Oak River

Story by Arakupa on SoFurry

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Hey guys, this is just a pure shallow smut story. Don't expect anything more. It's a story that I started writing this summer, lost interest and forgot about, but I found it and decided I may as well finish it. I'm not a very experienced writer if you can't tell by reading this, but I only do it because there's not enough people writing more human/furry stuff. Someone's gotta pick up the slack.

Please let me know what you think, whats good, what needs work, etc. I like to hear feedback a lot!


Atop the forest, the leaves rustled softly in a slight breeze. Beneath the trees however, little stirred in the hot still air. Ryan walked along the trail, sweating under his clothes and small pack. It was a hot day in the upper peninsula of Michigan, and even under the shady expanse of trees that covered the national park through which Ryan was hiking, there was little respite from the heavy muggy air.

Ryan enjoyed the solitude of the forest. Even though he thought himself to be the only soul around for miles, he did not feel lonely. The forest was vibrant with sounds of life. Bird songs competed to be heard over the loud buzzing drones of the cicadas. Squirrels chattered in the trees as his feet softly shuffled through the forest debris that covered the forest floor. It was a beautiful day to be alive.

As the heat of the day wore on, Ryan felt ready to take a break. The forest air was still and muggy, but Ryan's trail map indicated that there should be a small river flowing nearby about a quarter mile off the trail. The idea of a cool refreshing dip to clean off the sweat and grime from the hike was very appealing to Ryan, so he stepped off the trail in the direction of the river.

The forest was old and mature so there was very little undergrowth. The going off the path was fairly easy for Ryan and his biggest obstacles were climbing over the few fallen trees that had been blown down or struck by lighting in some past storm. He took his time walking through the forest, taking in the tranquil environment in which he was surrounded. It was very easy to imagine that he had walked into another world where he was the sole occupant, and he had only the trees for company. Tall hemlocks and maples towered over him as he walked, only to be dwarfed in turn by the majestic oaks that had been there for centuries.

Ryan was surprised when he came upon the stream. He saw it before he was able to hear it. The river was about thirty feet across, but it looked almost completely still. The calm serene waters barely made a sound as they lazily floated along their course. Ryan threw his pack down on the bank and quickly shed his sweat-drenched shirt, eager for the respite from the day's heat that the peaceful stream offered. The rest of his clothes quickly followed until Ryan was running naked towards the water. He let out a high whoop the minute the icy water came into contact with his skin, but his momentum carried him onward into the stream until his foot slipped on a slick rock and he flopped awkwardly the rest of the way in. His breath came out in a whoosh as the cold water enveloped him, but the relief it brought was instantaneous. The sweat and the grime were washed away in an instant, and Ryan felt completely rejuvenated as his head broke the surface. He made his way to the middle of the river and attempted to stand. The water came just above his navel in its deepest part, and he found that the rocky bottom of the shallows gave way to a firm but soft sand that felt extremely pleasant under his tired feet. The current gently flowed around and through the sweaty crevices of his groin, the cool waters softly caressing him as they encouraged him to come along with them. Ryan closed his eyes and let out a content sigh as he fell back into the water, letting the current do with him what it would.

He was brought out of his reverie by a soft splash. He opened his eyes to see that where a large tree had recently fallen across the stream, an otter lay half-submerged in the water; his back resting on the trunk as the water flowed by him. Ryan was so startled by the sight of another being, that he immediately attempted to stand up, only to slip on another slick algae-covered boulder in the riverbed. He crashed back in to the water, his face turning red with embarrassment. He had not noticed the otter at first in his headlong rush to the water.

"Oh I'm...I'm sorry, I didn't realize anyone else was here." Ryan stammered flustered, his red face hot in the afternoon sun. A smile played across the otter's lips as he watched Ryan attempt to cover himself under the water.

"Ahh don't worry about it," the otter replied good naturedly, "it's not my river, do whatever you like. There's more than enough room for the both of us, and besides, a hot day like today and a nice river like this are better shared." The otter patted the log that he was resting against in an invitation for Ryan to join him.

Ryan made his way over to the log, avoiding eye contact. He was still too shocked and embarrassed to know what to say. As the otter shifted to make room for his new companion, Ryan saw that the otter was buck-naked underneath the water. He blushed all over once again. He was rather shy about being nude, and yet here he found himself skinny-dipping with a complete stranger. The otter faced forward, his eyes closed, resting his head back against the tree trunk. He had a relaxed smile on his face. Ryan was definitely not sharing the peaceful relaxed feeling and felt the need to say something to fill the silence.

