Two of spades and the three of hearts

Story by BlackDwaggie on SoFurry

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#2 of Shameless Smut

Lioren is a curious anthro dragon with a desperate desire only another male can sate. His mate Mila, a female anthro panther, has used her devious drive to create the circumstances where he can get just that, with the very willing help of their closest friend.

I had an absolute blast with this one, and I hope you do reading it! Any reads/views/faves/comments/votes/critiques are always appreciated <3

Thank you and enjoy~

Two of spades and the three of hearts

"Aw shit. Mila, we're down to a quarter bottle of vodka.Fuuuck."

This was the latest in a long line of things that had wound my mental wires tighter and tighter into a fine coil. My neurosis had been on a combat high all day, flared by my predisposition to freak out about events in any time bar the present, that I have no control over. Anxiety doesn't have to make sense to have a presence, does it?

I stood in the doorway separating the living room and kitchen, frozen in a half shrug, my talons curled around the neck of the near empty bottle. Mila, my panther, sauntered over tome, the hazy glow from the energy saving lightbulb over us ran a sheen across her sleek, black fur as she moved. She rested her paws on my cheek scales.

"Lioren, breathe. None of us are huge drinkers, Thrakath isn't going to care."

"Yeah, but it helps smooth things, right?"

"We don't need it for things to go great," Her gaze locked onto my eyes, the feline slits of her pupils a sharp oval. "Are you breathing yet?"

I blew out a long breath while running my claws down her hips, leaving trails in her fur.

"I'm stupidly nervous, Mila."

"We can call this off at any moment, just say the word."

The pressure I was crushing myself with was all my own design.Thrakath, Mila and I had talked this through online to make sure we were all kosher and no one felt pressured or uncertain. There was only excitement and anticipation between us, so much so in fact, after the conversation Mila rammed a dildo up mytailvent while she rode me. Still, the prospect of my first threesome_and_ first time with another male instilled a creeping kind of stage fright. When he arrived, I would probably chill out and revert back to my state of relentless curiosity, and the tidal wave of arousal that followed it.

"No. No, I really want to do this," I rubbed at my belly, it was like there was a civil war between the chicken I had from breakfast and the steak I had for lunch going on in there. "Nerves can't liquidate your insides, can they?"

Her muzzle contracted, her bottom lip ring piercing pressing hard into her upper lip.

"Wow, and I mean wow. I am so sorryThrakath is missing this dirty talk."

Our chat logs could attest to him never missing any dirty talk. If you added the sheer number of paragraphs upon paragraphs of RP logs to the mix, you'd end up with a wall even Donald Trump would find excessive.

"I've got this." I said.

"We've got this. An hour til he is here, try to take it easy and relax some. It will be harder to take his cock in your virgin ass if you're all tense."


Two hours later, the three of us are sat around the kitchen dining table, Magic: the Gathering cards in paws and littered on top of the varnished oak. The AC billowed out cool air, in turn pushing the spicy tang of Mila's cooking around the apartment.

"I think it's time to share the love and declare attacks at you both.Four five-five dragons a piece."

Thrakath grinned, the expression stretching the auburn cluster of scales at the corners of his maw. It's endearing and disarming, revealing just hints of his teeth, and is best deployed when he is about to slaughter us in game so it is impossible to be sore about it.

I studied the cards in my grip; depictions of explosions and panoramas of mass destruction boxed in their artwork panels. I could have prevented him from building such a force, but I had no heart to, he is too cute when he is winning.

"Double kill!" Mila announced, dropping her cards face down on the table and holding her paw up for a high five.Thrakath reciprocated, the collision of scale-on-fur creating a soft_paff_ sound.

"Uh, I think a dragon commanding a legion of dragons to kill another dragon is a war crime." I said with a smirk.

"Well, let's say they killed you in the best kind of way?"

"Ooh. So, like, they lined up and each took a turn fucking me to death?"

"Who said they line up?" He takes a turn to smirk now.

I put on a contemplative frown as I conjured up a scenario in my head. The setting was in some mountain valley, my head and arms locked in a stockade contraption, with my tail held up by a clasp hanging from an overhead wooden beam. The only dragon there wasThrakath, behind me, taking me, his red scaled groin slapping against my blue scaled ass, the force shunting my shoulders into the stockade wood. Mila was seated on a flat rock, watching us, with her legs spread while a pair of her fingers drove in and out of her pussy.

A shudder of arousal swept through me, swelling my cock hidden within my male slit.

"Yeah, I can see something like it alright." I said.

"Me too." Thrakath crooned.

"Me three." Mila added with a slow nod.

Heat flushed behind my pale blue cheeks, not surprising when I was thecenter of attention. In an attempt to hide my obvious blush, I got up and collected the used bowls which used to hold Mila's Cajun butter chicken. Mila herself scooped up her MTG cards and preformed a quick and dirty shuffle.Thrakath stretched up against the back of his chair.

