The Protector pt2
The trek up the mountain was a little strenuous. The footing was bad in some places and the wind didn't help any. Luckily about halfway up, they found a path that lead straight up. Merriot let out a sigh as they finally reached the top. "I don't...
The Protector
"Alright, you all got your assignments. I expect you to have it finished by Monday," the teacher said making everybody groan. The bell rang as all the students started to file out for the day. The young man went to the lobby, finding his locker and...
A Winning Ticket
There you are, standing in front of the Forbidden Pleasures hotel. You still think you're dreaming, but the silver ticket in your hand was proof it wasn't. People young and old are walking past you, huge smiles on their faces along with their pokemon...
To Love A Hybrid: Graduation and A Job
-Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile- Albert Einstein Ryudo let out a grunt as he hit the ground again, blood trailing down his nose. "I would hit you again, but it would probably do no good trying to get through that fucking...
To Love A Hybrid: Finals Drama
**-All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them- Walt Disney** Gail let out a soft whine as he stirred from his slumber. His rear was a little sore and his fur was matted with dry cum. He sat up with a groan, feeling the...
It's What Inside That Matters
Another cliche story I wrote. This time trying my hat in with the herm category. I blame all the hours I spent looking at pictures of Artica Sparkle (god damn she is hot). This is from a narrator point of view which was intersting for me to do and also...
Love Will Bind Us
I want to give a big thanks to Catstihx for his idea along with proofreading as well as Foxohki for taking time to proofread as well. I also want to thank everybody for reading my stories and giving me 10,000 views. It thanks to you guys that I'm able... me from Devilmaycry
I want to thank Dasher Cheetah for convincing me to go through with this. I figured what the hell, my life is my life. I don't mind sharing with people who cares or don't. For the song I choose an oldie but very good. ...
To Love A Hybrid: Payback
"Man does not control his own fate. The women in his life do that for him." Groucho Marx Ryudo just sits there, glaring at the pictures in his hands before looking at the biggest bitch he ever met in the form of a person called Jessica. God if...
The Ultimate Pokemon
My second attempt at a pokemon story. I had doubts about this one but it flowed in my head pretty well. The title is a little corny but I couldn't think of a better one. A tad long but that's the way I write. Comments always welcomed on where I went...
Wizard Consultant
A gift for Tamati the Nine Tailed Fox for reasons Tamati knows. Hope you like it. Comments are always welcomed, good or bad. The fire blazed all around the kitsune as he dodged the falling debris from the burning ceiling. Thick smoke...
She Came From the Sky
Another big thanks to GryphonWings for proof-reading and helping me out when I needed it the most. Don't know where I would be without his help or the other people that help me. Comments always welcomed either good or bad. Rain. Some...