Savage legacy

Story by Kaspian17 on SoFurry

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A continuation to Midnight Corruption.

Kaspian is plagued by memories of his first encountered with a mysterious werewolf. Little does he know it was not the last time they'd meet...

Savage legacy

by Kaspian

Ever since the forest encounter, things have changed for Kas. It's been two weeks now, but the wolf did not forget, not even for a moment.

That's not to say it scarred him, no. Perhaps in any other situation it would have been a traumatic ordeal, but he actually enjoyed it. He tried telling himself otherwise, but deep inside, he wanted more. Not a single day went by without Kas relieving the memory of being abused, bred and claimed by the werewolf.

During the night he had vivid dreams of being ass fucked by the strong, masculine alpha. Often, it left him with a mess to clean up in the morning, seed sticking to his fur, his bedsheets completly soiled. In the day, he often caught himself groping his crotch absentmindedly, while thinking back to rounding up the mess he and the beast made, cleaning, no, worshipping those cum-covered paws, taking in the musk and sweat.

Kaspian couldn't help but feel slightly disguisted about himself when having these thoughts, but what he couldn't help even more was the incredible arousal he felt every time he thought back to those events. It was wrong, sick, unnatural. And that was why it felt to right, so... good.

That was just the tip of the iceberg. The wolf started changing since his meeting with the beast. Both physically and mentally. The change that became most obvious during the first day was a huge libido boost. That's not to say Kas was prudent and crystal clear before, but he was nearly constantly aroused now, dreaming to plow a hungering hole, deposit his seed, make his mark. Or present himself to a dominant male, relieve their pressure and become worthy to take their gifts.

As time went by, other changes became apparent. He was stronger, his reflexes were quicker, his senses keener. His body changed visibly, he was always rather puny and slightly overweight. All those additional pounds disappeared and his muscles took on more mass and became denser. He didn't look very formidable, but he was definitely stronger than any ripped jock. He actually found that to be very satisfying. Having always chosen intellectual development over physical, he enjoyed having strength that would compliment his mind.

Another noticeable, and slightly vexing, change was rather... embarassing. His testicles became larger, engorged even. It was rather uncomfortable at first, to get acclimatised to extra mass and volume in his pants. Kas was relieved when his balls stopped growing, reaching the size of two plums, but his mood was killed when his gonads started churning out seed at an overdrive. The amount was so great it exceeded his body's capacity to hold such amount of semen and his body simply expelled the excess amounts. Usually at unsuitable times. Too often he had to rush to a bathroom at work or out in the town when a large, wet splotch of cum appeared on his pants.

His mind started changing aswell, though these changes were more subtle. His unstable, though analytical mind started to rely more on his instincts. His anxieties and phobias diminished in severity. He became more confident and more aggressive. Whether it was because of his newfound physical traits or a shift in his brain's biochemistry, he couldn't care less. He loved it.

It was no mystery as to what was the cause of those happenings. The real question was, why? The glowing sign on his chest, left by the werewolf was to blame for what happened to him. It had to be. The dark red circle, surrounded by strange glyphs and shapes, gave off a strange and oddly mesmerising aura of power. Every time something changed within him, the magical shape would glow, the spot would tingle. Sometimes Kas could even will it to do something. Like glow with varying intensity or rock his whole body with orgasmic shivers.

It was as much a curse as it was a gift.

Kas longed to meet the werewolf who bestowed this taint upon him. Partly because he wished to feel his throbbing meat inside him once more, but also because he had hoped to receive more answers. But finding the beast was more difficult than he thought.

He tried walking to the same spot during the night a couple of times, but nothing happened. Sometimes he could feel someone watching him and once he thought he had caught whiff of the alpha's strong scent, but each time was a disappointment.

That disappointment was about to turn into satisfaction.

The one, fated day, Kas was spending his evening in his room, at the small house by the woods he shared with a few housemates. Everybody was out in the town, except for him. The wolf never was one for partying and even with his confidence boost he still preferred spending quiet evenings by himself, playing video games or reading. That evening looked no different at first.

