Sirius: Book One - The Beginning: Chapter 7: The Encounter

Story by WhiteArcticFox on SoFurry

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#7 of Sirius: Book one - The Beginning

Hey everyone, I'm sorry about the stupidity with the story posting. I was tired when I put them all up, last night. Anyway, here's another Chapter. I'm warning you now, the chapters won't be coming out like this all the time, but I'm also warning you that this is only book one of four in this story series. I intend on 14 chapters in this book, but it may be more or fewer, depending on how quickly I develop plot and put things in motion. Hopefully aswell you were all pleased with the 'yiff' in the last chapter. I think I worked that in pretty well, don't you?

A/N: Please please please, if a Moderator is reading this, check to make sure that Chapter 3 is approved. I'd really appreciate it.

Warning: This story contains Sexual content, flirting, romantic involvement, and plot development between two males. If this offends you in any way, please do not read this. If you are under the age of majority, then please do not read this. If you're still reading this part, then you either don't care, or are of legal age and this kind of story turns you on.

Thank you for your time, and please enjoy the story.


Chapter 7: The Encounter.

It had been a week since 'the wet dream' and Axis and Jasyn had slept together every night. They still hadn't had any actual sex, but they were beginning to fit in among the crew. Axis had been promoted to lieutenant the night before, and needless to say that Lynn and Azuma were none too pleased.

Axis was waking up, as always, before Jasyn, and he nuzzled into the warm chest of the wolf. 'Will I do it today...' he thought quietly, 'am I really ready to give that away?'.

Jasyn woke up a few minutes later to Axis deep in thought. He smiled and ran a paw through the fox's head fur lovingly, whispering, "You're awfully quiet, Kit, something bothering you?"

Axis didn't reply, he was too deep in thought. 'I want to, but... I don't know if I can...' he told himself, 'Enough of this, I'm going to ask him today, no more running!'

"Axis!" shouted Jasyn, rousing the fox from his thoughts.

The clock on the wall read 15:07, and as Axis turned to look up at Jasyn the door chimed.

"Heh, better get the door Jayse," teased Axis, as he rolled off of the older wolf.

Jasyn grumbled and slid out of the bed, pulling on a pair of uniform slacks. "You've not heard the end of this, Fox!" he shouted, teasingly, as he walked over to the door. He pressed the intercom button and coughed tiredly. "Jasyn here!"

"Hey Jay! Open up!" came Lynn's voice. Jasyn blinked at the intercom and turned around in the dimly lit room to look at Axis.

"Should I let her in, Kit?" he asked, smiling, for what little it could be seen in the dark.

Fortunately Axis had superb night-vision, and he smiled back, "Well, we could always scare her, here, just let me get out of bed and..." teased Axis with a smirk.

"Naw, I'll just tell her I'm busy."

The door chimed again, making Jasyn jump, "Hold on, I'm getting a pair of pants on."

"Okay, but hurry, I don't know how safe I am out here..." Lynn actually sounded scared.

Jasyn raised an eyebrow and said to Axis, "Put some pants on, Kit..."

Axis scrambled to grab a pair of pants, slipped them on, and said, "Kay," as Jasyn opened the door.

"Thank you Jasyn! Azzy's been acting weird..." started Lynn.

"You mean Azuma?" said Axis, sitting on the bed.

"Yes! He's been throw- wait, Jasyn... why were you naked with him in here?" said Lynn, getting suspicious.

"Uhh..." started Jasyn, blushing a bit.

"He wasn't, we were talking, and you chimed. He wanted to know if it was okay for you to come in, you chimed again so he had to think fast."

Jasyn coughed quietly and nodded, "Uh, yeah."

Lynn raised her eyebrow. Despite her hatefulness, she wasn't unattractive. Her long fur tufted out of the uniform in all the right places, making her look, to Jasyn, to be almost worth a shot, but he was committed. "What's wrong with Azuma Lynn? What's he been doing?"

"He's been throwing fits, yelling at people randomly. I-I'm worried about him Jasyn..." she sobbed.