As I clunk the bowls in the sink, I wonder how to initiate things. Sure, the three of us know what we want to happen, but after the thought and before the action, there is the inertia.

When I seat myself back at the table, I spot the solution sitting on top of a stack of DVD's in the adjoining living room.

"Hey, how do you guys feel about playing poker?"

"Poker? I haven't played that for a good long time. Sure, should be interesting."Thrakath said.

Awesome, he's on board. I hefted myself up again to get the pack of playing cards, contemplating how to stipulate the additional rules I had in mind. I catch eye contact with Mila as I arrive back at the table, and that's all it takes.

"Let's make it more interesting." She said.

Thrakath leaned in, arms folded on the table as I slid the pack of cards to Mila.

"Texashold 'em with a twist. Winning hand gives a command to the losing two.Any command."

I watched the red dragon for his reaction. He grinned and prodded at a draconic canine tooth with his tongue.

"No folding." He said.

Fuck. Yes.

"Like taking orders, huhThrakath?" Mila smirked, stood, spun her chair and straddled it backward. "This is my serious pose. You boys better be ready for this." She said, dumping the cards on the table.

Her not so subtle change of seating position served a not so subtle purpose; alongside donning her 'serious pose', her cleavage exposed by her low cut shirt hung over the backrest of the chair. In the same vein of subtlety, I spotThrakath take prolonged glances at her tits as she shuffled. He may have a heavy lean toward cock, but he can't deny my Mila's magnificent body.

"I have never been more ready." He said, turning his head toward me with a raisedeyeridge.

The playfulness in his gaze sent a bullet of excitement through me, almost coaxing out a shiver. If Mila was as ruthless at poker as I remembered, in the next little bit, we would be at her whims. My heart sped up as my dick continued to harden, swelling my slit.

Mila dealt by flicking cards to our awaiting paws.

I peaked at mine: a pair of fours, clubs and hearts. A decent hand to have a chance of winning, but the last thing I wanted was to win.

Mila burned and turned the threeface up flop cards, laying out the King of hearts, three of diamonds and ace of hearts.

"Since there is no folding," She winked toThrakath. "All call. Next card is..."

Four of spades. Shit, I've got three of a kind. Nerves start buzzing in my gut as I realize I might be the first to issue a command. I can only hope Mila has had better luck.

"For the river, the ace of spades." She announced while mimicking the guttural way it is sung in the_Motörhead_ song.

She needs to have just a single ace.

"Lioren?" She said.

"Three of a kind." I show my hand.

She winked at me.


"Pair here."

"Welllookie here," Mila laid her cards out. "Three of a kind, aces high."

My Mila, what a fucking champ. I know, I know, it's hinged on luck, especially when you remove the bluffing and mind games, but the fact remains it is a step closer to havingThrakath's cock buried in my pristine tightness.

She looked toThrakath, to myself, then back at him. I could almost hear her deviant thoughts revving up.

"Hmmm, okay. Let's start tame.Shirts off, both of you. Tell me how the AC feels on your bare scales."

No big deal, he and I had seen each other topless before years ago on a road trip. Except, the promise this was the start of much more intermingled with the intimacy sent a shiver of nervous adrenaline through my belly.

"Alrighty." Thrakathsaid.

The red undid the first three buttons of his flannel shirt. I caught a glimpse of the taut scales stretched across his pecs,then I went to work pulling my own shirt off. While my head and sight were hidden, I allowed myself a few moments to recall what I remember his body looking like.

My memory did him an injustice. When I lifted my shirt over and off, I was met with the sight of tight, bold muscle definition throughout his upper body. I traced my eyes down his topless body to reacquaint myself with his muscle contoured aspects, from his firm protruding pecs to his rounded shoulders and mounded biceps, down to his cluster of abs. He was gorgeous. I swallowed, mycocktip sneaking out from between my slit lips.

"Now we're talking." He said and grinned at me, returning the appraisal. I was pinched with self-consciousness.

"He's been taking your advice." Mila nodded.

"So I can see. Those muscles are delicious."

Pride dampened my flare of insecurity. I may not yet have his tier of definition, but I had worked damn hard to shape my body to this respectable stage, and his approval validated the progress. Suffered for it too; eighteen months of chicken and brown rice with the occasional steak as a 'treat', then the deadlifting, squatting, overhead lifting, rowing, and benching pressing hundreds of pounds every other day.

I scrutinized his upper body for a few further seconds as he did mine,then cleared my throat.

"So, uh, next round?"

"First, tell me how that AC is boys?"

"Glorious." I said, relishing in the cool artificial breeze rushing across my bare scales.

"We better make sure you get to enjoy it as much on your fur."Thrakathgrinned.

Mila mirrored the grin and passed the deck to me.

