Popular Spot--First Encounter

Story by zmeydros on SoFurry

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Sasha looks over at Viktor as she walks back into the kitchen with the last dirty plate from dinner. His bushy fox tail is wagging excitedly as he sits in front of his laptop on the couch. The scales on Sasha's right hand are itchy for some reason. Her hands are probably just dryâ€"she tends to wash her hands too often during flu season. Being sick sucks; she hates the way the end of her snout feels after she has rubbed it with one too many tissues and the random aches that crop up all over her body. Fall is the worst time of year. It means another long Glaidhess winter is about to start. Winters in Glaidhess are survived more than they are enjoyed.

That is one thing Sasha hates about Viktor. He seems to enjoy the winter. Probably because of his thick fur... Why does it have to get so cold?

Sasha hears a soft yip come from Viktor in the living room. What is he doing? She puts the dish in the dishwasher, closes it and turns it on. Then she walks into the living room and feels warmth on her cheeks when she sees what Viktor is doing. One of his hands is buried in his jeans while he is watching a slideshow of porn that he has streamed from his laptop to the big-screen TV. The current picture is very enticing. A mouse is doing it doggy style with a tall leopard. She looks at Viktor again. His other hand is stroking one of his nipples through his shirt. The orange fur on his head shines brightly in the dim light of the table lamp and his long canine tongue is hanging out of the side of his mouth as he pants. He is an average-sized fox, but compared to Sasha's draconic height, he is somewhat short. His libido makes up for his size, though. Most dragons Sasha has met have nothing on Viktor. He might even have more libido than herâ€"oh, and his knot feels so good inside her.

Immediately she reaches for her crotch. Her clit is already becoming erect. Viktor's openly sexual way of life is one of the main reasons she started dating him. It is so refreshing to see someone who doesn't seem to care what people think. Sometimes he invites company over when sex toys and lube are lying out in the open. If someone is offended by it he just stops inviting them over. Sasha toys with her big clit and moans loudly when she strokes it just right.

Viktor turns his muzzle toward the sound and licks his lips when he sees Sasha playing with herself. She notices him and starts to give him a bit of a show. She unbuttons the button above her long green tail and then the button on the front before she unzips her pants and drops them to the floor. She looks at him and then takes the end of her tail into herself. Viktor unbuttons his pants and lets his erection out before he starts pumping it through his hand. Little jolts of pleasure shoot up his spine as he watches his girlfriend fuck herself.

A blissful smile forms on Sasha's face. It feels so good to have her tail inside of her. She rubs her clit harder and moans as she spreads her small leathery wings. Heat is building in her and she doesn't want to continue her masturbation standing up. She stops and walks over to the couch.

"Let's go to Long Lake Indoor Park and have sex there. No one will be around if we wait until nine at night to go there." Viktor takes his hand off of his erection.

"I don't know if I can wait that long, and I am afraid that we will be caught on tape." Sasha sits on the couch and starts to enter herself with her tail again. She closes her eyes and concentrates on the feeling of it pushing her full pussy lips aside, then the tip pushes past her lips and enters her. A little spark of pleasure flashes through her and she moans softly. She feels pleasure wash over her when a familiar canine tongue is drawn across her clit. Her tail thrashes inside of her and she cries out.

The feeling of Sasha's clit on his tongue is very enticing. He never has to try and find her clit and that is just the way he likes it. He withdraws his tongue. "If you can wait I will give you oral and we can skinny dip. You know that no one in Vetras is prosecuted for public nudity. Who cares if someone sees us. I like being naked outside every once in a while. Remember when we had sex on the shore of lake Tris? The lights of the city reflected in the water were beautiful and the stars were so clear that night. Too bad the water was too cold to skinny dip in."

Sasha removes her tail from herself and lets Viktor lick it clean. His long canine tongue feels good as it moves across her scales. "That was really fun. I had a great orgasm that night... If someone from work saw us making love on the beach, I could lose my job. What if they close the gate while we are inside? The park closes an hour after sunset."

"What would they be doing at that park at that hour? The park isn't even lit at night. The dome is clear and I bet we will get a good look at the stars. The moon is only half full today. I have never seen the gate closed. If they close it we can use the call panel next to it to ask for assistance. I think it is all worth the risk." Viktor shakes his head. Sometimes Sasha can be quite the worrywart.

