Tina's Story Chapter 31 The Lunch Hour

Story by Gray Muzzle on SoFurry

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Sorry I haven't been around for a few days. The good news for Tina fans....soon you'll get a chance to see what Tina looks like! i've finally comissioned a pic from one of her more popular episodes, so you'll get to see what she really looks like....As to the time off, well, sometimes life intrudes on art, and I figure the newlyweds could use a little time alone.....

Lunchtime. A quiet time around the office. But today, there's a great deal going on. Let's check in with the girls, and see what they're up to today.

Tina leaves the office promptly at twelve, and heads to the park. You see, Ray and Tina made a pact, that this was the day they would tell their parents that they got married. Tina suggested that Stan meet her at the park. As Tina walks to the park, she sees Stan standing there, waiting. She goes to his side, with warmth and feeling....

"Hi, Stan!" Tina gives her Dad a big hug.

"Hi, Kitten, how ya doin'?"

The two walk into the park; Tina holding her father's arm. They walk for a while, then Stan breaks the silence:

"I guess I gave you a lot to think about last time...."

Tina squeezes her Dad's arm.

"It.....took a lot to come to me like you did. Stan....I love you. I always have. Whether you and I share chromasomes or not, you've always been my Dad...."

Stan smiles as they walk. This is how he hoped it would go....

"But, Dad? I've got something to tell you...."

Stan says nothing, but looks in Tina's direction.

"Dad, Ray and I got married." she says nervously.

"I figured that. When we talked last week, I noticed the ring."

Tina is deflated...

"I feel like such a dork!"

"Don't Ray's a nice guy. I'm so happy for you...."

"How's Mom doing?" she asked, tenatively

"Well....alright I guess. She's stopped ranting. I'm working my way toward getting her......the help she needs. It will be a long process. Be patient."

Tina nods, retaking her Dad's arm as they walk through the park in the cool Fall air.

In a cubicle in the office, KC sits at her desk. She has taken her lunch to call her boyfriend, the doctor....

"Hey, Babe..."

"Hey yourself; I just got off rotation- I'm gonna grab a few hours sleep."

"Am I going to see you tonight?" KC asks, hopefully.

"Not tonight, Hon. I go back on at 4....."

Disappointed, KC rethinks quickly.....

"know what I've been doing?" she asks, suggestively

"No, what, Babydoll...."

"Well, I've been sitting here all morning, with my heel underneath my puss, rocking back and forth......"

"You have, have you?"

"Yeah, and I came right at my desk a couple times, but it didn't help. So, now, I've scooted forward in my chair. My skirt rides up just enough, so my kitty is jussssssst peeking out"

"Go on, I'm listening......"

"I'm touching myself. My panties are sooooooo soaked, I guess from playing with myself all morning. I'm rubbing my puss right through my panties now. God, my fingers are wet! I'm wiping my fingers over the mouthpiece. Can you smell my hot, wet sex?" She asks, breathily....

"Oh, God yes....."

"But I need more......I'm slipping my fingers inside my crotch. I've pushed my panties to one side, so I can masturbate my steamimg cunt....I'm at my desk at work, and I don't care! I'm sitting at my desk, with my pink, wet pussy exposed, rubbing myself off, and I don't care....I'm sooooooo close to coming.....Oh, God! I squirted right on my chair......oh......oh...ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

After a time...

"oh, God, baby, I just came, right at my desk at work!"

"I just came here in the resident's bunkhouse....." he said, breathlessly.......

"Be home as soon as you can...."

"Count on it....."


Colleen is talking on the phone......

"Sean, you were very sweet, but twenty years of absense doesn't get worked out in a couple days. I need some time. Trust me, I'm not blowing you off....."

Just then, Lydia appears at her door....

"Listen, someone's here. We'll talk later....."

Lydia walks in as soon as Colleen hangs up....

"I hope I didn't interrupt...."

"No, I was just finishing...." she says, lying through her teeth. truth is, Colleen was looking for a reason to break off the uncomfortable conversation.

"I've told my husband I'm leaving." she said, in a matter of fact tone.

"But...why?" was Colleen's baffled reply

"After the other night, I realised how much I was missing. that I was just going through the motions each day.....There was just no love....no us anymore...."

"Isn't that a bit...rash?" Colleen inquired.

"I just felt....I had to do it. I can't live without love, caring......sex." she admitted, sheepishly

Colleen just sits there, dumbstruck. She can't help but think that she is responsible for this. Colleen is trrified that Lydia thinks that their night was more than....well a night of decent drunken sex. But she also knows that what she did was unfair. Lydia was too vulnerable. Colleen should have known....Now what was she to do?

"I've decided to move out."

Colleen was floored.

"But what about the boys?" she asked

"We talked, and he's going to look after them for now. But I need a place to go for now. Could I .......can I stay with you?" she looked to Colleen hopefully.

