Story by Deathsia on SoFurry

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Indramon's blade swung down on Kyubimon but was stopped mid swing as Kyubimon's muzzle clamped onto Indramon's blade from the side but she was only able to stop one blade as the other came down at her slashing her side causing her to cry out in agony taking her muzzle off Indramon's blade as bits of data spurted out of her side.

â€Kyubimon, Run away!†Rika practically screamed at Kyubimon who could only look up in horror as Indramon rose his blades again and swung down this time aiming for Kyubimon's neck with both Swords.

Suddenly out of nowhere Lopmon throws herself in the way of Indramon's attack getting slashed by both blades and crying out in agony as data spurted out from all directions of her body.â€where the fuck did you come from you little pest! You interrupted my attack!†Indramon said as Lopmon fell to the ground unable to move but moaning loudly in pain.

Suzie looked on in horror as Lopmon laid there on the ground as her data seemed to be trying it's hardest to stay intact as Lopmon's body fragmented constantly but remained intact for the most part.â€My little Lopmon....you can't leave me....i just got you back...for the longest time I thought of you as a figment of my imagination and everything that happened so long ago as something I just made up in my mind...but when I saw you there as I drove home from class...i knew you weren't just a figment of my imagination and what happened all those years ago did happen...†Suzie thought still staring at Lopmon who's body was fragmenting more frequently now.

â€I don't know why...but when I heard my digivice begin to make that loud beeping sound..something inside me told me that you were real and in trouble...but I refused to believe it...i ignored it...but I took the digivice out of henry's room and held onto it...i don't know why...maybe something in me refused to give up on you...but I'm glad I didn't...I'm glad I could see you again...you are my best friend....and best friends stay together forever...†Suzie thought as Lopmon's body began to dissolve into data causing Suzie to ignore all around her and run to Lopmon.â€NOOOO!! LOPMON YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME!! I LOVE YOU!!!!†Suzie screamed at the top of her lungs with tears flooding from her eyes falling to the wind behind her as she ran to Lopmon picked what was left of her and held her tightly dropping her digivice next to her paying no mind to the fact that it began to glow.â€Lopmon please don't leave me! I love you with all my heart! Your were like a sister I never had and still are!†Suzie said crying loudly as tears dripped onto Lopmon's dissolving data.â€I'm sorry Suzie...i can't hang on much longer...don't be sad...†Lopmon said as her eye's closed and and what was left of her body became limp in Suzie's arms.

Everything around Suzie seemed to freeze in place as her tear filled eyes went wide with painful realization that Lopmon had died as the remains of her data dissolved leaving nothing in her arms.

â€NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!†Suzie screamed at the top of her lungs. At this very moment Suzie wanted nothing more than to have Lopmon back in her arms as her head hung low sobbing loudly then she noticed her digivice was still glowing as she looked at it she picked it up and held it in her hands and clased her eyes.â€Please...give me my little Lopmon back...i love her like a sister more than anything!†Suzie thought to herself meanwhile Terriermon had gone into an unspeakable rage and began to glow.â€I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!!!!†Terriermon Yelled.

Meanwhile back at Henry's job....

â€Make sure you get it right this time guys...another slip up like this and project is blown.†Henry said as he continued to type rapidly on his keyboard looking ever so often at his project which looked like a giant circular gate from some science fiction movie when suddenly the digivice that sat next to his keyboard began to glow brightly as the words â€DIGIVOLUTION†appeared on the little screen causing Henry to gasp,pick up his digivice and run out the door without another word leaving his partners wondering why the hell he left in such a hurry.....

â€Terriermon digivolves to.....†Terriermon's voice echoed as he was engulfed in a blinding light. Terriermon felt his body grow to the size of a bear. Two gattling guns then appeared over each arm in two layers each layer snapping into place with a loud clamping sound. He then felt his head take psychical form. Shortly after he manifested a gun belt in front of him and threw it over him snapping in place a crossed his chest diagonally.â€Gargomon!!!!†Gargomon's voice echoed as the light faded revealing his champion form.â€GARGO LASER!†Gargomon yelled as he pummeled Indramon with a flurry of bullets causing him to back up in surprise.

Indramon jumped back and began to twirl his swords in a fan motion and began to deflect every single bullet Gargomon shot at him.â€pathetic excuse for a digimon....if you are that pissed off by your weakling friends defeat then you should have digivolved to ultimate if you wanted a chance against me!!!†Indramon yelled jumped up in the air towards Gargomon.

