New at Lovett: Chapter 1 - The Sighting and Walk Home

Story by Trax on SoFurry

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{First of this kind in a while...still kind of rusty. This sets everything up, working on Chapter 2 at the moment.}

A dog no older than 21 sits alone in the corner of a bar. He's wearing his usual 'I'm free n' up for it' attire: Khaki pants, a fitted t-shirt with a band name on it, all rounded off with his characteristic amber glasses. His long sesame colored tail twitches now and then as he sits reading.

The door opens with a ring as another comes in. It's a lion-tiger mix. He wears a jacket and jeans with a grey t-shirt that blends into his fur. He walks up to the bar.

"Whadya want," asks the bartender, cleaning a glass.

"My usual, Frank," the mix says in a smooth baritone voice.

Frank nods and goes off to fix his drink. The mix, tired and bored from his day at work, lets his eyes wonder. They soon find themselves resting on the dog in the corner. The tender arrives with his drink.

"Here you go, Ryth, anything else?"

"Nah," he hesitates, Frank leans to leave but he continues, "Yeah, yeah, actually. Who's that guy in the corner?"

He motions with his head, taking a sip of his drink, wincing.

"No clue. Sorry man, all I know is that he's new here. I mean, just-off-the-plane-new."

Ryth raises an eyebrow.

"Sorry I can't help anymore."

"It's fine," he replies with a smile.

Frank wonders off to clean glasses and help more customers. Ryth sits down at a table watching TV, all the while taking glances at the new-comer dog. The dog is generally a tan, except his head which is red. His hair is long and in a pony tail, obviously a mix of some sort as well. The dog turns and reveals that he also has a white chest, just slightly peaking out of the top of his shirt. Ryth unintentionally growls when the dog crosses his legs, making some of the furs around to turn.

"Oh, I-I'm sorry," he coughs and continues with a sigh, "Long day at work..."

He offers a weak smile, which most take.

"Smooth move, Ryth," he mumbles.

He signals for Frank, who hops over in his natural kangaroo fashion.

"I'd like to buy him a drink of whatever he's got," he motions with his head toward the dog.

"Alright," he pauses and with a smile he asks, "Any messages?"

"Just gave him the god-damned drink," he says rolling his eyes and laughing lightly.

"Alright, alright, jeez," the tender says laughing, "Just trying to help."

"Yeah, right."

Frank wonders over and motions toward Ryth saying something. The dog turns, looking over his shoulder, nods, and says something. Ryth sees he's ordered and raises his own drink, tilting his head down slightly and smiling. The dog gets up and continues talking to the tender as he walks over to Ryth's table.

"...just bring it over here."

"Not a problem, sir. By the way, I never caught your name," Frank wonders.

"I never gave it," turning away from Frank to face Ryth.

Frank in the back smirks and starts mixing the dog's drink.

"So, I'm assuming I can take a seat?"

"You assume correctly."

The dog sits down arranging himself so that his tail lies under his chair, it twitches now and then.

"So I hear you're new here," Ryth says sipping his drink.

"Gossipy town."

"Small town."

The dog smiles.

"Are we going to chat anonymously or am I going to know the name of the fur who bought me a drink?"

"Oh, right, sorry. Thought the talkative Frank told you. I'm Rynarl Preth. Everyone calls me Ryth though," he says extending a paw.

"Trax," he says taking the paw and shaking it.

"Nice meeting you."

"You too."

Frank arrives with Trax's drink.

"Anything else I can get for you boys?"

"Nah, unless Trax wants something."

Trax shakes his head.

"Alrighty, if you need anything, just holler," Frank says giving a quick wink at Ryth.

"Will do," Trax says.

There's a moment of silence as both take a sip of their drinks.

"Well, heh," Trax starts, laughing nervously, "Is this a pity drink or are you planning something."



"A little of both."

"Ah, good, at least you're honest," Trax says relaxing a bit, "Is it that obvious that I'm new here?"

"Well, this is a regulars bar. Strange to find a new person here," Ryth says, "And since we're on the subject, what made you come here? It's a small town, no college really, jobs are few, albeit well paying."

"You answered half your question. Money and a job. Second," he looks down, fumbling with his tail, "My parents, um, kicked me out and disowned me."

Ryth raises his eyebrows in astonishment.


"I'd rather not say here," he says slightly embarrassed.

"Alright, I won't pry," he says comfortingly.

An awkward moment of silence hits the conversation. Sensing Trax's horrible embarrassment and tenseness Ryth changes the subject.

"So, you like sports," Ryth asks smiling and pointing toward the TVs.