Now Jasyn was torn. He wanted to help Lynn because she'd been giving Axis a bit of a chance lately. She wasn't too pleased that Jasyn thought more of the fox than he did of her, but she accepted it as a 'guy thing' and chose not to challenge it. But he also hated Azuma's guts. Ever since he'd pinned the spotted Sirian to the corridor wall outside of the bridge, he had gotten more aggressive towards Axis. A few nights back he'd sent Axis another letter, this time electronically, through the ship's systems, that pretty much screamed 'murder'.

"I'll look go talk to him. Kit, I think it might be a good idea for you to head to the Galley. If you're lucky Eric or Marie will let you help them out," Jasyn suggested, as he started to slip on his turtleneck sweater. Because his snout didn't extend too far from his face, he had little trouble, but it was still tricky.

Axis put his turtleneck on too and nodded, "Yeah, if I'm lucky."

Lynn looked up at Jasyn with a hopeful smile, tears still rimming her eyes, as she said tearfully, "Thanks Jasyn... I'll come along just in case..."

"Alright... let's go see what rubbed his fur the wrong way," half-grumbled Jasyn, sighing.

Axis padded off to the galley, on deck 3. Their quarters were on deck nine, and there were eleven on the ship, with the top two mainly devoted to the Nav and Battle bridges.

Jasyn and Lynn walked out of the room and Jasyn called down the hall, "Don't forget, we're meeting for a game of Vector tonight!"

Axis turned and nodded, and then rounded the corner towards the lifts.

"All right Lynn, where is he now?" asked Jasyn, turning to the collie.

"He's either at the Gym or in his quarters. He mentioned something about being hungry though," said Lynn, still looking worried.

Jasyn shook his head and started to jog, "C'mon, let's see if we can find him before he finds us."


Axis stepped into the lift and smiled, the small oblong chamber colourful as always. He said aloud, "Galley deck" and the lift started to move. It was a smooth ride, very little inertia, and as the lift came to a stop, Axis' thought, 'I hope they find him before he finds me... that could get a bit ugly.'

The doors opened and he walked out of the lift, yawning a bit. 'I'm definitely going to tell him tonight... he'll be happy,' he thought, and just then something behind him made a thump.

He quickly whirled around to see a large, spotted Sirian growling at him, one fist against the wall.

"You little bitch!" shouted the Dalmatian, "You're going to pay for what you've done!"

Axis started to back away slowly, whimpering slightly. The mess hall was just a few meters away; if he made a dash for it he could probably make it. Too late, Azuma lunged at him and Axis had to sidestep, but he got clotheslined anyway. He fell to the ground with a thud, winded.

"That's right, slut. I warned you to back off, you asked for this!" growled the larger, stronger male. Axis squirmed as strong paws clutched around his waist, and Azuma grinned evilly.

"N-no!" Axis screamed, and as though something had tore him off, Azuma flew back against the lift doors, nearly ten metres away. Axis immediately jumped up and ran into the galley. He nearly ran past the kitchen, but Eric walked out and they collided.

A few bowls of scalding soup flew forward and scattered harmlessly onto a couple tables, a fork shot forward and got someone in the arm, they yelled in pain. Axis had run into a knife, and it was sticking out of his stomach, the fur and the uniform starting to be stained red.


He lay, unconscious, in the infirmary. Jasyn had come into the galley a few minutes later to find Axis lying on the ground, a group of people standing by. He had brought the fox to the ship's physician, and the doctor was puzzled.

"I can't do anything unless I knew more about Sirian medicine," started the woman, sighing slightly. "The most I can do is close the wound and hope he heals..."

Jasyn looked at her angrily and shook a bit, "I know a bit... I might be able to help..."

The doctor nodded and sighed a bit, "Well, we'd better get started."

Axis' wound was still bleeding, and the knife was still there. It had only been a couple of minutes but it felt like an eternity to Jasyn. "Alright, are you familiar with these tools?" asked the doctor.

"Some of them look familiar, but I'm not entirely sure..." started Jasyn.

