Story by Deathsia on SoFurry

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â€Diamond storm!†A female fox looking figure yelled shooting thousands of diamonds at a purplish looking foe.

The figure simply laughed at her and struck her causing her to cry out in pain as she hit the ground. â€Now to finish you off. You pathetic excuse for a digimon.†The figure said laughing.

â€Pyro-spear!†A male voice yelled blasting the figure knocking him to the ground. â€Are you ok Renamon?†The dinosaur looking digimon asked.

â€As ok as I’ll ever be Guilmon. Now let’s finish this d-reaper scum off!†Renamon said standing up.

Guilmon walked up next to her â€Whatever you say dear. Pyro-spear!†Guilmon cried blasting a stream of fire from his mouth as Renamon jumped in the air above and crossed her arms.

â€Diamond storm!†Renamon yelled causing there attacks to hit at the same time causing a huge cloud of smoke to rise up.

Guilmon took cautious step forward. â€Did we get it?†Guilmon asked but was immediately answered by a vine like thing wrapping around him.†Aww nuts! I guess not!†Guilmon said aloud before falling on his tail as the d-reaper began top reel him in.

Renamon dashed forward with blazing speed and grabbed Guilmon around the chest and held him trying to stop the d-reaper from dragging closer. â€I’ve…got…you…dear.†Renamon said between grunts just before the vines wrapped around her too.

:â€Bunny blast!†A young very long eared digimon yelled from afar. â€Blazing ice!†Another voice came close by and both attacks hit dead on causing the vines to disappear around Renamon and Guilmon.

â€Terriermon, Lopmon you saved us!†Guilmon said happily looking at them.

Renamon then jumped in the air†They haven’t saved our lives quite yet dear. Diamond storm!†Renamon yelled shooting thousands of diamonds at the figure just as Terriermon and Lopmon ran up beside Guilmon.

The enemy looked unharmed as it once again entangled Renamon.†You, the untainted ones shall serve us as all the tainted ones have. And then we shall reclaim what should have been ours years ago!†the figure said and began to laugh.

â€Rika…I need you!†Renamon thought to herself as the vines contracted around her.

Suddenly a woman in her twenties sat up in bed and went to her drawer and yanked it open. A small device inside the drawer was beeping loudly as if there was some kind of danger around.

â€Renamon! Oh no.†Rika said aloud and ran to her phone and dialed a number.

â€Hello? Oh Rika. How are you?†A teenage voice answered.

â€Suzie, get Henry! This is an emergency!†Rika said in a dramatic tone.

â€Ok, ok…let me call him.†Suzie said and put her palm on the receiver. â€Henry! Rika wants to talk to you. She says it’s an emergency.†Suzie called out up the stairs to a room where a 22 year old man sat looking at a small device beeping in his hand furiously he raised his head and went down the stairs and took the phone.

â€Rika, what’s wrong?†Henry asked but he had a feeling he knew the answer.

â€My digivice is going bonkers which could mean only one thing. Renamon in trouble and I wanted to get a hold of Takato but he’s not answering his phone.

â€He’s probly in the same spot he always is. I’ll meet you there.†Henry said hanging up the phone.

Where are you going bro? Suzie said walking up to him.

Henry froze remembering that he had kept her digivice along with his and it was beeping furiously as well. â€she probly doesn’t even remember Lopmon.†Henry thought to himself.†I’m going out for a few. Since when did you become my mother?†Henry said annoyed.

â€Excuse me for showing concern for my brother!†Suzie said turning around storming away grumbling to herself.

Henry opened the door and walked out†Sorry Suzie but this is for your own good.†Henry thought closing the door behind him and took off.

â€Terrier tornado!†Terriermon screamed as he spun himself in a circle making a whirlwind appear around him. â€Blazing ice!†Lopmon yelled shooting jets out ice out along side Terriermon’s attack.

â€Pyro-spear!†Guilmon yelled with Renamon jumping into the air once again. â€Diamond storm!†Renamon yelled shooting jets of diamonds at the d-reaper drone.

All their attacks hit all at once causing to d-reaper drone to disparate and be no more.

After an awkward silence Renamon stepped up.†We can’t do this alone. We need our tamers otherwise we will lose this fight.†Renamon said crossing her arms.

â€Honey as much as I want to see Takato again they are in the real world we are in the digital world. They couldn’t get here if they tried.†Guilmon said with his ears drooping.

â€Pineapple head is right foxy. Our tamers have no way to get to us. I’m not even sure mine even remember me.†A black looking digimon with a red scarf around his neck said walking up from behind a rock.

