
Story by CrimsonRuari on SoFurry

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Here I continue my theme of coyotes making bad decisions. Kyle is a coyote and a mechanic in his hometown, small town in southern Indiana with little left in the way of economy, who managed to get away from it, only to find himself stuck there again. His sister, Alexis, grew up in Seattle, but has also found herself stuck in Kyle's tiny town.

You read the tags, you know they commiserate. Commiseration is healthy, right? Sharing is caring, and all that? In any case, expect some snark and a healthy (healthy? Really?) dose of sex.

Blaufeld, in southern Indiana, is the middle of goat-fucking nowhere. Kyle knew it, Bill knew it, and now the distributor at the other end of the phone knew it, too. Not that Kyle thought the guy was surprised; he was sure to have looked it up when they called him to place an order. His silence, however, suggested he hadn't expected Bill's choice of language to be quite so colorful.

Bill was usually pretty easy going, despite his mixed husky and shepherd heritage, but he hated wasting time on the phone, and it had started to show. "Fuck me, dude. I know it'd be expensive to ship it. I just want to know how much."

Kyle and Bill stared at the silent speaker phone until the man at the other end of it spoke up. "Um. That will be, let's see. That would probably cost five hundred dollars to ship it. Freight, of course. It could be there as early as next week."

Bill considered his words carefully. "Fuck." It did, Kyle thought, capture their sentiments quite succinctly. There was no way they could make that up in markup. And next week? There was no way in hell he or Bill would make it through a week without strangling at least one of the customers whose car was waiting for one of those parts.

"Sir --"

Bill shook his head, then prodded the desk with a finger. It would perhaps have been more impactful had the salesman been there to see. "Ok, look. Just pack the pallet. I'll come pick it up myself." He glared at the clock on the wall. "I'll be there in about an hour."

"Sir, about payment --"

"Jesus. Do you take a PO?"

"Well... for a business your size, that's not typical."

"Of course. Fuckit. I'll bring cash." With that, Bill picked up the receiver and slammed it back down. He grinned at Kyle. "Guess you've got the shop for the rest of the day. I'm going to go wash up and get on the road. And text me if there's anything else we need, 'kay. No point in wasting a trip into Bloomington."

Kyle nodded. "Sure."

The garage held three cars in varying states of disassembly, but since they all depended on parts they didn't have, Kyle turned his attention to the stock shelves. The coyote's sandy tail swayed behind him as he rummaged through the boxes of piled parts. He always enjoyed rummaging through the parts, there was no telling when an interesting relic might crop up. And given the number of vintage vehicles their customers drove, mostly trucks, of course, that a part was a relic didn't mean it wasn't useful.

Kyle spent the rest of the day with the stock, and by the end of it, he'd turned a pile of parts in one corner of the old garage into four piles in another corner.

"The sign out front says 'Mechanics,' not 'Coyote Pushes Parts Around Before Burying the Best Ones.' Is this what you do when the boss is out?"

Kyle jumped from where he'd been counting a collection of bolts and glared at the source of the comment. "Jesus, Lexi! Did you think to knock?"

His sister, Alexis, more commonly known as Lexi, stood about a foot from where he'd been squatting over the pile of bolts. Now he was a good three feet away from her, and ass first in a different pile. He'd probably have to sort them all over again.

Lexi, for her part, was laughing. She'd always enjoyed sneaking up on him when they were kids, and it seemed she hadn't grown out of it.

Kyle scrabbled his way out of the pile of bolts and grabbed a shop towel to try and wipe some of the grime off his paws. He glared at his sister. "You know, I was always glad when you went home after the summer, 'cause that shit would stop."

She gave him a toothy grin, her tongue lolling out. "But my dear brother, if I did not, you would think I was unwell!" She waved back towards the door. "Besides, sign says open. Not my fault nobody's in the lobby."

Kyle's ears splayed out horizontally, and he gave her his best skeptical look. "Hmph. What has you here anyway? You're not usually back until after we've closed up."

She held up her phone, showing him the time: an hour after closing. "I'm not early. But I saw the sign still on when I was driving by, so I figured I'd stop in." She thumbed over her shoulder. "Car's been acting up."

He glanced at his paws, pronounced them clean enough, and tossed the towel in the trash can. "Could you be a little more specific?"

She rolled her eyes. She should know better, and Kyle thought she did it just to fuck with him. Lexi seemed to take endless delight in harassing him. "I could."

Point in case. "Would you please be more specific, madame?"

Lexi punched him in the shoulder. "Fuck you, Kyle. I feel sixty when you say that."

It was his turn to grin. "Have you looked at your muzzle lately? I think I see a little gray."

She glared at him, then ran her paws up her sides and pushed her breasts together. "You see these? Do these look like sixty-year-old tits to you, numbnuts?"

Kyle averted his gaze quickly. "Jesus, Lexi. You whip those out to anyone who asks your age?"

Lexi harrumphed and Kyle could see out of the corner of his eye that planted her paws on her hips. Kyle was glad of the reprieve. "Yeah. The boy down at the liquor store probably beats off to me every night."

