Werewolves in the Park

Story by Pyrex on SoFurry

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For my next trick, a typical werewolf story. Well, not quite that typical, as one of them gets a big bigger than expected. And not quite in time for Halloween, but whatever. Who doesn't want a big fat wolf boy?

Enjoy, and as always, all comments and criticisms welcome!

I ran headlong down the alley, heedless of the fact I could barely see what was infront of me. It didn't matter, nothing mattered but getting away from the thing that had attacked me. What the hell was that thing? It was all I could think, along with the utmost hope that whatever it was wasn't trying to run me down. I couldn't hear anything but my thumping heart, rapid steps and panicked, laboured breaths. I just ran.

Eventually I reached the end of the alley, spilling out onto Main St. There were street lights here, and the presence of the light calmed me just enough to stop running and look behind me. Nothing. No giant silhouette, no growling noise, no bared fangs glinting in the moonlight. Just darkness and silence. I stood there, looking back, trying to get my breathing under control so I didn't look like a maniac to the rest of the city, even though there wasn't really anyone out this late at night.

Maybe I just imagined it? I was pretty drunk at the party tonight, although I certainly didn't feel drunk anymore. I couldn't keep standing there staring down a dark alley, so I willed myself to move, taking a shaking step in the vague direction of home. I had made it maybe a dozen steps when I felt something wet on my hand. I brought it up to examine in the light of the street lamps to see what it was; blood. My blood.

I froze, checking my arm to see where the blood was coming from. There, just above my elbow but below the sleeve of my t-shirt were 3 bloody grooves. I hadn't even noticed the cuts during my terrified flight. Only now that I'd seen the wound did it start to sting. I tried to look closer but being on the back of my arm, and in dim street lighting, I couldn't see particularly well. From what I could see it looked like a scratch from some sort of animal.

A lump rose in my throat as I felt myself start to panic again. Oh man, oh fuck, was my mental mantra as I trudged down the street, holding my wounded arm to apply pressure. It really was starting to hurt, but the bleeding didn't seem that bad so I didn't think I'd need to go to a hospital. Just get home, wash it, apply some polysporin and bandage it well. I'll be fine, everything is going to be fine, I thought as I kept walking down the deserted streets, trying my best to push away the nagging feeling that I was being watched. Nerves, just nerves.

After a few minutes I'd made it to Franklin Avenue, just in sight of the big park that was between me and my apartment building. I felt incredibly relieved to see the big, dense trees, practically a forest in the middle of the city, barring the playground and swing set at the North end. I'd always cut through the park to get home, and even though the tree-covered portion wasn't lit by any street lights it somehow felt safer to be near nature than anywhere else. It was a bizarre notion to have, but given how shaken up I was I didn't give it much thought.

Each step closer to the park put me more at ease. By the time I'd reached the edge of tree line I felt practically at peace, but curiously my arm seemed to hurt more and more. Best to head to my apartment as fast as possible to get cleaned up, I thought. I made my way forward, stepping around roots of old trees as I went. This park was old, and well cared for by the city, so the tree cover was dense enough to give the impression of a forest without being overgrown or difficult to traverse. It was beautiful during the day, although I couldn't see much at all at night with little in the way of moonlight making through the foliage.

About halfway through the park was a grassy clearing where plenty of people would have picnics throughout the year. Just as I exited the tree line the clouds seemed to open up, letting the light of the moon bathe the glade in an eery glow. My unease grew as I walked through the grass, and then suddenly the pain my arm went from a dull throb to a shooting spasm. I cried out, dropping to my knees as I clutched my arm, the wound feeling as though it were on fire. Then the fire seemed to flow outward, bathing my body in heat until I was sweating profusely, drenching my shirt in what seemed like seconds. I was suddenly so hot I had to take it off, but I was struggling to lift it from my torso.

