Getting What He Wants........Again

Story by devilmaycry on SoFurry

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Just a quick little sequel I did for that cute little bunny Huggles. I really like doing his bunny cause he's super cute. Didn't take me long to do this one as it was already brewing in my head. As always, let me know what you think either good, bad, or just browsing. Enjoy!!

Huggles @ cute little bunny

Huggles stirred softly in his sleep before opening his eyes, seeing his vision go up and down slightly. Looking up, he saw Devil still asleep with his arm around him. Huggles smiled, inhaling Devil scent. Turning his head, he saw the clock which read seven twenty.

"Better grab a shower."

Easing out of Devil hold, he got up with a stretch before heading to the dresser, grabbing a pair of boxers. He could still feel the dried cum on his fur, a reminder of last nights fun. His parents fell in love with Devil cause he was so friendly and very respectful. Huggles's dad was even grateful for him in helping him with his back problems. After dinner was served, they retired to his room where it was game on. He had to bite the pillow to keep his moans low as to not wake his parents.

He came three times compared to Devil's two, all hands free. The first time it was a rough pounding, Devil drilling him merciless as Huggles could do nothing but bite the pillow hard and try not to scream in pleasure. The second time it was more loving as Devil held he from behind, slowing pumping into him and running his paws up and down his chest. The last one, Huggles rode him hard and fast, feeling that knot slam into his backside before squelching in with a pop which was all he could take as he let loose with heavy, thick spurts that splattered over Devil's chest. He turned around to see Devil's morning wood tenting the sheets as Huggles licked his lips.

"No, bad bunny. Shower first."

Getting to the bathroom, he turned on the water, letting it get warm before hopping in and washing himself down. Looking down, he saw his morning erection dripping pre down the drain.

"You're insatiable, you know that," he giggled to his cock.

The door opened and closed as Huggles felt Devil's arms wrap around his waist.

"Can I join you?"

"By all means," Huggles moaned, feeling Devil's paws roam his chest.

They took turns washing each other down, Devil having fun stroking Huggles cock making his knees weak before Huggles pulled his paw away.

"We'll be late if we do that wolfie. We'll have plenty of time tonight for that," Huggles smiled.

"If you insist," Devil growled playfully.

Turning off the water, they dried each other off before getting dressed and heading downstairs to see Huggles's mom in the kitchen making breakfast.

"Morning boys," she said cheerfully.

"Morning mom."

"Morning ma'am," Devil said with a small bow of his head.

"I told you to call me Heather," she grinned.

Devil blushed before taking a seat next to Huggles as Heather gave them both a plate of french toast, sausage, and tea. They dug in happily after adding some syrup. Heather took a seat, coffee cup in hand.

"So Devil, do you have any hobbies?" she asked.

"I do martial arts."

"Really? Like Bruce Lee?"

Devil chuckled at that.

"I do some forms of martial arts, but not his style."

"Maybe you could teach Hugs some."

"Mom!" Huggles said with a blush.

They shared a laugh as he went red before she looked at the clock.

"You boys better hurry or you'll be late for school. I'll get the car ready."

They nodded before eating faster, finishing their breakfast before washing their plates. Grabbing their bags, they headed out the house to the awaiting car as Heather pulled out the driveway to their school. After some idle chatter, they pulled into the driveway of Lincoln Tech as the kids were heading inside.

"Let me know if you have a change of plans Hugs."

"Okay mom," he said, getting out along with Devil.

She gave a wave before driving off. They heading inside to their lockers, grabbing their first period books.

"See you at lunch wolfie?" Huggles asked.

"You got it bunny."

He gave Huggles a tickle under his chin before heading upstairs to his classed. Huggles watched that blue tip tail wag happily up the stairs. With a sigh, he headed to his first period class and sat at his desk. Jones came in and sat next to him.

"What's good Trix?"

"Same old bull different day," Huggles shrugged.

"No kidding. But at least this is our last month before we graduate. You decided on any colleges?"

"Not yet. Still going through some of the applications. Lots of colleges want me for their team."

Jones smiled at that before Huggles continued.

"But I'm not going to any college without my wolf."

"Seriously? What if it's a top tier college?"

"Not without my wolf. He's my claim and I'm keeping him," Huggles grinned before the teacher walked in.

They settled down as the teacher dribbled on about geology, Huggles taking notes. But his mind kept going to Devil. His firm body, gentle but firm embrace. And that thick cock with a fat knot attached to it made him lick his lips. It took all his willpower to stay focus. Once the class was over, Jones caught up with him in the hallway.

"What was with you in class Hugs? You were totally not there."

"Sorry. Just thinking about my wolf. He slept over last night."

Jones's ears perked at that.

"Really? What did your parents say?"

"They loved him. He was respectful and nice. Even helped my dad with his back problem."

"I guess you guys made a racket in bed?"

Huggles grinned at that as he opened his locker and took out the next subject.

"I had to bite the pillow so hard I think I tore holes I in it."

"He was that good huh? How many times do you cum?"

"Three. All of them without touching myself."

Jones went quiet at that which Huggles noticed.

"Must be nice to have," he mumbled out of ear shot.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing. Get to class. I'll catch up with you at lunch."

He watched Jones leave, tail looking a little limp and not having that using swing. He frowned a little before heading to his next class. Lunch time came quickly as Huggles grabbed the school lunch which consisted of lasagna, vegetables, and cornbread. Grabbing his tray, his eyes roamed the lunch room til he found what he wanted and walked over.

"Hey wolfie."

"Hey my bunny," Devil said with a smile.

Huggles took a seat next to Devil, rubbing his leg against his. He noticed three other people at the table as well, one of them being Violet. She gave a smile and waved at him.

"Hey there Huggles," she said.

"Hey Violet."

"I see you and Devil are getting along well."

"In more ways then one," he grinned before looking at the raccoon next to her. "David I presume?"

He nodded his head with a smile.

"That would be me. And you are the great forward for Lincoln Tech soccer team?"

"I wouldn't say great. I just do the best I can."

"That's all anyone asks."

Huggles looked at the puma next to him, remembering he was the one that sparred with Devil.

"That's Harold. Me and him are captain and co captain of the club," Devil said with a smile.

"I don't hold a candle towards you Devil. You pretty much made me look silly that day," Harold chuckled.

"Like I said Harold, you have good form. Just need to polish it up."

They shared some idle chatter before Huggles spotted Jones.

"Hey Jones, over here."

Jones looked over before folding his ears and walking away which confused Huggles. This wasn't like Jones at all. He would have to talk to him later. Lunch time came and went as Huggles went to his locker for his next books. His last class was basically a free period which him and Jones shared. Reaching the class, he saw Jones sitting there, head down on the desk and ears folded. Walking over, he took a seat.

"Jones, what wrong? I tried to speak to you at lunch and you just blew me off. That's not like you."

"What of it?" Jones mumbled.

Huggles looked at him.

"Jones, seriously, what is wrong?"

"I'm fine okay," Jones snarled, raising his face up and baring his teeth.

