The Calm Before The Storm (Chapter 3)

Story by Devon Bearcoon on SoFurry

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#3 of The Calm Before The Storm

This chapter turned out somewhat lengthier than the previous two, but I feel like I needed the extra length in there to really push the story along. I don't want to say too much, but this should hopefully give you a hint at where this is going eventually, and in this chapter we see a side of Toby that we didn't know existed. I'm overwhelmed so far with the positive feedback and all the kind comments I've been getting. I hope you enjoy this chapter, there will be one more to follow which will bring this short series to an end.

-Chapter Three-

The sun had completely set by the time we had reached the house. As we made our way there we had made various jokes with each other about how Otters must have slippery paws for losing keys, and how silly it was for him to park next to a drain grate etc, and it had lightened the mood. I felt much more comfortable talking to him now and I wasn't so nervous, I'd gained my confidence back a little bit, but I still couldn't get my head around what he meant by getting out of his wet clothes.

I opened the front door and ushered him inside. No lights were on yet and the hallway was in darkness, as I fumbled for the light switch I gently bumped into him 'accidentally'. "Oops! Sorry!" I said as the light flicked on, I rubbed my cheek, slightly embarrassed but also eager to see how he reacted. "It's okay, I'm used to being bumped around." Jayden giggled. "Well you are little." I replied with a wink, beckoning him to follow as I guided him through the hallway. He shrugged off the remark.

"The kitchen is through here, just make yourself at home." I said as he followed me into the large kitchen and propped himself up against the breakfast bar in the middle and looked around to familiarize himself with the room. "So, what's for dinner?" He asked before taking his necktie off to screw it up in his pocket, all the while looking directly into my eyes. I couldn't figure out if he was flirting, or if he was just hungry. Probably just hungry, I'm not that lucky.

"Dinner!?" I exclaimed with a nervous laugh, "I hadn't planned on having company, so I was just going to have a little packet of pasta." The Otter pouted at me. "Pasta? You eat too much pasta, dude! We should order a pizza or something, it's good for you - in moderation!" He raised his eyebrows as if to mock me as he said the word "moderation". I couldn't help but fall into a fit of laughter at hearing him remember my line about the pizza from a long time ago.

"You remembered me saying that? Huh?" I asked. "Of course, I'm not just a robot in a uniform, I do have a brain ya' know." He smirked and crossed the room towards me. "Pizza, and a movie? Sounds like fun?" Jayden said, getting closer and closer until he was just inches in front of me. I could smell the faint smell of the cologne in his damp fur, and feel his breath across my muzzle as he reached his paw out and slid it around my side.

I nearly died on the spot, I couldn't say anything, and I was frozen in place... Then he reached for the phone which was behind me and said "I'll call the Pizza place, you can find me something to wear, okay?"

My lungs exploded with a sigh of relief, he was just reaching for the phone! Don't get ahead of yourself, Toby. But damn, this little Otter was being cocky!

"Hey, okay Mr. Bossy! Sure, I'll be your slave then, never mind I've just saved your ass from being drowned and sleeping on the streets!" I made a point of standing up tall, towering a good foot above him and crossing my arms to appear bigger and accentuate my biceps.

He poked me. He actually just poked me, right in the middle of the chest. "Good, good doggy, now chop chop, I'm dripping all over your nice clean floor!" Jayden remarked. I was dumbfounded. Did he actually just poke me in the chest and call me a good doggy as if I were some kind of submissive pup that will cater to his every whim!?! I literally didn't know what to say, but I knew what to do...I hurried out of the kitchen to fetch him some clothes, like a little bitch.

"...and a nice warm bath would be nice too!" his voice followed out of the kitchen. A bath too?! "Sheesh, what did his last butler die of!?" I muttered under my breath, a smile spreading across my muzzle. I felt like shouting that down to him, but secretly I liked being ordered about by the somewhat puny, seemingly subby, little Otter.

Without even realizing what I was doing, I was suddenly in the en-suite bathroom throwing all the junk I had laying around into the closet whilst running Jayden a 'nice warm bath' - as requested. At least I had quite an impressive bathroom and a fancy bathtub, it was one of those 'especially big ones' with the taps in the centre. That was sure to make him feel his 'princely' self.

In the midst of tidying up I found myself using some of my most expensive and favourite bath oils and foams. "Towels!" I gasped, as I quickly grabbed some crisp, clean white towels from the cupboard and placed them neatly on the side of the sink.

Back to the bedroom, I managed to find the smallest shirt I had, from the days before I started lifting weights and gaining muscle, it was a plain white V necked tshirt, and I matched it with a pair of dark blue shorts. "Should I get him boxers?" I thought out loud... I rummaged through my underwear drawer and found a small pair of white boxer shorts.