Worth the risk? Good orgasms are worth risks. Sasha has never been skinny dipping. If someone sees us, she thinks, they probably are there for the same reason we are, unless they are just stargazing. "All right, let's do it." Sasha kisses Viktor on the nose.

A big smile forms on Viktor's face. This is going to be great. "Let's watch some episodes of Gate Trek 5 to pass the time."

"Yeah, we haven't watched that in a while. Webflix is probably wondering why we haven't sent the disk in yet. I want to look at some porn before we leave on our little trip, so let's give ourselves some time for that too." Sasha smiles to herself. Viktor has some great porn in his collectionâ€"he claims he has been collecting it since he was fourteen.

Viktor hesitates for a moment before closing the slideshow. One of his favorite pictures is up. An attractive dolphin girl is on top of a big red dragon, having the time of her life. The picture changes as he closes the slideshow player. He opens the holodisk player, puts the video window on the big screen and enters full screen mode.

Sasha puts on her pants and then sits down next to Viktor. She leans onto his shoulder and smiles when his whiskers brush her snout.

* * * * *

Viktor calls a pod at the transit station just outside his apartment. He looks at Sasha, who is slowly reaching toward her clit and then pulling her hand away repeatedly. He can smell the tangy scent of her arousal in the air. The tent in his pants is being hidden by the backpack he is holding in front of it. His erection is average in length, but slightly larger than average in girth. One thing that is exceptional about his penis is how sensitive it is. The feeling of his pants rubbing against it is sending little ripples of pleasure up his spine. The four-person pod arrives and Viktor follows Sasha in. He is relieved that the other two seats in the pod are empty.

"How long does it take to get to the park?" The need in Sasha's pants is almost painful. Each time she shifts herself she has to stifle a little moan. She looked at too much porn and one of the images is still clear in her mind. It is an image of a snow leopard herm fucking a little female red panda senseless. Viktor introduced Sasha to herm porn a couple months ago and now she is hooked.

"You are practically squirming in your seat. Is your mind still full of porn? I know mine is. I am stuck on that picture of the little red panda and the big snowâ€"" Viktor hears Sasha start to say something.

"Th-that's the one. I want to masturbate so bad. How much longer till we get there?" Sasha breaks down and shoves two of her fingers into herself as she lets out a growl of passion.

Sasha's display causes Viktor to reach toward his own erection, but he holds himself back. "Just a couple minutes. Do you want your hand to be down there when the pod opens?"

Reluctantly Sasha removes her fingers. "I guess not, but I need to do something to pass the time." She licks her juices off of her fingers and then kisses Viktor deeply. His long tongue plays with her draconic tongue. She turns the kiss into a little game and tries to immobilize Viktor's tongue with hers. Eventually she gets her tongue wrapped around his and he starts laughing into the kiss. She breaks the kiss and starts to laugh.

"That was a fun gameâ€"oh, the pod just stopped." Viktor gets up and offers his hand to Sasha, who takes it. He leads her out of the pod and his heart starts to beat faster when he sees that the gate is open like he expected. They are about to have sex on the beachâ€"this is awesome.

The excitement in Viktor's hurried footsteps causes Sasha to start feeling excited herself. She looks up at the stars and sees a satellite glint amongst them. They are about to enter the dome of the indoor park.

The first set of automatic doors open for Viktor and he approaches the second set. For a moment his heart stops. The doors aren't opening. He walks closer, waves his hand at the sensor and they open. Whew, that would have been anticlimactic. They would have had to settle for sex in the entryway. Viktor takes a step into the park and an idea hits him. "Let's get naked right now and walk all the way to the beach. This park is kept really clean. I doubt we have to worry about hurting our feet."

The wagging of Viktor's tail melts Sasha's will and she starts to get undressed right in the middle of the path. Viktor takes her cue and starts undressing himself. Sasha stops undressing to watch Viktor take off his pants. His penis bounces free of his boxers and she can see that the knot is already partially formed. Her vagina feels really wet now. She takes off her bra and delights in the feeling of her breasts being released to the cool air of the park. It is warmer than outside in here, but it is still a bit brisk. Her nipples start to become erect. She touches one of them and moans softly. This feels good; she takes off her pants and then pauses to enjoy the sensation of being completely naked outside. She can feel a slight breeze blow across her scales she can feel the heat from her clit being sucked away by the cool air.

