Heretic Anthem

Story by Pietus on SoFurry

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#14 of Welcome To The Family

For metal/music fans who consider themselves appreciative of good music, I apologise for the chapter title. I know you probably hate me right now, it's okay, it's my joke. My art appreciation is all dedicated to film.

Anyway, it hasn't been long since the last chapter, but I had a free day today and wanted to write. Since it was done, I thought I might as well upload it. Not a particularly fun chapter to write, but a key part of the story nonetheless.

I hope it's okay.

Thanks for reading, cheerio.

Lars opened his eyes groggily, looking around, wincing from the bright morning light streaming in through the window. Poorly attempting to get his bearings, he noticed that Riley's bedside clock read 11:00. He wasn't too surprised at the time, considering they were both late sleepers when there was nothing important going on. Speaking of Riley. Lars thought to himself, now paying attention to his physical bearings.

They were both lying in Riley's bed, naked. The sheets covered mostly up to each of the furs waists, with the blanket pushed right off the end of the bed. We made a pretty good mess last night. Riley, as per usual in the mornings, was splayed out, totally unconscious and snoring lightly. Lars was lying on his side, curled up to the warm fox. Their legs were intertwined, and the tiger realised there was no way he was getting out of there without waking the fox. Shrugging motionlessly to himself, he tightened his grip around Riley's midsection, nuzzling his face into the male's side.

Idiot. He thought to himself, beyond belief he considered giving these moments up. The sex was of course wonderful, but it was these in-between moments that Lars adored. He let himself purr just a little, enjoying the sweetness. He loved his boyfriend.

"Mmmmmmm." Let out Riley, stirring. Lars looked up at him, watching as the fox blinked himself awake, then upon seeing Lars, smiling. "And how are you this morning?"

"Good." Riley nodded in reply, giving into a yawn. As he did, he squeezed his arm around the tiger.

"I'm glad, it's nice to have you back." He said, massaging the area on Lars' shoulder where his paw was resting.

"It's nice to be back." Replied the tiger.

"Although, I will miss having clean sheets." Riley lifted the sheet with his free paw, revealing to Lars the various stains consisting of sweat, saliva and....other bodily fluids. The tiger giggled.

"It was worth the laundry load I think." He said, finally untwining himself from the fox, climbing over and heading to the bathroom. "Your Dad isn't here is he?" He asked cautiously, realising he was totally nude.

"Nah." Replied the fox, shaking his head. Lars nodded and went to jump in the shower. After a moment of thanking all the gods he didn't believe in, Riley climbed out of bed, pulling some soft cotton pyjamas on. Leaving his upper body exposed, he began to pile the sheets up so they could be washed (And they definitely needed it, due to the overpowering scent of...male that hung on them).

After the sheets were in the washer, Riley heard the water in the shower cut out and began making coffee. As it was brewing, he found his laptop and quickly set it up on the kitchen counter, choosing an easy-listening electronica playlist on a low volume. The toast had just been put in when a much fresher Lars appeared, the fur on his head and neck still damp. Dressed in loose, dark cargo pants and a plain red shirt Riley took a moment to appreciate how damn cute he was.

Lars could clearly see his boyfriend eyeing him up, but instead went for the coffee. They had discussed this in the past, and both knew who would be chosen in a coffee-or-boyfriend scenario. Pouring them both a drink, Lars silently passed the fox a hot mug, sipping his own.

The two stood in silence for a few minutes, just enjoying the coffee and each other's company. They didn't need to speak in that time; it was enough to just be close.

Finally, the peaceful calm was broken by the intruding noise of toast popping. Riley got to making it, slathering it in strawberry jam, just like they both liked.

"So how'd you end up with Joey eh?" Asked Lars, leaning into the kitchen bench.

"Uuuummm..." Thought Riley for a moment, recalling the memories. "He was the only other gay fur I knew? I was a horny teenager?"

"Ah, I see. And then how'd you end up finding out about him...y'know, drug dealing?"

"That's a slightly longer story." Replied the fox. Lars stared at him.

"And?" The fox sighed, taking a bite of his toast.

"I had just started to get really good at getting around pc security, so I was naturally cracking every bit of gear I could get to. I didn't see it as a big deal, since we'd been together for a while...But he had some weirdly specific security. It was fun to get through, but then I wanted to know why...went through various web portals to get his history and found this email account. Joey was pretty tech illiterate, so he'd obviously had someone else set it up for him."

