Asked the same questions

Story by Yaxnonth on SoFurry

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#13 of I'm Real (scales & wings)

hey readers here's chapter 12 hope you like it

warning you now there is m/m in this story so if you don't like that you don't have to read it


Chapter 12

Asked the same questions

I feel like I've been in this body before, even with the size difference I can still control myself

"Why did you do this" I asked

"It was the only way, if you weren't allowed to leave the lab we had to make sure you could protect yourself and your brother" Ace said

"But what if I am allowed out... what will Tye think?" I was a bit concerned, what if he was scared of me?

"Tye has seen you like this, we made you look as close to your original design as possible" Carlos said

Well that's one problem solved... sort of

"What about Zero?" I asked

"We're still deciding whether or not to do this to him also" Ace explained "we don't know how he will react"

Worry about him reacting what about me?...

"I'd say ask him... after he sees me let him decide if he wants to be this way" I suggested

"Then we have to wait for him to wake up" Carlos said before walking out of the room

I was still examining my now larger body when I felt Ace's hand on my shoulder

"I'm sorry Dachii, I just wanted to make sure you would be safe"

"I'm ok ... you were only doing your job... as a father"

He hugged me and I lightly hugged back as not to hurt him

"I should have let you make that decision ... I'm a terrible father" he said quietly, I could feel tears hitting my scales

I patted his back

"You did the right thing; I think you know what's best for me right now..." I said trying to calm him down, even if I still didn't fully believe what I said

He pulled himself together after a few moments and stepped away "let's go show Zero... he needs to see this"

Before we left Ace pulled a large box from beneath the table

"Here put this on" he pulled a massive version of my old clothing out of the box

I'm surprised they had this in my size, I slipped it on and it fit perfectly they must have known how big I would grow

We left the lab and headed for Ace's room where Zero was still sleeping in

"let me go in first to talk to him ok, I'm not sure what he'll say if he sees you now" Ace told me

I nodded

We reached the door and I sat down next to it waiting for Ace to call me in

Ace pulled the door open and just like before frost blew out of the room

Ace shivered slightly before entering, I heard Zero yawn and begin to talk to Ace


"Zero, I need to talk to you"

"Huh?" you could tell he was still drowsy

"Zero we had to do something to your brother"

"What?! What happened to Dachii?" he actually sounded worried about me

"Calm down Zero just listen, he may not look like himself, but he's still your brother"

"Just tell me what happened"

"Dachii" Ace called out to me

I stood up and walked into the door way

Zero immediately fell back and slammed against the wall screaming, the look of fear in his eyes

I couldn't bear to see anymore of it, so I ran out of that room

My own brother feared me

He couldn't even recognize me

I wouldn't be surprised if he hated me

I was a monster to him; no longer would he care about me

He would only remain in fear... something that I feared

I found a corner at the end of the hall; I sat there curled up and began to cry

... Brother... do you hate me

I don't want you to fear me

I thought I had you to relate to, someone just like me, but I guess things change

I then felt a small pain in my head; I had to guess Jay was near by


I guess he still recognized me

"Dachii is that you?" he asked

I looked up at him "y-yes" I was still crying

"I knew I felt something... are you alright?" he didn't get much closer, he must be afraid of me to

"No... my brother is scared of me" I sniffled trying to stop myself from crying

He started to get closer "is there anything I can do to help?"

"Maybe... do you think you could get something for me?"

"What is it?" he asked, I signaled him to get closer so I could whisper into his ear the object that I wanted

"I think I could find one of those for you, but do you even know how to use it?"

"I'm pretty sure I know"

"Alright then I'll find you when I get it, just stay out of trouble" he waved and walked away

He must know what I'm planning, at least one person was going to try and help me

I put my head down again just to calm myself down

Zero... I don't want you to turn out like me ... at least not until your ready

"Dachii" I heard Ace's voice, I looked up to see Ace standing there and Zero hiding behind his leg

"Dachii are you alright? You shouldn't have run away like that" he said

"Zero shouldn't have to see me if I scare him" I said almost beginning to cry again

Ace pulled Zero in front of me

"Zero this really is your brother, this is Dachii" he tried to explain to Zero

Zero was shaking I could tell he still feared me

"If your scared of me Zero, you don't have to be here... go back to the room ... I won't bother you" I sank my head back down

I heard his footsteps heading away, he really must hate me then but I heard something

"Just... give me a little time" I heard in a quiet voice

I heard Ace's footsteps following Zero's

Give him a little time? How long will that be?

He doesn't even know how much time I have left

All I can say is that it's short ...

All of the people I know ... I don't think they understand me...

My brother fears me...

My father persists on making his life harder

My creator's father is hardly around when you need him

My friend, I've never seen

And my love ... is dead

But what about me?

I can never make anything better... all of their problems are caused by me in some way

Would they go away if I never existed ... or stopped existing?

That would get me nowhere...

I wish I could go back to the way things used to be

Just me and Tye in that house... but it's too late for that

I began to cry again, I felt so confused

My body felt drained, sorrow never felt good

I closed my eyes fully, feeling tears still dripping down my face

I enclosed my body in my wings and fell asleep... right there in that corner

"Master?" the wolf's voice echoed

"..." I was still very sad, I couldn't figure out what to say

I looked at the wolf, he seemed a little surprised

"Master are you alright?"

How many times will I have to hear that ‘are you alright' how can anyone ask that, can't they clearly see... how could I ever be ‘alright'

"No... your scared of me to aren't you?" I asked sadly

I sat on the ground

He got close to me and hugged me

"Why would I ever be scared of you...? I know you would never hurt me"

I smiled, at least there was someone

"Thank you" I nuzzled his neck

"For what?" he asked

"For still being there for me"

"I love you master, I'll always be there for you" he hugged tighter "you know it's much more fun when your big"

I chuckled "you really think so?"

