The Birth of a Sith

Story by Midnightblut on SoFurry

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#59 of FM Bailey

Drawn by Patches

A little story that I wrote and honestly forgot to post, not even sure how that happened. Being a big Star Wars fan I set this back in the time of the Old Republic, some time after the Great Hyperspace Wars and Exar Kun, when there were plenty of force users or even skilled warriors to match them around.

A scream of pain echoed throughout the ships bridge, the young girl clutching her left eye as the Republic captain lowered his vibroblade, droplets of crimson spattering onto the decking beneath his feet. She had snuck on somehow and had been caught, the security detail had brought her to his attention after she had told some fanciful story of a Jedi Master looking for her. The larger lion didn't care much for stories and had no Jedi Masters on board as they normally traveled in their own personal ships. He had heard no mention of a Master Jedi making their way out into the outer rim territories and had nothing in his on-board computer to state that one was going to be.

The vixen at his feet balling her right paw into a fist on the deck plating as her left stayed over her left eye. The vibroblade had cut deep and left her now half blind, the wound would scar up eventually if she lived through the ordeal though she needed but one eye to see the captain. Rage surged through her and she grabbed a pipe, wrenching it out of place from where it was exposed. The captain and crew looked on in bewilderment as time felt like it slowed around the young girl. She brought the pipe around in a swing to the left with such force that, as the captain brought his vibroblade up to block the swing, it shattered in the middle. Reaching down into the very depths of her rage the vixen found something and grabbed onto it with all her hatred and frenzy with her will to survive.

The security guards were grabbing their blasters but it wasn't fast enough and they looked on in horror as the largest part of the shattered blade spun around and then shot back into the lions chest, spearing him and the helmsman behind him. Before they could level their blasters, the young girl whirled about, her right paw held up and an invisible wave sent them flying into and over consoles and other crew members. Blasters were strewn over the place and then levitated before being used as projectiles on anyone near the young vixen. The force was strong in her and her rage amplified it beyond her control, leaving the bridge a mess of sparking consoles, broken bodies, and torn decking.

She had been told of a Jedi Master that was coming to see her, to gauge her value and worth to the Jedi Order of the Republic, to take her from her backwater home and deliver her a new life. He had come, found another that was strong with the force, and left before she could ever be shown to him. The memory sparked something deep inside her and she curled her paw until a ball of electricity formed. Letting out a yell of hate she let the lightning fly all over the bridge, cooking the life out of the electrical systems and making the ship a floating derelict. She would find the Jedi Master and show him she was worthy of recognition, she would destroy him down to his very soul and then the Jedi would be hunted like animals for sport.

Dragging herself up the vixen made her way to the doors that led deeper into the ship, she would find the bacta tank and seek healing there. Before leaving she grabbed one of the vibroblades that one of the security guards had on him. She smiled as she stepped through the doors, it was a smile of vengeance and of sadistic mirth. If the Jedi were to come looking for her then she would make them want to come looking for her, make them know that she was a threat to them. There would be no crew left alive and she would see to it that there was only one survivor to send her message to the Order. She searched her memory for the right word, what had the Jedi called their most challenging enemies? The word rang through her mind like the sound of a large bell. Sith. She would be Sith and they would come for her, but first she would need the right weapon to fight them, she would need a lightsaber.

As she stalked her way to the medical room she felt a chill run down her spine as a shadow crept up on her from behind. She paused and flicked her long tail before slowly turning to find a cloaked figure standing behind her. Menace leaked from it's very presence and she felt a soft of kindred feeling towards it. It was then that she realized that the presence of the dark side of the force had enveloped her.

"Who, are you?"

The specter spoke with interest in it's tone. "You are strong with the force, I felt your presence in the passengers section of this transport. You desire power, recognition, retribution ... I sense these things from you and" The specter paused for a moment before holding out a black case and opening it slowly. "I can give that to you and more."

The vixen hesitated and slowly reached out to pick up the lightsaber from the case. A smile of triumph spreading as she looked up at the Sith before her.

"What must I do ... Master?"

* * * * * *

It was ten years after the derelict ship had been found and the message in it's cargo hold delivered to the Jedi Order on Coruscant, the message itself was chilling as it had been scrawled all over the cargo hold wall in what was left of the passengers. The ship itself had been combed by several Jedi who found the presence of the dark side of the force disturbing. A covert search of the planet it had come from and the surrounding systems revealed nothing, as if the ones responsible for the deed had never existed. The Jedi had remained wary over the past ten years and Master Jedi P'cataer finally returned to the world the ship had left port before the horrific tragedy. He had thought that there was some kind of link between the message and the ship since the message had in fact held his name and the name of the world. It was against the instructions of the Order but here is where things would start making sense, he could feel the connection to it.

P'cataer had booked passage as a traveler and hidden who he was for the purposes of the trip. Stepping off the transport though he could feel that something was wrong on this world. Something felt off and it wasn't until he and the rest of the travelers got closer to the port town that they could see plumes of smoke rising into the air. Security guards bristled and readied their weapons, closing hatches and reassuring the travelers that all was well and that they were going to just have a look for safety reasons. The sergeant stayed with them and slowly but surely P'cataer could tell the comms were going dark until he caught a snippet of a conversation.

"-one target ... fast almost inhuman ... red light cut him in two-"

"Retreat, I say again retreat. This isn't something we can handle. We'll go back to the ship and ask for the Jedi to intervene here."

"-no good ... escape not ... no! Stay back! Aaaaugh!"

The sergeant dropped the mic into his lap, his paw shaking with fear at what he'd heard. The entire security detail was gone and there was nothing left he could do to tell the passengers that they'd be safe. The Sith were here and they were ransacking the town. P'cataer finally stood up and walked out to talk with the otter and offer his help.

