Leaving Zharriel

Story by Tissthalliss on SoFurry

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#4 of The Life of Korrin

After making a few discoveries, Korrin decides that it's finally time to leave Zharriel, and return to Neyron.

Waking up early, surrounded by a comfortable warmth, Korrin opened his eyes. He could feel the warm scales of what he knew was Zharriel pressing against his back, his chest rising and falling slowly. Korrin's rear felt sore, and overly full, and it took him a moment to realise that Zharriel was still lodged inside him, though his knot had deflated. Korrin attempted to move away from Zharriel, so that he could start to recover from the intense stretching he had received the night before. His efforts were denied though, as Zharriel dropped a paw over his chest, pulling him back against him. Surprisingly, Zharriel was still asleep. Though that didn't diminish the strength of his grip.

Korrin attempted to wriggle his way out, but that only seemed to make matters worse. Zharriel's hips jutted upwards as his member was assailed by the sudden pleasure of Korrin's shifting rump. Korrin didn't want to be knotted by the black dragon again, and struggled a little harder, trying to lift their paw off his chest with both of his. Zharriel seemed to possess unnatural strength though, making it all but impossible to remove his arm. Korrin could feel the member lodged inside his rear growing already, and even though he didn't want to feel that knot in him again he couldn't help but feel aroused by the thought.

Zharriel mumbled something in his sleep, a very light rumbling coming from his sleeping form. Korrin decided to try wriggling his hips, thinking that maybe he could dislodge the growing member inside him, but was sorely mistaken as he felt it throb inside him, releasing a thick glob of pre inside him. Zharriel's hips thrust up a little harder at that, rapidly pushing in and out a few times before he seemed to calm down. Korrin's own member was half hard by this point, and he had to stop himself from squeezing around Zharriel's member. He already felt full from Zharriel's last release, and didn't want to think what would happen if he had to endure the same thing again.

Zharriel's sleep seemed deep, and his dreams must have been pleasant, with a dragon resting on his cock. The black dragon's dreams mustn't have been all good though, as a small frown spread across Zharriel's face, marring his perfect features. With a sudden twist, Zharriel rolled onto his back, pulling Korrin with him, which earned a startled yelp from the blue dragon. His back was still pressed up against Zharriel's chest, and he now had no means to move around, his paws held up in front of him. He could feel Zharriel's member eagerly rubbing at his insides now, as his own pleasure was easily noted by his fully erect member.

Korrin thought about waking Zharriel, but somehow the thought made him feel bad. As if he should feel bad for interrupting his sleep. And why not? Zharriel was tired, he deserved his sleep. He was worn out from last night. It was probably his own fault that Zharriel's member was still wedged inside him anyway. Korrin sighed as the thoughts drifted through his head. Wouldn't it be better the let Zharriel wake up to pleasure? Korrin's face heated at the thought, imagining Zharriel waking up, only to find himself knotted inside Korrin once more. A sharp frown suddenly crossed Korrin's face; these thoughts couldn't be his own. Could they?

Regardless of what he thought, Zharriel's member was still slowly growing inside him, the knot at the base now starting to make its presence known, making Korrin involuntarily clench his muscles. Zharriel let out a deep groan, his eyes slowly lifting open, only to find his vision filled deep blue. He barely focussed on what he could see though, instead feeling the tight warmth wrapped around his member. He didn't even bother attempting to think what dragon this was, instead just thrusting his hips up in a sharp jab, relishing both the surprised gasp, and sudden tightness.

"Nnngggrrraaaahhrrr..." Zharriel groaned, "This is a nice way to wake up." He decided.

Korrin couldn't think of any sensible way to reply, so just nodded his head in agreement, feeling Zharriel give a few tentative licks at his neck. His member throbbing inside his tailhole.

"I was planning on hunting today," the black dragon continued, "but maybe I should fill you first?"

Korrin shuddered on top of Zharriel, feeling him thrust up sharply as he finished talking. He was sure that he would have fallen off the dragon beneath him were it not for the paws wrapped around his chest.

"Well? The choice is yours. Zharriel rumbled, grinding his hips slowly back and forth, rubbing against Korrin's insides.

"I- I uh- I'm kind of hungry." Korrin stated, his stomach quietly rumbling, as if to give proof.

"Mmm, that's a shame." Zharriel said, his voice sounding unimaginably soft. "We will have to continue this later then."

Korrin nodded his agreement, feeling strangely guilty for his choice. He let out a loud yelp as the world suddenly twisted around him, suddenly feeling cold stone beneath him. Zharriel was on top of him now, pressing down against him, nuzzling his head against his neck. Zharriel didn't move his hips, just savouring the contact with Korrin, before finally pulling back, a wet slurp rebounding from the stone walls of the cave. Korrin couldn't help but whimper at the sudden feeling of emptiness. He could feel warm seed trickling down his legs, pooling around his paws, and looked back to see Zharriel licking at his own member, cleaning it before suggesting that they start hunting. The smell of Zharriel's musky seed only served to make Korrin more aroused.

