Not so Scary After All.

Story by catsithx on SoFurry

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Mauve finds love in another species. Will the feline love her in return?

Not so Scary After All

Shadow Blackwing:A Commission for Catsithx done for all the help they've given me featuring his Sergal Maeve. Sith: And of course I had to make sure he didn't fall off his beaten path. Like with watcher. So Co-author duties again

Author Notes:

-X-This will be used for scene breaks and for when the story switches to another character, but it does not mean that a new section of the story has started.

~xXx~ This will identify where each paragraph breaks.

Rated M for : Sex

Also if you are underage please leave now as you know better.


College was never to be considered easy, and almost always, it happened to include so many more things then just classes to worry about. For those who were already uncertain about themselves in some ways, college could always be counted on to be worse. Maeve was such a person, who despite being well into her time at college, nearing the end of her second year, still held great doubts about herself.

Despite being a sergal, and one of the few in the entire region, Maeve just could not find too much confidence in herself, and it was all strangely because of her species. Standing a bit taller then most of the felines that occupied the region and always taking good care of herself, Maeve tried to take pride in everything about herself, from her the "molten gray" coat of fur as the graphics artist of the college insisted on being so specific about it although at times she thought it wasn't really gray, to her agile if slightly tall form and overly long and fluffy tail, even still trying to take some pride in her strength, but in the end it was always a disaster to her the more she thought about it.

For Maeve, she could typically only see the fear in the eyes of others, making her sigh a bit again as she looked herself over in the mirror, cupping her breasts a little, before letting them go and whining some. Tonight there was supposed to be this big party at local community center. Lots of music, a dance floor, the local if highly popular college rock band, cheap to get in, with plenty of food and drinks, if sold separately, but primarily it was supposed to be a large fund raiser for the city, and since the college was the major thing in the city, it was of course aimed at getting some college students to attend.

Just thinking of all the scared looks she would get though put her off as she just moved back to her desk in her room and slumped over a bit, leaning into it and covering her head. She knew she was a sergal, and by default that meant that she was supposed to be a very predatory like creature. She was certainly strong enough to over power prey items, and even good enough looking according to the few other sergals she had met that she could just seduce her way into a full belly.

That however did not make her a predator. Yes, she ate meat, even needed to eat meat just to survive, but she would never eat anything alive. She ate cooked meat, the though of something alive squirming in her stomach kinda made her squeamish, and even sent a few chills over her spine, it just didn't seem natural to her. And she most certainly didn't have the stomach to fit even a small child in her stomach, much less a full sized person.

Despite all this, she couldn't help but constantly see the fear in the eyes of people she looked at mostly since she was only the local sergal in a large community of felines, and that was why she was so self-conscious. She didn't want to be a sergal at times, she wanted to be like others and join them. She wasn't a predator, or even a sergal in her own eyes, she just wanted to be a feline like all those she grew up around.

Most of the time, she could shrug off this kind of thinking and have fun, but sometimes, just sometimes like tonight, it was all she could think about, and lost in such dark and deep though, the party that she had been looking forward since it was announced suddenly just seemed like a horrible idea.

She slowly got up and looked at herself again one last time before getting up and actually getting dressed, but in something to cover herself up a bit. It was surprisingly chilly for a early spring day, but that just made it nicer for her to curl up in a nice hoodie to try and hide herself a bit right now, not that she could really hide her height. At the very least, on a night like tonight, all the party goers would be occupied and no one would ask to share her bed, which was rather often considering how wary most were around her given what she was. Even worse were those who only saw her a predator and wanted her to eat someone or worse still, wanted to be eaten themselves.

She took a few deep breathes, putting on a nice and very fluffy hoodie that was warm and cozy, if only meant for dry weather, but she loved it, and she loved how purple it was too as she used it to cover her initial looks, not that it would help too much to hide what she really was, but it made her feel better right now anyway.

She looked around, remembering some books that she had borrowed for a project that was now completely and turned in, happy with her above average, but far from perfect grade since she always had so much trouble with history, or rather just some pieces of it.

She picked up the book, put it in her bag and grabbed her purse, giving herself one last look, trying to smile, but just sighing again before heading out.

Intentionally, she avoided the main courtyard, many furs there already talking about the upcoming party in an hour, some getting ready to leave already, others just trying to hurry up and finish their own projects while still making plans to attend and telling their friends to keep an eye for them.