My mind wandered and I soon found myself fantasizing about him sleeping in just these, on my couch. I stroked them and held them to my face, nuzzling the crotch deeply whilst imagining his cock was inside them and realized that I was starting to get hard.

"Pizza will be a few hours, they're pretty busy tonight, how's the clothes hunting coming along?" I heard his voice calling up the stairs, followed by footsteps getting nearer. I had just managed to sit down on the bed to conceal my raging erection before Jayden burst into my bedroom. I saw him glance at my underwear drawer, and then back at me with the clothes stuffed into my crotch as my erection throbbed underneath.

"Ohh, thank you. You didn't have to get me some underwear too, but that's very nice of you." He laughed, his cheeks reddening slightly for the first time as he reached for the clothes, and I let out a gasp. "T-the bathroom's through there!" I pointed towards the en-suite door in an attempt to divert his attention from the lump in my shorts.

No sooner had I said that, he'd grabbed the clothes and bounded off into the bathroom, a few wisps of steam rose up and out of the open door as he disappeared inside leaving the door slightly open.

"Uhh I'll just be down stairs then, shall I pick out a movie?!" I called in to him.

No answer.

Amongst the sounds of water splashing down into the bathtub I could hear clothes rustling and zips being unzipped, then a belt hit the tiled floor. I edged nearer and could see the backs of his sandy-white coloured furred legs. Moving closer, the rest of him came into view.

He had his back to me, and I gazed in astonishment at what I had fantasized about for a long time... That adorable little Otter, taking his clothes off in my bathroom of all places. My heart started to race as I realized that this wasn't another fantasy.

His slim form was met in the middle with - and please believe me, I'm not even over-exaggerating - the most perfect ass that I have ever seen. The gentle curve of his flawlessly rounded cheeks reminded me of a soft, ripe peach. His graceful tail bounced gently above it as he lifted his arms up to slip his shirt off.

He looked even smaller without clothes on, his fur now dried and slightly fuzzed up from the dampness. Even the steam from the bath seemed to appreciate his gorgeous body as it curled around him, hugging at his sides and dancing over his fur.

I followed my gaze up from his butt and over the soft fur of his back, imagining what it must be like to hold my massive paws over his slender shoulders, and pin him down whilst I buried my bone in between that furry rump of his. I fantasized about myself nuzzling into the nook of his neck, inhaling the scent of his headfur deeply as I gently bit down against his throat whilst bending him over the bathtub and ploughing balls deep inside him.

My cock swelled and raged in my underwear at the thought, now fully hard and pushing against my shorts as I watched him lift up his leg to pull a sock off, I could see his sack hang down in between his leg as his tail lifted slightly to balance himself. Then the other sock came off and he kicked them to the side. Bending over he then picked up the bundle of clothes he had thrown on the floor in front of him and I nearly exploded in my underwear. I watched his tight little rosebud come into full view as he bent over, I had to steady myself against the doorframe to stop myself from falling over.

"You gonna pick a movie then, or what?" He said, calmly. My eyes widened with shock as he then turned around, completely exposing his nude body without any signs of embarrassment. I let my eyes flicker across his smooth, cream coloured velvet furred chest, all the way down past his belly button until the fur became a little mound of slightly darker, thicker fur, my jaw dropped open and my erection strained against my shorts as I caught sight of his cock, hanging semi flaccidly against a set of fuzzy round orbs.

"Hello? My face is up here!" He said with a giggle, tossing the clothes into the sink as I struggled to lift my head back up to eye level, my cock throbbing wildly in my boxers.

Jayden repeated the question, "Well?" a smirk appeared across his muzzle as he stood there, placing his paws on his hips as if to show off to me, almost as if to say 'like what you see?'. He would clearly have seen the tent in my shorts by now, and at this point I had given up trying to hide it. I gulped hard and nodded.

"Y-you're not shy, are you? You usually just get naked in strangers bathrooms and let them watch?" I said, blushing heavily.

"Hmmm, we discussed this; you're not a stranger, I needed to change, and at least I don't have a hard-on." He pointed to the bulge that looked as if it was going to burst through the buttons in my shorts at any moment. "Besides, I'm not gonna get in the bath with my clothes on, am I?" Jayden said as he turned the water off before dipping a paw through the bubbles in the water.

I stood there in amazement for a second as I watched him step into the tub. I just couldn't figure him out. Maybe I was just being totally naïve and not getting the hint, or maybe he was just super relaxed about being naked, either way he knew I was turned on now, and there was no going back from that. "Good point." I retorted, "I'll go find that movie." I turned away, eager to hide my erection from him as my face flushed with embarrassment.

