Jackal in the pigeons... Pt2 (Incomplete)

Story by TheNovelist on SoFurry

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#131 of Exploration

Draco came up to us, as the jackals moved away.

"I take it by your expression this was not deliberate." the disguised dragon said gaily in Centralite. I shook my head.

"Delnom awoke me before the process was complete."

Delnom looked aghast,"Alduin, I'm sorry."

"Not your fault, you didn't know, Delnom. Hell, I didn't know what would happen."

The jackals were staring at this in surprise, and I nodded at Delnom."You'd better use your magic again."I held Ryan's hand as the wolven magician repeated some magical chant, and I changed into bionic form and disguised myself at the same time. Ryan did the same, and I shook my head in confusion for effect. Then I turned to Simba.

"Simba, Delnom has a message for you." I pointed at the disguised wolf, and the likewise disguised lion turned.

Delnom repeated the message for Simba, and lion grabbed the wolf and walked towards an alleyway, looking for a quiet place to teleport home.Ryan and Draco continued walking with Majesto, and I followed them for the hell of it.

As it turned out, the jackal was leading us to a hotel, or the jackal equivalent. The dragon led directly behind Majesto, and me and Ryan directly behind him, our thermos telling us where the dragon's wings and tail were so we didn't bump into him.

Ryan informed me that Draco was going to spend the night here, and in a hotel, just for the feel of things, and Majesto would join him. Ryan himself was interested in how it worked on this planet compared to our own, and I tagged along to make it four to book.

Majesto walked into a lobby of a not to shabby looking building, these creatures didn't mind if things didn't look fancy, unlike our five star hotels on Earth, and went up to the lady jackal behind the desk. Draco followed, drawing out a piece of gold.

I turned to Ryan as Draco and Majesto began booking a room.

"Hey, Ryan, personal question. Have you fucked Draco's ass yet?"

My fellow human gave me a look that suggested I was ill. "Are you kidding? He doesn't let me near there with a ten foot vibrator, let alone my penis."

"Well, perhaps tonight we could teach him to accept you."

Ryan looked intrigued."What do you have in mind?"

"Just a very simple thing. First we bondage Majesto, and then we wrestle Draco in submission."

"woah, woah." Ryan held up his hands."I know you're good, and that I'm not bad, but Draco is not likely to submit."

"I have beaten him by myself, if you help it will be a lot easier."

Ryan nodded. "O.K., I'll try and use my own ways to help."

I surreptitiously looked towards Draco and Majesto, and noticed that they were both finishing talking to a very amazed secretary, doubtless the gift of gold had surprised her. Draco grinned widely as we headed up two flights of stairs, no elevator, and into a very nice two bedroom apartment. We got a window apartment, and I looked out onto the street, surveying the jackals at work.I closed the curtains, and we dropped our disguises.

We had a power meal, a sort of very quick dinner, and Draco decided that we should play a game. Majesto was asked if he knew any gambling games, and soon we were playing a card game I had never heard of, but was fairly simple.

The deck was 64 cards, in 3 suits plus 4 jokers, which we discarded.Each person was drawn 6 cards, 24 in total, and you only knew what you held. Then you had to make a bid based on what you held and what you thought other's held.

"Four hearts." A clear, decisive voice, Majesto had played this all his life.

"Twelve hearts." Draco's rougher voice, bidding with his usual flamboyance.

"Oh come on."

"Call me a liar."

"Eight spades." This was my boyfriend's softer spoken voice, he was carefully planning ahead, learning how the game worked. Hearts was the lowest, spades the middle, and ishnari the top suit, which fitted to no human pack of cards.

After an hour of playing, and all of us getting the hang of it. Then Draco announced the almost customary strip rule, you win, you choose someone to strip, you lose, you strip. Now the game went up a level, and suddenly some of the bets became downright skullduggery. I do not know how I got away with 13 Spades, but Majesto certainly didn't get away with calling 9 Ishnari immediately afterwards. Draco lost most of his clothing calling Majesto a liar, but in fairness he reduced Majesto to one item at the same time. Me and Ryan lost all but our underwear and T-shirts.