Viktor can see that Sasha is enjoying herself; her light blue eyes are practically glowing with delight. The yellow scales on her breasts and torso are glistening in the dim moonlight. His erection feels great in the cool air. He puts their clothing in the backpack and then he hooks elbows with Sasha. The bouncing of his erection in the breeze feels liberating. He doesn't know how this park can make fake breezes, but he knows he likes the way they feel.

As Sasha walks next to Viktor naked she feels strong love for him. He has opened her life to so many possibilities. Ever since she started to trust Viktor and try new things their relationship has been marvelous. She looks up at the sky and lets Viktor lead her. Being nude in the open like this feels so right somehow. As if she is supposed to be naked when she is outside. Her ancient kin didn't wear clothing. It did offer protection, but why should she wear it if it isn't needed? Being able to feel the air on her skin and the earth under her feet is like other senses she never used. She can feel which way the wind is blowing and she can feel the type of terrain she is walking on.

Sasha starts to pull Viktor toward the grass. "I want to feel the grass under my feet."

"That would probably feel better than this path..." Viktor points off in the distance. "Look, there's the beach."

It isn't far now. Soon Sasha and Viktor will be making love under the stars. Sasha picks up the pace. Her wings flap slightly with anticipation. The wetness in her crotch is growing. Sasha lets Viktor take the lead again. "You have better night vision. You can lead but I need you to go faster. I feel like my clit is going to burst."

"As you wish." Viktor looks at Sasha's clit and is surprised to see that it is sticking out its full three quarters of an inch. He picks up the pace. His erection has gone down slightly, but he knows it will come back when it is needed. A minute later both he and Sasha stop. Loud moans and growls are coming from the beach. "Sasha, it looks like someone beat us here."

"This must be a popular spot. I am going to have sex on that beach and I don't care if the president is down there when I do it." Sasha smirks when Viktor starts to wag his tail.

"That's the Sasha I love." Viktor starts walking again. Eventually he can make out two shapes going at it in a slow sensual way; every once in a while both of them speed up and cry out before slowing down again. As he gets closer he can see that they are both cats, no, lynxes. They are in a modified missionary position where the female has her legs on the male's shoulders. She looks very limber. Vlad feels his erection get harder again.

The male looks at Viktor and stops for a moment. He is panting. "The spot... next to us... is open if you wantâ€"ooh, Michelle, that feels goodâ€"to get a front... row seat."

"What do you think, Sasha?" Viktor sees that Sasha is completely mesmerized by the lynx pair. He kisses her cheek. "Hey, Sasha."

"They are two of the most attractive lynxes I have ever seen. I have never watched another couple have sex. I am even hornier now... I think we should put the blanket right there." Sasha points to a spot only five feet away from the lynxes. A cry from the female causes her heart to speed up. This is exhilarating.

Viktor kisses Sasha. "Thank you. I was hoping you would be turned on by this. I was afraid that this might be one kink we didn't have in common." He takes the blanket out of his backpack, puts the blanket down, sits on the edge of the blanket, takes a towel out of the bag, and gets most of the sand off his feet before he lies down on it.

"I know I like this now. I never would have guessed that it was this hot." She sits on the blanket and gets the sand off of her feet then she crawls over and straddles Viktor's head. "You owe me some oral before you get to go inside."

The smell of Sasha's sex is very appealing. Viktor takes a deep sniff before he licks his tongue along her slit. It is so wet. He licks her clit and she cries out as she spreads her small wings and grabs her nipples. Viktor continues licking her clit.

Each wave of pleasure up her spine is enhanced by the scene of the lynxes beside her; the female's face is so expressive. The male looks like he is in full control of himself. As if he is a post doc from a sex school. His thrusts are powerful and quick. A sudden jolt of pleasure hits Sasha and she moans loudly. Viktor is hitting her g-spot with his tongue. She turns her attention back to the lynxes; they are switching positions. The female is now on her side while the male is penetrating her on his knees. She is looking into Sasha's eyes and smiling. Sasha smiles back. Her pert breasts are swaying with each thrust. It is almost hypnotizing to watch.

A sudden new, pleasurable feeling causes Sasha to look down at Viktor. Part of his muzzle is inside of her. Is he going to suffoâ€"oooooh that feels good. She starts fucking his muzzle. His whiskers are tickling the inside of her cunt and his tongue is going wild. "Viktor, that feels amazing!" She cries out as she starts to play with her clit.

