Whatever Will Come

Story by Ziegenbock on SoFurry

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Thomas the fox has a happy college and family life ahead of him, until a certain friend shows up at his door unannounced.

This Short Story Commission was written for alfuria.

Whatever Will Come

Nobody lives a single life. To our friends, our colleagues, our parents and lovers, we act differently and speak differently. The reason is simple: every relationship is different. Facts which are harmless in one relationship can destroy another. I have tried my hardest to keep my own lives separate. But no matter how I try, my lives have a habit of crossing one another.

Neither I nor my parents were expecting any visitors that night. And so when the doorbell rang, all of us perked up in surprise. Dad muted the TV, and the three of us shared some confused whispers - who could that be on a Saturday night? I offered to get up and check who it was from the living room window. I peeled back a corner of the curtains, and peered out into the front yard. And there he was. A tall black wolf in a leather jacket, standing on our front doorstep.

Will had never come to my front door before. What on earth did he want?

I insisted on answering the door, perhaps hoping I could usher the wolf away by pretending I didn't know him. My parents agreed and turned up the TV volume a little. I headed out into the hall, opened the front door, and stepped outside to confront the wolf.

Everything happened so suddenly after that. Up he stepped, without saying a word, his eyes fixed straight on me. And before I had time to think, he kissed me. No romance at all, oh no. He sprang straight onto me and hunkered down, a hungry predator locking his snarling muzzle together with mine. His paw tightened around my waist, holding me in place, and he murred as he wrapped his muzzle and tongue tight around mine. Right there, in the doorway, in full view of my parents. I bit down on his tongue, half in anger and half out of instinct, and the wolf responded by crushing my nose between his lethal teeth. I tried instead to push him off, straining my paws against his chest, but of course I failed to move him even an inch. And so I just stood there, frozen, for seconds or maybe for minutes, hanging in the lupine's grasp. He kissed me deeper, lapping his tongue inside my muzzle, giving me no option but to lick and kiss him back. This only spurred the wolf on further, and he hunched over me growling the whole time, bending me backwards, forcing a shrill throaty whimper from me before I could even stop myself. Then just as suddenly, it stopped. He licked my nose and came up for air, and we both panted, like contented little dogs. My jeans were straining, visibly tight with arousal. I swallowed and tried to flush the thought of Will from my mind, but my arousal remained, nice and hard and obvious under my jeans. And Will was smiling, down at me, with those bright green puppy-dog eyes of his.

"It's good to see you, Thomas."

For once, I didn't react to Will's flippancy. I had more important things to worry about. Namely the loving parents who had just come into the hallway, having witnessed their son kissing a male wolf... and enjoying it.

One thing I will never forget is the shame, the look of abject failure, on my mum's face when I turned around. What was she thinking about right then? Her failure as a parent, the fact that her darling tod would abuse his body like this and offer himself up so cheaply - and to a creature of another species, as well. All her effort to keep up appearances, to shed those awful stereotypes which plagued every fox from puphood, and here was her own son openly embracing them. Or maybe she was just thinking about wolves' knots, twice as thick as your average fox, and wondering how on earth one could fit under a fox's tail.

Her gaze swept over us both, from fox to wolf and to fox again, and I blinked first, dropping my head and staring at the carpet. I thought my parents would shout. I honestly thought they would shout so loud that the whole street would hear. If not Mum, then at least Dad. But when my Mum spoke, her voice was hushed. She had little to say, after all.

She gave me one week. Then she wanted me out.

"And as for you...wolf, boyfriend, whoever you are..." she continued, searching for the best words to use, but nothing came to mind. Eventually she sighed and simply whispered, "I think you'd better leave."

They were done, and so was I. I needed to be in my room, alone. All three of them just stood, watching as I slunk up the stairs, no longer even bothering to hide my arousal. My paws fell heavy as I hauled myself up each step, dragging myself up with the banister. I didn't look back, neither to see Will nor my parents leave. I heard two doors close, without as much as another whisper, just after I reached the top step. Still I didn't look back. Instead I closed the short distance to my bedroom door, dragging paws and claws across the landing carpet. The carpet felt thick beneath my bare paws. It was warm, something I had known for my whole life. And right now, I didn't know if I would ever feel it again. Where would I live now? My next home would never have carpets this thick. Would it have any kind of furnishings at all?