That startled Huggles a little making him jump. Jones recoiled, whining a little before looking away.

"Sorry," he said softly.

"Jones, speak to me."

Jones looked at him before sighing.

"Alex broke up with me."

Huggles let out a gasp before reaching over and hugging Jones.

"I'm so sorry Jones."

"It's okay. I guess seeing you and Devil together reminded me of Alex."

"What happened?"

"I don't know. He just came up to me in second period and said we have to go our separate ways. He wouldn't even give a reason."

Huggles felt bad. Him and Alex were a great couple. Alex was a cool arctic fox and very fun to be around. They kicked it off right away with their great chemistry. To see them break up was kind of hard.

"Tell you what foxy, come over tonight. It'll just be me and you. I'll explain everything to Devil. We'll have a little sleepover. Just like old times."

Jones perked his ears at that, tail starting to wag a little making Huggles smile.

"Thanks Hugs."

"Anything for my friend."

The last bell rang signaling the end of the day as everybody scrambled to the school bus or their cars. Devil was waiting outside when he saw Huggles and Jones walk up making his tail wag happily.

"Hey wolfie."

"Hey my bunny."

"Listen, Jones is going to spend the night with me. He needs a little cheering up after today. I hope you don't mind?"

Devil looked at Jones who folded his ears slightly before smiling.

"Not at all. This lets me visit my instructor for the night. Which means I need to catch the bus. I'll see you tomorrow my cute bunny."

Devil gives him a deep kiss making Huggles moan softly, whining a little when Devil broke off as he watched him hop on the bus and drive off. A beep caught his attention as Heather gave a wave. They walked over and got in as Jones waved hi.

"Hey Jones. Good to see you again."

"Same to you Heather."

"Mom, you don't mind if Jones spends the night do you? He and Alex broke up and he needs a little cheering up."

"Of course. You are more then welcomed. Where's Devil at?"

"He said he was going to his instructor's house to spend the night."

Heather nodded, putting the car in gear and driving home.


Morning came quickly as Huggles woke up with Jones spooning him. They had a blast night playing Paragon and Grand Kingdom. Just like old times. Jones even opened up about the break up as Huggles comforted him, telling him that if Alex didn't want him, there were plenty of people out there that would want that fine foxy ass. Jones laughed at that, saying he was right. After breakfast, Heather took them to school as they got ready for first class. Huggles looked but didn't see Devil which was odd. Thinking nothing of it, he went to class and took a seat. Lunch time rolled around and still no sign of Devil. He walked over to Violet as she gave him a smile.

"Hey there Huggles."

"Hey Violet. Say, have you seen Devil?"

"No. He wasn't in class today."

"Weird," he said, placing his tray down and starting to eat.

Jones came up to Huggles before sitting down.

"Hey, coach wants to see everyone down in the locker room after school. Sounds like something big is happening."

"We'll find out when we get down there."

That got Huggles thinking. They won the school division championship easily. What else could they do? He shrugged his shoulders before finishing his lunch. Once all his classes were done, he and everybody else was in the locker room waiting for their coach to come in.

"I wonder what this is about?" Stanley asked rubbing his chin.

"Me too. We already won the school division. What else could there be?" a raccoon spoke up.

Idle chatter filled the locker room by the slamming of a door made them go quiet. In walked the coach as he was holding a piece of paper in his paw.

"All right you fairies listen up. We got invited to a state wide championship."

Everybody started talking at once, looking at each other in confusing.

"What do you mean coach?" Stanley asked.

"It means, that every school in the state has gotten an invitation and is going to be competing in this championship."

"That's over forty schools coach," a rat spoke up.

"Thanks for letting me know you do well in math Frank," the coach said making everybody laugh. "They are going to be doing ten a week until the final four, just like basketball. Our first opponent is Newton on Saturday. So tomorrow, we're going to be practicing. We've never faced this team so we won't know what were up against."

Everybody nodded their heads at that. They were only use to playing schools in their city. State wide is a whole different story.

"What brought this on all of a sudden?" Huggles asked.

"Seems like every mayor got together and wanted something to brag about. They are doing it with basketball and football as well. Winners get a large trophy as well as their names in the paper. How's that for bragging rights?"

All the players cheered at that.

"It also gives colleges a chance to scout out their next star. So when we get out there, play your hearts out. Now, head on home and be prepared to be worked to death tomorrow."

Everybody groaned at that. When he said be worked to death, he literally means it. Huggles left with Jones to the front where his mom was waiting for him.

"A little late don't you think son?"

"Sorry mom, coach had us in the locker room for a bit. There's going to be some kind of state wide tournament that all the mayor's agreed to for bragging rights I guess," Huggles shrugged.

"Sounds like fun. I'm sure your team will do just fine."

They drove home, Jones staying with Huggles one more night just for fun. Huggles still had no idea where Devil was at and it kind of bugged him for some reason. He never got his phone number which was a mistake so he had no way of contacting him. Oh well, hopefully he'll see him tomorrow in school.


"Hey Hugs, thanks for letting me stay these last couple of days," Jones said in class.

"Not a problem. You know I'm always there for you."

Once class was over, it was their free period. Huggles decided to go to the gym cause this was the team the martial arts team practiced. Walking up the stairs, he passed the double doors and saw the team practicing. And as luck would have it, Devil was there also, sparring with Harold. Huggles couldn't help but wag his tail happily seeing his wolf. The roo blew the whistle as everybody gathered around him.

"Alright everybody, we have the big tournament coming up and we have what it takes to win. Devil and Harold, I'll be looking towards you for the clutch wins."

"Sure thing," Harold said with a smile.

Devil only nodded as Huggles could see that something was bothering him. The roo let everyone go as they scrambled out the doors. Devil came out last as Huggles greeted him.

"Hey wolfie," he said with a smile.

Devil turned to look at him and gave a forced smile.


"What's wrong?"

"Don't worry about it bunny."

Huggles frowned at that. He went to give him a hug but Devil backed away.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I need to go."

Devil left leaving a confused Huggles behind. What was going on? Could he be seeing someone else? Huggles shook his head at that.

"No, too early to jump to conclusions. He's probably having a bad day or personal issues. I shouldn't pry."

At the end of the school day, the team was gathered out on the field stretching their bodies in preparation for the ass kicking they were about to receive from coach.

"Have you seen Devil today?" Jones asks, stretching his arms.

"Yeah. But he didn't seem his usual self."

"What do you mean?"

"I went to hug him and he backed away from me."

Jones flicked an ear at that before shrugging.

"Probably having an off day."

"That's what I'm thinking."

A whistle was blown as everybody gathered in the middle were the coach was at.

"Alright, I want a warm up lap then we'll get down to business."

Once the lap was over, they went through every play in the play book twice. At the end of practice, everybody was laying on the grass, muscles aching and chest burning for air.

"Good job everybody. Seems like you still remember everything. Grab a shower and head on home. I'll let you know when the game is."

All anybody could do was groan as they headed for the showers. Huggles stripped slowly, muscles aching as he jumped into the shower, letting the warm water comfort his abused body. Jones was right next to him as he washed up to.

