What Happens on Halloween

Story by Picklessauce69 on SoFurry

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#6 of LusterUnicorn's Monthly Commission Subscription

Another month, another story. With Halloween this month, I really wanted to do something spooky/creepy, but when I went to write it my mind wandered a little bit more into just exploring supernatural legends or myths... and then this came out of it! As always, I hope it's enjoyable :)

"The legend goes that Stingy Jack became an evil, wandering spirit after 11 years of tricking the devil and being turned away from Heaven by God for being such an unsavory sort. The Devil gave him a single burning coal to light his way in the darkness, unclaimed by either final resting place. So, for years Jack held his coal inside a carved turnip and people would set out similar carvings to try and ward him off."

"When it came to America, that's when the tradition shifted to pumpkins, because they are native to here!"

"That's a load of bullshit!" Luster scoffed, rolling his eyes and placing one hand onto the table, circling it idly around the base of his drink as the girl across the table shook her head.

"Nuh uh! It's totally true!" With the fur of her face such a dark black shade, the yellow of her eyes seemed to explode out from the backdrop. Even the button-sized nose in the center of a sunburst of whiskers was a dark coal shade, like it'd been covered up for maximum invisibility. "You can't dismiss every legend, with so many out there, one of them has got to be true!"

"I can. I will. There's no logical basis for any of these!"

"So you don't believe in any supernatural things? Ghosts? Witches?" the feline asked, her voice a low purring whisper across the table. Halloween night was already enveloping them. About half of the apartment complex had taken to the city, dead set on getting hammered to embrace the evil spirits rather than try to avoid them. Others had tucked into their beds with This is Halloween, ready to sing so off-key the spirits would never touch them.

The stragglers from either group wandered through the common spaces, ending up at the late night coffee house and bar at the street level, sipping on early, seasonal mulled wine and hot ciders to fight the chill biting from the air.

"No, no ghosts. No witches. They are all stories!" Luster chuckled to himself, rolling his eyes before he took a slow gulp of his drink. His eyes, momentarily, skidded across the inside of the intimate space. A couple hung together in a booth, sharing a drink and swapping alcohol tinged kisses in their own private bubble. The tender of the bar washed glasses idly, circling around the rim of a single cup over and over as his eyes wandered off into some imagined distance. A group of homebody drinkers filled a table, giggling and smearing each other's costume makeup.

"What if I told you they aren't stories?" she raised her brows, twerking one of her pointed ears to the side.

"Well, proof?" Luster flashed back his own cheeky grin, flicking his folded ears with a laugh. The mane down his neck rustled with the movement of his head as he leaned into the feline, intrigued by where she was headed.

"Well-" she grinned, her fangs suddenly poking out of her mouth. The little bit of white seemed so brilliant against her dark, dark fur. She leaned across the table, lowering her voice to a throaty whisper. "What if I told you I was a witch?"

Luster rolled his eyes at her, but he grinned. "Okay, can you cast a spell for me then?"

She gave a little pout. "I would need an energy boost first... a sacrifice so to speak-" Beneath the table, her foot gave a small nudge into his ankle- at first he assumed it was an accident. Then, it returned with a little bump and began to slide up the length of his leg, skimming on the surface of his jeans. "You see, witchcraft has changed a lot over the years, but the basics are the same. Magic takes a lot of energy, so smart witches gather extra energy before a spell so they don't get a cheesy nosebleed or pass out. Even smarter witches of the 21st century have recognized the greatest power source of all."

"What's that?" Luster asked, finding himself bemusedly interested in where this spiel was going. Plus, the girl's foot had risen to his inner thigh, stroking along that final stretch of real estate, so his decision-making blood had diverted elsewhere.

"Sex-" the word hissed out of her mouth in the echo of a throaty purr. She grinned, flicking both of her ears while her long slender tail played out behind her. "People pour energy into sex, toss away their important energy on fleeting pleasure... ejaculation is the perfect sacrifice, life-giving cum just tossed away because it feels good." Her eyes were holding onto his now, seemingly forming some sort of tingly connection within their gazes. Her toes shifted over the final inch, actually rubbing over the bulge in his jeans.

