Sonic the Hedgehog: Rouge's Discovery: Third Night

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#3 of Sonic The Hedgehog: Rouge's Discovery

Sonic the Hedgehog: Rouge's Discovery

The Third Night

Morning came to Knothole and the village began to bustle with activity. A certain walrus made his way through the village, heading towards a particular hut. Rotor had bags under his eyes, having spent the night on research. He knocked on the hut's door.

"Mrf! Gimme few m'nites..." came a muffled voice from within. Rotor knocked again, sighing. A moment later, Sally opened the door, wearing a bathrobe. Her hair was disheveled and she looked very groggy.

"What?!" she asked irritably. Rotor winced at her tone.

"Good morning to you too, Princess," he replied, mildly amused. The Princess blinked and took a deep breath as she seemed to realize how rude she was being.

"S-Sorry. I just... didn't sleep well. What's up?" asked Sally, doing her best to be civil. Rotor game a sheepish smile.

"I spend the night doing some hardcore research, but I hit kind of a dead end. I was hoping I could..." Rotor trailed off, hesitating. Sally sighed heavily.

"Rotor, I'm REALLY tired. Just ask me please?" implored Sally, rubbing her eyes blearily.

"Sorry, I was hoping I could borrow Nicole. I could use her help with analyzing my research," said the walrus. Sally blinked.

"Uh... Okay, I guess you can borrow her. But take GOOD care of her... I'll make you pay if you don't," said Sally. It wasn't a threat, but more of a promise. Rotor smiled.

"Of course, Sally. Sally walked off for a moment and came back with the handheld computer. She handed it over to Rotor.

"Just bring her back when you're done. Or she can come back herself if she's in holographic form... whatever. Anyway, I'm going back to bed," Sally said before shutting the door on Rotor.

"...But it's almost noon..." said Rotor to the closed door, puzzled.


Rotor sat down at a table in the village library that was in the back and out of the way. He pulled out the PDA-like device and tapped a few buttons. The device emitted a hum, before it projected a light into the air before him. The light resolved into a wireframe image of a humanoid figure. As he watched, the wireframe resolved into the figure of a female lynx with long black hair wearing a purple toga. The lynx blinked a little, looking around, seeming slightly disoriented.

"Rotor? Where am I?" she asked. Rotor smiled.

"The Knothole Library, Nicole. I asked Sally if she'd let me get your help with some research," said Rotor. Nicole frowned, looking rather annoyed.

"It would have been nice if she would have asked ME for help, rather than handing me off like an object..." she grumbled. Rotor sighed.

"She was looking very tired. I don't think she was thinking. We're still getting used to your new form too, so you kinda have to bear with us," Rotor said diplomatically. Nicole gave a sigh and sat down across from Rotor, seeming to put her irritation aside.

"So what do you need my help with?" she asked. Rotor pulled a book off a stack and turned it around to face her.

"Rouge the Bat showed up in the village yesterday, and she was wearing some sort of weird amulet. Something about that necklace gave me the creeps, so I did some research, and I found this book. The book has a picture of the amulet here," said Rotor, opening the book to a page marked with a post-it note, "but the problem is that it's in some language I can't read. Can you decipher it?"

"Scanning..." Nicole said as she picked up the book and her green eyes looked over the pages. She finished reading a moment later and sat for a moment with her eyes closed.

"Computing... Translating... Translation complete," she said in a monotone. She opened her eyes and looked at Rotor.

"The article is a legend. It's actually fairly scary stuff," she informed him. Rotor nodded, and gestured for her to elaborate.

"A thousand years ago, there was a demon of Lust who was rampaging across the land. This lust demon would transform its victims into a creature called a succubus. A succubus would be best described as something like a sex-vampire. According to the book, the succubi would go around, use hypnotic powers to subdue victims, then have their way with the victim. When the prey attained orgasm, the succubus would feed upon the orgasmic energy coursing through the victim. The prey would then be transformed into a succubus, and would repeat the process.

"The succubi would only be such at night, when the sun had set. During the day, they would appear normal, with no memory of their transformation. But the book states that during the day the succubi could be... influenced to act in certain ways. When nighttime came, they would transform. The description in the book is vague, but it talks about slitted pupils, fangs and claws, and..." Nicole hesitated here, but continued when Rotor urged her, "...large male genitalia... even on the female succubi...

"The succubi would retain their personalities, but they'd be enslaved to a lead succubus, one whom the demon would grant its powers to. They also would be consumed by an irresistible lust, driving their every action.

"Anyway, the demon and its succubi threatened to overrun the land, and even the world, transforming the entire population. But a group of sorcerers banded together. They did not have the power to destroy the lust demon, but they devised a spell to seal it away. Using all their combined magical might, they sealed the demon into an amulet, locking it away forever," finished Nicole. Rotor swallowed nervously.

"And this," he pointed to the picture of Rouge's necklace, "was what the demon was sealed in?"

"According to the book, yes. But it was just a legend," said Nicole, shrugging.

"...I don't think so, Nicole. Rouge has that amulet. I'd better try and find her and see what I can find out about it..." said Rotor, staring at the picture...


Rotor spent most of the rest of the day asking around to find Rouge. Knothole was an immense village, with a population of over a thousand. With the size of the village and the surrounding forest, finding one person was incredibly difficult. Rotor had checked Rouge's hut several times, and every time, she was not there and there was no trace of her.

The walrus had tried asking Sonic, Sally, and even Bunnie Rabbot to help with the search, but they had been decidedly unhelpful for some reason. They had all declined to help with the search, and Sally had even given him a task that took him several hours to complete. Rotor had a strange, but sneaking suspicion that she had done that to keep him out of the way and to keep him from searching for Rouge. In the end, he had no choice but to give up the search. Nicole had gone back to Sally and helped the Princess in the day to day running of the village. Rotor, with nothing left to do, decided to go to his workshop and work on some inventions.

And so evening fell upon the village. All was normal until the sun fell below the tree-line. As soon as the shadows fell over the village, a small group of villagers suddenly stopped what they were doing. Sonic was eating his dinner, chatting cheerfully with Bunnie Rabbot at one of the village cafテδゥs when the sun set. Both of them suddenly put down their silverware and stood up from their seats. Without a word to each other, they walked away from their table.

They went to their respective huts and crawled into their beds, pulling their covers over themselves, and almost instantly fell asleep. When the sun truly set behind the horizon and night fell, their dreams grew restless and disturbed. They suddenly began to convulse and shake. Their canine teeth extended into full-blown fangs. Claws grew out of their fingernails. Sonic's sheath suddenly bulged out, his sack expanding immensely. The flesh above Bunnie's cleft began to ripple and formed into a sheath of her own. She moaned in her sleep as an extremely thick shaft pushed free of the pouch, standing proud from her hips. Sonic grunted and thrust into the air as his cock throbbed and twitched, thirteen inches long, a full three inches longer than normal. Their eyes suddenly shot wide open, and the pupils had turned to slits.

Sonic grinned as he remembered the events of the night before and his transformation into a succubus. He hopped out of bed and zipped out into the village, all ready to search for his first prey of the night...


The blue hedgehog slipped silently into a particular hut an hour later. He carefully dodged over a pile of clothing on the floor, deftly stepped around a particularly large mallet that was left leaning against a wall, and avoided knocking over a shelf full of pictures of himself. Sonic actually stopped and looked at the photos and wondered how the heck the owner of the hut had managed to take some of them without his noticing.

He shook his head, getting back on task, and worked his way into the bedroom. Sonic grinned wide as he saw who he was looking for. Amy Rose was fast asleep in her bed. The covers had half fallen off of her, and she was curled up, wearing a pair of pink pajamas. She mumbled in her sleep as she shifted a little. Sonic carefully poked her shoulder.

Amy opened her eyes sleepily, murmuring quietly. Sonic prodded her shoulder again, smiling. The younger hedgehog's eyes came to focus and she sat up.

