Helpful Ex(dis)tractions: New Developments

Story by DesertFox on SoFurry

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#2 of MLP-FIM

So here is a re-upload of a story me and my friend LegionofPony collaborated on, dealing with MLP FIM fanfiction.

I was reading through some chats out there on the sea of users and anonymous bitching that is the internet, when some people dared that someone could come up with a "clop" fic faster than they could a regualr fan fic story for mlp. I decided to see if that was true, turns out no, clop (like all sex fics--at least for me) takes a while to write, to feel out, and to even get into the right mood for. So I asked a friend of mine from FIMFICTION and we got together to take a first draft story of mine and make it into something hot, i hope we have succeeded.


After being told by her boss that she has been placed on milking duty, Redheart tries to come to terms with what she's baout to do, while also dealing with the allure and teasing of her boss Fine Print.

Mlp (My little Pony friendship is Magic) and all characters (except for Form Chaser and Fine Print) belong to Hasbro/DHX (all rights reserved)

The following story contains graphic descriptions of sexual nature, and involves animal characters (ponies), though i would wager you could find just as bad or worse in the local erotica section of a bookstore. If you are not the legal age to view such material or are below the age of consent for your country, state, territory, province etc. Then please do not read further, DO NOT DISAPPOINT ME!

Enjoy and comment if you feel like it.

Redheart was not quite prepared for what she saw next, at the end of the basement corridor and past the large steel door. The single room beyond it was fairly large, all bright whites and gleaming steel, its colors very bright and sterile, a stark contrast to the brighter and more cheerfully-colored patient wings topside.

<Is this where Priss does her evil magic experiments...or perhaps her secret sex dungeon?!>

A large cushioned piece of furniture, one the likes of which Red had never before seen, stood in the middle of the room; furry-looking almost like the upper torso of a pony, with two knee-high bars not far behind it. There was a significant amount of empty space between the two, with a series of cushioned leather straps and buckles attached to the back bars.

<Oh please Celestia tell me I'm right about the second part.>

A sink and entire cabinet of shelves filled with tools, medicine, potions, and an extensive amount of collection-based medical devices took up the left side of the room. A series of weird and strange-looking machines decorated the wall of the right side, her training not covering their use and leaving her instead passively wondering just what they did.

The back-left of the room had a screen and projector set up, as well as a white-screen for it. She also, quite quickly, noticed that the other walls around the room were plastered with, much to Redheart's shock and growing arousal, pictures of numerous mares bending over or on their back with, their tails flagged high in the air or, over their back, or simply spread across the floor, leaving nothing to the imagination what was underneath them.

<Oh yeah, I think I like the ambience here...>

In the center-back of the room was a hospital-standard bed which could be surrounded by privacy curtains, and beside it a table with what looked like lewd magazines upon it, some of which may indeed be the same Red had in her personal collections. "W-w-what is this place?" Redheart asked, quite alarmed, still not quite understanding why they had some sort of... sex the hospital basement.

"This is a special, discrete clinic where we help to 'encourage' stallions to contribute to a very special medical cause," replied Fine Print casually.

"So this whole room is just blood?" Redheart asked confusedly.

<Not sure what naked mares flagging for the camera have to do with drawing blood, but, I'll sure as buck take it!>

"No, not blood, but it is a very thick fluid..."

"But...what else can they-oooooohhhhhhhhhhhh!" squeaked Redheart, finally understanding what Fine Print was getting at: all the very arousing materials on the wall and the bedside table, the large amount of collection-related medical equipment around, the large, roughly mare-shaped mount with restraints in the middle of the room; it all finally clicked. This must be where they took stallions and collected the sperm samples to be sent to fertility clinics, to later be used for artificial insemination. "Semen collection?"

"Correct, and as you know this kind of...activity is _very personal_and can be very embarrassing for the stallions if it were to get out, so we use this discrete, sound-proofed room down here for them peace and privacy." Fine Print said seriously as she then led her over to the massive cabinet, extracting and showing her an entire huge box of thick, long tubes, each one easily holding 100cc of fluid each."Your new assignments is easy. You're going to be helping with the new fertility campaign that Princess Celestia started upon learning of Ponyville's slowly-shrinking population; collecting samples from stallions to be frozen and later be used for mares who want to have foals without a stallion."