"What have you got planned for tonight Trix?" Jones asked. "Phil wants to hit Club Hot."

"Guess I can go tonight. It is the weekend so I have some freedom."

"Cool. I'll let Phil know and we'll pick you up around eight."

Huggles nodded watching Jones rinse off, seeing that white sheath between his legs shake a little. He always thought Jones was cute and hot. Alex didn't know what he lost. He'll find somebody else. Getting clean, he dried himself off before getting dressed. Heading out, he saw his dad waiting there with a smile.

"Hey champ. How was practice?"

"Horrible. Feels like every bone and muscle in my body is on fire," Huggles groaned.

"I heard about the tournament. Apparently it's been on the news."

Huggles shrugged at that, just wanting to go home and sleep. But then he remembered Jones invited him out.

"Pops, you don't mind if I go to the club?"

"Jones going with you?"

"Yeah. And Phil."

"Sure. Just be home by ten thirty. I know its Friday, but that doesn't mean anything."

Huggles nodded as he buckled up and headed home.


The club was banging tonight as a guest DJ was controlling the music. Furs and human alike were on the dance floor working up a sweat. Huggles sat at the bar, a cream soda in his hand as his eyes roamed the floor. He should be out there with his wolfie. But something was bothering him and he had no clue what.

"Hey Trix, are you getting down tonight? This DJ is playing hot stuff," Jones said, walking up to him.

"Sure, in a minute," Huggles said softly.

Jones rolled his eyes before grabbing Huggles's arm and pulling him into the dance floor making him yip in surprise. Jones grabbed held him from behind and started to grind into him. Huggles recovered from the shock before giggling and getting into the motion. While dancing, Huggles couldn't help but look at Jones in his yellow eyes. He always thought Jones was hot. If Alex didn't snag him up, he would've. But now Jones was single and he had Devil. Or did he?

"Getting frisky there Trix," Jones said with a slight growl as he felt Huggles grip his groin lightly.

"You wanted to get down right?" Huggles grinned, grinding into him.

Jones grinned at that before roaming his paws over Huggles body. He always thought Huggles was hot. If he didn't have Alex before, he would've taken Huggles right away. But there was something about Alex that was special. Not he was all alone and Huggles had somebody to cuddle to at night. Leaning down, he buried his muzzle into Huggles neck, inhaling his scent that made a growl form in his throat as Huggles moaned.

"Now who's getting frisky?" Huggles grinned.

"You started it," Jones growled back.

They danced through three straight songs, bodies stuck together like clue as they bumped and grinded into each other. They made it to the bar laughing away and out of breath.

"I forgot how much fun that could be with you," Huggles smiled, swallowing some water.

"Yep. Just like old times when we first met here," Jones smiled.

"Yep. I remember that. You looked so timid just sitting here at the bar. You probably would've ran out the door at the first person to approach you," Huggles laughed making Jones blush.

"Screw you. It was my first club experience."

"Excuses. I'm going to go to the bathroom."

Jones gave Huggles a slap on the rear making him jump. He stuck his tongue out before heading to the back. Reaching the door, he was about to enter when his peripheral vision picked up something. Looking over, he saw Devil talking to somebody. Curiosity got the best of him as he crept up and perked his ears up.

"I'm telling you, you have to come."

"I don't have to do anything," Devil growled back.

"Why not? She never meant to do what she did."

"Kind of late for that wouldn't you think?"

The other fur was quiet before speaking again.

"It's because of that rabbit isn't it?"

"Leave him out of this," Devil snarled, eyes narrowing.

"What does he have that she didn't?"

Devil was quiet before looking away.

"You loved her to death. But you let one incident tear you apart."

"She cheated on me. That doesn't go well with me. I did everything for her and that's how she repays me?"

"She didn't mean to. Look, I need to go. Just think it over. She would love to see you one last time before returning home."

The person left as he heard Devil sigh.

"You can come out from there bunny."

Huggles jumped at that. He didn't think Devil heard him. He walked over rubbing his paws together nervously.

"How much did you hear?" he asked.

"Just a little. I didn't mean to pry."

"Forget about it. I'm going home. I had enough headache for tonight," Devil said softly before heading for the exit.

Huggles watched him leave before Jones walked over.

"Wasn't that Devil?"

"Yeah," Huggles said softly.

"What happened?"

"Nothing. I wanna go home now."

Jones looked at Huggles. He looked so broken and sad. He went to comfort Huggles but he pushed him back slowly, shaking his head.

"Just.....take me home."


The phone buzzed again and again as Huggles just ignored it. He didn't want to ho to school today as he just laid in the bed. Just the what the hell is going on? Who was that person Devil was speaking to? And where did that person want to take Devil?

"Why can't he tell anything? I thought we were a couple?"

A knock on the door made Huggles look up as his mom came in and sat down on the bed and started to rub his back in a soothing motion.

"What's wrong Hugs? This isn't like you."

Huggles didn't say anything as his mom sighed.

"Does have something to do with that wolf Devil?"

She felt Huggles tense up at that name and chuckled.

"Ahh, young love. You're going to have these ups and downs. But I can tell in his eyes that he loves you dearly and would never hurt you."

"Well apparently somebody doesn't want him with me. I heard him talking to somebody and trying to get him to go back to some girl."

"Maybe it's something totally different and you're taking it the wrong way."

Huggles looked up at her as she smiled.

"You think I'm looking at it wrong?"

"I know you are. You've only been with him a couple of weeks. In that couple of weeks, has he told you anything about him?"


"Then let him decide when to tell you everything. Don't force him, or you'll push him away."

Huggles thought about it before smiling a little. Heather was right. He didn't really know about Devil's past so he had no right to force him to tell him anything. He sat up and gave his mom a hug.

"Thanks mom. I needed that."

"Anything my cutie," she smiled, kissing his forehead making him giggle.

Huggles watched her leave before reaching for his phone. He had ten messages, all from Jones asking if he was okay and why hasn't he responded. He smiled before responding to the last one.

"I'm fine foxy. Mom helped me sort everything out."

" Are you sure? You want me to come over?"

"I'm good. I'll see you in school tomorrow. Make sure you got some notes for me to copy."

" That's going to cost you Trix."

Huggles laughed at that, feeling better every second.

" Coach has the day of the first game. It's in two days so get here for practice if you can."

"Will do. I'll get dad to take me. See you there."

Huggles hopped out of bed and downstairs to see his dad working on a jigsaw puzzle. He looked up from the puzzle and smiled.

"Feeling better champ?"

"Ten times thanks to mom. Do you think you can drive me to school? Coach is going to have practice and I don't want to miss it."

"Sure. Let me finish these last corner pieces and I'll take you."

After ten minutes, they are in the car and heading towards the school. Pulling around the back, Huggles saw everybody out on the field.

"Want me to wait here?" his dad asked.

"Sure. You can watch us practice too," Huggles smiled before hurrying to the field.