I burst into my bedroom and stomped in, then slammed the door behind me. Downstairs somebody told me to 'stop slamming the flipping doors' (they may or may not have used a different word), and I ignored them and switched on my lamp, filling the room with a gloomy half-light. I collapsed muzzle-first onto the bed and clutch a pillow, but I didn't cry. There was far too much running through my mind.

The lack of a girlfriend. My caginess whenever my friends started talking about 'girls'. And my ambivalence towards vixens and bitches in general. The reason was now clear for them to see. Maybe they had an inkling all along, and maybe they were hoping it was a teenage phase. But it isn't a phase. Thinking about males, fantasising about dogs and bucks and bulls, that's just as natural for me as my friends putting naked vixens on their walls. I have always liked men, since before I can even remember. I was just waiting for the best time to break this fact to my parents, and now I will never get one. As soon as I gave in to Will, I knew it was coming. I knew so many friends of friends who had come out as gay to their parents, and who still hadn't come to terms with the isolation and betrayal which such a choice brings. At least they chose to burn their parental bridges.

Just why, Will? Why did you do it?

Somebody knocked my door and I leapt like a flea, yipping as I braced myself on all fours. Quickly I composed myself and made for the door. I had no idea what to say to my parents right now, but that didn't matter. To be honest, I just wanted somebody to talk with. I opened the door to peer around it, and there he stood, for the second time that evening. Will the wolf.

The second I saw his scarred neck I slammed my paw to shut the door, but he sprang forward and thudded into the door, knocking me stumbling backwards into my own room. I stayed on my hind paws and steadied myself in time to see my door flung ajar, and his lupine shadow filling my door frame, silhouetted by the corridor lights. He kept his gaze on me and strode into my room, calm as a summer sky, but with a tenseness in his step which made him look like he could pounce at any moment. It always unnerves me, that lupine duality. Sometimes they at least try to maintain an air of civility, acting polite and suchlike. But then you see that flash, that trace of wildness in their eyes, and it reminds you that you're dealing with a large and dangerous animal. If I as a fox pulled that stunt off it would just look ridiculous (unless you're a mouse - mice probably find me terrifying). But Will? He carried that off perfectly. I stared at the ground, straight at his bare paws. Some wolves wore shoes or boots, but not Will. And so I watched those powerful digitigrade legs. He flexed his broad paws, sinking his claws into my carpet. I gulped. He was inside now, in my room, my territory. Could I attack him? Of course not, I would have lasted ten seconds if I tried something that stupid. Could I make a leap for the window, perhaps? Hardly, that would be a pathetically short chase. And so I stood, claws at the ready, more than willing to defend myself and my little patch from this marauding wolf. But the wolf made no further advance. Instead he stared me down, breath rolling in and out of his lungs, before he cocked his leg back and casually kicked my bedroom door closed. My heart was pounding and my paws grew clammy as I clenched them.

"Get out of here, Will."

Of course he didn't move.

"This is my home, Will, and this is my room. Now get the fuck out of here before I call the police." Again, we both knew I had next to no chance of reaching a phone before the wolf did... whatever he was here to do.

"Thomas, please. I just want to talk."

"Talk? If you wanted to talk, you would have just called me. You're...you're just unbelievable, you know that? Just walking straight into my house, straight into my private bedroom."

"Yes, but you'd never have spoken to me any other way. And that's exactly why I'm here, Thomas. To talk with you. It's far better that we make amends now, and put this all behind us."

"Look what the fuck do you keep calling me Thomas for? It's Tom to you, alright?" Of course I wasn't proud of snapping at him. But only family call me Thomas. William had earned that right once but then destroyed it, a long time ago.

He ignored me, and instead padded over to my chest of drawers, fiddling with the two quiz trophies which I kept on display there. I felt my hackles rise.

