The voice of reason - Ch 18 - My dearest Ceylan...

Story by MrGimp21 on SoFurry

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#18 of The voice of reason

That Saturday afternoon, while I was on my laptop going through old conversations on MSN because I was bored as hell and Meagan was still asleep, I came across a conversation between Terry and Ceylan. Eleventh of august, 2009 at 2:14 AM... So she had this conversation with him not too long ago. At first, the conversation started innocently. But then I noticed they were talking about me...

Rawr says: i just dont know what to do.

Rawr says: i don't know what I want anymore.

Rawr says: and

Rawr says: sometimes i just wish that everything is over, you know?

Rawr says: im just so sick and tired of worrying about every little thing

MrJingles says: yeah

_Rawr says: and sometimes

Rawr says: sometimes i wished i never broke up with you_

MrJingles says: why is that?

Rawr says: everything was just perfect the way it was. but then nikki...

_ MrJingles says: you shouldn't blame it on nikki_

MrJingles says: and besides, what are you trying to blame on her anyway?

Rawr says: i dont blame anything on her

Rawr says: It's just that

Rawr says: i don't know anymore.

_Rawr says: i just wished things weren't so complicated, you know?

MrJingles says: i know_

_Rawr says: i often asked myself if nikki really loves me

MrJingles says: why is that?

Rawr says: sometimes it feels as if the sex is the only reason she wants to be with me...

MrJingles says: its not

MrJingles says: but nikki experienced a lot when she was young

MrJingles says: sometimes she does things i don't understand

MrJingles says: i talk to her a lot about it, and im trying to help her with everything i can because i care for her

Rawr: oh? i never knew that...

Rawr says: so what exactly happened to her when she was young...?

MrJingles says: i cant tell, ceylan

MrJingles says: i promised I'd never tell anyone

MrJingles says: and she'll tell you when she's ready for it

MrJingles says: but i'll talk to her

MrJingles says: see if I can get through

Rawr says: heh..._

_Rawr says: terry, i got a question that's been bugging me for a long time now

Rawr says: and i want you to give me an honest answer_

MrJingles says: sure, whats up?

Rawr says: Why are you doing this?

MrJingles says: Do what?

Rawr says: why are you trying to help us?

MrJingles says: what do you mean?

Rawr says: nikki and i hurt you in so many ways

Rawr says: and yet you help us...

MrJingles says: heh

MrJingles says: well, I just want that the two of you are happy

_MrJingles says: and of course, i was hurt deeply but

MrJingles says: the two of you mean the most to me then anyone ever did_

MrJingles says: which is why i'll do anything i can to help you guys

MrJingles says: you still there...?

Rawr says: im sorry, i think i just fried the keyboard with my tears

MrJingles says: Hehe

Rawr says: thank you, terry...

MrJingles says: anytime, babe...

Rawr says: its late so

Rawr says: i think its best i get myself to bed

MrJingles says: alright.

Rawr says: goodnight and sweet dreams

MrJingles says: goodnight dude

MrJingles says: and don't worry, okay?

Rawr says: i'll try not to

MrJingles: 83

Rawr says: XD

Rawr says: goodnight terry

Rawr says: i love you <3

MrJingles: i heart you too babe

The conversation wasn't revealing anything new. But it opened my eyes... Maybe Ceylan needs something special... But I didn't know what it was... I had my hunches so it was up to me to find out. The moment I looked up, I saw Meagan standing in front of me. She sits next to me on the couch, and just looked at me. 'Ceylan needs you more then I do, you know. So... Go to her. And set everything right...' I looked at her and smiled. I quickly kissed her cheek and got dressed. Then I went out...

Now, I can honestly say that I was really, really nervous. I did go to her house once, but when we did, Ceylan just got inside to get something while I waited outside in the car and we were moving again. So I never saw her parents before and yeah, I was really nervous... Especially when Ceylan told me what her mother thought about our relationship... But I just had to, you know...? I had to do it for her...