I shuffled, dealt, and revealed the threeface up cards while admiringThrakath's topless form out the corner of my eye.Four of diamonds, six of spades, seven of diamonds. I checked my cards: jack of hearts and five of spades. An eight will make this round mine. Anxiety nibbled at the back my head, though my confident high shooed it off.

I burned a card and turned theeight of clubs. I attempted to stifle my wide eyed reaction, certain I was unsuccessful. The final card was the queen of hearts.

"Straight?" Mila said, eyeing me with her head tilted.

"Unlike everyone in this room." I said.

As soon as I revealed the five of spades, Mila andThrakathexchanged a quick glance.

"I've got nothing." Mila splayed out her cards.

"Yeah, likewise." Thrakath said.

I won.Yay?

"Well then," I narrowed my eyes as I thought. Mila joining us shirtless was a given, the question was what to do withThrakath at this stage? Was it too premature to demand the blue shed his pants? Gods, the thought of him in nothing but his underwear in our kitchen primed a huff in my throat. "Okay, I got it, if you guys are cool with this. So Mila, uh, yeah, probably get your fur under this glorious AC.Thrakath, well, if this sits alright with you, probably help her with that and she can help you with yours. Pants, I mean, not shirt.Obviously."

"I've never thought of you as adorable until this very moment."Thrakathgrinned.

"Isn't he? It is always the adorable unassuming ones that have the horniest, filthiest minds." She rose from her chair and took a single step to stand nearThrakath.

The blue stood up, the contours of his muscles sharpening as his scales stretched. Mila was shorter, the tips of her alert ears at his nose. She took a gentle hold onThrakath's wrists and guided his paws to the hem of her shirt.Thrakath knew what to do. In one smooth motion he lifted her shirt up and over her head, exposing her black furred upper body and bra. She wore a red laced piece; the gaps in the weave of the material gave a hint of her confined breasts above curved abs. The blue made no attempt to hide his approval of what he saw.

"You've been following my advice too, huh?" He said.

"I will never forgive you for bringing so much chicken and rice into our lives."

"Chicken is_life_, Mila." Thrakathnodded.

She narrowed her eyes and gestured with a finger for the taller blue to lean down. He did, and then let out a quiet gasp as she set her paws on the button of his pants. The whole intimacy of the scene alongside the charging sexual atmosphere coaxed my cock tip to brush against the inside of my underwear as it snuck further from my slit. Mila stretched her neck and put her lips to his ear.


Twist and pull, she unbuttoned his pants in a swift movement, hissing the next word.


She undid his belt with similar mastery, grinning and backing up as she slid the length of his belt free from the loops. Gravity did the rest; the blue's pants slackened and fell.Thrakath stood, stunned. I coiled my tail around the leg of my chair, an enormous smile stretching my maw.

"Uh, that was amazing." He said.

"Nah,those are amazing." Mila nodded at his underwear.

I had to agree. He wore the most compact underwear I had ever seen; the black material was like a hybrid between a compression tank top and speedos. It lent his pert round ass a magnificent accentuation under his tail, coupled with a snug press into the 'V' shape of his groin, which revealed a significant bulge. Holy fuck he was unbearably gorgeous, his muscle landscaped form exuded sheer male power and dominance. Already I was submitting to him. My heart thundered in my chest as I got harder and harder the longer my sight lingered on him.

Thrakath gave us a sly smile as he kicked his jeans off, then folded them up and hung them over the chair back.

"My turn to deal?" He said.

His groin was at perfect eye level. The curved outline of his protruding sheath and cock restrained behind his compressed underwear lured me into a near trance.

"Mmhmmm." I hummed.

Thrakath took his seat, cutting off my view of his lower half. I had to be thankful for that in a way, I have never busted in my pants before, but if there was going to be a time, well, yeah. Mila returned to her seat too, catching my eyes and mouthing 'Cock slut.' I grinned and slid the deck to Thrakath.

Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle, the slightest jiggle in the blue's upper body. I aspired to have such lean muscle mass, and hey, I was working on it. Besides, I_was_ going to have that body - pounding against my ass from behind.

The cards are dealt, handschecked, mine an abysmal two of diamonds and eight of clubs, then the face ups are laid out. Mila slapped down her winning hand, her feline fangs glinting.

"Lioren, pants off."

I knew this was coming, yet trepidation twisted through me. For a few heartbeats anyway, before sheer arousal blunted its edge. I had to bare myself to him to get fucked by him, after all. I stood and dropped my pants, not that I had worn sports shorts to make that as effortless as possible, you understand. The looser hang of my boxers did a better job of obscuring my length thanThrakath's did his. Bless the soul whom had developed his compression underwear. The blue leaned back in his chair and appraised me. His gaze slid up my form, finishing at my eyes. He showed me his fangs in a toothy grin. I throbbed behind my boxers, a reaction I am positive neither of them missed.

Mila leaned back and put her elbows on the chair back, balling her paws together and resting her chin on her knuckles, like a villain from an action movie contemplating their next move.