He made it down just as the coach was starting to talk. The coach looked up to see Huggles run over.

"Well look who decided to join us? I thought you were too good to hang with the likes of us?"

"Nonsense coach. I wouldn't be who I am without each and every one of you to help."

The coach smiled at that before talking.

"From what I heard, Newton isn't a team to joke around with. They won the school division every single year. So they will come at us guns blazing."

"Is there a tape we can see of them playing?" Stanley asked.

"Unfortunately no. Nobody is allowed to see any team they are playing. They want to make it so everybody plays like they are suppose to and make it fun and entertaining. Which in my opinion blows."

Everybody nodded at that. This would make it more interesting instead of planning ahead. After the little pep talk, everybody got into their positions and played a few scrimmage games. Coach watched next to Huggles dad.

"Think you guys have a chance?" he asked.

"If your son and Jones play the way they've been playing, yes we do."

"I'm sure everybody else does their part. It's a team sport after all."

"True. But those two working together, make us unstoppable when they get on a roll."

Huggles's dad chuckled at that.

"Yeah. Once he has his game face on, good luck trying to stop him."

The coach nodded at that before blowing the whistle as everybody stopped.

"Good job. Grab a shower if you want and head on home. I'll see you here in two days for the travel to Greenville where the tournament will be held. Have a good night."

Everybody headed inside except for Huggles who jogged up to his dad a little out of breath.

"Great stuff as usual champ. I bet you want a shower and something to eat?"

"You bet," Huggles smiled.

"Cool. We'll stop by Steak n' Shake and grab a bite before heading home. My treat. Don't tell your mother," he said with a wink.


Game day came fast as the stadium was packed with fans. Huggles sat in the locker room lacing up his shoes when Jones walked over to him.

"Nervous Trix?"

"A little. I've never played with so many people watching. Not to mention that the college scouts are going to be watching as well."

"I know. That's what have me the most nervous," Jones whined a little. "I know I'm going make tons of mistakes."

Huggles chuckled at that before grabbing his uniform and tossing it over his head, smoothing out the wrinkles. The coach walked in with the ref as everybody looked at the bull.

"Is everybody here ready?"

The team cheered at that making him smile.

"Good. Just remember that its a game and to have fun. Do your best and good luck."

They watched him leave before the coach chuckled.

"Just a game huh? He obviously doesn't know us well does he? Now then, let's get out there and kick their ass!!"

"YEAH!!!" everyone cheered as they hurried to the field.

The stadium was loud as both teams entered and jogged to the middle. The ref called for both coaches and team captain. Huggles walked over with his coach as the other coach and captain, an otter walked over.

"Now I want a good game from both sides. No rough housing is allowed. If you do,I'll punt your asses back to the bench so fast your heads will spin. You guys get my drift?" the bull snorted.

"Gotcha," the otter said with a smile.

"Understood," Huggles replied.

"Good. Shake hands and lets play."

Huggles shook the otter's hands and smiled and with him before heading back to his team.

"Alright, we'll go with the starting line up that won the championship. Get out there and kick some ass."

The starting lineup got up and went onto the field where the ref blew the whistle as the game started. The crowd was loud watching both teams go at it. In the far corner on the sidelines were all the colleges, watching the game and taking notes. Jones nudged Huggles knee before speaking.

"I'm way to tense to play. Look at all those scouts man."

"Just pretend they aren't there. Or better yet, picture them-"

"Shut up. That will not help," Jones growled nervously.

Huggles laughed at that before watching the game again. The opposing team was no joke. Every push his team tried, they quickly shut them down. The coach crossed his arms, walking up and down the sidelines watching with keen eyes for anything he could use, but found nothing.

"Damn, this team is playing like a pro. I can't find any kind of breach in their defense," Huggles said.

"Huggles!! Jones!! Get in there!!"

They both got up and high fived the teammates they were replacing before stretching a little. The otter captain walked over to Huggles before giving an evil grin.

"Don't think just because you came in, it will make any difference."

"Well see won't we," Huggles grinned.

The ref blew the whistle as Stanley tossed the ball in. Harvey collected and brought it down field, trying his best to slip past defenders. He managed a short pass to his teammate Ricky who raced down field. Jones managed to break free from his defender as Ricky passed him the ball.

Jones footwork made him do circles around his defender before heading to the goal. He saw Huggles point up and nodded his head. Huggles raced ahead as Jones flipped the ball up towards him. He did a spin the air before connecting hard on the ball and sending it right through the goal making the crowd go wild.

"That play always work," Jones said with a happy pant before high fiving Huggles.

"Always," Huggles panted.

The ref brought the ball to the middle of the field as the otter glared at him.

"Think your hot stuff after that shot huh? Well you haven't seen us play to our full potential yet."

"Game's almost done and you haven't prove anything yet," Huggles replied.

"You'll see just how Newton plays then."

The opposing team got the ball and went down the field at incredible speed which shocked everybody. The passing was on point and their footwork was impressive. The otter blew pass Huggles right to the goal before kicking it right pass Stanley for a point tying the game at one apiece.

"Not so big now are you?" the otter chuckled.

"Game's not over yet," Huggles growled.

Both teams went back and forth, ending the game on a three three tie, which prompted a shoot out. Newton went first scoring two out the three shots. Which meant they had to hit all three shots. Huggles stood at the line,sweat coming down his face as the crowd was quiet. He took a deep breath before running at the ball and giving it a solid kick as it whizzed past the goalie for the first point. The second point came right after that one as the nerves started to get to Huggles. This was the last one they needed. He was hitting it to the left every time and the goalie was probably expecting it. He ran up to the ball and faked kicking it to the right making the goalie jump that way as he made the easy shot to the left ending the game on a high note. The team surrounded Huggles patting him on the back as the otter walked over.

"Good game," he said, holding his hand out.

Huggles smiled before shaking his hand.

"Good game indeed. Hope to play against you again."


The team headed back to the locker cheering and laughing away as the coach settled them down.

"That one down. Bring on the next one."


"You guys did exceptional out there against a team we never played. I'm proud of that. We hung in there and adapted to their game play. Great job. Grab a shower and head on home proudly."

Everybody grabbed a shower before hopping into the bus and heading back to school where their parents were waiting for them. Huggles hopped into the car with a smile as his dad started the car.

"Great game Hugs. Saw it all on TV."

"Thanks dad."

"Your mom has a great spread waiting for you when you get home."

"Cool. Can't wait," Huggles said licking his lips as his stomach growled.


Huggles sat in class, pen tapping on the notebook as the teacher rambled on. His mind went back to Devil. What was going on with his wolfie?

"Huggles, you want to do the problem on the board?" the teacher asked making Huggles jump.

He looked at the board seeing the math problem before coming up with the equation quickly.

"Well at least you're paying attention. Okay, homework for tonight is page two twenty, question ten through thirty."

Everybody gathered their books and headed out. Huggles went to his locker as Jones walked up to him.

"Still no sign of Devil?" he asked.


"Well don't be down. He's probably going through some personal issues."

"I know. I just wished he talked to me about it so I could help anyway I could."

