Wolf Daze: The Scent of Lavender, Part 1

Story by TheShadowWolf on SoFurry

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I'm back! Sorry for another extended absence, everyone. Between finishing up my last semester in college, moving to another state, and suffering through random bouts of depression left and right, I lost the will to keep writing for a while. But, I have a renewed vigor and an eagerness to try and produce at least one new chapter every 1-2 weeks instead of 6 months. That being said, I hope you all enjoy part one of, The Scent of Lavender...

Boxes of different shapes and sizes were piled as high as the eye could see. A sea of clothes, makeup, and electronic devices, amongst other things, were scattered across the floor of Aria's new bedroom. Every inch of the beige carpeting was covered by the fox's personal effects. The mauve walls were practically nonexistent and in the center of it all sat Aria, trying desperately to sort everything out...a task that was proving to be quite the challenge for the newest member of the household.

One week had passed since the setup in the parking lot which had ultimately led to Scott, at Sarah's behest, inviting Aria to move into the house with them. None of the three knew exactly how this arrangement was going to work, despite the fact that they were all technically lovers living under the same roof. They had yet to discuss how that aspect would play into their daily lives though each knew there would have to be a set of long-term rules established to ensure a peaceful and symbiotic living environment.

Scott nudged the bedroom door open with his foot carrying the remaining box, the largest and heaviest of them all, out of breath and knees starting to buckle from so many trips up and down the flight of stairs. "This is...the...last one. Phew! What have you got in here, bricks? Don't want the big bad wolf huffing, puffing, and blowing your door down?"

"Ha, that was so funny. You must be a comedian. I..." Aria glanced up and saw the word "Toys" written on the box and nearly let out a gasp, silently thankful that he had not seen the label and inquired about what he was really carrying. "Um, you can just put that down anywhere." Her attention was then drawn to the gargoyle-esque statuette that was precariously sitting right in Scott's path as he inched forward, teetering slightly from the weight of the box and his own tiredness. "Watch out for the...!"

The warning came merely seconds too late as Scott's foot collided with the small, yet heavy art piece. In what felt like slow motion, he spun around like a top and fell backwards onto the bed as the box flew up into the air. The four flaps opened in unison, the box itself cascaded in shadow by the ceiling light for the room. A group of objects varying in length and size spilled out from the box's innards. Scott's eyes slowly widened as the contents came into view before burying him alive.

Sarah came running upstairs, having heard the crashing sound from downstairs. "What was that? What happened?"

A wincing Aria pointed towards Scott who quickly sat up from beneath a pile of different colored and textured female sex toys, a large purple one with barbed sides sticking out of his mouth which he frustratingly spit out. "Dildos...? Dildos!? Who needs this many dildos, for God sakes!?"

A moment of awkward silence fell over the room until Aria snickered at Scott's statement and began laughing raucously followed almost immediately by Sarah who dropped to the floor clutching her stomach. Scott, who initially had not seen any humor in his misfortune, also began to laugh when their on amusement made him realize truly how funny the situation was coupled with his priceless reaction.

"You can keep that one if you want." Aria laughed out, nearly choking on her words. "I haven't used it in a quite a while."

Scott smirked sarcastically and threw the dildo in a spiral pattern like a football, landing it right in between her breasts. His jaw went agape and his arms went up in the style of a sports referee signaling a goal while Sarah pointed and continued laughing, only this time at the jiggling, wiggling sex toy sticking out of her ex-girlfriend's shirt. "Holy shit...! What a shot! Catch that highlight on FSPN (Furry and Sports Programming Network) at 11 P.M. tonight! Woo!"

Sarah grabbed a stray dildo off the ground and plunked Scott in the head with it, silencing the wolf's reveling. "Dildo fight!"

Oh, fuck...

A silhouetted figure watched silently from across the street as the shadows of multiple penile shaped objects whizzed by in the light of the window, all the while composing an email message on their cellphone, hidden by the darkness of the night despite the nearby streetlamp illuminating most of the surrounding area. The subject line said "Whore House" and the message read:

The second female has moved into the household as of this afternoon. From what I have been able to observe thus far, the three of them are getting along with one another. However, given the different archetypes of the individuals, as well as the relationship status between your son and the ex-girlfriend of the new inhabitant, I guarantee that complications with their living arrangement will arise within the next several days, perhaps with some provocation. I will provide an update within the week.

Send to: L. CALDON, _ESQ. _

With one click of the send button the message was on its way to Scott's mother as the figure, who stopped to take one last glance up at the window, disappeared down the street.

As Scott and Sarah are spooning together in bed, blissfully comfortable holding onto one another, they begin to kiss. "Thank you so much for letting Aria move in with us. I don't know any other guys who would be comfortable with his girlfriend's ex-girlfriend living under the same roof as them. It means a lot to me, Scott."

"I'd do anything for you, Sarah. I love you." Their lips met again, tenderness and passion in their osculation. "Besides, the situation we put her in was kind of sudden and it wouldn't have been right to have her try and find a new place on such short notice. Not to mention I like this whole Three's Company thing we've got going on here. It makes the house feel more like a home. But, about what you said the other day...you know, us enjoying each other's company? That was really an enticing offer at first but, and I can't believe I'm saying this, I don't know if that's such a good idea. You're the only woman I see myself being with now. The only one I want to be with."

