Well Met by Moonlight

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#3 of Kinktober 2016

When Thomas realises he cannot save his lover from the lycanthropic curse afflicting him, he endeavours to join him in it in the safest, and most pleasant way possible.

This story contains M/M sex between consenting adults, and is day #3's entry for Kinktober. Today's kink, Bukkake, comes to you thanks to Zia! :3

Well Met by Moonlight

The chains holding the snarling, thrashing werewolf captive rattled and strained, but held firm. The beast stood spread eagled, arms raised high to the rafters around which his iron manacles' chains were wrapped, and his legs almost entirely immobile where their own far shorter chains disappeared through the thick floorboards and into the foundations below. His jaws snapped and ear-splitting howls of savage, feral rage echoed around the wooden building. He thrashed and pulled at his chains, stretching them taut and shaking them till the whole cabin rang with the clatter of metal upon metal. But for all his potent bluster, the monstrous creature was helpless to react to the human male standing just metres away from him.

Naked, his strong barrel-like chest several shades paler than his arms and peppered with black and grey hairs, Thomas breathed heavily as he watched the werewolf fight to get free. To get loose, and attack him. Maul him. Devour him in his enchanted, bestial fury. His chest rose and fell more rapidly at the very idea. Not with that kind of excitement, he didn't have a death wish or anything of the sort. But... that power. That wild, unbridled savagery, there was something intoxicating about seeing it so close, yet so contained. He looked into the wolf's snarling face, into those beady, frenzied eyes, and his bearded features burst into a smile.

Stepping forward, Thomas called out over the werewolf's cries. His voice shook with a mixture of nerves and passion, and as his bare feet thumped firmly against the oak floorboards of the cabin the fingers of his left hand squeezed and manipulated the stiff, uncut length of his hard cock.

"You know me. And you know yourself."

The wolf's muscles rippled beneath his rusty brown coat, and his black claws flexed, held back from the ripping and tearing in which they would otherwise had revelled.

"I know you can't control this. Even though you're in there. Even though you can understand every word I'm saying. And I know I promised to help you try. To help you make sure that this never happens to anyone else I love. To help you make sure you could never hurt me. But..."

For a moment, just a moment, the werewolf's roars fell silent. Its eyes bulged, and a brief, strangled whimper escaped it. Then it shuddered. It grunted, and it howled in fresh rage, beginning to pull and thrash against its restraints once more. Thomas watched it, now less than a metre from its flailing form and still stroking his rigid cock. He was still smiling, though there was a hint of something dark... guilt perhaps, deep in his eyes after seeing that momentary blip in the bestial madness of the monster. It didn't last long though. Soon it faded, and he was able to grin unabashed as he continued to address the werewolf, watching as between its legs a thick, deep red lupine erection began to swell in response to his own masturbation.

"But... I can't see you go through this month after month, William. I can't pretend like I am happy to chain you up three nights out of every lunar cycle, and just leave you here like I'm giving up. Like I'm admitting there's nothing I can do. Because, there is something. There is a way... a way for me to understand."

Thomas stepped closer still to the wailing, snarling beast who during daylight hours was the man he loved. He stepped so close he could reach out and touch the werewolf's muscular chest, and he did so. His hand pressed against the wolf's heart, just out of range of where his head could reach down and snap its jaws, then began to slide down through his lush fur. Lower. Lower, towards the bound werewolf's engorged and now urgently throbbing crotch.

"The essence of the werewolf maketh thou a werewolf... that's what the book said. A bite. Blood. Saliva. It can all be used to turn. But... if you turned me with violence, I know you would never forgive yourself. So, turn me in a different way."

Falling to his knees, Thomas' hand left the flat, firm, trembling stomach of his currently monstrous partner and descended further still. It wrapped around the thick, engorged length of his member, and slid all the way down to its base before delivering a firm squeeze.

"You see, my love? You're still in there. You see me excited, aroused... and though your heart burns with hate and rage, you still feel the desire to share in that arousal. You can't escape it. And neither can I."

Letting go of his own erection, both of Thomas' hands began to massage the werewolf's far larger, rampant arousal. At first the savage creature thrashed and fought harder than ever, as though the very concept of pleasure was alien to its violent and vicious nature. But little by little, as Thomas worked the shaft of that thick and monstrous member between his hands, the volume of the werewolf's roars lessened. He ceased thrashing with the whole of his powerful body, and instead began to focus his motion around his hips. Thrusting. Bucking. Grunting and snarling not in rage, but with pleasure.

The human watched the werewolf's cock dance before his eyes as it strained and throbbed at his every caress and squeeze. He listened to the beast's deep and rumbling growls, and colour rose upon Thomas' cheeks as he realised something. This was still William's erection. Not just because deep down beneath the curse that currently held him this wolf was the man he loved. But rather, in a very literal sense this canid cock was still the very same one that his beloved possessed. He knew this, because it had the same sweet spots. At first he had stroked it like a stranger, regarding it with cautious unfamiliarity. But now he was relaxing into the act, and he was beginning to caress the wolf in the same way he would caress his human partner. And the wolf, it seemed, was enjoying it just as much as William's normal self.

"Even as a wolf, you're a big softy..."