I spent minutes contorting myself, trying to get out of my shirt before finally giving up and looking down at myself. Something was wrong. My shirt was incredibly tight on me, explaining why I was having such difficulty, but not only that I could see definition through my drenched shirt. I'd always been in pretty good shape, possessing a tight runner's build, but now I had deep cobblestones adorning my abdomen, a 6 pack any body-builder would be proud of. Slowly I reached down to feel the deep crevices of my abdominals, and as I did I could see my arms had grown as well, biceps much larger than I'd ever had in my life. I followed the definition of my arms to my shoulders, then chest, and I realized I was suddenly positively jacked. What's going on?

Then the heat returned, stronger than before, but instead of drenching my clothes in more sweat I felt an all encompassing lurch as I grew taller, followed by the sound of fabric creaking, then tearing as the body it covered grew larger than it was never designed to contain. First my shirt tore up the back, neatly splitting in half, and I tore the shredded remains off my torso. Not only was I gaining the body of a professional wrestler but I could see hair was sprouting all over my formerly bare chest and stomach. Before I could examine myself more closely I heard my pants begin to tear as my quads burst through the jeans, followed by my enormous calves. My glutes followed as they grew too, the massive slabs of muscle bursting outward as the fabric reached the breaking point. I could tell I was not only stronger but much taller too as my pants ended well above my ankles now.

Another wave of heat, but this time there was no pain or discomfort, and I let it wash over me. I even felt a little thrill as I felt my body grow and expand again, my jeans now in tatters everywhere below the waist. Then the warmth centred on my groin, and I let out a deep moan as something inside felt like it was unreeling, then a buildup of pressure, then a sudden relief as the zipper of my jeans burst. I could barely see beyond the shelf of my pecs but the size of my new bulge was clearly visible, still covered in cloth by underwear stretched dangerously thin. I brought my hand down to my groin only to discover one hand wasn't large enough to encompass my junk. I could tell was already longer flaccid than I'd ever been hard, and I was more than a little turned on at the discovery.

The warmth returned, this time centred around my middle where again I felt a similar lurch I'd felt as I grew taller, but it wasn't height I was gaining. The deep cracks of my abs filled in, becoming soft in seconds, then rising outward, the inflating flesh becoming round and full before folding over the straining belt clasp. My belt had been remarkably durable throughout all of this, but as my belly surged forward it finally died with a loud snap, the belt buckle flying off into the moonlit night. In moments the rest of my garments tore as well, leaving me naked and clutching appallingly at my sagging ball-gut.

I was suddenly at a loss. While unexpected, I wasn't really opposed to the previous changes (maybe even a little turned on at them), but this? I'd never been fat in my life! I shook my new jiggling anatomy in dismay, then felt the warmth again. This time as I felt it wash over me I could see my overly muscular definition fade as I gained more fat all over, going from bodybuilder to off-season power lifter in seconds. At the same time an itching sensation followed as I saw the hair covering my chest and stomach spread further to coat my entire torso, climbing up my shoulders and falling down my back. My face followed as my 5 o'clock shadow became three day stubble, then an unkempt beard. My pubes, armpits, arms and legs all kept getting furrier until I was completely coated from head to toe.

The warmth faded, allowing me a moment to take stock. I was huge, easily over 6 feet and a weight I couldn't even begin to guess. Everything felt so slow, heavy and ponderous, every inch of me covered in thick, dense hair. I started to freak out when the heat returned, now centered on my balls. I couldn't see but I could feel them inflating in their hairy sack, stretching the scrotum and pushing further and further away as their was no room to grow between my massive thighs. As they grew my libido seemed to grow with them, as suddenly I was incredibly horny. My cock twitched and pulsed, growing hard in the cool night air, but there was something else, something that confused me utterly; an itch, deep inside, a growing desire for... something, but I didn't know what.

Lust overcame panic as I reached down below the equator of my gut to tug at my hardening dick, already as thick as a beercan and slick with pre. My other hand explored my new balls, having to reach much further as, in addition to my colossal belly blocking the direct path, they'd descended halfway to my knees as they grew to the size of lemons. My hand didn't stop there, as it explored my incredibly hairy taint, seemingly of it's own volition. I'd never touched myself this way and it felt incredible, almost as sensitive as my cock which had now hardened to the point where I could see the plum-sized head just beyond the crest of my stomach.