Jones patted his shoulder with a smile.

"Just like a true friend. I'll see you at lunch."

Huggles nodded before heading to his next class. Walking up the stairs, he heard voice down in the basement, one of them was Devil. Again curiosity got the best of as he tip toed downstairs, staying one level above them.

"Why are you being like that?" a female voice said.

"Because I can," Devil responded.

"I thought we had something."

"We did have something until you cheated on me with that skunk."

A sigh was heard before the female spoke again.

"I made a bad mistake. Why can't you forgive me for that?"

It was quiet until a slight growl was heard.

"It's that stupid rabbit isn't it?"

"Leave him out of this," Devil growled.

"What does he have that I don't? Is it because he gives it up so easily? Do you prefer anal instead?"

A soft chuckle was heard.

"Well if that's all you wanted, all you had to do was ask."

"What do you want Chaiki?"

"Come to my graduation and farewell party. That's all I really want from you. As your ex, you owe me that at least."

Devil growled at that.

"I don't owe you anything."

He heard Chaiki huff before a door opened.

"If that's how you feel, then this is goodbye."

"Later," Devil said with no remorse.

The door was closed as silence was golden. Huggles didn't want to move as he held his breath. Devil let out a sigh before sitting on the steps.

"Are you done spying on me bunny?"

Huggles jumped at that. How does he always know I'm here? Huggles folded his ears before walking down and joining Devil. He lifted a paw slowly, reaching out and holding Devil's paw which he squeezed back.

"Want to talk?" Huggles asked softly.

Devil looked at him before sighing.

"That was my ex girlfriend before meeting you. She meant everything to me."

"What happened?"

"I came home from practicing with my mentor and found her in bed with my so called best friend."

Devil closed his eyes before continuing.

"They had the nerve to say it's not what it looks like right in front me. I could smell the cum all over their bodies. Something inside me wanted to tear them apart. My paws couldn't stop shaking. So with a deep breath, I closed my eyes and told them to get out and never come back."

"I'm so sorry Devil."

"Now she has the nerve to say she wants me to come back with her to her home after graduation."

"You're not going are you?"

Devil looked at Huggles with a frown before pulling Huggles ear making him meep and giggle.

"You know better then that little bunny," Devil growled playfully.

"Sorry," Huggles giggled.

Devil let go before looking at the door. Huggles rested his head on his shoulder with a happy sigh.

"Is that why you've been acting so distant?"

"Pretty much. I wanted to handle this on my own. Sorry for pushing you away."

"It's okay. As long as my wolfie is okay, that's all that matters to me."

Devil smiled at that before leaning over and kissing Huggles making him moan as he kissed back. The bell rang in the background making them chuckle.

"Guess we better head to class bunny."

Huggles giggled before standing up along with Devil.

"I guess. See you later wolfie."

"Always," Devil smiled pecking his cheek before leaving.

Huggles smiled, watching him leave. At least things were back to normal for the time being. Smiling, he went to his class.


Game two of the tournament was starting as Lincoln Tech was up against Marlboro high. Huggles watched as the team was mostly composed of cheetahs and rabbits. The only exception was their goalie which was a giraffe. This might be a bit of a problem cause they were super quick compared to them.

"Coach, this might be a bit of a problem," Huggles said watching the other team stretch out. "We don't have the speed to keep up with them."

"We just have to try won't we."

The hippo ref called for both captains and coaches to the center. Huggles and his coach walked out along with a cheetah and a fox.

"I want a fun game between you both. No low kicks or dirty tricks. If I see anything like that, consider your asses gone. Do I make myself clear?"

Everyone nodded making the ref smile.

"Shake hands and lets play."

Everyone shook hands before heading to their benches. The coach looked at them before smiling.

"Let's get out there and give them hell."

The team cheered at that before the starting lineup headed out to the field. Once the ref blew the whistle and started the game, it was all Marlboro. With their quickness on the field, Lincoln couldn't keep up. The coach watched them whiz past his defenders and scoring easily.

"Huggles and Jones. Get in there and try to do something."

They nodded before heading onto the field. Huggles looked up at the scoreboard, seeing the score was four to zero. It would take everything they had to come back. He got to the middle of the field where the other team didn't even seem to be breaking a sweat.

"Did you guys really think you had a chance against us?" the captain said smugly.

"It ain't over for another fifteen minutes you polka dot freak. Don't get cocky and count us out so fast," Huggles growled.

"We'll see won't we."

The ref blew the whistle as the game continued. Lincoln got control as they pushed down field. Harvey got the ball and pushed as far as he could before passing to Frank. The pass was clean, but got intercepted quickly and returned to the other side. Luckily, Huggles was quick to return down field and did a slide to steal the ball away and trip up a defender. Ball in his possession, he returned it back the other way quickly since they had the numbers.

He passed it Jones on the left side who did a quick spin to pass by his defender and rush to the goal. He saw a brief opening and took the shot as it sailed in the air. Sadly, their goalie had a bead on it and deflected it easily as it bounced off his hand into his air. Huggles ran as fast as he could and used his head to bat it back as it rolled into the goal as the crowd cheered.

"Nice one," Jones said, giving him a high five."

"Thanks," Huggles panted. "But its not over yet."

Lincoln battled hard for the remainder of the game until it came down to the final two minutes. They were down by one and were hoping to tie it to send it to a shoot out. Stanley tossed the ball in as the clock ticked down. Harvey received it and brought it down as quick as he could. The defense tighten up immensely as it was harder to make passes.

Harvey did a short pass to Jones who was mid field and sprinted his way to the goal. The defense double teamed him quickly causing him to get flustered as he looked for a teammate to pass to. Luckily, Frank was close by as he passed it to him. He had a clear run to the goal since Jones had his defender on him. He pushed as fast as his legs would carry him to the goal. Time was running out quickly as he took a wild shot.

It hit off the right side of the pole and near the out of bounds line. Huggles was quick to save it. He took a glance at the clock as it read thirty seconds left. Gritting his teeth, he pushed his way to the goal, swerving through defenders before finding the tiniest of openings. He reared back and gave the ball his strongest kick as it spun in the air. He watched as it sailed in the air to the upper right side of the goal. It didn't look like the goalie would make it in time, but with his long neck, he was able to save it as the time winded down. Huggles looked defeated as Marlboro celebrated on the field. Both teams met mid field and shook hands before heading to the locker room. Everybody's spirit was down as the coach spoke up.

"Well, we went out there and played our heart out. I'm proud of you guys today."

Nobody spoke up as their heads were down. The coach sighed before scratching his head.

"Don't really know what to say otherwise. At least we won the school division which counts for something. Grab yourself a shower and we'll head back."

Everybody nodded slowly before heading to the showers. Huggles held his head down, letting the water cascade down his body. He felt like he let the team down with that last shot. Jones walked over and patted his back.

"Don't let it get you down Trix."

"Why not? I had the last and failed."

"Things happen Trix. You can't win them all," Jones said rubbing his cheek.

