Marto's trip to the Stud Fair

Story by Kargrash on SoFurry

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#13 of Stories for others

A shorty story for a sweet dragon buddy of mine.

Rider and Kiros belong to me.

Marto and Steve belong to

Marto's trip to the Stud Fair

"Where are we going?" Marto asked as he was carried about, he had barely gotten enough time to be awake and aware when his papa bear hoisted him over his shoulder and started to walk off with him.

"You'll see it soon enough, just hold on." The big polar bear chuckled and gave his boy's tush a few nibbles as they made their way out of town.

"Can't you at least set me down so I can walk with ya instead of like this?" He asked while lightly squirming at the soft nibbling he felt on his left cheek. He watched as the town slowly faded from view, the ground changing to a soft crunching sound as the big bear's boots walked over the pathway. "Are we th-" he yelped as he was suddenly plopped down through a small open window of a ticket booth and onto the lap of a hefty lion.

"You know there isn't a fee to get in, but if you want I could take this little dragon off your paws a while." The lion said with a happy purr as he starts to nibble on the purple dragon's neck. "I can find plenty of things to do with him."

"Nah I wanted to show him the fair, so could ya open up or do I need to reach in there and open the door for myself?" Rider chuckled and stuck his tongue out at the lion.

Marto blushed and wiggled lightly before turning to give the big feline a soft hug to that doughy belly. "What fair?"

"The SVA Stud Fair." the lion said with a smile before hitting a button on the inside of the ticket booth which opens a large metal door to let the polar bear through. "Now that he's outta th-" he was cut off as the polar bear popped the door open and grabbed up the dragon. "Oh hey now! ya can't just break in here." he gave the polar bear a hefty swat on the rump as Rider darted off into the fairgrounds.

"What is this place?" Marto asked as they made their way through a typical fairgrounds, rides and food stands were all as they should be. It was then he noticed all the games were staffed by either well muscled, chubby, or both kinds of males each wearing almost exclusively a speedo with the word 'vendor' over it.

"Folks or well men of all sorts come here to have some fun either in the typical fair fashion or with an attempt at getting some time with a prize." He pointed over to a big bellied crocodile the chunky fellow waded his way through the crowd with a bright red speedo on with the word 'prize' over it.

"I wanna win that..." he said as he scrambled out of his papa bear's paws and pounced the big croc sinking into the soft pudgy side of the big reptile.

The crocodile smiled and chuckled softly before reaching down to gently stroke over the dragon's back. "Hello there little fella, did you win a prize ticket for me?"

"Huh? what are those?" Marto blinked lightly and looked back as his papa bear approached.

"I told you ya have to win the prizes still." he pointed over to a ring toss game with tickets lining the walls as prizes.

"Bu... but I don't have any money with me today..."

The croc smiled "You can play for free with a few of them." he pointed down the large pathway he had just walked up. "You could try your luck at the funhouse."

Marto nodded and looked between the two larger males with a soft blush on his cheeks before he'd dart off looking for the fun house.

Marto darted around all sorts of folks and eyed up a few of the prizes on his way before spotting the large almost whimsical looking building of the fun house. He panted lightly wondering how hard it could be to win at getting through it, that was until he spotted a familiar figure seated at the front of it. "Papa T!?"

The tanuki tilted h is head towards the sound of the dragon's dismay and waved politely. "Hehe hello there pup did your papa bear bring you?"

He rubbed the back of his head and nodded as he made his way up to the tanuki. "Yeah though I was kinda wondering... do you have a ticket for the big crocodile?"

"Do you know his name?" The tanuki asked before looking to his small board of prizes by name.

"I um..." he rubbed over the back of his head

"Steve." Rider said with a chuckle as he walked up. "Seeing as you found Kiros I think I'll go visit some buds while you play."

Kiros chuckled and pulled the dragon up onto his lap "I'll take good care of him while ya go have fun." He waved politely to the big polar bear before leaning back as a tube formed from his tip up to the side of the building.

"What's that fo-" Marto blinked in surprise as a wolf slides along the tube their face was flooded with a bright purple blush as they zipped past and slipped down the tanuki's length.

"He fell into a trap so that's where he went." Kiros smiled and reached down to massage over one of his hefty balls. "I keep them for about a half hour before letting them free."

Marto wiggled slightly after seeing that "I could take them after that if I'm allowed to." he said with a soft blush before being smooshed to his papa's big belly.

"Hehe nah I can't do that, they only sign up for being snug in me some place." He kissed on the dragon's neck before rumbling softly and setting his boy down next to him. "So do you want to try your luck at getting through my fun house?" He asked with a playful grin across his face.

He nodded slowly and moved stepped up to the front door of the fun house. "An you got a ticket for Steve right?" He asked while shifting where he stood.

"Yes I do, right here." Kiros chuckled and pulled off a ticket with the crocodile's name on it and waved it in front of the dragon's muzzle.

"Keep that handy." He said before darting into the multicolored first hall of the fun house and rounded the corner into a large circular room. "I'm gonna get that ticket." He said to himself as he looked about. It was then he noticed the hall back out had vanished. Then the room seemed to shift changing to a square, then the patterns on the walls changed from stripes to polka dots each time he turned his head the room would shift. "Papa! this is cheating!" He yelled before darting towards another doorway when it finally appeared, only to start falling down through a long dark tube before being thrust out into the light sliding along a clear tube having shrunk like the wolf.