Kyle coughed. "Lexi...could we talk about something other than your breasts?"

Lexi grumbled, then turned and gestured. "Fine, let's go look at it. I swear, you and dad are probably the only two guys here who aren't staring at my breasts."

Kyle followed, and could help but remark. "I should hope not. I really don't want to know if dad does. That would be... Yeah, that'd be awkward."

She laughed. "Yeah, yeah it would. Awkward enough when his buddies do it."

"Well, they've been the talk of the town since you moved here."

She stopped dead and look at him. "Really? Jesus!"

Kyle grinned and waggled a paw. "Yeah, but reaction is mixed."

She reached out and smacked him again. "You take it back! They're perfectly nice tits!"

"There is no way I can win this. I am not going to complement my sister's breasts!"

She glared. She did that a lot. It had been Kyle's experience that Lexi was frequently beset by things and people which disappointed her, and she had honed her disappointed glare to a fine art. She leveled this same look at him.

He held up his paws. "Oh no. Look, either I'm a creep who stares at his sister's rack, or I'm a terrible brother who won't be kind to her." He pointed at he car, which she'd nosed up to the door. "Now, can you please tell me what the deal is with your car?"

Lexi held the look a little longer, to be sure he got the point, then turned sharply and walked to her car. "Yes. So!" She reached in and turned it over, which started up an unholy, rhythmic squealing. "This!"

Kyle pinned his ears back. "Ok! Please turn it off! Can you leave it here through tomorrow?"

She cut the engine and stood, resting one arm on the door and the other on the roof as she leveled a skeptical look at him. "And how am I supposed to get to work tomorrow?"

Kyle sighed. "Fine, borrow my car. I'll take the bike into work tomorrow. Watch, it'll rain."

Lexi grinned, and Kyle could see her tail wagging behind the door. She ducked into the car and grabbed her satchel, then shut the door. She gave him the keys and leaned in, then apparently thought better of what she'd had in mind. "Thanks, bro. You're the best. I'd kiss you, but, well...I don't think you have anywhere that's clean."

Kyle rolled his eyes and took the keys. "A few, but they're in my pants."

She nudged him in the ribs. "If you think I'm kissing you there, maybe you should be looking at my tits after all."

He just rolled his eyes as he turned and walked back to the shop. "Good lord. You never stop. Come on. We'll get to it first thing in the morning."

He paused to lock up when they'd gone back inside, being sure to turn off the sign. Seven! He'd gotten more engrossed in digging through the remains of the previous auto shop than he'd expected. Lexi followed him as he closed up the place, blessedly quiet for once, until he paused at a pair of lockers along the back wall.

"Uh, Lexi, could wait here for a minute? I have to change."

She smirked. "Seen it already. But yes, go, hide my delicate virgin eyes from your powerful man junk!"

Grumbling, Kyle made his way into the small bathroom at the back of the shop. He didn't quite close the door, and so shouted back through it, "You're kind of a bitch, you know that?"

She gave a short laugh, more of a handful of sharp barks. "Ha! I'm 100% bitch, and you know it!"

There was nothing he could say to that, so he finished changing in silence. He tossed his jumpsuit in the wash bin and gestured at the back door. "Shall we?"

It was a short drive back to Kyle's place, a small company house out on the west end of town. There hadn't been a lot of places for rent when he'd come back, but he'd managed to find this place that was walking distance to his favorite bar. Not that, to be honest, it was all that great. What qualified it for favorite was more that it was a short stagger from home, and it served passable beer. And it was cheap, which meant he had a little more to put away, or in most cases, deal with whatever latest issue cropped up with Dad's health.

Kyle had spent a while after he'd gotten out of the Army just wandering the country on his bike. He hadn't known what he wanted to do with life before he'd spent six years as a "Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic" in Iraq, and he hadn't known any better after he'd gotten out. Eventually, he'd gotten a call from Bill, who'd been keeping an eye on his dad, that the old 'yote had taken a turn for the worse. Kyle had ended up settling down in the same town after dumping most of his saved up pay into his father's medical bills, and taking Bill up on his standing offer to work at the garage. It wasn't much, but it kept his paws busy and kept him from living on the street. Of course, it also kept him in this tiny town and its population of maybe, on a busy day, two-thousand people, most of whom were under twenty or over fifty.

"Kyle? Kyle!" Lexi finally resorted to jabbing him in the shoulder with a claw. "Hey!"

He shook his head to clear it. "What?"

"We're here... Do you want to give me the keys?"

"Oh, sure." He handed her the keys and got out of the car. Leaning on the roof, he looked across at her. "Hey, Lexi, how long you been here, anyway?"

She shrugged. "Maybe a year now. Since Dad's second fall. Why?"

He countered with his own shrug. "Just thinking."

"I could tell. You barely said anything on the way over."

He grinned at her. "I'm surprised you noticed."