An idea struck me; I dabbed my finger on the head of my cock, soaking it in pre, then reached behind the fur-covered boulders of my ass to feel my taint from behind. It felt so good to touch, to have something back there, but when my finger accidentally touched my hole it felt like an electric jolt had coursed through me. I stopped, then did it again, the shock of novelty dulled to the point where I could experience the intense pleasure that touching my hole now brought. I lost all interest in the massive cock bobbing in front of me, and brought both hands to my ass, one hand to part a titanic cheek, the other to probe and press on my hole. The feeling was incredible, but it didn't quite reach a deep down yearning for more.

A growl in the wood, sounding just like the growl I'd heard before I was attacked. I spun towards it, and out from the darkness stepped a familiar dark form, but now lit by the moonlight I could make out what the hulking creature was. Almost 7 feet tall, hugely muscled, covered in dark grey fur, a pointed muzzle, claws and fangs; I'd seen more than enough fantasy movies to know it was unmistakably a werewolf. Correction; he was a werewolf, as I could see a massive pair of nuts dangling below what seemed to be a no less massive sheath. As he walked casually into the meadow my eyes never left the pendulum motion of those balls, and despite my terror I wondered how much they could produce.

"I see you're already far along then," the beast chuckled, a smirk exposing razor sharp teeth.

It suddenly dawned on me. "You! You did this!"

The smirk never left, and he held up his paws in mock surrender. "Guilty as charged."

"What's happening to me? Make it stop!"

"Now now, there's no need to shout. I couldn't make it stop even if I wanted to," rumbled the wolf, and his voice made me feel weak, helpless. He started pacing around me, circling me, like a predator sizing up it's meal. "As for what's happening to you, I thought that would be obvious by now. You're becoming like me."

"Like you?!" I shouted, angry at the comparison. I turned to face him, then hefted my gut in both hands and shook it at him. "Look at me! I'm a fatass! You're built like a brick shit-house! How am I becoming like you?!" The beast chuckled, but continued to circle me, again making me feel small and defensive.

"Well, maybe not exactly like me," the wolf admitted. "You see, there are two types of werewolves: there are alpha wolves and beta wolves. Alphas, like myself, are apex predators, powerful, fast and commanding. Beta wolves are certainly strong, but are built more for, shall we say, 'comfort'." That last said with a claw casually pointing at my bulging middle, and my cheeks reddened.

"But-but why? I don't get it, why am I a beta?" I stammered, utterly confused by his explanation.

"Who can say? Luck? Personal inclination? It is simply the natural order of things. You'd do best to embrace it."

"But why are betas fat?" The wolf had fully circled me, and now turned to face me full on. Somehow he'd gotten closer without me knowing, almost within arm's reach. His grin was utterly predatory, and I could see in the corner of my eye the tip of a bright red cock poking out of his sheath.

"There's a very good reason for that. You can already feel it, can't you? That need? That yearning to have a true alpha take you and make you whole?"

Suddenly it all made sense, that need, the weird deep down feeling that something was missing, the incredibly intense pleasure from before. I needed him, I needed that cock inside me, as deep as it could go and then deeper still.

"What are you talking about? I'm not gay," but my rebuke sounded pathetic, especially since my stare never left his groin.

He laughed in my face, the sound almost like a bark. "That will hardly matter once the change completes. And besides, I can smell your desire, and judging by your erection, I think you can smell mine as well."

He was right. I was painfully hard, even able to see my purple head twitching beyond by gut, foreskin fully retracted and dripping pre-cum like a leaky faucet. The beast stepped closer and I realized I could smell him, a faint musk like wet dog, but somehow so much more alluring. The deep down itch was becoming an unquenchable fire, but still I fought to hold on to my failing hetero-normity. Then he reached out and engulfed my porn star sized equipment in an even larger paw, and I nearly collapsed at the sensation.