"So uh...are...are you from around here?" Ryan tried to sound confident; hoping that he wouldn't give away his uneasiness, but his voice cracked and warbled a little as he spoke.

"Yeah kinda, not too far away," the otter replied, not opening his eyes. "There's good trout fishing in this river, so I like to stop by every once in a while, you know. I was fishing upstream earlier today, but I wasn't catching anything though. So, just like you, I decided to take a little swim to cool off. The fishes don't really bite this late in the day so I figured..."

The otter's words trailed off in Ryan's mind. As the otter spoke, he had reached down and was readjusting himself under the water. Ryan had inadvertently caught the motion in the corner of his eye and automatically glanced over. His attention was brought downwards to where the crystalline clear waters offered Ryan an almost perfect view of the otter's package as it bobbed and swayed in the water under the otter's administrations. His mouth went dry at the sight, but he was unable to look away. Weird thoughts began to run through Ryan's mind. How would those big orbs feel in his hands he wondered; how soft would the creamy fur feel against his face as he nuzzled himself into the otter's groin, kissing the gorgeous sheath and taking the balls into his mouth one at a time. Ryan shook his head, trying to banish the dirty thoughts that were beginning to take over his mind.

"Yeah I know, I get really excited about fishing too." Ryan was snapped out of his thoughts by the otter's last comment. His attention diverted from the otter's groin, he looked up to see the otter smiling cheekily at him.

"Huh?" Ryan was a little baffled by the comment until the otter nodded, signaling him to look down. What he saw made him want to die from shame. While the otter was talking, he had developed a massive erection, the head of which was just poking above the water. Ryan gave a moan of embarrassment and began to sink down, attempting in vain to disappear into the river.

"Hey hey hey, it's alright." The otter laughed. "It's a little forward, but hey," he turned to face Ryan, putting an arm to each side of his body. Ryan was effectively trapped against the fallen tree. Grinning mischievously, the otter continued, "Maybe it wasn't such a bad day for fishing after all." Ryan had absolutely no idea of what to say, he was having trouble completely comprehending what was going on. "One doesn't find himself in a situation like this everyday, so what do you say we take advantage of it, eh?" the otter suggested slyly.

Ryan's mouth hung open stupidly as he looked up and down at the creature who had him pinned against the tree. The otter's rich brown fur laid slick against his body, showing off his sleek streamlined form. The otter reached a hand down and began lightly brushing his fingers against the sensitive underbelly of Ryan's stiff erection. "You don't mind, do you?"

"I...uh...I'm..um...I mean" Ryan was still unable to speak as his brain sputtered furiously, trying to make sense of the situation. 'No way this is happening right now. These things don't happen in real life' he thought. But then a warm paw replaced the cold river water around his cock as the otter's fingers wrapped around the hard shaft and gently squeezed. Ryan's dick jumped in the otter's grasp and a low groan escaped his lips.

The otter drew in close, his bristly whiskers brushing against the side of Ryan's face as he murmured softly into his ear, "Good enough for me." His hand began stroking up and down Ryan's cock, causing another groan to escape. Ryan couldn't help himself; his hands began moving as if with a mind of their own, and they headed straight for the otter's groin. The otter's shaft was beginning to grow and fill out rapidly as Ryan grabbed it with one hand, feeling its warmth and growing firmness. His other hand went for the furry ball sack. In response to the cool waters of the river, the sack was drawn up close to the otter's body. Ryan gently rolled the massive orbs through his fingers, slowly coaxing them out further away from the warm body heat of the otter, and sensing their weight even as they hung suspended in the water.

The otter removed his hand from Ryan's dick and drew up close, pressing their bodies together. The slick fur of the otter was cool and damp against Ryan's skin and beneath its softness he could feel the firmness of the muscles as they pushed against him. Large furry hands slipped around him to rest upon his rear cheeks, giving them a good squeeze. Ryan moaned again from the sensations that were running through his body, he couldn't help but run his hands up and down the furry back, feeling the steely muscles, from the broad shoulders to the wide base of the big powerful tail that rested above the firm buttocks. The otter moved his face down into the crook of Ryan's neck and gave him a playful nip; the sensations of the bristly whiskers brushing across his skin combined with the gentle feeling of the sharp teeth against his neck were like electricity running through him. Shivers ran continuously up and down his spine causing the hair on his arms to stand on end, even in the hot afternoon sun.

