Trade: Conquered at the Park Bench

Story by ReynartWrites on SoFurry

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Just outside of an apartment complex a green plumed penguin stood tall upon the steps leading down to the sidewalk, arms stretching wide before he checked to make sure he had his phone secure in his shorts, already he could feel an excited heat rushing through his body at the thought of what he was about to do. Gio had made a habit of jogging every single night. It was good exercise, the nights were typically cool, and most importantly the park was empty. Certainly it kept him in shape and it was nice to exercise without the beating sun bearing down on him, but the real fun began when he stopped by his usual spot. Not even too deep into the actual park after a short jog from his home, he found himself at his special spot, a simple park bench set snug against against a tree in the dark, a street lamp across the path, the light touching the edge of the bench and not much else. Grinning he lifted his glasses and slowed his jog to a brisk walk, taking the phone from his shorts before letting them fall, not caring that they were left on the concrete path after he stepped out of them, his cock already hard and twitching in the cool air as he sat his bare rear upon the park bench. Leaning back he took his phone and aimed at his cock, starting the recording as he took hold of his member and began to pump. The risk of getting caught, the fact that his cock was just out in the open, this was the reason he came out every night, to play his little game and take the ultimate risk, well, it wasn't as if anyone came around this late at night typically.

Gio gripped onto his cock tight, pulling back the foreskin as he worked himself. From the sheer excitement of being outside he felt himself already close to popping, but he wanted to savor the moment of being out in the open like this, he couldn't end it too early, and so he took his hand off of his cock, opening his beak wide to let out a pleasured sigh as he leaned back against the bench. For quite some time he had been doing this and he had only ever been seen a few times, both of those people simply running on past without giving him a second glance, but it had been damn exciting. Maybe if he just sat for an hour or two resting his cock a jogger would come by and see his cock, maybe he'd be able to fuck a stranger, or maybe he'd get in trouble, either way he was hungry for a bit of attention from more than just his own hand.

With a sigh he shut his eyes and began stroking at his cock again slowly this time, trying to imagine what it would feel like to have someone actually come up to him and just take up his open offer. He'd hope for someone submissive who'd be shy, who'd give him whatever he wanted and possibly even just get down on their knees and suck his cock. Maybe, just maybe someday someone would run into him while he was doing this and give him what he really wanted, but for now he'd just stroke his cock and fantasize while recording his cock alone. At the very least he could share his experiences with friends online, too bad none of them were close enough to have a little extra fun with. Again he felt close to an orgasm, his thick cock twitching and dripping pre as he continued to pump his uncut cock.

It was at this point that a woman ran by in tight shorts and a cut top. Victoria's bar had been shut that night and she had her chance to jog through the park at night since she didn't have anything else to do. Victoria herself was a powerful woman already with toned arms and powerful hips, but it didn't hurt to keep it up. The leopard seal woman stood tall with strong legs and a thick curved tail with a fin at the end, her muzzle strong and her eyes a sharp black. As she passed Gio she stopped, her eyes widening for a moment as she saw this green penguin stroking at his cock like a madman in the middle of the night without even noticing her. At first shock registered on her features before she grinned, powerful fangs on display.

Gio was so close, he could feel the cum about to pour out, but his cock and hand were suddenly grasped up firmly his other hand dropping his phone as he yelped, his eyes growing wide as he opened them to see a strong woman standing before him with a big grin on her face. Her thumb pressed just under the tip of his cock firmly, her eyes set on his as she leaned in to snap and begin to speak, "What the hell do you think you're doing out here huh bird boy?"

Gio was stunned. He had gotten exactly what he wanted, but in the form of a rather powerful woman holding onto his cock with a vice grip. At the moment he couldn't think of what to say, he wanted to say something witty, something to seduce her, but her fangs were on display and the way she held herself was entirely intimidating. His cheek felt flustered and his cock still twitched ready to cum, but a little bit backed up from the sudden fright and his heart pumping like wild.

With the bird not saying a single thing Victoria leaned in close to drag her tongue against his beak leaning in to continue talking while slowly pumping the deviant's cock, "What a little punk...You can't even answer for your crime huh? Weak...But I like toying with boys like you, and you're damn lucky that I love to work dirty boy's up and you don't have a choice."

Gio was about to answer when suddenly he grunted and winced from the fact that the grip tightened around his cock, her smooth digits gripping firmly upon his cock to pull back the foreskin as she suddenly knelt before him. When he tried to move a hand to grip at her head to take control and a bit of revenge for her mouthing off, she gripped his wrist, giving him a nasty stare that had his hand slowly slipping away to grip upon the edge of the bench instead with a gulp.

