Journey to another world pt2 ch58
#8 of Journey to Another World pt2
Journey to Another World 4 Ch. 8 * * *
- * * As I was being led to the town or city of Veilstone in handcuffs, Jenavee walked by my side the whole way. It had only taken a little while for the two of us to clean up our campsite and break down the tent and pack everything away. The officer had been nice enough that she'd allowed me to do this, as she too didn't believe that I'd done the things that the note said I did. Though I was really considering it at this point. ‘From this point onward Jenavee, I need you to act like a wild and stay a little ways away from me.' I reached to my belt and released her ball from it's clasp on my belt. The ball fell from my belt, but didn't bounce once as she caught it with her psychic powers. ‘Just remember that I love you and I hope to see you soon.' I looked over my shoulder and saw tears starting to fall down her face. ‘Please Donovin. Please tell me that this is not the end for us.' She said to me as she held the ball close to her chest. I stopped, wiggled out of the officers grasp, and walked over to her and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. ‘How could I ever say that this is the end. I love you Jenavee. And nothing's going to change that.' The officer came over and grabbed my arm and pulled me along. ‘We just need to do this for now as to keep Rena safe and out of harms way.' ‘Is there anything I can do?' Jenavee asked as tears continued to fall down her cheeks. ‘There is.' I told her as I was continued to be led away with her standing just at the end of rout 215. ‘There is a good chance that Saturn is going to show up at the Police station and make sure that I'm doing what that notes told me to do. Once he sees that I am, I need you to follow him to see where he goes, as that is most likely the place where their keeping Rena.' I told her as I looked over my shoulder and saw her nod. ‘And then what?' I simply just shrugged. ‘I don't know. It all depends on how long they're going to keep me locked up.' The officer yanked me, causing me to stumble but not loose my balance. ‘The one thing that I do know, is that this is going to be the end of any/all Team Galactic members.' As we entered the town, I noticed that it was quite a bit smaller then the last actual city that we'd been in, but that wasn't what really caught my attention. Not far down the road I saw two Team Galactic grunts standing on either side of the street. Jenny had refused my request that I wear my sunglasses, so I stared at them with my blood red eyes. Eventually one then they both turned at looked at me, one of the grunts flinched while the other just scowled. It took almost all of my resolve not to break out of the officers grasp on me and go over there and demand the return of Rena. I could see the first grunt flinch back in fear while the other one just smiled. It made my blood boil as the second grunt smiled at me. "You wouldn't be smiling if I wasn't in cuffs, you stupid grunt." I said under my breath. "Come on you murderer." The officer said as she led me away from the grunts. "I'm not going to allow you to murder any more of that Galactic bunch." And continued to lead me away. Many of the building looked the same as they had slight purplish roof, single blue door, and one window next to the door. She led me to what I though was the Pokemon Center, but led me past it to a building behind it. As she led me along, many of the inhabitants of the town watched as I passed them with either a disgusted look or passive one. Probably wondering what I'd done or just not carring as it must have been something pretty bad. Once inside the building that she was leading me to, I noticed that it took on a whole new look. It seemed that the first floor was just a check in station as it was full with chairs, while the lower was probably the holding cells. When we entered the building I saw another officer sitting behind a raised podium/desk in front of all the chairs which were empty. She sat me down in one of the chairs as she took my pack over and placed it behind the podium, along with my sword. She filled out some paperwork with the man, then came back to pick me up and walked me towards the podium. He didn't even say a word as he looked at the two of us and threw his thumb over his right shoulder. I looked where he threw his thumb and saw that behind him was a cell like gate with heavy unbendable bars. There was a click and the cell gate pulled to the side by itself. Pushing me, I stumbled through the gate and regained my balance on the other side of the opened gate. Just as I looked behind me I saw the Officer Jenney had joined me as she shut the gate after her. She took up my arm again and led me down the stairs I hadn't see at first. She led me down the stairs and into the holding cells. If you've ever seen one of those old western movies with the jails, then you probably know what the cells of this place look like. (If not, then the walls are made of brick and had thick iron bars) Many of the cells were empty except one or two that had occupants who looked passed out and smelled heavily of some kind of drink. A few minutes later I was thrown into the cell in the back of the room and the gate was locked. "I'm sorry for being so ruff with you up there, but I had to put on a show for the Chief up there." I nodded to her and looked up to the top of my cell. "I take it that man behind that tall desk was your Chief?" She nodded. "Now why don't you come over here, turn around, and place your hands through the bars so I can remove those cuffs." Doing what she said I heard the sound of the cuffs being unlocked and then I was released from them. "Is there anything that you need before I leave?" I nodded to her as I turned around and rubbed at my wrists. "Contact the other places where my reputation says that I killed those Team Galactic members. Tell them..." I motioned for her to get close and she did. "Tell them that the tall man sent you." I whispered into her ear. "That should get you the whole truth, and clear up this whole mess." She nodded to me, then left the holding area. * * *
(Flash forward)