He removed the palms of his hands from the wolf's member and began to run only his fingertips along the length of the monster's shaft. Feather-light touches, almost tickling rather than stroking, for perhaps twenty seconds. Then he stopped, grinning as a trickling little river of pre-cum oozed from the suddenly straining length of the werewolf's cock, and a howl not of rage but of pleading desperation escaped his muzzle. Just seconds later one strong human hand wrapped around the base of the cock once more, and the werewolf yelped as Thomas squeezed tightly and began to masturbate the powerful creature before him with twenty or so rapid-fire, furious strokes from base to tip. His hand squeezed around every last inch of the werewolf's member, until with that last stroke it sprang free, and yet again left the wolf thrusting at thin air, howling in anguish, and dripping yet more thick, translucent pre-cum all over the wooden floor before Thomas' flushed, giddy face.

Three times the human repeated this sequence on the werewolf, feathery strokes with his fingertips, a pause, followed by feverish and intense masturbation and yet another, longer pause after that. It never failed to drive William crazy, turning his normally rather gentle and affectionate lover into a trembling wreck that would have done anything to bury his cock in Thomas any way the other man would allow. And given that was the effect it had on William's rational, human mind, it was no surprise that the influence of such stimulation on the werewolf was far, far more overwhelming.

When the beast began to howl and thrash once more even as the human caressed his cock though, Thomas thought for one heart-breaking moment that he had lost his lover. That once again any trace of William was gone and the werewolf's unbridled fury had broken through. He peered up, looking away from the wolf's straining erection and into the face snarling and snapping its teeth down towards him. But as soon as he did so, and met the wolf's gaze, he realised that he couldn't have been further from the truth. The snarling. The clacking of teeth against teeth. This latest outburst hadn't been one of rage, but simply a way of getting his attention. Of making Thomas look his cursed lover in the eye, and see him peering out from within the monster currently inhabiting his body.

Their eyes met, and mere moments later the human male nodded.

"I know. I... I know, my love. But, I'm sure. So please. Please..."

The hands holding the werewolf's erection began to move once more, and Thomas' cheeks flushed beneath his beard as he saw the beast's eyes glaze over with something more than just pleasure. With the imminent, urgent need for release.

"Let it out."

He shuffled closer to the cock already drooling and dribbling hot pre-cum all over the wooden floor directly in front of him. He cried out as he felt the hot droplets of that fluid hitting his knees. His thighs. He tore his gaze away from the werewolf's bulging, pleasure-stricken amber hues with a soft and longing moan, and turned his head back down. The tip of the wolf's cock was barely two inches from his nose. He moaned again. He leaned forward, just a little, and as he began to stroke and squeeze the werewolf's erection as feverishly fast as he had ever done to his human lover, he wrapped his moist lips around the first inch or so of the lupine monster's cock and started to suckle.

William could never resist that. And nor could the wolf.

Thomas' eyes bulged just seconds later, and a deep, gurgling grunt escaped him as he began to gulp. To swallow. But no matter how he tried, no matter how much he wanted to savour every drop of that almost burning hot and rich, sweet seed as it poured its way into him, it was impossible. It began to overflow out of the corner's of his mouth, running down his chin and glistening in the fuzz of his beard. His cheeks swelled as he almost gagged on the sheer volume, and with one last hungry gurgle, Thomas pulled back and set the tip of the werewolf's member free.


For a split second Thomas watched his lover's monstrous cock as it continued to cum with relentless volume, feeling it throb and listening to the ear-splitting yelps of the werewolf as ribbons of thick seed splattered across his chest and gasping, already cum-stained face. Then his eyes closed, his head leaned forward once more, and with his mouth wide open the human began to rub his flushed, seed streaked face up against the werewolf's cock. He wasn't trying to swallow, wasn't trying to drink it all down, just to ensure that every last drop that the werewolf had to offer landed upon his skin; against some part of his bare and vulnerable human flesh.

"Don't stop. Keep... ah... more. You can... ohh, yes..."

He used every trick he knew to coax more and more cum from the howling werewolf, to ensure that it sprayed and spurted out across his panting face and dripped down the length of his exposed body. Every drop was precious, any lost millilitre of that potent fluid potentially the drop that could carry with it his lover's curse. He needed it inside his belly. He needed it all over his body. He needed it everywhere, to ensure that before this night was over William would no longer be alone in this monstrous state. It was for that reason he kept massaging the werewolf's cock and balls even as the once vicious male was beginning to whine and whimper in over-stimulation, and why until he was absolutely convinced there was nothing more for it to let loose he kept his face rubbing up against the quivering tip of the beast's swollen and now spent shaft.

Even after that, he wasn't done. Trembling, gasping as his hands left the werewolf and began to roam across his own naked form, the human rubbed his lover's essence all over himself. He gathered up handfuls of the werewolf's spent seed and wrapped those hands around his own erection. He lay back on the floor, writhing and groaning in lustful satisfaction, and masturbated using the werewolf's cum for lube as his tongue stretched out to lap at any and all seed which still clung to his face.

And it was then, as the bound, trembling, rather fatigued werewolf watched the human's body writhing in its very own pleasure, he noticed something. A certain deep, baritone growl to Thomas' pleasured moans that hadn't been there before. A thickening of the human's musculature as he pumped his cock feverishly with one arm, and new wiry black hair beginning to spread over his chest.

The werewolf whose cursed form had enslaved William for years now watched as the creature it had sired barely a minute before began to stir under the thrall of the same full moon by which he had been infected. He growled in delight, in pride, and in pleasure as a pink, still fleshy muzzle erupted from the front of Thomas' cum-stained face, and watched as the human's own cock erupted, and yet more streaks of hot, passionate seed rained down over Thomas' face and torso as they continued to swell, to grow, and to transform.

A werewolf born not of violence, but of pleasure. Stained with cum rather than blood, and as William's own lupine self would soon discover, a werewolf with a hunger for the same pleasure through which he had risen.

By Jeeves

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