As Zharriel walked out of his cave, he let his tail tip teasingly caress Korrin's jaw, making sure that the blue dragon's erection didn't die down. Every time Zharriel flicked his tail, Korrin was greeted with the sight of his balls, his tail not moving enough to allow him to see his tailhole. While they walked, Korrin thought about sampling the smoothness of the orbs in front of him again, wondering if they were as smooth as he remembered. Before he could stop himself, he fond is snout inching closer to Zharriel's rear, only to be stopped by the black dragon's tail. When Zharriel looked back at him, Korrin felt both embarrassment and lust flare within him.

"We are nearing a game trail." Zharriel stated, his voice sounding as beautiful as it ever had.

Korrin just nodded in reply, stepping forwards and looking around on the ground, for signs that would lead Zharriel to his meal. He didn't even notice that he hadn't thought it to be his meal. He was more concerned with how hungry the black dragon was, then with the rumbling in his own belly. It didn't take long for Korrin to find a well-used trail, and he soon sent himself following along it, sniffing at the air occasionally. So lost in his own world of hunting, Korrin didn't even notice that Zharriel wasn't following him. Korrin was slightly surprised when he realised that it wasn't common dear that he was hunting, but instead something else.

He knew the trails, but it had been such a large time since he had hunted anything like this, that he didn't know what it was until he laid his eyes upon it. There, standing in the middle of the wood, was possibly the biggest boar Korrin had ever seen. He had no idea how it had managed to get through the trees and underbrush without destroying it all. The boar looked half as large as he was, with tusks that looked as if they could cause even him serious damage. It had been too long since it had taken skill to down his prey, and Korrin wasn't sure if he could do it or not.

Steeling himself, thinking of the possible outcomes of this hunt, Korrin crouched down, circling the boar, looking for a weak spot. He kept his breathing light, his tail held above the ground so as not to make any noise. He had positioned himself at the boars side, noticing as one of its legs seemed to be held above the ground, most likely injured. Crouching even lower, with his chest touching the ground, Korrin drew in a deep breath. Lunging forwards, letting out his breath mid-air, Korrin slammed into the side of the unsuspecting beast, knocking it to the ground and quickly trying to get hold of its neck.

While trying to manoeuvre around the boar, Korrin felt a sharp pain in his thigh, making let out a pained growl. He found the boars neck a moment later, and with a savage twist of his head ended the struggle. Slumping atop the boar, Korrin let his breath fill his lungs again, tensing and un-tensing his muscles to make sure he hadn't been badly injured. He could barely move his left leg, and when he tried he was greeted by sharp pain and black spots in his vision. Wincing, Korrin leaned down to lick at the wound in his leg, but quickly pulled back as it only seemed to pain him more.

He finally noticed that Zharriel wasn't with him, and felt worry course through him. Had something happened to the black dragon? Had they been hurt when he wasn't paying attention?

"Zha- Zharriel?" Korrin called out, hobbling around the boar to see if he could catch sight of him. "Are you hurt?" He continued, his voice rising as panic started working its way into him.

Zharriel had been hurt, maybe even severely injured, and it was Korrin's fault. He tried to look for the black dragon, but as his life dripped down his leg so did his awareness. Finally, barely managing to stand, Korrin decided that if Zharriel had been injured he would have made his way back to his cave. Korrin remembered the boar, and started dragging it through the trees, pulling it back towards Zharriel's cave, even as each step sent him closer to unconsciousness. When he finally reached the cave entrance, Korrin was having trouble keeping his eyes open, but his jaws remained painfully clenched around the boar, do that he wouldn't drop it.

Half stumbling, half crawling, Korrin managed to pull himself into the black dragon's cave, dragging the boar in with him. Dropping his catch at the entrance, Korrin turned around, looking to see if he could find Zharriel. And there he sat. Not fatally wounded, not injured, not even uncomfortable. He stepped forwards as Korrin looked at him, giving his head a quick nuzzle, which nearly toppled Korrin to the ground.

"You've brought back lunch." Zharriel said, sounding pleased as he moved to pull the boar further into his cave.

"I thought... you were hurt." Korrin said, his words half mumbled as he forced his mouth to work, his legs trembling beneath his own weight.

"My paws began to ache," Zharriel said, "so I returned here. I knew you would have no trouble hunting on your own."

Zharriel's voice sounded strangely... normal to Korrin. Not the musical quality that he was used to.

"I... my leg..." Korrin mumbled, trying to remember what Zharriel should sound like.

"It's nothing," came Zharriel's reply, "just a scratch. It will heal before tomorrow."

Korrin frowned; it wasn't that Zharriel's voice had changed. Just that he had stopped hearing it as he had before. As if his senses were now dulled. Or cleared. The thought terrified Korrin. Was there some way that Zharriel had dulled his mind? Surely the trouble talking had been his own, nothing to do with the black dragon? Korrin's breathing picked up, his eyes widening as he looked over at Zharriel, who was busy eating. Korrin thought of running, before his mind was clouded again, but before he could even take a step, he was lying on the ground, his chest rising and falling rapidly.

