My Great Big Brother - Revenge, Retribution, and Revelations

Story by ArcticWolf451 on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: Don't read this if you are underage, meaning if you are under 18 SHOO! NOW. And I know you aren't gonna listen because I did the same thing when I was 16. Sigh, so just make sure you lock the damn door so your parents don't catch you, a'ight? All characters are mine. Also, this story contains Incest in it. For the record, I don't condone it and sure as hell don't recommend it. So listen up kiddies and don't bang your sis. Got it? If not, your ass is grass and your dad's foot is a lawn mower. Oh, and any copyrighted names I used belong to their respective owners and I was not paid to use them. Go Steelers! ******************* Kyle and his family (minus Mr. Blackmon) arrived at the mall around 11:30 A.M. With only thirteen shopping days left till Christmas, it was understandably crowed with hundreds of furs. While Kyle did like the holiday decorations and Christmas music playing over the speakers, he still didn't like it here. If there was one thing he hated, it was crowds. Kyle was into zombie fiction and the like, so he often attributed large masses of people running about aimlessly from one point to another as potential zombies. That, and having seen the 1970s version of Dawn of the Dead did not help either. He sighed as he thought about being stuck in the friggin' mall for four hours with his two sisters and mom. 'At least I can buy Katie a Christmas present while I'm here,' he thought.

"Maaaaannnn, Katie how'd you get me to come with you guys?" he asked.

"Because you loooooooooooooove me," she said sarcastically, although in truth she meant every word.

Mrs. Blackmon chuckled to herself and said, "Alright, everyone have their cell phones on?"

The three siblings nodded.

"Okay good. Kyle, why don't you and Katie go off and look around while Shelly and I head to JC Penny's. Sound good?"

"Yeah," he replied. 'Great, I can't buy her a present if she's with me the whole time.' Kyle realized that for once, he actually didn't want his sister around with him, although it was for her benefit.

"I'm hungry, wanna go get something to eat?" asked Katie.

"Sure. I'm famished too. At least you got a snack before we left," he said with grin.

Katie gently punched his arm, but then smiled at him and sighed. "You know, I don't really care about buying anything here. I'm just happy to be out with you."

"Me too sis, me too."

Kyle offered her his right arm to hold on to as she walked. She hesitantly took it and asked, "Won't people think we're together if we do this?"

"Maybe, but I don't look a thing like you, remember? No one will know we're related."

"Haha, I hadn't thought about that." Katie took his paw with hers as the two slowly walked to the food court, enjoying the sights and sounds of the holiday season as they did.

As they entered the food court they looked around for a good table. That's when Katie saw him. She froze in place as Kyle was walking, causing him to stumble as he tried to walk while still holding Katie's paw.

"What's wrong sis?"

"It's Drew. He's over there with Victoria," Katie said solemnly. A tear started to form in her eye.

Kyle noticed this and felt anger slowly build up inside of him. Katie was still hurt by what that bastard had done, and now it was time for some payback.

"Wait here," Kyle said pointing to a table. Katie sat down and watched curiously as Kyle started to walk towards Drew.

"Don't hit him! You'll go to prison!" she called after him. Kyle didn't look back at her; he just waved a paw as if to say

"don't worry sis, I got it."

Walking up to Drew, a 5'9" German Shepherd, and Victoria, a 5'6" vixen, Kyle took a seat at their table. Both furs looked at him with annoyance, but Kyle broke the ice with a smile and said, "Hey, are you Drew Sandoval?"

"Umm, yeah. Why do you ask?"

"Oh, right, my name's Kyle Blackmon. I'm your girlfriend's brother."

Looking at Victoria and then back at Kyle, Drew said, "Umm, I think you have the wrong guy. Victoria can't be your sister."

"Who? Oh! Is Victoria your friend here? Nice to meet you. And no, you're the right guy. You know Katie? You two are still going out right?"

"Katie who?" asked Victoria curiously.

"Katie Blackmon, she's my sister," replied Kyle. "She's in Drew's English class and they've been dating for a month now. In fact yesterday was their one month anniversary."

"Drew," said Victoria, "I thought you said you weren't seeing anyone."

"I'm not!" he hastily replied.