"Thrakath, give his neck some attention."

My eyes widened, I felt the cluster of pebble scales at the corner of my eye ridges stretch.My weak spot. As soon as he so much has breathed on it, I'd be his.Thrakath flared his nostrils, his eyes narrowing, as if he heard my thought.

"Mmm," The blue got up from his chair once more. "Can do."

His thin slit pupils seizedmine, the honey amber colouration of his irises seemed to glow as he approached me. When our foot talons touched, he halted. We stood before Mila like she was a porn director and us the actors on their first shoot together. Except, whenThrakathlaid his paws on my hips, the electric heat that radiated through my hips and groin was entirely real. He leaned his muzzle in and brushed the scales at hisnosetip across my sensitive plated neck, his hot breath billowing from his nostrils, drawing out a combination of trembling shivers and whimpering moans.

"Let me know at any point if you want me to stop." He whispered.

"Don't youdare." I sighed.

He added a lick to the nuzzling, dragging his elongated,wetdraconic tongue over my sensitive neck. His warm saliva slipped between the crevasses of my scales to the flesh beneath.My cock jumped with a hefty throb in my boxers, my knees almost buckling. I gripped his arms to steady myself as I closed my eyes. He in turn laid his paws on my hips, rumbling a growl directly into my left ear. He intensified his attentions into fuller licks and kisses. Everything but my cock and heartbeat weakened.

"Good boys." Mila purred.

Using his grip on my hips,Thrakath guided me to press my lower half into his. Concealed swollen draconic cock met swollen draconic cock as our bulges nuzzled together, the material of our underwear fighting to keep our erect shafts contained. I panted, unbridled arousal utterly consuming me, my dick throbbing. Through the haze of arousal, it struck me just how much of this was new to me: the curved firmness of his inches grinding against mine, the tickle of potent male musk in my nostrils, the solid landscape of muscles challenging mine as we pressed in, the strength of his male form holding my quivering, arousal weakened body as I melted into him.

His claws grazed over my ass cheeks before he took a firm squeeze on my rump, then hoisted me. I let out a surprised "eeep." He turned us and sat me on the table, my back to Mila. He leaned himself in, imposing his body into mine, forcing me to lie back,our cocks coming back into gleeful contact while doing so. I wrapped my legs around his hips. He trailed his talons down my sides, coaxing tremors from me that quivered through the table. I caught him grin at Mila as he leaned back in to resume his delightful attentions at my neck.

"Here." Mila said after a few minutes of watching us, passingThrakatha pair of cards.

The blue frowned, took the cards, and chuckled. I angled my head at an uncomfortable angle to see fiveface up cards set out in front of her.Queen of hearts, Ace of hearts, ten of hearts, eight of spades, and an eight of diamonds. When had she done that?

"Okay?"Thrakath said, his voice breathy and arousal ridden.

"You're busy at the momentLioren, so I'll tell you your cards." A delighted grin shaped her maw as she spoke. I huffed and squeezed my wrappedlegs, my cock gave a firm throb which was met in kind by a fierce throb byThrakath's length.

"You have a pair of eights, dear. What do you have,Thrakath?"

"Uh, also a pair of eights?"

"Interesting. See, if I were to have the king of hearts and jack of hearts, that would spell a royal flush, no?"

"There is no way." I panted.

"A royal flush is so unlikely and so huge, what do you boys say it ends the game and the both of you take my orders for the rest of the evening," A short pause as she tongued her lip ring. "Or we could keep playing this out--"

"No.No, Gods no. You've got a royal flush,you've got a royal flush."

Thrakath agreed, his rumble of approval vibrated through my body.

Mila smirked as she laid her hand face down, got up and circled the table, her tail swaying behind her. She loved this almost as much as I did, and I had no doubt those cards were something short of a royal flush. Not that it mattered; she didn't need it to have us diamond hard grinding dragons at her command. She stood before us and folded her arms.

"Lioren, unhook yourself and stand up."

I did as instructed, making a show of my reluctance at having to unhook my legs from around his waist and disengage my body from his.

"Aw, don't look so disappointed, it's just for now, I promise."

We stood side by side, our gazes pleading with her, our chests heaving with ragged breathing and the protruding outline of our cocks twitching in time with full throttle heartbeats. My breath caught in my throat as I noticed spots of our pre had dappled his compression fabric.

"Lioren, on your knees. Don't forget to dragThrakath's underwear down with you."

I exchanged an expression of mock surprise with him, which soon curled into grins on our muzzles. This was it, the final detail that up until now my fantasies had to design. Mila's order would cement it into a reality. She is so, so,so good to me.

Without a word, I hooked my index talons into the waistband of his wonderful compression underwear. I sank into a slow crouch, all the while running my eyes over his form again, appreciating the chance to do so at such close proximity. As I tugged his waistband down, the periphery of my vision was dominated by my first glimpse of the base of his ebony inches.