She just ignored them all, trying to stay in the shadows and out of the way for now heading over to the campus library, only to see how many people were there, the librarian overly busy trying to point students to where they would need to get their books, like in the courtyard, the rush to get things done or at least out of the way for the party in full effect.

She looked at the place and its large glass windows seeing the mess inside and just turned to head off to get something to eat instead, a small cafe just wanting to waste some time since she was already out of her dorm room.

Thankfully for her, the cafe was nearly abandoned right now since all the students were getting ready for the party and so few of them wanted to fill up before hand. A blessing for her though as she moved over and ordered her usual, a nice herbal tea that helped keep her calm and tried to cheer her up, as well as a nice chicken taco to enjoy as she waited.

She did her best to avoid looking too much at anyone's face right now, the cashier really eyeing her a lot and clearly disturbed by her which made her a little more sad tonight, so Maeve just did the best thing she could and ordered it to go.

It didn't take long for her food to show up and then she took her food and drink, before heading out once more trying to be alone tonight, her tail a little lower, almost dragging on the ground from her mood. She just took her time as she walked along the stone path along the outer edge of the campus, just very quietly mumbling to herself about how she didn't eat people.

She just moved and took a seat at one of the fountains, setting down her bag to eat her snack, just looking into the water and hoping her hoodie hid her face. Her usually favored meal from the cafe was already getting cold as she looked on over the fountain for a while, just more or less nibbling on it, finally just putting it away after a time, only even moving as the college was announcing that the party would be starting soon at the community center.

With that, she got up and moved to the library, thankfully now almost empty as she moved up and returned her books before heading off into the back, into a quite reading corner and pulling out her laptop and headphones to just just listen to watch some videos in peace.

For a few hours of piece and quiet, she was finally given the chance to relax a bit, the open if abandoned space of the library so much better then her dorm room. She didn't even notice the fact that someone was coming over, until they tapped her shoulder, making her jump a bit.

"S-Simon?" She gasped out, looking over the "tuxedo" feline that was there now.

"You... okay there Maeve?" Simon asked looking over her a bit concerned. "I thought you were looking forward to the party all month, why you hiding here in the library."

"I-i..." She started, only to sigh once more and slump down a bit, curling her tail around herself a bit. "I just don't want to go anymore." She said as she tried to hide herself.

"I just got off work, came here to turn in a few things and maybe do some studying. We both have that big exam for biology coming up in a week." Simon offered, Maeve just smiling and nodding a bit.

"S-sure." She smiled, putting her laptop away. Although she was confident that she would at least pass her biology exam, she also knew that it never hurt to get some extra studying in just to be sure.

"There... you can smile." He teased a bit, happy to see her feeling a bit better now.

Simon just set down the few books he had on the subject with him and took a seat by Maeve, a little surprised when she leaned into him some, but not questioning it as he opened up a book and pulled out his notes, Maeve doing the same to pull out her notes and the two slowly started to compare notes and review the exam material.

Before either one of them had realized it, the library was giving its 10 minutes til closing warning, Simon just looking up a bit surprised.

"Oh wow... time really flew there didn't it. We've been here for about 2 hours now. I guess we had better pack up and leave then." Simon said, looking over Maeve who seemed to slump down a bit, clearly a little saddened by something. "Hey... something wrong?"

"I... I just ... I'm not ready to head to back the dorm yet... it feels so cramped in that room at times." Maeve sighed some.

"There's no reason we can go and get a coffee or something before heading back. That party will be heading on through most of the night, so we'll have most of the campus to ourselves." Simon smiled some, Maeve quickly cheering up again.

"R-really?" She asked.

"Tell ya what... let's get a coffee and a quick snack, then we can go study back at my place if you want. I don't live too far out and you can walk back to that cramped little dorm room only when you're ready." Simon smiled, Maeve happily nodding and smiling again.


Maeve was happily holding onto Simon as they walked back to his place, a small apartment complex just outside of the campus grounds. Although it was getting late, the party at the community center was still going strong, some soft music still echoing lightly from the place, thankfully rather quite, but still audible.

"Come on in." Simon smiled as he walked up to his door, unlocking it and letting her in. "Its a little messy, haven't had a chance to clean up as much as I would like with all the exams lately." He said, but Maeve was just happy to be with him. "Would you like a drink?" He asked. "I don't have anything really strong or fancy, but I can make a nice if weak vodka coke." He said.