The swimming lessons Viktor took as a child left him with very good breath control. He knew Sasha was big enough to take in his muzzle and he always wanted to try this, but he never had the courage to do it until now. He wants to impress the two lynxes that are across from him. The feeling of her vagina surrounding his muzzle is surreal. Sasha gets off of him for a moment with a look of concern. He takes a few breaths. "I am ready for more."

"Only one more round. I want to cum when you are inside me." Sasha lowers herself on to Viktor again and revels in the feeling of his muzzle spreading her wide. She is surprised there is room for him to open his muzzle to lick herâ€"well, his slender fox muzzle is thinner than most species. Her thoughts are interrupted when Viktor growls. His growl vibrates her cunt enough that she screams in pleasure. She fucks his muzzle harder and a small orgasm hits her. The blast of pleasure echoes through her. She flaps her wings and her tail thrashes. "Aaaah, Viiiiktor!"

The undulations in Sasha's vagina as she cums feel very good as they travel along Viktor's muzzle. He licks at her g-spot as she cums. She tastes so good. His lungs are burning when she gets off of him.

"You... naughty fox. Let me clean you up before we show those two lynxes the main event." Sasha leans down and starts to lick Viktor's muzzle clean. She wants to have his penis in her ASAP. She takes a moment to look at the lynx couple and sees that they are just watching her. The male is still inside the female, it looks like they just paused in the middle of their sex act. Sasha winks at them and they both appear to realize they are no longer fucking. They look at each other and smile. The male thrusts into the female and the female grabs the blanket tightly as she growls.

Having his muzzle cleaned by Sasha is a very enjoyable feeling. Viktor just relaxes and watches the swaying of the female lynx's breasts. His penis is painfully hard. He notices that Sasha isn't licking him anymore, right before he feels himself enter her. Her vagina clamps down on his penis. She is on top of him and facing away. One of Viktor's favorite positions. Sasha's tail finds his arm and wraps itself around it. Each time she lets herself fall onto his erection, her tail constricts his arm a bit. His knot is popping in and out of her sopping wet cunt. The feeling causes him to moan every time. The lynxes have picked up their pace to match Sasha's. Viktor is jealous of their stamina.

A wave of pleasure crests in Sasha each time Viktor's knot pops into her. His knot is more swollen than it normally is this early in intercourse. He must be enjoying this venue immenselyâ€"Sasha knows that she is. She takes one of her C-cup breasts and lifts it toward her muzzle. Then she starts to suckle on her nipple while she strokes her clit. Suckling her breast is complicated by her almost constant moaning. Viktor seems to notice that she is approaching her orgasm and starts thrusting into her each time she lowers herself onto him. His thrusts are powerful and she growls each time he hilts himself in her.

Viktor feels heat building in his loins. He looks over at the lynxes and sees that they have switched to doggy-style. The male looks like he is losing control of himself. His cries are almost as loud as his mate's. Viktor forces Sasha to pick up the pace. His love for Sasha feels so strong right now. He wants to feel her cum. He wants to show his audience how much he loves her.

The increase in pace causes Sasha to start rubbing her clit faster. She stops trying to suckle her breast and fondles it with her hand instead. She is moaning so loudly that she can hardly hear the lynxes. She watches them as she feels pressure build at the base of her spine. They are going at her pace. The male glances at her and smirks before he picks up the pace to a speed that seems nearly impossible. When Viktor picks up the pace Sasha feels a fire build in her cunt.

It is so close. Can we cum at the same time as the lynxes? Viktor knows he cannot hold out much longer. Every time he pushes himself into Sasha her cunt grabs his penis and he feels a rush of pleasure. He thrusts in again and the rush of pleasure is so great that he screams. His entire body tightens up and a flood of euphoria courses through him. He looks into the female lynx's eyes as he begins to fill Sasha with his seed. Moments later the female lynx cries out and grabs the blanket under her. Then Sasha's vagina goes wild.

Sasha hears and feels Viktor cum. Then she sees the female lynx cum. The male lynx looks into Sasha's eyes as he cums. Watching him cum in front of her sends her over the edge. As ropes of her lover's seed pour into her she feels a fire of pleasure spread through her. His knot is even bigger than it was when they started. She squeezes his arm with her tail, she flaps her wings, and then she roars so loud that it echoes throughout the whole park. She feels the night air's caress in her afterglow. Viktor is tied to her.