"This task is extremely important Red, more so than you seem to realize. We're in desperate need for fresh sperm samples to send to the fertility clinic, as, due to the shortage of stallions around Ponyville, not too many mares have been able to conceive naturally lately, and mares need to become pregnant by...other order for that drop to be stopped. Even with all of the new herds forming and sharing one stallion to multiple mares, Ponyville's birth rate last year was much below expected and we need to make next year's much higher to make up for it."


"So, for your duty; when the stallions come in, you will 'help' him to extract his sample if needed and fill at least one of these collection tubes, with a second one at least half full. We need as much semen as possible to get a good specimen for later injection into a, or provided there's enough, several, mare or mares at a fertility clinic. One-and-a-half vials are the minimum required per donor...though for most stallions one-fifty cc isn't too much to ask for."

"You are then to clamp the vials with an anti-tampering seal, label them with the donor's full name, today's date, and their race initial. Remember to have them sign a standard release form for their donated specimens, and also a disclaimer form which states that any foals conceived from their sperm via artificial insemination is not legally theirs, indeed the mare's, and therefore is not their legal responsibility. Those forms may be signed before or after you 'collect' them, but ideally before so they're not forgotten. Finally, log the collection and store the specimens in the freezer under the sink for later transport to the sperm bank for analysis and use. Got it?"

Redheart's head swam, trying to take in all the information she'd just had dumped on her. She couldn't really believe what she was being asked to do. She was supposed 'extract semen' from stallions for mares to get knocked up with?!

"So basically, you want me to 'stimulate' the stallions until they fill one and then some of these huge tubes with their cum, then store it away to get some mare to get pregnant with later, is that about right?"

"Frankly, yes. That's correct."

Redheart calmed down long enough to at least accept what she would be doing, and just how important it was; but a few things still evaded her.

"Umm, but how do I...'stimulate them' to hospital standards? I don't want to get arrested for molestation or rape or anything." Red asked timidly, though not breaking eye contact with Fine Print.

The green mare smiled - and all of a sudden she had one of her hooves fumbling at Redheart's exposed crotch while the other gripped her flank tight, making the white-coated mare give a sharp gasp at the sudden, intimate contact .A nurse's attire did not list a requirement for panties, a fact which Redheart took liberal advantage of, and now was absolutely not regretting doing so.

"Well, let me _show you_little filly..." she whispered seductively into the white mare's ear, with Redheart's face burning bright crimson beneath her coat now; she however was showing no resistance to, nor intending to stop, the other mare's very obvious, sexual advances. "...also, don't worry. You're immune to any such charges, provided you use any of the rather numerous 'collection techniques' listed in the book of approved collection methods over there, under the release form's...fine print." she finished, with a chuckle.

<Did...did Priss just use her own name in a joke? Did she just make a joke to me?! Oh Celestia that hoof is on my...oh that feels niiiiiiice...>

The green mare pushed her body up alongside Red's and started to grind softly against her, her muzzle gently biting the tip of the other mare's ear. "I always thought you were cute," Fine Print whispered into the other's ear; "a bit crass at times, but cute."

<C-Cute? Priss...Fine Print finds me...cute?>

"You don't know how tiresome it is to see such beautiful mares like _you_every day, mares who are clearly interested in you, but not being able to talk to them as you would want to. Having to keep to the strict code of conduct your position demands you keep with your staff. Never able to just...let loose."

<Oh by Faust do I know that feeling...>

Redheart just nodded her head, understanding that feeling in many ways; having to act professional in front of the patients, like a robot with only one duty in life; no emotions, no personal needs, only what needed to be done to keep things running smoothly. It was one reason why she and Tenderheart were still only just friends and nothing more, with the other being her fear of commitment. It would be too difficult to work side-by-side with your special somepony day and night in this kind of profession after all, to be apart from them like that for so long, to be in the same building, but not be able to see them for so many hours...