Kyle laughed, "It's okay to be shy Drew." Looking to Victoria he said, "Drew and Katie are kinda keeping this a secret. He wrote her a really nice poem, but he's afraid it'll hurt his 'cool dude' image if word gets out that's how he won Katie over." Pointing to Katie a few tables over, Kyle said, "She's waiting over there for yah when you're ready for your date Drew."

"Dude! Shut up, I don't know what you're talking about," Drew replied in a panic. He nervously looked to Victoria, who was busy putting on her jacket.

Victoria smiled and stood up. "I see. Well, thank you Kyle, you've been very helpful. Oh, and Drew, fuck off and die." With that she grabbed her purse and walked off. Drew sat there with his mouth hanging open. He couldn't believe what just happened. Angrily he turned to face Kyle.

"Nice going you stupid bitch! You just cost me a date with the hottest girl in school!"

Kyle chuckled and thought to himself, 'Wrong, you lost the hottest girl in school when you dumped Katie.' Then Kyle said, "Oh what? Were you dating Victoria now?"

"Yes! My gods, how stupid are you?"

"Well, you see the thing about that is Katie told me today you haven't broken up with her. So, how can you two still be dating her if you are with Victoria, huh?"

Drew saw a hint of anger in Kyle's eyes and tried to backpedal out of the argument. "I...I did break it off with her. I left a message on her phone."

"No you didn't. You see, I know what you tried to do. You were gonna yiff my sister, then move on to Miss Victoria when you were through having your fun. I know how guys like you work, and believe me pal you just made a huge mistake by crossing my sister."

"Look pal, I don't know what your problem is. Why do you care so much about me breaking up with your sister?" Drew looked around for a security guard, but couldn't see one; there were just too many people in the food court.

"I care, because I love her. Something you apparently never did."

"You know what, I don't need this. Fuck you and your sister for all I care."

Kyle suddenly reached over and grabbed Drew by his shirt and pulled him close so their faces were mere inches apart. "Listen to me, and listen good you little fucker! If I EVER find out that you are trying to pull that shit again, I'll personally come to your house, slice out your guts and strangle you with your own intestines before you have a chance to bleed to death. GOT IT?!" he snarled with gritted teeth; fangs fully exposed.

Drew nearly pissed his pants in fear. "Got it! Got it! Just put me down!"

Kyle shoved hard against Drew's chest, knocking him off his seat and flat onto his back. "Good. Now, if you'll excuse me I have other business to attend to." Kyle quickly strolled away as a few people looked over at Drew dejectedly getting up. A security guard finally came over, and Drew pointed over to Kyle, who was walking back to Katie's table. Kyle meanwhile sat back down with Katie. She was smiling at him and said, "You didn't have to do that, but I'm glad you did."

"I wasn't about to let that two timing little punk get away with that. I don't think he'll listen to me, but at least I cost him a date with Victoria." Kyle noticed Katie's eyes went wide as she looked behind him. Then he felt a strong paw grasp his shoulder.

"Okay, kid. Let's go." An overweight security guard grabbed Kyle by his jacket collar and hauled him out of his seat.

"Great," muttered Kyle as the guard hauled him back to the security office. ******************** Kyle was given a one week suspension from the mall for fighting with Drew. Security escorted him to the door and out to his mom's van. He called his mom and explained what happened, then called his dad and asked him to come pick him up. Neither of his parents were happy, but Kyle didn't care. He was mainly sad because now he wouldn't be able to go shopping with Katie; nor would he be able to even shop for her. John showed up twenty minutes later in his blue 2003 Honda Accord. Kyle sat in the front passenger seat while explaining himself to his father.

"The SOB was just gonna use Katie, and then leave her for that slut Victoria."

"Be that as it may, you were still wrong to fight him."

"Wrong? I was defending my sister's honor, how is that wrong?"

"Son, how many times have I told you, YOU CAN'T JUST HIT PEOPLE! If everyone acted as impulsively as you we'd be on World War twenty right now."

"Good! Maybe after that many wars all the scum of the earth would be dead by now."

John looked at his son with utter awe. "Good? GOOD? Do you have any idea what kind of hell war is?"

"No, but neither do you. Your Army days were spent guarding some base over in Germany."

"I may never have been in combat Kyle, but I met plenty of guys coming out Iraq with Gulf War Syndrome. Believe me, you never want to be in a war."

