Interlude: Origin of Species

Story by Kaspian17 on SoFurry

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I haven't posted anything in a long time, but I've had a bunch of text lying around. I wanted to add some in-depth story to my first two porn stories and this is the first attempt at it. You can read the other stories here and here!

The text contains alot of scientific jargon and technobabble, which may be usuitable for liberal arts majors, and mostly non-consensual sex, which may be unsuitable for pretty much anybody else.


Interlude: Origin of Species

by Kaspian

Item Designation: BHAC - 013 (Biological, Humanoid, Anomalous, Contagion), Codename: Therion

Containment Protocols: [UNDER REVISION - See Addendum-1]

Description: BHAC - 013, codenamed Therion, is an extremely rare mutation in genetic code, which expresses itself in a series of symptoms and traits commonly tied to a mythical metamorphic affliction commonly known as „lycanthropy".

Therion is caused by an as-of-yet unidentified mutation, which causes the afflicted organism to synthesize an anomalous, misfolded, infectious protein - a prion, hereby designated Therion-1. The condition has four stages:

STAGE ONE - Therion-1 prions circulate in the subject's bloodstream, optimising their musculoskeletal, nervous, immune, pulmonary, circulatory, endocrine and digestive systems, without any significant surface changes. Subject may go for years without knowing they are infected and are only discerned by their superior body functions in contrast to people around them. Muscle density is increased by 200%. Reflex are up to 15 times faster, depending on the subject's species. The subject is effectively immune to diseases or toxins, either preexisting or ones gained after the infection runs its course. Pulmonary and circulatory efficiency increase. Subject's primary and secondary sexual characteristics often become more expressed and their metabolism speeds up. Subjects can digest most types of organic matter and are able to destroy parasites present in their food. The subject is referred to as Therion-2 instance when in this form.

STAGE TWO - A small endocrine gland is created somewhere in the body, most commonly in under the thyroid, though other encountered locations include kidneys, liver and testicles. The gland secretes an unknown hormone, designated Therion-1A, similar in composition to testosterone. Under unclear circumstances the hormone will trigger a metamorphosis in the subject. The first metamorphoses are noticed to happen under duress or in heavily emotional situations, though a small number of them do not seem to have a pattern to them.

The hormone causes Therion-1 proteins to rapidly replicate in the bloodstream and affect the composition of subject body. Subjects gain muscle mass, bones lengthen, change shape and increase in density. On average, subjects gain about 10 - 60 cm in height and 35 - 110 kg in mass (majority of which is muscle mass). Other systems adjust. The subject becomes an instance of Therion-3 - a „werewolf", though instances are not always canine or even mammals at all.

Therion-3 subjects are hostile and extremely dangerous and will actively attempt to breach containment. The transformation only affects male subjects - no female Therion-3 subjects have been observed at this time.

VIDEO LOG - 1 - First Transformation - Subject: James REDACTED[PLAY?]

He's been in this place for so long already. He couldn't remember who or when was he taken. Stuck in these four, sterile walls, with a bed, a table and a chair. At least his captors were not strictly uncompromising. They let him have a few books, later they agreed to a tv and some movies. They fed him, dressed him. But they had him imprisoned nonetheless. They said he was sick, the men in white coats. He didn't feel sick. On the contrary, he felt fantastic. Always the strongest, always the quickest. Perhaps that is what interested those people?

Everything changed one day. He stopped feeling so well. Just like that, a strange, sick feeling overcame his body. A fire, burning deep down in his loins started to spread, making him feel weak and somehow strong at the same time. His muscles began to grow and become ripped, his whole body growing and bulking up. The pain was excruciating. Blood shot out of nostrils, mouth and ears as his whole skull cracked and shifted to a more feral visage. Intense feelings of lust built up gradually, as his body grew, clothes were strewn aside, torn to shreds by the bulk of his mass.

He couldn't stand it anymore. Ignoring the torturous pain of his rebirth, he frantically pawed against his restraining shorts, barely holding against his expanding waist, before his newly found claws ripped the fabric to shred, revealing a fully erect canine shaft, covered in thick veins, glistening with pre and begging for attention. Without a thought, he grabbed his aching meat and began to paw off furiously, with reckless abandon, as his body finished it's last changes. Now, a fully formed hulking mass of a beast, he pumped his shaft, moving his paw up and down, before his body gave in to the blissful orgasm, shooting torrent after torrent of hot, stick semen all over the cold floor. Exhausted, in pain and confused, he tried to pick himself up, to fight against the haze in his head, but before he could react, he felt a prick on his back and heard someone come into his room. And then everything faded to darkness...