"I said get out, Will! Now! Before we throw you out."

"Calm down, Tom. Relax. I'm just here to talk things over with you, like reasonable adults."

But there was nothing to talk over. That wolf was leaving, right now.


Or at least, that was the plan.

"I told you before Thomas, keep it down!"

"Mum, I need you up here now!"

"We don't want to hear about it, Thomas. Now this is your last chance: be quiet!"

So, it was up to me to fend off this wolf. I turned my attention back to Will, who shrugged his shoulders, as if to say, 'go on, take a chance'. I leapt forward, but the wolf was quicker to pounce and grab me under the shoulders. A blow hit my back as Will slammed me up into the wall, my paws now dangling clean off the ground. I felt those powerful arms tensing, and caught the hint of a growl on the wolf's breath. Of course I struggled, and of course he just held me tighter. With all that fur and muscle, what chance did a fox stand, let alone one my size? That wolf could just take me, any time he wanted. I swallowed hard, and he smiled and grunted, flashing his canines. He knew what he wanted... and if he picked up on that whimper I just gave, he knew what I wanted to. That cocky smarm gave it all away.

"Now, I suggest we keep it quiet."

I snarled at him, ears flattened. "Still not going to apologise, then?"

"What for?"

"Yes Will, I wonder, what for? Well basically... you've just ruined my life!"

But the wolf simply cocked an eyebrow. "That's a bit mega-dramatic, isn't it? Besides, you should be thankful that your folks gave you a week to sort something out. Some gay guys I know got half an hour before their folks kicked them out."

"The word is 'melodramatic', Will. And no, I'm being perfectly reasonable. Or maybe you've forgotten already what you did to me."

"How could I forget?"

"Turning up at my folks' house, all unannounced... you just have no shame, don't you?"

"Ah, this is about the kiss, isn't it?"

"Yes, Will, it fucking well is about the kiss! The full-frontal snog on my doorstep, with my parents watching behind me, and for all I know, the whole neighbourhood peering from behind their curtains. I bet they loved that little display, it'll make a nice little bit of juicy gossip at their next coffee morning. Clever little Thomas, the tod next door, his parent's pride and joy who never puts a whisker out of place, is secretly a raging poof. Now what, you're gonna fuck me, make me howl, just to leave 'em in no doubt what a degenerate little queer I am?"

Again he smirked. "Why, are you offering? Wow Thomas, just ten minutes after your parents booted you out the house, and you're already making those suggestions? Oh well, it's not like you've ever refused me. Every time I get you alone even for one minute, you start lifting your tail. Talk about your slutty foxes."

"Shut up, Will. Just shut up."

Will didn't have to say anything more. But I could still hear him talking, digging in deeper when he already had me pinned - something about 'being around those who really accept me'.

"Okay Will, I'm just going to cut you off there. You have no idea what you've just done to me. Thanks to you, I can never live with my parents again. I probably can't even look at them. You've destroyed everything and I don't even get an apology. In fact you know what? Fuck apologies, it's far too late for that. Just tell me why you did it. Why did you take it upon yourself to ruin my life?"

For the first time that evening, Will's quick wit failed him. He sighed, and when he spoke again, his voice was far softer. "Okay Tom, and this is the truth. I came around here because I have some news to tell you. You know I've been thinking about a military career. I was planning to quit my job and enlist in the Army, as a regular soldier. But I know I have what it takes to join higher in the ranks, straight as an Officer. So a couple of months ago, I applied for an Army Officer Scholarship. A college degree, all your course and living fees paid for, and a fast track to an officer position - you know getting in's gonna be tough, but I always knew I had a good chance. Well, I went through the application - military knowledge, current affairs, character profiling, all that business. Last week I passed the final fitness tests... slaughtered them in fact. And just this morning, I got the letter. I'm in. Four years studying for my Engineering degree, Officer Cadet Corps on the weekends, and then a guaranteed place at Military Academy once I've graduated. That's what I wanted to say to you earlier, before I... well... before I acted on an impulse. This is big, Tom. It's everything I've been training and planning and dreaming about since I was a pup."