"Whaddya think? Wanna test your beliefs against mine? See if I'm the big, bad witch I say I am?" She was purring, the ebbing rumble from her chest accenting the playful grin on her lips.

Luster glanced to the door, imagining them shucking their tab's payment onto the table and rushing back up to one of their apartment's, but instead the feline sat back, no longer leaning into him from across the table, and knocked her napkin onto the floor, winking before she dove down after it.

For a fleeting moment, the unicorn saw the girl's tail whisper out from beneath the table's bottom lip before he felt a sudden warmth between his thighs as the girl crawled in between them.

Luster's eyes went wide as he felt the soft, slender fingertips of the feline suddenly slide up his thighs heading with distinct purpose towards the growing bulge in the front of his denim. "W-what are you doing?!" he hissed, a sudden hesitation grabbing him as he looked around the space. His eyes flicked to each of the people around him to ensure that they hadn't looked over the instant their conversation shifted from flirtation over that invisible line to something more, but no one paid him any mind.

"Relax, big boy..." the feline purred, her voice faint as it washed up from beneath the aged wooden table, bare of any tablecloth to hide her crouched form as she settled between his spread legs. Her fingertips, topped each with a long, pointed nail that mimicked her animalistic claws of a more feral form, stroked up his thighs to the top waistband of his pants, searching out the button without a moment of indecision.

She shucked open the two sides of the jeans, purring as he sprang out into view, unbridled by any further garments beneath. "Mmm... a little cowboy like down here, just bare. I like it." She giggled, an airy sound that Luster barely heard as blood rushed through his body, seeming to bounce between flushing his face with a worried blush as his cock bounced into open view in the shadow of the table and fueling the raging, pulsating boner the soft feline fingers were caressing.

Velvety, tickling furs washed down his length in a few exploratory strokes before she grabbed firmly onto the base, giving a firm squeeze. "Mmurr.... Nice and big. Juicy-" she leaned close, purring a hovering inch from his tip so he felt the ghost of her warm lips and the faint, buzzing of the air around him- though it was probably just his rushing imagination giving her such a powerful aura as she knelt in front of him.

Her hand tightened around him, starting a long slow bob up to the tip languidly drawing her supple fur up every inch of his cock while her free hand rubbed up and down his thighs, faintly tickling through the denim.

The equine felt his eyes fluttering, lashes kissed at his cheek as his eyes felt the urge to roll back into his head. The touch came so unexpectedly out here... in the open. For a second, he felt a jolt down his spine as though he could feel eyes on their pairing. But, when he glanced around, none of the fellow drinkers that night had even glanced their way.

"Feeling a little excited, hoping someone sees you with your big cock out?" The feline crooned, peering up at him through the tiny sliver of her that he could see before the table hid her from view. The limited sight only made it better, heightening the excitement of the situation as he saw her fingers stroking his cock, drawing up before just his tip disappeared beneath the table so he couldn't see her eyes, her plump lips unless she leaned in to let him.

Purring and letting her whiskers tickle against his inner thighs, she leaned over his tip. Slowly, her mouth open to let her roughly textured tongue unravel and roll atop his tip suddenly.

"Ooooh, fuck-" Luster gasped, his eyes popping open wide as he actually felt the heat of her mouth washing out in her breath and the texture of her tongue. Following her stroking tongue, her lips closed around the top of his cock, squeezing him within the heat of her wet mouth while her tongue rolled around the flared head with the most tightly bundled, sensitive nerves. Her tongue stroked along the curved edge of his tip, using the textured front side first, then twisting it so he felt the sudden silken smoothness of its opposite.

At the same time, her hand continued to pump up and down the rest of his girthy cock. He could watch the rhythm of her hand, but her mouth stayed hidden beneath the table. The changing textures, the mixture of the fur of her hand and the slickness of her tongue and all the heat enveloping around his pulsing cock, he found himself quickly starting to dribble with pre-cum that oozed out onto her tongue.

"Mmm..." The feline purred around him, vibrating her lips like an electric toy while she began to sink lower and lower onto him. She didn't move quickly, didn't rush, just started to lazily lower her hot squeeze of her mouth down half inch by half inch while her fingers continued to pump and press around the remaining inches.