"Maybe I do," Kyle retorted defiantly.

"What the heck has gotten into you lately Kyle? Your mother and I can't get you to do anything. You don't have a job, you don't have your driver's license, and your only chores are cleaning up the kitchen and taking out the garbage. All you do is your homework and play Xbox. Do you even know what you want to do with your life?"

"I have an idea."

"For some reason I doubt that. You haven't researched colleges, nor have you haven't applied for scholarships."

"Well maybe I don't want to go to college."

"What are you gonna do? Join the Army like I did?"


John slammed on the brakes and pulled into a McDonald's parking lot. "Tell me I didn't just hear you say you want to enlist."

"Dad, I hate school. Why would I want to go to college?"

"Because I can pay your tuition, something my dad couldn't do. I had to join the Army to pay for college, and while I can say it was worth it, I don't want you to have to go through what I did."

"You went through nine weeks of boot camp, played with an M-16, and protected some training camp from nosy tourists. Sounds like a good job to me."

"You little snot! I got lucky by not having to fight! You think you're so tough, but I know for a fact you wouldn't last two weeks in the military. You can't take orders, you're rebellious, and you're lazy. You couldn't pay the Army to take a punk like you!"

"FUCK YOU DAD!" Kyle shouted with tears visibly gathering in his eyes.

John lost it at that point and punched Kyle square in the face. "YOU DO NOT TALK TO YOUR FATHER THAT WAY! EVER!"

Kyle just opened the car door and jumped out. "Fuck you and every worthless dad like you!" he yelled while holding back tears. Before John knew what happened Kyle had run 100 yards away down the road.

'Damn it John! Why do you have to be so hard on him,' he asked himself. John called Kyle's cell phone, but Kyle refused to answer it. Kyle knew he was about three miles from home, and figured he could jog it. John, meanwhile, punched the dashboard of his car and cursed himself. 'Why can't I just accept him for who he is?' John wondered.

************* It took Kyle thirty minutes to jog home. John had already arrived and was sitting in the kitchen waiting for him to come home. When Kyle came into the house, John immediately felt remorse for what he had done. Kyle was panting hard and covered in sweat. Running in 40 degree weather is never easy, especially for someone not in top physical condition. John stood up from the kitchen table and walked over to Kyle as he was getting a drink.

"Son, I'm sorry what I said, and for hitting you. You didn't deserve that."

Kyle nodded but didn't say anything.

"Kyle, I know you feel left out sometimes because your mother and I show Shelly appreciation for what she does, but we love you just as much."

Kyle looked up and glared at John for a second, but then softened his expression and said, "I love you too dad. I'm sorry for being a whiny bitch."

"(sighs), Kyle, you can't keep cursing like that."

"What? I hear you shout profanity all the time when the Dolphins (as in the football team) are losing."

"Okay, maybe I haven't set the best example for my son, but from now on let's agree to not swear, okay?"

"Fine dad, whatever. Can I go to my room?"

"What for?"

"I need to work on something."

"You aren't..."

"NO DAD, I'm not pawing off. Gawd, what's with you army guys being so comfortable talking to each other about that?"

"No women for six months, trapped in a barracks with your whole platoon, I just got used to it I guess."

"Yeah, well if they still act like that I'm going to college for sure."

John laughed and said, "Good, maybe you did learn something."

"Yeah, that the army breeds fag..."

"I told you not to use that word either."

"Fine," Kyle said with an exhausted shrug before bounding up the stairs. He could argue with his dad later. Right now there was work to be done. Kyle went to his room, sat at his desk and grabbed a white sheet of paper and a pencil.

Katie returned home with her mom and Shelly several hours later. Katie was too tired from walking around all day to go look for Kyle, so she went to her room for a quick nap. Around 5:24 P.M. Katie woke up and went off to get some water. After quenching her thirst she finally decided to go see what Kyle was up to. She was surprised that she didn't hear music or gunfire blaring from his room; quite an anomaly on a Saturday afternoon. Katie opened his door to find him hunched over at his desk writing something.

"Hey big brother, what'cha up to?"

"Whoa!" Kyle exclaimed in surprise, as he had not heard Katie come in. He turned his head and said, "Oh, hey sis. Could you come back in like two minutes please?"