Lars nodded. "I see."

"Yeah. I mean, I'm not super against drugs, especially something like MDMA." Noticing Lars' curious expression, Riley explained. "Just the more common name for ecstasy. Nobody calls it that anymore."

"Oh." Lars was not much of a drug user.

"Anyway, he'd been selling that, and like...pressuring these fourteen and fifteen year olds into buying it. Sending them threating emails that he was going to leak their information to police, or their parents or whatever. That plus the fact that those kinds of drugs aren't advisable for developing young minds and all that. But he was being real fucked about it." Riley shrugged. "I dunno. I didn't mean to snoop so far, just got caught up in the excitement of cracking new security and...stumbled onto it."

"And just, broke his paw?" Riley shook his head.

"Nah, not at first. First I said I couldn't trust him, that he'd hurt me. He began asking what he'd done. I said I found the fucking email account. He accused me of spying on him and I said that changed nothing. Eventually I just got so worked up I tossed his computer. When he put his paw on the window ledge, it was just like the pieces came together in my head y'know? Fingers are really weak."

"You're very blasé about it." Commented Lars.

"He's a dick of a drug dealer, that threatens and coerces teenagers. He doesn't deserve my sympathy."



"It's okay. Really. Just...unusual for me is all."

Riley nodded, finishing his toast and taking Lars' empty plate. As he was washing the dishes, Lars sat down in the lounge room and checked his phone. Noticing his Facebook messenger had a notification, he opened it to find a message from Jessie, his roommate.

Did u see this? What the fuck.

Confused, Lars scrolled up a little to see the dalmatian had first sent him a link. Tapping it he realised where it led: The Anti-Pride Pride website.

It was an article saying that the Reverend Thompson Marks, father to Jason Marks, was doing a talk nearby the university. Jason had been the fuckwit that jumped Riley and smashed his laptop a few months ago. Using his knack for technology, the fox had responded by convincing the father his precious son was gay. Due to the Reverend Lion's extreme religious persuasion, it did not go over well. Jason had been removed from the school.

The talk was in a few days, and easily within half an hour's driving distance of the school. Lars quickly typed out a reply to Jessie about how awful that was, then went to fetch his boyfriend.

The young male was just about finished with the dishes, drying them now. He turned in anticipation as the tiger stepped in.

"I just got a message from Jessie." He began. "You remember the good Reverend? Jason Marks father?" Riley nodded.

"Who could forget him? I might have ruined his sons education, at least for a few years."

"Yeah, well apparently he's giving a talk kinda close to here in a weeks time."

"Oh really?" Asked Riley, not looking as angry as Lars had pictured.

"Yeah, what the fuck?"

"Hmm." Was all the fox gave in response, finally stepping over to the tiger. "Do you wanna go?" Lars mouth dropped.

"What? Why would you want that?" Riley shrugged.

"I dunno, might be funny." He smirked.

"Funny? This guy is complete evil."

"Complete evil?" Riley raised his eyebrows. "He's a dickhead fanatic that most people ignore, don't you think you're being a tad dramatic? It'll be like visiting the village idiot." For a moment Lars was struck, he just stood there, watching his boyfriend in shock.

"Are you serious? You wanna go?" He finally asked.

"Yeah. Could be amusing. What have you got going on in the next few days anyway?"

"Not much I guess." Riley smiled cheekily at that.

"Then it's settled, we'll go get saved. Maybe he can cure us." The fox adopted a solemn stance, holding a paw over his heart. Lars giggled in response.

"Maybe, I really like cock though." That had Riley doubled over laughing. He was happy to see that Lars seemed to be totally over the shyness that once surrounded his sexuality.

"Yeah, me too. I dunno, I hear he works wonders." The fox finally replied, embracing his boyfriend tenderly.

The night air was cool, and feeling a lot like some kind spy, Lars zipped his hoodie up. Both the furs were wearing fairly dark clothes, trying not to be noticed. As if somehow the religious fanatics that went to these kinds of events would just know from looking at them. With that in mind, Lars still had to fight the urge to grab Riley's hand, or touch him in some way.