STAGE THREE - The subject is now aware of his condition and will attempt to suppress it in majority of cases. During this stage the transformations are still spontaneous and largely dependent on subject's mood. Subjects retain little conscious control of themselves when transforming into an instance of Therion-3. At this stage Therion-3 subject will act in one of two ways - they will either assault any humanoids in their immediate vicinity, using their superior senses and kill them or they will attempt to copulate with any humanoid nearby, regardless of sex and previous sexual preferences. What is most surprising is that in the latter case, victims will not resist for long and will soon attempt to gain the transformed subject's favour. The Therion-3 subject becomes non-hostile, apparently enjoying the treatment received from his victims. The subject will engage in coitus with victims, showing no preference over vaginal, anal and oral. At this point, the subject's semen has a chance to transfer the Therion infection further, but it is still low. Female victims, however, will most likely become pregnant.

VIDEO LOG - 2 - Infected subject's sex behaviour - Subjects: Marcus REDACTED, 6974-7894, 3486-7492, 4571-8315. [PLAY?]

It happened again.

The rush, the power. He loved these feelings. There was a certain sense of freedom in being a hulking wolf-beast. Freedom in captivity. This night was different, though.

Everything was hazy, as always. Thinking was difficult, when instincts take over. The whitecoats know how to take advantage of that. He didn't even notice when they herded him to some isolated piece of what looked like a forest. He scouted around suspiciously, sniffing the air, perking his ears. Nothing. Just a perfectly normal forest. Well, aside from a couple of cameras in every tree, but he got used to the constant surveillance by now.

Soon, he was striding across the woods, running on all fours among the trees, howling in the moonlight, rolling in the leaves and dirt, breathing in the fresh air. He didn't even realise how much he missed it all...

He just wanted this moment never to end. But in a few hours, he'd be back to his usual form, dragged back into his cozy prison, left to wait till the next opportunity.

Then, a scent. Weak, but it was there.

He was not alone.

Immediately he picked himself up and ran quickly, but quietly through the forest. His paws landed softly on the ground. He stopped for a moment, listening. Three of them. One long sniff, the scent is much stronger. Male. Male. Female.

Following the scents and sounds, he came across three people, wearing test subject uniforms. They were sent here to their deaths. But death is not what they would find.

Upon sighting the three terrified people, something changed. His initial design was to slay them messily, as a testament to his wrath, a revenge against the people who kept him isolated for years. But a different feeling overwhelmed him. His loins stirred as he saw his prey. One male was a wolf, like himself. Pale gray, small posture and most afraid of the three. He looked around him nervously, jumping at every shadow.

Beside him stood the other male, a tall, well built green lizard. But nowhere near the beast-wolf. His face was full of anger, likely at his hopeless situation. Growling at the meeker wolf to calm down, he fearlessly strided forward.

Behind them was a was a small, lithe avian woman, blue feathers covering her body. She looked concerned, but not as clouded by emotions as the two men. She observed the environment carefully, looking out for dangers, in vain.

He would waste no time. Using the foliage as his covers, he was right behind them. A silent growl alerted the three to his presence, but made no aggressive moves. The three test subject froze in place. The female turned around slowly, facing the monster behind her. A loud gasp escaped her throat, but she didn't budge. She simply eyed the hulking werewolf with a sense of awe, the beast towering over her, and felt lust growing within her. With no fear and a sickly fascination, she started to approach the beast slowly. Before she could reach him, a defiant roar came from behind her and the lizard charged towards the werewolf.

The green mass of scales crashed against the gray furred body, but the great beast barely even moved under the pressure. He grabbed the lizard by his wrists and slowly, but steadily wrestled him to his knees. The lizard tried to struggle and fight, but the werewolf was simply too strong. Anger seethed inside the shining, muscular frame as the reptile struggled, but he soon found it to be slowly replaced by desire, as he fell under the great wolf's seductive aura. With some hesitation he slowly buried his face into the werewolf's crotch, licking his balls and taking in his scent. Encouraged by the sigh, the sleek avian approached the beast, gently trailing his well defined musculature with a talon.

The small wolf was covering behind a tree observing the scene from afar. Despite paralysing fear, the sight of his companions fawning over the great beast made him feel strangely. He could feel pressure building down between his legs, his paw groping the growing bulge absentmindedly. The situation was getting more and more heated, as the werewolf had lain under one of the trees, the muscular lizards working his tongue on the beast's tailhole and the avian woman positioning her dripping pussy over the werewolf's erect canine dick. Instincts took over and soon, the wolf was standing over the black beast. He fell on his knees, fondling the werewolf's naked chest. Moments later, he discarded his constraining pants and underwear, sitting over the werewolf's chest, their muzzles joined in a passionate kiss. The werewolf grabbed the smaller wolf's dick gently, pawing him off. Moans and wet sounds were reaching his ears. The lizard was on his fours, lapping his tongue at the werewolf's shaft, dripping with juices from the bird's cunt. Jumping up and down the huge member, she was lost in ecstasy, dreaming only to be filled by the handsome beast.