<Don't cry in front of the boss lady, don't cry in front of the boss lady...>

"I saw you looking at me earlier, Redheart. I could see it in your eyes...that Earth-Pony need..." Fine Print said with an intimate, commanding tone, giving a sensual smile and wink to her before then giving a shuddering sigh and returning to the business at hoof: making sure to give Red a good demonstration what she expected her to do for their a rather unconventional way.

"Continual stimulation via hoof is the traditional method for the extraction of semen, and sadly the only available one at the moment, until our shipment of replacement parts and new equipment comes in.You just grasp the stallion's penis, then stroke gently, like polishing the floor with both hooves; same motion, but far more gently." she whispered as her hooves slowly began to rub and stroke along the Redheart's pink folds as gently as she'd said, flicking ever-so-softly over the heart-shaped nub that was her clit, eliciting a squirm from its owner and involuntary wink from it at the long-needed stimulation of another's hoof on it. "Just like that, see? After all, a stallion's penis is very...sensitive, just like a mare's vulva, its glans just like your cute little clitty...."

<'Clitty'? This mare's priceless!>

Another flick of said nub and Redheart went rigid, her hind legs nearly seizing up as the pleasant stimulation continued, her heart pounding as this very pretty mare with such a domineering personality and clearly sexual interest in her touched her in a way she had not been touched in ages, making her let out a squeaky, submissive moan. Redheart buried her muzzle into Fine Print's soft neck to muffle the moans threatening to leap from her throat, all the while feeling her boss rubbing along her now-slick lower lips with a seemingly-well-practiced touch.

<M-more...please...I need this so bad...>

"Of course, hoof stimulation can take some time so, if there is a need for it, there is the much faster and efficient, if somewhat less pleasant for the stallion if done improperly, method of prostate milking." murmured the green mare, the hoof gripping Redheart's flank leaving her rear and picking up a stainless-steel rod with a wire attaching it to a main unit from a nearby tray.

Bringing the small rod near the Redheart's face, Fine Print pressed the small button on the underside and the rod extended a few more centimeters, and as she released it, it retracted to its original length, surely a very carefully selected design. She then pushed a second button on the side of the hilt and the tip of the rod emitted a quick. low-intensity electrical zap, making Red jerk back in surprise from the sudden crack of electricity in the small room.

"First the stallion will have to mount the pseudo-mare in the center of the room and be strapped in before you getting to work acquiring the samples, so he can't buck you or otherwise harm you or himself in his orgasm. We lost our last mare of this position after she quit a short while ago; a stallion had broken her muzzle before we'd enacted this procedure and had shattered it as she'd 'collected' him, and she mentally could not take doing it any more after the psychological trauma it caused her. Poor dear can't even stand behind stallions anymore without getting very uncomfortable."

Aw, poor dear...what a plothole of a stallion...

"Anyways back on topic. If he stallion's not giving after a few minutes of hoof stimulation, put this little beauty I'm holding up stallion's rear gently and slowly- I can't stress that enough - then push this button on top to get it into alignment with the prostate gland. Make sure to consistently ask if he's OK as you do that part and after the curved tip is inside of him fully, as it's that's extremely important he's OK. If all's well, press the button repeatedly to stimulate the gland every to every couplefew seconds, then press the one near the base to deliver a mild electric shock to the prostate to set him off when you think the stallion's ejaculation will be to what is needed."

"If all's done properly, the stallion'll give you a mighty fine sample and immensely enjoy the procedure. I'm sure your studies taught you plenty about prostates and just how sensitive they are, and just how much proper stimulation can increase...yield. Remember when you took 'Sex 105', with that in-class demonstration of a mare mounting the stallion with a strap-on and 'stimulating him to increase yield'?" Fine Print trailed off at her own memories of it, then rubbing Red's clit somewhat-roughly with that statement and earning another submissive whine of want, before instantly stopping cold again.

<You bucking tease you!>

Redheart blushed, indeed having taken a keen interest in erogenous zones in both stallions and mares _very_closely during her anatomy studies, almost to the point of an obsession; enough so that she could likely make a very lucrative livelihood off of pleasure as an erotic masseuse or mare of the night instead of a nurse just as easily . Or, as she planned to use it, to simply make one loving partner a very lucky pony in the bedroom.

