Blessing in Disguise Part 1

Story by RVasil on SoFurry

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#1 of Blessing in Disguise

Next chapter:

Cover for the story:

This story is dedicated to: Spell900

Feran, this one's for you. Happy birthday. I hope you like it. <3

Hey guys! It's been a while. Here it is! The project that I've been working on for a LONG, LONG TIME. I'll explain it more in detail in a journal I'll be posting alongside this, but suffice to say, this piece of literary fiction has been under development for over two years. Yeah, you read that right. TWO YEARS. I hope you guys like it, because I worked hard in writing it. There has been NUMEROUS re-writes and this is what it all boiled down to.

It's over 26k words and I had to cut it into parts so that the people reading this won't be overwhelmed by its sheer size. This is far more story based, relationship driven sort of plot than the ones I normally write and put out. I admit, this is the kind of story that I want to write, where there's plot in the background and focus more so on the character developments. =3

I hope you guys like it!

Please make sure to check the tags of the submission to see if the kinks/fetish present in the story are to your liking.

If you guys enjoyed the story, PLEASE, take the time to write feedback. It doesn't have to be long, just your thoughts on the story as a whole. Heck, favorite it! I'll appreciate everything you'll do. Share the stories to your friends. They'll probably like it too.

If you like this story and want to see more, drop me a watch. Stories trickle down as they come and it only gets better from here on out. If you have a story idea, why not leave it in the comments and I might just write something inspired by it.

If you feel inclined to, I also accept tips/donation now. You can drop any amount you would be willing to share at this link. Any amount is greatly appreciated. LINK:

That's all for now. Happy fapping folks =3

Follow me over at Twitter for daily updates. Link on my profile.

Disclaimer: This story should only be viewed by people of the ages of 18 and above due to its strong and heavy scenes that are M/M in nature. If you do meet the requirements and enjoy this sort of content, then by all means please, take off your pants, relax, and fap to your heart's content.

Blessing in Disguise Part 1 by RVasil

The air was cold as the sun began to rise atop the mountains. Its golden rays slowly began to paint the land as morning came to fruition. The morning mist slowly began to lift as the residents of the sleepy village awoke to another day in their lives. Dew dropped from the plants; animals moved about, eager to get something to eat for breakfast.

It was just another day for Wessbite.

The dragon moved about with purpose. His strong blue eyes scanned the area, looking for supplies. He had his trusty woodcutter's axe slung across his back, seemingly weighing nothing as he walked through the dense forest. He used his instincts to guide him, to lead him to his objective: fresh wood for his furnace back at home. He gently touched one of the trees with his hand. Most were still young and weren't strong enough to give him enough heat he would need for his job. No, he needed older trees. However the one he cupped wasn't one of them. With a thoughtful sigh, he continued on his way.

Every day was like this for the dragon. A typical routine he had fallen into; a groove that became all too familiar, and soon became nothing more than just white noise to the large beast. Not that he was complaining. True, Wess (as he would prefer to be addressed), truly was in a far better position than most. He had gone to sleep that night, hearing the loud clang of metal and the shouts and screams of soldiers in their skirmish. He had looked out from his window from his humble abode and realized that the fighting had drawn close to home. The fire and smoke told him that there would be more to come.

But that was then, and now was now. He had a job to do and he didn't want to know what would happen if he had failed to meet it. However, he wasn't worried about his little place being overrun by enemies of the Kingdom. He had heard earlier that morning from the fellow villagers that the skirmish was won.

He smirked as the thought crossed his head. Just another event made successful because of his expertise.

His smug expression then changed to that of annoyance. Because of said event, he now had an extra batch of orders to attend to, as the knights were impressed at the performance of his craftsmanship.

"I don't get paid enough for this," was all he could say out of spite. He hated what he did because it stood against everything he stood for. He wasn't one for petty violence; that and his job needed him elsewhere and not on the frontline. It was a job and it was what helped keep him alive up to this point and it kept food on the table, so he wasn't liable to complaining. Breaking out of his musings, he knelt down and began to pick up a thick bark that had fallen from a tree. He felt it in his hands and it immediately sensed that this was a good match. A smile crept up across his face as he began to etch a marker on the tree trunk.

He was going to cut that down later.

The dragon kept moving, walking down the path he had walked down numerous times before scanning for more possible trees he could use for firewood. There wasn't much, but he didn't need a lot. He just needed enough to let him get through the week, without having to constantly run out and get some more. He needed to be firing on all cylinders if he ever wanted to stand a chance in reaching the deadline he was given for the amount of work that was ahead of him. It would have been easier if there was someone helping him, but given the current circumstances, he didn't have anyone.

After marking his fourth tree, the sound of flowing water entered his ears. He was nearing the river that flowed through the land that served him and his fellow villagers for their daily needs. Any other day he would have went on his way and continued doing his job, but today he decided to take a detour. It had been a while since the last time he had seen the riverside, and he wanted a fresh drink anyways. So, using the sound, he went off the beaten path and made his way to the flowing water. It wasn't far, and it didn't take him long to break through the foliage and soon be greeted to the sight of fresh, sparkling water.