"S-Sonic? What's goin' on? What time is it?" she asked drowsily. Sonic grinned.

"It's pretty late, but I had something I wanted to show you. It can't wait until morning," replied the blue hedgehog. Amy blinked and swung her legs out from under the covers.

"Okay, just gimme a sec to change out of my pajamas," Amy said eagerly, heading towards her closet.

"Nah, don't bother. Your pajamas are fine for where we're goin'," Sonic said as he waved his hand dismissively. Amy shrugged and smiled. The older teen stood up as well and led the way out. Inwardly, Sonic gave a sigh of relief. The hedgehog girl was one of the most ditzy and oblivious people he knew. She was so excited to have a late-night visit from her hero that she had taken no notice of his claws, fangs, or the incredibly prominent bulge of his sheath. Sonic grinned as he imagined how easy this would be.

The hedgehog led the younger girl out into the forest, keeping his pace just fast enough that Amy had to run fairly hard to keep up with him. By the time he reached his destination, Amy sagged against a tree trunk as she tried to catch her breath.

"Hey, Sally! I brought you a present!" Sonic called out into the forest. Princess Sally strolled into the clearing and smiled wide. Her hips swayed as she walked and her twelve inch penis brushed above her navel. A clear drop of liquid had formed on the tip and began to dribble down her length. At the sight of Amy, she gave an excited squeal.

"For me? You shouldn't have, Sonic!" gushed Sally excitedly. Sonic smiled and rubbed his sheath as the pink head of his cock poked free. Amy cocked her head in confusion.

"Wait a minute, what's SHE doin' here?! I thought you wanted to show me something?" asked Amy, looking somewhat offended.

"I figured we'd have a nice little late-night dinner date. Our first date since we received the Gift. So I brought dinner," Sonic said affectionately to Sally, ignoring Amy.

"Ooh, I bet she's gonna be tasty too!" Sally replied, eyeing Amy. The pink hedgehog was utterly confused. The blue hedgehog strolled forward and kissed Sally, the head of his penis pressed against hers in a crude mimicry of the kiss. The pink hedgehog blinked.

"What's going on? Sonic, why is your thingie all long and stiff? ...And why the heck does Sally have a thingie?!!" exclaimed Amy. Sonic rolled his eyes while Sally giggled.

"I think our entrテδゥe is getting a little restless. Shall we get ready to dine?" asked Sonic. The squirrel nodded. Sonic and Sally turned to face Amy, grinning wide. Their fangs glinted in the moonlight, and this time Amy noticed. She gasped and turned to run, but the trip through the forest had exhausted her and her legs gave out.

Sonic simply vanished from sight and instantly reappeared beside her. Sally took her time and sauntered over to Amy. The blue hedgehog knelt next to her and looked her in the eyes. His emerald green eyes suddenly began to glow scarlet and Amy gasped in fear, looking to Sally. Her eyes were glowing as well.

"Don't run, Amy. You must be so tired after following me all this way..." said Sonic. Amy whimpered and scooted back a little. She bumped into something and felt warm fur and hot hard flesh pressed against her quills. Amy looked back to see that Sally had sat down behind her. Sally wrapped her arms around Amy, hugging her tight, preventing her from moving.

"Shhh... Calm down, Amy. Just feel your heartbeat slow, your mind go empty..." whispered Sally. Amy blinked as she felt a sudden, powerful drowsiness overtake her. She stopped struggling against Sally and sat transfixed, staring into Sonic's eyes. The little girl murmured a little.

"That's right, Amy. It must feel so good to stare into my eyes. You must want to do nothing more than stare... to sleep... to obey..." murmured Sonic soothingly. Amy's light green eyes went out of focus and a dazed and silly smile grew on her muzzle.

"Stare... Sleep... Obey..." she mumbled. Sonic chuckled.

"Geez. I knew that she was kinda ditzy, but I didn't think it would be THAT easy," he said. Sally laughed and kissed Amy's cheek.

"Mmm. I think it's because of her crush on you. She must've known deep down you weren't gonna hurt her," said Sally, standing up and moving beside Sonic. She ran a fingertip up his length, making him shiver.

"Amy, stand up and undress," commanded Sonic.

"I will stand up and undress..." repeated Amy in a voice devoid of thought or emotion. She climbed to her feet clumsily, moving like a sleepwalker. She slowly unbuttoned her shirt and slipped it off, tossing it aside carelessly. Her chest was completely flat as the thirteen-year-old had not yet entered puberty. However, the crisp night air made her little pink nipples hard, poking out of the cream-colored fur of her chest. A moment later, Amy had slipped down her pajama bottoms, revealing the pink fur of her lower body. Sonic and Sally both licked their fangs at the sight of her muff nestled between her inner thighs.

"Amy, lay back and spread your legs wide," ordered Sally. The young girl sat down against a tree trunk and did as commanded. Sonic raised an eyebrow curiously.

"Whatcha doin', Sal?" he asked. Sally smirked.

"Just getting a little appetizer before we go to the main course..." the squirrel said with a giggle. The Princess brushed a lock of her long red hair out of her face and placed a long, wet lick over Amy's mound. The hypnotized girl gave a squeal of surprise and pleasure as Sally slowly ran her tongue over the soft, short pink fur of her vulva, before flicking the tip of her tongue across the girl's clitoris. Sally's grin grew wider as Amy's young juices began to flow, making her fur mat down. The Princess buried her muzzle into the pink hedgehog's muff, sticking her tongue as deep inside Amy's tight tunnel as she could. Amy squealed and bucked her hips as a small orgasm gripped her tight.

Sally blinked as she suddenly felt thick, hot liquid splash against her shapely rump. She pulled away from Amy and looked up behind her. Sonic's penis throbbed and jerked hard in his hand as it sent rope after rope of creamy, steamy semen over her back. He groaned in ecstasy, thrusting into the air as his climax ripped through him. Sally shrugged to herself and returned to licking at Amy until she felt the splatters of spunk begin to diminish and end.

"Care to tell me what that was about?" asked Sally. Sonic grunted and stroked the last spurts out of his cock over Amy's stomach. He panted for a couple of seconds before he sighed happily, his cock already back to dripping precum.

"Heh. Well you looked like you were having so much fun that I decided to top our meal with a little special sauce," said the blue hedgehog, grinning sheepishly. Sally narrowed her eyes in amusement.

"Well, Mr. Special Sauce, I'm ready to eat," said Sally. Sonic leaned down and kissed her between the ears.

"Go to it, Sal. She's your treat. I'll just join in when you're ready," he said. Sally smiled and looked at Amy thoughtfully while her hand slid up and down her length. She snapped her fingers as an idea came to her.

"Amy, keep your legs spread. When I get down, scoot your hips forward until your cunny touches mine," instructed Sally.

"I will do what you say..." droned Amy. The Princess carefully maneuvered into position, sliding her legs in between and around Amy's. Amy scooted down until the pink fur of her cunny pressed against the damp brown fur of Sally's muff. Their clits pressed together and sent jolts of pure bliss through their bodies. Sally wrapped her soft furry hand around her long, throbbing penis and began to stroke, using her prespunk as lubrication.

"Rock your hips, Amy. Make your little clitty rub against mine until you get those strong tingles again," instructed Sally. Amy mumbled her orders as she slowly began to thrust against the squirrel, her eyes staring dully ahead, unfocused. Sally and Amy's nectar began to mix together as they bucked and moaned. The little hedgehog's mind was filled with nothing but fog, mind-numbing pleasure, and the constant compulsion to obey.

"Oh ho! THAT is a sexy sight! It's takin' everything I've got just to keep from juicin' right now..." moaned Sonic as a sticky burst of pre spurted from his tip without him even touching himself. He stood beside Amy and prodded the helmet of his thirteen inch shaft against her lips.

