Tales of Ocrinia-Bonding

Story by Caramelhusky on SoFurry

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#4 of Tales of Ocrinia

Previously on Tales of Ocrinia:

I then felt Falcnor release his grip on my hand. I looked at him and I saw fear in his eyes. I saw what he was looking at. A red dragon. He had ruby scales. He was 6ft tall. His eyes were emerald. And it seem that he had been in many battles because he had scars all over his body. "Asch" Falcnor said in a terrified voice.

"Oh so you know me. " the red dragon said

"Oh course. Your Asch The Bloody"

The red dragon grinned evilly. "Well since you know who I am. You might as well know what I'm about to do"

Before I could ask whats going on. I saw Asch unsheathed his blade. He swung his sword directly at Falcnor. The next thing I saw was a detached arm and blood everywhere, the face of my lover bleeding to death, and remembering our promise. With a tear falling down my cheek.


"Nooooooooooo!!!", I screamed as Falcnor fell to the ground. I stared at his limp body laying on the ground. My tears started to rain down onto the ground just like Falcnor's blood dripping. I looked at Asch with tears and anger in my eyes. "You...you did this." I stood up and looked at him grinning.

That really set me off because in an instant I ran up to him and I kicked his family jewels. He was on the ground but he was laughing. "Whats so funny?!?" I screamed at him. He simply replied, "You."

"Excuse me?", I replied stupidly as he stood up. He then looked at me still grinning. "Like I said before, Your funny"

"Uhm...okay first of all. Your crazy and second my mate is on the ground because you of"

"Well well well....so you guys are mates. Lucky bastard. Gets to have one hot pet"

"I'm not his pet!"

"Well if you were my mate. You would be called my pet"

"Well I'm not so get the fuck out of here"

"Hmm feisty little bastard aren't ya?" He then turned around a lifted Falcnor's body, carrying him away.

"Where are you taking him?!" I screamed as I ran up and 'tried' to hurt him by punching his back. Before I knew it 'Wham!' I was thrown against a wall and I started to black out. The last thing I heard was Falcnor's voice saying, "I will love you always" then I fell into a comatose.


When I awoke everything was pitch black. I felt around trying to find a light switch or something that would get the lights on. I stumbled a little here and there until -click- Yes! Found it! I looked around me to see where I was at. It seems to be a storage room. I could see boxes that say 'Clothes' and 'Dishes'. I started to walk around trying to find something useful, when all of a sudden -thud- I fell.

I then suddenly heard someone gasp. I looked at the direction from where the gasp came from. I saw a husky with one eye closed and the other was staring at me. "Tyler?"

He grinned "Hey there Alex" I got up and I tried to lend him a hand but he refused. I sat down and I gave him a puzzled look. "Tyler whats wrong?" He looked away. I looked around and by the looks of it. We were the only two in this room. "Tyler....wheres Tar?"

He looked at me with tears in his eyes. "They took him"

"They? You mean..."

"Yes. They took him"

"What? How?" Tyler told me the story of how Tar got captured....


After he finished I just stared at him with my eyes as big as watermelons. Who knew that the big hulky bovine could be caught. "So then...I guess we have to go save them right?" I said trying to the crying husky better. He looked at me with his fur under his eyes matted down by his tears. He lean forward and kissed me, right on my lips. I sat there with a baffled look on my face. He then pushed me and I fell onto the ground. "T-Tyler" I said with a small moan as he started to kiss my neck and unbutton my pants.

I closed my eyes for at least 20 seconds and when I opened them all my clothes were off. I looked at Tyler who gave me a grin. "H-how did you do that?"

"Dun worry about it" he said as he started to play with my cock which quickly grew to its initial 6 inches. I gasped when I felt something prod my ass. I looked down and I saw Tyler's huge husky meat. I looked up at him and he knew what I was thinking. "Its 8 and 1/2 inches." He then pushed in a little, causing me to moan when his tip disappeared into me. "T-Tyler p-please be g-gentle." He nodded as he slowly inserted his entire cock into me until all of it was in. We were both moaning when his knot bumped against my asshole. I could feel my climax already. "A-Alex....I..Im close." He said as he started to pull back. I looked at him "Go nuts" I didn't even need to tell him twice as he started pounding on my hole, getting more of his knot into me.

I tried to get a hold on something but I couldn't find anything to hold onto. He kept fucking me until I screamed out loud as my climax hit me. Load after load of my cum splashed all over my chest with some hitting my face. Panting, I looked at Tyler and I could see he was about to cum. After a few more thrust he finally shoved his knot into me. Causing the both of to moan. His climax was more powerful then Falcnors as he cock pulsed in me, exploding huge quantities of husky cum into me. I looked at my stomach which was starting to expand. I guess he hadn't pawwed or had sex in a long time. Because another wave of more husky cum escaped his cock and started feeling me up once more.

When his climax finally subdued, we both fell asleep. Holding each other into our arms.


Tar awoke startled. He looked around and saw nothing but darkness. Then out of nowhere a voice, deep and menacing spoke. "Ahhhh..are you awake now, Taruntus"

"Who's there?!" Taruntus said in a panicked state.

"Oh don't worry about it" The voice said followed by the sound of a drill. "Don't worry...."


Thats it for part 4! Sorry I took so long! D:

Alot of stuff happened and they arent good.

Please comment! If you see any mistakes. My Bad!! xP