He took a deep breath, enjoying the smell of nature. But at that moment, his nose crinkled. He smelled something. It smelled familiar. Wess' eyes snapped into attention, wondering where it was coming from. He couldn't be mistaken. That scent! It was none other than...

He didn't need to look far as he saw where the smell was coming from.

And it didn't look good.

Inside a quaint bedroom, a large form stirred which then became a strained groan. There was a creak of furniture. The sound of metal banging rang in his ears, making him remember events that had already gone by. Screams and shouts; they all sounded so far away now and yet the memory came back right at him as if it had just happened. A throaty rasp was all he could muster as he slowly came to. He opened his eyes and light came rushing in. He thought he was going to go blind. But soon his vision cleared and he found himself staring up at the ceiling.

Vision returned and soon his sensations as well. The gentle and cool wind coming in from the window; the soft surface he laid upon. He felt it. He had forgotten the last time he had lied down on something so soft. It was like heaven to him. Pushing himself forward, he began to slowly sit up. But that was when his body reminded him that he was in no shape or form to be moving about. A sharp stabbing pain raced across his body. It felt like electricity from the way it moved and made him feel completely numb. A strong grunt and strained cry of pain escaped his lips as his vision blurred slightly from the sheer pain. One thought was clear in his head.

How was he still alive? He had bandages covering his entire chest, and there was a patch that looked soaked with red. It was soaked with his dried blood. Someone had taken the liberty of giving him first aid. But who?

As if to answer the question, the sound of metal banging stopped. It went quiet all of a sudden and he wondered if he had gone deaf. But he didn't need to wonder for long as the sound of heavy footsteps echoed. He tried to move but realized he was unable to do so. His body was still stiff from his injuries. Panic began to set in. Questions bubbled faster than he could even process them. What the hell was going on? With the amount of things that had happened, how was he even still breathing? That was when the door at the right side swung open and a large beast entered.

"Hello..." the dragon called out, poking his head in. A smile then greeted him as their eyes met. "Oh! You're finally awake." The dragon entered the room and he managed to get a good look at him. Standing up high, the dragon wore a simple shirt and worn out pants below what look like an apron of sorts that had pockets filled to the brim with tools. There was a small hammer, next to what looked like a knife and a big brush. There was even a...he didn't even know what to call the thing since it looked alien entirely. The dragon grabbed a stool from the side and placed it near him on the bed.

It was then at that moment that he realized he was in a room with a stranger he had never met before.

Wess smiled. "How are you feeling?" He decided to ask the question as a sort of ice breaker. Given how the large bovine looked, he didn't have to guess how sore he must feel all over. "Are you in pain?"

Their eyes met for a brief moment; cobalt blue and emerald green orbs stared at one another. There was a quiet silence before the large bull looked away and shook his head. For the first time, Wess heard his voice. "No."

The voice was quick, short, but enough to make a mark on the dragon. It was deep and rich, giving him a sense that it felt familiar, like he was talking to one of his own given from the bass alone. "That's good to hear. I'm glad to see you're still with the living."

The bull looked at him from the corner of his eyes. "Who are you?"

The dragon gave him a warm smile. "The name's Wessbite. You can call me Wess." The bull's brow rose at hearing the name. "And you are?"

Before his mind could even think about his reply, his mouth already answered for him. "Quartz, second in command of the first battalion for the Sol..."

"Solaris Empire."

The color on Quartz's face seemed to fade. "How did you know that...?"

"Well..." The dragon smiled cheekily. "I kind of deduced that from the armor you were wearing when I saw you..." He blinked. "Half dead--or, no, well, more like on the brink of death, back at the riverside."

"Y-you saved my life?"

The dragon answered almost nonchalantly. "I did."

That wasn't exactly the response the bull was expecting but it got the point across. "But...why...?"

"You think just because you're a Solaris Knight I'd let you die?" The dragon scoffed. "We're not all heartless killers that want the blood of our enemies that the higher ranking people would want you to believe, you know. And besides," Wess smirked, "if I had wanted to kill you, you'd be dead by now. It would have been very easy." He emphasized his point by smiling at Quartz, showing his pearly white teeth.

Quartz didn't look intimidated one bit, not that Wess was trying. His eyes however, narrowed, as he sized up Wess. "So...what do you want from me?"

The question caught the dragon off guard. "Hmm?"

"What do you want from me...Wess?"

It took a moment for Wess to answer. "I..." he trailed.

Sensing the dragon falter in his words, the bull continued, "You really didn't think this through didn't you? You do know what will happen to people who actively harbor an enemy, right?"

Wess' had a wry smile. "I do: death. But I also know that this war is stupid and maybe if I had a choice, I would have no part of it." The dragon cleared his throat. "Let me make it clear: you're not a prisoner of war, Quartz. I'm not keeping you here against your will. By all means, you're free to go now if you so wish." Wess motioned to the door which conveniently opened by a gentle gust of the wind.

"Then why are you helping me?"

"Honestly? I don't like to have someone's death on my conscience, knowing I could have done something," he answered. "Unless you want another brush with death, I suggest you stay put. You're welcome to stay in my home until you're back in full health." Wess saw Quartz's distrustful look, so he then added, "Don't worry. I'm good at keeping secrets. No one will know you're here. And that's a dragon's promise."

The bull looked wary. "What makes you think I won't do anything?"