"Open wide, Amy, and lick and suckle on my... テ「竄ャヒ徼hingie...'" commanded Sonic. Amy obediently took him into her muzzle, her glassy green eyes half-lidded as she drifted in her trance. Sonic groaned happily as her tongue slid up and down the seven inches she could fit in her muzzle. With a little more instruction, Amy's little hand stroked the other six inches, and Sonic's eyes rolled up in his head.

Meanwhile, Sally's paw slid up and down her cock, coaxing more warm and sticky pre to gush from her tip and pour down her length. She could feel Amy's wet heat against her own. The sound of her boyfriend's moans served to arouse her even more as Amy suckled on Sonic's penis, gulping swallow after swallow of sweet pre. She watched as Sonic's cock throbbed faster, his thrusts grew more erratic, and his furry balls twitched. She grinned and licked her lips, knowing what was about to happen.

"Gahhh! Gonna... JUICE!!!" groaned the male hedgehog. A second later, Amy gave a muffled squeak as his creamy, pearly semen squirted out of the corner of her muzzle. Sonic's thighs tensed rhythmically and his little tail wagged in time with his spurts. Amy tried to keep up with the flow, but was unable to do it. She had to let him out of her mouth in order to catch her breath. Sonic wasted no time in slinging gooey strings of spunk over every square inch of her face, coating her pink fur and quills in a thick glaze of cum. Sally reached up and tickled his sack, feeling his balls churning as they pumped pints of cream over Amy.

Finally Sonic's ejaculation ended with a thick dribble down his length. He huffed and puffed as he presented his penis to the entranced girl and she obediently licked it clean. He groaned as her tongue rasped over his glans and down his length, picking up every drop of salty-sweet cum she could find. Within another twenty seconds, the azure hedgehog's pink cock stood proud once more. He strolled over to Sally with a loving smile.

"I figure Amy got a good taste of my special sauce and that you might appreciate a taste too," Sonic said. Sally giggled and flicked her tongue over his tip, making the hedgehog moan. The vampire squirrel smirked and took him into her muzzle enthusiastically. Unlike Amy, she took his entire length into her throat, bobbing her head on him. She matched the rhythm of her bobbing to the thrusts of her hips and her caresses up and down her length. The Princess whimpered as she knew her climax was approaching fast.

Amy whined and moaned as her hips rocked against Sally's, her muff pressed tightly against the squirrel's. As their clitorises rubbed together, Amy's body tensed up, her nectar flowed and her inner muscles spasmed. Sally felt the same things, but in addition, her cock twitched incredibly hard as it gushed precum constantly. The Princess could no longer keep her grip on her member, it was throbbing and lurching so hard, and so it slapped and bounced off her furry stomach. Sonic was mere seconds away from another orgasm, even though he had come only a minute or two before. Pre filled Sally's muzzle, making her swallow the sweet liquid as she swirled her tongue around him.

Sally suddenly gave a muffled cry of ecstasy. She arched her back hard, her hips a full foot off the ground. Her penis jerked and rippled as a fountain of squirrel semen erupted from her tip, splattering her breasts. Her honey flowed from her as her inner muscles clenched and spasmed. She thrust her hips uncontrollably, causing her hose-like stream to soak everything around her. She gushed over her chest and stomach, Amy's lower body, Sonic's legs, and the grass around her.

Sonic grunted loudly and thrust his hips forward. Sally squeaked as his salty-sweet cream splashed against her tastebuds. She moaned happily and swallowed mouthful after mouthful of hedgehog spunk. The blue-quilled teen pulled away from Sally gently, slinging several sprays of gooey cum over the brown fur of her face and her red hair. He turned to Amy and carefully aimed his spurts over her pink fur and quills. Soon, the little girl was unrecognizable, covered head to toe in a thick gooey white glaze.

Amy gave a yelp and a long loud moan as a powerful orgasm ripped through her body. She trembled and thrust into the air wildly as every nerve in her form tingled with pure delight. The two older teens nodded to each other and made their move. They lay down on either side of Amy, their shafts resting on her stomach as they continued to pump their spunk in a massive puddle. In unison, Sonic and Sally pressed their lips to either side of Amy's neck and began to draw the golden orgasmic energy from her. Amy screamed and writhed about as her honey positively soaked the grass between her thighs. Her dull green eyes rolled up in her head as her inner walls clamped down hard.

As Sally and Sonic pulled away from her, she went into convulsions as the transformation set in. The shape of her pupils changed, her canine teeth grew into fangs, and her finger and toenails grew into claws. Amy bucked hard as a rod of flesh erupted from above her cleft. In a second, a sheath had formed around the base and the tip took on the familiar helmet-shape of a glans. Her new penis bobbed at ten inches long. It gave a powerful throb before a massive get of hot semen blasted almost six feet straight up. She yelped and thrust in time with her climax, her mind and body gripped by throbbing pleasure. Sally eagerly lapped at the pink hedgehog's gushes while Sonic stroked her length gently.

The two hedgehogs and the squirrel panted and gasped for air as their orgasms came to an end. Sonic and Sally cuddled affectionately as they basked in the afterglow. After a few moments, Sonic found his voice.

"Mmm... That was delish! I'm full now! How do ya feel, Amy?" he asked. Amy did not respond.

"...Amy?" he asked again, looking a little worried that she had not moved or responded since her transformation into a succubus. Amy's ear flicked and she finally raised her head. The girl looked around as if confused and not sure about where she was. Her slitted green eyes focused on Sonic.

What happened next, Sonic had a difficult time explaining later. Amy let out a sound that could be described best as "RAWWWWWR!!!" She pounced on Sonic, shoving to the ground as Sally yelped in surprise. In the next moment, Sonic's semi-limp penis was engulfed by Amy's muzzle. In seconds he was back to full erection. Amy licked and sucked furiously at his throbbing shaft, making the blue hedgehog moan and grunt. The hero groaned as Amy's tongue flicked and tickled his length. It was quite possibly one of the best acts of fellatio Sonic had ever had. In the next moment, the teenager yelped as his cock pulsed and jerked, and he flooded her muzzle with his hot, thick cum. Amy gulped down mouthful after mouthful almost in an almost feral manner.

As soon as Sonic's orgasm ended, leaving him whimpering in exhaustion, Amy tackled Sally. The squirrel squealed in shock as the cub took her cock into her muzzle, slurping and suckling loudly. Sally squirmed and gasped as she tried to push Amy off of her. But as the pink-quilled hedgehog pressed a fingertip against Sally's clitoris, the Princess' struggles grew half-hearted. Her eyes rolled up in her head and her hips began to buck and roll. Within a minute, Sally gave a cry of delight, and filled the hedgehog's muzzle with her hot, thick cum. Amy swallowed as fast as she could, but was overwhelmed by Sally's constant singular spray of semen. She coughed and let the Princess out of her mouth, cooing in delight as the squirrel drenched her fur and quills

Sally's climax ended soon and Amy's gaze turned back to Sonic. The azure-quilled hero sweatdropped as the girl pounced again, leaving Sally whimpering and trembling in the aftermath of her orgasm. Amy's paws reached out for Sonic's cock as she launched herself into the air, but this time, Sonic was ready for her. Reacting faster than the blink of an eye, he caught Amy in midair, spun around, and used her own momentum to give her a gentle toss into some bushes nearby. As the girl crawled out of the shrub, looking positively feral, Sonic held up a hand. Her shaft throbbed against her stomach, the head resting higher than her navel.

"Whoa, whoa, WHOA! Calm down, Amy! Take a deep breath, try and get control!" exclaimed Sonic. Amy blinked for a moment. She inhaled and exhaled a few times, as Sonic tried not to make any sudden movements. After a minute, Amy looked slightly less crazed, although her eyes remained fixed on Sonic's throbbing penis.

