Tina's Story Chapter 36 Almost home

Story by Gray Muzzle on SoFurry

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The big morning was finally at hand; Ray and Tina were at the lawyer's office to close on the perfect little cottage. Ray wore khakis, and his 'special occasion' blue blazer; Tina had on a smart looking tweed suit, with a white shell underneath, along with sensible flat shoes- at six plus weeks pregnant, heels were too much of a pain with her swollen feet. And Ray had to give up his favorite cologne, even though Tina herself picked it. With pregnancy, Tina had become hyper sensative to smells. And of course, dogs already have far more sensative noses than humans. Tina's hyper nose could be a nuisance....

They were ushered into the lawyer's conference room, along with the estate lawyer, the realtor, and a few other people that Ray and tina couldn't quite identify.

"Alright now, we've got a few papers to process..."

That was an understatement; there were POUNDS of papers to sign, to copy, to record, to pass around the table again. Luckily, this was a cash deal, or there would have been many more. At last, the final papers were signed, and Ray handed the lawyer a BIG check....

"Do we really have that much money?" Tina asked, never having seen a check that large.

"Yes, we really do." Ray replied with a chuckle

The keys to the new house were at last turned over. The lawyer handed them to Tina.

"There you go..the keys to your first house."

Tina held them, fascinated.

"How did the tennants end up leaving early?" she asked, innocently

Before anyone could speak, Ray turned behing Tina, and held a finger to his lips. He had paid the tennants well to leave early, but Tina, sensative as she was, might have been upset. Somethings are better left unsaid.

"They had...a change of plans."

"Well, lucky us!" Tina smiled

They got in the Golf, and immediately drove to their new home. Tina turned the key in the lock, but once the door opened, he put up his arm, holding her back.

"There's a little matter...one of our human traditions that I need to observe"

With that, Ray swept Tina up in his arms, and carried her over the threshold.Once inside, tina couldn't help but ask.

"What was that all about?"

"Tradition" Ray replied "The groom carries the bride across the threshold after the marraige."Tina gave a strange look

"Odd custom" she observed

"May I have this dance?" Ray inquired, the two standing in the middle of the empty living room.

"But there's no music" Tina insisted

"There is now"

Ray took one of the two ear buds from his Ipod, and plugged it into Tina's Poodle ear. Ray had qued "A Whole New World" from the movie "Alladin"

They danced silently in the empty room. As the song ended, there were tears in Tina's eyes.

"What's the matter, dear?" he asked with concern.

"I loved that movie.....I remember it as a little girl....the princess was so pretty, the prince so handsome. I dreamed of the day I'd have a prince of my own! But....there weren't any dog princes, at least then...."

Ray smiled, gathering her up in his strong arms.

"Enough of that, now; you're my princess, now....and forever!"

"Oh, Ray! You always say exactly the right things.....

They hugged, and cuddled, and then began to make plans for their first real home.....

The next morning, Tina was up early.

"wuh? Ray uttered, half asleep

"I'm going to dance class; go back to sleep"

Tina slipped on a pair of white tights, a bit snugger around her bottom than she recalled. She then tugged on a black long sleeve scoop neck leotard. then tied a sarong around her waist, and threw her slippers in a bag.

Tina took the Miata on the short drive to the dance studio. Once, she used to walk; now, 6 plus months pregnant, she wanted to save her energy for the class. She walked in, and sat down on the bench to change her shoes. The other girls welcomed her back.

"We missed you!"one said

"We figured that once you were pregnant...."

"What...that I'd drop out?"Tina asked

"Well, yes." she answered truthfully

"Sure, it's harder, but I need the exercise, and it's more fun than a treadmill. Just let me get back into it a little...gently"

"The dance is not for sissys" another warned" "Keep up...or else"

Tina smiled, it was the sort of gentle kidding that they all practised on one another.

Tina stood, and dropped her sarong in her bag. At 26 weeks, Tina looked quite remarkable. Other than a little general softening of her athletic good looks, Tina appeared pretty much as before. Sure, her outfit was a bit snugger. And you could plainly see a little 'Poodle toe" where the taught fabric seperated her two lower lips. Her hips were broader and softer than before, her cute breasts, fuller.And of course, she had that little bulge, the size of a ripe melon right where everyone could see. The girls wanted to check it out, several running their hands over her smooth firm baby belly.

Before long, though, the strict Russian instructor was putting the girls through their practice, begining with stretching and warm up. Tina easily lifted one leg, then the other over the barre. She could still touch her toes, and almost do a split, in spite of her condition.

The truth is, Tina had an advantage. With her canine genes, Tina was faster, stronger and more nimpble than her human classmates. The others marveled at the ease with which Tina handled the most difficult parts. But it was not all genetic; Tina was disciplined and focused, and worked harder than most. She could have been a Prima Ballerina.....had that been possible for a hybrid.

Soon the class was over, And Tina said goodbye, promising to be back next week.

When Tina got home, Ray was up and busily at work. He had begun packing all their possesion for the move to the new house.

"My hero!" Tina kissed Ray "Hard at work on a Saturday, while I go play"

Ray kissed her back.

"Your work is making healthy babies" Ray assured her.

Ray kissed her again ....


Tina smiled

"Remember what?" she asked innocently

"That day. The first time. You had just come home from dance class. You were so sexy, the hottest thing I'd ever seen. The little tight outfit, soaked in sweat, the smell, the feel...I couldn't resist...."

"And neither, apparently could I!"

Tina laughed, stepping back, and dropping her sarong, allowing Ray to see her noticably pregnant figure.

"Even better" Ray nuzzled her neck, and gave her ear a little lick. When Tina moved into his nuzzle, Ray took hold of her tail, stroking it softly. Tina stopped speaking, letting Ray do as he may. She felt Ray's cock pressing against her soft mound, cleaving a place between her two wet and swollen lips. Had Ray looked, he would have seen the wet spot radiating from his wife's love hole. Not getting what she needed, Tina began to rub her kitty against Ray's firm member. Ray could feel a little wet spot of his own. They humped through their clothes, too absorbed in their needs to be bothered by clothing. They kept going, hotter and wetter with each stroke. Finally, Ray could take no more. Pushing tina against the nearest wall, his fingers worked inside the snug crotch of the leotard. Finding a small flaw in her tights, he made himself an opening. Pushing the snug garment's crotch aside, Ray pulled out his penis, and entered her fully clothed. the tightness, the sweat, the smells, the friction of the fabric were all incredibly arousing. Tina felt tighter than ever before. It wasn't long before Tina was helping Ray along. She started rubbing her clit through the soaked fabric, finally ripping the tights even more so she could touch her clit directly. Once she did, her pelvis rocked with incredible feeling. She bit her lower lip, clamping her hot cunt tight, squeezing her thighs as hard as she could. She made not a sound, but you could see the tension drain away from her face. As soon as the last wave of her orgasm had wained, she felt the flood of Ray's hot love spreading through her insides. They fell to the sofa, Ray's cock still firmly inside her. Tina giggled, and made like she wanted to f*ck some more. Ray responded, his penis never softening....

They made love that way three or four more times that afternoon. By then, her tights were soaked, and there was milk staining her leotard, highlighting the center of each shpely breast.

"Ugh.....sore...tired." Tina declared

"Uh....huh." Rat, too was feeling used up.

They slept well that night, and actually got quite a bit of packing done the next day. Oddly, it was days before sex returned once again to the Goldstein house.