"Because I looked at you and I can tell you're not stupid." The dragon then turned serious. "You can tell a lot about a man from the things he has with him and the state they are in. Your sword is very sharp, a strong contrast against the amount of wear and tear its sheath has; only solidifying more your position as second in command. You know what you're doing and good at it. That tells me you're not an idiot to deny this offer."

Quartz then chuckled. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were flattering me."

"I think it's more of a compliment."

The two stared at each other eye to eye. Neither broke eye contact, each seemingly trying to size up the other. Eventually, however, it was Quartz who broke the short silence. His expression relaxed and for the first time, he visibly eased up. "Alright, Wess; I'll take you up on your offer."

The dragon smiled and then nodded. "Glad to hear that." He stood up. "I made you breakfast. Give me a second to get it."

Wess left, leaving Quartz to momentarily contemplate what just happened. He just found shelter and was under the care of the dragon that was living at the country they were at war against. Everything in his head told him this was a bad idea. The dragon could literally slit his throat in his sleep! Then again...he remembered what Wess said. If he was serious in doing so, he would have done it sooner and not going through all the trouble of bandaging his wounds and nursing him to health. No matter what angle Quartz looked at it, the dragon did seem true to his words, but he didn't let the kindness distract him however. Years of training and natural born common sense told him that anyone can be a good actor and have hidden agendas. For now however, he resigned himself to just going with it and seeing where everything was going to lead.

The door swung open and in came the dragon carrying a tray filled with a meal, a glass of water and fresh fruits. "It's not much," he said, as he sat on the stool, "but I do hope it's enough for someone like you."

It wasn't, Quartz thought to himself. But seeing food again made him realize how hungry he really was; beggars couldn't be choosers. He tried to reach out to grab the apple but flinched almost immediately, feeling a sharp shock of pain race across his body and into his left arm.

"Gah..." he said, shutting his eyes from the pain.

"Don't move." Quartz felt the dragon's hands on his shoulders. He looked up to see Wess looking at him with serious eyes. "You'll only hurt yourself more. Let me do it for you."

Quartz looked away and sighed. "...fine." He prided himself in being a strong individual, but having to be treated like this hurt his ego.

"Here you go," Wess said, holding the apple up to him.

Quartz held it in his hand and it shook as his grip was rather feeble. However he managed to finally take a bite, sating his hunger. The bull almost whimpered from the sheer taste of the apple in his mouth. He had forgotten how food can taste so good.

"Want more?" Wess asked with a smile.

"Yes please."

It was an hour or so later when Quartz finished swallowing the final food on the tray when Wess handed him the glass of water. He gulped the water down before handing the glass back. "Thanks."

Wess smiled sincerely. "You're welcome." He then started cleaning up. "Alright, that's it for now. I'll have to change your bandages in maybe an hour so but before that, I suggest you get some more rest. You may think that you don't need it, but your body does. It'll help you recover faster, obviously."

"I understand," Quartz lied back down the bed, grimacing slightly as the pain was still there.

"I'll wake you up when I have to check your bandages. Just take a nap for now."

The bull nodded, taking a deep breath and resigning himself to his fate. He let his mind wander or so, to at least lull him to sleep to help pass the time. Quartz wasn't a stranger to being bedridden. He had been bedridden before but that only happened because of a sparring session gone wrong. This one was for the record books. Quartz felt the comforting embrace of the bed. The bull yawned, just realizing how tired he actually was; droopy eyes soon followed then before he knew it, he was fast asleep.

Quartz's ears rang.

The shouts of pains and the screams of agony filled his ears as all around him everything seem to be engulfed in flames. Houses didn't stand a chance as a raging inferno ate it alive. Black thick smoke billowed up high into the sky, the smell of fire irritating his nostrils. Destruction and chaos seemed everywhere he looked. It was a living nightmare. Then, a piercing scream came from behind him. He turned around, only to be paralyzed with horror. A bull, wielding a sword, had it held high and was aiming at the frail wolf who was pleading for his life on the ground.

"No! Please! No!" The canine begged, frantically backing away from the advancing murderer.

Quartz heart raced. The wolf was going to die if he didn't do anything. "No! Stop!"

"I have children! I beg you!" The wolf had tears streaming down his face as he pleaded for his life.

The sword wielding murderer however didn't respond but instead just attacked with nothing but pure malice and no mercy. Quartz watched as the wolf was stabbed violently into the chest.



The bull awoke with an abrupt start. His heart was racing and he was momentarily blinded by the sudden light in his eyes.

"Quartz, are you okay?" The voice asked again, and this time, Quartz recognized it. It was Wess. The dragon was looking down on him and had a worried look on his face. Wess' hand was on Quartz's shoulder, as if to steady the bull.

"I...I...Gah!" A sharp wincing pain shot from his back caused by his sudden erratic movements.

"Take it easy..." Wess placed a hand on his forehead. "You don't have a fever, but you're sweating bullets. Did you have a nightmare?"

The bull looked away, visibly shocked from the vision in his dreams. It was that dream again. It was always that dream that haunted him. "I...I did," he answered meekly. He let out a deep sigh, regaining his composure. He happened to glanced out at the window and saw that the sun's rays were flooding the room with a warm orange glow. Sunset was fast approaching.