"Heh, yeah," Trax turns around looking at the TV, "Hah! The Cubs are going to lose, the Cardinals are too fast."

They watch the TV silently for a moment then the entire bar erupts into a joyous roar - the Cardinals just scored a massive four run play.

"See," Trax says turning around, smiling.


Trax is finally comfortable and is reclining in his chair, sipping his drink.

"So, aside from pity, why did you give me this drink?"

"You," he smiles to himself, "Heh, this is silly, but, you reminded me of someone."



Trax suddenly jumps a little and looks down. Ryth's tail is under the table rubbing lightly on Trax's inner thigh.

"Your, uh," he coughs trying to ignore the feeling, "Your, uh, tail is rubbing against me."

"It is," Trax asks, acting innocent.

He looks under the table.

"Sure enough, it is. Sorry 'bout that. It wonders sometimes."

The tail darts back to Ryth's side.

"Oh, heh, it's okay," Trax says, murring slightly.

Ryth looks at the clock.

"I've got to go. I'll see you around I'm guessing?"

"Wait! I, uh, heh," he looks down embarrassed again, "I-I don't have a place to stay. Listen, I know ..."

"Sure, I just live a few blocks down," Ryth says smiling.

"Wha, you, really?"

"Why not?"

Trax just stares at him for a moment trying to see if he was kidding. Ryth stands there, totally serious.

"Where did you apply," Ryth asks.

"Um," he says still shell shocked from Ryth's offer, "Um, I applied as a tech at that fashion place."

"I used to work there," Ryth says smiling, "You seem to be getting luckier by the minute!"

"Apparently," he says staring into space.

"Alright, lets go. I walked here, so it'll be a a couple minute walk."

"That's fine."

"Yo, Frank, add his drinks to my tab!"

"What tab," Frank replies jokingly.

"You ready," Ryth asks.

"Let me get my stuff."

Trax runs back to where he was sitting and picks up a bag, long coat, and a hat. He runs back to Ryth.

"All my earthly belongings," Trax says laughing a little.

"I know the feeling," he chuckles, "See you later, Frank!"

"Sure thing," he says, waving.

Trax and Ryth leave and start walking towards Ryth's home. They walk closely together, Trax trailing a little bit. Trax starts looking at the fur who is being so nice to him, unsure of what's to come. He smiles to himself and just accepts he's lucky. A few moments pass in silence when Ryth produces a sudden and loud murr. Trax's tail is rubbing Ryth's inner thigh, extremely close to his crotch.

"Two can play at that game," Trax says with a smirk.

"Apparently," Ryth says, letting a small purr escape.

Ryth slows slightly to even up with Trax, the tail rubbing directly on his crotch. He lets out another purr, but this one does not trail off, it remains at a low rumble. Trax lets his tail wonder.

"If you keep this up, we won't make it home," Ryth says, the purr getting louder.

Trax smirks and pulls back his tail. Ryth feeling the retreat grabs it with his own.

"My turn," Ryth says, look straight forward, purring louder than ever.

He releases Trax's tail and starts teasing him with his. The tail wonders around the inner thigh area, gently rubbing in strategic places. Trax lets out a long murr, tilting his head back slightly. Ryth's tail flicks over Trax's crotch. His legs nearly give out, but he continues to walk. Ryth focuses his attention on Trax's crotch and starts rubbing the area.

"You better make this torture worth it," Trax moans.

"Torture," Ryth smiles, he rubs roughly on Trax's crotch, "Would be to do this."

He stops the rubbing and withdraws his tail.

"It's only a block more anyway," he says pointing to a two story house.

"Nice house," Trax murrs, his member pressing painfully against his pants.

Ryth gets closer to him, grinding briefly.

"You can have your own room," he starts, then he gets right up on Trax and breaths into his ear, "Or we could share one."

Ryth's paw follows Trax's spine down to his pant line. Trax shivers, but it is quickly replaced with a deep and loud murr as Ryth's paw goes down below the pant line and around to the front. Ryth feels Trax's doghood and gently tugs up.

This time, his legs do give out. Trax falls slightly with a loud moan but is caught by Ryth.

"My my," he says, "This is torture isn't it."

"Are you enjoying yourself," Trax murrs.

"Immensely and we're home," Ryth says then rubbing his fingers together feeling the sticky pre, "And just in time too."

Trax smiles sheepishly. Ryth walks him to the door and opens it. Trax walks in first, then Ryth.

The night is calm and only a slight breeze hits the trees. The moon shines down illuminating the street. One by one lights go off, save Ryth's home. In the window, two figures can be seen close together, kissing.

{End Chapter 1 of New at Lovett}