"Or!" Jayden said, stopping me in my tracks. I turned around to see just his head now poking out from the top of the bubbles. My heart fluttered with excitement as he slid down to one end of the bath before resting both his arms on the side of the tub and laying back. He closed his eyes and sighed a relaxing sigh. "Or you could come join me? I'm sure there's enough room for the both of us in here, even_with_ that huge boner of yours." Jayden said, as calm as ever, still with his eyes closed.

Now that was an offer that I couldn't refuse. My paws shook as I started to unbutton my shirt, I knew he wasn't watching me but I still felt nervous. Pulling my shirt off I then unbuttoned my shorts and slid them down my legs to reveal my dampened boxers, soaked with pre, a large dog cock shaped lump pushing out at the front of them, I slipped them off too - now completely naked, daring not even to touch myself for fear of cumming right there and then.

"If you're sure you don't mind? I've always wanted to share this bath with somebody since I've lived here." I said, taking a step closer to the bathtub I looked down on the Otter, as I grew nearer my shadow covered his face, causing him to open his eyes to the sight of my naked body standing over him, my red, swollen dog meat standing to attention as it oozed pre from its tender tip.

"W-wow, you are big." A gasp escaped the Otters mouth as he caught sight of my length, I didn't know how many other cocks he'd seen in his years, and I wasn't huge for a German Shepherd, but compared to him I must have been. "This might be a squeeze." He laughed as he motioned for me to get in. Did he mean a squeeze for me getting in the bath, or something else?!

"Well, aren't you gonna get in?" Jayden said as he splashed his paws against the water playfully. Taking a deep breath, I let my instinct take over as I slowly eased myself into the other end of the bathtub. Upon lowering myself into the water, and feeling the bubbles rush up over and above my chest, I could almost feel it washing away my nerves, and again, I felt calmer. Still extremely horny and turned on, but much more at ease. I allowed my feetpaws to slide gently along the porcelain until I felt them bump against something, Jayden raised his eyebrows.

"Comfy?" He asked me, I was unsure as to what my footpaw had touched, but it certainly got a reaction out of him. I smiled across to him over the bubbles and steam rising from the water, his head was just poking out of the top, and here I was with the water just barely coming up above my belly button. "This is amazing." I said, keeping eye contact and trying to judge his reaction. "I'm just gonna come out and say it, if it wasn't obvious before now." I could feel the courage building up inside me. "I really like you, Jayden. If you hadn't guessed already." I motioned down to my rock solid cock which was flattened against my tummy, glossy with pre and bubbles alike.

His reply came in the form of a laugh, not a condescending laugh by any means, but I could tell he was pleased with the situation we had gotten ourselves into. "You do huh? Well I've got something to tell you, or well, show you, rather" the Otter said, holding out his paw, motioning for me to give him mine. As I placed my paw into his, I watched Jayden bite down on his lip suggestively as he held my paw against his cheek, clasping his digits around my finger he kissed at the tip before guiding my paw once again back down, down under the bubbles.

I felt the smooth fur of his chest under my fingertips, my palm glided over one of his hardened nipples as he pulled my paw down further. I felt my fingertip nudge into his bellybutton, and further it went down, down to the thick mound of fur at the base of his cock.

"This is what I wanted to show you." Jayden said as he guided my paw around his shaft, I could feel it throbbing in my palm as I wrapped my paw around his cock. Squeezing it gently as I rubbed at the underside of it with my thumb, allowing myself to gently slide my paw up and down over his length for a brief moment. I watched as he shuddered in pleasure, letting his legs open slightly. Tracing the tip of my finger along his cock I was then met with those fuzzy orbs again, I cupped his balls gently before stroking down against his thigh and to the base of his tail where I hesitated at his opening.

He didn't give me a chance to go any further, Jayden kneeled up in the bathtub. The water and bubbles running down his slickened torso, his cock and balls now in full view out of the water, like mine, standing straight up to attention. He paused there for a few moments, that round, heavy sack of his just resting atop the water as he eyed me up, and beamed a smile at me. "I.. I think I like you too." He looked down at his throbbing erection with a grin before leaning in close to embrace me with a hug.

I felt the warmth of his body press against mine as he wrapped an arm around my side, lifting his legs he sprawled over my chest, nuzzling his cheek into the middle of my chest as he smoothed my chestfur out with his pawfingers and drew little circles around my nipple with the tip of his finger.

My cock was now pressing up against his taint, and his tail began to slap wildly against my leg as I started to grind the head of my dick between his ass cheeks. Reaching down with my right paw I grabbed his left cheek, playing with it in my giant paw before pulling it to the side so I could press my meat against his tailhole as I played with his ass.