So the moment I got to her house, I hesitated for a long time to press the doorbell, but... I did anyway and tried to swallow that nervous feeling that started to bubble up. Then the door got opened up by a female Manx cat... I think she was probably in her fifties or something. 'O-Oh, I-I'm sorry, I think I have the wrong house.'

'You're Nicole, right?' she asked me with a smile...

'E-Excuse me?'

'I saw you on pictures that Ceylan has. She told me so much about you.'

'S-She did?'

'Yes! Please, come in!'

Which I did... Eh... Is it me or... Is this not making any sense...? Ceylan is a tigress and... That's a cat. I do know something about biology, you know... So I followed her to the living-room... 'Please, sit down! Would you like something to drink?'

'N-No, thank you. I-I'm fine...'

'Alright... Ceylan! You've got a visitor!'

There was no response... 'She'll be down any minute, dear.'


'What's wrong?'

'I eh... N-No, nothing's wrong, it's just... Well, I just never expected that...'

'Did she never tell you...?'


'Oh... Well... I understand. She doesn't really like to talk about it... But there's something you have to know about her...'

Then she got up and went to a bookcase. She got out a book, sat next to me and opened it. And I saw pictures of Ceylan when she was still a cub... Really, really cute to see... She looks so huggable with those big cyan eyes... 'We adopted Ceylan when she was just nine years old. She came from the Salahadihn islands where a civil war broke out.'


'Ceylan was just seven years old when the war broke out... And she saw how her family was murdered by rebel militias.'

'S-She did...?'

'Yes... When the peacekeeping forces arrived, they found her, clinging on her mother's body in shock... So... They took her with them to a refugee camp, guarded by the MNAF. And once the war was over, she got taken to an orphanage. When she was nine years old, we adopted her... We raised her with all of our love. And she slowly got better. We took her to a child psychologist to deal with the things she experienced... But it wasn't until a couple of years ago that she went to see a psychologist on her own because it started to affect her again... She doesn't try to show it... But I see so many things that happened to her that we don't know off. And we probably will never know.'

'I see...'

'The reason why I tell you this is because... Ceylan experienced a lot in her life... Which is why I'm not denying her anything... And when she told me she was in love with you... I overreacted... I never expected her to but... I can tell by the look on her face that she really loves you whenever she mentions you... And that you mean a lot to her. I don't want to stand in the way of her happiness. She deserves it more then anyone after she's been through so much.'

Well, I wasn't really facing her mother the moment she started talking. I just looked down nervously, as if she could freak out at me at any moment. But that didn't happened. After it stayed silent for a moment, she started talking again...

'Ceylan feels miserable for a long time. She just didn't tell me... But... It wasn't until recently that I realized that I might be the cause of it as well... She knows how I thought about your relationship with her but... Maybe I was just too blind to see it. I realized I was hurting her by thinking like that. And I accepted it, because I want her to be happy. So I told her that she should bring you here to meet us, but she never did. She was still afraid that I was taking you're relationship with Ceylan the wrong way. She needs you the most, out of all the people who really care for her. I can imagine that it must've been quite difficult to come here and I think that what she told you about me must've scared you off, but it's a good thing you've come, dear. And I won't stand in the way if you want to be with her. Because you mean anything in the world to her... I just wished she had more people, like you, she could rely on... I just wanted to tell you that, dear... And I'm sorry for what I did...'

'I eh...'


'Thank you...'

'No, it's ok. I should be thanking you instead... So... Thank you...'


'My goodness gracious, I haven't introduced myself! How rude of me! I'm Catherine.'

'I'm Nicole...'

'It's very nice to finally meet you, Nicole...'

'Likewise...' I said with a smile... Her mother is really nice... And she admitted her mistakes... But I kept thinking about Ceylan and what her adoptive mother told me she experienced. I never imagined that Ceylan ever went through something so horrible... Picturing Ceylan clinging on the body of her dead mother... It sends a cold chill down my spine just by thinking of it... 'You can go upstairs to her to talk, if you want. After all, I didn't think you came here to sit with me all day...'

'Well, I want to but-

'It's ok, dear. Go upstairs. I think Ceylan needs you more right now...'