Luster felt his hips twitching, resisting the urge to buck up into her mouth and stop the torturous pacing. His ears had begun to twitch and flick crazily atop his head while warm red spread across his cheeks.

"God, this is wrong..." he thought to himself, though his mind was in a haze of rising arousal. "This is my apartment building, I come to this bar all the time... If I get caught here, by anyone, then people will start looking at me in the building. I don't even know this girl- Oooh." He suddenly cut off even his mental voice as the girl's lips finally kissed to his base and instead of pulling back she gulped around him. Every inch buried down into the heat of her mouth and throat with the tip pressing down into the squeeze of her swallowing, feeling the rippling muscles trying to move the intruder out. Her lips stilled buzzed with a constant purr that felt like a vibrating cock ring around him, teasing him constantly on top of her tongue already stroking whatever it could reach within the hot cave of her mouth.

"Nope. This is right. This is... so worth whatever happens."

Precum leaked out onto her tongue, only adding to the mess of her mouth. At his base, pausing a second longer before she started to bob her head, the feline tipped her glowing yellow eyes up at him giving him the perfect shot of her swallowing around his cock, lips stretched wide, and the bar spilling out behind her from the table they sat at and onwards.

Once he'd cemented the image of her into his mind, her head started to bob. Lips tight and suckling, she began to draw herself backwards and then slam back down towards his base. Her hands pulled back, spreading her fingers across his thighs to steady herself while she worked down over his cock. Every stroke seemed to squeeze tight than the last. On one upstroke, she'd let her rough tongue skid down the length, tickling him and sending jolting bursts up from the strange sensation, then she'd twist it over and let the slick underside caressing back up in a shifting motion.

Every few strokes she'd suddenly start to slow, loosening her lips and instead drawing her tongue in a corkscrew up his shaft before she focused into the sensitive points of his tip. She'd hover there, licking and kissing around the angles of the tip, then drop expertly back down to kiss his base.

Her constant switching kept derailing him. He could feel his orgasm building. Balls pulled tight, churning with impatience. Precum leaked freely from his tip, sloshing into her messy, hot mouth with every lick over the top of his head. Every inch pulsed and beat with his pounding heart but she seemed to have a perfect read for each time he dared to look over the edge of that cliff, then she'd suddenly slow. Her lips would pull back for soft kisses, buzzing just around the tip with a tormenting habit that refused to let him finish.

Instead, it brought him to the edge and cut him off. His cock pulsed madly. At the corners of her mouth spittle and precum leaked out in glittering globs atop her night black fur. The purring of her buzzing lips never stopped, she hummed to make it harder. He felt himself riding the edge, walking on one foot at the very final rock of the cliff's ledge.

Then, she rolled his balls into her hands and gave a gentle squeeze and dove into her repetitive, tight deep-throating. Her mouth seemed to take him without hesitation, with an expert glide from tip to base without a change in pace or a gag when his tip pushed down into her throat.

"O-O-Oohhh-" Luster found himself suddenly biting his lip. His jaw tightened, locking into a silent stare down at the table as he felt the first burst of his orgasm. Without warning, the first spurt sprayed into the girl's throat. Then, she started to suckle harder, milking him without forgiveness as his orgasm tore through him.

As he came, his eyes bounced madly from the girl's eyes peering encouraging up at him with a glimmer of mischief and the entirety of the bar, still checking to see that no one saw as he blew his load just within view.

Not a soul interrupted, and he finished with a loud sigh.

Pulling back with a pop of her lips, the feline gulped once audibly and then climbed up from beneath the table into his lap, a pile of fur and a rumbling purr. Luster stared at her with wonderment, nearly forgetting the start of their conversation entirely.

"Ready to see the proof?" she purred, leaning in so her lips buzzed against his ear and sent nervous shivers down his spine.

"W-wha... Oh, right. Yes. Witch" he grumbled, randomly starting to piece together his thoughts again.

The feline met his eyes with her own glittering yellow slits. She grinned, revealing the white of her fangs against her black, black face. Then, with a wink, she disappeared.

Not even a stray fur lay atop his lap where she'd sat.

Luster stared at the table, seeing two glasses and a single napkin and wondering if that had even happened at all.