"Hey now!" She shot him a glare, but there was no heat behind it. Lexi knew her flaws. She also knew how to use them to her advantage, which seemed to have served her well over the years.

She leaned into the car. "Hey, you want to get cleaned up real quick, come over and have dinner with me and Dad? He says he hasn't seen you in a while."

Kyle shrugged. "Guess I've been busy."

"Yeah, shifting piles of bolts around." She grinned.

"You saw, we had three cars in! And now yours. We just moved to the new shop, and it's chock full of old parts from the previous place. Gotta know what we have." Kyle shook his head. "But yeah, sure, I guess. Give me a few minutes. You want to come in?"

She raised an eyebrow at him. "I dunno. Have you gotten more furniture?"

It was Kyle's turn to level a glare at her. His was not quite so withering, but it had served him well enough, and had earned him a reputation in the sandbox as a mechanic you did not pull bullshit on. "I have chairs, and even a sofa. Hell, I've got a TV. It's the height of luxury."

Lexi rolled her eyes. She'd always had slightly different standards, spending most of her time growing up in a townhouse in Seattle. A nice one, at that. Kyle had spent just about every other summer there, growing up, and while his mother had never made it a point, it was impossible not to compare to home. Blaumfeld had its charms, and he loved it, after a fashion, but Kyle found it lacking in many ways. He generally kept those observations to himself, but Lexi felt no such compunction. "We shall see." She dropped his car keys in her bag and gestured to the house. "But do, lead the way, let me see this bastion of civilization."

Kyle just shook his head and lead her inside. The house he was renting was smaller than most in town, but it had the essentials. A living room, dominated by a sofa and a TV, which lead without interruption to a small dining room area, and behind that, a kitchen. A small square table occupied the dining room, and the kitchen was not large, but as a single coyote without a lot of company, it served. "Here. I'd say make yourself at home, but I know you will. Or at least, make yourself comfortable. Or something." He grumbled to himself and wandered into his bedroom without waiting for a response.

He shucked his clothes quickly, tossing them on his bed. They'd be clean enough later. It wasn't until he was opening the door to go the shower that he realized he wasn't wearing anything. It wasn't like he need to, most of the time. He stuck his head out into the hall, holding onto the door. "Hey, sis...keep your eyes front for a minute, ok?"

She laughed, but did, at least, keep here gaze fixed on the TV. "Always looking out for me, brother. My face might melt right off if I saw your sheath."

He dashed across the space to the bathroom and hid behind the door, poking his muzzle back out. "Jesus, Lexi, does anyone get even a moment's break around you?"

She looked back over the couch at him. "Nope! I'm an auditor. It's what I do. And beside, it's just nudity. Not a big deal. I've gone naked around you plenty of times." Her tongue lolled out of her muzzle as she grinned at him. "And you've done it around me. Remember that hot tub party we went to, second summer you visited when we were in high school?"

Kyle harrumphed. "I was drunk! We all were! And your friends were hot. So yeah. I wasn't looking at you!" He shut the door to cut off her response and got to taking that shower. It had been a fairly dirty day at the shop before that phone call, so it took him longer than usual to get moderately clean. At least on the way back to his room, he was able to wrap a towel around himself his waist. It was as much to forestall any further harassment as it was to preserve his modesty.

It wasn't that he was particularly caught up on it, but Lexi had gotten a lot more comfortable with nudity growing up than he had. He figured it was all that left-coast, Seattle living. Come to think of it, his mother had been a little free with the nudity, too. Definitely wasn't his dad's style, for which he was grateful. Of course, Dad's style was more white briefs and a white A-shirt, which, while it covered everything up just fine, was, Kyle had to admit, far from the classiest.

Quickly enough, he was dressed again in clean-enough jeans and a comfortable t-shirt. Dad wouldn't be too picky. Probably give him shit if he showed up in a collared, shirt, anyway. He got a little bitter about stuff like that.

"Ok, Lexi. Let's go."

She stood and looked him over, then shook her head. "Well, I guess Dad would approve." She fingered the collar of her own shirt. "Eh. He can deal. I live there, too."

Lexi grumbled to herself all the way out the door and down to the car. Kyle hadn't been around her enough to know if she talked in her sleep, but he had his suspicions.

The drive to their dad's place was relatively quiet. Lexi mostly talked about whatever latest crop of idiocy she was running into at the plant in Bloomington, while Kyle simply nodded and muttered the occasional affirmative. He didn't see her all that often, and he figured Dad didn't have the same tolerance for her chatter, so he tended to get an earful whenever he was around.

The drive between his place and his father's, in which Lexi lived upstairs, was only about ten minutes, all the way across town, and they arrived there soon enough. Only one light was on, displaying their father's proclivity for frugalness as a form of entertainment.

As they got out of the car, Kyle could not help but remark on it. "I see Dad is up to his usual tricks again."

Lexi shrugged. "I guess so. That, or he hasn't moved since sunset. It probably pained him to turn that light on."

Kyle chuckled. "I'm sure. What's he been reading these days?"