"I don't think I've ever tried that." Maeve stated looking over the small place, that despite Simon's words was very very clean, the only thing out of place was a small basket of laundry that just needed folded in the corner table by the TV by a large closet door.

"I guess I would try it though." She said as she watched Simon move over to his kitchette, pulling out a small bottle, barely any left in it, as well as two cans of coke, a little vanilla, and and pulling out a few frozen grapes from his freezer.

"Its just a silly little thing that helps me slow down after a long day." Simon smiled, mixing up the drinks in some spare glasses and then handing one to Maeve. "Enjoy." He smiled a bit as Maeve took the glass. "If it tastes bad, just blame my horrible taste in drinks." He smirked some, Maeve giggling a little bit, but trying it. It was very clearly different, Maeve kinda liking it, but unsure about it even if it was good.

"Its... definitely different." She said trying it, not really able to taste the vodka, but the vanilla and coke were most enjoyable as she leaned into him a bit more.

"You feeling better now?" Simon asked as he moved over and sat on his couch, letting her join him and even lean on him a bit as she murred a little, nuzzling him lightly as she enjoyed herself.

"Lots." She said softly, looking up to him, her tail curling around them both a bit, only to blush hard and look down a bit.

"Is... something wrong?" He asked, gently pulling her closer and wrapping an arm around her.

"I-i... I just... would you... like t-to maybe... do yo-you like m-me?" She asked quietly, stuttering with her words just a little bit.

He just gave her a quizzical look. "That's a strange question. You're not going to eat me right, so why shouldn't I like you?" He said with a smile after a few, making her smile herself, before leaning up and giving him a small kiss to his cheek.

"Thanks... you... you really know how to make me..." She started. "You make me feel like I belong here, that I'm not some large beast." She said.

"Of course you're not, you're one of the gentlest people I know." He smiled a bit, holding her a bit closer, giving her a nice hug. "I'm glad to call you my friend."

She blushed a bit more, nuzzling him a bit more. "C-can... can we be... more then friends?" She asked softly, Simon now blushing hard himself as he looked her over again.

"You... you want to ... " He started, at a very clear loss of words himself, having not expected this kind of interaction at all.

"I-i'm sorry, I shouldn't have... it wa-" She started trying to get up, thinking she had made a mistake, only for Simon to gently, but firmly hold her in place.

"N-no, its fine. I just didn't expect that from you." He said, giving her a small kiss to her cheek, making her relax a little more in his arms again.

"T-then you..." She said, still looking down shyly.

"I won't push you to do anything you don't want you." He smiled, holding her a bit more. "Why don't you just show me what you want to do and go at your own pace." He smiled, before letting her go and lifting her up a bit. "Would you like to take this to the bedroom?" He asked after a few, giving her time to think about it.

She was still blushing hard, but gave him a nice kiss, happy that he was such a gentleman about it, so laid back once again and making her try to feel better. She nodded softly and slowly got up, leaning into him a bit more once he stood up to, leaving their drinks behind as she held onto his arm, slowly walking back to his room and wrapping her tail around his a bit. "There... see I don;t mind." He smiled, giving her cheek a small kiss as she let him open the door, his room mostly bare aside from the bed and a dresser, most of his things in the living room.

"What do you want to do?" He asked softly as he moved over and sat on the bed, Maeve blushing hard again, but slowly pulling off her hoodie, covering her chest a little, wearing just a bra, before she moved over and kissed him again, slowly slipping out of her pants, showing off her form a little.

Already Simon was getting a little hard now as he looked at her, his pants showing a tent, but let her lead entirely, not wanting to do anything that might upset her, just wanting her to get comfortable.

She was still blushing though as she slowly lowered her tail from her chest, slowly pulling off her panties, her folds a little wet already as well, her clitoral hood slowly lifting up to reveal her sex to him for just a few as she got on her knees in front of him, her hands on his pants. Simon just gave a small now and she slowly started to undo them and pull them off now, even taking his boxers with them. Once they were off, she slowly moved up into his lap, Simon laying back a bit as she moved and laid over him, her clitoral hood rubbing his length, feeling the many small barbs over it, before she moved up and rubbed her folds over it, before slowly taking his tip, gasping out a little from its strange feel, but happy to take him now as she pushed herself down over his length, her inner walls nice and tight for him.

