Erika Whitehoof - Chapter 5

Story by biodaemon2 on SoFurry

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#5 of Whitehoof

[Centaur] [Futa/Solo] [Cock Growth] [Excessive Cum]

Whitehoof - Chapter 5

By biodaemon2

Baria reared back onto her hind legs with and angry shout, sending Erika and Zulrea flying for cover to avoid the centaur's hooves. Although she was tired after such a powerful orgasm and currently unarmed Baria could not let such an insult stand. With an angry snarl she whipped her hands towards the blonde elf in precise movements to summon power from the magical energies that saturated Azeroth.

Erika scrambled for something to use as a weapon knowing she needed to help Cyli. One of her hands fell atop something cold and smooth. She wrapped her fingers around it instinctively and turned to face the two, only belatedly realizing she had grabbed an empty glass vial.

Prepared to help Cyli and escape Erika rose to her feet with a war cry on her lips only to stumble and fall as a cloven foot caught on the edge of the centaur's bed, sending the young tauren sprawling in an undignified manner as she tried and failed to stop her fall with her flailing arms.

Cyli Ereravel could see the magical energies flowing around the centaur as she tried to create a simple fireball, smirking at the girl's evident inexperience. Leaping forward Cyli tucked her arms under her body and rolled, smoothly sheathing both of her daggers in one graceful movement. To everyone else she was just a blur as she came out of the roll just in front of Baria, the centaur unable to catch herself as she slowly dropped downwards from her back legs.

Pushing off with her legs Cyli leapt skywards to meet the centaur with a single fist held out in front of her. The fist connected with Baria's chin as she descended, the blood elf using the centaur's own movement to increase the power of her strike.

Baria's eyes rolled up into her head as she collapsed into an unconscious heap, the spell fizzling out before it even had a chance to be cast. Zulrea jerked her legs back at just the last moment to avoid being pinned by her falling bulk, her abused mind still reeling from all the events of the past few minutes.

"Cyliiiii!" Erika cried loudly, relief filling her voice as she ran forwards towards the blood elf. "I knew you would come back for me!" Nonchalantly flicking some of the dust from her shoulder Cyli looked up, faint amusement in her eyes.

"Erika, you-" Cyli began before Erika slammed into her and pulled the surprised blood elf into a tight hug, crushing up against the light-brown tauren's naked body as her words were muffled by Erika's chest. After a couple of squeezes Erika finally released her companion and leaving Cyli gasping for air.

Erika wiped a tear from her eye, ignoring Cyli's strained breathing as she gushed happily "Oh I was so worried! I didn't know if I would ever make it out of here, but I just knew you wouldn't leave me!"

Catching her breath Cyli nodded, taking a moment to compose herself before speaking. "Yes, yes, I came back for you. You owe me, and I don't let debts go unpaid" she said, the cold words causing Erika's smile to slip a little. Moving to the yurt's entrance Cyli leaned around the corner and produced a simple travelling pack.

"Get dressed. I gathered some your clothes before I left" she said before turning to the unconscious centaur, noticing the quiet troll standing warily just beyond her. "And who is the troll?" she asked idly as she kneeled next to Baria's unmoving form.

Erika looked up as she pulled on a pair of leather trousers, awkwardly trying to maintain her balance on one leg. "Oh! That's Zulrea. She was another one of Baria's slaves" she answered, reaching into the bag for a shirt. "She's coming with us."

Looking up from checking the centaur for anything valuable Cyli raised an eyebrow. "Oh, she is, is she?" she asked sardonically. "And who made that decision?"

Erika turned around as she finished tying the blouse with a knot that left her middle bare. Cyli had to admit that the knot just beneath her bust and large amount of revealed cleavage would definitely attract the eye. "Awww, c'mon Cyli! She was a slave like me! I mean, we can't just leave her here. Let's bring her along with us, at least till we get to town" she pleaded in what she thought was a persuasive tone.

Cyli shut her eyes and let out her breath slowly as Erika whined loudly. "Ok, fine. She can come along. But I don't think she can make it across the plains quickly enough to avoid any pursuing centaurs. If she slows us down we are leaving her. Understood?"

"Yes! I understand, Cyli!" Erika nodded eagerly. Picking up the bag Erika moved towards Zulrea, giving the girl a soothing smile and proffering the bag towards her. Cyli had brought all of the clothes that Erika had been wearing the previous day including the many different impromptu skirts, so Erika was confident they could find something to cloth the troll.

Zulrea just looked up at Erika, blushing a bit as her Love moved closer to her. She didn't fully understand what her Love and the elf had been saying, but she could tell by Erika's broad smile that it must mean they were taking her with them!