He had serious girth, enough to challenge a large beer can. I took in a long breath, savouring the sight as I teased the waistband down, relishing in the tang of male musk intermingled with sweet sweat drifting from hisnethers. My knees made contact with the kitchen linoleum, and his made contact with his underwear as I unleashed his cock from its confines. It sprung up from behind the tight fabric, giving one bounce before the sheer strength of his erection steadied his delicious draconic length.

"Damndude, that is one nice dick." Mila remarked.

I nodded with a breathy moan, my maw salivating at the wet glint of pre at hiscumslit. I absorbed the sight of his thick ebony cock, admiring his rigid girth while letting my eyes follow a vein to the half-band ridges studding the underside of his inches. Completing this intimate image was his heavy, bloated, scale plated balls.

"I'm glad you guys approve."

"Look at him, I think you've got him dick-matized," Mila joined beside me on her knees. "I always knew you were a littlecockslut. Go ahead, feel him."

I gazed up at him, his cock throbbing in the centre of my vision.

"She_did_ get a royal flush." He grinned.

I let go of his underwear, reached up and enveloped his hard dark flesh in a soft grip. My index finger and thumb were just able to make contact around his girth. Until his cock flexed and disconnected them. His power made me whimper in desire.

"What does his dick feel like?" Mila purred to me.

"Smooth.Heavy. Hard. Hot."

"And his balls?"

I snuck my other paw under his balls, pillowing them.

"Full to capacity."

Mila grinned up toThrakath.

"You've saved up for us?"

"It's been a while." He smirked.

Enthralled, I glided my closed paw to his ridges. The fleshy half-bands rippled through as I stroked to his base, where I tightened my grip and doubled back, wanting to explore every inch again. The surface of his taut ebony flesh wrinkled against my digits, and a generous bead of clear pre drooled from hiscumslit. It oozed down the cleft of his draconic tip. I let out a breathy whimper.

"Can I taste him?" I pleaded to Mila.

"Yes." She simply said.

The translucent drop dangled from his cleft threatening to drop, until I leaned my head in and rescued it with my tongue. Wet heat tickled my taste buds, coupled with a tart note of sweet salt.My first taste of another male's pre. I swallowed it gratefully while leaving my tongue set under his tip.

"Grab his horns and give him a real taste of your cock." Mila directed toThrakath.

The blue did as told, wrapping his paws around my curved horns. His nostrils flared on every breath as he used a gentle, yet forceful tug on my horns, guiding my head in. His hot flesh grazed over my squirming tongue, marking its progress with a slimy trail. Musk intermingled with the savoury sweetness of his pre assaulted my sense of smell and taste.

"Close your maw." Mila instructed to me.

I did, wrapping his cock in my wet welcoming maw as he glided through my girth parted lips. He pulsed inside my maw in time with my own excited heartbeat.

Mila leaned back.

"I knew I'd see the day you'd have a big fat cock in your maw."

She gaveThrakath a playful spank. A ridge nestled to my lips as his tip brushed the back of my throat and I quivered with a suppressed gag.

"Swallow." Mila said.

Iobeyed, gulping down a generous gift of pre Thrakath gave me, an extra benefit to relaxing the reflex. His sheer size hindered my breathing andached my jaw. Having a cock invade your maw and throat was more of a challenge than I expected.

"There you go." Mila said as she rose from beside me, running her paws upThrakath's midsection as she did so.

His muscles squirmed to her touch. Ridge two passed through my lips, his paws squeezed around my horns. Mila moved her maw in, extended her tongue, and dragged it across his abs. That same instant, he gasped and his cock jumped in my maw. She mimicked what he had done to my neck; planting strategic kisses, licks and suckles on his muscle definition.Thrakathheld his head high, his maw slack as ragged pants escaped his throat. What a team she and I are.

Ridge three eased through my lips, followed by the forth, and soon after, his slit met my nostrils. I panted over his groin, my throat plugged by his length, a mix of saliva and pre drooling from the corners of my maw. Constant pulsations rocked his hot solid inches. It was at the same time terrifying and exhilarating to gasp for air around his cock, and to have my throat quivering around his tip. They say us dragons are adept at the art of the deep throat, elongated necks and all that. Even as a first timer, I could see it. What a way to learn, on this big blue beast's dick.

"Doing alright there, dear?" Mila paused in her muscle worshipping.

I replied with a series of_mmmmmfffffs_. She grinned.

"Niiice. Thrakath,muzzle fuck him."

"Yes, Mistress." He said, half laced in sarcasm, half sincerity.

He pulled his hips back, withdrawing his cock in the same deliberate slowness as he had eased in. Each inch appeared from between my lips, glistening with a layer of my saliva. As his tip was on the verge of slipping through my lips, he drove his hips in, pulling on my horns. Mymuzzletipcollided with his groin. Both of us grunted hard. The sudden speed and aggression left me wide eyed, through without a hint of a gag. Damn, I really was destined to be a good littlecockslut.