Being tied to Sasha feels great in the night air. He knows that she can probably pull off of him whenever she wants to, but he is glad that she usually lets herself be tied for a little while. He smiles at the lynx couple and they smile back. The male seems interested in the fact that Sasha appears to be tied. The female looks like she is experiencing complete bliss. Viktor feels like he could just melt into the sand beneath him. He is completely satisfied.

The look on the female lynx's face is adorable to Sasha. She suspects that she looks almost the same. The stars are so pretty as they twinkle softly. A soft breeze blows over Sasha's scales. She never wants to put on clothes again, she can stay here tied to Viktor forever. His fur feels so good against her scales. A few minutes later Sasha watches the two lynxes head for the lake. They start splashing each other and laughing.

"It's ok, Sasha, we can join them. I am satisfied." Viktor brings Sasha's tail to his mouth and kisses it.

Hesitation comes over Sasha. "I want to stay like this a little longer. Viktor, the stars are so beautiful tonight. The little clouds in the sky also look pretty in the moonlight. A decade ago I couldn't see the stars unless I was further from the city. Why is that?"

"Astronomers got pissed and asked the city council to control the lights better at night. Have you noticed the new street lights?" Viktor loves the way Sasha wonders about things that most people don't even notice.

"Yeah, some of them don't even turn on unless you get near them. I remember now. That extra light that obscures the stars is called light pollution. I heard the term a long time ago and never really thought about it... Want to go join the lynxes now?" Viktor's knot is a bit smaller and Sasha knows she can get off of him easily now.

"Sure." Viktor hears a pop as his knot comes out of Sasha and he sees his seed spill out of her onto his crotch. Swimming sounds like a good idea now. He smirks when Sasha licks some of his seed off of his fur.

The pungent taste of Viktor's seed is welcome in Sasha's mouth. She gets up and pulls Viktor up. They both walk arm in arm to the water.

The male lynx looks at Sasha. "You are the most beautiful dragon I have ever seen. Most dragons don't have wings. I like them even though they don't serve a purpose. Michelle here wants to touch them, but she is too shy to ask."

"Hey Roy, I told you not to say anything..." Michelle looks thoughtful for a moment. "Oh well, I really do want to touch them."

Sasha gets into the water and notices that it is warm. "Sure, let me come over to you." She wades deeper into the water and marvels at the feeling of the water against her naked body. So this is what skinny dipping is like. She reaches down and cleans her vagina before she walks over to Michelle. The water flowing over her scales feels like a gentle caress over her entire body.

Michelle dances happily toward Sasha. She reaches out carefully and runs her hands over Sasha's wings. It feels leathery and stretchy. Sasha appears to be enjoying having her wing touched. "Roy, don't miss out. Come here."

Roy walks over and touches Sasha's other wing. "This feels kinda like the webbing that some furs have between their toes, but it is covered in scales." He lets go. ‘Thanks for letting me touch you." He leans in closer to Sasha. "Your clit is amazing. It must feel really good."

"Yeah, I am jealous. Mine isn't always easy to find." Michelle lets go of Sasha's wing.

A slight embarrassment comes over Sasha and she puts her hand to her snout. "Thank you for your compliment. When we are done swimming, let's exchange our contact information." She looks at the two lynx in front of her. These are two very nice people. It would suck if I never got to see them again. Something about the female entices me in a way I haven't felt beforeâ€"I want to explore that. "Maybe we can do something together and then watch each other have sex again... Or if both of you and my boyfriend are ok with it, we could do something more than watch."

The expressions on the lynxes' faces are priceless they say in unison. "We would be happy to do something like that."

Viktor can't believe what he just heard. He looks at Sasha and she nods at him. He kisses her deeply and then turns to the lynx couple. "I would love to see both of you again."

Michelle and Roy look at each other and then Roy smiles. "If that goes well, we have a couple we want to introduce you to."

Sasha feels curiosity well up in her. "Now I want to know what you are talking about."

Michelle laughs. "It's a secret until the next time we meet. Consider it motivation to meet with us again."

"Next Friday, right here." Viktor points down.

"It's a deal." Roy hugs Michelle.

Note: I wrote this story with the intention that it would be a one-shot, but I found that I liked the characters and the setting so much that I am now tentatively planning on continuing this story when I have completed the first book of "Amplifier Saga." If enough people ask I may write the next part of it sooner.