"Ok Zulrea, let's see if anything in here will fit you" she said idly as she began pawing through loose articles of clothing, partially sorting the stuff into unorganized piles. Most of the things in there were made for the smaller body type of the elves and Erika was beginning to grow impatient as the "possibles" pile was rapidly dwarfed by the "nota-chance" pile.

After a few minutes Erika leaned back with a strained grin on her face. "Well... at least she isn't naked anymore" she said to herself softly.

"Not by much" Cyli answered, startling Erika as she realized the elf was standing at her shoulder. Zulrea had managed to pull a pair of short leggings that gripped her wider hips like a second skin and barely managed to cover her nethers. The blouse Erika had handed her had been the biggest of the shirts besides the tauren's own covering, but the troll's ample chest was stretching it to its limits and looked as though she would shred it if she took too deep a breath.

Cyli kept her face neutral but glowered inside, remembering just how loose the shirt had been on her. "If you too are done, we need to get moving" she snapped with only the smallest hint of jealousy.

Looking down at herself Zulrea was stunned. Her damaged mind could not remember ever having worn clothing, but now her Love had given her such a wonderful gift she could feel herself overwhelmed by her emotions.

Seeing a few tears leak down Zulrea's face Erika leaned over with a concerned look in her eyes. "Hey Zul, are you alright? The shirt isn't too tight, is it?" Erika asked, gently touching her shoulder.

Instead of a verbal response Zulrea leapt up and wrapped her long arms around Erika's neck before pressing her lips hard against the surprised tauren's, kissing her passionately. Zulrea's tongue darted into Erika's partially opened mouth as she rubbed her body up against Erika's in a sensual manner. After a long moment Zulrea broke the kiss, gazing into Erika's eyes with a soft expression.

"Love" she murmured, finally causing Erika to remember what was happening. "So you can speak" Cyli said, giving the two a reproachful look. "If you two lovebirds are done, we need to get moving before one of the other centaurs catches our sent and alerts the rest to our presence here."

Gulping hard Erika finally looked away from Zulrea's deep eyes, carefully standing up as she tried to ignore the troll's taste in her mouth. "Um, yes. Let's get going" she said uneasily, moving towards the entrance. Zulrea stood to follow her Love, a troubled look on her face.

'Did I do something wrong?' she thought to herself, wondering why her Love would be so embarrassed with the kiss. 'Maybe it's because she just had sex and needs time to recover?" Zulrea smiled to herself with the thought, happy to have figured out the problem. Positively bouncing with each step she hurried to catch up to Erika.

Cyli turned back to the unconscious centaur as she dipped a hand into her satchel and withdrawing a small vial with a milky white liquid inside. Leaning down she gripped Baria's jaw firmly, opening the centaur's mouth. "Like I said, I don't let debts go unpaid" she whispered as she emptied the contents down the centaur's throat, holding her head up to make sure she swallowed it all. Nodding with satisfaction Cyli stood and returned the empty vial to her satchel before following her two companions out into the darkness of the night.

The pounding in her head was incredible, a constant dull pain that seemed to fill her entire consciousness. As she tried to open her eyes a burning white light filled them, causing them to tear up. After an eternity the light seemed to dim to a faint orange and Baria realized it was the sun cresting over the horizon, the early morning light filling her yurt through the open doorway.

Letting out a low moan she brought a hand up to her head, hissing in pain as her fingers brushed against her bruised jaw. The previous night slowly came back to her. The sex... the wonderful release... and then... that elf! Baria snarled as she remembered how the blood elf had struck so quickly before she even had time to react. Finding herself alone Baria knew that she had escaped, and worse taken her two slaves with her.

"I will have my revenge! This I swear on the spirits of my ancestors!" she declared, her voice cracking in her dry throat. She weakly raised her hands, forming the sign of an eternal oat of honor. As she tried to rise up to her feet her head began to spin, a wave of nausea overcoming her. She quickly lay back onto her side to let the sensation pass, knowing she should not be too hasty. She knew she could be a patient hunter.

As the pain from her throbbing skull began to recede Baria blinked as she became aware of another throbbing feeling. Raising her humanoid torso up Baria turned and looked down at her equine half, surprised to see her embarrassing maleness growing erect.

The hardening organ brushed along the soft fabric of her bedding with agonizing slowness as Baria could sense just how horny she really was. "No! There is no time for such distractions!" she groaned, trying to resist the urge to pleasure herself as it reached its full length and brushed the same spot on her underside it always reached when she was truly aroused.

Baria gasped as her horse cock throbbed harder and pushed even further up her belly, thick veins pulsing as her body forces her erection to grow larger.

