on again, before staggering back to the edge of the bed and sitting down upon her rump. Spreading her legs, Taki stared out ahead of her, into the bedroom mirror once more. She groaned lustily at what she saw there.

Her crotch was soaked. She knew it, she could feel it, but now she could see it too. The light pink of her pj bottoms was stained dark and glistening with the saturation of her pre-orgasmic fluids, and there were trickles of darkness running in lines down the insides of her thigh and reaching in a few slender trails almost as far as her knees. It was directly over her pussy though where the most glisteningly sodden concentration of fabric rested, and as Taki shuffled right over to the edge of the bed, leaning back so her whole crotch was basically exposed and hanging out over the open air, she moaned loudly in renewed joy and anticipation as one hand felt itself moving back towards that soaked patch once more.

Leaning back on her free arm, the skunk's bare toes stretched out but barely brushing the bedroom floor as she knelt at the edge of her cosy double bed, Taki let loose a keening whimper as her fingers teased their way under the elasticated waistband of her pjs at long last. She groaned loudly at the feeling of her crotch fur's wetness, the moisture from her pjs having rubbed up and over almost the entirety of her pubic mound. That groan however was nothing compared to the shrill wail the skunk let loose when she grazed her clit, paw pinned beneath the swollen nub and the soaked fabric of her bottoms, and able to feel a veritable flood of juices coming trickling, almost squirting at low but steady pressure out from inside herself. Her eyes bulged and she watched, panting and whining with joy, as those droplets sank into the fabric of her clothes. The main dark patch got a little bigger. A few little rivulets extended their progress. But the main source of Taki's joy was what happened when she pulled her paw away from her clit, and pressed the back of her hand firmly into the fabric of her pjs.

"O-ohh fuck..."

Taki almost lost it right there when she saw her sodden pjs being stretched out at the front by the outline of her hand and the knuckles of her digits, causing some of the moisture held within to get squeezed out, forming into droplets on the outside surface, then beginning to run and drip down onto the floor between the skunk's feet. Already she was wet enough to be dripping through her pjs, and that thought excited Taki more than anything, because the skunk knew she'd barely gotten started yet.

With renewed urgency, Taki let the front of her soaked pj bottoms go limp again as she led the paw within them to their final destination. She felt her whole body shaking, her toes curling and wriggling where they were brushing back and forth just above the bedroom floor, and her thick tail sweeping back and forth through the air as her palm came to rest in that familiar position over her mound, perfectly rested to allow her fingers to slip down further between her legs, cupping the aching nub of her clit and seeking out the warm embrace of her innermost depths.

The skunk purposefully held back her scream of pleasure as she penetrated herself with no less than three digits right away, because she knew that it would be nothing compared to what was about to happen. She shuddered and whined happily as her fingers moved and twitched inside her, sending hot gushes of arousal flowing down around them as her desperate, near orgasmic body reacted intensely to every little stroke and tease. Finally though, she found it. Not that she could ever lose it, it was far too precious a thing to ever lose track of. But still, Taki felt a surge of relief and joy as she setted her fingers over the rough patch of flesh that indicated the presence of her g-spot. A surge of emotion that was followed by a different type of surge entirely after Taki took just a couple of seconds to compose herself, and to look in the mirror at her adorably pj clad body and lewdly wet pj bottoms.

The skunk began to finger fuck herself with jackhammer force, each urgent stroke slamming and roughly grinding the tips of her fingers into that intensely sensitive and overwhelmingly pleasurable sweet spot. Almost instantly, she was screaming. Shrieking at the top of her lungs in ecstasy as her body convulsed, legs kicking out, tail thrashing and pussy spasming hungrily around those devilishly quick fingers. Not only was she screaming, but she was squirting. Taki was always wet when she got this horny, but giving even the tiniest stroke to her g-spot was like hitting the buttons to a fountain within the skunk's pussy. Pounding it this suddenly and after getting herself so worked up already, it was less a fountain and more a full on, city levelling tsunami.


It was hard to tell what was louder, the skunk's wails of pleasure or the lewd 'shlick-shlick-shlick' of her fingers as they forced themselves in and out around the gushing torrents of Taki's not quite even orgasmic squirting. Her paw itself caught a considerable volume of the force of those squirting ejaculations, but all that liquid still had to go somewhere after it landed on the skunk's trembling palm. Through wide, glazed eyes Taki howled and gurgled in bliss as she watched the already stained and soaked front of her pjs turning almost black with the sheer quantity of her fluids. The thin snaking streams that had previously run down to her knees in just a few lean trickles grew fat and began to interlink as her thighs darkened. Taki felt the fabric around her butt growing warm and damp, clinging to her fur, and groaned in delight as the motion of her hand inside her pjs began to coax more and more of her juices into dripping out through the fabric, some droplets even going flying a little way as her paw pulled back ready to deliver its next killer strike at her g-spot.