â€I didn’t see you fighting along with us Impmon.†Renamon said glaring at him.

â€Hey! Do I look like I can actually do any damage? No I don’t think so foxy!†Impmon retorted glaring back.

â€Come on you guys. Arguing will solve nothing we need to think of plan.†Lopmon said walking between the two glaring digimon.

â€I have one. I’m going to go get Rika with or without you all.†Renamon said turning around and walking away.

â€How do you plain to do that foxy? Last time I checked all connections with the real world and the digital world have been cut off!†Impmon yelled causing Renamon to stop dead in her tracks.

â€I’ll find a way. And if I believe I can find Rika in my heart I know I will find her.†Renamon said turning around and looking at everyone.

â€Well I call you crazy foxy. But I guess I’m in.†Impmon said walking up to her.

â€Don’t think you can leave us out! We’re coming with!†Terriermon said running up along side of Lopmon to catch up with Renamon and Impmon.

â€Hey, wait for me!†Guilmon said running up behind them.

A man in his twenties sat inside a small room in the middle of the park staring at his digivice. â€Guilmon…I hope your ok boy.†The man stood up and was walking out just as Rika and Henry ran up to him.

â€Takato... I knew we’d find you here goggle head.†Rika said as she stopped next to Henry huffing and puffing.

â€Rika, Henry what are you guys doing here? Takato asked curiously.

â€Your digivice was beeping loudly a few moments ago wasn’t it?†Henry asked looking at Takato with seriousness in his eyes.

â€Ya it was. Was yours doing that as well?†Takato asked looking concerned.

â€Yes it was. And that can mean only one thing. Our partners are in trouble.†Rika said in a worried tone.

â€But our digivices haven’t even been working properly until recently…why would they become active now?†Takato asked looking worried now as well.

â€Could something be going wrong in the digital world?†Rika said looking at Takato and Henry now more worried than ever.

Just then a huge stream of mist shot out of the ground and engulfed them in it. â€It can’t be…a digital field?!†Henry said putting on his shades.

â€And that can only mean one thing. A digimon is bio-emerging.†Rika said in a confirming tone putting on her shades as well.

â€But that can’t be. Yamaki told us that all connections between the digital world and real world had been cut off! How could a digimon be bio-emerging? It’s not possible!†Henry shouted just as a figure appeared near them.

â€Really…well tell that to him!†Takato said pointing at the huge digimon.

The digimon then turned to them looking at them with red eyes and blacked skin. â€This doesn’t look like your normal digimon†Takato said fear beginning to overwhelm him.

â€Your right Takato, this digimon doesn’t look normal. It looks evil even.†Henry said backing away slowly.

â€I must cleanse this world of all tamers. You all shall parish in the name of his royal highness the digimon sovereign! All untainted must be destroyed!†The digimon said turning to them.

â€The digimon sovereign, I thought he was on our side?†Takato said backing up now.

â€Any idea what kind of digimon this is Rika?†Henry said backing up.

â€Without Renamon to analyze this thing I might as well be holding a toy! Everyone run!†Rika said backing and turning to run with Henry and Takato running along side of her with the digimon not far behind them.

Suddenly Rika tripped over a rock causing her to fall on her face. Rika turned to her back to see the digimon stop in front of her. â€Now you will die tamer!†The digimon yelled prepping his attack.

Tears of fear flooded her eyes as she screamed the one thing that came to mind.â€RENAMON!!!†Rika screamed closing her eyes in terror as the digimon shot his attack at her.

Rika opened her eyes after a moment to see she was still alive and saw a yellow colored fox holding her.â€Renamon you saved me â€Rika said tears of happiness in her eyes.

Renamon landed and set her down.â€Rika I know you happy to see me but we have more important matters to attend to right now.†Renamon said turning to face the digimon who was now charging at them.

â€Right, let’s do this Renamon.†Rika said taking a card out of her pocket on her belt and swiped it through her digivice.†DIG-MODIFY! DIGIVOLUTION ACTIVATE!†Rika yelled as the word â€Digivolution†appeared on the small screen of her digivice.

â€Renamon digvolve to…†Renamon’s voice echoed as her body was engulfed in a light. Renamon felt her body change shape from that of standing on two feet to all fours. She then felt her on tail split into nine tails.â€Kubimon!†Kyubimon’s voice echoed as the light faded revealing her champion form.

Takato and Henry simply stared in amazement.†I don’t know what’s more amazing. The fact that Kyubimon is here in the real world or that Rika still carries her cards around.†Takato joked feeling a lot better now seeing Kyubimon standing in front of Rika.