Which I did... I took my shoes off and went upstairs... Her room wasn't so hard to find. Her door had a label which said "Ceylan's room" written in messy handwriting, which was probably made when she was younger. The moment I opened the door, I saw Ceylan on her bed with her eyes closed... She was asleep... So I sat on her bed and I looked around her room... I noticed a lot of pictures of Terry, Meagan and me. Even an old one, back when Terry and Ceylan were still together. It was made at a theme-park. I remember that... Hehe... Terry was giving Ceylan a piggy back ride while we all made funny faces. Then there was one where she and Meagan pulled funny faces. Me and Terry... But what got me was the two pictures on her night stand... A picture of Terry on the beach wearing sunglasses, with that beautiful smile like he always has... And me, smiling at her while she was taking that picture of me at home... I also noticed a locket on her nightstand. I looked at her for a few moments and got hold of the locket. The moment I opened it, I saw two pictures inside of it... Two tigers, one being male, the other female... I took a good look at her mother, and saw how beautiful she is... Ceylan looks a lot like her mother... She even has her smile... Freckles on her snout... Whenever I saw Ceylan sleeping, I couldn't help but to think that she's so cute... I started to scratch behind her ear, and noticed her leg started to twitch... And after a while, she started purr quietly... It sounded so... Deep and low... and... Cute. That's strange. I thought tigers were never capable of purring... Maybe it's something she took over from her adoptive parents... And after scratching her ear for a while, she slowly opened her eyes... 'I never heard you purr before...' I said quietly with a smile... Then all of a sudden, I heard her gasp... Her eyes widened and looked all baffled at me... I think she was really surprised that I was in her room that afternoon... She sat upright and firmly clenched her arms around me... And we hugged each other for a while, followed by kisses... With every second that passed by, I felt how her grip around my back tightened and it didn't took long before I felt a tear hitting my shoulder... It was so overwhelming and emotional... And to see her crying of happiness... Heh... I had a hard time not to cry as well... 'I love you so much, dushi...' she whispered in my ear...

'I love you too, babe...'

Ceylan and I broke up a while ago. And we got back together again not long after the break up. Truth is... That day, I realized she never really went away. I realized that all of these bad things had to happen in order to set everything right. So in the end... Everything was set right... And finally... FINALLY... Things were getting better. I felt it in everything that Ceylan and I did. And that same day... Well... Ceylan introduced me properly to her mother. And her dad once he got home from work... Really nice people. Hehe... Truth was though, everything felt familiar again... Ceylan and I were sleeping together again ever since then, and shared a lot of kisses and hugs together... We still didn't have sex because well... We wanted to slow things down and I stopped whining about it. It'll come... I had my dildo if I really wanted to whenever Ceylan wasn't around... Ahem, anyway Meagan was watching us one night while we were making out and we noticed her, standing in the doorway. Ceylan and I were looking at her, and told her she could watch us if she wanted, so she watched while we were playing around in bed, having a pillow fight with the three of us one moment and the next I was on top of Ceylan, making out with her... And well... Terry didn't know about all this... Ceylan also didn't know I had sex with Meagan... So it was time to be honest against them... Like I promised to Ceylan...

The voice of reason - Ch 19 - Believe in me...

One Friday evening, when Ceylan was spending the evening with her parents, and Meagan went to see her grandmother for a week in San Mantégua, which is a 2 day drive by the way, Terry and me were the only ones left. Well, besides Blain, but... I didn't...

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The voice of reason - Ch 17 - "Gorgeous is worth it"...

Hearing the truth never hurt so much... Why in the hell was I so oblivious to those things...? Why didn't I realize I hurt Ceylan's feelings? Remembering that story she told me about Mikaela made me realize she was talking about me... I realized if I...

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The voice of reason - Ch 16 - "Mikaela"...

On a Saturday morning, I woke up early for some reason. At around 8 AM. Which is kind of strange, considering it was a Saturday. Normally I would sleep in. Then again, it was very warm outside already and felt the warm sun on my face. But that wasn't...

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