"I know, Scott." Sarah gave him a peck on his snout. "And you're the only one I want to be with, too. I wasn't thinking when I said that. It was the heat of the moment and how enticing the thought of all of us being together in a sexual sense was but I realized afterwards that would be detrimental to our relationship. I spoke with Aria about this. She had you one time, which was fair considering I cheated on her, but now you're all mine and I'm all yours."

"So...you're all mine, huh?" Scott flicked off the lights and pulled the covers over them.

Unbeknownst to either of them, Aria had heard their entire conversation from outside in the hall and at first smiled but, as she walked towards her bedroom door, the smile turned into something of a frown before entering her room and quietly closing the door.

Scott and Ricky, food trays in their hand, sat down for lunch half an hour before Professor Provo's class. The former had not revealed to his friend about the events that transpired the week prior when he was excused from class but did let him know that Aria was living in the house with him and Sarah. "Wait...so you've got two women...two bisexual women, who are ex-girlfriend's, living in your house, one of whom you're already sleeping with and you're not going to try to score with the other?"

"First of all, Sarah and I are in a relationship." Scott took a bite of his sandwich and continued the conversation with his mouth partially full. "And secondly, Aria's been my friend for a long time. When Sara and I became a couple, and she moved in with me, it left Aria in a rough spot trying to afford an apartment."

"Come on, bro!" Ricky exclaimed, practically pleading with Scott to take advantage of the situation he was in. "You've got two beautiful women in your house! Double the pleasure and double the fun! What the hell are you waiting for?" Scott took a sip of his orange juice and let out a light burp. "Wow...you're really going to let this opportunity go to waste, aren't you, Bark Kent?"

Scott wiped his mouth off, and replied with a quick, "What opportunity? I've got a girlfriend now. Why don't you go out with Aria if you're so desperate for some pleasure and fun? She's single now and I haven't seen you with anyone for some time. Get in on the action before she's unavailable."

"I'm waiting for the right one." Ricky pretended to have a telescope in his hands, pretending to scope out women. "Besides, my problem is all the good ones are already taken."

"No, your problem is you're kind of a sleaze ball and women can't stand you." Scott laughed, much to the discontent of his friend although he knew it was fact. "Look, let me give you Aria's number. She knows you're my friend. I'll let her know when I get home to expect a call from you, which you better do or I'll look like an asshole. I'll even tell her you're a really nice_guy, which means I want you to be on your best behavior. And try not to say anything..._stupid...like you usually do around women...alright son?"

"Gee, thanks Dad. That sounds swell." Ricky said in a squeaky voice, waving his fist like a 50's sitcom character before returning to his normal tone. "Well, time for another boring yet visually stimulating math class with Provo. Who knows? Maybe you'll get excused again just for fuckin' staying awake."

Scott rolled his eyes as he got up to throw his trash out and said, under his breath, "God, I hope so."

Sarah, who had just arrived at No Beaner for her shift, walked into the kitchen where Aunty Leena was busy baking up a storm. The elder panther rose up from closing the oven and was immediately overjoyed to see her. "Sarah! It's so good to see you, child!"

"Hi, Leena..." Sarah replied, sniffing the air and finding the delicious aroma of what the elder panther was baking. "...mmm...that's smells _so_good. Now, let me guess..." Another sniff or two helped her identify exactly what the pastries in the oven were. "... Cinnamon Raisin Buns! Those are my favorite!"

Leena smiled and laughed. "You've got an excellent sense of smell. And I made them especially for you."

"Aw...you're the best. I'll go clock in and head out on the floor."

"Nicholas and Jessica have it under control. I wanted to talk with you about something."

Sarah's heart skipped a beat. The hair on every inch of her body stood on end and she had a sudden shortness of breath. Her mind could only come up with one conclusion as to what Leena wanted to talk about. But how could she have found out about it? Did someone else see them and tell? Did the rest of the staff know about it? What would the repercussions be? Would she and Scott be reprimanded or, worse, fired?

Not wanting to jump to conclusions, Sarah played it off calmly and responded, "About what?"

"I hear that you and Scotty are a couple now and that you've moved in together." Leena asked, walking over to Sarah while simultaneously wiping the bits of flour off of her hands with a towel. "Is that right?"

Sarah was somewhat reluctant to answer considering the physical aspect of their relationship began a mere several feet away from where she was currently standing. "Yes."

Without warning Leena embraced Sarah in a tight hug, laughing joyously as she did, which shocked the golden retriever, having expected a whole other and less favorable outcome. "Aw child, I'm so happy for the two of you. Lord knows that boy needs a good woman in his life that'll love and take care of him and I'm so glad that's you. He had such a rough upbringing, you know, always having the weight of the world placed on his shoulders by everyone. There's only so much burden we can carry in this life, honey. But the happiest I've ever seen him was when he was around you. You always bring a smile to his face." Leena's words almost brought both her and Sarah to tears. "Now listen, you take good care of our Scotty okay?"