"Sure," replied Katie. With that she left him in peace. Meanwhile, Kyle quickly found a safe place in his desk to hide the drawing he'd been working on for the past five hours. It still had a long way to go, but at least he had the big details done. The finer ones, well that was another story. Katie came back shortly after Kyle finished hiding his drawing.

"So, what are you working on?" she asked.

"Just a drawing."

"Of what?"

"A wolf."

"Oh really? Who?"

"No one you know."

Katie smiled and coyly asked, "Were drawing a nude picture?"

"Um, no," he replied quite honestly.

"Then why can't I see it?"

"Because it's not done yet."

"I don't care," she replied with a smile.

"Well I do. You'll see it when it's done, okay?"

"Fiiiiiiiiiine." Katie then tried to give him her pouty cute face, only this time it wasn't working.

"Nice try sis, but you're not seeing this before it's done."

"(Exasperated sigh), Kyle, sometimes it can be so difficult to live with you."

"I love you too," he said cheerfully. "So, how'd the shopping go without me?"

"Well, I got you a couple of things...and some stuff for Shelly and mom and dad. It was just really boring without you there."

"Yeah, I'm sorry I got thrown out. But that punk was asking for it."

"I'm not mad Kyle," Katie replied with a bright smile, "No one has ever stood for me like that before. I'm glad you were willing to do something like that for me."

"I'm always willing Katie. I love you more than anyone on this earth. I never realized it until yesterday, but...I've never been happier than right now because you're my mate."

"Aww, Kyle," Katie said while shedding a tear of joy. The two wolves embraced and tenderly kissed one another. Unfortunately, neither would be able to yiff while their parents were home...and awake. So they made the best of things and simply cuddled on Kyle's bed. They would talk for a bit, then they'd stop and simply enjoy each other's warm embrace, and then they'd talk again. While it wasn't sex, it still felt good to be close to one another. The two cuddled for an hour and a half before having to go down to eat. ********************* Monday " December 21, 2009 " 8:00 P.M.

Kyle and Katie were busy with some last minute packing, for tomorrow they headed down to Sanford, Florida, to stay with their uncle and grandmother (on their mom's side of the family that is). For the past two years it had become a tradition for the family to spend a week down in Florida. Kyle enjoyed it because the whole state was warm. Despite being a wolf, he loved warm temperatures as much as cold ones. Katie enjoyed the time she got to spend with her grandmother, although her uncle was another story.

Uncle Alex Holland, Eliza H. Blackmon's brother, was 43 years old, but acted like he was still 15. Kyle got along with him most of the time, but Alex was the kind of guy who could get on your nerves quickly; especially if he had been drinking. He was what one would call a "happy drunk." This in itself was not so bad, except that he lost all perception of how loud his voice was, and was known to disturb a whole restaurant with his howling laughter or annoying nasaly voice.

Still, Alex was a good guy. He had served in the Air Force as a ground crewman, and had gone through a nasty divorce six years prior. That had been a rough time for the whole family. Two years ago Alex moved into a recently renovated one story house in the town of Sanford, and so the family decided to visit him that Christmas. Since then, it had become a tradition to drive down and see their grandmother Joanne Holland (Eliza and Alex's mother) as well.

In the meantime, Kyle looked through his suitcase to make sure he wasn't forgetting anything. The problem was he couldn't focus on his work. He and Katie had only been able to yiff twice during the last ten days, and it was driving him nuts. He could tell Katie was going out of her mind too; they were both young and producing an overload of raging hormones. Even worse, he wasn't sure that they'd be able to yiff while down in Florida. His uncle's house had three bedrooms and two baths, making it kinda cramped for six furs to be living there. His grandmother's house was a different story. She had recently purchased a new condo with three bedrooms and two baths. Plus, it had bedrooms on both the second and first floors, so there was plenty of breathing room in between. In the meantime, Kyle decided to focus on packing. He made sure he had three changes of clothes, a nice set of clothes for church, and all the toiletries he would need. He also double-checked his back pack, which was filled with bubble wrap for his Xbox. He wasn't about to spend the holiday season without Modern Warfare 2 (can you blame him?). He smiled to himself as he considered how great things were starting to go for him; he had a mate, Modern Warfare 2, and a weeklong vacation in Florida to look forward to. Life was now officially sweet. With his stuff all packed up he decided to go see what Katie was up to. He walked over to her room, but she wasn't there. Heading downstairs, he noticed that none of his family was around. He walked to the laundry room and found his jacket hanging on a clothes hook. He put it on and headed outside into the chilly December night. The air smelled smokey, probably from someone having a campfire. There was also the indescribable winter smell; the one that told you the holidays were here and it was time to be happy. Walking around the front of his house, he found Katie sitting on the front porch.