"Well, it's just a dream, don't think too much about it," Wess said dismissively. "I heard shouting so I came up to check on you."

"I'm okay now, thanks."

Wess nodded. "Glad to hear that. In any case, it's time for me to check your bandages. Would you mind sitting up for me?"

Quartz nodded and the dragon helped the bull sit upright. Wess gently began undoing the dry red colored bandages off of Quartz's chest, revealing the healing skin underneath. A thoughtful hum escaped the dragon's mouth as he looked over the body of the bull. It came as no surprise that Quartz was packing in the physical department. Wess found himself staring at well formed abs on the bull's chest that would make any male proud.

"How is it?" Quartz asked.

Wess, however didn't respond, seemingly distracted by the way he stared. A faint blush formed across his cheek that was barely noticeable. The way Quartz's abs naturally moved with the bull's breathing almost lulled him into a trancelike state. His eyes moved upward, admiring the bull's pectorals that were seemingly chiseled from stone. There was a desire in his eyes to reach forward and touch them to see what they would feel like, but he didn't want to trespass any boundaries.

"Wess?" Quartz asked again, wondering if something was wrong.

"Oh, sorry," the dragon shook his head, focusing his thoughts. He managed to focus his attention enough to see the scar that had now formed where Quartz's wounds were the other day before. "Your body's healing well, but it's a long road to recovery. They've closed now, so don't do anything that might make them open. For now though, we have to keep your wounds clean. We have to get them washed. I have a tub downstairs that you can use. That way, you won't have to stand and stress your body as much. Do you think you can move?"

"I think so."

"Good, you can lean on me for support. Come on."

The house was definitely something Quartz wasn't expecting. Then again, he wasn't sure what to expect anymore. At first he had regarded the dragon to be foolish, being kind to him, doing all the things he had never expected him to do. But slowly he began to realize that Wess was no fool. He was dead set in helping him. The dragon was literally serving as support to him as they went down the stairs. Quartz leaned into Wess more than he thought he should. He was surprised at how weak he was. However, hospitality aside, Quartz didn't let the kind hearted façade lower his guard. If Wess was an incognito knight (as the thought had been bouncing in his head), he was doing a very good job at it. He still had his reservations but as he checked the house, they were slowly being quelled.

The house, for a better choice of words, was simple. It was quaint. It was small, smaller than he originally thought it was. It had this atmosphere of a well lived in home of a man that worked hard to get it that way. The landing of the stairs led him to the living room. There was wooden furniture, there was a bookcase, and there was even a fireplace. The fact that it was too ordinary unsettled him. He was expecting some sort of elaborate trap. His imagination ran amok, making him visualize assassins jumping out of any shadowy corner to slit his throat, yet none came.

They rounded a corner and entered through a doorway that led to what look like a workshop of sorts. The first thing Quartz noted was how hot it was. It was almost like he was standing next to a furnace. His eyes were drawn to the equipment at the center of the room that was undoubtedly the tools of a blacksmith. There was an anvil, a rack that held various tools used in blacksmithing, and there was even a large basin that had water in it which was used to soak the heated metals. Right near the wall was a forge, the source of the heat in the room.

"Welcome to my workshop," Wess said, noticing him looking around. "I'm a blacksmith by trade. I make weapons and armor."

True enough, at the far side of the room was another rack that had the weapons placed neatly and orderly. They were all in pristine condition. Weapons ranging from small daggers to large swords and even what looked like lances. An armor stand was also next to it, and that made Quartz' brow rise entirely. He recognized that armor as clear as day. That was undoubtedly the armor used by the Garson knights. "The tub is over here," Wess said, interrupting Quartz's thoughts. Quartz walked with Wess to another side of the room and sure enough, there was a large bathtub filled with water that had a cozy fire lit underneath it. It was placed close to the wall, with wooden shelves filled with an assortment of bottles built into it.

"Wait, what?"

"What is it?" Wess asked, letting Quartz support himself on the tub.

"This is where you bathe? You don't have a private room or something?" The bull was a bit dumbstruck. He was expecting some bathroom of sorts, something that would have at least given him some privacy.

"The only other place is the river," Wess answered flatly. "This is a small house, Quartz. This is the best I got. It's not like I'm going to look at you or something." He was going to do his best to not look anyways.

A part of Quartz wanted to question that statement but decided to let it slide. He just shook his head and sighed. "Fine."

"The bathing gel is over there." The dragon pointed to the vial of liquid on the neat little shelf next to the tub. "Just call me if you need anything."

"Thanks, Wess."

"You're welcome." Wess then turned around and walked over to his workshop at his corner of the room.

After double checking that the dragon had his back turned, he stripped off his pants. He hung it at the stand next to him and entered the tub. The water was warm and had a soothing effect on his body. He couldn't help but moan from the sensations.

"I take it you enjoy it then?" Wess asked, looking behind him.

Quartz instinctively sank a bit lower, as to give himself some privacy. Some of the water overflowed as he did so. "Yes, very."

"Glad to hear that. Try not to make too much of a mess, alright? In the meantime, I have to finish this one final batch..."