He repeated themuzzlefuck again and again, each time adding a little speed and force. Eventually, his heavy balls slapped against my chin. I pumped my head back and forth, complimenting his tempo with slutty joy. His grip on my horns was for show rather than practicalguidance, I had learned what to do. I moaned out muffled delight as the viscous mix of saliva and pre oozed down the scales of my jaw and throat.

He shuddered, his moans and grunts growing intermittent. His cock seemed to swell firmer, thicker. His tip and ridges flared. I prepared myself, ready to taste, savour and swallow his load.

Mila reached out and clutched his base, halting him.

"No you don't. As much as I want to see you blow in his maw, I want it in his ass."

The muffled whine I whimpered made my disappointment clear, I'm certain it matches yours. My Mila is not unmerciful however, as she said, every ounce of his unspent load will fill mytailvent. As much as I wanted it firing down my throat, I wanted the full force of his orgasm in my ass more.

"To the sofa you two."

AfterThrakath withdrew his diamond solid slickened inches from my maw and throat, and I stretched out my legs, we did as told by moving to the living room.

Our wide burgundy sofa sat under the comfortable dim living room light. As we had in front of the kitchen table before,Thrakath and I stood in front of it facing Mila as she stepped in, awaiting her inspection.

"Lioren, why are you still wearing underwear?" She asked.

My erect cock twitched behind my tented boxers, a tear drop of my pre stained the point of my hard protrusion. I had been so enthralled on worshipping the blue beast next tome, I had neglected my own retrained inches.

Mila took care of that. She whipped my boxers down. My shaft sprung out, curved upward with the strength of my arousal.


She admired the pair of us dragons stood side by side,thentook a grip on our cocks. She inspected them with her paws, her soft fur brushing into our sensitive inches. We sighed together. I took the chance to admire his size in perspective to my own, and determined we were about on par for length, with him seizing the girth victory. I caught him likewise eyeing my cock. I throbbed at the attention with a note of pride.

"Lioren, all fours on the sofa."She said, letting go of our cocks, licking our pre from her fingertips on both paws.

I climbed onto the sofa and got into position by setting my paws on the armrest and sinking my knees into the cushions. I turned my head to see them both watching me. A new sense of thrilling vulnerability struck me. Not only was my entire body exposed with my arousal evident, but my dormant desires were on full display. One of the deepest held aspects of me I never thought I'd explore or reveal to another male. Yet, here I was, with the taste ofThrakath's cock and pre on my tongue, on all fours with my back curved and my tailarched, my heavy balls and cock swinging between my legs as I swayed my rear, beckoning him.

Mila ran her tongue across her teeth as she went to the TV cabinet and retrieved a bottle of lube from a small drawer. We call it our "this movie sucks, let's fuck" stash. She handed it toThrakath, who was standing there with his cock throbbing in anticipation.

"He's all yours. Make sure to loosen him up some."

Thrakath wasted no time; he situated himself on the sofa behind me, and the next thing I knew he hoisted my heavy tail over his shoulder. My virgin pucker was all his to do with as he pleased.

"What atailhole." He whispered and ducked his head behind me, out of my sight.

My cheeks heated to his words as the warmth of his breath blew between my rump cheeks. I parted my jaws in a quiet exhale. I knew what he was going to do before his wet tongue confirmed my suspicion by lapping at my tight entrance. Tingles of pleasure rippled through my backend and abdomen, unlike any species of pleasure I had ever experienced. His laps turned to direct focused attention on my virgin pucker; circling histonguetip around my fleshy draconic ring.

Those delicate waves of novel pleasure became roils of body quaking delight when he speared mytailring with his tongue. I growled out a rolling moan. A clear thread of my pre drooled from mycumslitonto a cushion as my cock bobbed underneath me. I gazed at Mila. She grinned to me and unhooked her bra, setting her pert tits free. Her erect pink nipples were pierced with small silver bars, a detailThrakathprobably wouldn't be surprised to see. Not that he could at that moment, his head buried between my rump cheeks as he worked on me with his masterful attention.

"How much do you want his cock?" She asked me, easing her underpants off. The lips of her feminine slit between black furred legs were shiny with her arousal.

"I need it." I huffed.

"Yeah? Are you going to serve him well? Are you going to moan his name as pounds your virgin ass? Are you going to thank him when he claims your depths with his cum?"

I nodded with breathy moans and whimpers.

"You little slut."

I was. Am. Gods, I would be anything to have his cock hilted in me. Mila's grin endured as she sauntered to me. Then, she slid under my arched form, lying on her back,head between my legs, her feminine slit posed near my muzzle, and my painfully hard cock and balls in tantalizing proximity to her breasts. For now, she seemed quite content on watchingThrakath work on my tailhole from underneath.