"I will. I promise."

"Good." Lena responded, caressing Sarah's cheeks in her paws. "Now, come help me clean up this mess if you don't mind."

Scott arrived home just after 3:00 P.M., picking up the mail as he made his way to the front door of the house. He put his key in the lock, turned it, and opened the door ever so slightly but stopped to look around when a whiff of what smelled like smoke caught his attention. His first thought would have been a fire but this smell was different. It had more of a scent and it was indeed coming from inside the house.

As he opened the door and stepped into the foyer the smell became overpowering but not repelling. Upon inhalation of a broader range of the scent, Scott was able to pinpoint what the culprit creating intoxicating aroma was. That's Incense...lavender incense. Just as Scott had reached that conclusion, the sound of what could only be described as meditation music began emanating from nearby.

Upon making his way through the den towards the much larger living room, the sound of the music and the smell of the incense growing stronger with each step, Scott's eyes widened a bit and his mouth hung open slightly. As the room came into view so did Aria, completely naked with her back turned to him. She was standing in a mountain pose on the center rug where the coffee table once stood, now moved by the sliding glass doors leading to the deck and backyard, prepared to practice yoga exercises. Nothing could have prepared him for such a sight. Although he had seen her naked before he was taken aback by the sheer beauty she was exuding. Coupled with the soothing tunes and the lavender incense gave the setting he was standing in an erotic undertone, one which Scott was utterly mesmerized by. He was now a not so secretive voyeur watching an unsuspecting person in a compromising position.

Aria started her exercise standing in an Eagle Pose which accentuated all of her supple curves. From there she bent over and touched the floor with her fingers in a standing half forward bend position. At this angle Scott was treated with a view of everything: voluptuous ass, tantalizing pussy and plump breasts hanging down for him to see. It began making him even hotter under the collar than he had been at first glance of her. So much so that he had to pull his collar away from his neck and swallow a build-up of saliva though his throat continued to feel tight and his breaths shallow and shuddery from the overdose of testosterone coursing through his system. There was no denying how badly he wanted her in that moment but was reminded of his promise to Sarah which helped him remain in control of his animalistic urges.

However, what Aria did next nearly pushed him over the edge of no return. She stood back up and raised her leg high above her head, doing a standing split that spread the lips of her vagina far enough apart that Scott could see the pink of her insides. This caused his eyes to glaze over and glow as he licked his lips and snarled softly. If it hadn't been for his love for Sarah he would have ravaged her right then and there.

Aria rotated her torso just enough to spot him standing several feet away. "Oh. Hey, Scott..!" It took a second to realize that she had greeted him but he quickly snapped back to reality when he did. "Sorry if I surprised you like this. I didn't think you'd be home so soon."

"Uh...no that's cool, ha." His nervousness made him chuckle awkwardly. "I didn't know you did yoga...in the nude."

"Yeah, I used to wear spandex but it felt so restrictive. And I read that nude yoga helps with chakras, allows you to be more accepting of your body, and even increases your sexual energy." Scott nodded as if to say that certainly explains a lot. "I used to do yoga daily when I lived in the apartment and I need a wide space to do it in. I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable or anything which is why I waited till you were out. Guess I've got to learn your schedule better, huh? I'll stop for today, though."

"No!" An impulsive reaction he had to think fast on his feet to cover up. "I mean, it's not that big of a deal. Besides, it's not like I haven't seen you before. And this is your home now, too. I don't want you to feel like you can't be yourself in your own home."

"Thanks, Scott." Aria said with a smile on her face, ready to resume her activities as Scott turned to exit the room. "Hey, you want to give it a try?" The wolf froze in his tracks. He couldn't believe what he had just heard. Had she really just invited him to do yoga with her...naked!? "Might help you relieve some of that anxiety of yours. God knows you've got plenty of it to spare."

Scott mulled the thought over for a second while turning to face her once more. "I don't know. I'm not very...limber."

"Scott, you don't have to be afraid. I heard you and Sarah talking last night."

"You did?"

"Yeah...I know after the whole parking lot payback thing there was a chance the three of us would live some kind of orgy lifestyle seeing that we've all had sex with each other. I can tell you I wouldn't mind it and neither would Sarah...or you, I suspect." Aria was laying it all on the table, something the two of them knew they, along with Sarah, should have done prior to her moving in. "But you two are in a _serious_relationship...one where that kind of stuff can't happen no matter how much we may want it to. And we just have to accept that."

Scott reluctantly agreed with everything she had said, replying, "Yeah. You're right. You're always right, ha-ha."

"Exactly...now go get out of those clothes and get ready for some nude yoga, wolf boy!"

As Scott nodded and left to head upstairs to his room, Aria sat down on her legs and let out an exasperated sigh. She could sense how badly he wanted her and she desperately wanted him as well. But for the sake of Sarah, whom she still loved despite not being in a relationship with anymore, had to forego the lust she felt for the first male she had slept with in years. The only man who had ever been able to match her passion and give her pleasure beyond that she had ever experienced before.

And it was someone she could never have again.

What's that old saying about never?