Axis moaned in pain, and coughed a bit. "Dammit! We need to sterilize the wound!" shouted the doctor, "Use this, pass it over the cut slowly, but pull the knife out."

Jasyn did as instructed, grabbing the instrument and flicking it on. He passed the beam of energy across the wound after pulling out the knife. The doctor grabbed another tool and shook her head, "Okay, vital organs near the wound are?"

Jasyn listed them off, "Stomach, kidneys, intestinal tract, reproductive system, cysic-"

"Cysic?" asked the doctor.

"It's like a second heart, but it only helps circulation, it doesn't control it."

"Ahh... Well I'll need a scan later," finished the woman, before she passed this new tool over the wound. The cut seemed to grow shallower, she passed it over again and it almost looked like it wasn't even there, except for the blood.

"He should be fine, if your species are as resilient as ours... I hope anyway..."

Axis coughed again, his eyes slowly blinking open. He looked tired, scared, and in a lot of pain.

"Axis?" asked Jasyn, moving to look his Kit in the eye.

Axis smiled defiantly and looked up at Jasyn. "D-damn... this throws a-" he coughed, "-throws a wrench into my p-plans," he said

Jasyn looked at him with a blank stare, and then chuckled a bit, "Dammit! You scared me there for a minute!"

The doctor sighed in relief and shook her head, "I'm going to need a complete physical from all of you... I should have gotten one when you got on board, but I've been busy getting everything set up."

Jasyn looked up and nodded, "Yeah, that'd be a good idea..."

Axis chuckled weakly and slowly sat up. He looked down across his bare chest to his wound, sighing slightly. "That's better than it could have been..." he said, "I suppose."

Jasyn and the doctor looked at him with a confused stare. "Better, how so?" asked Jasyn.

Axis sighed and looked at the woman, "I don't think we've been introduced yet..."

The doctor looked stunned, normally from a wound like that the patient would be in bed for at least a day. She shook herself out of it and looked up at Axis, stammering a bit from behind her thin glasses, "Oh, hmm? Oh! My name is Beth, Uh... Elizabeth Tavok"

Axis coughed again and smiled warmly, he seemed normal already, "Axis Levi," replied the young Fox.

Jasyn blinked a bit at how fast Axis had recovered and shook his head, "Uhh... Jasyn, Jasyn Emitt..." he looked at the clock, "and I need to go! My shift started five minutes ago!"

Axis smiled and held Jasyn's paw briefly, "Go ahead Jayse; I'll be okay."

Jasyn smiled, hugged Axis, to the embitterment of Dr. Tavok, and jogged out of the room, oh his way to the bridge.

The doors closed with a quiet hiss, and Beth turned to her charge and sighed, "I need to make a report. What were you running from Lieutenant?"

Axis bit his lip and turned to look at her, looking scared. "You promise you won't tell Jasyn, or anyone?"

She nodded and said, "Of course, I'm not allowed to anyway. Doctor-Patient confidentiality states that, unless the patient says so, or is unable to say so; any details about their case will remain between the doctor and the patient. In extreme circumstances when the patient is mentally unstable, the doctor may take it upon themselves to bring the case to the acting captain of the craft and the patient's immediate family."

Axis blinked, taking that in, and then said under his breath, "I think I like it here." He sighed and started to tell the doctor about his encounter with Azuma in the corridor.

The doctor looked shocked and entered this into her Data-pad, "You should tell one of the Captains about this. Your safety is at risk..."

"No! I can't tell anyone about it, or he'll come after me again..." pleaded Axis, "I thought I could trust you..."

The doctor sighed and shook her head, "Alright... I'll keep this private. But if you end up in here again after running into somebody, then I'm going to bring this to the captains' eyes."

Axis sighed in relief and nodded, "Alright... Thank you Doctor..."

She smiled and then said, "Well... since you're already here, may as well get your physical over with.

Axis gulped, "What's involved?"

She smiled and said, "Don't worry, it's nothing painful. A few questions, a bio-scan, a quick survey so I can enter you into the crew's medical records, and you'll be on your way."

Axis gulped, but nodded and allowed the doctor to perform the physical.