Jayden moaned loudly and pleasurably at the feeling, with his left paw underneath me to hold on, he gripped at the fur on my chest with his right as he thrust his hips against my stomach, pressing his boner against my tummy as he gently humped against me. I didn't have to bite my lip this time to tell it wasn't another fantasy - this was happening - the slopping, splashing sounds emanating from the steamy, bubbly bathtub, the sweet, piney aromas of the bath oil mixed with our sweat and musk, the sight of the adorable Otter sprawled across my chest pressing his cock against me; they were all too real, and this was only reinforced by the sudden stab of pain I felt from Jayden pinching one of my nipples.

A loud gasp escaped my maw as I felt the sharp pain ripple through my chest and down my body, his tiny paw still clasped around my nipple as he looked up at me with a complacent grin.

"Heeeeeeyyy! What do you think you're doing?!" I said, laughing nervously as I sat up suddenly, nearly knocking the poor Otter flying across the tub and sending water and suds everywhere. Jayden awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, clearly miffed about my reaction, "Ohh, what's the matter? Can't you handle your little nipple being pinched a bit?" He said with a sarcastic tone before standing up and hopping out of the tub, his hardened cock bounced as his footpaws found their place on the bath mat.

"Sure I can, it's just I'm usually the one doing the pinching-" I replied with a grunt, "-and where do you think you're going?!" I asked him with a demanding yet playful tone, trying to reassert some authority into myself as I followed him out of the tub, bubbles and water streaming down my body across my glossy tan and black fur. I softly placed a paw around the back of his arms and pulled him close.

"I'm not going anywhere..." The Otter replied, his voice trailed off as he looked up to me and began to press his erection against mine. He snuggled in closer, nuzzling into my chest as he hooked his leg around the back of mine. A feeling of bliss washed over me as I felt his tender cheek against my heartbeat, and all of a sudden - a pressure on the back of my ankle. I startled as I felt him sweep my footpaw off the floor, sending me hurtling downwards. "...but you are, you're going for a trip!" Jayden laughed, as I fell to the floor.

I found myself on my back against the cold, hard tiles of my bathroom floor. Looking up I could see a very cheeky and proud looking Otter standing above me, grasping his cock tightly in his paw as a thin trickle of pre-cum started to form at his tip.

I looked up at him, the lighting had partially cast him in shadow but I could pick out the detail on his cock as it glistened, throbbing softly in between his fingers, it was slightly veiny and smeared with sticky pre. I watched as he rubbed his length, squeezing another drop of the clear fluid out from his tip, it seeped out, glinting in the light before creating a long thin strand as the drop splattered down against my chest.

"Where'd you learn to do that? I'm impressed! For a little Otter you sure know how to take a guy down!" I said, trying to seem unfazed about being tackled so easily. I grinned, hoping that he was about to jump on top of me and ride my dick. But I was wrong, very wrong. "Oh, I know things...and don't call me little!" Jayden let out a playful growl before pouncing on top of me, and instead of riding my cock like I'd hoped, he attempted to 'pin me down'...

Now, Jayden was just over half the size of me, there was no way on earth he was going to pin me down, realistically. In any other situation I'd let my feral, dominating instincts take over, flip us back around so that I was on top and_then_ see how he likes it. But something deep in the back of my mind clicked, my eyes widened at the feeling that had washed over me, the feeling that I was powerless to resist him.

Laying back like a subby little pup, I allowed him to restrain me. He let out a pretend growl as he used his knees to pin my arms back, his dripping cock was now just inches above my muzzle, I looked up at my captor; paws on his hips, gleeful with himself for pinning down such a big dog as myself. With a mischievous half smile, Jayden reached a paw down to his cock and pressed it against the tip of my nose.

I felt a shudder travel through my body as the hot, slippery pink flesh came into contact with my snout and inhaled deeply, allowing my nostrils to be filled with his sweet scent. Looking up and over his length pressing against me I stared deep into Jayden's eyes, a few moments had passed and I laid there looking up at him, a relaxed smile started to spread across my muzzle. I felt safe.

For the first time in my adult life I was submissive, there was just something so right about it; about this moment. Maybe it was just the fact that I knew at any given moment I could take control if I wanted, but it was too satisfying to see Jayden having so much fun. I wasn't sure if he thought he genuinely could dominate me, or if he was playing a game, but after all he did take me down pretty easily.

My gaze went from Jayden's face, back to his cock, and then back to his cheeky, devilish face again before the reality of the situation hit me. I was helpless... and secretly I loved it. Jayden narrowed his eyes at me and shot me a look to say that he wasn't playing around anymore. "Lick it." He obstructed, and all I could do was obey.