Victory Dance

Story by Penelope on SoFurry

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Penny floated along with the crowd of elated cheerleaders and players, listening to the excited after-game chatter.

" SEE that field goal!"

"That's an MVP kick if I ever saw one..."

"--thought the opposing coach was gonna shit himself!"

"The way he kicks, you'd think he was a MULE instead of a horse!"

"You wanna ride with us, Pen?"

Penny blinked as she heard her name. Sheila, the pretty Border Collie who led the squad, gape-grinned at her, and she smiled back at her fellow canine. "Nah, think I'll take the bus back. My car's at the school anyway." She winked at Sheila's boyfriend, a sexy Shepherd mix named Mitch. "Not that I don't trust your driving, I swear!"

Mitch chuckled and twirled his keys around his finger as Sheila snuggled close. "See you at Jax's party? His dad's out of town and he's hosting the victory bash."

Penny laughed. "That's probably why he kicked so far tonight, so he wouldn't be stuck with all the chips!" She wagged her tail at the invitation, though; even after a few weeks at the new school she still felt like the "new girl", and she looked forward to the party to help that feeling subside. She took a step towards the parking lot and waved to the pair. "Yeah, see you there."

She turned and started for the, giving a little wiggle of anticipation that rustled her pompons; schools may change, but parties never do. Wonder if any Furs on the team are looking for a peppy Papillon to wear his jacket? She had her eye on a few. Maybe at the party she'd see if any of them had their eye on her, especially after seeing her moves during the halftime routine.

Hard on the heels of her speculation came a raucous cheer from behind her, and she grinned as the team came barreling out of the locker room, milling excitedly towards the bus. They traded high-fives, roars, barks and howls with the other students as they got closer, the mood around them heady with victory. Penny trotted around to the door of the bus before the crowd surged around her...too late. She felt the press of bodies behind her just as the door opened, and she jostled her way up the stairs as the rest of the team poured in with her. She turned to claim a "neutral" seat in the middle of the bus when she felt a pair of paws clamp down on her shoulders and steer her back into the aisle. A gruff voice growled in her ear.

"Where you going, new girl? C'mon, we wantcha to see something."

She twisted in his grip, trying to see who had a hold of her, but the tide of bodies swept her down the aisle until she found herself at the back of the bus. The paws released her, but when she turned too see who had grabbed her there was only the crowd of the team, and the eager grins on their faces made her heart start to gallop in her chest. Gamely, she tried to play it cool, even as she started to tuck between her legs. "H-hey fellas...great show out--"

Another fur grabbed her, wrapping a paw around her muzzle in a steely grip. That seemed to galvanize the others who surged forward to block the view from any eyes up front. The one holding her, a broad-shouldered Tiger, shoved her up against the back of the bus, his wild green eyes boring into hers. He pressed his body against her, and she whimpered as she felt the swell of his erection beneath his jeans. "Time to break you in, new girl," he growled, "See if that ass was just shakin' for show out there today."

She squealed around his clasping paw and slapped against his chest, which only prompted a laugh from the lusty Tiger whose name was Grash or Crash. His laughing growl turned sly as the bus rumbled to life and he leaned in close, his fangs glinting in the shadowed bus. "Play nice, bitch, and maybe you'll enjoy it." He glanced back and growled, "Hit it, Cap!"

A boom box was hefted from under the seat, and a few seconds later music blasted from the speakers as the bus started to move. The Tiger released her as the others pressed forward, her scream muffled quickly when someone shoved a dirty sweat sock into her muzzle. Laughter, nickers and growls mingled into a menacing rumble, echoed in her ears as half a dozen paws grabbed at her. She struggled as hard as she could, but her kicks and weak punches were no match for the burly athletes as first her little crop-top was hiked above her breasts, then her panties were torn from her kicking legs.

She tried to squirm away from the grasping paws, but they were everywhere, yanking her arms up to capture her wrists, squeezing and pinching at her breasts, stroking at her belly...then she cried into the balled-up sock as she saw Jax lean over her, felt his blunt finger slither between her legs. She heaved herself upward, trying to escape what she knew he'd discover, but the others held her fast to the lecherous probe as the stallion shoved his finger inside her.

She saw the surprise in his dark eyes, heard the shock in his voice. "She's wet!" His eyes met hers in lewd suspicion. "Fuckin' soaked!"

She turned her face away from the shame of her body's betraying arousal as he shoved another finger into her, twisting them inside her like an obscene corkscrew as she whimpered into her gag. She winced away from his leering voice, his hot breath in her ear. "You're lovin' this, aren't you, puppy?" He grabbed her breast with his other hand, rolling her nipple between his fingers as he slowly curled the fingers inside her up towards her belly. "Yeah, you want it, don't you?"