"Well congratulations." I don't know if I meant that sincerely or sarcastically. "It still doesn't answer my question."

"It means I'm going to be living here for a few years longer than I planned. And I'll still have my apartment, with space for you too. And I would be delighted if my gorgeous fox joined me at my apartment in the coming semester. So what do you say, Tom? Will you be a part of this?"

It took me less than a second to answer. "No William." I was shocked at how calmly I answered, but I continued without pausing. "I do not want to play any part in your life plans. You want to run away and play Soldiers? Fine, but that needn't and shouldn't involve me. I've got my own life and my own studies to focus on. Besides I know exactly what you are doing, and it won't work."

"And what am I supposedly doing?"

"You're trying to wrap me around your little claw, get me in your house where you can watch over me... and for all intents and purposes, make me your pet. It's sick."

The wolf's voice was also hushed now. "Tom, I'm quite frankly saddened that you think so low of me."

"You say after you've pinned me to the fucking wall."

"Look, I'm just here to help a friend in need. You have your bar job right? We'll work out the rent from your wages, whatever you can afford. Everything else I'll cover. Heck, there doesn't even have to be anything sexual involved. Unless you want it, of course. But no seriously, you are a handsome tod, Tom. And say that one evening, you find a sweet vixen, and you want to bring her around. You go right ahead. But first of all, you need a place to live, and you need to get that sorted as soon as you can before your first college semester. And I'm here for you. My door is always open for you, Tom. Remember that."

Still I shook my head. "I'm not doing this, Will."

"It's a very generous scholarship. There will be more than enough money for us both to get by."

"So I'm a charity case now, am I?"

Will stared at me wide-eyed, hurt. "No! That's not what I'm saying at all. Please Tom, I'm offering you a home."

"But... it wouldn't be my home. This is my home, this house, right here, the place where I've grown up for eighteen years. And you never know, maybe Mum will change her mind by tomorrow?"

The look of sympathy on Will's face said it all. To be honest, even I wasn't convinced myself that the situation was reparable.

"Okay. I know my time here is over. But your apartment... I don't know Will, it will never feel right living there."

"Well, you say I don't understand your situation fully, and maybe I don't. But what I do understand it that right now you need a place to live, and you need it sorted before college starts and you've got a new life to focus on. Remember, you only get one shot at your education. You don't need any more stress, and you certainly don't want to risk throwing away that college place which you've already won. I know it's something you've worked incredibly hard to achieve, and if anyone deserves the best chance possible to make the most of it, it's you Tom. And my apartment, it'll be your own home, a secret address where your parents will never find you. It'll be complete peace of mind while you focus on your studies... on building that great future you have ahead of you. So now what do you say?"

My mind may have been in turmoil, but the terms of that offer were completely clear. I was not going to get a better deal than this. And just one mile from campus, too. God my throat was dry.

"I need your answer, foxy."

Yes? No? Yes? Oh, the heck with it.


A gentle tongue glanced over my nose, the long tender licks of a happy canid. Tears welled up in my eyes, but I kept myself from crying. In the twitch of a whisker, my future was set. I was moving in with Will, that wolf, that handsome black-furred animal... whose bulge was growing by the second, coincidentally. Oh, what choice did I have?

"Where's your condoms and lube?"

But I wanted this. I nodded to the side. "Chest of drawers, second drawer down."

Will unhanded me and I dropped to the carpet. He headed over to the drawers and rummaged around, finding my assortment of packets and bottles within seconds.

"Finally getting a chance to use these, hey, foxy? Oh! And very thoughtful of you to buy the extra-large ones."

I tried not to blush. I bought them the first time I went to Will's house... but of course he had his own. Since then, apart from one or two personal 'experiments', most of them had just lain in my drawer unopened ever since. But now the wolf was grinning, as he rooted through the contents of my drawers.

"Now. Why don't you get those clothes out of the way, and go make yourself comfortable?"