The otter began working his way down Ryan's smooth chest, alternately giving tiny nips and kissing the soft skin. All the while, his whiskers tickled and scratched wherever they came into contact with Ryan, heightening the sensation. The otter reached the level where the river met Ryan's body, the tip of his erection poked out above the surface. The otter gave the sensitive head a whiskery kiss, letting his lips rest upon its tip before grabbing its base with a furry hand and sliding the throbbing head into his awaiting mouth.

Ryan gasped at the warmth of the otter's mouth as it slid down his shaft. His entire world suddenly shrunk to the six-inch length of his stiff manhood. The otter swirled his tongue around the underbelly of his cock and whenever the seal of the otter's lips against Ryan's cock broke, cold water would come rushing in causing his dick to jump and pulse with the contrasting temperatures.

The otter lifted his head up; the icy waters quickly replaced the warm pleasure of his mouth on Ryan's cock. Ryan exhaled slowly, realizing that he had forgotten to breath since the otter first went down on him. He barely had time to draw in his breath before the otter stood and planted a passionate kiss on his lips. Cold-water droplets from the otter's fur splashed against Ryan's skin and the fuzz around the otter's lips was cool and wet. A sense of playful lustiness emanated from the otter as he kissed Ryan. Their bodies pressed together, hot skin against cool dripping fur. The otter's mouth was warm but tasted as clean and fresh as the river in which they stood.

Furry hands drifted down and gave the cheeks of Ryan's rump a firm squeeze, as their kiss was broken. The otter helped lift Ryan up to sit on top of the stump as if he were a child. At that new height, the otter's head reached the level of Ryan's midriff, on which he planted a fuzzy kiss before stooping down and scooping up into his mouth the dripping tool that lay in front of him. The otter attacked Ryan's throbbing tool with a vengeance; licking and sucking on the sensitive tip before working his way down the underbelly to nibble the ball sack that was drawn up tightly against Ryan's body. The warm breath and lapping tongue of the otter were driving Ryan up to new heights of erotic sensations that he had never known before. He gasped, breathing heavily. His dick began leaking and dribbling slippery precum on top of the otter's muzzle and into his hungry mouth.

Strong paws groped and massaged Ryan's backside as his drooling shaft was sucked and slurped upon by the horny otter. The groping hands dropped lower and began kneading Ryan's buttocks. The cheeks were pulled apart by determined prying fingers which began rubbing and gently pressing against the tight pucker of his anus, giving Ryan some not so subtle hints as to where might the otter be hoping to go next.

Ryan was lost amongst the immense pleasure of the erotic sensations of the otter's swirling mouth and the insistent exploring fingers that rubbed and pried the crack between his cheeks. His inhibitions thrown to the wind, Ryan was only too happy to indulge the otter in the conquest of his body. "Wait... I keep some vaseline...in my pack...the first aid kit..." Ryan managed to stammer out between gasps and moans of pleasure as the otter gently nibbled and licked along the tender spots of the underbody and base of his dick before engulfing the spongy tip in the hot wetness of his mouth. He pulled off with a wet slurp and flashed Ryan a toothy grin in response. With a parting swipe of his tongue to the throbbing cock tip, he was off bounding through the water, splashing towards the shore where Ryan's pack lay discarded.

Ryan watched with a sense of awe and amazement at the rambunctious energy of the otter springing through the water. Upon reaching the river's edge, the otter bounded up the shore to where the pack lay, immediately upending the pack and dumping out the entirety of its contents in his haste to find the first aid kit and the prize contained within. He quickly located the object of his quest, and treasure in hand, he came bounding back energetically, splashing through the water towards Ryan with an almost childlike glee.

The otter jumped up on the tree trunk aside Ryan. "Got it," he remarked, showing off the tube of vaseline as he straddled the tree facing Ryan. Ryan glanced down at his companion, noticing that the otter's erection had diminished in the journey to the shore. Eager to repay the otter for the favor of fetching the slick jelly (and for some other reasons too), Ryan bent down towards the groin of his new furry friend. Water ran down off the otter's fur as Ryan cupped the fuzzy ball sack in a hand and brought his face down close to the otter's package. He breathed in deep, taking in the faint muskiness of the otter, the maleness of his scent as well as the sense of something almost animalistic that lay beneath. Ryan's thoughts became muddled, clouded by the musky male scent of the otter that affected him like a drug. He attacked the cock that lay in front of him with a hungry lustiness, alternating using his hands and his mouth, feeling the weightiness of the fleshy tool in his hands, gently stroking it before taking the thick tip into his mouth. The taste of the dripping cockhead gave off such an impression of pure maleness, which combined with all the other sensations, only further served to fuel the fires of desire that were raging inside of Ryan.