"That's good, Amy... Now... Are you okay?" asked Sonic, speaking very slowly and loudly, as if to a little child.

"...Want more milk!" growled Amy, her voice husky and hoarse. She inched closer to Sonic, her shaft pulsing and her nectar dripping down the fur of her inner thighs. The older teen backed away, trying to keep her attention on his words rather than his penis.

"I'm sure you do, Amy. But you can't just play with us all night..." Sonic said, thinking fast.

"...I can't? B-but..." whimpered Amy, looking crestfallen.

"No, you can't. You know that we'd get worn out. But there're hundreds of villagers sleeping out there and they're just waiting to give you their... テ「竄ャヒ徇ilk...' and some are waiting for you to give your milk to them!" explained Sonic desperately.

"Really?" asked the girl, her green eyes glittering. Sonic nodded enthusiastically.

"Really. Now go on, you know what to do!" said Sonic, pointing towards the village. Amy gave a squeal of delight and scampered off. Her ten inch shaft twitched and swayed, seeming to lead the way. Sonic gave a sigh of mixed exhaustion and disbelief. He slid down the trunk of a tree, sitting next to Sally. The Princess lay completely dazed, her shaft still dribbling spunk into a puddle on her chest.

‾...Good LORD!!!‾ thought Sonic, ‾I know that after we became succubi, we might be described as "sex-crazed." But that girl in an absolute nymphomaniac!!‾

Sonic looked towards the village before shutting his eyes slowly.

‾...I don't envy whoever she finds next... But for now, I'm gonna take a nap to recover...‾


Elsewhere in another hut across the village, Bunnie and Tails sneaked into another hut carefully. They crept into a bedroom, and nodded to each other. They had worked out a plan ahead of time for how they were going to go about taking their prey.

In the bed, Cream the Rabbit was fast asleep. She was in a nightdress, curled up under her covers. The little bunny whimpered and murmured in her sleep. She began to suck on her thumb as she slumbered, looking quite peaceful. Tails and Bunnie nodded again. Bunnie sat down on the bed beside Cream and gently shook her shoulder. Cream murmured and opened her eyes sleepily.

"Aunt Bunnie, Tails? What are you doing here? Where's Mommy?" asked Cream sleepily.

"She had to go out, Sugah. So she had us come in to babysit y'all," explained Bunnie. This was a lie; in fact, as Bunnie and Tails had come in to take care of Cream, Vanilla was in another room. At this moment, not one, not two, but five succubi were having their way with her. Strangely, they had not had to hypnotize her to get her to participate...

Anyway, we woke you up to see if you wanted to play a game?" asked Tails, his twin tails wagging. His large sheath was hidden in shadow so the six-year-old could not see it. Bunnie's leotard had a prominent bulge.

"It's the middle of the night... I'm sleepy..." mumbled Cream. Bunnie smirked wide and patted Cream's ears affectionately.

"I know, but this is a game meant to be played at night," explained Tails.

"Just lay back and watch closely, Cream. Ah think y'all might change your mind and wanna play with us after this," added Bunnie. Cream laid back against her pillow. Bunnie and Tails smiled as their eyes began to glow crimson. The little bunny gasped in fear as the red light filled her vision. She gave a squeak, but Tails put a finger on her lips.

"Shh... Don't be afraid, Cream. We won't hurt you. This will be fun, and it will feel good..." whispered the fanged fox. The little rabbit nodded dazedly, her brown eyes already going unfocused.

"C'mon, lil' sugah... Ah know you'll be so happy to just give in and play with us..." murmured Bunnie, running her organic fingertips through the soft fur of the younger rabbit's tummy.

"I... I'll do as you say..." cooed Cream as her mind went completely empty. Beside her, Cheese opened its eyes blearily. The Chao looked up curiously. Tails glared at the creature, his eyes still glowing. Cheese gave a squeak and slumped back, immediately entranced.

As a succubus, Tails had only two interests: sex and transforming others into succubi. Chao like Cheese had no gender, reproducing asexually, and therefore could not do either. Tails frowned, viewing the creature at best completely irrelevant to him, and at worst a minor nuisance to be removed.

"Cheese, go out to the nearest Chao Garden and stay there. Cream will come for you when she wants you," ordered the fox. Cheese chirped and flew out the window obediently. Tails turned back to Cream, already having forgotten Cheese existed.

"Cream sure went under easy. Ah barely had to try!" said Bunnie, having ignored Tails and Cheese.

"She was sleepy and she's only six. It only makes sense that the younger you are, the easier it is to hypnotize you," said Tails, shrugging.

"Yer ten, Tails. What does that say about y'all?" Bunnie asked slyly. Tails blushed a little.

"You had to do that whole bedtime story thing to get me hypnotized!" said the two-tailed fox


"Relax, sugah. Ah'm just teasin'. I know yer a BIG boy..." giggled Bunnie, reaching down to stroke the boy's sheath. Tails groaned as his twin penises slid out of his pouch into her furry hand. In seconds, they jutted from his hips at full erection. The cyber-rabbit grinned, her fangs glinting in Cream's nightlight.

"What do you say we play that game, Aunt Bunnie? I think Cream's waited long enough," said Tails. Bunnie nodded eagerly. They both turned to the little rabbit, who still lay staring at the ceiling.

"Ready to play, Cream? I know you want to," said Tails.

"...Yes. I wanna play..." mumbled the child. The older rabbit and the fox smirked.

"Now, if you wanna play, y'all gotta get naked!" said Bunnie, already pulling her leotard off. Her breasts swayed free, her pert pink nipples poking out of the light brown fur. As she peeled the fabric away and carefully slid it down over her metal legs, her incredibly wide shaft sprung up to slap her stomach.

"I'll get nakie..." murmured Cream, climbing out of her bed. The little bunny slipped her nightdress over her head. Tiny rosy nipples pushed through the white fur of her flat chest, the cool night air causing them to grow hard. The cub slipped down a pair of blue cotton panties. Her cunny was near invisible in between her legs. Cream stood and stared blankly ahead, swaying on her feet a little. The cub's mind drifted in a warm, deep fog, blissfully empty.

"That's good, Cream. Now you see these thingies poking out from our hips?" asked Tails. Cream's glassy brown eyes glanced down at their penises and she cocked her head curiously.

"What are those...?" she asked in a monotone.

"They're our thingies, like I said. Now, deep inside them is some real tasty milk. The goal of this game is to make us spurt that milk all over you. If you're REALLY good at it, you'll get this really nice tingly feeling," explained Tails holding up his top cock for her to see.

"How do I do that?" asked Cream vaguely.

"That's the fun part, sugah! First, take one of Tails' todgers into your paws an' slide them up and down, like this," instructed Bunnie. She tooke her cock into her paw and slowly began to stroke it so Cream could see. Cream nodded in understanding as Tails knelt on the bed, placing his cocks at eye level. The cub gently reached up and wrapped her paw around his bottom shaft. It throbbed in her grip as she slowly began to caress him.

"It's hot... hard... and it's moving!" said Cream in surprise as Tails' penis twitched.

"Mmm. That's because you're doing a good job! But you won't get the milk doing that alone... Try licking the other one like a lollipop..." moaned Tails. The rabbit cub stuck out her tongue and gave the tip of Tails' upper member an experimental lick. The gold-furred fox moaned happily and rewarded her with a dual gush of clear precum, one spurting against her tongue and his other shaft spraying her fuzzy chest. She squeaked in surprise and pulled away.

"What's this stuff? It's sticky... Sweet..." the six-year-old asked, rubbing a droplet between her fingers. Bunnie chuckled and Cream looked up to her, her brown eyes still glazed over.

"That means y'all are doing a good job. It means you'll get the milk in a little bit. Don't it taste and feel so good?" asked Bunnie. The rabbit nodded, Bunnie's words acting as a hypnotic suggestion.