"Wha-what-", I could barely speak, barely think, frozen in his grasp.

"Pheromones. Hush now. Soon the moon will be back out, and then you will be mine."

I looked up, and sure enough the full moon was behind some passing clouds, but the wind was pushing them away quickly. As soon as the first beam of moonlight struck me, the heat returned, hotter than ever, bathing my entire body in an eldritch fire. My hair grew longer, denser, making the strangest rustling noise until my metaphorical pelt became an actual one. My fingernails elongated and thickened, turning black before sharpening into claws. Ears grew longer and pointed, and along it the heat was the strangest crawling sensation as they traveled higher atop my skull. Worst of all was the muzzle, as before my very eyes my nose grew longer and darker in colour, my jaw stretching, teeth growing longer and pointed along with new teeth appearing behind my molars. All while this was happening I could hear more and more, smell with greater clarity as my sensory organs metamorphosed into a wolf's.

"You'll enjoy this next part," my captor growled huskily, as the heat subsided and then focused on my groin. I could feel my cock expanding, growing against the wolf's rough paws, forcing his fingers further and further apart. Soon I could see the head peeking past his paw, but it was different, no longer the purple mushroom cap I remembered. Instead it was bright red and tapered to a point, with the urethra lower down on the glans. It grew further and further past the paw of the wolf, until I realized my foreskin was not following along with it. Sensing my sudden trepidation the wolf removed his paw, revealing a fur covered sheath covering the base of my tool.

"And now the big finale," the wolf said stepping back, and the way he said 'big' left me with a sinking feeling. Moments later that feeling was confirmed as the warmth again radiated throughout my body, followed by a powerful lurch as my ball gut seemed to explode from my midsection, rapidly enlarging so I could feel the sagging underbelly pressing downward on my sheath. The warmth continued and the rest of my body followed suit, arms and legs ballooning with fat, completely obscuring whatever definition I had left before swelling out even further. My chest, once impressive pecs, now were weighty moobs, the nipples still showing through the fur like the snow covered peaks of mountains. Then those peaks grew so heavy they too sagged over a belly grown so massive I couldn't see anything below the lower half of my body.

No part of me was spared the relentless tide of lard. My ass had swollen up to be an enormous counterweight to my prodigious front, each cheek as wide and round as a beach ball and growing wider still. I couldn't see my legs but I could feel the thighs expanding, growing together, again forcing my heavy balls further away, the scrotum stretching to absurd lengths to ensure the freedom of my testicles. I could feel the warmth working along my lower body, enlarging and strengthening simultaneously, giving me the power to move my colossal form.

Finally the warmth began to fade as the changes completed. I was left standing in the moonlight the fattest werewolf I'd ever seen. I was appalled at my obesity, but for some reason I was still hard as a rock beneath the horizon of my belly. I pawed at my gelatinous middle, watching it sink and fold when my I felt my moobs be enveloped by enormous claws, and a hardness fill the deep chasm of my ass. I hadn't even noticed my assailant get behind me, I was so distracted by the changes.

"Mmm, look at you now, so soft and yielding," he growled in my ear, his voice causing my aching cock to leak uncontrollably. His hands drifted down from my chest, tracing the curvature of my sides down to massive love handles, further to the swell and arch of my belly before dropping even further to run a single digit down the length of my tool, before grasping it firmly with one hand while roughly grabbing my gut in the other. I could do nothing but whine a very dog-like sound, helpless under his ministrations.

The werewolf's presence, and especially the heat of his hardon in the cleft of my ass, was impossible to ignore. His smell was everywhere, my entire world, and all it made me want was more of it, more of him. I pressed back into him, feeling his hardness against my softness, and it felt... good. Right. Like this was the way it was supposed to be.