â€But if Kyubimon is here then our partners must be here as well.†Henry said looking around for Terriermon but he was no where in sight.

Rika looked at her digivice and saw an image appear.†Devimon, champion level. He’s a virus type. His attacks are laser wing and evil wing. Be careful Kyubimon!†Rika said looking at the black digimon.

Kyubimon dashed at Devimon†As always Rika, Dragon wheel!†Kyubimon yelled as she began to roll in a ball and soon a ball of blue fire engulfed her. Just as she neared Devimon the ball of blue fire extended out reveling a dragon head and shot at Devimon.

Devimon stopped in his tracks seeing Kyubimon’s attack heading strait at him.†Evil wing!†Devimon yelled shooting his attack and Kyubimon’s causing a huge explosion.

Takato looked around for Guilmon but didn’t see him anywhere. â€Where are you boy? I need you.†Takato thought just as the attacks collided.

Henry put an arm in front of his face as the attacks collided. â€Could it be possible that on Kyubimon made it back? If so that must mean the others are-â€but Henry was cut off by Takato who grabbed him by the shirt.â€Guilmon alive! Don’t you tell me he’s dead! I promised him we’d be together again! So don’t you tell me he’s dead because he isn’t!†Takato yelled finally realizing Henry’s shirt and fell to his knees with tears in his eyes.

Kyubimon looked over at Takato with a worried look in her eyes. â€I wish I could say they are all right but I don’t know.†Kyubimon thought to herself and then turned back to Devimon.†Fox tail inferno!†Kyubimon yelled as spread all nine of her tails out revealing a blue flame on the end of each one. She then thrust her tails forward shooting the flames at Devimon.

The attacks hit the mark engulfing Devimon in flames. â€No, this can’t be! Forgive me my sovereign!†Devimon cried as he disintegrated into fragments of data.

Kyubimon then reverted back to her rookie form as Renamon and turned to face the others as Rika put her arms around her.â€Renamon I’m so glad you’re safe!†Rika said tears of happiness streaming down her cheeks.

Henry and Takato then ran up to Renamon as fast as they could.†Renamon where is Guilmon?†Takato said with a worried look on his face.

â€And what about Terriermon and the others?†Henry asked running up beside Takato.

At the mere mention of Guilmon’s name a tear shed from Renamon’s eye that only Rika caught. â€I don’t know where Terriermon or the others are Henry.†Renamon said in a calm manner.

â€What about Guilmon? Is he ok?†Takato said walking up.

This time Renamon turned and hit a tree with her fist causing bark to go flying. â€I couldn’t….I wanted to…†Renamon broke off punching another fist into the tree.

Takato could not take much more of this as he ran up to Renamon and whirled her around and put her back to the tree.†Where’s Guilmon?!†Takato yelled a mixture of anger and fear swelling inside him.

This action caused Renamon to become wide eyed as she stared into Takato’s eyes for a moment before Rika and Henry grabbed him by the arms and began to pull him away.†Have you lost your mind goggle head?!†Rika shouted as she pulled him away with Henry’s help.

Tears began to swell in Renamon’s eyes as she remembered what happened.


â€I can’t believe you found a way back to the real world! I wish we weren’t up to our necks in evil digimon though! But I’m not complaining! Bunny blast!†Terriermon y6elled destroying a darkened looking digimon.

â€Let’s just make sure we make it there first! Otherwise my plan is going to get us killed! Diamond storm!†Renamon yelled shooting jets of diamonds at another foe causing it to disintegrate in fragments of data.

Suddenly a huge creature appeared from a void.†You all must parish! Our sovereign will not be pleased if you untainted ones make it to the real world.†He said shooting vines at everyone.

The only one who was able to evade the attack was Renamon due to her amazing speed. â€Hold on I’ll save you!†Renamon called and began to run back at them.

â€No go now otherwise none of us will make it there! If you make there at least the real world stands a chance!†Guilmon said as the vine contracted around him causing him to cry out in pain.

â€Go on foxy! Tell my tamers I love them!†Impmon said and grunted in pain as the vines contracted around him as well.†This is nothing compared to what I’ve been through...Heh…ack!†Impmon cried out in pain as the vine contracted around him even more.

â€Get moving now Renamon! That digimon is bio-emerging!†Lopmon cried out pointing an ear at the Devimon ascending threw to the real world.

â€Don’t worry about us! We’ve gotten out of tight scraps then this! Meet you in the real world Renamon!†Terriermon said as the vines contracted and began to crush him.