With a small nod, I pulled my T-shirt over my head and tossed it to the side. Next I tugged at my jeans, loosening and dropping them with my underwear, before stepping out of them and shaking them aside without ceremony. In front of the big leather-clad wolf, I felt so weak. In fact, I almost whimpered. I bowed my head, and closed the distance to my bed with slow weary paw-steps. I knew he was staring, as he always does, right at my bushy vulpine tail. Normally I would not hesitate to flick it side-to-side, give that wolf just fleeting glimpses of what lay underneath. This time however, I kept it rooted straight downwards. With my back to the wolf, I braced my paws on the mattress, gave a deep sigh, and hopped onto my bed. I landed on all fours with typical vulpine dexterity, circled once or twice out of nervousness more than anything, and then bedded down with tail in the air, offering up my body for the wolf's delectation. Now I'm a sub, and I feel no shame in admitting so. 'Submission' is not the same as 'consent'. Even when you have surrendered all control, even when your dom has bruised and battered and broken you down, there is always that understanding, that implied permission you give them to take you at your most vulnerable. But that night, I had lost the last little bit of bargaining power which I held over Will. He was going to fuck me, simple as that, and I had no choice in the matter. Of course he would have found this thrilling too, knowing he no longer needed my permission to take what he wanted.

My ears perked as the wolf started up his dark rumble, that sound of a finely tuned beast slipping into gear. Will only makes that sound in one situation, and it still set my neck fur on end, knowing what's running through that slick predatory mind of his when he growls like that. Knowing that he's ready.

First to be shed was his leather jacket, a heavy crumple as he dropped it from his shoulders. His keen lupine eyes were locked onto me as his claws snapped each button on his thick cotton shirt open in turn. Then, those claws fell on his belt. The wolf gave a grunt as he tugged on his buckle, unfastening it as slowly as he dared, and then down those pants slid.

What? You're wondering if I stared? Of course I stared. The first time that wolf had put on a show for me in weeks, and damned if I was going to miss a second of it. I even managed to flash him one of those crafty little smiles that we foxes are renowned for. I homed in on that plump lupine sheath, where a little tip of pink was already peeking from the jet-black fur. I remembered how thick and meaty his sheath's contents are, and I bit my tongue at the thought.

Will picked a bottle and a few packets out of my drawer, before making his advance. The lamplight glinted on the wolf's black coat and cast a looming shadow on the wall behind him. Bigger and blacker those shadows grew, before the mattress rocked and I was joined in bed by that powerful wolf. I could hear and feel his wet canid breath as he clambered over and straddled me, two paws to my left, two to my right. Then that rumble picked up, right by my left ear. I shivered and sighed, tucking my head among my pillows while he murred and chewed on my ear. His hot slobbering breath came in ragged pants, all over my ears and neck, and his coarse lupine pelt scratched against my fur. He was on top of me, smothering me. And already he was messy as anything.

"So here we are, Thomas. You and me together, in the same bed..."

"Oh just shut up and shove it in me already."

But Will chuckled. "Thomas, please. This is our first time together for weeks. Let's at least maintain a sense of occasion about this? Relax a little at first, and then release our wildness."

I said nothing. Wet lupine cock thickened behind me.

"Because if you remember, Thomas... I know exactly what gets you whimpering."

My ears drooped. "Don't do this to me, Will."

It scared me, honestly. The amount of power which this wolf held over my body. The way he knew every place and every point which would set my fur ablaze. I hated him for it. And I loved it.

I tried, Lord knows I tried, to focus on my anger. But the longer he held me there, the big smoothly-spoken wolf with his sexy scarred neck... the more I felt myself giving in. He was still young, only two years older than me. But he was in perfect shape, every lupine muscle visible under that glossy black pelt. Goodness knows what all those years in the army will do to him. I pity any fur stupid enough to cross him, even if he isn't clutching a Kalashnikov.

So where would he start this time?