Locking his car, Riley waved at his boyfriend to follow, walking towards the nearby brick building. There were a few random furs milling about out the front, but it wasn't terribly busy. The couple noticed a large sign above the door that read:


They shuddered a little walking underneath it, and into the proverbial (And literal) lion's den. The event was free, and as they entered Lars could see it was just a local basketball stadium. Walking over to the stadium seating he looked around, he saw the Reverend talking with some other lions in a corner, and then something that surprised him:

Standing in front of them, dead still was Isaac. Isaac was part of Lars band and although the younger lion didn't share any of his families beliefs, he was still made to come to these kinds of events. Isaac looked around hastily, obviously having similar thoughts to the couple, that the horde would somehow _smell_the gay. Rushing over, Isaac struggled to keep his mouth closed. Riley just waved.

"Lars!" He shout-whispered. "What the hell are you two doing here?"

"We thought it'd be fun." Riley answered for him. Lars nodded.

"He doesn't know what we look like." He added. The lion seemed to relax a little, but still looked jumpy.

"It doesn't matter, this is insane. You should go home." He insisted. Riley shook his head.

"Chill Isaac, it's fine okay? Don't worry about it." He reassured, giving the boy a moment to calm down. He'd really worked himself up.

"Okay, okay. Just...gee. You really...ugh. Okay, just...sit up there or something, out of the way." He gestured high up on the seating stands. "I have to go help but...just stay quiet." With that last word, he glared at Riley, who held his paws up in mock protest.

"We'll be super-duper-sneaky, don't worry your little lion butt off." He said, far too casually for either Lars or Isaac's liking. The lion just stared at him.

"You guys really shouldn't be here. Just stay out of the way." He muttered, walking off. Turning, Lars slapped Riley's shoulder.

"Why would you do that to him? Stress him out like that?" The fox shrugged.

"I dunno, he can decry it all he wants but he's still here right?" The two quickly found some seats, separated slightly from the rest of the crowd. They didn't want their muffled giggling to cause any issues. Isaac and his family (minus the eldest brother, Jason) took some seats at the front row, watching their father. Lars took some pleasure in the fact that the basketball stadium (And it was barely a stadium really) was only a third full.

After the lights went down, a spotlight illuminated the middle of the court, where the Reverend was standing. Dressed in a typical reverend outfit, a red scarf draped over his shoulders, he just stared for a moment.

"I'd like to start." He said finally, paws crossed over his front. "With a prayer." The stadium echoed with a brief shuffling as the furs all set themselves up for their ritual. Noticing they all had their paws clasped, Lars nudged his boyfriend, mimicking the flock.

"Our Lord, please bless this group of furs. They have chosen the path of the righteous, protect them from the evils of the world and lead them away from temptation. Guide them, as they navigate this world of evil, do not let any of the devils tricks sway them in their incredible faith." The Reverend left a pause. "Amen." The herd echoed the sentiment, raising their heads again.

"Dear furs, out there." He began, pacing back and forth in the light. "I've come here to talk about something that I truly believe is important. Protecting the sanctity of our Lord, for it is in danger." Lars and Riley's mouths fell open as the crowd all nodded, seemingly in unison.

"Our heavenly father, he gave us many gifts when he created this world for us. Nay, this paradise. He gave us water where there was none. Light in the great darkness. He gave us females, so we may mate and populate the earth." The hidden gay couple in the back exchanged looks.

"We are beautiful creatures, with pure bodies. And yet, there some who would tarnish this purity. There are SOME!" He paused dramatically. "Who would see us fall into the devils grips. They would have us turn away from the light. They want to seduce our young boys, they want us to obey them and they want the world to descend into darkness." Lars began to feel nauseous as the crowd murmured its approval.

"There is of course a word for these kinds of creatures. These agents of Satan, you know what it is. The tendrils of evil have slithered deep into the world so much so that it has become seen as a disgusting word. Those who choose to speak the truth are outcast, punished. That word of course, my good brothers and sisters, is faggot." Lars gasped quietly, shocked he would be

"Now, these faggots." He spat the last word. "For that's what they are, they commit sinful, heinous acts. Doing abhorrent things in their bedrooms. Stealing children away to become sex slaves. They try to normalise it as if we won't notice, but WE WILL!" He screamed the last part. The tiger was starting to realise that this lion was actually insane. And it scared him.