Kas got bored of playing the same PC shooter for the hundreth time and decided to lay down and try to fall asleep. It was a tiring day, as always. He pulled his t-shirt over his head and threw it on the chair, while pulling down his shorts and kicking them away. Wearing nothing but his blue boxer briefs, he lied down on his bed, facing the ceiling. He let his thoughts run free, thinking over the events of the day. They were quickly derailed towards the werewolf, though. Soon enough, he felt a strain against his briefs, as his loins stirred at the thought of the bestial hunk. Kas closed his eyes and absentmindedly groped the bulge in his pants with one paw.

He nearly jumped out of his underpants when he heard a rustling in his room. Opening his eyes, he saw that the window was wide open, warm summer air flowing into the air conditioned house. He looked around frantically, having expected an intruder, but there was nothing. Slowly picking himself up, he approached the window and closed it. Turning around, he suddenly hit something hard and hairy.

What he saw made his heart sink and his dick rise.

Before him stood the same werewolf that had used him all those weeks ago. Only now could Kas hear his breath, smell his scent, feel his presence. He was briefly frightened, but intense arousal had overwritten all his other instincts and higher brain function. Barely managing to maintain his composure, the small wolf just stood in front of the massive man-beast, staring deep into his crimson red eyes, breathing irregularily. His wolf member ached and desperately begged for attention, engorging with blood at the sight of the ripped, furred body and the musky, manly scent.

The werewolf stood there for quite a long moment, savouring the sexual tension coming from the smaller wolf and the internal fight. Finally wishing to help things along, he slowly bent down to the smaller wolf and gently grabbed his head with his massive paws. Leaning towards the black and white muzzle, he joined their lips and infiltrated the wolf's mouth with his strong, massive tongue.

Kas was just waiting for this. Without a doubt he eagerly let the invading tongue inside his mouth, suckling on it, pushing his own tongue into the alpha's maw. That was exaclty what he wanted, to feel the dominating male inside him, anywhere, even if it's only a tongue in his mouth. The heat, the passionate movement, the fluids exchanging between their maws. The small part of the great beast flowing into him was the best thing that has happened to him ever since their first encounter.

And just as suddenly as he started to french the wolf, he stopped, parting their muzzles. A long, thin strand of saliva joined their mouths. Kas looked into the werewolf's eyes, giving him a questioning look. A snide grin appeared on the beast's muzzle. He knew how desperate the small wolf was for the alpha's closeness and he was going to use this to it's fullest.

„Did you miss me, pup?" The beast asked in a deep, bellowing voice which made Kaspian's legs go weak.

The wolf was breathing heavily, nearly loosing his senses from the immense, pent up arousal.

„Ye- Yes. I missed you. I want you. I- I need you." He said, nuzzling the werewolf's soft, fuzzy chest with his snout, taking in the scent.Oh God, why did I say that? He realised after a moment. His mind was a haze, thinking becoming increasingly difficult in the presence of the great wolf.

The werewolf chuckled. Without a word, he led the small canine to the bed and sat on the edge. He spread his legs wide, exposing his huge balls and sheath, and leaned his back against the wall. And he just sat there, waiting in silence, staring at the wolf.

Kas knew it was the signal he was waiting for. At this moment all his inhibitions faded away. He fell to his knees and was about to bury his muzzle in the were's crotch, but a strong hand stopped him. He looked up at the beast's face. The were was smiling slyly, moving his index finger left and right and pointed to the ground.

The subservient wolf didn't need anything more. He climbed down to the ground, levelling his face with the beast's footpaws. And he wasn't disappointed in the slightest. Any opportunity to enjoy the alpha's body was worth debasing oneself. Kas gently clutched one foot with his paws, massaging them. A low growl coming from the beast and the decreasing tension in his feet signaled that it was the right course of action. Satisfied with the response, Kas placed one hand on the other paw, administering massage to both feet at the same time.

This was not only enjoyable to the werewolf. Kas felt something he had not felt for a long time, the joy and satisfaction of serving another. Putting their needs above your own, giving yourself up unto them, exist only to please. It made him ecstatic. But he needed more. After all, he wasn't _that_altruistic.