Renamon looked into guilmon’s eye as a tear streaked down her cheek.†I love you…Guilmon†Renamon said looking at Guilmon and turned to follow Devimon.


â€I’m so sorry…Takato…I couldn’t save them...not even the digimon I love!†Renamon said falling to her knees and began to sob. â€I’m…so…sorry!†Renamon said in between sobs.

Takato looked at Renamon and realized how much of an asshole he had just been to her. â€I’m sorry Renamon…I should have not done that.†Takato said walking up to Renamon to comfort her but she disappeared in an instant leaving Takato, Rika, Henry in the park.

â€Happy now? You are fucking asshole! You made Renamon break down to tears!†Rika said turning and running out of the park calling for Renamon.

Takato simply turned to Henry who simply glared at him.†I know you’re worried about Guilmon Takato but don’t you think that if Renamon could have she would have brought the others with her?†Henry said his glare fading a little bit as he said this.

Takato fell to his knees and started to cry.†I just want my friend back…and I don’t know what I’d do if he was killed!†Takato said sobbing loudly

After hours of searching Rika stopped and looked at her digivice. â€Renamon where are you? Rika said lifting her head up to look around. â€I wonder…could she be at my old house?†Rika thought and began to run to the house she lived in as a child.

Rika rounded the comer and opened the gate to her old home to see Renamon sitting on the porch.â€Renamon, I was sure I would find you here.†Rika said walking up to Renamon.

Renamon looked up at Rika teary eyed and gave a faint smile before lowering her head again.†I wish I could said Guilmon and the others are ok but I don’t know.†Renamon said bawling up her paws.

Rika then looked at her digivice then back to Renamon.†Do you know why that digimon bio-emerged Renamon? And how did you get back here? Yamaki told us the digital world had been completely severed from the real world.†Rika asked all the questions swimming around her head at once.

As Rika asked all these questioned the reason she had even came back to the real world snapped her out of her sadness.†Rika, we believe the d-reaper has come back, but it’s different this time. It not deleing digimon as it did before. Instead it’s turning good digimon into evil ones. And so far the entire digital world has been tainted by this d-reaper.†Renamon finished looking at Rika.

Rika’s eyes opened wide in shock at these words.†But Shabumi said that it was reduced to a harmless program. How could it have come back?†Rika said looking at Renamon with a terrified look in her eyes as she remembered that battle with the d-reaper 12 years ago.

Renamon then stood up and faced Rika.â€But I don’t know if the others are alright…I wish I could say they are…but I…don’t know.†Renamon said balling up her right paw. â€I failed you. I’m sorry Rika.†Renamon said and lowered her head.

Rika looked at Renamon and forced a smile while placing a hand on Renamon’s shoulder.†I’m sure there all right Renamon. They’ll probly be showing up anytime now.†Rika said trying to cheer Renamon up and raise her hopes at the same time.

Is everything operational? A young woman asked.

â€Yes madam, Hypnose is fully operational again. We are launching the grid now.†A man answered as he typed furiously on a keyboard.

â€Good. Make sure you have everything running smoothly by the time I return.†The woman said as she looked around with a crude grin on her face.

â€No worries madam we will have this place in tip top shape.†The man said not looking away from his computer screen.

â€I’m sure you will.†The woman said and then walked out of the grid room and into the hallway and began to chuckle to herself. â€Excellent…now nothing will stop us. Once these pathetic humans get the juggernaut program from that fool Yamaki I’ll be able to fully open the link again between the real world and the digital world. And then we will have what should have been ours 12 years ago†The woman thought to herself and began to laugh aloud.

_ This woman seriously is nuts if you ask me. Are Guilmon and the others okay? And who is this strange woman who is reviving Hypnose? To find out keep reading Digimon Digital monsters! _


DIGIMON THE TAMERS RETURN! PROLGUE: FLASHBACK "What's happening?!" Henry said in shock as he saw Terriermon start to shrink. Just then Henry's father walked up to them. "Dad help them! Do something!" Henry pleaded tears in his eyes. "Mr. Wong,...



**AUTHORS NOTES: The final chapter of the entire PUL series is here!!! yes this is the last chapter i will be writing for the Pikachu's unexpected love series...to all my readers who have stuck it through with me over the years and endured my horrific...

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THE REBELLION STRIKES BACK! "Now that everyone is back home safe and sound we can finally attack Chris head on!" Josh said as he turned around and pressed a button on his console when caused a large screen to appear showing the Jhoto region. ...

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