Chapter 10 - Links To The Past

Story by Diamond Celestalis on SoFurry

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#10 of Valkyrie - Pegasus - Book 3 - The Light of the End

Location: Terra â€" 5 months before Asgard Occupation

"What do you think you were trying to prove!" shouted General Daniels. He was a puffy faced Otter and was sat behind the desk squinting at Colin who stood before in an old Terran army combats.

"General... it was not like I was being overly hard of the boys..." he said sighing, watching the fat general continue to puff his face up in anger like a red balloon.

"No... making a soldier stand out in the rain naked with a book on his head was purely educational!" mocked the General. "You stepped over the line Colin..."

"Look... General...."

"No.. you look... I am not having reports of abuse amongst my privates mounting!"

Colin tried very hard not burst out loud when the general shouted that.

"We have set you a new assignment..." snarled the General as he took a cigar out of his case and placed it in his mouth. Colin never saw what the logic was of smoking in your own office with all the windows shut, it seemed a little stupid to him.

"Hmm?" murmured Colin with interest.

"Your days of an instructor at this military academy are over." sneered Daniels watching Colin very closely. "We have received a request from Phoenix Grace Ltd, a company that among many commercial things... provide us with our military software."

"Yeah?" asked Colin, feeling he was not going to enjoy this "new assignment" one bit. He understood very little about Phoenix Grace, however they were the largest company on Terra and had been in service for over five hundred years.

"Well they have potentially found this in a routine mining survey of Everonth" snarled the General producing a photo from his office drawer.

Colin took the photograph which was depicting the ruins of a ship that seemed to be embedded in the mountainside.

"Extra-terrestrials? Oh come on General!" sighed Colin in protest, however something in his tail was giving him a bad feeling about this.

"We don't know the details yet, but Phoenix Grace want military security and we have agreed... you would be perfect for shooting little green wolves..." mocked the General laughing. "Here is the list of personal you will be working with, a full list of the research team is on there..."

"Remmy Snyder!" shouted out Colin again in protest. "He's known for being a wacko of a Tiggersil"

"You will go to him and start addressing about security and no complaints or you will be walking out here with your tail up your ass" shouted the General.

Colin moaned out in annoyance, was this all his life was meant to be. As he read down that list of people in the research team, he had to stop and laugh at the cryptologists name .

"Diamond Dust"

Location: Valkyrie Shuttle â€" In Temporal Vortex

Djynn kept crying to himself in the corner about the destruction of the Valkyrie. He was sat right at the back of the hold of the small shuttle, crouched down and crying. Diamond had tried to remind him that if Terra was saved then they would all be fine so to think of them as not really "dead" but that was not making it easier for him.

The temporal vortex was constantly annoying to navigate as it was a beautiful, blue and white pulsing tunnel that was letting off random electro-magnetic charges that kept shacking the ship continually.

Everyone was quiet at the moment except for Djynn's sniffling in the corner of the small hold. Blackfire and Anna were in cockpit, moving the ship about and setting the right coordinates and time while Diamond, Aries and Munchy were in the back.

"So Munchy... were you in the military before the war?" asked Aries as he sat there polishing a nicely balanced assault rifle which had been customized by Aries himself who had a bit of a love for weaponry.

"Yeah... why?" asked Munchy as Diamond looked up at Aries. He knew instantly what Aries was going to ask.

"What about eleven years ago... did you work for Chentrilla Army?" asked Aries in a seemingly casual manner. Munchy stared back at Aries a little confused, he had just been infected with a mind-altering weapon, forced to kill Colin and yet all Aries was interested in was his career? He found that a little strange.

"Yes... I was just a private back then... What's your point?"

"Oh, so ya must have been at Equinus 'hen?" he asked, narrowing his eyes on Munchy.

Munchy started to feel very uncomfortable, it was difficult for him to remember every battle and skirmish that he had been involved in however he remembered Equinus well because it was his first major mission. However he also realised that he was sitting next to two Horcia who were probably there as well...

"Yes... I was" he said finally.

"How did it feel, to murder so many horses?" asked Aries directly after Munchy had replied.

"Look, I understand where you are going with this Lieutenant but I really think we should be concentrating on the mission..." snapped Munchy.