Huggles sighed at that before looking at Jones who just smiled back. He was right in a sense. They had the honor of competing and made it to the next round. That at least counts for something. With a smile, he washed himself down before getting into his clothes and heading for the parking lot where the bus was waiting for them. Hopping on, he looked out the window as the games continued, but not with his team in it. With a sigh, he closed his eyes and took a nap.


"That was a tough game huh?" Jones said as he and Huggles sat in the mall.

Huggles nodded as he took another bite of his double cheeseburger. They decided to just relax for the day and hang out. Finals were around the corner and they had more free time.

"Still mad their goalie blocked my shot," Huggles mumbled around his food.

"That's giraffes for you. That long neck is good for something at least," Jones chuckled as Huggles eyed him evilly. "Oh lighten up, what's done is done. We came here to relax and have fun remember?"

Huggles let a soft smile cross his lips before finishing his food. Once they finished, they decided to walk around some more, doing a little window shopping. They passed by a lingerie store and looked at some of the cute dresses.

"I think you would look hot in that dress," Jones said, pointing to the short black mini skirt and match top that was on display on a mannequin.

"Maybe," Huggles giggled while blushing. "If I were to wear that, it would have to be at the club for Devil to see."

"Think he'll go feral on you?"

Huggles blushed harder at that, just imagining Devil pouncing on him with that dress on. His thoughts were broken up as he heard laughing to his left. Turning around he saw the last thing he wanted to see.

"Grant!? What does your no talent ass want?" Huggles growled.

Grant laughed at that before shaking his head.

"You have some nerve calling me that after that embarrassment yesterday at the tournament."

"Like you could do any better," Jones snapped back.

"As a matter of fact fag, our team is in the final four. Can't really say the same for your team."

Huggles's fist balled up angrily.

"I guess you winning the school division was a fluke if you can't even make it past the second round. What a joke. Maybe if you weren't getting plowed in the ass, you could run faster. Maybe all that cum has finally made you sluggish."

Grant started laughing, holding his side. Jones and Huggles were growling angrily, ready to pounce on Grant at a moments notice. Huggles struck first, shoving Grant to the ground which shocked the collie as he tumbled to the ground.

"Big mistake," Grant snarled as he stood up, teeth bared as he stalked over to Huggles who stood unfazed. "Guess I need to show you who's top dog."

He grabbed Huggles by his shirt, rearing his fist back and ready to lay waste on his face. Huggles closed his eyes, waiting for the hit that never came. Confused, he opened his eyes to see Devil with a firm grip on Grant's paw.

"Am I disturbing something?" Devil asked firmly.

Grant tried to pull his fist back with no luck as Devil had an iron grip.

"Who the hell are you?" Grant growled.

"None of your business. The only thing that matters, is you are about to do bodily harm to MY bunny. That is something I won't allowed."

"So this twinkie of a rabbit is your butt buddy? Oh that's rich," Grant laughed. "I bet he's way too loose for the likes of you with how much he whores himself at a club."

Devil's eyes narrowed at that before quickly twisting Grant's arm behind his back making him whine loudly from the pain. He looked at Huggles before giving him a soft smile.

"Can you wait here for just a second. Me and your buddy here need to talk in private."

Huggles blushed before nodding his head. Devil smiled before looking at Grant and leading towards the end of the hall where the bathrooms were. Jones and Huggles looked at each other in confusion. After a few minutes, Grant came back with a few tears in his eyes, Devil right behind him.

"I'm sorry for insulting you," Grant said with a bow of his head. "I'll never try to inflict bodily harm on your person again."

"Good. Now get out of here," Devil said firmly.

Grant nodded before making a hasty retreat. Once he was gone, they looked at Devil as he stood there with a smile.

"Devil? What are you doing here?" Huggles asked.

"Doing a little shopping," Devil said, holding up the black bag.

"What did you get?" Jones asked.

Devil waved his finger making a tsk tsk noise.

"Let's not be nosy foxy."

"Not even a peek?" Huggles said, ears folded halfway and giving Devil puppy dog eyes.

"Nope. But if you really want to know, then how about you two spend the night at my house?"

They looked at each other in confusion as Huggles grinned.

"How about it foxy? It'll be fun."

Jones blushed heavily before looking away and nodding his head lightly.

"Perfect. I'll see you both tonight," Devil said with a grin before turning and walking away.

Huggles couldn't help but get hard right there just thinking about tonight. He looked at Jones who had a constant blush on his face. He nudged him lightly making him jump a little.

"You okay there foxy? You look so flustered."

"I'm fine," he squeaked out. "I'm just wondering what he has in store for you."

"We'll find out tonight won't we."


With a little convincing, Huggles managed to get his parents okay as well as Jones. They stood in front of Devil's house, heats pounding a little.

"Well, the moment of truth foxy. You can turn back if you want," Huggles said looking at him as his tail twitch nervously.

"No, I'm good. Besides, it might be fun to see how rough he is with you."

Huggles chuckled before knocking on the door. It opened a few moments later as Devil stood there in a pair of sweatpants and a tank top.

"Welcome my little bunny and foxy. So glad you could come. Please, come in."

He let them in as they looked around. Its was made up as a traditional Japanese modern family house. The floors were wooden and all the doors slid opened except for the bathroom door.

"Take off your shoes and follow me," Devil said walking towards the kitchen.

They took off their shoes at the doors before following Devil. The kitchen was clean as Devil stood by a table and held his paw out for them to take a seat.

"Would you care for some tea?"

"Sure," Huggles said, taking a seat along with Jones.

"You have an impressive house Devil. I've never been in a house like this," Jones said still looking around.

"It's my mentor's house. He's out on business and won't be back for a week," Devil responded, pouring the hot water into the cups and added the tea bags.

They gave a thank you before taking a sip, ears perking at the sweet tea flavor.

"Wow, this is good," Jones said, taking another sip, tail wagging happily.

"Of course. It's my mentor's favorite," Devil smiled.

"Are you sure we should be drinking his tea?" Huggles asked.

"Don't worry about it. He had boxes of the stuff."

Huggles took another sip before asking a question.

"Devil, what happened to you and that girl?"

Devil went quiet before smiling.

"I told her to go home and never come back. She had her chance and blew it."

Huggles smiled at that. Devil was his wolfie and nobody else.

"So, you guys want to know what was in the bag huh?" Devil grinned showing his sharp teeth making them shiver.

They gave a nod as he stood up.

"Then follow me."

He lead them upstairs, opening the sliding door to his room. Huggles never seen anything Devil had before as he looked around. The left side of the wall held all sorts of trophies big and small. The right side had various pictures of him and a dragon in a circle. In the middle of the pictures stood a sword in its sheath. Huggles walked over and examined it, never seeing a real weapon before.

"That's my buddy Masamune."

"It has a name?" Jones asked.

"Of course. It was passed down to me by my mentor. Now then, take a seat on the bed and I'll be right back."

They watched him leave, taking a seat on the bed. Jones's tail was twitching nervously making Huggles chuckle.

"Stop being so nervous."

