An Unquenchable Thirst

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#19 of Kinktober 2016

Have you ever had such an insatiable thirst, that no matter how much you drink it just doesn't seem to go away? Sigma and Kaz know just how you felt. <3

This story contains consenting sexual acts between an intersex male and a herm, and is day #19's entry for Kinktober. Today's kink is Heat, and comes to you thanks to Sigma117! :3

The Unquenched Thirst

Within Sigma's flat, a fire burned. A raging, all consuming inferno that had not only engulfed the cheetah-taur, but his house-guest too.

They'd been sitting together on the couch when Kaz had first noticed the scent in the air. At first, the inversely coloured skunk had just been embarrassed. Leaning up against the side of Sigma's large and powerful lower torso, he'd assumed that he was just catching the scent of what was perhaps a masturbatory session earlier that day which had left its mark upon the cheetah's fur. Thus he had tried to ignore it, and not think about his friend in that way, no matter how much the smell of feminine sexuality seemed to permeate his nostrils. It hadn't taken long though before the herm skunk was rock hard inside his trousers however, and could smell the wetness, the arousal from a new source. His very own pussy.

Neither one of them knew what had provoked this feeling. Whether Sigma's heat had triggered naturally and Kaz's own rather unique body had responded in kind, or vice versa, or if there was some outside influence that had awakened that ache within them both. But the fact of their arousal remained, as they fought their way minute by minute, second by second to the end of that movie and the chance to excuse themselves for the night. Neither of them knew why they were so suddenly and desperately horny, but both were certain they couldn't possibly admit it to their friend.

And yet, as the credits finally began to roll and both skunk and taur realised they had no idea what had been going on for the last thirty or forty minutes, just sitting, trembling violently and fighting with all their strength not to give in and beg their friend to fuck them... that was exactly what they did.



Wailing in mutual embarrassment, only to be followed up by yelps and mewls of frantic relief as they saw the same hunger in their friend's own eyes which they could feel burning within themselves, they flung themselves upon one another. They set loose the fires raging inside themselves, and allowed it to begin burning them both from the inside out.

"Please! Fuck me, Kaz. F-fuck... oohh, fuck! Fuck me!"

As Sigma flung himself forward off the couch, Kaz was practically catapulted off it and onto the floor close by. The cheetah-taur's pussy was already soaking wet as he span round and presented himself to Kaz, dropping to the knees of his forelegs and wiggling his dripping, dribbling hind-quarters temptingly. It took mere seconds for the skunk to scramble to his feet, hands already fumbling with his belt. He dropped his trousers as quickly as his body would allow, but even that was far too long for either one of them. There was sure as hell no time to strip down the rest of the way. No time even to kick his jeans off from around his ankles. The skunk didn't just approach Sigma's rear, he launched himself at it. With his feet dangling off the ground and his arms wrapping around the taur's lower torso he threw himself over Sigma's hindquarters, and wailed as he plunged his cock into the comparably huge, unmissable target of his friend's nether regions.

"A-aaaaahhhh! Yes... yes!"

Like a terrier humping a Great Dane, while feeling Kaz's six inches of rock hard manhood press into his pussy was exactly what Sigma had desired, his body was not only ready but desperate for so much more. His powerful, hoofed lower body was the size of a draft horse, and had the appetites of one in practically every respect. And yet at the same time, much as Sigma's body longed to be filled by something three or four times longer and thicker than anything Kaz could realistically offer short of a whole forearm, the mere knowledge that he was being fucked made the cheetah-taur so agonisingly happy that he couldn't possibly beg for it to stop in place of anything else.

Kaz meanwhile was stricken by a different side of the very same problem. He wailed and grunted as he thrust his cock deep into the boiling depths of the taur that sought to engulf him, pushing not just his cock but the whole of his crotch against Sigma and more than once feeling as though his balls too were about to be swallowed up by the taur's hungry depths. And yet, he too was only partially satisfied. Between his own legs, behind the balls so eager to spill their contents out within the clutching depths of the cheetah, his own pussy went without even a fraction of the attention that Sigma's body greedily welcomed while still demanding more.

"Kaz. O-oh, breed me... breed me, Kaz! Aaahh... aahhhhyesssss!"

A frantic, pleading shriek escaped Sigma as the taur's pussy began to gush, soaking the entirety of the skunk's white furred crotch with a powerful, constant spray of ejaculate that lasted almost the entire length of the cheetah-taur's thrashing, screaming orgasm. And yet devastatingly powerful as it may have seemed to the skunk and may have felt to Sigma himself, that climax did nothing to satiate Sigma's burning need for satisfaction. Even when Kaz did as the taur had begged almost a full minute later, whimpering and curling his toes as he unloaded hot ribbons of cum from deep in his balls, flooding Sigma in return amidst shared cries of joy, the load was too small, too insignificant to even dampen the flames flickering around them both.

They both knew something had to change. They both knew they had to find some other way, some better way to satisfy not only their own needs, but those of their heat-stricken lover if they were to escape this endless hunger, this furious and ceaseless need to cum. To be flooded, or filled, or stimulated without respite.

But... to figure out any alternative, to give their minds the time they needed to figure out some other plan; any other plan, would mean stopping. Pausing, if only briefly, to give themselves the clarity of thought required to act.

Kaz yelped. Sigma mewled in almost panicked desperation at the mere idea. They couldn't stop. They wouldn't. He wouldn't do that to the skunk... he wouldn't dare do it to himself. To deny their bodies for even an instant would be beyond cruel, even if the alternative, simply carrying on as they now were, was torture in itself.

Thus, they kept going. Kaz humped. He howled, and cried, and grunted as over and over again he fucked the taur. Sigma's juices drooled off the underside of his balls like a river and his cum gushed into the cheetah over and over again, though not once in quantities enough to even come close to satisfying Sigma's instinctive need to be bred by a virile and worthy mate. All the while, between his legs and beneath his thick, quivering tail the skunk's own pussy dripped and ached and begged helplessly for a man of its very own, a burning jealousy swelling seemingly from the depths of Kaz's body themselves as Sigma was filled over and over again, but only ever screamed and demanded more.

For hours they fucked, and for hours the fury of their heat only grew. Their bodies dripped with perspiration and ejaculation in near equal measure, and their cries rang out with pleading adoration and desperate frustration at their partner with each passing second. They felt like they would have done anything, tried anything to lessen the raging inferno within their loins. It didn't matter how kinky or taboo. It didn't matter how rough or volatile or shameful an act it may have been. They would have done anything for just a second, just a single moment's peace and clarity to try and figure out a way to escape this endless cycle of wild desire and unquenchable, raging inner fire.

Anything of course except for stopping. Anything. Absolutely anything, just so long as they never, ever had to stop.

By Jeeves

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