Colleen wanted nothing more than to say 'no'. But she couldn't. Not when she believed that she was responsible for her prediciment. So.......

"Ok....." she said, cautiously. She reached into her purse "Here's a spare key. You've got the spare bedroom. "

"Oh than you!" Lydia jumped up and hugged Colleen.

Colleen couldn't help but wonder what she had gotten herself into.

Across town, Ray met his Dad, the doctor at the City Club. Ray had been there many times over the years. For every major achievement, the family went to the City Club. When it opened, the club was male only. To this day, it has a 'Ladies Entrance'. And it didn't admit Jews. Dr Goldstein was actually the first Jewish member, and not until he was Chief of Surgical Staff at the hospital. Now, there were many Jewish members. Even a handful of Black members. But no hybrids.

Ray was shown to the dining room, where his father was already seated....


The Doctor shook hands, and embraced his son.


They sat down, ordered beverages, and looked over the days menu....Before long, Ray spoke.....

"Dad, I wanted you to know....Tina and I were married when we were in Nassau....." he let the words hang there, not knowing where to go.....

"Stan told me he figured you had gotten married" the doctor replied, buttering a roll.

"Stan?" Ray stammered "When did you talk to Stan?"

"Oh, we've been talking for some time. Ever since the dinner that night. I felt awful. For him, for you, for Tina.....so I called him. We went to play golf at the club"

"Stan plays golf?" Ray asked, surprised by what he was hearing

"Well, he does now. Got a heck of a swing. He's still learning, but with his power, he's a terror on the fairways. The greens? Not so much....But that will come.

"He plays at the club?"

"He does now. I got him to start lessons. He plays with us when someone drops out of the foursome. I got tied up last week, and he took my place."

Ray was shocked, but shook it off, as he had another question...

"Uh, how did Stan know....I don't think Tina told him"

"He saw her ring when he went to see her last week. Put two and two together...."

"I don't know what to say....."

"I started out just wanting to apologize for what happened. then I got to know Stan, and he won my respect. He's been through an awful lot.....He's a loyal, brave and devoted guy. And I like him..."

High praise indeed, as the doctor reputedly didn't like that many people.

"And Mom?" Ray asked cautiously.

"Some things"...the doctors chose words carefully "Don't happen overnight. I'm working on it. I understand that Tina is keeping a Jewish home?"

Ray nodded

"Reform jewish, but yes, she is observent" Ray confirmed "How did you hear that?"

"Who do you think told me?" the doctor smiled "She's closer to her Dad than you know. Not that that's a bad thing. Just don't think you can keep secrets."

Ray sat back, relieved that things went beter than he thought they would.

"Is there hope....for Mom?"

"I think...in time. She may want to have the union blessed by a Rabbi someday...would that be a problem? the doctor asked.

"No, it wouldn't."

"Then let me work on things. And Ray?"

Ray looked toward his father

"Stan thinks the world of you"

"It's mutual" he stated, truthfullly

"Look at the time" the doctor looked at his watch "Surgery in 90 minutes"

"I understand; thanks for coming today"

They hugged, and were off, to return to their respective jobs......

Later that night, Ray and Tina were home, watching a movie...'The Wizard of Oz'. Ray sat on the sofa, Tina curled up by his side. Tina was wearing a 2XL men's T shirt, her tail lifting the back, where her little red panties peeked out. As the end of the movie came, Tina was sobbing softly on Ray's shoulder....

"What's the matter, Hon?" he asked lovingly

"It's....'SNIFF'....alright" She said, haltingly "I love this movie....but it always makes me cry" she said, taking a giant handful of popcorn from the bowl in Ray's lap, stuffing it all into her mouth

"Bedtime" Ray declared. He gathered Tina up in his big arms, and gently carried her to the bedroom. As he lay her down, Tina grabbed his shirt, and deftly flipped him onto the bed beside her.

"Cuddles" she pleaded, with big Poodle eyes

Ray took Tina in his arms, and did as requested.

Tina's Story Chapter 32 The House Hunt

Ray awakens Sunday morning to something strange. As he gathers his senses, he realises that Tina is awake, and watching TV....and eating..... "Uh...morning...watcha eating?" Ray asks, groggily "Cap'n Crunch with chocolate milk" Tina answers,...

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Tina's Story Chapter 30 I beg your forgiveness II

Colleen the Irish Setter human hybrid is having dinner with Sean. Sean is the "mystery man" from her long ago past. After an intense romance, Sean just vanishes, never to be seen again. Not, at least until twenty five years later, when Colleen turns...

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Tina's Story Chapter 29 I beg your forgiveness I

Tina and Ray deplane at the city airport. The city is as cold and grey as Nassau was green and lush. They drag their way through the terminal, find their luggage, then shlepp to the car. Ray's aging Golf gets underway, with the last life the battery...

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