Oh God, not my neck! In an instant he had me whimpering, moaning like a needy vixen as he craned his muzzle right under my chin, teasing my throat with his warm breath. He was even adding those tender, rustling growls, a sound which treaded the line so skilfully between teasing pup and lethal wolf. Now it was my turn to pant, to revel in the warmth of William's wolfish body, and to feel my own arousal stir and rub over Mum's clean bedsheets. Meanwhile Will straightened up and rested his meat right between my rump cheeks, grinding on me, his lupine precum dampening the underside of my tail. Those growls continued, subtle yet forceful, while foil rustled and a bottle cracked open. I glanced backwards, but a paw rested atop my head, pivoting it forwards and pressing me into the sheets. I smiled and wiggled my rump instead, and he responded by dragging me backwards, hitching my hips higher, where he drizzled a good measure of the cool silky lubricant under my tail. Then with a snapping snarl, the wolf mounted me. His hips rolled, slow and rhythmic, broad lupine paws closed around my sides and his clawtips just resting against my skin. His tapered tip slipped into place, and I knew the drill. Just try to relax. Just try to relax.

I felt him press harder, harder, and then Will the wolf broke through with a growl, forcing a yelp from my throat as he penetrated me. I tensed up once again out of instinct, but soon I had willed myself to relax. The wolf felt me relent too, and he sank deeper, inch after hot lupine inch, his paw wrapped around my tail to stop me sliding further forwards. I gathered up a pillow or two, bracing myself for a final rough thrust which made me whine, straight into the pillows, as the wolf hilted inside me. My whole body seized up, and all I could do was hang my head and whimper. Will was so hard inside me. I buried my head and shoulders in the pillows, keeping my rump raised with my brush-tail curled high, closing my eyes and concentrating on my breathing as inches of wolf meat slipped from my tail. A clawed paw came to rest under my stomach, and under the wolf's firm guidance, the two of us rocked together, fox and wolf, two athletic canid bodies rolling and writhing as we shuddered and mated, our grunts coming hard but subdued so as not to arouse any suspicion.

Will and I have mated before, many times. But every time we mate, nothing can ever prepare me for the indescribable fullness of his thick and leaking wolf cock. But Will means more than that to me. So much more. We were school friends, despite the difference in years, and when he moved out of his parents' place two years ago, he began inviting me around to his new apartment for drinks and to play video games. Then one day, when we were in the middle of a game, he smiled at me, pressed 'pause', and rested a paw on my sheath. What happened next is something of a blur, but it suffices to say that five minutes later, he had my muzzle around his cock.

And here he was now, mating me like a common vixen. In this state, in the state that the lupine had reduced me to, hazy-eyed and gasping my breaths, rocked by the wolf's regular thrusting, I listened to each of his words.

"You're such a good friend, Tom. I would do anything for you," he whispered in between grunts. "You're smart, you're loyal, and you're incredibly handsome. I'm so happy you've chosen to live with me."

One paw left my back and nestled underneath my tail. Above me I heard the wolf grunting. Behind me I heard the rustle of latex. Will was sheathing up his fleshy knot. I whimpered, because I knew what this meant.

"Oh yes, fox. I'm going to tie you."

That was to be the wolf's last coherent sentence before he began that familiar hiss through his teeth, and I clutched my pillow and screwed my eyes tight, burying my head in the feathers as the wolf humped me, hard, rocking the bed with his powerful thrusts, trying to thrust his thick knot under my tail, making me yip and jerk and grab the headboard for purchase, before he gave a single sharp buck and a hard dull thrum of pain flowed along my spine from tail to muzzle as the wolf broke through and stretched me open, making me shudder while tears pricked in my eyes. The wolf lodged his entire swollen knot inside me with a pleasured murr, filling me utterly, holding himself still with his paws planted on my spine, until he growled out my name and hammered forward, that wolfcock of his throbbing as he loosed his lupine seed. I want him closer than this. One day I'll get to feel every bulge in that big wolf's penis, and feel those gushing spurts of liquid wolf deep in my tailhole. But that will all come in time.