Then came a highly bizarre round. I recieved 6 hearts as my turn, and after listening to the others realised that the others were also heart heavy. I called.

"Sixteen hearts."

There was a pause as Majesto looked at me in disbelief. He looked at me poker faced, not entirely sure whether to try my luck. His pause was all I needed, he was also fairly loaded with hearts himself. I smiled back, and that was all the jackal needed.

"No go, that's a lie."

Draco looked at his cards again, and his thoughtful look gave me an extra boost. Draco played his, he had 4, Ryan had 5, I had my six, and Majesto had 2. Out of 24 cards, we had 17 hearts! Majesto just laughed and pulled off his underwear with a smile.

"Now I never thought that would ever happen." I chose Draco to strip an item, and he likewise stripped his underwear. The dragon and the jackal walked into the bedroom, while me and Ryan finished the game. He won, aptly, and we were just packing up the cards when we heard a shout of surprise.

"Hey, no, don't tie me up!" Poor Majesto, alone in a room with a dragon. We counted to thirty, and then entered.

The jackal was tied to a chair,and Draco was just securing the last knot. Jackal chairs had a gap between the legs for their tails, and Draco was taking advantage by reaching up through the gap and fingering the jackal's ass. The dragon stepped back to us, looking at the trapped jackal.

"He looks hot like that, doesn't he?" the dragon volunteered. I nodded at Ryan, and leapt.

I tackled Draco at full tilt, my bionics clashing against his scales. I wrapped my legs around his waist, hanging onto him behind the wings, my hands grabbing at his arms. Draco pinwheeled, trying to maintain balance, and I watched as Ryan carefully took a step to the side as one of the dragon's wings whistled past him.

I wrestled with the dragon, one leg hooking around his, and he fell over, me underneath him. It was not a hard landing, and I concentrating on hanging onto him. Letting go would mean my ass getting ravaged.

Ryan took a tentative step towards me and the dragon, as we wrestled on the floor boards. Majesto was watching in stunned disbelief, unfamiliar with our ways. Dragon howled and kicked out as human tried to pin him, but Draco was easily more powerful, and my subtle attempts to pin one of his limbs was met with immovable force. We wrestled for about a minute, when Ryan clapped his hands together twice.

Draco stopped, as did I, and we both looked at the naked human. He smiled.

"Draco, what Alduin is trying to say is he feels I should be allowed to have anal sex with you." he said gently, leaning down next to the two of us. I rolled my eyes and grinned, unseen. So this was Ryan's method, was it? I like it.

Draco tried to turn to look at me, and then looked back at Ryan.

"Who came up with this?"

"I did." I replied," We've all done it to one another, except Ryan to you, and I felt it fair to let him do it to you."

"So you decided to play by my rules?" Draco laughed." You've got guts,Alduin, but I don't..."

"Draco, I would like to fuck you." Ryan smiled, stroking the dragon's shoulder, and the dragon froze, uncertain how to reply," Alduin is quite prepared to wrestle you until tomorrow, but that would spoil the fun and take too long, so can we all give anal to one another?"

Draco's tail coiled defensively in front of his ass, and I released my hold,changing from my bionic form, and stroking his back spines from the neck downwards.

Ryan massaged the dragon's cock, worming his hand past the tail and rubbing against the no-go area. The dragon stiffened, but oddly he wasn't fighting it. His tail uncurled, exposing himself, and he smiled.

"Very well. Don't tell any of the others."

"I swear, just between us three boyfriends. Oh, and Majesto."

"He doesn't really count." Draco pulled Majesto over to us, and while still sitting on top of me began giving the jackal oral upside down. The jackal twitched, unable to fight it. I had slid down a little, and Ryan shifted Draco's tail to one side, and sat down on my cock.

I was as unable to do a thing about it as the jackal, what with Draco's weight on me. I felt Ryan grind a couple of times on my cock, my full length inside his ass, and with a grunt from the dragon, Ryan stuck his cock into the dragon.

My younger colleague began to fuck the dragon with very slow strokes, and while it took longer for the pleasure to build, when it did come it was much more intense. I could feel the dragon shivering through the amount he was recieving, as I rubbed against his spines and Ryan stroked his cock.