Zharriel looked over at him, a frown on his face as he looked at Korrin.

"What's wrong?" Zharriel asked, taking a small step towards Korrin.

With those last words tumbling through his head, Korrin felt his eyes close, and consciousness was tugged away from him. Hours later, as the moon began to rise; Korrin finally opened his eyes again. His head ached and his body felt cold, much too cold. The air around him felt warm enough, but Korrin felt the cold down to his bones. He tried to stand, barely managing to get his paws beneath him. He did feel one area of warmth within him, and he realised that there was seed in him. He looked around, and saw Zharriel curled up against one wall, sleeping peacefully. He felt betrayed, discarded.

Zharriel had taken his pleasure, leaving Korrin to his wound that even now still trickled blood. He was lying in a pool of his own life essence, and Zharriel was sleeping peacefully barely ten metres away. Korrin's head felt light, and he had to hold in his breath to think straight, to try and pull his memories back. He remembered being injured, which was not difficult with the pain still coursing through him, remembered looking for Zharriel. And he remembered his thoughts. He had no doubt now, Zharriel had used him. Korrin knew that he shouldn't have woken up, and maybe that was what the black dragon had planned.

No. Korrin couldn't think that. Zharriel never acted as if he would want harm to come to Korrin, he just didn't know how severely he was wounded. Korrin suspected that there had been very few days that the black dragon had actually hunted for himself, and never found out what such a wound could do. That was still no excuse though; they had used him while he lay dying before them. Korrin turned around from Zharriel, not seeing the beauty that he had once seen in the dragon. His first few steps were clumsy, but Korrin was determined to get back to Neyron now. He would first have to find something to heal his leg, but he would not stay here longer than he needed.

Before leaving the cave, Korrin took a few large bites of the boar he had caught, which seemed mostly eaten now anyway. A full stomach made him feel slightly better, and Korrin made his way out of the cave. On his way to the lake, Korrin found a few plants that he knew would help stop his bleeding. The hard part was pushing them into the wound, which nearly caused him to lose consciousness again. Once he was at the lake, he rested for the better part of an hour, before finally standing again. Darkness seemed absolute now, making shadows seem to dance and writhe when he didn't look directly at them.

With agonizing slowness, Korrin managed to stretch all of his muscles, including his injured leg, which he was now keeping tucked up underneath him. Warmth was finally returning to his body, and Korrin thought that was a good sign that his leg was starting to heal. With one last look around, Korrin stretched his wings out, before slamming them down towards the ground, watching as the intense wind rushed through trees and shrubs, before he found himself slowly rising through the air. Once he had reached what he thought was a good altitude he began his journey back to Neyron, hoping that the young dragon hadn't managed to get himself in any trouble.

Korrin finally found himself familiar territory and began descending from the skies, his wings aching and feeling overused. He landed out the front of Neyron's cave, limping in to see if he could find the red dragon. He wasn't there though, and Korrin could barely find his scent in the cave. Korrin didn't need to think about anything. He knew that something had happened to Neyron. The dragon hadn't been back to his cave in days, and Korrin quickly set out into the forest to find him. His leg was feeling better now, though still sending jolts of pain through him every time he pushed down on it.

He searched all the places he thought Neyron might be, checking the lake, first, before looking around. All his searches seemed to come up empty though, and he couldn't find any trace of him. Had Neyron left because Korrin hadn't been there? No, Neyron wouldn't do that. Eventually, Korrin came across a discarded deer carcass. It looked like something Neyron would do, just leaving his catch wherever he wanted. But he knew that he wouldn't have been able to do this. There was no sign of struggling from the deer. Sniffing around, Korrin's nose easily caught the strong scent laying barely a pace away from the deer.

It was seed, spilled on the grass. He could pick out Neyron's familiar scent, as well as another. It was a scent that he knew, but Korrin couldn't seem to place it, his mind running through whose it could be. Then, as if the thought was pushed into his head, Korrin knew who had spilled their seed here. It was the blue dragon from the lake, the one that had wanted to mount Neyron. It was clear enough that they had got what they wanted, but where was Neyron now?

"Neyron?!" Korrin called out, hoping that he was nearby.

No answer came, and Korrin decided to look for the blue dragon. Even if they couldn't talk he would still ask them if they knew where Neyron was.

A whole day passed before Korrin finally found the dragon's cave, and inside staring out at him pleadingly, was Neyron. They were clearly covered in seed, and Korrin couldn't smell his scent at all. Anger flooded through Korrin in a wave, someone had tried to claim him, and from the looks of it they had succeeded. Neyron let out a whimper as Korrin stepped towards him, begging him. Korrin didn't even notice the blue dragon lying down off to one side of the cave, watching him with greedy eyes, already thinking of how much he would enjoy having two dragon's to use as he pleased.