The bull watched with curiosity as the dragon placed on goggles over his eyes. He grabbed metal tongs hanging from the racks and used it to take one of the blades that were submerged in the water basin. He held it up and looked at it with a knowing gaze. "Okay...I suppose just one last work over should do the trick," he said to himself. He then sucked in air and with a controlled blast, breathed fire at the metal, engulfing it in red hot flames completely. Quartz had to cover his eye at the sudden brightness, and he immediately felt the temperature suddenly rise. This was the first time he ever saw a dragon smithy at work, and it was a sight to behold.

The fire died down, leaving the metal glowing white from the sheer heat. Wess then placed it on the metal anvil. The dragon grabbed one of the hammers in his apron and began hammering it into shape. Wess' shirt was drenched in sweat, making Quartz see the toned muscles of his back flex and roll with each motion of the heavy hammer back and forth, striking with precise accuracy. Each grunt and blow could be felt, as the metal was molded into shape.

Quartz had to avert his eyes and focus on himself for a change. He reached over and began washing himself. The sounds of hammer banging on metal and Wess' grunts could be heard in the background as he squeezed the gel in his hands and started lathering himself up. Before long, the bull was covered in soapy suds.

After one mighty blow, Wess lifted the glowing blade and dropped it into a bucket, releasing hot steam, making the air humid. The workshop looked like a sauna at this point. Seeing that the work was done for the day, he decided to remove his apron and realized just how sweaty he was. Nonchalantly, he took off his shirt to at least help him cool off, revealing his bare chest to the open air. The sound of water sloshing behind him, reminded him that Quartz was also in the room with him.

He grinned. "Do you need some help washing your back?"

The bull immediately froze, caught off guard by the statement. "Uh..." Well he couldn't reach his back no matter how hard he tried anyways. That and his arms hurt when he tried earlier. "...sure." He purposefully lowered himself a bit more on the tub to hide his lower half and give him what little privacy he could.

Wess discreetly walked over, doing his best to not stare at the bull sitting at the tub. Even though the water was dark, it was still clear enough for him to get a glimpse of the bull. What he saw of the upper half left little to the imagination. His arms were large and strong, brought about by years of experience. His eyes trailed down, his heart racing. But before Wess could even see, he had to stop himself. He didn't exactly want to get caught ogling his visitor. He discreetly shifted his gaze to look at the bull's face. But that was when he noticed that Quartz himself was looking at him. Or was it? He wasn't sure. The bull shifted his gaze before he could discern it completely.

Questions ran amok in his head. Was that a smile on the bull's lips? Was Quartz checking him out? Did Quartz see him looking at him? His mind was snapped out of its musings when the bull leaned forward, exposing his back to him. "Here..." he said almost quietly.

Wess dropped his thoughts for now and focused on the task at hand. The dragon's hands travelled behind the bull's back and began lathering it with the soap. He blushed, as his hands felt up the bull. The muscles on his back were firm and he could feel every inch of it completely. Wess's hand moved to the side and he could feel Quartz stiffen up, a knot of muscle straining. "You feel a bit stressed. Are you okay?"

The bull sighed. "I'm just...not used to being treated like this.

Wess' brow rose. He used this chance to make small talk and get to know his guest more. "What makes you say that?" He massaged another tense muscle on the bull's shoulder. "I'm sure you knights are used to this kind of service; by scantily clad and voluptuous females to boot!" he jokingly added. "Am I wrong?"

Quartz genuinely chuckled. " could say that." He relaxed even more, sighing and closing his eyes. "I will say though, you seem to do it better than the maidens I've had pleasure of being with."

"I'd like to think I'm good with my hands," Wess answered feeling his chest swell with pride. He grabbed the bathing gel and spread it in his hands. The cool liquid gave out a soothing effect that made Quartz feel relaxed completely. He unknowingly started to purr. The dragon heard it but decided not to draw attention to it. He found it rather cute and didn't want Quartz to stop doing it.



"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, go ahead."

"Do you have any family?"

The bull shook his head. "I have no more family. They're dead."

"I'm...sorry to hear that."

"It's okay. It's been a long time anyway. I've gotten over it. It made being a knight easier."

Wess' brow rose once more. "What makes you say that?"

Quartz turned to look back at him and Wess could see the lack of life in the bull's eyes. His voice almost sounded robotic. "You have nothing to lose."

"You don't even have," the dragon slightly paused, "you know, someone?"

"Romance?" Quartz chuckled lightly. "When you're in the field like me, you don't have that luxury anymore. Anytime, anywhere, you could die; it's simple as that really."

"Isn't that a bit morbid? Why the hell did you become a knight in the first place then?"

"I was a wee young lad. I wanted glory, fame and fortune. Truth be told, I had it, by the dozen. But once you reach a certain point in life..." Quartz's mind flashed back to that of his nightmare earlier. His mind replayed the images, and each one of them stung at him. He looked down at his hands. "You begin to wonder whether you're the hero or the monster."

Wess noted the ominous response. He got the feeling that the bull was harboring a much darker past than he realized. He wanted to prod more, but wasn't sure how the bull would take it. Instead, he decided not to pry, for now at least, realizing how heavy the topic was. His focus was shifted when his attention was called.

"How about you, Wess? What made you go into being a blacksmith?"