"I CRY OUT INTO THE FACE OF ANY FAGGOT WHO WOULD DARE COME CLOSE TO ME OR MY FAMILY, JUST TRY!" The audience clapped as the madman regained his composure. "For I, using all the power the Lord has bestowed upon me, will fight back. I will destroy those who would seek to lead me away from the light. I shall seek out these perverts, these sinners, these disgusting abominations and I shall DESTROY THEM!" More applause. Even Riley didn't think it was funny anymore.

The Reverends ranting and raving went on for another half hour, Lars and Riley did all they could to stomach it. They both wanted desperately to leave, but to exit right in the middle of the small stadium would draw the entire attention of the crowd. The reverend didn't say anything about his oldest child; apparently pretending the lion did not exist. When it was finally over, the couple quickly and quietly got up from their seats and left. Looking back, he noticed Isaac's gaze searching for them, and his heart went out the young lion, having to grow up with a father like that. But he couldn't help him, not right now. So they left.

Riley had parked the car a few streets away, since the parking in front of the stadium was poor at best. The two walked in silence, paws pushed into their pockets, both upset. Lars had tears in his eyes, to think that these people even exist frightened and hurt him.

As they got within sight of the car, Lars turned, hearing a voice yelling out in the darkness. He turned around to see Isaac jogging up to them. He put a paw on Riley's arm.

"Hey look, is that Isaac?" He asked rather asininely. The fox nodded in agreement.

"Guys! Wait, please wait." He panted, the two obeyed, just waiting patiently. When he finally caught up, the fur was breathing heavily, he'd clearly been urgent to find them. "Sorry." He gasped, bent over.

"What's up?" Asked Lars after a moment.

"I just, wanted to make sure you're okay. Sorry about that." He replied, regaining himself. "My Dad is intense." Riley shrugged.

"Not your fault."

"I know." Said the lion. "Still, I worry." Lars smiled, clapping the younger fur on his shoulder.

"Well, that's very sweet of you, but we're gonna go home." Lars saw the young fur looking off towards the road, and turned his head just in time to see a fast moving four-wheel drive squeal to a halt. Isaac took a few steps back as four large furs (two panthers and two wolves) climbed out of the car, all wearing black. Panicking, he turned to look at Isaac, who held his palms outwards.

"Sorry guys." He said insincerely. Riley twisted his upper body to face Lars, realising what was happening.

"Run!" He shouted, right as the first panther grabbed his shoulders and threw him to the side. Lars was frozen in horror as his boyfriend fell, rolling into the gutter. He looked up to have the other panther's fist collide with his face. He stumbled backwards and fell onto the concrete.

One of the wolves came over and hit him again, causing the tiger to fall to the side, curling his body into a ball. The lead panther followed it up with another brutally fast kick.

Riley, seeing the assault, cried out, climbing to his feet. The last wolf stepped forwards and revealed that he was holding a large handgun, which he pointed straight at Riley's chest. The fox froze, staring at the cold weapon.

Between kicks, Lars looked up at Isaac, who was just standing there, looking nonplussed. His arms were crossed and the violence didn't seem to concern him.

Suddenly, Lars felt a massive paw wrap around his throat, pinning him to the ground. Riley saw and made a move to get to him, but the wolf moved forwards and pressed the gun right to his chest.

"You fucking faggot." The panther on top of Lars growled. "Think you can just do whatever you want? You two disgusting creatures fuck with the Reverends like that, and THEN HAVE THE BALLS TO COME HERE?!" He screamed, spit spraying over the terrified tigers face. Tears were streaming down his face now, his mouth filled with blood.

The panther put his other paw onto Lars face, pressing him into the hard and unforgiving concrete.

"We know what you two fucks did. I should fucking kill you." Lars heard a loud crack as the other panther smashed Riley's car windscreen with a baseball bat.

"LARS!" Screamed out Riley, which earned him a heavy punch to his stomach that caused him to double over in pain. He wheezed, winded and struggling to breath, the gun still pointed at him.

The panther finally released Lars, kicking him one more time.

"Come on. These fags aren't worth anymore time." He said, spitting onto the crying and injured tiger.

The others, including Isaac, climbed into the car. As the panther that had assaulted Lars walked past Riley, in between the coughing and spluttering the fox managed to get out two words;

"Fuck. You." The panther just smiled, and kicked him again. Then he left, climbing into the driver's seat of the car and taking off.

The two boys just lay on the concrete, hurting and wishing for help.