Red felt as her boss's hoof once more found her marehood. "Mmm, does that feel good to you Reddy? You like that...?" Red found she could only nod and moan again in response, feeling her once-nemesis skillfully playing with her nether with a touch that only a mare could give, with the previous mares she'd been with in college always knowing all the right places on themselves and passing that knowledge on to her benefit.

<'Reddy' huh? Oh my Faust that hoof's good...>

Red was perfectly content to now bite softly into the fauxwarm fur of the mount beside her and flesh of her superior's neck to keep the screams and quiet whimpers of pleasure repressed, feeling herself winking softly into the hoof still at her clit and stimulating it quite constantly; almost to the point of hurting, but never quite getting to that point before Fine let off at just the right moment, going back to her now-soaked nether-lips.


Fine Print pulled her hoof away slowly, almost with a sense of remorse, before nuzzling Redheart's chin softly, as though in apology for having to cut her pleasure off. " As I said earlier, in a day or so we were supposed_to get some new, specialty equipment to help quicken and/or fully automate this process, but due to a shipping error, that equipment won't arrive until a few days from now. Related to that...unfortunately we have no one with the appropriate..._experience...for this job right now besides me and you, and we're already severely behind our collection quota. Since you have an intimate knowledge of reproductive anatomy, according to your college transcript at least, I was hoping you could help me out and do this task until then?"

"Why can't you do it if you know how to?!"

"My dear Redheart, I'm responsible for ALL_administrations work at this hospital until we get more staff. I'm severely overworked as it is and this task, despite the fact it would actually be rather fun to me in all honesty, is completely out of the question for me. I simply don't have enough time, and nopony can take my place as lead admin and PR pony. Please, Nurse Redheart, I _really need you for this. I know it's not a morally pleasant task, but very little in a hospital ever is. Please, I need you for this..."

This mare, this hard-flanked mare that Redheart once viewed as a whorse of a mare and hated beyond any other pony before this moment, was now asking her in confidence, in fact virtually begging her, to do an extremely important task. A very embarrassing but critical task involving jacking off stallions, but a task that simply could be done by noneno other than her right now. As said mare gave her flank an affectionate nuzzle, she still felt her boss rubbing her clit with her magic now.

< Am I bucking loony now or something? Have I gone completely insane, or maybe I tripped and bashed my head while walking down the steps in the trip down here. This is probably all just some fever dream I'm in right now, probably in the mental ward mumbling about purple banana ponies trying to take over all of Equestria.> She barely restrained a laugh. <The way things have been going in Ponyville lately, I wouldn't be surprised if the purple bananas don't come invading tomorrow and smash Town Hall...>

Redheart returned the nuzzle after Fine stopped rubbing and came up to face her, gazing into the now-soft yellow eyes she'd once so hated and smiling bashfully as the other mare did the same, for the first time in forever meeting each other's eyes without hatred or indifference in them. Could she sense...affection?

<By Faust, Head-Nurse Fine Print ACTUALLY has EMOTIONS?!>

"Think you can handle it, _Nurse_Redheart?" asked Fine Print expectantly with a smile, leaving Redheart in surprise she'd actually used her title once again and acted friendly towards her, seemingly for the first time ever since she'd hired her; "Can I depend on you to do this vital, if unpleasant task?"

"S-s-sure thing, boss," replied Redheart enthusiastically if confusedly, though in her mind she was dreading the strange, dirty task laid before her. But, she was needed, and it was her oath to help medicine in any way possible. Even including....this.

"Good, then get ready, your first appointment starts in five minutes. He'll knock on this door exactly five times. Let him in, then get to work...and again, thank you so much for doing this for me."

Redheart watched the green mare leave the room then, though not missing the little seductive wave of her hips as she flicked her tail, intentionally flashing the shape of her green toned flanks as she left the room as well as her own aroused, moist mare-slit. Red was also just able to catch a brief shot of her cutie-mark, a scroll under a magnifying glass.

< Wait...'first appointment in five minutes'? By Celestia, what have I gotten myself talked into into now?! Also bucking Tartarus, that whorse didn't let me cum!>

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