"Yes... Feels and tastes good..." Cream murmured, rubbing Tails' pre into the fur of her chest.

"Now, Ah'm gonna push mah todger into you, テ「竄ャヒ很ay? It's gonna feel kinda weird, but then it'll feel real, real good," said the older rabbit. She knelt down behind Cream while the girl continued to lick and stroke Tails' cocks. Bunnie gently guided the head of her fat penis in between Cream's thighs. She prodded at the cub's opening carefully, getting lined up. Then she pushed forward and the tip pressed into Cream. The cub's eyes shot wide open as the young woman's penis stretched her inner walls to their limits. As Bunnie slowly and gently lifted her hips and inch after inch pressed into Cream, Tails could actually see a small bulge in Cream's stomach where Bunnie's cock was. Finally, Bunnie hilted in the girl, her metal thighs pressed to Cream's. The little rabbit moaned and whined, still compelled by Tails' command to stroke and suckle on his lengths.

Bunnie slowly pulled back, causing her wide, throbbing member to drag against Cream's little clitoris. She actually pulled out and used the head to trace the younger bunny's cleft before she plunged back to the hilt within Cream. Cream cried out in delight as Tails fired a sticky blast of pre over her face and long ears. The boy gently pressed on the back of her head, making her lower her muzzle onto his upper cock. He only took four inches as Tails did not want to choke her. With a little instruction, Cream began to bob her head slowly, swallowing the occasional spurt of precum. Bunnie matched Cream's pace, thrusting into her in time with the girl's strokes and bobs.

"Mmm! Unh! Ah can't believe how tight ya are, sugah! Ah'm... Ah'm gonna h-have a hard time not s-spurtin'!" drawled Bunnie. Tails gave a chuckle that trailed off into a moan.

"Ohhh! Y-Yes! I b-bet you that Cream'll make you spurt first!" said Tails playfully. Bunnie gave a mischievous grin.

"Ah'll t-take that bet, Tails! What do Ah get if Ah win?" asked Bunnie. Tails looked thoughtful, trying to ignore the lewd slapping and slurping noises Cream was making.

"H-How about if I spurt first, I have to let you stick your thingie in my rear? But if I w-win... Ahn! ..I get to stick my thingies in your cunny as many times as I want?" offered Tails. Bunnie laughed.

"All right, Tails, Ah think that's a fair bet. Yer on!" replied Bunnie. They both concentrated as Cream suckled and caressed Tails while her tight and wet inner walls clenched around Bunnie's girth.

Tails grinned as his twin cocks gave a powerful pulse and a dual gush of pre spurted in and against Cream's muzzle. His thighs tensed, his heavy furry sack began to churn and pre gushed liberally from his twin tips. He could feel pressure building inside him, but he was determined to win the bet. He did everything he could to hold back his orgasm.

Bunnie threw back her head, causing her blonde hair to cascade behind her. She pumped her hips into Cream as the little bunny's inner walls quivered around her. The young woman's metallic thighs glistened with her honey. Her wide eight inch length throbbed and lurched inside Cream as it pumped her warm sticky pre into the little girl. Bunnie could feel her inner walls beginning to spasm and clench rhythmically. She gritted her teeth and bared her fans, trying to keep her climax at bay as she drove her shaft into Cream's tight cunny.

Suddenly, Cream gave a muffled cry of pure joy around Tails' upper penis. Her entire body trembled and shook as a powerful orgasm ripped through her. Her nectar soaked Bunnie's pelvic fur and her steel thighs, while her tunnel quivered and rippled around the cyber-rabbit's flesh. Her whines, whimpers, and cries of ecstasy sent vibrations down Tails' upper cock while her paw squeezed and rubbed his lower shaft fast.

"Nnn! N-No! Ah... Ah can't hold back!" gasped Bunnie. Her shaft began to pulse and lurch as her orgasm began to crash over her.

But before Bunnie unleashed her first gush, Tails suddenly let out a howl of joy. Cream blinked before her eyes went wide as thick, hot, and salty-sweet fluid flooded her muzzle and splattered her body. The fox groaned and grunted as his spunk boiled up his twin penises to fire in and over the tiny rabbit. His swaying balls visibly twitched as they pumped their burden up and out his lurching shafts. Cream swallowed the cream as fast as she could, but the pearly-white liquid dripped down her chin.

A fraction of a second after Tails came, Bunnie's semen blasted from her tip, painting Cream's inner walls. The cub squealed as she felt the gooey liquid flood her depths and filled her past overflowing. Bunnie's cock throbbed and jerked as it fired pint after pint of rabbitcum into Cream. The older bunny's juices ran down her titanium legs as she thrust uncontrollably. She cried and sobbed in joy as her eyes rolled up in her head, wave after wave of pure, raging bliss blasting all the thought from her mind.

In unison, Bunnie and Tails pulled free of Cream, soaking her orange fur with their cum, staining her white. The woman and the boy pressed their lips to Cream's neck and drew the golden orgasmic energy from her body. Their cocks continued to gush thick, long streamers of semen over Cream as their paws stroked the hard flesh. Cream squealed and screamed, her tiny hips thrust into the air, her long ears flopped about, and her limbs thrashed. Her aura turned from gold to red, while the pupils of her brown eyes changed shape. Claws and fangs grew from her paws and teeth respectively. A little pink pillar of flesh pushed free of a newly formed fuzzy sheath. It took on the classic humanoid shape of a penis, just over six inches long, brushing her navel. It had a thick hood of pink skin that covered all but the very tip of the darker-colored head. The new cock bobbed once, twice, thrice, before the foreskin bloated and white liquid poured out the opening.

Bunnie gently reached down and peeled down Cream's foreskin, revealing the dark pink glans. Cream's bunnyspunk fired into the air unimpeded, as the girl squealed and moaned with every gush. Bunnie leaned down and kissed Cream's tip, taking a taste of her cum in the process. Her eyes went wide as the gooey semen splattered her tastebuds.

‾Oh mah stars! Cream-sugah's spunk tastes like... sugah!!!‾ thought Bunnie, smiling wide. She gestured for Tails to take a taste, and the fox flicked his tongue over Cream's head and murmured in surprise.

"Her milk is so sweet!" exclaimed Tails, "It's like whipped cream!"

"Ah know! Ah was just thinkin' that!" replied Bunnie. She and Tails took turns lapping at Cream's shaft, drinking her sugary cum. When the cub's supply was tapped out, Bunnie set about licking Cream's member clean, slipping her tongue into the younger rabbit's hood and getting any stray dollops of semen she could find. Cream giggled, now free of her trance.

"Eee! A-Aunt Bunnie! That tickles!" she laughed. Bunnie smirked and gave her tip a little flick with her tongue, picking up one last drop of sweet semen.

"Sorry, lil' Cream. Just wanted to clean ya up. Ah hope y'all had fun with that game!" replied Bunnie.

"Mm-hm! I loved it! And now I have a thingie too? It feels weird but good!" said Cream excitedly, toying with her foreskin, pulling it up and down over her head.

"Yeah, and if you play this game with other girls, you can give them thingies too! If you play with boys, you'll make their thingies longer and bigger!" explained Tails, stroking a last gush of foxspunk from each cock over Cream's tummy.

"Can I go play with some other people? Huh, Aunt Bunnie, can I?" asked Cream breathlessly.

"Sure, y'all have fun now, y'hear? Go on," urged Bunnie, smiling. Cream gave an enthusiastic squeal. She hopped off the bed and ran out the door, her little cock swaying with every step, already growing hard again.

"I guess I'll go find some others to change into succubi too," said Tails, standing up. As he turned to leave, a metal hand clamped down on one of his tails and dragged him back. He yelped in surprise.

"Uh-uh, sugah-fox. Ah hope y'all didn't forget about our lil' wager...?" asked Bunnie, smirking.