Victoria spat upon the shaft of his cock, dragging her tongue from the tip all the way down to the balls, her hand stroking at the penguin's uncut cock while her tongue moved to the balls. She loved the way the fool trembled, the way that he seemed to shiver and shake while occasionally trying to steady himself to put up a tough front. His cock was larger than her boyfriend's, but at the same time they had always traded positions in top and bottom, this bird was prey to be taken, and so very dirt. Every little groan she squeezed tighter on his cock, every little movement she gave his balls a firm suck, she watched him, toyed with him until she brought her mouth up to open wide pulling her hand away so she could take the entire length of his cock into her mouth, her eyes looking up at him, narrowed and daring him to cum inside of her warm maw.

Gio had been close before, but with such a strong woman suddenly just taking hold of his cock and toying with him out in the open, he couldn't help but let out a moan from his wide open beak, his cock twitching violently as he came, his eyes looking towards the woman kneeling before him as she swallowed every drop and gave his balls a tight squeeze. At the same time her eyes were watching him, narrowed and angry, accusing him even though she was down there suckling upon him. He could barely believe it was happening, barely believe that some strange had happened upon him stroking his cock in the darkness of the park and had taken advantage of him instead of the other way around, and yet relinquishing that bit of control had felt so wonderful, so good to be conquered by such a powerful woman.

As the bird shuddered the final portions of his orgasm into her mouth. Victoria gulped down the salty stuff and stood, her mouth pulling from his cock with a wet pop as she reached to grab the slickened member that was becoming limp, "Don't you dare go limp on me just yet...You need to take care of me too right?"

Gio shivered at that and nodded, but his cock only twitched barely coming up and so the woman snorted, impatient and took her hand off of his cock. Before him she lowered her shorts and underwear all in one go, kicking them off to the side before bringing her muscular lightly furred leg up to step upon the back of the bench, her pussy poised just before Gio's face, his eyes wide as a strong hand gripped at the back of his head firmly to stuff his beak against it, "Maybe you'll get hard while being a good boy and taking care of me. Maybe then I'll let you wet my insides with that nice cock of yours...Only if you do a good job though."

Gio couldn't move from the grip of that women, even if he wanted to her hold on his head to strong, and so he submitted to his fate, opening his beak wide and getting his tongue on her cunt, at the same time he wasn't necessarily hating the situation, in fact the encouragement of being able to fuck her once his cock was nice and hard and if he pleased her only excited him, his cock twitching in response to her words and to her manner. From the get go his tongue moved up and around, pushing up at her clit before dipping down and pushing inside just a bit. It wasn't enough for Victoria. She grabbed at his head and pushed his tongue in deeper, grinding to his beak while she growled and held him there like some sort of toy. Gio brought his hands up to her firm thighs to steady himself, but was unable to prevent her from pushing his head further and further, at the same time she let out huffs of breath, snarling like an angered beast occasionally when he tried to struggle against her firm grinding against his mouth.

Victoria wouldn't deal with weakness, wouldn't deal with him taking his sweet little time trying to get to the point and pleasure her in a fancy manner, no, she desired a rutting and she'd get it out of the bird's tongue and beak, and if he passed out then she'd toss him on the floor and leave him there once she was finished, but after a bit of struggling she saw the fact that he was actually trying to pleasure her now, his tongue darting in and out, his eyes closed as he just submitted to her. This time she grinned and cooed, loving the way he looked as his arms dropped to his sides to allow her to take hold of his head and really force it against her pussy. From his little tongue lashing and her grinding she felt herself close, close from using a pervert she had just found, close from a pervert that wasn't her boyfriend. Her boyfriend would probably love to hear about this, especially since it involved her dominating some fool she found. The thoughts were almost too much to bear as her pussy quivered and she felt that pressure building. Before she came though, she tore his head from her pussy, gasping out as her legs shook.