"Sergeant, a word if I may?"

"P-please go back into the transport sir, I'm afraid we have to turn around and head back to the ship."

"I might be of service to you, I am Jedi Master P'cataer at your service."

The Sergeant looked bewildered and nodded dumbly. "A-A Master Jedi here? I ... humbly beseech you Master Jedi, please help us."

"What's the situation?"

"I'm not sure, the reports I got was someone is in the town with a red, glowing blade. They said they were fast and struck from hiding spots or from the smoke. It's nothing like anything I've ever heard of."

"I will go on ahead then and try and clear the way, it sounds like someone of my skills will be needed anyways. Head back to the ship and send word to the Jedi Order on Coruscant of this incident. Head out to the nearest system to here and stay there until word comes from either myself or the Jedi Order. Tell them to send help."

"Yes Master Jedi, I'll go at once."

P'cataer watched them head back to the ship for a moment before running off towards the burning town, a sense of dread filling him as he got closer. The dark side felt strong in the town, unusually so and that meant that there was more than one enemy here. Movement on his left alerted him to the presence of one of them, a robed figure matching his stride before jumping at him, lightsaber hissing as it activated. The figure was fast but then so was he and the enemy met his end with a sweep of the Master Jedi's yellow lightsaber as he ducked under the attack. The enemy was only an apprentice and as he looked the fallen boy over a moment a second figure leapt out at him, locking sabers with him for a mere moment until the master Jedi kicked out at this one and sent them flying back into a wall. The impact cracked the duracrete and the figure slumped down as the initial crack against the wall had broken their spine. Two more of the weak apprentices leapt out and were dealt with swiftly but still the feeling of dread lingered in the back of P'cataer's mind. There was a strong feeling of the dark side still hiding in the shadows and the four Sith hopefuls were a distraction.

Master Jedi P'cataer made his was into the town square where he found a lone figure sitting on the edge of the central fountain, stirring the water with her paw. She was a white vixen with red markings, black hair, and dressed in tight fitting maroon carapace armor. Her left eye was blind and a scar ran vertically over it and her cheek, an old wound it would appear. She turned as he approached her cautiously and smiled darkly at him but spoke sweetly.

"Finally the Jedi have come back to this place. I've been waiting for you."

"Who are you, Sith?" He replied venomously.

The vixen stood slowly and faced him. "Bailey ... Lady Sith, Bailey, Master Jedi P'cataer. I've been waiting so very long to see you and the last time you were on this world you never came."

"I don't know what you're talking about dark one but you will pay for your crimes this day. Both you and your Master will pay."

The vixen laughed in such a manner that sent a chill down P'cataer's spine, taking a pair of lightabers out and holding up one of them to look it over with amusement. "My Master, as you put it, is long dead now and by my own deeds. He, like you and your complacent little Jedi Order, was too weak to see the vision that this galaxy wishes for. They wish for life without our kind, Jedi or Sith, it doesn't matter to them as we're all the same monstrosity to them."

P'cataer was horrified, a Sith standing before him that had killed her own Master and wished for the destruction of both Sith and Jedi alike. "You propose the extinction of all of us that possess a connection to the force. That would kill the universe itself!"

The vixen laughed again and ignited both lightabers, a red glow enveloping her as she grinned at him. "Then you are welcome to try and stop me."

P'cataer ignited his own saber and ran forward a few steps before the impact of the twin lightsabers caused him to stop. She had rushed in and stopped his attack before he could even start it. One of the sabers smacked his own back and he slid back with the impact, the vixen following with mirth in her eyes. Her body twisted as she rotated so that her sabers were windmilling and carving grooves into the duracrete at their feet. He had to use the force to push her back enough to get some breathing room but even that didn't last as she lowered herself down, a burst of speed propelling her back behind him and then up the side of the building. Shingles began raining down at him as she used the force to loosen and then fling them at him, driving him back away from the building and into the open. The vixen ran back down the building and used the speed to give her an edge as she charged at him. Chunks of duracrete flying his way as she used her lightsabers to dig furrows into the duracrete that made up the walkway of t he town square. It was all the opening she needed as he sliced the largest chunk in half, a wave of the force snapping them back towards him as he tried to counter them both by pushing them back and block her attack at the same time. Time had slowed around her though and she could sense his movement just before he made it, one of her sabers being blocked but the other taking his paw off at the elbow. The duracrete went crashing to the ground as she used him to back flip up in the air and kick him to the ground in the same motion. Casually she strolled up to him and pointed one of her blades at his throat, using a wall of the force to keep him pinned and useless.

"This fight is over Jedi, admit defeat."

"If you strike me down then I will just become more powerful than you could ever know."

The vixen smiled dangerously and put one of the lightsabers away, using her left paw to summon the ball of force lightning. "No Jedi ... I will strip you of your very essence until you no longer can be one with the force." The lighting leapt forth struck the Jedi, making him writhe and scream wordlessly. The power behind her ability stripping him of everything that had made him whole, the force draining out of his body while it singed and turned to ash from the inside out. Maniacal laughter filling the town square as the vixen watched the Jedi perish in agony and pain until he was merely a pile of ash on the ground. Slowly she padded over to where his lost limb was and retrieved his lightsaber, tossing his arm into the fire nearby.

"You Jedi are too weak. You cannot keep this galaxy in check forever and one day, one day that is what will be your undoing. We are but the instrument of fate, a fate we all share."

Slowly she walked off into the smoke, vanishing like the a shadow and returning to her ship to leave the planet behind. Her mission was complete, the Master Jedi that had left her on that planet to rot was finished. All that remained now was the Jedi Order and that could be dealt with in time. One by one she would draw them out until there weren't any left with the skill to oppose her. That's when they would be finished, when the Republic would be finished, and she wished for anything that she could be the one to witness it.