"Uh... Uh... No, I didn't..." said Tails, sweatdropping. He clearly HAD forgotten about the bet, and had hoped Bunnie had too.

"You gushed first, Tails. That means that yer cute lil' butt is all mine... Literally," drawled Bunnie huskily. She grinned evilly, stroking her girth eagerly.

"Now bend over, sugah-fox. Ah'm gonna enjoy this, and so will y'all..."


Rouge had recruited Knuckles and Blaze to help her take her own victim. They had been stalking him for ten minutes, waiting for their opportunity. He had strolled into a small clearing in the Great Forest, when Rouge and the others made their move.

"Hello, Shadow," said Rouge as she strolled into the clearing. Shadow the Hedgehog looked up and frowned. Or at least Rouge THOUGHT he frowned, it was hard to tell considering Shadow's basic facial expression was a scowl. If he was surprised by the fact that Rouge was completely naked, he did not show it.

"What do you want, Rouge?" he said bluntly, his red eyes glaring at the bat. Rouge shrugged off the glare.

"Oh, nothing. I just wanted your help with something..." she said. Shadow turned away.

"Not interested. Go find someone else to play with, Rouge," he growled in annoyance. Rouge smirked.

"Awww... Don't be that way. We wanted to play with you so bad!" she replied. Shadow raised an eyebrow.

"We?" he asked. Using that as a cue, Blaze and Knuckles stepped out of the forest, smirking. Shadow frowned even deeper, his red eyes narrowing. The echidna and the cat stood behind Rouge.

"My friends want to play too," said Rouge, grinning. Shadow sighed heavily.

"I don't know what's going on, but obviously you have no idea who you're messing with," said Shadow, bluntly. He crouched into a fighting stance and Rouge giggled.

"Oh, Shadow... YOU have no idea whom you're dealing with..." said Rouge, baring her fangs in a lascivious smile. The trio of succubi's eyes began to glow crimson as they invoked their hypnotic gaze. But Shadow did not freeze in place, or stare dully back. Instead, he somehow immediately intuited the situation and leapt into action, charging right at the three vampires.

Blaze smirked and waved her paw. A wall of flame erupted from the ground right in Shadow's path. The black-quilled hedgehog skidded to a halt to avoid being torched. Blaze waved her hand and three more walls of flame ignited around him, as the cat used her pyrokinesis to box Shadow in. The hedgehog simply glared at her with contempt, and leapt straight up to escape the cage of flames.

Unfortunately, in midair, a red blur slammed into him and knocked him back. Knuckles had climbed a tree and glided right into him. Shadow landed like a professional, rolling to absorb the impact and flipping back to his feet. The echidna landed in front of him and immediately closed the distance, throwing punches so fast that his fists were near invisible. Shadow bobbed and weaved like a boxer, avoiding each slash of the spikes on Knuckles' fists. All the while, Rouge stood and stared, her glowing gaze never once losing track of the hedgehog.

Shadow began to notice something strange. His body felt heavier and slower. He could not move the way he was used to. His reaction times seemed to be half of what they should have been. Knuckles managed to clip the side of his head with a jab and Shadow saw stars for a moment. The echidna grinned and slipped behind the hedgehog and wrapped his arms around Shadow in a sleeper hold, being careful to avoid his sharp quills. Shadow grunted and struggled, but as Knuckles applied pressure, his consciousness slipped away and he sagged forward in the echidna's grip. A deep fog engulfed his mind and Shadow was too tired to fight it off. Rouge stepped forward and scratched behind one of his ears in a patronizing manner.

"That was fun to watch. I was surprised that you were able to resist our hypnotic gaze for so long! But I neglected to mention that we don't need eye contact for it to work, although it makes it more powerful and effective... Just as long as we can maintain line-of-sight, we can put you into a trance..." explained Rouge, "Doesn't it feel so good to just give in and obey?"

"...Obey..." mumbled Shadow, his red eyes staring at the ground blankly.

"You can let him go, Knux. He'll play along now, won't you?" said Rouge. Shadow looked up dazedly.

"...Yes..." he replied in a droning voice. Knuckles let Shadow go and stepped back to let Rouge take the lead.

"Now, Shadow. You feel your loins begin to tingle and tickle... You are more aroused than you have ever been in your life..." said Rouge, planting a hypnotic suggestion. Shadow groaned and bucked his hips forward. His sheath bulged out as his arousal skyrocketed. A pink pillar of flesh pushed free of his pouch and slowly grew to its full mast. Shadow's penis was ten inches long, twitching with his heartbeat. Rouge smirked, while Blaze gave a moan of longing, her own shaft rising to erection. Knuckles stroked his sheath and groaned in pleasure as his long, thick cock rose to the occasion, fifteen inches long, and as crimson as his fur. Rouge smiled and stroked her own pink length, watching as Shadow grunted and his hips jerked as his arousal built higher and higher. Rouge could actually see veins bulging out of the hedgehog's member as a clear droplet formed on the tip.

"Alrighty, guys. I say we let Mr. Grumpy here off the hook. That looks like it hurts a little..." said Rouge. The bat licked her fangs as she ran a fingertip up Shadow's length, making him inhale sharply.

"Yes, let us not drag it out too much, Mistress," agreed Blaze. Knuckles nodded in consensus. Rouge grinned and lay back in the soft grass, her wings fluttering a little. Her long shaft stood straight up and pointed at the night sky.

"Shadow, get on top of me and push your cock between my breasts," ordered Rouge. Shadow mumbled the command as he gently straddled her chest, placing his shaft into her ample cleavage. Rouge gently pressed her breasts together around him, soft fur and warm flesh squashed against his hard length. The hedgehog groaned as Rouge slowly began to slide her mammaries up and down his cock, stroking him. She leaned down and suckled on his tip, her long, flexible tongue swirled around his head and picked up the dribble of pre she found there.

It was then that the bat felt a rough tongue on her shaft, licking up all fourteen inches. She moaned and arched her hips as warmth and wetness surrounded her tip. Rouge heard the telltale sounds of purring and slurping and realized that Blaze had taken her cock into her muzzle. The bat moaned as the cat suckled on her shaft, bobbing her head in time with Rouge's strokes and licks. Blaze's free paw stroked up and down her cock, pausing to squeeze the tip every so often. The feline jumped suddenly as she felt something hot prod at her tight, wet muff. She looked back, mewling curiously, and saw Knuckles pressing the head of his shaft into her. The echidna shrugged at her, smirking, and then slammed his hips forward. All fifteen thick inches of his red cock sank into Blaze's hot cunny, spreading her inner walls. The cat yowled in pleasure as Knuckles buried himself to the sheath within her, his heavy sack swaying with the force of the thrust. His shaft gave a throb, expanding over half an inch, and then contracting to its original size. The echidna did not move within Blaze, just waiting as his cock continued to expand and contract, throbbing rhythmically. When Blaze began to squirm and gasp in pleasure, Knuckles finally began to thrust into her.

Rouge groaned around Shadow's cock as Blaze took her penis into her muzzle once more. Precum leaked out of the hedgehog's tip into the bat's muzzle as she eagerly slurped and sucked on him. The cold metal of Rouge's amulet pressed into the underside of his shaft and his fuzzy sack and heightened his pleasure. Rouge moaned as she flooded Blaze's muzzle with her sweet prespunk, her shaft rippling as it pumped the sticky liquid into the cat's muzzle. The cat yelped in surprise and delight as her own shaft bobbed and jerked before spraying a sticky jet of precum into the grass under her, creating a puddle. Her inner walls clamped down and spasmed involuntarily around Knuckles. The echidna groaned as his shaft gave a particularly powerful pulse, and Blaze felt warm liquid paint her inner walls.

The four Mobians rocked against each other, the sounds of flesh slapping against wet fur and slurping filling the air. The girls moaned as their juices began to flow, soaking the fur of their legs, while their shafts pulsed and breasts bounced with their thrusts. The males groaned and grunted as their sacks tensed up, their balls began to churn, and precum streamed from their tips. The three succubi and the entranced hedgehog began to speed up their movements as they careened headlong towards a powerful orgasm.