Kas moved his muzzle closer to one of the footpaws and took a long sniff. It smelled of musk, sweat, but also earth, trees and lake. He imagined the majestic, powerful creature striding through the woods, quickly and surely, but quietly, like a whisper. Travelling miles after miles, feet sore after days on foot. It was glorious to imagine, and even better to give relief to the beast with your own body.

The wolf stuck out his tongue and carefully touched it against the huge foot. The feeling of his pad's rough texture, the salty taste of sweat, musty smell of earth. It was hypnotising. The wolf could think of nothing else but to explore his alpha's feet with his tongue, between the toes, curling from pleasure. It was the groveling, the debasement that got Kas so excited.

The wolf continued his ministrations, his hard shaft leaking pre, aching for attention. After a while, one paw was slathered in saliva and clean, or at least cleaner. Kas was about to shift his attention to the other one, but was stopped by their owner. A massive, clawed finger under his chin raised his head up to face the beast's groin. To Kaspian's excitement, a hot red tip was shyly poking out of it's sheath, looking for further encouragement and enticing with it's smell.

His mouth was already watering by the time Kas' muzzle found it's way to the furry sheath. Hot and musky, a drop of pre formed on top of the tip. The werewolf touched his own tip with one finger, smearing the drop of precum all over it. Kas was dying to wrap his lips around the shaft and milk it for what it was worth, but he was hesitant. For a moment, his conscious mind overcame his instincts and he started considering his situation. What am I doing?

His alpha must have sensed the hesitation. Narrowing his eyes, he smacked the wolf across the face. The werewolf didn't put much strength into the hit, but Kas nearly fell over from the impact. He rubbed his cheek, sore, red and burning he looked up at the beast with his watering eyes, questioningly.

„Don't think. Don't hesitate. Act." He growled at the smaller wolf. „Or you will die."

Kas' eyes went wide for a moment, the words scared him. He felt better when the werewolf started laughing heartily. His demeanor was confusing, but Kas couldn't help smiling. Those words weren't meant for here and now. But it was of no concern to Kas right now. He immediately forgot about the slap and his doubts, turning his attention back to the glistening wolf meat.

„Yes. That is what you want. That is what you need." The beast said in a low, seductive voice, as if trying to hyptonise the small wolf, „Embrace what you are becoming. Have a taste of what is to come," He rubbed his tip with a finger, „Submit, and accept the power and pleasure that await you."

That was enough for the wolf. He buried his muzzle in the werewolf's sheath, engulfing it with his maw, pressing his nose against the pubes. Sliding his tongue into the sheath, he started sucking on the furry sheath, coaxing the shaft out into the open. The taste of sweat and smell of musk caused blood rush into his own groin. He felt something rub against his dick. Craning his head to look down without parting from the beast's genitals, he saw one of the massive footpaws rub his canine cock.

Kas' eyes rolled inside his head from the pleasure, the big, furry paws rubbing against his sensitive penis, pulsing and throbbing. He felt something grow in his mouth and realised his ministrations were taking effect. The enormous bestial cock pushed into his mouth and Kas had to back away when the tip started pressing against the back of his throat, gagging.

He pulled away from the member, licking excess pre and saliva from his lips. The throbbing, red hot beastly meat was fully risen. Leaking a crystal clear liqued, it tempted the smaller wolf.

The beast was stoic, fully in control of his own instincts and reflexes. His muscular, chest heaving in moonlight falling through the window. It was obvious to Kas he wasn't the first victim of the werewolf's seductive ways. It was all the same to him at that moment, though. He wished to finally jump at the enticing member, gleaming dimly in moonlight falling in through the shuttered window. Something held him back, an unseen power, like a whisper in the back of his head telling him to wait and let the tension seethe inside.

„Stay." The werewolf commanded, in his deep, growl-like voice, „Good boy. Know your place," He cracked half a smile, „Beg. Grovel. Whine." The last word was said in a whisper.

Kas was too far out to string any coherent sentence or even a single thought. His mind was dominated by primal desires and hormone surges. Base insticts commanded him to submit to the superior male and lift his tail like a bitch in heat. But now the pleasure of his alpha's cock has been denied to him. He has to obey and be rewarded. Looking up at the werwolf with a hopeless, puppy eyed stare he let out the most pathetic, demeaning whine he could muster. He whimpered and whined, patting the beast on the thigs and nuzzling the sheath with his nose.