"Fuck! Fuck! Ahhh god!"

For as long as she could, Taki clung to the last shreds of her sanity. She watched herself being soaked by her juices. She watched her pjs being drenched by her arousal and revelled in the sweet naughtiness of her own fingers causing all this loud and messy bliss. She enjoyed it and indulged in it as much as her mind would rationally allow. And then, when she simply couldn't handle the intensity of the pleasure any longer, she gave up that rationality and sanity, and allowed herself to descend into sweet, euphoric madness.

"_Yes! Yes!! Oh fuck... fuck yessssss _!"

Jabbing her fingers roughly into her g-spot one last time, Taki wrenched them free from her pussy and her pj bottoms as she toppled over flat on her back, shrieking and sobbing in ecstasy as she finally began to truly, orgasmically cum. Her back arched, and her hands grabbed at her breasts through the fabric of her buttoned pyjama top, the one that had been between her legs leaving a damp paw-print over one of the shuddering mountains when she released it again. Her hips bucked frantically, and wild, shrill screams escaped Taki in a constant flow every bit as heavy and intense as the gushing spray of her orgasmic juices. She drenched her pjs, fluids not just dripping through the sodden fabric but flowing almost as freely as if the saturated cotton wasn't even there. She wailed with excitement as she felt liquid dripping down around her ankles, having travelled all the way down the inside legs of her pyjama bottoms and started to drool out over her trembling footpaws.

The sheer volume of her ejaculatory bliss was insane, but Taki had long since learned not to be ashamed of her capacity. Quite the opposite, she revelled in it. And what better way to combine her love of her own body's productive passion, and the comfy, intimately adorable warmth of wearing pjs, than to quite literally combine them until her lower body was dressed in a heavy, squelching, girl-cum soaked cotton covering whose mere presence against her fur and flesh was enough to set off the skunk's euphoric excitement all over again.

As her orgasm passed, Taki rolled over onto her belly in a daze and began to drag herself up the length of her bed practically just by her arms. She barely made any distance at all however before her still wide and stunned eyes bulged again, and a desperate groan of bashful delight slipped through her lips. Her pyjama bottoms, laden heavy with her orgasmic juices, were beginning to be dragged down by their own weight as she pulled herself up. She could already feel the weight leading them to remain stationary, pulling the elasticated waist tight over the plump curve of her ass and down to expose the soaked mound of her pussy against the bedding beneath her.

"N-no.... not yet..."

Shaking her head, Taki reached down, grabbed her pjs by the waist, and dragged them not just back up to where they had been, but up until its soaked crotch was pressing against her pussy once more. She held them there with one hand as she now dragged herself the rest of the way up the bed with just the solitary remaining free arm, her legs limp and doing little to assist as they trembled in bliss surrounded by the soaked, clingy, juice-stained fabric. Only when her head reached the pillows once more did Taki roll back over to face the ceiling. She whimpered happily as both hands fell back to her waist, and pulled harder still on the soaked pyjamas that lay there. She pulled up and up until her waistband wouldn't go any higher, and her muzzle was gasping at the sensation of her rump being given a wedgie by the sodden fabric, and her pussy very nearly receiving the same treatment as it was outlined in the dark, soaking wet pink cotton.

"Ohh... yes..."

Taki moaned anew as she reached down and fondled her crotch, feeling it, exploring it through the hot wetness of her pyjamas. It was amazing how different the texture of her pyjamas were now compared to when they were dry. How different it felt to touch them on the outside, and have her pussy touched by them within. As she fondled herself, her free paw reached over to the bedside table, and the real reason for her forceful excursion to this end of the mattress.


The skunk's groans got louder as she grabbed the hefty wand massager that lay there, always fully charged and ready to aid Taki in the night. Or the day. Or whenever the hell she pleased. She swung it around over herself, and brought its thick, white rubber head to bear against the wet outline of her pussy. Already her breathing was loud and ragged, and already she could feel fresh wetness drooling out from herself and straight through the saturated cotton of her pyjamas.

Taki squirmed, and giggled as her pyjamas squished and squelched pleasingly between her and the powerful toy.

She had gotten herself wet. Gotten herself soaking with her cum. And now, with her body wrapped up in a warm, wet embrace of sodden cotton, the night's real fun could begin.

By Jeeves

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