- * * For the next two days, I spent it in that small cell and seeing as I couldn't really do anything at the moment, I spent most of the time asleep. Jenavee was a great help as she always kept her eyes on the building that Saturn left and returned to. Though no matter how hard she tried to contact Rena through telepathy, she didn't seem to be awake, was somewhere she couldn't reach, or.... Though that didn't mean that she would stop until she reached her. When night came she would always return to my cell to sleep with me on my small bench, as she used her teleport ability to pass through any obstruction to my cell. Though she would fall asleep pretty easily, I couldn't. No matter what I tried, warm glass of Milktank milk, counting Mareep, etc, I couldn't help but feel the anger within me build. ‘It seems that were both are prisoners of our Team Galactic's plans.' I though to the sleeping Gardevoir on my chest. Though I was stuck in this dinky cell, a brief memory flashed in the back of my mind. As Johnny Dep once said, "Me, I'm dishonest. And a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly, it's the honest one's that you want to watch out for. Because you can never predict, when their going to do something, incredibly, stupid." I guess he must have been talking about me, since this was one of those times when an honest man was about to do something incredibly stupid, and would probably get himself/me killed. I spent a grand total of three days stuck in that miserable cell, until all the calls were placed and I was released with the greatest of apologies, a credit card with several hundreds of Pokedollars, and a full pardon. I was so angry at Team Galactic it was like I had tunnel vision. I stopped at the door to the Police station, grabbed the doorframe, and squeezed it. "You'll be wanting to call the local mortuary." I said. "Why is that?" Asked Officer Jenney who had just given me my belongings back. "Do you know someone who died recently?" "In about a couple of minutes, yes." I said as I walked out of the police station and headed north to the large purple building. "Who?" She asked as she stopped at the doorframe as well. "Every member of Team Galactic that I meat in that building." I said with a chill that even chilled me to the core. The tunnel vision only got worse as I neared the building. I didn't even notice when Jenavee appeared by my side as she attached her ball back to my belt. ‘Donovin. What is wrong? Your mind is all dark and filled with hate. Do you really intend to go into that building like this?' Jenavee asked me. Her voice was like a Sooth Bell to me. The tempest that was within me slowly started to ebb, but only just a little. I stopped about fifty feet from the entrance to the building and took a long sigh. "Jenavee." I said without turning to look at her. "You've been with me the whole time I've arrived in your world." She nodded, walked over to me, and placed a hand on my shoulder. ‘That is right. Ever since the first day.' Just then she gasped. ‘Donovin, your shaking.' Taking a shaky breath, I tried to calm myself further. "You may have known me since I came here, but you don't know the real me from my world." She came around to face me, as she grabbed both of my arms. ‘Donovin. You are starting to scare me.' "If I was to ask you to stay out of this place, could you?" I asked her in a low tone. ‘I do not understand? Why do you want me to stay out of this building? Rena is in there. I am not going to just sit by and...' I grabbed her shoulders and looked her dead in the eye. "Please Jenavee. I don't want you to see what I'm going to have to do in there." ‘Oh, is that what this is all about? You do not have to worry Donovin. I know all about your little trick with the bottle of ketch...' She started to laugh but quickly lost that laugh as well as her smile, when she saw the look on my face. To some people, the look that was on my face was like someone with a rain cloud over their head. To others it would be as if I didn't give a shit about life anymore. The last would probably be someone who knew that they were about to go out into war who really didn't want to take someone's life. The last being me. When fighting in a Renaissance Fair, you are taught that a kill would be when you touch your sword to the breast plate, or a light tap to the helm. Throughout all the Renaissance Fairs I'd taken many lives and had my life taken several times as well, but this would different. This time, I'd not be using bamboo swords or dulled blades. This time I was going for blood, this time I was going for someone's actual head, this time...I was going to truly take someone's or several people's lives. Deep down we all have a darker side, some darker than others, and some that choose to embrace said darkness. In the past, there have been many school shooting around many different schools. Some kid who's been pushed too far and decides to end the torment in the only way they know kill that person/people who have torment them. I'd been one of the lucky ones. I was one of those kids. I was the silent one who that old saying, ‘Stick and stones can break my bones but names could never hurt me' didn't apply. I so wanted to kill those kids that picked on me back then. Somehow escape the void of coldness, escape the pain, escape all the sadness that they put me through. Though when I felt like there was no escape from the torment, the pain, the anguish, I found the Fairs. Through the art of the sword and the constant practiced and preformed fights, I found relief, I found salvation. I threw myself into the whole acts that they/we preformed for the tourists or guests. For the first time, in a long time, I found peace. I vowed to myself that day that I would never take a life, and here I was...standing before the purple building that held my other love and thinking about what it would mean to do what I was about to do. ‘Wait...a...second.' She took several steps away from me. ‘Do not tell me that you are actually...' She placed a hand over her mouth and her eyes went wide as she took several steps back. "I plan on going in there and getting Rena, BACK." (The word back came out like a bark.) "If those people in there try and impede me in any way." I turned from her and slowly walked towards the building. "I don't want you to see what I'm going to have to do in their Jenavee. I love you to much to let you see what happens when I release what I have inside." Just then something collided with my back and I knew it was Jenavee as I could feel the horn on her chest poke me in the back and the touch of her arms when she wrapped them around my middle. ‘Please...Please do not do this. I do not want to see your hands stained with blood.' She pulled away from me a little. ‘We can find another way in. We can get her out another way.' She said as tears started to streak down her face. I slowly turned around in her embrace and hugged her back. "You've been all over this building and you couldn't find any trace of her mind, anywhere within the building." I paused for a minute, trying to think of another way to do this. A way that nobody had to end up the way that I was dreading. "But we've run out of time. If we dally any longer than we've already, there is a greater chance that Rena may be or already has been seriously hurt or worse." I leaned down and kissed her fiercely on the lips. After the short kiss I pulled up and looked deep into her eyes. "I will spare as many as I can." And just as quickly as she put her arms around me, I broke out of our embrace and ran to the building. I didn't look back as Jenavee cried out for me to return to her, or see her fall to her knees in a crying heap.