It was better than anything he had felt before. With little effort, he dominated the minds and bodies of three. They now exist to serve him. Giving out a low growl, he thrust his hips upwards, pushing his fully engorged knot into the avian girl and let himself go. A gush of seed shot into the waiting pussy, spilling out and filling her womb. The lizard was just waiting for this, lapping up the escaping cum so thoroughly, like a man dying of thirst lapping up droplets of water. Shortly after, he released himself onto the ground, filling the air with more musty smell of seed.

Lastly, the small submissive moaned loudly, his member pulsing and twitching in the dominant beast's massive paw, shooting thin ropes of seed over the werewolf's chest.

Laying back, his slaves crawled closer to him, snuggling and caressing his body in boundless reverence and admiration. He had more plans for them, however.

The night has only began.

STAGE FOUR - Some time after onset of Stage Three, the subject gains full control of their transformation abilities, being able to induce a metamorphosis at will. The time required to reach Stage Four depends on the presence of an alpha Therion-3 subject (most often a specimen responsible for infecting the subject), nurturing or inhibiting a subject's development. Some specimens may remain in Stage Three indefinitely, at the discretion of their alpha.

At this point, more anomalous properties manifest. Subjects begin to develop paranormal abilities through instinctive use of occult symbols of unknown origins and reality warping powers. Subjects now require extensive and specialised containment procedures. There is no known way to counteract the use of Therion-3's abilities. The only known way to prevent subjects from utilising them is to keep them heavily sedated, comatose, in stasis or otherwise incapacitated.

A secondary anomalous effect, believed to be tied to the former, is further increase in efficacy of regenerative abilities. Subjects are able to survive debilitating damage to tissues and reconstruct vital organs. The only organ they seem incapable of regenerating is the heart. The process of regenerating brain tissue is also imperfect, as dealing sufficient damage will impair its functions regardless, often leaving the subject severely retarded or in vegetative state. Thus, an effective way to eliminate most severe cases of regenerators is to destroy the heart or brain. Most subjects are also unable to regenerate severed extremities.

Stage Four subjects are also fully capable of infecting their prey with Therion affliction. Blood, saliva and semen are infection vectors, though the latter seem to be the favoured one. Interestingly enough, subjects are fully capable of spreading or preventing infection at will. However, using semen harvested from viable subjects results in 100% infectivity when administered orally or anally to test subjects.

VIDEO LOG - 3 - Harvesting semen samples. Subject: Jon REDACTED [PLAY?]

Everything was blurry when he cracked his eyes open. He felt weak and a bit sick, the world was spinning. He tried to move, but found himself unable to. He tugged his arm a few more times, but every time it was stuck in place. He was too disoriented to notice the strange setup he was attached to. A large tube was placed over his plump sheath, while a cold, slippery probe was waiting inches away from his pucker.

Muffled speech reached his sensitive ears, though he could not discern their meaning at first. Everything became cleared as he felt pressure build under his tail. The probe slowly wormed it's way inside him, steadily and firmly massaging his insides, squeezing at every sweet spot. Before long his massive, barbed dick started peeking out of it's sheath, sliding into the translucent tube positioned over it.

Addendum 1 - Due to recent developments with exceptionally potent regenerators, viability of containment has become disputable. Standard containment procedures involve sedating the subjects. However, specimens exhibiting extreme regeneration abilities are heavily resistant or outright immune to most attempts at inducing unconsciousness. The most effective method of securing specimens for study is to incapacitate them by placing them in stasis, constant incinerator or high molar corrosive acid bath (The former method is too expensive and impractical to be deployed in the field). However, until specified otherwise, all Stage Four subjects are to be eliminated on sight, either by destroying the heart or decapitation (or otherwise preventing the severed brain stem from regenerating for long enough to induce irreversible organ damage).

Addendum 2 - Recent advances in biochemistry research of Therion - 1 suggest that the process of modifying the organism by prion cells is more sophisticated than previously assumed. While a non-anomalous prion spreads it's misfolded structure to healthy proteins, Therion - 1 takes this to an unprecedented level. It's misfolded structure acts analogously to an RNA strain, encoding in the DNA of cells instructions on producing and folding a variety of anomalous proteins. How is that achieved is currently unknown.

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