Ryan sucked greedily on the rapidly hardening shaft in front of him, swirling and dragging his tongue up and down the throbbing otterdick, which grew and stiffened with each pulse. Ryan could taste the sweet saltiness of the otter's precum as it dribbled out of the fleshy cockhead. He licked it up hungrily, eagerly pumping and milking the otter's shaft with his hand in an effort to get as much of the delicious slippery liquid as he could.

Strong hands began to slowly ease Ryan up off the object of his fascination and desire. Ryan resisted slightly, not yet ready to give up his treasure, but the hands were insistent and Ryan relented. The otter flashed him another one of his cheeky smiles before swinging his leg over the log, turning around so that his back was to Ryan. He scooted forward a bit before he began reclining backwards, his back coming to lay against the tree trunk and his head coming to rest in Ryan's lap. Ryan quickly grasped the otter's plan and leaned over the furry body, eager to get back to the drooling cock that jutted proudly out of the brown fur that surrounded it. The tree trunk that they lay upon was wide enough for Ryan to comfortably place his knees on either side of the otter's head before regaining his place slurping and sucking away at the hard leaking otter cock in front of him.

Ryan felt his own dick bumping against the whiskery muzzle of the otter, who gave the spongy tip a quick swipe of his tongue, catching a drop of Ryan's pre that was threatening to fall. Ryan involuntarily hunched his hips as a shudder of pleasure ran through him, his dick impatiently eager to find itself once more in the pleasurable comfort of the otter's mouth. Its efforts were in vain though, as it bobbed and jabbed empty air. The otter's muzzle was gone, but Ryan was too preoccupied to worry too much about it. His thoughts were all focused on the hard otter shaft in his own mouth on which he was bobbing and swirling, unable to get enough of the delicious piece of meat.

Once more, Ryan felt the otter's fingers begin to explore his backside and he couldn't help but gasp when a large finger pressed its way into his tight puckered hole. He could feel the greasy slickness of the Vaseline as the finger gently worked its way in and out of the entrance to his colon. His ass's first reaction to the intrusion was to tighten up and clamp down on the thick digit. However, under the otter's gentle yet firm administrations, the tight sphincter muscles slowly began to relax and loosen as the finger worked its way in, out, and around the puckered entrance, slowly easing it open. Ryan winced as another thick digit slowly began to insert itself inside his tight hole. His ass was now very slick with the ample amount of jelly applied by the intruding fingers, and as broad fingers slowly worked their way in and out of Ryan's ass, the clenching sphincter slowly loosened and stretched to accommodate the explorations of the broad digits. The first initial shocking sensation of the sudden intrusion of his tight hole quickly gave way to pleasure as his ass was massaged and stretched by the dexterous fingers of the otter. And while he certainly was enjoying slurping away on the hard dick in front of him, the questing and prying fingers had awoken a new desire in Ryan.

Hesitantly, he drew himself up off the otter's shaft, which now glistened in the sunlight from the combination of the ample amounts of Ryan's saliva and slick liquid that seeped continuously from the slit on the broad cock head. Ryan carefully turned and slowly straddled the furry body of the otter, shivering at the feeling of the damp sun-warmed fur brushing against the insides of his thighs.

No words were needed to communicate the lust and desire between the two individuals on top of a tree trunk in the middle of the river. The otter's eyes twinkled in the sunlight and he had a stupid grin on his face as Ryan fumbled around behind him trying to find and guide the shaft tip to his ready greased-up hole. When he felt the head of the stiff cock brush against his puckered opening, a shudder of eager anticipation ran through him and he slowly began easing himself down upon it. The head of the otter's cock pressed against Ryan's sphincter for but a moment before it slid smoothly into his tight, prepared passage.

Ryan was unable to resist gasping at the pain of the sudden intrusion as he was stretched open and forced to accommodate the otter's member. He hung there for a moment as he waited for his ass to adjust and relax, before slowly sliding himself further down the shaft, feeling it spread his opening wide as it continued to probe up into his bowels. He stopped halfway down before slowly raising himself back up until just the tip of the hard erection remained inside him. He began this process of slowly raising and lowing himself, each time going a little lower, a little farther down. He felt himself being stretched and spread in ways that caused slight feelings of pain and discomfort, but also an immense feeling of pleasurable fullness as the shaft slid further into his body. And just when he was sure he could take no more, he felt the brush of soft fur against his rump cheeks as they came to rest on the otter's bony hips. Ryan paused for a minute, resting on top of the furry body below him, his body trying to accommodate the large member that was now lodged up inside of it. He ran his hands through the fur that covered the otter's chest, feeling the tight muscles underneath as he struggled to catch his breath. Slowly the initial discomfort diminished and Ryan began to raise and lower himself, riding the otter's shaft.