Simon just smiled and leaned up to kiss her again, gently taking her hips. "Go at your pace okay." He smiled, his length already bobbing lightly in a bit of need inside her. "Just enjoy yourself alright?" He smiled before she gave him a very sudden and deep kiss, pushing her tongue inside his mouth to play with his as she hilted him, her clitoral hood curling a little around the base of his cock.

Simon was caught off guard entirely by the kiss, a little stunned, but recovered quickly, holding her hips a bit more, kissing her back happily as he reached up to lift her bra off her breasts, teasing her left breast a little now, making her moan some as she started to slowly lift herself off his cock, starting a slow pace that she could enjoy, trying to get use to the feel of his barbed cock inside her, tugging lightly at her inner walls. Despite its entirely new and strange feeling though, she was quickly learning to enjoy that feeling, this being her first time with a feline since no one in the community really trusted her enough, or so she thought.

Simon just enjoyed himself, her folds and inner walls nice and tight, her clitoral hood a very strange thing for him as well, almost like a tongue that was licking and teasing him at the same time as she was having sex with him, a strange feeling knowing that it was all from her, but still heavily enjoyable as he played with her breasts, both of them now as she took control little by little, getting faster as she pulled off of him so that just his head was still inside her before pushing back over him.

Maeve just moaned out a bit more, her folds still gripping him, only to be grabbed and tugged on by his barbs a bit as she pulled off of him, before pushing back over him, feeling his barbs slide so easily back into her. "You feel... so nice inside me." She moaned out as she held him a bit more, starting to get a little faster over him. "You... barbs feel so different, but so nice." She gasped a bit hilting over him again before kissing him again.

"You feel really nice too, a wonderful fit for me." Simon teased, starting to get close, having to hold himself back a bit, having been far to busy to take care of more primal urges recently with all the exams and other work that needed done, but happy that she was there with him now. "It really feels like you need some special attention too." He teased, squeezing her breasts a little, even lightly pinching her nipples making her gasp out a bit.

He just smirked a bit more, letting her do the real work as he teased her and explored her body now, his hands starting to explore more of her body, learning her curves a bit and taking his time with her, his tail teasing hers a bit now, although not as skilled with it, but Maeve was clearly loving it as she moaned out a bit more.

Seeing her enjoying herself, he smiled and kissed her neck now, purring happily at how happy she was, a hand now down on her ass, gripping her cheeks a little. "May I try something?" He asked as she nodded eagerly, only to give a loud loud gasp as his finger toyed with her tailhole, making her tense up a bit, but only work a bit faster. He just watched, not feeling her pull away and just lightly toyed a finger against her tailhole a bit more, just barely trying to ease his finger in, but still ready to pull away just in case.

Maeve just let him toy with her though as she continued to speed up, her inner walls trying to milk him lightly now as she got close herself, the fact that he was so caring with her and happy to be with her, happy to be his friend and more now such a joyful thought for her as she leaned up just a bit and nibbled a little on his ear, Simon just grinning and letting her have her way with him right now.

She was still moaning out louder and louder, only to gasp out, cumming hard quickly just as he pushed a finger into her tailhole a bit, Maeve suddenly nipping hard enough on his ear to draw a little blood, piercing his ear for him as he came himself feeling how hard her inner walls were squeezing him, unable to keep himself from giving on good solid thrust into her, before painting her insides whites with plenty of pent up seed, his barbs going a bit firm to try and keep her over him. Still, feeling her bite his ear was enough to make him a little worried.

"W-what are you doing?" He asked once he was able and recovered, very very quickly as she closed her mouth over part of his ear. "Y-you're not going to eat me... r-right?" HE asked a bit worried, only for her to slowly release his ear and then kiss him.

"Of course not." She smiled. "I'm just marking you so everyone knows you belong to a sergal now." She giggled, hugging him a bit and nuzzling him happily. "I love you..." She said softly as she wrapped her tail around them both a bit again, holding him against her. Simon was still a little worried, reaching up to feel his ear, she had left a small bite there, nothing major, just having made his ear sore and given it a few small piercings. "I wouldn't eat you... I get full to quick and it just feels wrong to have something alive in me... I'm really not that scary thing people try to make me out to be." She said.

"Yeah... yeah you're not some monster... you're too kind." Simon said after a few, having to admit that she was right, she really wasn't scary as she cuddled up over him, a little possessively, but happy and content, loving and carefree at last over him. "Yeah... you're definitely not scary, you're just a big fluffy kitten by the looks of it." He teased, rubbing her ears Maeve hearing his words and murring a bit more, giving a playful meow for him, so happy to be so close to Simon, loving it so much that he called her a kitten.