The dragon sighed. "It's neither the longest nor the most interesting story in the world. Do you really want to know?"

"I'm asking, aren't I?"

"Fair enough." The dragon splashed a bit of water on the bull's back before continuing. "It's more so the case of a family legacy. Dragons are known to be blacksmiths. I'm sure you've heard of this before."

Quartz nodded. True, dragons were sought after for this very reason. Their range of skills and the quality of their work was unprecedented and it shows in every work they do. The blades were far stronger, tougher and almost had a sort of lucky charm to them. In any given fight, a weapon made by a dragon would have more chances of succeeding just because of the fact that it was made by a dragon, or so knights' tales would say. Sure, that was a stupid notion, but there have been instances of it enough to make it almost true. "Yeah, I know. I also know that the weapons of those knights I've fought were made by you."

The dragon stopped in his actions and let out a wry smile that he knew the bull couldn't see but could feel. "I see you've noticed."

The air between them felt a bit tense for a brief moment, but Wess was quick to defuse it. "I was only doing my job," he said flatly. "I take no joy in making weapons of war."

Quartz was silent for a minute before replying, "As they were," and relaxing again. "Then why not get out of it then if you hate it so much?"

"It's the only thing I know how to do." Wessbite stopped for a bit and let out a sad sigh. "Trust me; there have been more than enough times where I just stop to think that I'm enabling these knights to kill innocent people. That is not something you want on your conscience. It's definitely something I don't want to have on anyone's at all. I know what the guilt is like. It eats you up inside and just...makes you feel rotten."

Quartz nodded, being able to empathize with the dragon.

"But it's a livelihood. Or so that's what I tell myself when the doubt kicks in again. A job is a job and this job keeps food on the table. It's what made me save your life."

"Thank you."

"Don't mention it."

They were silent for a minute or so before another question popped on Quartz's head.

"Got any family?"

Wessbite perked up, happy to hear the change in subject. "I have a few. They're still up north. My dad was the one who passed on the tradition and taught me everything I know."

"He must be a good man then to have a son like you."

Wess smiled. "He...has his moments. My dad and I, we...we never really saw each other eye to eye in...a lot of things."

Quartz noted the shift in tone. "Really?"

"Yeah, but in the things we did, we understood each other, such as blacksmithing. He taught the secrets of how to properly smelt metal to properly hammering it to the shape I want. Overall, he was a good teacher but...he wasn't the best of dads."

"I'm sure he meant well."

"He did. Well in any case, that's that." Wess then stood up and took a pail of water. "Ready to wash up?"

"Lay it on me."

The dragon poured the water on the bull's body, washing away the soapy suds that had accumulated over the course of the bath. Wess had to admit, the water trailing down the bull's back began let his mind wander again. His eyes were glued to the male's back, letting all that muscle and fitness just sink into him entirely. He couldn't believe he was just touching it a few minutes back.

Quartz shook a little. "That's a bit cold," he said. "Would you mind getting me a towel?"

"Uh, sure!" Wess replied, snapping to attention. "Let me just get on that."

The dragon exited the room, leaving Quartz to sit quietly by himself. He let out a contented sigh, surprised at how he was acting. Sure, he had his reservations about the dragon, but the treatment he was getting was definitely changing his opinion of him. The dragon truly was true to his words. Quartz smiled to himself. It felt like he was having a pleasant chat with a friend.


Maybe that was too early for now. He glanced around the room and the smile turned into a frown. It was a bit hard for him to call someone a friend when that person was the one who created the weapons that practically killed his comrades in battle. On the other hand though, the dragon was the main reason he was alive. Quartz felt like his moral compass was lost and he didn't know what to believe in anymore.

That was when the dragon appeared at the corner of the room holding a towel for him. "Here you go," Wess said, handing him the towel. Wess turned around to give him the privacy he needed. "Be careful, okay, you're still recovering."

"I know. Thank you."

Quartz took the towel and stood up. The water dripped down his entire body and he began to towel himself off. His legs were shaky, as he was still weak. He underestimated himself, and just as he was drying his head off, he felt his knees buckle slightly. "Whoa!" He tipped to the side, and he fell towards the floor. But before that could even happen, a pair of hands caught him.

"Oh! You okay?" Wess said, looking at him worriedly.

Quartz noticed the slight blush that was prominent against the dragon's cheeks. "Uh...thanks."

"Y-you're welcome," Wess replied, smiling meekly at him. The dragon helped him up to his feet, letting him get his balance back.

Quartz knelt down and picked up the towel that fell to the floor. "Sorry about that," he said. That was when he noticed a bulge forming on the other male's crotch. Before he could say anything however, Wessbite turned his back on him, to give him some privacy.

The bull just smiled to himself as he wrapped the towel around his waist.

"Don't tell me you're going to fall again," Wess chimed in, sheepishly looking behind him.

"I'm okay now. Thank you, Wess. I would have had a very intimate introduction with the floor if you didn't catch me."

"Don't mention it." The dragon turned around and slung the bull's right arm around his shoulder. "Come on, let's get you upstairs."

Thankfully, the trip upstairs was fairly uneventful. Before long, Quartz found himself seated at the foot of the bed, with Wess rummaging through his closet. The dragon was looking for some spare clothing that would fit the bull.