"Hey sis," he greeted her, "What are you doing out here?"

"Just admiring the Christmas lights everyone put up."

"Where'd mom and dad go?"

"For a walk or something. Shelly went with them."

"When will they back?"

"Don't know," replied Katie.

"Soooooo, we are know...yiff?"

"(Sighs) Really Kyle? Is that all you think about?"


"Boys. What's with you guys always wanting sex?"

"What's with girls always turning down the opportunity to have sex?" he countered.

Katie laughed for minute at that. "Fine big brother, we can go yiff."

"Yes! My room or yours?"

"Hmm, yours. But I get to be on top this time."

"Deal," said Kyle with a wide grin as they rushed back inside. It took them only seconds to run up the stairs and remove their pants. The last two times they yiffed had been like the first; clothes mostly still on, pants undone. Tonight, Kyle wanted to move things along. He started by fully stripping down, allowing Katie to see him fully nude.

"Umm, what're you doing Kyle?" Katie asked as he threw his shirt to the floor.

"Getting undressed. Shouldn't you do the same?"

" know I'm shy."

Kyle moved over to her and gently took her paws while staring deep into her eyes. "You know I love you the way you are. I want to see your beautiful body. You don't have to be shy around me." His tender smile and loving touch as he gently squeezed her paws reassured Katie that everything was going to be alright if she stripped down. Katie slipped off her hoody, followed by her black t-shirt. She hadn't bothered to put on a bra since she was wearing a jacket all day. And so for the first time, the two siblings stood before one another completely naked. Katie couldn't help but blush and look to the side; trying to hide her embarrassment. Kyle saw Katie's discomfort. He slowly approached her and placed a paw under her chin, then guided her muzzle to his, giving her a gentle kiss before pulling back and smiling.

"You look absolutely beautiful Katie. You don't know how lucky I feel to have you as my mate."

Katie gave a weak but thankful smile. "Thanks Kyle. I'm just not used to this yet."

"It's okay, although I gotta say you look incredibly hot right now."

"I'm glad you see me that way, I've always thought I was kind of...well...plain."

"Nonsense, you're a natural beauty. I've seen girls your age wear makeup and junk to try to make themselves look pretty, but you don't need any of that crap. You're beautiful just the way you are." Kyle leaned in and kissed Katie again, longer and more passionate than before. Katie kissed back, and soon their tongues danced back and forth as they traced their hands up and down each other's bodies. They felt each other's arms, sides, and torsos, loving how soft each other's fur felt. Finally, they broke their kiss and looked at each other. Kyle looked over at the door to make sure he locked it, and then climbed into bed. Katie quickly followed and took her place on top of Kyle.

Carefully straddling him, Katie lined up her wet slit with Kyle's eagerly awaiting member. Kyle helped guide himself into Katie as she slowly lowered herself onto him, gasping loudly as her brother's cock sank into her moist depths. Soon she had taken him to the hilt, and so she let herself collapse on top of Kyle. Since she only weighed 105 pounds to Kyle's 193, it was quite a comfortable position. Both forgot that their parents could return at any minute, as they were both lost in the ecstasy of the moment. It had been too long since they had been able to make love, and now it was time to make up for all those lonely nights spent apart.

Kyle rested his paws on Katie's butt as he thrust up to meet her hips, while also helping to hold her up as he withdrew from her. He shuddered each time he sank back into her moist folds; her heat and wetness sending radiating waves of pleasure through his shaft each time their hips came together. Katie moaned as she thrust her hips down, loving how with each thrust she felt her brother's thick wolf meat stretch her tight pussy and give her chills up and down her spine. Katie stared down at Kyle, her paws resting on his shoulders for support. Their bodies were pressed together, and they both savored the warmth that came from sharing one another's body heat.

"Oh gods, sis!" Kyle cried out as Katie hilted him for the fifth time.