"Sorry if I'm not super hard right now like you are," Jones snapped back, looking at the tent in Huggles pants.

Devil came back a few moments later holding two plastic bags with clothes in them. He tossed them at the pair making them jump.

"Bathroom is in the corner. Put them on and come back out."

"You serious?" Jones said, cheeks around his fur turning a dark red.

Devil walked over and looked him dead in his eyes making Jones whine a little.

"Dead serious. Now get going."

They hopped up off the bed quickly and into the bathroom. Devil sat on the bed, arms crossed and waited. Moments later, Huggles walked out first wearing black knit stockings, panties, and mesh shirt. Devil grinned at that as Huggles did a little spin.

"Like what you see wolfie?" he said seductively, a little bit of his red hair covering his face making him look hotter.

Devil growled lustfully at that, his pants showing the tent he was sporting. He heard a whine form the bathroom and looked over at the door.

"I'm waiting."

"But this is embarrassing," Jones whined.

"Oh stop being a baby," Huggles huffed, walking into the bathroom and pulling Jones out by the arm.

Jones folded his ears, tail between his legs as he was wearing the same outfit except in red. Devil licked his lips at the sight.

"Now that looks great on you. As from this point on, you both belong to me tonight and will do what I say. Is that clear?"

"Very clear," Huggles said, licking his lips.

"," Jones stammered out.

"Good. Now come over here and undress me."

Huggles quickly walked over, reaching up to take off Devil's shirt, paw running up and down his chest making him murr. Jones was hesitant, but his body didn't lie as the tent in his panties was painfully obvious. With shaky legs, he walked over and went to his knees and reached up to slowly pull Devil pants down. To his surprise, he was going commando as his cock sprung into the air, pre coming down the length. Jones eyed it, nose inhaling that strong, manly musk making his eyes glaze over.

"Looks like you found something you like foxy," Devil grinned looking down at him.

Jones looked up, a heavy blush on his face before looking away.

"Don't be shy. Reach out and touch it. You know you want to."

Jones looked at him again before that large,veiny cock in front of him. With a shaky paw, he reached up and grasp it gently making Devil murr.

"There you go foxy. How about you join him my little bunny?"

"Mmmm, with pleasure," Huggles moaned.

He got to his knees next to Jones, reaching up and cradling those heavy, back orbs causing more pre to leak down. Without a second thought, Huggles leaned up and ran his tongue up that length, collecting the pre with joy. Jones watched Huggles work Devil with eagerness. A slight whine came from his throat before he joined Huggles as they both went to work on Devil.

"There you go foxy. Give in and enjoy yourself," Devil murred, feeling his cock throb from the treatment.

They both alternated from the cock to the balls. One would go for the cock, while the other went at the balls. It was a great team effort that left Devil breathless as he moaned, eyes closing halfway in pleasure.

"All right, enough of that," he spoke softly as they looked up at him with lust in their eyes. "On the bed with you two."

They hopped up on the bed on all fours presenting themselves to their master for the night. Both tail held high and wagging fast. Devil stood up and rubbed his chin.

"Hmm, who to pick first. Very hard choice."

He tapped his chin, seeing both their bodies shiver in anticipation before making up his mind. Getting to the edge of the bed, he pulled Jones backwards making him yip in surprise. He held his waist feeling him shiver as his nails pinched the skin.

"Since Huggles knows what I'm like, why not let you get a sample."

Huggles turned around and smiled, seeing the huge blush on Jones's face. Jones let out soft murrs, feeling Devil feel up his back through the shirt making him pant softly. Reaching under, Devil pinched his nipples coaxing a yip out of Jones.

"Such a perfect body foxy. I did have my eyes on you before my cute bunny. I guess you could say I'm fulfilling my desires. Do you want me too foxy?" Devil said softly in his ear.

"Yes," Jones whined loudly, eyes closed.

"Good boy," Devil murred, nipping his neck softly before laying kisses down his back. "You do look super hot in this outfit. So glad I got it in red for you."

Jones blushed heavily, ears pinned all the way back. He let out a yip as Devil peeled the red panties covering his groin down slowly, exposing him freely as his red cock leak pre onto the bed below. Devil leaned in, his cold nose touching that puckered opening making Jones tense as he inhaled the heavy arousal.

"You even smell good," Devil growled before lashing out with his tongue. "Even better tasting. How lucky for me."

Jones's head fell onto the bed, paws gripping the sheets as he felt Devil rim him. His body was on fire before yipping as Devil pushed his tongue inside that clenching tunnel, licking every inch he could. Huggles watched with a smile, paw going lower to rub his cock still in the panties. This is just what Jones needed in a sense. Devil stood up, licking his lips with a loud smack before grinning at his work. Jones's backside was covered in saliva and just waiting to be entered.

"Bunny, would you hand me that bottle on the dresser."

Huggles nodded before tossing him the bottle of lube. Devil caught it, popping the top and adding some of the cool, slick liquid to his erection and Jones's anal star. He lined himself up, poking the hole as Jones tensed up.

"Are you ready foxy?"

Jones nodded slowly, bracing himself for the penetration. Licking his lips, Devil pushed in with a slick pop as Jones's head shot up. He gritted his teeth as that thick piece of meat filled his back side. They both let out a sigh when he bottomed out and their thighs touched.

"Grrr....if I knew you were this tight, I would've speared you a long time ago."

Jones only whimpered, pushing back into Devil groin wanting to be filled. Who was Devil to deny that as he pulled out slowly, only to push back in with a little force making Jones yip. He got a good pace going as Jones wrapped his tail around Devil's waist, letting out yiffs of pleasure.

"How is it foxy?" Huggles panted, jerking himself off in his panties.

"So.....thick.....and hard. Oh my.....god I love it," Jones yip backed.

Devil watched Huggles masturbate before talking to him.

"How about you let foxy here take care of you bunny."

Huggles blushed before pulling his panties aside and sliding up to Jones. Jones didn't hesitate as he took him in his muzzle with the quickness, sucking hard and fast with a deep murr. Huggles let out a girly moan as Jones attacked him with vigor, head bobbing up and down. Devil smiled at that before leaning over Jones and going faster into that tight hole.

The sounds of whines and bodies coming together where all you could here in Devil's room. Jones never thought this would be happening. He thought it would be the other way around. But this was okay as well. He needed something pounding into him at a fast rate. His knot popped free from his sheath, expanding fast as his prostate was jabbed repeatedly.

Huggles didn't last very long as he grunted loudly. Jones's eyes went wide as his muzzle was filled with fresh rabbit cream. He pulled off with a gasp, swallowing what was in his mouth before feeling a couple of stray strands paint his muzzle. Huggles panted happily, eyes glazed as he watch Devil increase his speed, meaning he wasn't far off himself.

"Fuck little fox, you're squeezing me so tight. You want me to knot huh?"

"Yes. Please. I want it," Jones whimpered, pushing back as hard as he could.