"You're not a big person, I'm sure I can find you something."

Quartz smiled. "If you can't find anything, it's okay."

The dragon dug deeper through his closet. "No, that's not okay." He took out a white shirt that looked a size too small. "You'll get a cold--no this size won't fit." He comically tossed it to the side and started looking for more. "I know I have a size for you..."

"Don't fuss over this too much, Wess. I'm fairly comfortable the way I am now."

Wess stopped in his actions to look at the bull at the bed. "You are?"

The bull nodded. "I am. I'm used to sleeping naked."

Wess blinked, letting the statement sink into his mind. "Oh, you are?"

"Yeah. I'm used to walking around naked in my own tent when the day was over. It's more natural for me. Plus, it's less clothing for me to wash, so more practical too."

Wess was very thankful for the fact that the room was dimly lit with a candle at the side and moonlight spilling through the open window or else Quartz would have noticed him blushing very furiously at the thought of him walking around naked in the house. He managed to fumble a reply. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"You were absorbed in your notion to clothe me. I didn't want to intrude in your generosity."

Wess closed the closet and held out a black tunic and pants, "I suppose you won't need this then?"

The bull slowly stood up and took them from him. "I will, tomorrow." Quartz then smirked at him, "Unless you want me walking around naked."

Wess just chuckled at the light hearted joke, his response answering for him. "Have a goodnight, Quartz. If you need anything, just call me."

"I will, thank you, Wess."

The dragon smiled and started heading towards the door.

"Wait, Wess?"

"Hmm?" Wessbite turned to face the bull that was looking at him seriously.

Again, he repeated himself, "Thank you."

"For what?"

"For doing all of this for me," Quartz's said sincerely. "I know you're taking a very big risk in nursing someone like me. We both do. But I just really want to thank you for really keeping your word."

Wess shook his head. "You don't have to thank me, Quartz. It's okay." He smiled at him. "Now get some sleep. You may think you don't need it, but your body does."

"I will." He looked at the dragon that was at the door, "Goodnight, Wess."

"Goodnight, Quartz."

The door closed and the bull was left to his own thoughts once again. Quartz let the towel drop on the floor. He let everything hang freely, just the way he liked it. He sighed and unceremoniously collapsed on the bed, welcoming its comforting embrace. Wess was right; he was more tired than he thought. He felt sleep slowly wash over him. Thoughts of what happened that day played past his head and the last thought was of the dragon.

Friend? He thought to himself. Maybe that wasn't such a bad idea after all.

A smile crept across Quartz's face as he slept that night.

The dragon slept like a hatchling that night. Wessbite was snoring peacefully in his room, tossing and turning every now and then, his body underneath the covers, wrapped in a warm blanket. It was then when a creaking sound was what awoke the sleeping dragon from his slumber. He groaned, rolling over to the side and idly scratching his face. Was he hearing things or did he just hear the door open? Wess' vision was blurry and he struggled to make sense of the blobs of shape in front of him as his eyes frantically tried to build a clear image. He blinked, slowly making the images form to the shape of a person standing at the door, illuminated by the moonlight spilling in from the windows.

"Who's...there?" he called out sleepily.

"It's me..."

The dragon blinked again, his body finally catching up to him. His ears told him one thing. "Quartz...?" He sat up, rubbing his eyes to clear the dirt away. He slung his feet over the side of the bed and look forward. "What is it? Are you okay?"

A faint smile could be seen, barely visible through the darkness. "I'm okay, Wess, thank you for taking care of me."

Wess chuckled lightly. "You don't have to thank me, Quartz, and you don't have to thank me in the middle of the night too, you know," he said half irritated at the prospect of the bull having to wake him up for just a simple thank you that could have waited in the morning.

"I know...but...I couldn't sleep."

"Were you having nightmares again?" By now, Wess was fully awake and was looking at the bull that oddly enough preferred to stay in the shadows, his body completely cloaked in the darkness for some weird reason. Yet, Wess didn't find this odd in the slightest.

"No, I wasn't. That wasn't the reason why I couldn't sleep."

"What was then?"

Quartz looked at him seriously. "I couldn't stop thinking about you."

The statement startled the dragon completely that made him snap into attention. "W-what did you just say?"

As if on cue, the bull stepped into the light. A quiet gasp escaped from the dragon's lips. Wess was utterly transfixed at what he saw. Quartz was walking towards him slowly, and he could see him in all of his glory. His full, naked, hot body, on complete display with nothing blocking his view. If Wess wasn't awake yet, he was definitely awake now. The dragon stood up and immediately turned averted his gaze away, his face a deep crimson red.

"I said, I couldn't stop thinking about you," Quartz repeated.

"I, uh, that's's great...?" Wess replied, caught off guard. What on earth was Quartz doing? "What did you mean exactly? Maybe we should have this discussion later in the morning...maybe with your clothes on."

That was when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Quartz was standing right in front of him. At the corner of his eye, he could see Quartz's cock. He was trying his best not to ogle the bull's member.

"Wess," the bull's voice came in a very calm and serene manner. Wess was anything but calm. His heart was racing frantically as the person he was obviously attracted to was standing right in front of him. The hand on his shoulder moved and he felt his chin get cupped by Quart'z hand. "Look at me," he said, making him turn to face him.