Lexi glared at him. "You know, you could come over and find out for yourself. It might distract him. I don't know. Pre-Alexander Greece, I think?"

Kyle could only laugh. "Well, it sounds interesting, at least. And you only hate it because he competes with you for talk time."

She growled at him and punched his shoulder. "Pest. Let's go. We can order pizza or something."

Bill dropped into the bench across from Kyle. "So, mutt, what's eating you?"

Kyle raised an eyebrow. "Eh? You're the mutt, Bill. Both my parents are coyotes."

Bill flashed him one of his classic, open-mouthed grins. "Yeah, sure." He paused for a swig from his beer -- Bill was prone to drinking the cheapest beer in the bar. Today, that seemed to be something that was on tap.

The dog lowered his glass to the table with an authoritative thunk. "So, enough dodging. What's eating you, coyote?" Bill leaned on the last word, like he could squeeze a confession out of Kyle with it.

Kyle glanced sideways, out at the bar, and tried to buy himself time by taking long drink of his own beer. Whether it was time for more alcohol to take effect, or come up with an excuse, or cough up a real answer, he couldn't decide.

Bill had fixed him with the same piercing look Kyle had seen him use to wring an explanation out of a cagey sergeant as to why his Humvee had managed to roll six times in what was flat desert. He didn't like it, especially with Bill's ice-blue eyes. Kyle squirmed. Bill took another drink of his beer.

Kyle crumbled. "Fuckit."

Bill raised an eyebrow.

"Hey man, you know what this place is like? Too far from everything, nobody lives here." Kyle trailed off.

"You live here. So do I. So does just about everyone else in here." He leaned forward. "Hell, a pretty big chunk of your family lives here, now."

Kyle grumbled. "Yeah, well, we don't have much of a choice, do we?"

Bill simply shrugged. "Got choices. Might not be good ones, but you got choices. Didn't have to come back."

"I mean, nobody threatened me with death if I didn't, but hell. Dad was sick. Hell was I going to do? Tell him to fuck off and die?"

"Like I said, you had a choice, even if the alternatives were shitty. But so what? You're here now. So what's really eating you?"

Kyle harrumphed and slouched down on his bench. "Bill, it's just work and home, unless Lexi nags me into a dinner where I can get harassed by her and lectured at by Dad the whole time. I ain't gettin' any younger, but nothing's gettin' any better, either."

"Hmmm. Now there's something. Nobody here's getting any younger. So, you worried about sleeping alone at night, not getting your dick wet?"

Kyle rolled his eyes. "Not exactly like that, but...yeah, sure, I guess."

Bill grinned. "You know, couple a ladies around here happy to help you with that. Karla over there, for example." He waved at the plump badger woman behind the bar, and she gave him a toothy grin back.

Kyle glared at the dog across from him. "I don't think she's my type. And she's, what, fifty?"

"Fifty-three, and you don't know what you're missing. She knows her stuff."

Kyle rolled his eyes again, and Bill laughed at him. The coyote continued. "Yeah... not what I'm looking for."

Bill tapped his muzzle. "What about Pat?"

"The doe who delivers pizza?"

The dog nodded. "Yeah. She'd be happy to wave that little tail puff at you."

"Jesus, isn't she twelve or something? And how do you know this shit?"

Bill shook his head. "She's nineteen, man, and she talks to Karla. Everyone talks to Karla, and Karla talks to me." He grinned, lasciviously. "In bed."

Kyle hid his face behind his paw. "Ah, Jesus, Bill, thanks for that image. And if you're sleeping with her, why's she interested in me?"

"'Yote, Karla does what the fuck she wants. And who. And I'm ok with that. She's good company, in any case."

Kyle shook his head. "Yeah, well, no thanks, man. I'm looking for... Well, I don't know, but not that."

Bill shrugged. "Oh well. Ain't gonna dip your wick with that attitude." He leaned back and downed some more beer. "So, what, you're looking for a lady of a certain age, mm?"

Kyle shook his head side to side. "Something like that."

"'Bout your age?"


"Ain't a whole lot of them in this town."

"No shit." Kyle hid a grimace behind a drink of beer.

Bill nodded. "Uh-huh. Ain't a whole lotta guys your age here, either. Not much to do, y'know?"

"Keenly aware, Bill, but thanks for the heads up."

Bill rolled his eyes. "Bet you want a lady of a certain quality, too, eh?"

Kyle squirmed in his seat. "I mean..."

"Uh-huh." Bill took a drink, then eyed the bottom of his glass, which, despite having started full and been large, was now empty. Bill wasn't a leisurely drinker. "You know, there is one gal here I can think of fits your criteria."

Kyle perked his ears and sat up. "Yeah?"

Bill grinned at him, and Kyle got worried. That was a look that spelled trouble for him and entertainment for Bill. "Yeah. Lexi. You might know her, coyote bitch, works at a plant up in Bloomington. Hear she's not seeing anyone, either."

Kyle kicked the bench under bill. "Fuck you, Bill, she's my sister. You know that!"