"W-What is this?" she whispered in fear at the sight of her body behaving so strangely. She tried to stand firm against the pleasure as a pressure began to build deep inside her cock, the throbbing growing more intense. Shifting her eyes from the expanding dick Baria watched as her dark black testicles began to expand as well, growing larger in time with the throbbing pressure.

Giving a lewd groan Baria leaned down and wrapped her hands around her own member as she gave into her rising libido. The pleasure exceeded anything she had ever felt before as her hands tried to wrap around her mottled-pink dick, surprised to find that she had already grown too large for her finger to meet her thumb.

Already her equine dick had nearly doubled in length from its original thirteen-inches, but that was nothing against her now monstrous testicles. Baria grunted as her hind legs were pushed apart by the growing orbs, feeling testicles grow heavy with her own spunk.

"More... more!" Baria shouted as her cock continued to expand at a steady pace, her mind lost to lust. The pressure within her groin had reached almost unbearable levels as she stroked herself, desperate for release. Without warning Baria felt her entire body spasm as her swollen parts surged with a rapid burst of growth before it stopped as suddenly as it began.

"No! B-Bigger!" she bellowed as she realized the growth had stopped. Her lust addled mind didn't care that her testicles were each the size of her head or that her she-cock now reached between her front legs. She didn't notice the painful pressure built up in her distended balls or how tightly her skin was stretched over her shaft. She wanted, no needed, more growth.

Whimpering in frustration Baria rocked herself into her back, one hand still gripping her unbelievable length as she sat up and brought her horse dick pressing into her humanoid belly. Baria leaned in between her forelegs and slid her organ up her torso, leaving a trail of pre on her sweaty skin. Placing it between her breasts Baria leaned down and licked the flared tip of her cock, her body never having felt so electric. She clenched her eyes shut as she felt her ebony cunny quiver and squirt juices down her rear as the first of her many female orgasms shook her body.

Unable to fit the broad head in her mouth Baria resorted to suckling and using her tongue to reach as much as she could. Wet slurping noises filled the yurt as Baria's mind began to be consumed by her cock and the pleasure it could bring. Everything else paled in comparison; this was bliss.

"Baria? W-W-What is going on?" a surprised voice came from the open entrance to her yurt. Baria felt a faint burst of annoyance at being interrupted when she was so near release. 'Almost there... almost there' she repeated inside her head as she increased her efforts to cum. Baria opened her eyes as she continued to suck and salivate over her throbbing member as she tried to identify the intruder.

Baria's heart skipped a beat as she looked out the open yurt flap and found most of her clan standing there with eyes wide with disbelief and shock. The fog lifted from her head as the full weight of what was happening landed upon her. The tribe knew she was a hermaphrodite: a drek'lath. Not only that, but they had witnessed her in her must lust addled state with a maleness that dwarfed anything know to centaur kind.

"No!" she whispered to herself, the word muffled by her own meatpole. The looks of disgust on their faces at one giving in so completely to their desires that they would ignore everything stabbed Baria right in her soul. For a hunting community, loosing ones sense of their surroundings was a failure of the individual and a shameful thing. Baria's world seemed to fall into a vast ocean of self-loathing and disgust.

Then she felt the pressure within her groin find a release in a mind-numbing burst of pleasure that pierced even the dark waters of her depression. Her testicles pulled up against her as they pumped their thick load into her vein-covered cock, the flesh of her shaft seeming to bulge outwards as the semen raced up her length towards the flared tip still partially within Baria's mouth.

Baria tried to stop the orgasm but it was too powerful for her to resist. 'No! Not in front of the entire clan!' she screamed at herself before even that thought was obliterated by the pleasure of such a monstrous release.

With the entire clan looking on Baria gave a screeching moan of pleasure before her seed exploded all over her face in thick ropes of semen, her cock jerking back and forth as it rapidly pushed out gallons of spunk that flowed down her naked body. Rivers of the white cream poured off her breasts as her facial features were hidden by the sheer quantity of salty-liquid that was shot from her cock.

As Baria emptied her swollen testicles all over her body she knew that she would see that elf pay for what she did. It was the last thought in her mind as she passed into blessed unconsciousness where the disapproving stares of her clan could not reach her.

Erika Whitehoof - Chapter 6

Whitehoof - Chapter 6 Cyli Ereravel kept her eyes straight ahead as she continued to lead the group towards her eventual destination of Ratchet, her patience wearing thin. The oppressive heat and desolate landscape wasn't helping her mood either;...

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Erika Whitehoof - Chapter 4

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Erika Whitehoof - Chapter 3

[F/Herm/Herm][Tauren][Blood Elf][Centaur][Bestiality] **Whitehoof - Chapter 3** By biodaemon2 "Are we there yet?" Erika whined loudly as the two figures moved along the dusty savannah road, the sun hanging high above the travelers. The...

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