The bull was standing right next to him, looking him in the eye. "Tell me, Wess, do you like me?" The question was almost a whisper to the dragon. The only thing he could hear was the sound of his heart beating erratically inside his chest. Was that even a question at this point?

The dragon closed his eyes and answered, "I do..." Wess' voice was near quiet. He was seemingly scared at admitting the fact. It was as if he had said it any more loudly something bad would have happened.

A smile formed on Quartz's lips. "Don't be scared," he told him, "I like you too."

Wess looked at Quartz and the two locked eyes at that moment.

The dragon didn't even realize the space between was shortening. The dragon didn't even realize that Quartz was leaning in to kiss him.

Wess closed his eyes and eagerly kissed Quartz back. In a blink of an eye, the two were in each other's arms, throwing caution to the wind and letting passion and lust guide them where it may lead. Wess felt Quartz gently push him towards the bed. The dragon fell backwards, the bull standing in front of him ominously, his cock already standing into attention and leaking precum. The liquid was glistening in the moonlight, dripping onto Wess' thighs.

Quartz lay on top of him, and the two continued their heated kiss between each other late into the night, lust slowly overcoming both of them...

It was late into the morning when Wess woke up. The large dragon groaned as he rolled to his side, trying to cover his eyes from the sunlight that was landing on his face. Tried as he might however, his mind was slowly waking up from its slumber, preventing him from dozing off and catching some more sleep. His eyes opened and he smacked his lips, trying to make his brain catch up to what he was seeing.

That dream, he thought to himself, it felt so vivid. It felt so real...

Then, his body finally caught up to him and he let out a throaty groan, feeling his balls empty themselves. It was then he only realized he had woken up with a throbbing boner which became a very, very strong ejaculation. He felt his eyes water a bit just from the sheer power behind it. He arched his back a little, having the energy flow through him, the bed creaking under his weight. He never had such a strong orgasm before.

Hell, this was the first time he had a wet dream.

The dragon huffed, trying to catch his breath. "What...what was that...?" He took off the blanket covering him and immediately noticed the wet spot on his shorts, and it was very damp. He curiously lifted the sides and saw the obvious signs of strong a orgasm, and his cock still throbbing proudly, ready for more action.

"Wow..." he uttered in disbelief. He laid back down the bed, a big grin on his face as he basked in the afterglow. ""

He took a minute or two, to gather his thoughts as they began to really sink into him. He actually had that dream. He dreamt that he and Quartz had sex that night. To say that he didn't like it would be a lie. If anything, he wanted it. The dragon blushed deep red, realizing that his body was far more honest than he was to himself. Then again, he couldn't exactly act on his desires, seeing as he was unsure if Quartz would respond to them, let alone the fact if Quartz would even consider having a partner like him. The dragon huffed a defeated sigh. For now, he resigned himself to just having to nurse the bull and kept his growing attraction to him hidden. He didn't want to make things weird. Besides, he shouldn't even be feeling this way, he told himself. It was obvious that the bull wasn't keen on staying with him, and clearly once he was back to full health he would be on his way and would leave him behind.

Just another person to add to the list of people that walked out of his life.

Wess shook his head. The sun was shining brightly and today was a good day, and here he was thinking of sad thoughts. "Well, daylight's burning," he told himself as he sat up. The dragon's full form greeted the morning sun as he stretched. His bones let out that distinct pop as he released some tension. Wess stood up, the blanket falling back down the bed. The sound of his stomach growling made it obvious what he needed. But he needed a change of underwear first, he realized, as the fresh cum had soaked his shorts. He groaned as he knelt down and took off his underwear. He then proceeded to use it to wipe the cum stains away before throwing it back to the bed like a used rag. His cock was now completely flaccid and flopped lazily, pointing down. Wess contemplated for a quick bit before walking out the door. Surely Quartz must still be asleep, he thought to himself, he could get a quick bite before putting on some clothes.

He passed by Quartz's room and saw that it was closed, confirming his thoughts. His mind briefly flashed to his dreams last night eliciting an amused grin on his face. That was truly an arousing dream, and if it was up to him, he wanted it to be a reality; a slight throb to his flaccid cock seconded the motion. Shaking his head to push the thoughts away, he walked down the stairs and began heading to the kitchen. That was when a peculiar smell entered his nostril. It made his mouth water. It smelled good. It smelled like...cooked food.

"Oh, good morning!" he heard someone greet him.

It was as if time slowed down for him.

Quartz was turning around wearing nothing but a tight form fitting underwear that looked like it was a size too small for him, leaving nothing to the imagination. The bull's body was highlighted perfectly, just seemingly at the right angle for the light entering from the window to make his Adonis features visible. Chiseled abs, broad shoulders, strong arms and an imposing, confident figure; each and every nook and cranny was visible to the poor dragon's senses, overwhelming him completely. He held a plate in his hands with freshly cooked food, which was the source of the mouthwatering smell.

A smile was plastered on the bull's face which turned into a look of surprise as he came to look upon Wessbite's naked form. His mouth turned into a shape of an 'o'.

Heading downstairs naked, as it dawned on Wess at that split second, was truly a bad idea.