"Yeah... funny how it's a war crime that nobody has ever paid the price for..." entered Diamond with a snide comment.

"Yeah... funny 'hat" laughed Aries.

"Look if you wanna kill me, save it for later, we have a job to do..." snapped Munchy. "I was just a soldier doing my job, I was not even in the team the entered the village."

Both Diamond and Aries sat back on the bench against the wall. Munchy felt the tension begin to ease over but he had just told a complete lie. What he had not told them was of the family that his unit had dragged out of there homes and held at gunpoint to the farmers that refused to surrender the food and then was ordered to kill them when they never cooperated. He still remembered following his orders, he was young and eager but not even the devil would forgive him for murdering children in front of their fathers...

He took out his gun casually and began to clean it, inspecting it piece by piece... he was a monster.

Location: Terra - Serenity Island â€" 250 years ago

Kestra struggled inside the main chamber of the Serenity Isle sanctuary. She was exhausted and only Eclypse was there to hold her up as she trailed the sword over the ground, she could feel the virus almost at her mind. She began to hear the distant whispers of Galladia seeping into her head like a serpent coiling itself around her mind.

"Need some help?" asked a familiar voice as Terra turned around to see a familiar red hedgehog standing by the sanctuary door. It was pitch black inside the sanctuary and one wrong move could result in death as Kestra and Eclypse struggled to the monument at the centre.

"So you decided to come back then..." said Kestra weakly. The red hedgehog clicked his fingers creating fire in the ancient torches around the room. The sanctuary was huge and familiar with a statue in the centre with three pedestals, two of which already contained two shimmering swords in them.

The red hedgehog made a grunt before going over to Kestra and helping Eclypse to carry her. He had black markings on his head and down his back and was wearing almost nothing trousers exposing his furry chest. "Red... this does not involve you... why are you helping?" asked Kestra.

Red sighed as he helped Kestra up onto the pedestal. "I'm not doing this for my universe.. or anything like that... I'm doing it for you..."

Kestra looked up in complete surprise at Red. Red was a visitor to her universe from another where he reigned as a king. She had encountered him when he sensed Galladia's disturbance in Yggdrasil and investigated, he had powers that she could over dream of but was unable to seal Galladia... only Kestra could do that..."

Kestra looked at both Red and Eclypse. "You can both leave now... get on with your lives."

Eclypse sighed at Kestra. "You don't know your first officer very well do you, I'm with you all the way."

Red just grunted and that usually meant a yes or a stubborn "I'm staying" remark.

Kestra smiled before she impaled the blade through herself, the pain was completely intense, she felt herself change, her Echidna form loosing shape as she erupted into light, her hair growing long and blonde, angel wings spreading from her back as she bleed and pushed the sword into her more. She felt Galladia's spirit draw closer and closer to her.

She arose suddenly, her appearance darkening and her skin turning green. "What have you done!?" she boomed in a dark voice.

Eclypse looked at Red. "The transfusion is complete."

Red smiled as there was a huge build up of energy inside the Serenity Island Chamber a bright white light filled the room with both Eclypse suddenly exploding as any mortal would in the face of such divine power.

Red just looked at the light. "I will protect you for eternity... Kestra..." he muttered.

Valkyrie - Book 1 - Chapter 11 - The Culling of Chentrilla (Revised Edition)

Chapter 11 - The Culling of Chentrilla Location: New Haven New Haven was a small town that lay on the edge of the Chentrilla Delta. It was surrounded by rich pasture and farmland that had been the agricultural backbone of Chentrilla...

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Valkyrie - Book 1 - Chapter 9 - The Rat in a Cage (Revised Edition)

Chapter 9 - The Rat in a Cage Location: Everonth Mountain Excavation Site The rain heavily pelted the landscape, morning had come and the rain had still not subsided. The continuing storm seemed to be a lot heavier then was usually...

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Chapter 11 - Irreplaceable

Location: Valkyrie â€" Temporal Vortex "We're getting close to the coordinates" announced Anna as the shuttle shot out of the vortex at the same speed they went in at, narrowly missing a powerful Asgard beam that shot past them and fired on the...

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