The werewolf gave a low, silent growl of satisfaction and smiled. That was sign enough for Kas to get to work. Without a hint of hesitation he jumped at the wolf meat and engulfed it completly, taking the 25cm shaft to the fully formed knot, nearly choking on the thick length. The beast made no movement, as the smaller wolf rode up and down it's dick, swallowing the rushing precum, sucking and licking.

Kas slid his tongue around the girth of the beastly wolf member, tasting the throbbing, hot flesh. He waited so long for this and wanted to make the best of this situation. The werewolf flesh pulsed with heat in his mouth, as he suckled on the shaft, coaxing it to blow it's precious load right into the wolf's muzzle.

His ministrations obviously had a positive effect on the werewolf. The great beast started breathing more and more heavily, obviously having increasingly more trouble keeping his stalwart composure. He placed his huge hand on Kas' head, clutching his white, silky mane. He pulled the smaller wolf away from his dick, forcibly, nearing the edge of his climax. A long stand of pre and saliva connected the wolf's muzzle with the shaft.

„You're... good, pup," He huffed, looking Kas in the eye, „But let's not rush it, the night is still young. Turn around." He commanded, circling with his index finger.

Kas was disappointed to have been to brutally separated from the juicy wolf cock. He gave the werewolf a begging stare, but the alpha was unyielding, crossing his brows and reiterating his order, more forcibly this time.

The wolf flattened his ears and got on his fours on his bed, turning tail first towards the beast. His mood improved quickly, as he felt his boxers pull down and something wet and warm touch his tailhole. An erect wolf shaft fell out of the wet fabric, fully erect and aching for attention. He turned his head and wagged his tail, feeling and seeing a large tongue lap tenderly against his starved tailhole. Every lap underneath his tail sent shivers across his body.

He reached one hand to his dick, but a strong grip stopped him a few centimentres away from it.

Kas wanted to struggle, but then he felt the huge tongue worm it's way past his anal ring and inside him. His maw went wide open, his tongue lolling out, drooling from the intense pleasure. A red member bobbing on his underbelly leaked a crystal clear liquid copiously, sticking to his belly fur, leaving a long strand behind.

The excitement passed as suddenly as it came, when he felt the serpent-like tongue slide out of his tailhole. Kas bucked his hips back and forth a few times, begging for more stimulation, in vain.

„I think that is quite enough. You're ready." He said in a low, growling voice, licking his lips.

The beast picked himself up to his legs and positioned behind the black wolf, placing his red member between the wolf's slightly plump buttocks, trembling from anticipation. Sliding it up and down the crack, smearing saliva and pre all over it, he teased the wolf relentlessly.

„This is what you've been waiting for, haven't you pup?" He asked, in his bellowing growl, „Soon, you'll experience that and so much more."

And on that note, he suddenly ceased his teasing and pressed his tip against the sensitive wolf tailhole, waiting, remembering their last encounter. The beast didn't rush. Inch by inch he let the little wolf feel the entire girth of the werewolf member enter his backside, as it has once before. To experience every blood vessel, every ridge, every curve and shape push against the ring of the wolf's pucker, slide inside.

Kaspian felt the huge dick work it's way into his ass. Memories flooded him, the feelings, scents and sounds of their first, fated encounter. Moans and groans escaped his muzzle, feeling the shaft slide into him slowly.

„Oh, I think we shouldn't leave that pretty mouth unoccupied." The werewolf said, before sliding his middle finger into Kaspian's mouth. The wolf moaned more intensly at the extra stimulation.

The werewolf's shaft reached the knot and stopped for a moment. He started to slowly pull it out, still working his finger inside of Kas' mouth. The wolf suckled on the clawed digit with abandon, while enjoying the slow movements of his alpha's dick. Then suddenly, with no forewarning, the werewolf slammed into the small canine, immediately plunging most of his length into the wolf and forcefully pushing his huge knot past the tight anal ring.