"Yea" he jumped on my shoulders and hugged my head "see" we both laughed

"He still loved me no matter what I turned into

"Master... do you think I could help you test out your new look" he said making his tail swish in my face

I pulled him off my shoulders and put him on the ground in front of me

"You would really want to do that?" I asked

"You know I would" he kissed me, I continued with the kiss and I slipped my tongue into his mouth exploring the insides of his muzzle

I felt my clothes vanish off of me as I pulled him in closer pressing his body right up against mine

I separated from the kiss to speak "should I take the lead this time?"

He smiled "I'll enjoy that master"

My appendage had started to harden and I could see it had gotten much larger

I turned him around and bent him over; I could see his dangling sac and erect length just under his tailhole

I licked him from the tip of his meat all the way up to his tailhole

He moaned as my tongue lapped over his sensitive parts, I licked all around his pucker before forcing my tongue inside

He must really like this I could feel his body tense up for a moment as he moaned

He didn't taste like anything I guess that must be an effect of not having a physical body

I felt he must be ready when my tongue could easily slide out

"You ready for me?"

"Always master" he said

I lifted my head away from his tailhole and positioned myself at his waiting rear my tip leaking pre as I pushed it towards its target

He yipped as my dark hardened meat penetrated his depths

Inch by inch I pushed deeper until I couldn't go any further

"Master... you're so big" he said breathing heavily

"And your so tight" I said as I slowly pulled back and then rammed myself back into his tight warm insides

I pumped in and out of him the feeling was simply amazing, he started to pant as I started moving faster

"Oh... master... I'm ... ahh"

I could feel something, his hole was tightening around my length and underneath him was a small puddle of white ooze

He had the look of pure ecstasy on his face "so... good" I could hear slightly under his breath

With his tightened pucker his muscles were squeezing my meat making me feel such pleasure I knew I wasn't going to last much longer

I continued to pump in and out of him, I could feel my body start to tense up

"I'm gonna... aghh" I blasted my load deep inside of him, the hot seed forcing its way through his insides

"Master... I feel so...full" the wolf said panting

I was a little tired from my own orgasm even I began to pant

I flipped over bringing the wolf with me

He was lying on my stomach now like I was on him before

"Master... I love you"

I grabbed hold of him and pulled him off of my length so I could look him in the eyes

"I love you to" I pulled him into a kiss

It only lasted a few moments but I could feel the love between us, like a pulse ever going, it made me feel so warm inside

We separated once more to gaze into each others eyes

He still loved me... even enough to show me physically... but I felt like something was wrong

"Master" he put his paw on my face "why are you crying?"

"Huh?" I put my claws under my eyes and felt the wet tears; I wiped them away with my arm, not helping to much considering I had scales

"Let me help you master" he used his fur to help soak up the tears

"Thank you..." I said, what was wrong with me? Why was I crying anyway?

"Master... do you remember... how you died?" he asked

"You mean being frozen" I said

"No ... I mean before that..." he looked away from me

I sat up and held him close to me in my lap "the only thing I remember from before is what you showed me"

"Then you need to know... it was my fault..." he said sadly putting his head down "seeing you cry... reminded me ... of the day they came for me... and you protected me..."

I held him close and hugged him "you know what I think... I think all of that doesn't matter now"

"Master... I wish I could say that... but to me it will always matter... it looks like it's time to go" he said before he vanished

For how long?

My eyes opened to find myself still protected by my wings, at least I'm in the same place... it's not like they could just pick me up and go anymore

I looked down at the floor and noticed my clothing was wet... did I do that?

I could smell the scent of my own musk, I must have done that ... I should ask for this thing to be washed, it doesn't really look good this way

I folded back my wings and removed my clothing

My body still had a slight smell to it, I don't think many people would like it maybe I should go clean myself

I know where I should go... the gym in the building had to have showers or something

I stood up still holding my clothes and headed for the gym

When I reached there I saw that human and the little eagle doing a few exercises together

It looked like they were bonding like friends or even siblings... they looked so happy

I just hope they turn out better...

I walked into the room with the showers in it; it seems the other two hadn't noticed me go by

I lay my clothes on one of the racks in the room and made my way into a stall

It's odd how they had separated the showers, luckily I had found one my size

I quickly figured out how to turn on the water and started to wash myself off

I liked the feeling of water... it seems so gentle yet can be so dangerous

Feeling my scales covered in the flowing water, it seemed to just wash away everything I had felt... just leaving me standing there with happy feelings

"You know..." a voice echoed in the room startling me slightly "I really wouldn't expect you to be here"

I looked for the source of the voice; standing right outside of the stall was Jay

"At least I found you right" he said with a smirk on his face

I looked at him "how'd you get in here without me noticing you?" I asked

"Easy, you seemed to be distracted by the water... now do you mind getting out and drying off, I brought what you wanted" he said

"You have it? That's great just give me a second" I quickly stepped out of the shower stall after turning it off

Jay handed me a towel and I dried off whatever part of me that was still wet

"Are you really sure that you want to go through with this?" he asked me holding the object in his paw

"Yes... I feel I have to... it's really the only way"

"Alright then... but before you use it... talk to your brother, even if he's scared of you he'll understand"

"I will... and I'll be sure to tell him good bye..."

End of Chapter 12

will Zero always be afraid of his brother?

why is Jay trying to help Dachii?

what is the object Dachii asked for?

i'll give you a clue it's a three letter word but there are a lot of those so you will have to figure out what it means or wait till the next chapter

and do you know what the questions that were asked through out the story? just trying to get it out there

well there's chapter 12 i know the yiff scene was a little short but i mainly just added that in cuz it was stick in my head... but it fits

please comment i like to know what my readers think