Bill shrugged. "Don't gotta marry her, but she's definitely your type."

Kyle rolled his eyes. "Ugh. The fuck man? I'm not gonna fuck my sister!"

Bill shrugged again and stood. "Well, you say that now. Maybe you get desperate enough, you change your mind. In any case, I need another beer. You want something?"

Kyle glared at Bill for a moment, then eyed his glass. "Yeah, definitely." He drained the rest of his mug quickly and handed it to the dog. "Fill me up."

Bill grinned. "That's what she said."

Kyle growled at him, but Bill simply laughed as he left to hit up the bar.

Lexi? Bill was such an asshole.

The next week sucked, and by Friday, Kyle considered it to have become an accumulated pile of shit. He sat at the bar, sullenly nursing his third whiskey of the night. Double whiskey. He didn't drink much during the week, but with fuckall else to do in the town, Fridays usually found him at the bar, stumbling distance from his house.

Someone dropped into the stool next to him, and he heard Lexi order four shots.

He swung his head to look at her. She must have just gotten in from work, still dressed in black slacks and a blue blouse. She looked woefully out of place in a bar where jeans and a polo shirt were the height of dressing up. "Getting the first round, sis?"

She snorted. "Hah! Sure. Also rounds two through four. For myself." The glasses arrived, and she tossed them back one after the other, thunking the glasses on the bar top with authority.

"Damn. Trying to catch up?" He took a sip of his own drink. He couldn't blame her. The only bright spot in his week had been getting Lexi's car fixed up...and that had been last week.

She eyed him for a moment, then nodded. "Ya think? Fucking hell." She stabbed a finger at him. "And what round are you on, Mr. Judgmental?"

Kyle eyed his drink before replying, "Three."

She reached out and tapped the glass with a claw, at the level of the whiskey. "And what are those, doubles, eh?"

He grunted and took a drink instead. So what if they were?

"Uh huh." She waved down the bartender, John, then gestured at Kyle. "What's he got there?"

The dog looked mildly surprised. Kyle reflected that Lexi was prone to confusing people here; she just didn't think like a local. "Uh, Maker's."

She nodded. "Ok, I'll have one of those. A double, too. On the rocks."

She was blessedly quiet as she waited for her drink to arrive. Kyle let the rumble of voices in the bar and background blare of some half-country rock tune on the sounds system wash over him; Lexi, quiet, who know it could happen? He reflected on his temporary good fortune and took and other drink. The whiskey was starting to catch up to him, and he'd achieved a pleasant, slightly muddy state of mind.

Lexi's drink arrived, and she broke the silence by raising her glass. "To family."

Kyle touched his glass to hers. "To family. What this time?"

She took a sip and shook her head. "Jesus, is this the best this place has?"

He shrugged. "More or less. You get used to it. Or you drink beer, like most people"

She grumbled and took another sip. "I don't want to, damnit."

He tipped his glass to where her shot glasses had been. "Looks like you're adapting well enough. So what's Dad up to this time?"

She grumbled. "His usual crotchety old bastard shit, with a bonus dose of incontinence. House has a distinctive odor of coyote piss now." She growled, then took another sip. "It's like he thinks he owns the place, or something."

"Well, he does." And he liked to remind Kyle of that every time he visited. Kyle had no doubt he reminded Lexi of it at every opportunity, too, especially with her living upstairs and paying him rent.

She punched his shoulder. "Goddamnit, doesn't mean he's got to piss all over the place."

"Well, no, but I'm pretty sure that's not the plan."

She rolled her eyes. "I'm sure. But fuckin' shit, man, I gotta deal with this every fuckin' night after dealing with the assholes at work." Another drink. "So fuck, yeah, I guess I'll drown my sorrows, tonight."

She spun around on her stool and surveyed the rest of the bar. It was probably the largest bar in town, but that meant it wasn't against fire code to have a hundred people in it. Not that there ever was. "Jesus."

Kyle turned to join her. "Yeah, you see him somewhere?"

She shot him a glare, then returned her attention. "No. Just a bunch of old guys drinking up their pensions and a handful of 'working folk' drinking up their wages."

"Yeah, and what do you think we're doing," he asked.

"Hmph. No shit." She took another drink. "I'll never get laid in this hole."

Kyle grinned at her. "Oh, come on now, plenty of guys here would line up to take a pass at you."

She rolled her eyes and jabbed him in the ribs. "Fucking hell. And they'd have, what, five teeth among the lot of them?"

He shook his head. "Oh come on now. Eight, at least."

She simply growled.

Kyle shrugged. "Yeah, so I gotta admit, prospects in the 30-something range are pretty slim."

Lexi gestured with her glass. "Hey, at least you got Methin' Jenny over there."

Kyle looked over at the lab bitch in question, who was sitting on the other side of the room, chatting up a grey-furred fox. She might have had a decent frame, but she was entirely too thin, her coat had lost its luster, and she never seemed to manage to look clean.

He couldn't suppress a shudder and felt his hackles stand up at the thought. "Jesus. I should smack you for that. I'd probably come away with needle marks."