"Oh boys, I have found the_greatest_ POV. How is his pristine pucker,Thrakath?"

The blue retracted his tongue from me to answer.

"Welcoming and ready."

"Lioren, what do you think?" She said.

I looked over my shoulder and beggedThrakath.

"Please. Please fuck me."

He maintained eye contact with me as he flicked the lid of the lube open using a thumb claw. I moved my tail from his shoulder and coiled it around his waist as I heard the slick sounds of him greasing his shaft.

"Give him a littlehotdogging." She ordered from her rather genius position.

The firm warm presence of his cock nestled between my round rump cheeks.He grinded his inches there, my tailholetwitching as I shuddered. I knew each time which part of his cock made contact with my sensitive entrance; his tip was the softest and smoothest, his shaft was the hardest and most even, his ridges were the uneven and the cause of his throaty moans.

"Fuck him." Mila instructed.

A surge of submissive anticipation shuddered through me. A brief twang of a surreal sensation distracted me. What this really happening? Was my closest friend about to take my anal virginity while my mate witnessed from underneath me?

Fuck yes on all accounts.

He clutched at my hips, gifted me a couple furtherhotdogginggrinds, then prodded my awaiting pucker with his tip. This was it. I tightened my tail coil around his waist and reminded myself to stay relaxed. He eased his hips forward. Mytailringwelcomed his thick tip as he speared through my relenting flesh. I gasped, jaws hanging loose, my claws digging into the armrest with_pops_ of penetration. Sheer pleasure underscored with a vague hint of pain barrelled throughout my body. That wasgood,my body was keen and receptive to every aspect of this experience. As was Thrakath, who even in his hunger to be inside me took it slow. He _leaned_into me from behind, letting the combination of his weight and my willingtailhole accept him in. In seconds, his tip nestled snug inside my pucker.

"Fuuuck, thank you." I hissed.

"No, thank you for allowing me to be in your ass." Thrakath crooned to me.

"I think you both should be thanking me," Mila interjected from underneath me in a playful tone. "Yourtailhole looks magnificent pierced by a thick draconic cock."

"It feels magnificent too." I whispered, the hint of pain subsiding as my tightness gave an involuntary clench. That goaded him into sinking a couple more of his inches in me.

I gasped, my cock bouncing with a hefty flex as I pushed my rump back, spearing myself deeper on his length, showing him how much I wanted him. My pucker spread quite naturally around his pleasing girth. He responded in kind by burying himself to his first ridge. I shivered in delight, showing my appreciating by whisper moaning his name while arching my body low in submission. The movement had an unintended benefit, my cock brushed between Mila's tits.

"Hmmm." I heard her hum.

I hung my head between mygrip on the sofa arm to watch her. She put her palms to the outer curves of her tits and pushed them in, sandwiching my shaft between her mounds. The light bristles of her fur tickled my sensitive flesh. I exhaled a quiet moan. So many sensations from so many angles, they were spoiling me.

Thrakath popped his second ridge home, his ass stretching girth continuing to prove its worth. I curled my toes and whimpered his name toward Mila's slit, a few inches from my muzzle. I grinned as I noticed her squirm a little. Here was a way I could pay back a bit of the favour. I extended my elongated draconic tongue, the taste of his cock still lingered as I grazed the pointed tip across her intimate lips. Her belly twitched and I felt her pant up at my hanging balls.

"I'll allow it." She said.

Thrakath gave me his third ridge, my tailringburned with the wonderful heat of gentle strain, adding to the rolls of pleasure sparking through my inner walls. Mila kneaded my throbbing cock with her breasts as I went down on her, a good two thirds of my tongue caressing the black furred periphery of her cunt, before I drove it into her proper. Her light salty taste intermingled withThrakath's flavour. The muscles of her slit contracted onto my tongue as my anal muscles contracted onto his draconic inches.

Thrakath drove his fourth and final ridge home. A gratified rumble resonated from my belly, through my chest, and out my throat as I worked on Mila's squirming walls. I clenched mytailventwith all the strength I could in a possessive squeeze around his cock. I once again pushed my rump back into him, and felt his groin come flush up against my ass cheeks. I pulled my head up and reared it, my tongue dangling as I looked back at him.

"You doing alright there?" He growled.

"You're hilted." I panted.

He jerked his hips forward, his sheath kissing my pucker. I grunted and half closed my eyelids.

"Mmmhm. Your tailholeis as much of a perfect fit for my cock as your maw is."

"Can confirm," Mila added. "With how close your balls are to each other, it's like I'm looking up at aKrogan."

I pressed back into him harder, reaffirming my submission for him. In turn, he dragged his claws down my lower back and across my rump, a fierce glare in his eyes as he growled. His cock pulsed inside my inner walls, I whined to him, to the big, powerful, scale clad embodiment of male sexuality who raided my virgin depths and filled it with his draconic inches. I was vulnerable, dwarfed, and meek in comparison to him. This is exactly how I wanted it.