Walking out of the sickbay, Axis sighed softly and started to head off to his shift. The time was 18:30; he was late. 'No matter,' he thought, 'I've got the doctor's permission.'

As he walked he kept looking over his shoulder, wondering where the big Sirian might jump out at him. He was so distracted that he nearly ran into someone else, hurrying through the ship to some gods-forsaken place.

When he actually got to Engineering, one of the technicians walked up to him and held out her hand. "Hello there, Sir!" she said with a smile.

Axis looked her over, and returned the handshake, blinking a bit. "Uhh... Hi?" he said, not having seen her at all yet.

The girl had to have been in her mid teens, 'So young' Axis thought, as he looked her over. She wore the rank of Lieutenant, and her dark hair was cut shoulder length, and was slightly wavy. She blushed a bit and then said, "My name is Shelby, Shelby Phillips, I was transferred here from the day shift this morning."

Axis nodded and yawned a bit, tired from his excursion. "Well met, Axis Levi at your service. Anything interesting happen while I was gone?"

A console beeped, and Axis walked over to take a look. "Slipstream field fluctuations. We must be nearing a star, excuse me," he said, and then pulled out his Data-Disc and pressed a button, "Get me the Captain please."

He waited a few moments for the computer to page the Captain, who pulled out his own Data-Disc and spoke into it, "Varu here."

"Levi here, Sir. I'm picking up field fluctuations. Is everything alright up there?"

"Yeah, everything's fine, just a nearby star. The ship can handle it, don't worry."

The line closed, and Axis sighed. "Still so used to back home," the teenaged fox said melancholically. He was still a bit upset over the destruction of the Falchion, and the loss of his parents and brother.

"Well, things will be good again once we reach your planet. They've gotta have some good news, right?" chimed Phillips, smiling from behind her thin glasses.

"Yeah, I guess that's true..."


Jasyn did a quick roll and shot a pulse at the little glowing orb, growling happily, "C'mon, Kit! I know you're a better shot than this."

Axis shot a few off at the orb, as it shot around the room. He growled a bit and tossed the pistol to the ground, grumbling.

Jasyn blinked once and walked over, putting an arm around his Kit. "Axis? What's wrong?" he asked, "You're never like this."

Axis looked up and grumbled again. "I don't feel like playing this game anymore," he said, looking back down.

Jasyn raised an eyebrow and moved around to hug his fox from behind, asking pleadingly, "Kit, what's wrong? Please tell me, I want to help."

Axis shook Jasyn off and sighed, "No Jasyn... You can't help. No one can help, okay... I just, need some space for awhile..."

Jasyn looked puzzled, and threw his paws up in the air, before slipping the pistol back where it belonged and heading towards the door. He said, with a bit of a sigh, as he stepped through the door, "Alright, I'll give you some space," and with that he disappeared from sight.

Axis looked to the door, knowing he'd hurt Jasyn. He shook his head once and let a single tear fall, before wiping it off and grabbing the pistol. The little orb was still flitting around the room, like it was programmed to do. Axis pointed the pistol and fired three shots at it, striking it perfectly every time, before he snapped his furred fingers and slipped the pistol in it's slot near the door. The little ball retreated into it's 'garage' and Axis left the room feeling sad for himself.

As he walked through the corridors, to his own quarters, he caught sight of the Lieutenant from Engineering. He walked up to her and smiled a bit, waving in greeting. "Hello again," he said, hoping to take his mind off of his problems.

She smiled when she saw him and nodded, "Hey! Axis right? How're you doing, you look a little put out."

The fox was amazed by the astute observation of the young lady, and he nodded. "Yeah, just got in a fight with Jasyn, erm, a friend of mine from the Falchion," he said, sighing a bit.

"Oh? What about, if you don't mind me asking?" she asked as they walked towards the lifts.

"Oh, nothing. He was just having a bit of trouble, and I tried to help, don't worry about it," replied Axis with a smile, "How are you though?"

She smiled and did a little skip. "I'm good! I met that Dalmatian today; he's really nice to me. I think his name was, Azure... something like that," she said cheerily.