Gargomon kept on firing at Indramon as he grew closing not caring at the fact that he was deflecting every bullet that he shot at him still consumed by his deep rage till Indramon was almost upon him.â€BUNNY PUMMEL!†Gargomon yelled catching Indramon once again by surprise as Gargomon's Gatling guns began to glow just before he he jumped at Indramon and met him mid air punching at him sending them both falling to the ground with a loud crash with Gargomon on top of Indramon still pummeling the shit out of him.

Meanwhile Suzie was still in tears holding onto her glowing digivice as if it was the only thing that mattered.â€Please! I'm begging you! Bring my Lopmon back! I need her...and I know she needs me...we need each other....†Suzie thought to herself still then moments later her digivice began to glow even more brightly then before causing Suzie to drop it in surprise as the blinding shined in her face temporarily blinding her and catching everyone's attention including Indramon's who had finally managed to mule kick Gargomon off him into the insurance building wall with a loud clatter of bricks.

Streams of data seemed to be gathering above Suzie's digivice. Everyone watched in amazement as Lopmon's body began to take shape with above the digivice until her entire body took psychical form.

Lopmon looked around at first in confusion then looked at Suzie who had took her in her arms in a big hug as tears flowed from her eyes down her cheeks in happiness.

Indramon stared in disbelief at what he was seeingâ€Impossible....i was brought back into existence by the by our lord the digimon sovereign...how could a mere human girl do that?!†Indramon thought in disbelief.

â€My little Lopmon....you came back to me again...I'm so happy!†Suzie said with tears of joy in her eyes.

â€Suzie...i don't know how I came back...but I'm glad I am back with you.†Lopmon said and embraced Suzie placing her head on her shoulder as tears of joy swelled in her eyes.

Indramon stood up and eyed them both with a glare in his eyesâ€You girl! No one can posses the same power as our digimon sovereign! You must parish!†Indramon yelled dashing at Suzie and and Lopmon.

Lopmon looked up at Indramon dashing at them with a look of determination in her eyesâ€I must protect Suzie!†Lopmon thought to herself as she jumped out of Suzie's arms and jumped at Indramon and began to glow brightly once again.

Suzie looked down at her digivice which had the wordâ€DIGIVOLUTION†displacing on the small screen she then turned to look at Lopmon who had been engulfed in a bright light.â€Lopmon digivolve to....†Lopmon Voice echoed. Lopmon then felt her body begin to grow and change size until she was roughly the size of of a small thin anthropomorphic version of her small self. She then felt her paws be covered by purple gauntlets as what looked to be a trigger mechanism form on each gauntlet then a flash of light appeared on each gauntlet which flowed from her wrists outward past her paws then stopping with each of them flashing brightly revealing two small swords forming what looked like a claw on each of them. Both swords then retracted with a loud â€Cling!†sound from each simultaneously so that both swords lay flatly against her forearms.â€Turuiemon!†Turuiemon shouted as the light vanished from around her revealing her champion from.

This new transformation caused Indramon to stop in his tracks and stare in shock.â€S-she digivolved!†Indramon said aloud without realizing it.

Turuiemon and Indramon simply stared at each as if waiting for each other to make the first move...â€Heh...if you think I'll let you harm Suzie...your crazier than I thought you were! Prepare yourself! My champion form is nothing like you've faced before!†Turuiemon said with a confident smile.

Indramon simply scoffed at thisâ€We'll see able that you pathetic new form can muster aginst my supreme power!†Indramon said with a cocky smile....

_ Ohh...Lopmon's champion form finally shows up! But will it be enough to defeat this diva who had been resurrected by the digimon sovereign? And how was Suzie able to call Lopmon back from the great beyond? All will be revealed soon in the next chapter of Digimon digital monsters! _


EPISODE TWO: THE KEY TO JUGERNAUT Takato’s alarm sounded loudly at 5am causing him to open his eyes groggily. â€Work is a pain…†Takato remarked to himself as he slowly got out of bed to get into the shower. After about 15 minuets in the shower...

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EPISODE 1 RENAMON’S RETURN â€Diamond storm!†A female fox looking figure yelled shooting thousands of diamonds at a purplish looking foe. The figure simply laughed at her and struck her causing her to cry out in pain as she hit the ground. â€Now...

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DIGIMON THE TAMERS RETURN! PROLGUE: FLASHBACK "What's happening?!" Henry said in shock as he saw Terriermon start to shrink. Just then Henry's father walked up to them. "Dad help them! Do something!" Henry pleaded tears in his eyes. "Mr. Wong,...