She eyed him speculatively. "Through fur? You getting mange, too?"

Kyle returned the look with a skeptical look of his own. "Have you looked close? Her coat's more than a little patchy."

"Yeah, no. She doesn't talk to me much, anyway," Lexi said.

"Yeah, from what I can tell, she only chases dick." He shrugged. "So, yeah, not a lot of options here, are there?"

Lexi shook her head and sipped her drink, instead of replying. She was silent for a moment, then shuddered on her stool. "Ugh. Fuck. Shots caught up to me." She looked at Kyle. "You, uh, your place is close, right?"

He shrugged. "Close enough. Didn't drive here."

Lexi smirked. "Planning to get shit-faced, eh? But not looking for pussy, so what are you doing here, anyway? You got booze at home, don't ya?"

Kyle spun around on his stool and hunched over the bar again. He eyed her from the side as she lounged against the bar. She wasn't wrong; booze at home would have been a lot cheaper. And a lot more tempting. "Yyyyeehh. Not really. Too easy to self-medicate. Pay-as-you-go here helps me moderate."

She shrugged. "Guess that makes sense."

He shrugged in response and tried to turn things back to her. "So what about you? You drove, but you didn't exactly start slow. What, looking to lower your standards until you found someone to go home with?"

She turned around and nudged him in the ribs again. "Yeah, well. How about you take me back to your place?"

Kyle rolled his eyes and splayed his ears to the sides. "Ugh. You gotta say it like that?"

She shrugged, but gave him an open-mouthed grin in response. She was always teasing him like that. "Just wanted to see how it felt to say here. Y'know, pretend or something?"

Kyle slammed back the last of his whiskey and set the glass heavily on the bar. "Sure, fine. Fuckit. Pay up. I'm ready."

She couldn't pass up a chance to waggle an eyebrow at him. "Oh, yeah, that's what I like to hear."

Lexi flagged down the bartender and passed him her card. A couple minutes later, she was scribbling on her receipt, which Kyle figured must have been one of the only ones in the place -- most folks paid cash there. They stood, and he pushed open the door that led to the parking lot, holding it for her.

She slipped out past him. Her shoulder brushed his chest, and she flicked her tail to sweep across his thighs. "Oh, such a gentleman," she said.

He simply rolled his eyes again, his ears briefly flicking back, and followed her out. He jerked his thumb. "My place is this way."

"Ok, but I need to get my bag from my car."

He grunted. Of course she did. "Right well, lead on, then."

She took off across the parking lot, and Kyle followed her, gravel crunching under their shoes. The night was clammy and rang with crickets or frogs or something. He was never entirely sure. Probably frogs looking to fuck. Midsummer here was always noisy.

She had somehow managed to park all the way in the back of the lot. There wasn't another car for at least a hundred feet. The gravel faded into a grass strip a few feet wide, and which ran to a half-overgrown chainlink fence that boxed the lot in. The lot was only lit by a couple of floods on the corner of the building, and their light didn't reach all the way to her car.

Kyle kicked at some gravel as Lexi bent over and rummaged around in her car. He could help but notice the way her pants were clinging to her rear and how she'd hiked her tail up over her rump, which only served to show off her assets.

As the display stretched on, he fidgeted, then grumbled. "Jesus, Lexi, you gotta show off like that? Who's it for, anyway?"

Her voice was muffled from inside the car. "For you, you ass. Who the fuck else?" She swayed her hips as though to emphasize her point.

The flirting was getting uncomfortable. Or more uncomfortable. Lexi always seemed to love pushing his buttons like this, but even for her, this was going pretty far. "And why me? I'm your brother, remember?"

Lexi let out a huff as she finally stood up and closed the door, clutching her bag to her front. Somehow, she'd managed to push it up under her breasts. "How could I forget? But fuck me sideways, you're the closest thing this shithole town has to a remotely eligible bachelor, too."

Kyle coughed into his fist. The booze swimming around his head was making her sound like she had a point. "Sure, fine. But uh..."

She dropped the bag next to the tire and pressed herself suddenly up against him. He tried to back away, but she kept herself pressed against his front, effectively walking him around the front of the car. He could barely see her outline, where they stood, deeper in the shadows, but he could see her ears were pinned back as she leaned in close. "Fine indeed. And I'm a fine bitch, aren't I? I caught you looking."

He let out his own huff of discomfort. Her breasts rubbed against his chest, and she'd curled her paws into his shirt, hanging onto him. "Uhh...I mean, yeah, I guess."

He became uncomfortably aware of just how erect he'd become when she planted her paw firmly over his crotch and groped him through his pants. She rubbed her muzzle along his and whispered in his ear. "Come on, Kyle. Neither of us is getting any better options here. And I can tell you want it." She squeezed his bulge for emphasis.

Lexi pressed her muzzle against his and her thrust tongue into his mouth. She tasted of bourbon and bad decisions. Her tongue danced with his, and he couldn't deny that he was responding, meeting the movements of that long tongue in his mouth. His cock pressed harder against his pants and into her paw, betraying him further.