I grabbed the vulpine erection which jutted proudly underneath me, and I began to stroke, pawing and pawing until my own knot slipped from my sheath and I squeezed down behind it, sending myself hurtling straight towards climax. I howled and yowled into the pillows, keeping discreet as every teenager does in their parents' house, rocking myself backwards and forwards between my paw and Will's stubbornly hard cock, firing warm foxy cum all over my paw and my stomach and the strewn bedsheets. My breath was quick and ragged as my climax faded, and I sprawled out on the bed underneath him, still whining, still clutching my knot.

"Mmm. Did the little fox make a mess?"

I nodded, short of breath, head still buried in the sheets.

"Let's have a look then."

I whimpered as Will swung his leg over my back, as though assuming a classic canid 'tie', before he reached back and grabbed hold of me, flipping me onto my back and pouncing on top. He growled under his breath, knot and cock twitching as they settled into this new position, spurts of wolf cum still filling my rear from deep within his furry balls. He ran two claws through my sticky stomach fur, nodding in approval. I meanwhile stared straight up, muzzle pointed at the big onyx-furred wolf, paws lifted and a giddy smile on my face. As my breath steadied, I reached up to stroke behind Will's ears, and he lidded his eyes, curling his muzzle. It's the closest that Will comes to smiling during sex. I stroked further down, moving from his face to his neck. But my paws shied away from his neck once they came close to brushing over his scar. I examined it: two or maybe three broad furrows where the fur had not grown back.

"I've always wanted to ask, Will. Where did you get that scar?"

"Oh that? It's a little permanent souvenir from my dear loving Dad. Yep, it made me wince as well, I can tell ya. Just be glad that when foxes fall out, they fight with sharp words and not sharp claws. We wolves still haven't quite evolved that far."

"Brutal," I replied. I fail to see how Will could have come off worse in a confrontation than an animal twice his age. And I dread to think what Will actually did to his own father.

"Brutal indeed. But he also gave me his thick knotty endowment so... can't complain too much."

He humped me a few more times, as though his thickness and knottiness needed any more emphasising. Still I grinned even while panting for breath. I took in the scents which filled the air, those primal scents of musk and semen, vulpine and lupine. My bed was covered in fox cum, and at some point Mr Predator had ripped open the bedsheets beside me. I gave the wolf a mock tut.

"Damn it Will, do you really have to claw up my sheets?"

"It's not like you'll be needing them again."

"Oh, that's a nice sending-off present. Bye Mum and Dad, here are your nice bedsheets covered in claw marks and cum."

"No problem. You're a horny teenage fox, and this is what any teenager does when he's stressed and frustrated. All parents understand that."

I nodded and whimpered. I was beginning to relax... as much as I possible with a wolf cock and knot drilled into your tailhole. Then the wolf laid down on his side, rolling me onto my side as well. He leant in close, brushed back my rusty-furred mane, and whispered in my ear.

"Swing by tomorrow and we'll sort out your keys. I'll be in all day."

His knot twinged, and I choked out another whimper. He put his arm around me, but I pushed away his paw and curled up on the bed, paws to my chest, with our hindpaws tangled and my front against his soft belly fur. Eventually, the wolf would slip out of me and away, and we could think about cleaning up and sneaking Will out the back door. But right now, our tie was so deep, his knot embedded so hard within me, that I felt it would go on forever.

If I could describe Will in one word, it would have to be 'leader'. And even I with my limited Army knowledge could see that Will would make a top-quality Army Officer. 'Lieutenant William Cheswick, my boyfriend.' I like the sound of that.

By Ziegenbock

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**Getting Low** With swift silent claws, the corgi sneaked through the darkness, his eyes agleam and his paws pattering on the smooth tarmac. His pawsteps were loping, bouncing, tell-tale signs that he was fresh on the streets. Indeed, until a few...

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Settling the Score - Commission for Hundredand

_For Hundredand_ **Settling the Score** Putting a pup in his place doesn't just feel good. Sometimes, it just has to be done. Greg had been lounging at home that evening, eating his dinner and watching the box. Sure, it might have been stereotypical...

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