"I think you're ready," he said with a chuckle, and I only whined louder in reply. Then, without warning, he kicked my right knee out, dropping me to the ground. As I got up on to all fours, my hanging belly still resting on the ground, I could feel him pounce on me from behind, growling and biting the thick flesh of my neck and shoulder, growling a terrifying growl but doing nothing to discourage my arousal. His hardon was poking into the fat of my rump, but within moments he aligned his tip to my hole. I gasped, the feeling even more electric than before, and when he pressed his pointed tip inside it was like a current went from my hole to both my spine and dick at once. I arched back, howling as he drove inch after inch inside, my ass giving way like water before the prow of a great vessel. The sensation was exquisite until it abruptly stopped when I felt something pressing against my hole, but I didn't feel his pelvis on my rump. Confused, I pushed back, needing more, needing all of him inside, but it was like something was in the way.

I whined my frustration and continued to push back into him rhythmically, harder and harder each time. My progenitor growled lustilly, and on my next push he slammed himself forward, the impact sending ripples throughout my body, but still I felt that obstruction. I whined louder, a bitch in heat, and he began to thrust into me on my rhythm, each time I'd bear down as hard as I could. His constant battering loosed me further, and with a near audible pop I felt as though a softball and wedged itself inside, but then I felt his hips finally impact my ass and I let out another howl as intense pleasure wracked my body. This was what I needed, this fullness, this fulfilment, the itch I'd been feeling deep inside finally satisfied.

As the wave of pleasure from having his full length buried inside me faded, I realized I was close to cumming without ever having touched myself. A good thing, as I wasn't even sure I could reach myself underneath my sagging gut. It didn't matter though, as the thing plugging my butt was preventing the wolf from removing himself, although this didn't stop him from humping at a near frantic pace. The sensation of his cock deep inside, the ball filling my hole, and his entire mass vibrating every inch of my body was becoming too much. I whined, then lowed, then howled a third time as I could feel my orgasm crash over me, my cock spewing it's load on my belly with audible splats, and running down to pool on the ground between my knees.

The wolf on top and behind me kept humping away as I dumped my load, but the brief moments of ecstasy turned out to not be so brief. With each tug and press on my hole my orgasm continued, longer and longer, my howl of ravishment turning into an almost pained staccato bark with each thrust into me. I could feel myself still squirting cum onto my belly, the pool of my jizz spreading to my belly resting on the dirt. I lost all sense of time, sense of self, my entire world was delirious euphoria that seemed without end.

At some point the werewolf howled and emptied his seed into my bowels, but I couldn't say when. Soon after that pleasure faded and I collapsed onto my stomach, exhausted, and soon after fell into a deep sleep.

I awoke the following morning, still outside my apartment in the park. It was disorienting, and I sat up, checking my surroundings but I could tell I was in a secluded glen in the bushes, and nobody could see. It was dawn still, so nobody was out yet anyhow.

Then what happened the night before all came rushing back as I realized it wasn't a bizarre dream. Oh god, am I still a wolf?! I raised my arms and saw pink hands instead of paws, and a wave of relief washed over me. It didn't last long, as I noticed my arms were somewhat hairier than before, and... bigger. Thicker. I followed the ham-like limb up my broader shoulder, then protruding chest, and finally down at the huge gut folded onto my lap. I was still huge. Not as big as last night, but easily a XXL, maybe even a XXXL, and whereas before I was nearly completely smooth, now I had a coating of dark hair on my chest, belly, arms, legs, almost everywhere I could see. I even scratched a beard coating my double chin and lamented the fact I didn't seem to have a neck anymore.

Grumbling, I tried to heave myself up when I noticed something on the ground next to me. It was a pile of clothes, with a small note lying on top. I picked up the note, which read, "see you next full moon." I crumpled it up and threw it away, then picked up the clothes. XXXL. Getting dressed was a bit more of a struggle than I was used to, as even a XXXL seemed awfully tight on me. Still, it was better than trying to run home nude.

As I lumbered back to my apartment, also getting used to the sensation of having so much mass, I noticed a familiar feeling, a need, and decided maybe I'd make a small detour to the porn shop to pick up a dildo first.

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