Both wolves let their mouths hang open as they gasped for breath. They'd been yiffing for only thirty seconds and already it felt like they were on the verge of climax. When they weren't gasping for breath, they were busy Frenching one another. Since kissing can be done quite quickly, and when your parents are home, the two siblings had grown quite skilled at using their tongues in a kiss.

Katie tightened her grip on Kyle's shoulders as she thrust down onto him. The pleasure was like a Spartan Laser from Halo 3; it takes a while to charge up and fire, but when it does go're fucked. Giggity. : D Fortunately their parents had not yet returned, as the sounds of the creaking bedsprings coupled with Kyle and Katie's moans was a dead giveaway to what they were up to. Katie rode Kyle harder and faster, while Kyle thrust his hips up with all his might. They had gone from making love to all out other words they were having the kind of sex you paw off to on the internet, but rarely experience unless your mate has been drinking like a 20 oz of Vault soda and is bouncing off the walls with pent up engery. Which, if you haven't tried that, you really should. Remember, sugar is your friend! (And if your mate says he/she is watching their weight, just tell them you can yiff off the calories. No serially, they'll buy that).

Katie's arms began to feel tired, as she wasn't used to being on top. She did frequently go running, so her stamina was still going strong, but Kyle could tell they needed to switch positions. Carefully, he twisted them around and without falling off the bed, managed to flip them over so now he was taking her in the missionary position. Katie looked up in surprise, but smiled in thanks as Kyle began to passionately pound his pulsing member into her slick cunt. With each mighty thrust Katie's body shook as her brother mated her hard and fast. Kyle leaned down and kissed Katie again, then smiled at her while stroking her face with his left paw.

"I'm getting close sis, how 'bout you?"

"Another...(gasp)...few minutes, I think."

Kyle nodded and slowed his pace. He didn't want to cum before his sister did. Instead of thrusting into her, he kept himself buried in her pussy and ground his hips against hers. This gave her clitoris plenty of stimulation, which became apparent as Katie tightly gripped Kyle's back fur in her paws and dug her nails into his pelt. Although Kyle felt a minor twinge from Katie's grasp, he didn't say anything. He was too busy enjoying the look on Katie's face as the pleasure washed over her.

Katie gasped as Kyle withdrew five of his six inches, before rapidly sinking himself to the hilt back into her. Katie wrapped her legs around Kyle's back, trying to pull him into her each time her withdrew. Kyle gritted his teeth and moaned as he felt Katie's vaginal passage clench tightly around him. He could tell that this was her doing and not an involuntary reaction, and he absolutely loved it. Kyle thrust with increased vigor as his climax approached like a massive storm of sexual ecstasy. Kyle's muzzle hovered only an inch above Katie's as he gazed down at her. She smiled back up at him as he slowed his pace once again to take the time and enjoy this intimate moment with his sister.

"So," he said, "Can I say how much I love you right now, or will that just make you think I love you for the yiffing?"

Katie giggled a bit and replied, "I know you love me for more than just great sex, Kyle. But if it'll make you cum harder, then by all means go ahead."

Kyle's smile slowly faded as he moaned and closed his eyes. 'Fuck,' he thought, 'I'm gonna cum before she does!' "Katie! You're gonna make me cum! OH GODS! I LOVE YOU SIS!"

With that he tightly gripped the bed sheets and howled out in pure unrestrained bliss as his knot quickly swelled, tying him with his sister and sending a shockwave of orgasmic energy through her body. Katie's grip tightened on Kyle's back fur to the point where her nails actually drew a little blood (Kyle was numb from cumming though, so he didn't feel it).

"OH KYLE! I'M GONNA CUM TOO! UUUGGHHHH...YYYEEEESSSSS!" Katie screamed at the top of her lungs as her pussy closed in a vice like grip around Kyle's cock and began shooting out orgasmic pleasure waves (comparable to an MG-42 shooting out bullets at 1200 rounds a minute into a crowd of Nazi Zombies. And yes, I have to make a Call of Duty reference in every yiff scene).

"AAAAAGGGGHHHHHHH!" the two siblings cried in unison as the cum began to fly. Kyle's cock began to rapidly fire seven hot bursts of cum into Katie. His cum was more watery this time, giving it a slick, hot feeling as it filled Katie's inner passages. Katie, meanwhile, came with such force that she felt lightheaded for the first few seconds. She clung to Kyle for dear life, as she briefly felt like she was flying 30,000 feet above the earth. Kyle gritted his teeth as his breathing became fast and short. He was huffing for as much oxygen as he could while trying to avoid passing out.