And she came. Sobbed into the sweat sock as the beckoning fingers sent waves of sensation spangling along her nerves in time to the throbbing beat of the music that drowned out her shameful, ecstatic sounds. Her tail tucked desperately, trying to cover her clasping heat as her hips bucked against Jax's fingers.

She came back to herself to see Jax grinning above her. She turned her face away again, tears of shame stinging her eyes as he pulled his fingers out, knowing the slickness she felt on her thighs also coated his fingers. "Christ...!"

"Looks like someone wasn't kidding about Penny's victory dance," Another voice growled above her.

Penny whipped her head back around, looking for the source of the crass words, and through her tears she saw Jax move back to let Braed, the leonine quarterback and team captain, step between her thighs. His pants were already open; his cock gleamed slickly against his belly. He smiled down at her and she struggled as he mauled one breast with his paw. "Met up with some of your old teammates at a party last week, and they told us all about you." She squeezed her eyes shut as he licked the side of her face with his raspy feline tongue, tasting her tears. "How they didn't mind losing because they still got to fuck you all the way home. Now it's our turn, slutpuppy."

"Do it, Cap." The others echoed Jax's urgings, some of them already stroking themselves in anticipation, their backs to the bus driver and coach.

She felt the tip of his cock pressed to her entrance, then his paw grasped her thigh. "Time to dance, bitch." Penny whimpered into the gag as he leaned in close, cried out as his claws dug into her breast and thigh, and shrieked as he stabbed his cock into her, the force of it crushing her to the seat. His roar blended into the cheer of the others and her muffled sobs as he held himself in her, snarling his dominance. Then he started to thrust, hunching over her, the barbs on his cock scraping her cruelly with every jab of his hips.

"Do it, do it, do it...!" The chant rose from the rest of the team as the Lion pounded into her. She moaned into the sock, tears still trickling down her face. It didn't have to be like this... she thought crazily, I would have partied with any of these guys once we got to Jax's place! But even as she strained against the paws holding her down and the cock reaming her insides, a spark flared alight in the pit of her stomach like the light of an approaching freight train. She whipped her head to the side and screwed her eyes shut tighter, trying to stop what she knew was coming, was coming...the orgasm ripped through her, sent her bucking shamelessly into Braed's thrusting hips, her inner walls squeezing tightly around his cock, the ecstasy unmistakable, the degradation only begun as she heard the laugh of the others.

"Yeah, you love it, I knew it..." Braed growled as he hunched harder, faster. "Slutty bitch...nnnrrrgh...fuckyeah--!" He rammed himself forward, and his fangs closed over her throat as his cock pulsed and jerked inside her, filling her with his seed. The others whooped and cheered, glorying in her violation and the Captain's savage claim. Braed pulled back slowly, growling around her throat as the barbs on his cock grabbed and pulled at her sensitive flesh until he was free. He released her with a toss of his head, and she moaned into her gag as he wiped himself off on her belly, matting her fur with the dregs of his cum and her own juices. "Not bad," he drawled to the others. "Nice and tight..." She opened her eyes, trying to see through her tears who would be next. "How 'bout you, J? You cool with sloppy seconds?"

Penny froze as she heard Jax's familiar nicker. "Shit, she's gonna need all the lube she can get for me." She twitched her gaze down to the Stallion's groin, and when she saw the drooling flare of his head and thick stalk of a cock jutting from his open pants, she renewed her desperate struggles, screaming into the gag. She yanked her wrists free of Grash or Crash and twisted, almost got away before the rest of the team surged forward to block her, and she found herself grabbed once again, banged back against the seat to face the flashing eyes of Braed.

He roared in her face and wrapped his large paw around her throat. "You stop these little games RIGHT now, bitch...we know you want it, YOU know you want it, or you wouldn't have juiced up for us." He shoved two fingers inside her and wiped the sticky mess across her muzzle and nose. "Now are you gonna play nice and be a good little puppy, or are we gonna make you bleed!" His claws pricked her throat, his fangs bared as she choked on her own arousal. He ripped the sock out of her mouth and released her; she fell to her knees on the floor of the bus, catching her breath and biting back fresh sobs of humiliation. Even as the tears fell, that spark inside her, the one that could only burn to a flame when the claws were sharp, the thrusts hard and merciless, answered for her. She thought of Sheila and Mitch, snuggled close outside the stadium, and wished one day that would be enough for her, the gentleness and love--

Clawed fingers snarled in her headfur and yanked her gaze back up, and she stared through a circle of hardening cocks at Braed's smug, sated smile. "What's it gonna be, slutpuppy?"

She lifted her muzzle and nuzzled up, licking the Lion's cock clean of her answer as the others laughed above her. "Good puppy," he growled and stroked her ears softly before Jax lifted her back onto the seat, spreading her legs wide as he pressed his flaring head against her sopping folds.

Grash she remembered as the Stallion pushed inside her, His name is Grash.