"Hello pup." Kiros said with a chuckle as he watched the dragon zip down along his back and right up and into his pucker.

Marto groaned lightly and wiggled in the warm musky embrace while the fleshy walls gripped and squeezed over his form. "You cheated!" he yelled defiantly before starting to moan softly as he was rubbed and squeezed over.

"Oh don't say that, I might just keep ya longer if ya do." he said in a playful tone as he clenches and squeezes over the dragon's shrunk form, doing his best to keep him lodged just inside that doughy rump of his.

He wiggled and squirmed while moaning softly as he was squeezed and snugged tight in the musky flesh as his black fleshed length pushed out and was crammed against the soft warm flesh. "Papa..." he moaned out.

"Hehe go ahead pup I'll keep you cozy an warm while you recover." He said with a smile as he felt the dragon's gush of cum inside of him.

"I..." he gasped and shuddered "T-thanks..." he closed his eyes and rested there as the fleshy walls kept a soft hold on him and soon nodded off to sleep.

The next time he opened his eyes he was nestled against his papa tanuki's belly enjoying a soft rumbling sound coming from the big fuzzy beast. "Mmm how long was I in there?"

Kiros smirked "A few hours, you were knocked out pretty good in there." He chuckled and lifted the dragon up for a kiss on the lips.

Marto blinked during the kiss his eyes going wide as he looked about for the time until he broke from the kiss. "What time is it now!?" the sun was slowly starting to dip behind the horizon.

"It's late but not too late." Kiros set his boy down and held out the ticket with Steve's name on it.

"B-but I didn't win..." he looked over the ticket a bit confused.

"Nah but you did tease your papa for a long enough while that I think it's fair I give you a little time with your croc." Kiros smirked and leaned in to kiss the dragon's cheek as he handed over the prize ticket.

Marto blushed and gently gripped the ticket before wrapping his arms tight around the big tanuki "Thank you papa." He rumbled and snuggled up to that soft warm belly before darting off into the fair.

He dashed up and down the main strip stopping every now and again to peek about for the big green croc before finding himself standing next to the front gate. "dang it..."

"Aww you having trouble little fella?"

A familiar voice asked before Marto found himself snug in the big lion's arms a soft blush across his snout. "I um... yeah... can't seem to find my prize anywhere." he said holding up the ticket.

"Well then." The lion reached back into his booth and pulled out a small walkie talkie and held the button "If anyone sees Steve could you send him over towards the front gate." He gave it a moment before setting it back in h is station. "I'm sure he'll make his way over soon enough."

Marto nodded and smiled "Thanks." he looked about before finding a spot to take a seat waiting for his prize to walk up. Only to blush again when the lion sat beside him softly purring.

"mmm maybe one of these times you'll just come visit the fella at the front gate? maybe?" The lion asked wtih a playful nibble to the dragon's neck.

Marto shifted and looked about slightly nervous at the question before spotting the big croc making his way over. "Maybe." He said only to take off and quickly wrap his arms around the big reptile's belly.

"hehe I heard you were looking for me." He said with a wide smile before leaning down to scoop the dragon up. "How long did you win me for hm?"

He meeped and held tight to the croc's front "I um..." he held up the ticket and started to look it over before spotting the large number 15 on the slip.

"Hehe doesn't give us much time. Is there something short and sweet you'd like to do little buddy?" Steve said as he started to waddle off with the dragon in his arms.

"I- I'd kinda like to... um.." he hugged tight to that big soft belly with a soft blush across his muzzle.

"Would you like to see the inside?" He asked with a toothy wide grin while letting out a playful rumble at the hug.

He bit his lower lip and blushed a darker color before letting out a soft meep when he was lifted up and his head slipped into the reptiles large open maw. "Umm after... could ya drop me off with my papa bear?" he asked politely as his torso was slipped inside.

"I'll see about finding him." Steve managed to get out before tilting his head back and gulping the dragon down a low happy growl coming from him as he felt the dragon squirm the whole way before plopping into his gut.

"It's so cozy." Marto managed to get out followed by a soft moan as the fleshy walls rubbed and squeezed on him each step of the big croc shifted him about slightly as he was carried along.

As the minutes counted down towards their last Marto felt the croc softly pushing and squeezing on him working his form down and into the croc's intestines, only to be worked about until his feet prodded at the croc's pucker. "Oh you big naughty croc~"

"Hehe yeah you could say that again."

Marto blushed and shuddered when he felt the croc squat and start to push him out his feet hitting the ground soon after only to be eased out in front of the big polar bear.

"Seems like you won yourself a prize." Rider said with a chuckle before looking up to the croc "I hope my boy wasn't too bad for ya."

Steve shook his head and worked his speedo back up into place. "Nah we didn't really have a lot of time today but, you should swing by again one day maybe after work." He ground his clothed rump against Marto's head "and we'll see about getting to know one another well enough."

Marto blushed and nodded his form still soaked with the croc's belly juices. He smiled as he was helped to his feet and stood beside his papa bear. "I'd like that a lot." He said with a blush before being led towards the entrance. "Can we come back again soon papa?" he asked seeing the sun now close to setting as they approached the gate.

"Of course pup. I'm just glad you had fun today with a trip out to the fair with your papa bear." Rider smiled and held his boy close as they stepped out the front gate to head home.