It was when Blaze placed a long, luscious lick up Rouge's cock, all the way from her clitoris, over her sheath, up all fourteen inches to the tip of her glans, that the bat let out a cry of delight. Her length twitched and jerked in Blaze's muzzle just before a blast of thick, hot batcum spurted hard. Creamy white fluid gushed out of the corners of the feline's mouth and dripped down her chin as she futilely attempted to swallow as much as she could. The bat gasped and whimpered as a powerful orgasm gripped her form.

Blaze yowled and mewled as her eight inch shaft bobbed, jerked and lurched. In the next moment gooey ropes of hot cat semen splattered the grass beneath her. Her long tail swished and swayed as her hips bucked and trembled. The kitty's eyes rolled up in her head as she gave in to the rolling ecstasy of her climax, thrusting and bucking wildly, spraying the grass beneath her in steaming hot catspunk. Her inner walls clenched Knuckles throbbing shaft tighter than ever before.

That was all it took for the echidna to bellow out his pleasure. He buried himself deep in Blaze, pressing his furry hips to hers as his pulsing, rippling length gave a powerful spasm. Blaze squealed as she felt an incredible jet of spunk fill her to overflowing. Knuckles groaned and thrust into her in time with his gushes, driving more and more of his cum into her depths. When no more could fill her up, their combined juices spilling down her legs to pool in the grass under her, he pulled out and began to methodically soak down her lavender fur.

Shadow suddenly arched his back and let out a long, low moan. His shaft twitched in between Rouge's breasts and a thick rope of cum suddenly blasted against her face. The bat squeaked in delight and took his tip into her mouth, letting his spunk fill her muzzle and gulping loudly. Considering the hedgehog was on top of her, Rouge could not move, so it fell down to Blaze and Knuckles to press their lips to Shadow's neck and begin drawing the orgasmic energy out of him. Shadow yelled as he began to shake and spasm as if having an epileptic fit. His sprays of cum grew more intense, causing Rouge to cough in surprise. She had to let him out of her muzzle, and his shaft jumped and jerked wildly, soaking her face and ears with his semen.

Shadow fell onto his side and continued to convulse as his transformation began. Claws and fangs grew. His pupils turned to slits. His cock grew by three inches, now thirteen in length and thick. His testicles grew to the size of an orange. He groaned in pleasure as he stroked his new length, directing his ribbons of spunk over his new mistress. Knuckles and Blaze joined him, showering Rouge with hot, gooey cum.

As their orgasms waned, Rouge smirked at Shadow.

"I thought you would wanna play with us, after all," she said, grinning. Shadow gave a faint smirk, the closest thing to a smile his face was capable of.

"You were right. I really needed that," he replied. Blaze giggled and massaged his shoulders playfully.

"You sure came a lot! You musta been really pent up!" she said.

"...That's putting it mildly. Considering the condition of my life these past few years, sex has not been a high priority. It's been about five months since I last masturbated... Longer since I actually HAD sex," said Shadow. The other three succubi stared at him in disbelief.

"...How did you not explode?!" Knuckles asked in disbelief. Before Shadow could answer, Rouge placed a long lick up his length.

"Well, that won't do at all, Shadow... What do you say we help you make up for lost time?" said Rouge huskily. Shadow grinned, showing off his new fangs.

"Sounds fine to me, Mistress..."


An hour or two later, Rouge wandered through the village. After Shadow, Knuckles, and Blaze and gone their separate ways, she had transformed another several villagers. But for the moment, her thirst was sated and her arousal was gone. So now Rouge travelled around the village to see how events were moving along.

Rouge's amulet glowed bright as its magic allowed the bat to sense the presence of all of her succubi. When the night had started, she only had about thirty succubi in her service. Now, that number had grown by a factor of more than fifteen. There were now almost 450 succubi by her closest estimate, with more every minute. Almost half the village was now her servants. The bat smiled wide.

Sonic was responsible for a massive number of the transformations, his combined speed, ability to come with minimal effort, and ability to recover from a climax in seconds allowed him to take five people in the time it took others to take one. Sonic had reported to her and had honestly admitted that he had lost count of how many new succubi he had created that night after the fifty-third.

Rouge had heard other reports about some of her new servants. One had the presence of mind to transform the village physician, Dr. Quack. The Doctor would make "house calls" and when he finished his patients would be the proud new owners of a pair of fangs. The duck had managed to get almost twenty people with that strategy, using the trust the villagers had for him to his advantage.

Sally had told Rouge that she had personally given the Gift to her brother Elias and her father, King Maximillian Acorn. She had grinned as she described how her hypnotized brother had restrained her father so she could mesmerize him. Rouge had to restrain herself from climaxing out of sheer excitement when Sally told her that the entire Royal Family was now her well-endowed, fanged servants. Sally did not restrain herself and Rouge's fur was still sticky.

One of the bigger surprises was reported by a random villager who looked somehow diminished, almost slightly shriveled. Amy Rose was responsible for the second most transformations of the night. Apparently, the girl was roaming the village and having her way with anyone and everyone who crossed her path. She did not discriminate between succubi or normal Mobians, going after both. She had been rumored to be taking four or five Mobians at once, transforming them all. Her pink fur was now pure white, literally coated from head to toe, every square millimeter in a thick glaze of semen. Rouge made a mental note to avoid the hedgehog girl unless she wanted to have a case of severe dehydration.

Rouge perched on a branch hanging over the village square, watching her servants come and go as they captured new succubi; or went to clean their fur, feathers, or scales after doing so; or came through for any reason. Every so often, some of the succubi's sexual urges would become too strong to resist and twosomes, threesomes, foursomes, and small orgies would break out spontaneously right in the middle of the square. However, most of the succubi made some attempt to conceal themselves from the sight of any normal Mobians who might be watching.

Right then, Rouge was sliding her paws up and down her fourteen inches as she watched one of these small orgies. Tails, Sonic, and Knuckles had sat and stroked each other for a minute, but the fox and gotten up and raced behind Sonic, prodding his hero's rump with his lower tip. Sonic jumped in surprise.

"Whoa! Whaddya think you're doing, Tails?! I was gonna do that to you!" said Sonic. Tails blushed very deeply and mumbled something that no one could hear clearly, although Rouge's powerful hearing managed to pick out the phrases "Aunt Bunnie," and "butt hurts..."

"Just let the kid do it, Sonic. I think it's about time that you get to see what he can do!" said Knuckles. Sonic smirked and grabbed his thirteen inch penis, holding it up.

"How about I show YOU what I can do, Knucklehead!" taunted Sonic. Knuckles smirked, his magenta eyes narrowing.

"You're on, Blueballs!" retorted Knuckles. Sonic blinked in surprise, not having expected Knuckles to accept the challenge. Tails rubbed the head of his lower member against Sonic's rump cheeks.

"Can I do it, Sonic?" asked the boy eagerly. Sonic smiled and nodded once.

"Go to it, lil' bud!" he said.

Tails reached down and stroked his twin members until precum spurted from his tips. The fox smeared the clear liquid over his lengths, making them glisten in the starlight as he stepped forward. Rouge expected the boy to press his lower member into the hedgehog, letting his upper cock slide in the fur of Sonic's back. Instead, he pressed the head of his top member into Sonic. The hedgehog groaned as Tails carefully pushed forward, inch after inch sinking into him. Tails' lower penis slid between Sonic's thighs and the tip pressed into the back of Sonic's fuzzy sack. Rouge nodded to herself, getting Tails' idea. Every time the boy would thrust into the teen, his bottom cock would prod Sonic's balls.