She broke the kiss suddenly and paused to pant softly, rubbing breasts against him even more suggestively. "Don't think about it. Just fuck me. Right here."

His own ears pinned back as he did just the opposite and turned it over in his head. Booze and lust won out, and his paws found the pert curves of her ass, and he squeezed. She let out a moan and pushed back into his paws. Abandoning her grip on his crotch, she slid her paw into his pants, sliding through his fur and down under his boxers to grope him directly.

Kyle let out a groan and pushed his hips up into her grip. He was panting already. His willpower was slipping away by the breath, and shortly, he was stuffing his paws into Lexi's pants, pushing inside her panties to grip her furred ass directly. He bucked his hips, using the grip on her rear to pull her against him, pinning her paw and his erection against her hips.

"Oh, fuck, Lexi," he muttered.

She was panting, herself, and he could feel her tail wagging over her rear through the fabric of her slacks. "That's the idea."

Dry-humping was rapidly becoming unsatisfying, even with her paw stroking his sheath, and he managed to pull his paws out of her pants and push away from her to do something about it. She let out a whine, but it shifted into an appreciative murmur when he started to work the fly of her pants. It was backwards, but not like he expected, and it just didn't work. He growled his frustration.

Lexi pushed his paws away and undid the button in a quick motion. She smirked. "Women's clothes, man." She gestured at his crotch as she started to shimmy out of her pants. "Out with it. Don't back out on me now."

Kyle growled again and undid his belt and fly with no trouble at all. Women's clothes indeed. Lexi was busy pushing her slacks and panties off, and then she sat back on the hood of her car to push her shoes off and kick out of her clothes. She spread her thighs lewdly and grinned up at him, showing off her sex. His eyes had adjusted to the dark, and he could just barely make out the pink of her folds amid the sandy fur of her crotch. His nose told him she was plenty eager. And plenty drunk, too, but then, so was he.

He pushed his pants as far down his thighs as he could reach, and gave up. He slid his paws up his sister's thighs, running his fingers through her fur as he pushed his hips up against hers. His sheath pressed against her sex, and his length pushed up over the fur of her mound. Her fur brushed lightly along the point of it, and he shuddered against her.

Her paws slid up his arms in the dark and cupped his shoulders. Her muzzle found one of his ears, and she panted into the base of it, hot and damp. He shuddered again and bucked his hips against hers, and she moaned in response. "Oh, that's it, Kyle. Come on, put it in..."

Rational thought warred with lust and liquor for the barest moments, trying to stop him before he did anything more compromising, but the battle was short and one-sided. He reached down and grasped his cock by the base and pulled his hips back, guiding his tip over her mound until the canine point nestled between her folds. He pushed his hips forward and sank into her, hot, wet walls parting around his cock and enveloping his shaft. It felt far better than it had any right to.

Lexi moaned as he entered her, and he pushed his hips forward until they met hers. His head swam with the whiskey, and somewhere, way up above, a rational part of him gave one last gasp this was a bad idea, but he didn't care. He was a coyote consumed by baser impulses: here was a bitch that wanted him, and here he was giving her what she needed, and that's what mattered.

His cock pushed into place, he half-fell forward and planted his paws on the hood on either side of her. The hood was slick with condensation, and his paws slipped a little, even as he started to thrust his hips, rutting into the bitch under him. He didn't think about who she was, just that she was hot and wet and willing and clenching her walls around him just so, squeezing his shaft in a slippery, silken vise.

His tongue fell out of his muzzle, and Kyle panted as he fucked, his abs and legs working to drive his hips back and forth. Her paws slid up his arms and gripped at his scruff. She tipped her head back and arched up against him, her breasts pressing into his chest and her hips rising to meet his. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and then the night's slickness on the hood wasn't an issue for keeping her where she needed to be.

The Good Decisions Coyote must have finally fucked off for a drink, because Kyle was starting to enjoy himself. Maybe more of the whiskey had caught up to him, or maybe he was just losing himself in the act, but it didn't really matter. His hips thumped into Lexi's, and there was a lewd, wet noise with every movement.

He clamped his muzzle shut and grunted, trying to keep quiet as he pounded his sister on the hood of her car. For her part, Lexi had buried her muzzle in his throat and was swallowing yips and moans through a clenched muzzle of her own.

The whiskey had deadened his senses, and he became aware of just how long it was taking him to get off. That Lexi didn't seem to mind suggested she was experiencing whiskey-cunt as much as he was experiencing whiskey-dick. Kyle had never had a problem getting it up when drunk, but getting off got harder and harder the drunker he got, and at this point, he was pretty drunk.

Still, he plowed on, and eventually he found his knot swelling, catching at Lexi's entrance, spreading her sex around the bulb and pulling out with an especially lewd squelch. The suspicious noise grew louder as his knot grew, but it was silenced when it finally caught inside her, and she bore down around it, trapping his cock deep inside her.