Kas let out a slightly muffled yelp in response, instinctively trying to flee from the sharp, intense pain, but the beast held him firmly in place. Soon enough, the pain subsided and was replaced once again by rhytmic, albeit quicker thrusting. The werewolf would pull his knot out halfway, then thrust back inside, stretching the tight ass, causing his pup both pain and pleasure, and push all his sweet spots afterwards.

Kas writhed and arced his back in pleasure, clawing at his bedsheets, drooling all over the finger in his mouth. The sign on his chest glowed and pulsed brilliantly, sending shivers all across his body. His sex-addled mind told him this was all he ever wanted, all he ever needed. He pushed back onto the werewolf, trying to wrench as much pleasure as possible from the experience, enjoying every push, every tug.

The great wolf reveled in this act of primal lust himself, having not felt the heat of domineering over another like this in a long time. Everything went just how he wanted. Just a while longer and it would be done. Pumping in and out of the wolf's ass brought him to the brink of orgasm.

At long last, the beast have in to his most basic needs and desires. In what Kaspian felt as a rushing torrent, he filled his prey with a stream of hot, tainted seed. His bloated nuts churned cum out like crazy, having been pent up for so long. Kas fell silent, breathing slowly in, then out, at the rush subsided. The virile liquid sent a wave of heat all over his body, originating in his belly. The sign on his chest seemed to have exploded, disappearing in a burst of blinding light.

The werewolf didn't try to pull out yet, instead he picked up the small wolf gently and lain on the bed with him, embracing Kas and closing his muzzle to the wolf's ear.

„Ah. You feel it, don't you?" He asked, quietly and gently.

Kas did feel diffirently. Oddly... empowered. Like something had changed. And not in a good way. His mind tried to come back to it's senses, horrified at the realisation of what had transpired, but another wave of complacency washed over his mind. Everything was in order.

He nodded in response.

„I made the right choice," The beast said, satisfied with himself and his lover, „You are strong. And with my aid, a part of your lost heritage has been... unlocked," He explained, „You are a servant of the night, like I am, but you were unaware of it. Untill now," He trailed a claw across Kaspian's chest, „But this will change, very soon. From today on, you are mine. I will mold you into my image. The world shall tremble with each of our steps." He moved his muzzle to the wolf's neck, nuzzling.

Kas could not wholly believe what was happening, but he could somehow tell the werewolf was not deluded. Something beautiful, yet horrible happened that night. Something beyond everything he thought he knew about the world. And his world was about to change even more. For better or worse.

With that thought lingering in his mind, he fell asleep, the werewolf's careful ministrations lulling him to sleep.

Kaspian woke up as the sun's first rays fell on his face through the shutters. For a moment, he just laid on his side like there was no tomorrow, enjoying his undisturbed, restful dream. But then a pang in his memory caused his to scramble in panic. He sit up on his bed, covering himself up with his sheets. Looking around the room, he noticed, to his surprise, nothing out of order. His bedroom was slightly unkempt, but not moreso than usual. His bed clean and quite neatly made. The strange sign gone from chest. With a moment of hesitation, Kas placed his finger against his pucker, but there was nothing. Was it all a dream?

Kas took a deep breath of relief, but then something on the nightstand grabbed his attention. From the lamp hanged a small, silver pendant, shaped like a crescent moon. He carefully picked it up by the chain and placed it on his paw. At this moment everything came back to him. It wasn't a dream, it's real. His life just became a whole lot more complicated.

This was just the beggining.

Midnight Corruption

**Midnight Corruption.** **By Kaspian.** It was already past sundown when Kas finally got out of work and went on his way back home. It was the first time he had to get back home so late. The moon was high up on the starry sky, full and shiny. The...

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The Old Republic: Beyond Light and Darkness ch. 7

**Chapter 7** **Rising concerns** Meeting the masters in the Halls of Healing, Rex was left with a sense of distaste. The Council in person of Master Shan and his own mentor, Master Forzan, just had him hunt Kaidan. His best friend, no, his brother....

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The Old Republic: Beyond Light and Darkness ch. 6

**Chapter 6** **Haunted** „Don't open your eyes. Feel the Force flow around you." A soothing voice of a young Twi'lek Consular sounded across the meditation chamber. „Reach out to your surroundings, influence it." Padawans of all shapes and sizes...

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