Majesto was much less used to the sort of sex we got up to, and so came to ejaculation much quicker when being sucked off by someone who knew what they were doing. I heard a suppressed howl of surprise as the jackal ejaculated, and I felt a few drops of his semen land on my face. I licked the globs I could reach, and I found his quite nice to taste. At the same time, my body went into a bit of overdrive, realising that someone had already let go, and I tried harder to hump Ryan.

Ryan would not be rushed, he had waited for this moment for a long time and was revelling in the passion of the event. I felt his soft hands stroke my some what less soft body, and his legs rubbed against mine and Draco's as he jiggled back and forth.Draco continued suckling on the jackal while murring deeply from what the two humans were doing to him.

As the three of us fucked, I felt Draco's wings beat heavily, and knew the dragon was coming to orgasm.With both hands I began to caress his neck spines, massaging them firmly.

Ryan also knew Draco was near, and he began to stroke the dragon's full length, taking half of the dragon's cock for each hand and stroking it in different directions. His left hand would go up while his right went down, and vice versa, at a fairly rapid rate, and then the dragon finally let go.

Ryan had delibrately angled the dragon's cock, and semen jetted out and landed over the dragon's upper chest, neck and muzzle. This being Draco's load, a quantity of it began to run down the side of his neck, and I licked it all as it oozed down, not willing to spill any of the dragon's semen.

This, coupled with Ryan's increased speed as he neared, sent me over, and with a wild yell, I ejaculated deep into my boyfriend's ass, coating his insides with my warm semen. He smiled and sighed in pleasure at the sensation, and gave a cry of his own as he let go into the dragon's ass.

Draco moaned in a bit of shock as he felt Ryan's load burst into him, and as the human slumped down on top of the dragon's golden chest, the reptile began to gently stroke Ryan's back with a clawed hand.

"You naughty little human. Did you want to do that for long?"

"I wanted to try it yes, it was only when Alduin said he'd help I agreed to give it a go." Ryan replied, and I chuckled. Dragon and humans all giggled together, glad to have finally closed the circle in this way. Now only one thing remained to be done, both humans had to penetrate the dragon together, and the reason for me wanting this is Ryan and Draco had doubly done me, and both of us had done Ryan before, but no one had doubly done Draco.

So I tried Ryan's method to offer this point.

"Draco, seeing as you've doubly penetrated us with the other, are we allowed to do it with you?"

There was a frighteningly long pause from the dragon, but I took heart from it that he was actually thinking about it.Ryan got off the dragon, and I unwound myself from him. He got up into a seated position, and I saw his expression.

He was intrigued by the idea, and it was fair enough, but the dragon's ego was still in there, and a lot of him was not liking where this was going. So while Ryan mounted Majesto in his chair, I sucked the dragon's penis. He looked down at me.

"It's kind of difficult. I don't want you two fucking my ass at the same time, and yet it is telling me I do. What do you do?"

I laughed."Ha! I don't care whose cock gets into my ass as long as they're gently about it. But I will not fight for this, you've already let Ryan fuck you, if you don't want us to fuck you together, just say no."

The dragon paused again, while I continued going as deep as I could on his length.

"Well, if I can return it to you with Ryan, then I suppose I'll let you."

"Me, penetrated by both boyfriends? Do I see anything wrong with that? err...no.I'd been keen for you two to pick me up and slowly put your entire combined lengths in with my feet off the floor, so go ahead."

Ryan untied Majesto, and the jackal went into the bathroom to clean himself, possibly a bit scared of our enthusiastic manner of intercourse.Ryan lay down on his back, cock being made erect again by Draco's pawing, and then the dragon wilfully sat down on Ryan's full length. I stood behind the dragon as he got onto hands and knees, and carefully lifted his tail so I could get in from behind.Draco felt me press my cock against the opening, just above Ryan's, and spoke a jocular warning.

"If you make it hurt deliberately, I will bondage the pair of you, and not let you out until I've let half of Central had their way with you."

Ryan made a mock cross in front of himself, and I just laughed. Draco smiled, even though we all knew he would carry out that threat, and I gently pushed Draco's ass open enough for me and Ryan together.