Knuckles got into position in front of Sonic. The hedgehog smirked and thrust his hips forward. In one swift movement, the hero found his mark. Knuckles yelped as Sonic shoved into him fast; not enough to hurt him, but faster than was comfortable. The vampire echidna looked back at the fanged hedgehog and glared as he raised his fist threateningly. Sonic stuck out his tongue mischievously as he gave another sharp thrust into the echidna. Knuckles groaned and his dreadlocks shook with the force of the thrust. The hedgehog's hips soon pressed firm against the echidna's rear.

Rouge smiled as Tails slowly and gently began to pump his hips. His nine-inch shaft slowly slid in and out of the hedgehog, his other cock rubbing in between Sonic's legs and prodding his heavy sack. Sonic groaned in pleasure and began to buck and roll his pelvis, matching his speed to Tails. The hedgehog reached around Knuckles and wrapped his hand around the echidna's red shaft. Knuckles' long, thick cock pulsed in Sonic's paw visibly, actually expanding and contracting in girth by over half an inch. His member throbbed repeatedly as Sonic stroked him in time with his thrusts.

Tails and Knuckles had worked themselves up previously, both of them already halfway to a climax. Sonic had pointedly not participated in the foreplay, taking his supersensitive penis into account. Rouge grinned as Tails gave a pronounced shudder and his hips jerked. His lower penis twitched as it sent a sticky burst of pre over Sonic's balls. His top cock (what little of it that Rouge could see,) gave a simultaneous throb, obviously gushing within Sonic. Knuckles threw back his head and gasped as his fifteen inches rippled in Sonic's paw, sending a clear jet of prespunk to splash the dirt several feet in front of him. Their thrusts sped up, filling the air with the slap of fur on fur and low groans and grunts of pleasure. Rouge could see their balls slapping together as they thrust and bucked; Tails' gold-furred orange-sized sack, Sonic's cerulean baseball-sized scrotum, and Knuckles' crimson grapefruit-sized ballsac collided with every movement.

Tails suddenly tensed up and his entire body went stiff. With an erratic jerk of his hips, he pulled free of Sonic and howled in ecstasy. His two penises bobbed and lurched in unison as they spurted two thick, white ribbons of foxspunk over his hero's rear. He took his shafts in paw and stroked as he directed his gushes over Sonic's azure quills, arching his back.

Sonic gave a long low moan and pulled out of Knuckles, just as his first hot and gooey blast of semen erupted from his tip. The hedgehog jerked his length, crisscrossing strings of cum over Knuckle's rump, a grin on his muzzle. His balls twitched as they churned and pumped pint after pint up his length into the air. Sonic's green eyes were half-lidded in pure bliss, letting his orgasm take control of his body.

Sonic had continued to caress Knuckles' penis, even as his orgasm began to grip him tight. Sonic's paw gripped Knuckle's cock almost as tightly, and the echidna arched his back hard. His pulsing, convulsing member suddenly gave the hardest lurch yet, as it jetted a thick rope of pearly-white cum. The Guardian slapped Sonic's paw away before he wrapped his mitt around his red-colored flesh. He groaned and grunted as his cock rippled, and gush after gush of echidnacum fired over his chest, stomach, and the ground in front of him.

Tails knelt down, his knees buckling under him, and he thrust his hips as he fired twin gush after twin gush of foxspunk into the air. Sonic smirked wide and dropped down beside the kitsune. He pressed his own spurting length against Tails' two shafts. He thrust against the boy, his long member sliding against Tails' smaller shafts. Knuckles nodded, getting the idea. He knelt down as well and carefully pressed his massive, spurting length against Tails' twin shafts and Sonic's long cock. The echidna carefully wrapped both his hands around their four penises and began to stroke their flesh together. Four blasts of semen fired into the air, a thick gooey rain that fell on blue, gold, and red fur and quills, staining them white. The three males moaned and thrust against each other as their orgasm gripped them tight. Knuckles' red flesh rippled and pulsed hard against Sonic and Tails' cock as their hot spunk mixed in midair, their long, big ropes of semen intertwining.

Suddenly a fifth blast of cum began to rain upon the trio of vampires. As a massive rope landed right smack on Sonic's face, making him splutter in surprise, all three looked up to see Rouge moaning as her paw stroked her gushing shaft. The white-furred bat gasped and moaned as she bucked her hips, thrusting as her climax raged through her, her nectar soaking the branch she sat on. Tails giggle and opened his mouth, sticking out his tongue, as he tried to catch her gushes like catching snowflakes.

Suddenly, Rouge squeaked in surprise. She had slipped off the branch from the sheer force of her orgasm. She flailed her arms, trying to catch her balance, but she fell. Her wings flapped desperately but she was falling too fast. The ground rushed up at her and she closed her eyes in fear...

...Until she felt a rush of wind, and a pair of hands caught her, flipped her about and she felt herself falling much slower. A second pair of hands pressed against the small of her back, the touch so quick as to be near imperceptible, and finally she found herself in a strong pair of arms. She opened her eyes slowly, and saw Knuckles was holding her. It took her a moment to realize that he was still coming, the tip of his cock pressed into the small of her back as it soaked her white fur in hot liquid.

It took Rouge a second to work out what had happened. As soon as she had begun to fall, the three males had gone into motion, even as their bodies were wracked with pleasure. Tails had flown, using his propeller-like tails to get up to her quickly. He had caught her and absorbed some of her momentum, slowing her fall. Sonic had run straight UP the tree, no easy task with his pulsing, gushing shaft hanging between his legs. He had pushed her in midair, stealing more of her speed and angling her fall so Knuckles could catch her without injury. They had done all of this even while every nerve in their bodies were ablaze in ecstasy and their cocks pumped their burden over everything. At this realization, Rouge was stunned.

‾If three succubi are capable of that feat while in mid-orgasm... Imagine what a thousand could do! We could conquer Mobius and no army could stop us... Not even Robotnik!‾ thought Rouge, smiling wide.

"Are you okay... Unh! M-Mistress Rouge?" asked Knuckles, groaning as his orgasm slowly began to wind down. He gently set her on his feet and returned to stroking his cock, his gushes splattering the dirt several feet away.

"Y-Yes, I'm fine, thank you," replied the bat, still a little shaken. She touched her amulet to make sure it was still there. She suddenly felt two sprays of gooey liquid on her rump as Tails landed behind her.

"Y-You should be more c-care... AH! ...careful, Mistress!" said the fox as his hips bucked into the air, his twin members sending two gushes of vulpine cum over her fur. Tails grunted and sat down hard, panting as a thick white dribble ran down his lengths.

"Yeah, we can't let anything happen to ya! We're your s-servant, after all!" added Sonic, stroking the last gushes from his length. Rouge smiled and ran a fingertip down his chest.

"Yes you are. And the three of you are gonna take good care of me..." she murmured huskily, stroking Sonic's shaft. It was already back to full mast, throbbing and twitching.

"Yes, we most... certainly..." Sonic trailed off in mid-sentence. His eyes glazed over and went unfocused. His mouth was half-open as he stared ahead. Rouge blinked.

"Sonic? What are you doing?" asked Rouge. The hedgehog did not respond. She looked around and realized that Tails and Knuckles were both staring dully ahead. It was then that Rouge noticed what they were staring at.

The sky on the horizon was beginning to grow lighter as morning approached. The bat's eyes went dull and glassy as her mind went empty. Across the village, five hundred succubi stopped moving, freezing where they stood. For a minute, Knothole was a village of statues. Then, as one, every succubi in the village, a full half of the population, turned slowly towards the nearest source of water. They washed their fur, scales, and feathers clean. Then as one, they marched to their respective huts.

The succubi climbed into their beds and under the mysterious power compelling them, they fell asleep in seconds. The first ray of the sun came up over the treetops. Magical steam rose off the succubi's bodies as they reverted to normal.

Soon after, the village began to awaken as the day began...

To Be Continued...