Gio took a deep breath, finally able to breathe just as the large woman brought herself down from the bench, a feral look in her eyes as she straddled his lap, her gaze piercing his as she brought her large maw against his beak, forcing her tongue within, twisting her's with his as she used one hand to grip at his cock beneath them. She then edged his now hard cock into her pussy without a condom, without a care in the world while impassioning their kiss further, her hips slamming down firmly once the tip of his cock was inside of her. Both Gio and Victoria let out muffled moans, their heated bodies clashing together as Victoria brought her hips down upon his firmly again and again to drive his twitching hot member as deep as possible every single time, his balls slapping against her with every push. Though it hurt a little, Gio certainly enjoyed the feeling of her tight insides clamping upon him, her hips swerving and gyrating wildly at times to work his cock, her hands gripping at his wrists and holding them against the back of the bench so he could do a single thing but let her have her way with him.

Victoria felt herself on the rise of an orgasm, her body growing hotter her insides clenching tighter upon that thick cock, her mouth opening wide to moan as she parted her lips from his, but still she refused to give him a single inch. She could feel him struggle, try to free his wrists from her grips, but she only growled and held him there as she rode him like a disposable toy, her eyes flashing with fury and lust as she continued to ride him until his chest was heaving with the effort of trying to break free and take control from her. There he sat defeated, his eyes half-lidded as she thrust down against him, her mouth turning up into a smirk as she broke him down with every single little pound down against him she levied. She wanted more, she needed more, more of this control and so she spoke as she rode him, her words broken occasionally by moans, "You little...Pathetic bird! I can't believe you had the balls to come out here...But you can't even take me on...But you know what? I'll let you cum inside of me, so fucking work those hips, even if you can't use your hands you can still use those right little boy?"

Gio panted, his body weak, but he drove himself to thrust against her desperately, his body sore from how rough she was being, and yet desiring so much more of it. His cock twitched and was being rubbed raw by her pussy, and he needed her to keep going, his cock hot and ready to blow again, the promise of being able to cum inside of a woman unprotected bringing him that much closer as she pounded away at his mind and as his hips mindlessly thrust up to her to meet every single drop of her massive hips, his body growing weaker and his hips unable to keep up with the rapid piston fire pace of the leopard seal mounting him. He couldn't help it, he had to stop, his body was just too sore to continue thrusting on in, and the woman sneered at him, oh she sneered. She didn't say a word but the look she gave him was of complete amusement and victory. She tore him to pieces sexually and left him there like a worn out toy still being used by an aggressive owner.

Suddenly he felt her pussy tighten firmly against him, her eyes clenching shut as she gripped at his shirt, tugging and tearing at it as she yelled out, "Fuck YES!" and her climax came, her entire body shuddering as she threw aside the torn remains of the neck of his shirt to plant a feral kiss against his beak, his own body shuddering as he felt his own cum spurt out in thick amounts even though he had just came.

Victoria felt the warmth fill her, groaned out against the bird's beak as she felt it, and as soon as it was all gone inside of her she pulled away, getting off of him to pull her underwear and shorts on. She grabbed the bird's phone and put her number in his contacts list, tossing it to the bench without a care as she spoke to the worn out penguin, "Call me, we can meet up like this again boy...Oh, and if you don't I'll find you, especially if I get pregnant since I'm not on the pill. Don't expect me not to come hunting you down got it?"

Gio's head was swimming with a swarm of lust and desire, his body far too weak and even though he was willing for so much more. Rather than answer to her words he simply nodded, wiping at his brow while grabbing his phone to check the number before looking back to see the powerful woman staring at him with a loving expression, a kiss blown from her hand at him before she turned tail and began jogging off as if nothing had happened. In that moment Gio had registered a few things with a gulp. He had just gone raw with a random stranger, and worse of all she wasn't on the pill meaning that chance was higher, and yet from that thought his cock slowly rose to attention, but he was far too weak to deal with it at the moment. Instead he got up stumbling a bit to grab his shorts and pull them up, beginning the slink back home. Maybe he'd call her the next night to see if they could meet up again, or maybe he'd wait for her to hunt him down.

Just Living: Chapter 2

Frey's eyes broke open slowly as he felt the warmth of sunlight through the window hit his cheek. As he woke up his head felt oddly clear, even though his body felt a bit stiff in certain places. He sat up slowly, feeling strangely well rested, and now...

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Guardian: A Demon's Home

Praen yawned with his black furred body curled against a tree, muzzle upturned as he watched over what humanity had dubbed a park. To many he looked like a normal everyday hound, albeit a bit large, but underneath his fur and flesh blazed the fires...

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Just Living Intermission: Mistake or Not

Frey's heart felt as if it were going to burst through his chest at any moment. Currently he was taking a stranger by the hand into his room and into his bathroom so they could let their clothes dry and perhaps change into something else. Frey had...

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