The hot summer sun beat down upon their bodies as human rode on otter. Sweat dripped unnoticed down Ryan's skin. The only sounds around them were the soft rippling of the water, the slight rustling of the leaves in an unfelt breeze, the loud hum of the cicadas. Every once in a while these sounds of the forest were punctuated by a short grunt or moan from the coupling pair. Ryan was lost in the bliss of the erotic sensations that coursed through his body as he grinded against the otter. He heard the otter moan and strong hands gripped his waist as the otter began to gently buck and thrust into him.

Ryan leaned back, holding himself stationary above the gyrating hips of the otter. As he slowly transferred his weight back onto his hands that were placed behind him, his right palm all of a sudden slipped off the tree trunk. The sudden unbalance caught Ryan by surprise and before he could recover, he toppled off the otter and the tree, falling with an ungraceful plop into the river below.

He resurfaced to the barking sound of the otter's laugh. "Sorry...I don't think that was supposed to happen," he mumbled embarrassed as the otter hopped off the trunk to join him in the river.

"Good idea to come down here though friend, it was quite warm up there in the sun," the otter chuckled as he sidled up to Ryan. "I'm up for continuing where we left off if you are." He wrapped his furry arms around Ryan's waist, and all the embarrassed human could do was nod in response. He turned inside the otter's embrace, reveling in the feeling of the fur against his bare skin as his back pressed into the firm and fuzzy otter stomach. Hot breath blew across the back of his neck as he was hugged tight into the otter's body. He shuddered from the feeling of bristly whiskers brushing against his skin and face as the otter laid his head over Ryan's shoulder before directing him back to the fallen tree trunk.

Ryan braced himself against the trunk with both arms, feeling the hard appendage rub against his backside as the otter covered him. Large powerful hands were placed on his hips, then gently and almost tenderly, the otter pressed his member into the valley between Ryan's cheeks. It slipped in smoothly, and with a small grunt from Ryan, the otter began softly humping away again at the young human.

Sensations ran unchecked throughout Ryan's body; the feeling of the otter's shaft rubbing against his prostate, the soft fur moving across his bare skin. He felt the pure erotic pleasure building up and coursing through his entire being. The otter's pace quickened, his thrusts becoming more urgent. Hot gusts of ragged breath blew into Ryan's ear. Strong arms tightened their grip around him, and Ryan felt himself teetering on the same edge of erotic release that the otter too, was rapidly approaching.

Only a few more of the powerful erratic thrusts were all it took to push Ryan over the brink of release. He pushed himself back to meet the driving thrusts, grinding himself hard into the otter's groin in an attempt to force the large cock even further up into his ass. Climax exploded through his body. His dick erupted; gobs of thick semen shot into the river water, his ass and entire body clenched tight. The otter gave a few more deep thrusts before giving one final lunge, plunging himself all the way until the ring of his furry sheath brushed against the stretched rim of Ryan's ass opening. The otter clamped down tight on Ryan's body, releasing himself into the tight depths of the boy's ass. Ryan felt the otter dick throb deep within him, filling him in warm spurts. Whiskers tickled his ear as the otter let out a contented sigh.

Spent, the otter held himself still inside Ryan for a few seconds before slowly withdrawing. With a tender whiskery kiss on Ryan's sweaty shoulder, he murmured still slightly panting, "Wow."

"Wow." Ryan agreed, trying to catch his breath as well as the world slowly came back into focus. "That...was amazing." He turned to look at the otter. "Well, if you're not busy or anything...I've got a campsite a short distance away..." he hesitated, unsure of how the sexy otter would react to his clumsy invitation, but to his relief, the otter gave an excited grin.

"I would love to." The otter drew up close to Ryan, pressing their bodies together, his face mere inches from Ryan's. "After all, it's not often you meet sexy new friends out here in these woods. And I do love spending time with new friends." He then embraced Ryan with a tender kiss, slowly dragging him down into the cool waters of the river. Ryan returned the kiss as they slowly sank into the current; happy he no longer had to walk the trail alone.

And So I Brought Home the Otter (because of Toby)

And so here we have the results of my first attempt at writing. Just a short little story of a man and an otter engaging in a random fling. If you like it, or have suggestions/critiques, leave a comment PLEASE! They would be super appreciated! * *...

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