"Hey, get back down there," Mila said while reaching up and putting her paws behind my head, forcing my muzzle to her slit. "And you, you thick cocked beast, I believe I ordered you to fuck him."

He did, starting by massaging his ridges in and out of mytailring with rocking, low tempo rolls of his hips, sending constant pulsations of electric pleasure through my stretched pucker and sensitive inner walls. I buried my tongue back into Mila's soaked slit, snaking it through her fleshy folds and into the bud of her cunt, growling and moaning all the while.

He coiled his tail with mine as he broadened his thrusts. I rocked my hips in a compliment to his intensifying fucking. My cock glided between Mila's tits in time with our movements, leaving glossy trails of my pre in her fur. White hot pleasure blitzed me, burning through my shuddering body and overwhelming my mind, dizzying me with euphoria.

We were a chorus of gasps, huffs, purrs, growls, rumbles and moans.Thrakathupped his pace while extending his thrusts, so much so his groin slapped against my ass with heavy_pap-pap-paps_ of impact. His rough force rocked my body again and again, I had to counterbalance his ferocious fucking by drawing all the pleasure-slackened strength I could muster into my arms, otherwise he might have thrust me off the sofa. I drove and wiggled my tongue as far as I could in Mila, sounds of slutty delight billowing out my nostrils, stirring the fur around her cunt. AsThrakath had set such a strong rhythm behind me, my cock pumped and drove between her tits in time to it. Wide streaks of my pre matted her dark fur, way beyond what I usually was capable of producing. If that was anything to go by, my climax promised to be a torrent.

A tight, hot, rolling pressure at the base of my inches let me know I was close to finding out. Behind me,Thrakath growled and snorted out staggered moans as he hammered my ass. My legs shivered, my toes bunched, and my tongue fucking in Mila turned from methodical to chaotic. My mind near blanked from the promised force of my impending climax.

"You're gonnacum in him, aren't you, you big blue stud?" Mila panted from beneath us.

His reply was ragged groans. Every one of his inches, from his tip to his ridges, expanded inside of me.

"You're gonnafill that tight virgin ass and claim it as yours, aren't you?"

Her vaginal walls began to spasm around my tongue as she writhed.Thrakath shuddered behind me, his flared quad ridges rippling through my used draconictailring, his every return hilt quaking through my entire body.

"Shoot every ounce of your cum in him." She whispered,then let out a sharp gasp, pushing my muzzletip into her cunt while she gyrated her hips.

Thrakathdrove into me with a heavy slam to the snuggest hilt, dug his claws into my flanks, and emitted the most male, mighty, resonant roar I had ever heard. His cock unleashed the first of his many, many jets of cum with a seismic spasm. I actually felt his hot draconic shots of seed collide with my deepest walls, filling me, claiming me, as I had the backdrop of his glorious roars of ecstasy fill my ears.

My intense focus on his orgasm edged me over into climax. I had to pull my tongue from Mila's vaginal depths to emit a deep, bass roar that burned my throat. Nestled between her tits, my inches convulsed as I shot viscous ropes ofmy cum over her belly and abs, slathering her fur with my seed. The potent tang of my eruptions filled my nostrils as I writhed and howled in sense crippling rapture.

"Ooooh, ooooh, fuck." Thrakath growled as he ground his groin up against my ass, his cock massaging insidemy cum soaked tailhole. Our bodies worked together to milk him.

"Yuuuuup." Mila purred.

My spurts of seed had subsided to lazy drools from mycumslit, though my spent inches continued their heavy throbs, asThrakath did inside me.

"I am such a cockslut." I said, dazed and woozy.

Thrakathslumped over me with a chuckle. I crooned and melted back into his presence, extra thankful he was there to hold me as I swooned. The three of us took a few minutes to bask and savour the serene gratification delivered by the afterglow.

"I have a confession to make." Mila said a few minutes later while sliding out from under me.

She stood and examined the slimy streaks of my orgasm in her black fur. Her belly was like an abstract painting.

"I'm not sure who to blame for how much of a pain in the ass this will be to clean out. I want to say you,Thrakath."

I felt the twitches of his laughter vibrate through my back, and his cock inside me give a series of flexes, as if in pride.

"I blame him too," I rumbled. "You said there was a confession thing?"

Mila held up a finger and walked off to the kitchen. I angled my head as much as I could to look atThrakath,then clamped my tailring. He gasped. I grinned. Milareturned, a pair of playing cards in her paw. She collected a glob of my seed from her belly, pasted it on the back of the cards, and slapped them on my ass cheeks.

"Huh, the two of spades and the three of hearts." Thrakath said.

"Yeah, about that Royal flush." She smirked.

It's not often you can say you love someone for cheating, is it?