Lexi pushed her muzzle hard into his throat ruff and choked back a series of yapping barks. Her paws had a death grip on Kyle's scruff, and her thighs crushed against his ribs, while her hips bucked hard and fast against his. Her reaction pushed him over his own peak, and he swallowed an initial howl, instead grunting into the hood of the car as he came inside his sister. His cock jerked within her grip, and he could feel each shot well up in his groin and then rush through his length to spill his seed inside her.

When the initial flush had passed, his muzzle fell open and he panted, tongue lolling out of his muzzle as he sucked in that warm, humid summer air. It didn't do much to cool him off. Climax had only managed to clear the haze of lust from his head -- he was still drunk as fuck, only now he was tied balls deep inside his sister.

Fuck. That word seemed to sum the whole situation up so well he uttered it aloud.

Lexi sagged back against the hood of her car and let her head hit it with a thunk. "Yeah."

Kyle tugged his hips and she let out half a yip before snapping her muzzle shut. She used her grip on his scruff to haul him down atop her. "Uff, too soon," she half-whined.

He grumbled in response and closed his eyes as he sagged atop her. They started to slide off the hood, and he had to adjust awkwardly, hampered by the way his pants had bunched around his ankles. He slid his paws up and hooked his fingers into the edge of the hood, just below the windshield, then hauled himself back up to his feet. Lexi's sex tugged at his knot with the movements, and they both groaned at the sensation.

She shuddered under him, then hissed at the sound of the door of the bar crashing open. She hauled him down, pulling them against the hood of the car, trying to be as small as possible. She hissed in his ear for quiet.

Kyle pressed himself down atop her, pinning his ears back and tucking his tail against his thigh, getting as flat as he could. Drunk as he was, he was still keenly aware of every breath and creak of the car's springs and the crunch of gravel under his boots. Lexi's muzzle was pressed alongside his head and she was practically breathing in his ear. It was hot and more far sensual than he wanted to admit, especially while trying to hide from whatever patrons were leaving the bar.

Fortunately, they didn't seem interested in paying much attention to the rest of the parking lot, nor coming this far back into it. Doors slammed, engines started up, and tires crunched over the parking lot gravel, and the closest they got to being spotted was when they were lit by the dim glow of backup lights.

Kyle let out the breath he'd been holding when the last of the cars had turned onto the road. "Fuck! That was close."

Lexi chuckled in his ear.

"What's so damned funny?" He followed it with a growl.

"If it was either of us with anyone else, we wouldn't be half so worried about getting caught!"

He hissed at her. "Well no shit! But it's not like I want to get caught fucking my sister!"

She blew out her breath and nipped his ear. "Yeah, well, I don't want to get caught with my brother's dick in me, either! But fucking hell, it's not like there's anyone better to be fucking in this town."

Kyle sighed, sagging atop her again. "Fuck."

"Yeah, you keep saying that," she said.

He rolled his hips, but she bore down around him, and there was only the slightest give.

She let out a quiet moan. "You keep doing that like it's going to make it go faster."

He muttered. "Yeah, well, faster would be good."

Lexi nipped him again. "It'll go faster if you relax," she growled. She paused. "Say, you said your place is walking distance, right?"

"Huh? Yeah. Like I said, I'm no good to drive most nights I'm here," he replied.

She snorted. "Yeah, well, I'm not going to be good for it for a few hours, and I want to clean up after this."

"Wash away the sin, huh?"

She rolled her eyes. "Something like that. Or maybe I just don't want to sleep it off in my car and wake up with a headache and crusty crotch fur."

"Ugh, yeah." Kyle rolled his hips, and, with a quiet grunt and some tugging, managed to pull out. His cock slid free with a lewd slurp, and he glanced down, at once fascinated and appalled with himself.

Lexi groaned and then slid down the hood as he stepped back. She settled gingerly to her bare feet and squatted in front of him to pick through the pile of her pants and panties and shoes. She glanced up at him, her muzzle dangerously-close to his sex-slicked cock. "Hey, you want to put that thing away? Or do you want me to suck it for you, first?" She slipped her tongue out and stole a lick, looking up at him with an evil grin.

Kyle jumped back and stuttered as he roughly pulled up his pants and stuffed his cock back inside them. "Ahh, fuck, not here, Jesus!"

The coyote bitch grinned and stood, shimmying her hips as she worked her panties and pants back on. "So, at your place then?"

He pinned his ears back and lashed his tail behind him. She was insufferable. He didn't have a good response, though, so he settled for, "Uhh..."

Lexi moved in and groped him as she whispered in his ear, "Sin boldly, brother."

Kyle coughed and turned away from her, pointing. "So, uh, this way. We should get going, before anyone sees us."

She slapped his ass. "Lead on, then."

He set off at a brisk pace, and Lexi paced him. The tension in his gut was matched by a tension in his groin that left him uncomfortably aware that she might have a point. One time or ten times or a hundred times, he wouldn't ever not be the guy who'd fucked his sister, so why not go for broke?

Shit, this town was fucking him up.