"Azuma... he's a jerk to me," said Axis coldly.

Shelby looked up an him and nodded, "Oh... well these are my quarters. Gotta go. See you Axis!" she smiled, and stepped through a doorway. Axis kept walking, the clock on the wall read 8:30, and as he turned into his quarters, he caught sight of another note.

It read:

I warned you, you little seed-whore. Tomorrow you'll see what foxes are really worth, I promise that.

Axis sighed and walked through his door, into his room. He collapsed immediately onto the bed and curled up, still wearing his uniform. "I'll have to tell Jasyn some other time," he said to himself, before he kicked off his uncomfortable boots and fell asleep.


Axis vision was cloudy, his arms felt like lead. He felt like he was drowning, and a million daggers were sticking into him from all sides. He tried to cry out, but his words were silent.

From somewhere in the distance he could hear Azuma's muffled laughter, and suddenly everything went black.


The fox shot up out of bed, blinking a few times, as he told himself, "A dream... it was only a dream!"

He panted a bit, looking around his room blindly. The clock read 11:26, and Axis groaned quietly. "Gods, three hours of sleep," he grumbled to himself. He felt around his bed and then sighed, thinking, 'Jasyn's not here... and with rightful reason. If I keep seeing him like I am I'll be putting him and myself in danger.'

He groaned at the thought and hugged his knees to his chest. "I need to tell somebody," he said to himself, "this has gone on long enough..."

Outside in the hallway, Jasyn was sitting, back against the fox's door. He hadn't gotten any sleep, and he felt like keeping a watchful eye over his Kit. He'd been sitting there for well over an hour, and he was bored out of his mind, but he didn't care. He thumped his head against the door and was startled by how loud the sound that was created was. It wasn't deafeningly loud, but it was loud enough to be heard in the room, at least. "Shit..." he said, quietly.

Axis heard the thump and trembled, "M-maybe it was just my imagination..." he told himself. The two stayed like that until around 16:00 hours, when they both started to get ready for their days. Axis left his quarters at around 16:40 hours, and Jasyn wasn't far behind at 16:55, but they didn't see eachother leave.

At the end of the day, both of them went to the Galley, alone mind you, and Jasyn walked in to see Axis sitting by himself at a table in the corner, eating a baked potato with bacon and cheese.

He walked over to him, silently, and said in an apologetic tone, "A-Axis?"

The younger Sirian wheeled around and looked at him, at first almost scornfully, 'how dare someone interrupt my thoughts.' When he saw whom it was though, his look changed to one of fear and sadness. "Oh... H-hi Jasyn..." he said timidly.

Jasyn's ears fell to the sides and he looked at the sad fox with a frown, "Axis? What's wrong? You slept alone last night, but you didn't even come in to wake me up..."

Axis looked a bit more pathetic and sighed softly, saying, "Can we please not talk about this right now, Jasyn...?"

Jasyn nodded and put a paw to Axis' shoulder, frowning a bit as he replied, "Alright... but seeing you like this hurts..."

Axis' mind ran, and he sighed. 'I'm going to tell Jasyn... I have to trust him...' he thought, and then said, "There is one thing..."

Jasyn blinked and pulled a chair from an unoccupied table, sitting near to his fox, "What is it, let me help you, Kit..."

Axis frowned and said, "Well... it's Azuma..."


Hmm... That Azzy is one shifty character, eh? I mean, we havent seen him since the incident, and he wasn't reprimanded. I wonder what's going on there...

What could Axis have been thinking about, "I'll tell him tonight"? You'll have to wait and see what he wanted to say!

-snickers evilly- if you don't comment, then I'll stop writing this story and make you suffer with the knowledge that you caused the death of a story that made it to 7 chapters.

I've already got a few plans for Chapters 8, 9, and 10. Things are going to change drastically.

Also, there is a Cameo appearance of one of my friends in this Chapter. She asked to be included, and well... yeah, she was. You've got two guesses, and the first two don't count!

Thank you for your time, and I'm working extra-hard to keep this story running!