Katie's orgasm kept going strong for nearly a full two minutes, but slowly she loosened her grip on Kyle's back as she drifted back to reality. Both wolves were panting so hard one would think they had just run a marathon. Kyle managed to catch his breath and whisper, "Katie...that was...amazing...I love much right now."

" you too...big brother...with...all my heart," Katie replied while still panting hard for breath.

A few minutes later their parents returned home. Fortunately, they were too busy packing to worry about Katie and Kyle for the moment. This gave the two lovers a chance for Kyle's knot to shrink down so Kyle could withdraw himself. They both then went into Kyle's bathroom to wash themselves off. Kyle turned on the shower, and in the style of a submariner managed to shower in only three minutes. Katie did the same while Kyle dressed himself in his pajamas. Kyle then sneaked off to Katie's room to bring her some fresh underwear and her pajamas.

Once Katie was dressed, she and Kyle lied in his bed and watched holiday themed cartoons on Cartoon Network. The two knew that this was a safe thing to be caught doing, as it looked entirely innocent. They secretly held each other's paws while lying next to each other, semi-cuddling together (they were seated upright with Katie resting her head on Kyle's shoulder). A few minutes later Mrs. Blackmon knocked on Kyle's door and walked in before giving him a chance to answer.

"Hi guys, what are you doing?" she asked.

"Just watching some cartoons before bed mom," replied Katie.

"You two are both packed up and ready for the long drive tomorrow?"

Both nodded sleepily.

"Okay then," Mrs. Blackmon said, "I'll leave you two alone. Good night!"

"G'night mom," Kyle replied. Looking down at Katie, he said, "Looks like I'm not the only one ready to hit the hay."

"I'm (yawns) not that tired," Katie replied groggily. "I still wanna be with you."

"I know sis, but all that yiffing really took it out of yah. Come on, I'll tuck you in."

With that, Kyle hoisted Katie into his arms with one arm under her knees and the other behind her upper back, and then carefully carried her to her room. Kyle loved how cute she looked when she was tired. So innocent, so beautiful, and so sweet, Kyle knew that Katie was the only female he would ever truly love. He no longer cared that she was his sister, all that mattered was that he cared for her like a big brother should (as well as do things big brothers normally don't do).

Kyle passed Shelly on his way to Katie's room. Shelly looked at him with raised eyebrow and asked, "What are you doing to Katie?"

'Yiffing her in ways you can't imagine,' thought Kyle. However, he simply replied, "Carrying her to bed. She passed out while watching the Ed Edd'n Eddy Christmas special."

Shelly smirked and replied, "I'm just glad you're the one getting stuck carrying her and not me."

"What? She's not that heavy," Kyle stated while showing off his arm strength by gently raising and lowering Katie's limp form.

Shelly rolled her eyes and said, "Just don't drop her and I'll be happy."

"So will she," joked Kyle. With that, he continued down the hall to Katie's room. Even though it was dark he managed to find her bed and gently set her down. Katie awoke slightly and sighed. "Big brother? Are you there?"

"I'm here sis," said Kyle while he gently brushed her hair out of her eyes.

"I love you with all my heart," Katie said sleepily.

"I love you too sis, but now it's time to go to bed, okay?"

"Mmhhmm," she moaned sleepily. A few seconds later she was fast asleep. Kyle smiled down at her and pulled a blanket over her. Then he gently gave her a peck on the cheek before exiting her room and heading back to his. Walking to his desk, he pulled out the finished drawing he'd been working on all week and carefully folded it up before hiding it in his suitcase. Finally, Kyle flopped into bed and quickly fell asleep. The cold night air kept him comfortable as he slept deeply through the night. Little did he know that Death watched over him as he slept. His dark cloak masking his features, Death was performing a routine inspection of one of the many souls he was to collect within the next 365 days. Holding a stone tablet, the solemn figure checked the date inscribed on it. 05/24/10.

'A pity,' he thought, 'I almost wish I didn't have to take him.'

(Iron Maiden's "Paschendale" starts to play as an outro to this episode)