Devil snarled, giving him a few more powerful thrusts before that knot popped into Jones hungry tunnel. That was all it took as Jones let out a howl and came hard, cum jumping out of his cock and hitting his chin and coating a little bit of his chest. Devil grunted, feeling those tight walls close down on him hard. A couple more thrusts and Devil joined Jones in a howl as he released rope after rope into that foxy ass. Jones couldn't help but murr happily, feeling that hot cum fill him completely. After a few moment, Devil collapsed onto Jones making him grunt from the weight as they plopped on the bed sideways.

"Well," Huggles said out of breath, cum still dripping some from his folds. "Did you enjoy my wolfie?"

"Absolutely," Jones said with a goofy smile, eyes closed. "I can see why you want to keep him."

They all chuckled at that, waiting for Devil's knot to go down. Feeling soft enough after ten minutes, Devil tugged lightly as he came out with a slurping pop, cum dribbling down the side and matting the fur around his gaping hole.

"Now it's your turn my cute bunny. Are you ready for me?"

"Do you even need to ask?" Huggles grinned, getting to the edge of the bed and presenting himself.

Devil smiled as he stroked Huggles back softly, leaning over and nipping his ears. Huggles melted from the nip, whining in need as he rubbed his groin against Devil.

"Stop teasing and take me wolfie," Huggles whimpered.

Devil growled at that, slapping that rear hard making Huggles yelp.

"Naughty bunnies shouldn't take to a wolf like that."

Devil didn't bother removing the panties off Huggles. Instead, he moved it to the side, the red cottontail moving side to side in anticipation. With the cum from his climax still covering his cock, he pushed slowly into his bunny's ass, both of the groaning in pleasure.

"Mmm, that's it wolfie," Huggles moaned, tongue hanging out.

Devil moaned, feeling those familiar walls clamp down and begin to massage him. Jones opened his eyes slowly, seeing Devil thrust slowly into Huggles. He could see the love between them as he held Huggles close, kissing his neck and moving his paws up and down his chest. Huggles looked at Jones, his blue eyes glazed as he licked his lips.

"Seems like my bunny wants something to drink. Care to help him with that foxy?" Devil said with a murr.

"Sure thing," Jones murred sliding up to the couples and spreading his legs.

Huggles couldn't help but giggle and he went to all fours, paws on Jones hips before cradling those white orbs.

"Seems you still have a lot left. How lucky for me," Huggles said lustfully.

"Mmm, go for it Trix."

Huggles gave him a wink before kissing the tip of his cock, the taste of his cum still strong. With a moan, he inched Jones slowly into his hot muzzle, tongue circling ever inch of that red spire in his mouth. Jones folded his ears, whine coming out his throat from the blow job. He never knew Huggles was this good.

"God damn Trix. If I knew you were this good, I would've had you do this way sooner."

Huggles only moaned in response as Devil began to pick up the pace. He hooked his paws around that slim waist and pounded his bunny like it was the end of the world. Jones looked up at Devil, seeing those teal eyes look at him. With a grin, Devil leaned over and kissed him, making Jones eyes go wide. He slowly kissed back, murring softly and eyes closing as their tongues swapped saliva. They broke off slowly, eyes locked on each other before smiling.

"Shall we finish this foxy?" Devil panted, reaching his limit soon.

"Oh yeah. Let's fill Trix up from both sides," Jones growled back.

They both let out evil growls, making Huggles shiver in between two horny predators. He felt Devil pick up his speed, feeling that thick knot want to be placed back where it belongs. Jones started to thrust rapidly into his muzzle, hitting the back of his throat making him gag slightly but not too much. This was heaven to him. He wanted them both to claim him. To use him like the girly fem boy he was.

"Fuck Trix, I'm going to cum," Jones whined, knot banging Huggles nose.

Huggles wanted that knot. With ease, he opened his mouth wider, that knot sinking in as his tongue worked over the sensitive nerves. That pushed Jones over the edge as he whined loudly before exploding in his mouth with heavy lines. Huggles swallowed quickly and with joy, tasting the rich cream Jones had to offer as it made it way to his stomach.

"Here it comes bunny. Get ready," Devil growled.

Devil gave him two hard, drawn out thrusts that lifted his legs before cramming that knot into place. Both of them came together in that instant. Devil groaned heavily, pumping his bunny full of his spunk and sighing in pleasure. Huggles filled the panties he was still wearing as his cum cling to his groin, leaking down his thighs as he gripped Jones's leg hard when he climaxed. They both came down from their highs and sighed.

"I would ask if you enjoyed it, but you seem to have your mouth full," Devil joked.

Huggles groaned at the pun, getting Devil back by squeezing his knot hard making him gasp and whine loudly.

"Never thought this would happen," Jones said with a chuckle.

Huggles worked Jones knot in his mouth before coming free with a gasp and coughing slightly.

"But you had fun right?" Huggles asked.

"Of course I did."

Devil smiled before lifting Huggles up making him meep in surprise. He laid down on his side, holding Huggles close before kissing him lovingly.

"Did my little bunny have fun?" Devil murred.

"Always with my wolfie," Huggles blushed.

Devil pulled out slowly earning a gasp from them both before laying on his back, Huggles holding him from the right. Jones looked down at them before his ears perked up as Devil patted the left side.

"Room for one more foxy."

Jones blushed before laying to the left of Devil, letting out a soft murr as Devil held him close. He took in Devil scent with made him content and happy for some reason.

"So what happens now?" Jones asks.

"Now..........we go to sleep," Devil chuckled.

They all nodded at that before falling asleep in each other embrace.


Huggles and Jones sat in the lunch room laughing away.

"Damn, I didn't expect anything like that last night," Jones chuckled.

"But you were in the groove foxy. Don't tell me you didn't like it?" Huggles grinned, drinking some soda.

Jones blushed before looking away.

"I loved it of course. Its just...."

"Just what?" Huggles asked.

Before he could finish, Devil appeared and sat between them both, a huge trophy in his paws as they looked at it.

"What is that?" Jones asked.

"We won the martial arts championship easily thanks to me and Harold."

"Congrats wolfie," Huggles said giving him a hug. "Wish we could say the same thing."

"I heard about what happened. It was a good game bunny. Don't feel bad."

Huggles smiled at that before leaning his head on Devil's shoulder and sighing happily. Jones looked on with a little envy in his eyes which Devil noticed.

"What's wrong foxy? Didn't you enjoy last night?"

"I did very much."

"Then why the sad look?"

"Just a little jealous of you two. You guys look so happy together."

Devil and Huggles looked at each other, a silent message passing between them before smiling.

"We have room for one more foxy," Huggles smiled making his ears perk.

"What?" Jones said confused.

"Last night doesn't have to be a one night stand. It could be an everyday thing. But only if you want. We won't force you."

Jones thought about it. He wouldn't find anybody like Devil even if he tried. Alex was good, but the way Devil thrusted into him was just pure heaven. So with a smile and a happy wag to his tail he looked at the couple.

"I'm in."

"Excellent my little fox," Devil grinned, reaching over and squeezing his tail making him yip. "Welcome to our little party."