Maeve was smiling a bit more then usual as she walked through the halls, holding her books against her chest and looking down like normal. That smile made it easy to see that things were different though as she finished up with her classes for the day, her entire view of the college changed a bit since her time with Simon last week.

Although Simon still had lots of work to do in addition to college classes, he made sure to spend some time with her, and he even promised to have a surprise for her at the end of the week, and Maeve was so happily looking forward to it. She quickly returned to her dorm room and got changed into something basic, a nice t-shirt and shorts for now, before heading out to meet with Simon again, only to see him among a small group of other felines, Maeve only recognizing one of the group though, knowing only that he worked at the same diner Simon did.

"Simon?" She asked as she moved up, leaning onto him a bit.

"And this is the local sergal we've heard about." One of the other felines said looking her over a bit. "Simon said that you might like to join us at the arcade to blow off some steam from a long week."

Maeve could only smile and hold onto Simon a bit more, nuzzling him a bit. "I-I'd love to." She smiled, so happy to be accepted by a few more people, smiling so much now.

Simon just smiled and held Maeve a little. "Then I guess some introductions are in order." Simon smiled looking over the small group.

"I'm Max." The first one stated, a large almost entirely white feline stated. "My father owns the diner and is constantly hiring out college students, and just college students aside from our main chef. He likes to help out those who can put forth some effort into work." Max explained.

"I'm Jack. I'm just working at the dinner to help give me a few extra bucks to keep life entertaining." The next one stated, an orange tiger feline shorter then the rest. "Gotta do something fun every once in a while right... otherwise you're feelings of boredom and stress start pouring into your writing." Jack stated.

"You can call me Dan, everyone else does. Daniel just sounds too formal for me and I'm not one too big on formalities most of the time." The largest of them, a silver tabby stated.

"And I'm Lee, mostly just here as a screw you to my parents who insist I can't make anything of myself. Just because I don't want to be a lawyer or doctor and not follow their over the top examples doesn't make me lowly." Lee smirked, the calico cat clearly uncaring about being nice to parents, but also at the same time, looking like the most laid back one of them all.

"In any case, its been a long week. Let's get going, that House of the Dead machine is about due for some major payback after last month." Lee continued, the others just smirking and nodding some.


Simon and his group of friends from the diner he worked at all seemed so laid back as they walked with the much larger sergal, the group of them heading to the arcade, Simon sticking close to Maeve the whole time as two of the others got a large bucket full of coins.

"O-oh wow... that's a... a lot of tokens..." Maeve stated looking it over.

"We all pull a sum of our tips at the end of the week to cool off. Despite being a college, you'd be surprised at how stupid some orders get, much less the people who ordered them." One of the other felines said, all of them just shaking their head a bit.

"Last week... some bull lady who was visiting her friend on campus just about screamed our ability to hear right out because we didn't serve 'diet' water..." Max stated.

"Let's not forget last month with the parrot dude who thought he was some surfer genius and tried to explain to us that our chicken and country gravy was overcooked and he was it less cooked, insisting that it was fine as it was, just cook it a little less and bring it back to him..." Dan stated.

"I think we all know who topped the lists to date though..." Simon said as Maeve just listened, a little in shock, finding them hard to believe.

"Yep... the granny with the twin pups from out of state... who demanded to the see the manage because we were thieves, and college students had no right to earn pay, and so her twenty dollar meal should have only been eight bucks at most, including tip..." grumbled. "I mean some people are stupid... but then there's just..." Most of them all sighed.

"Come on... let's get to the games. I only need another thirty thousand tickets for that new handheld." Jack said.

"W-what do I owe you for the tokens?" Maeve asked after a few, only for Simon to shake his head.

"Don't worry about it. Its something of a tradition with us to just share the tips and put some aside form amusement like this." Simon smiled. "Just have some fun and we'll call it even."

Maeve just smiled and leaned into Simon a bit more. "Thanks." She smiled.

"So... what are we waiting for... its game times folks." Jack smirked, taking the bucket and moving over to the back isle of arcade machines, the others following him.

"You ever try a racing game?" Simon asked grabbing a few tokens and moving over to a large racing bike game, with two full sized bikes as the controllers, Maeve a bit surprised at how many games were there, much less how good and large some of them were. "Don't look so surprised. The College is the main thing here in town, so of course most entertainment is aimed around us." He joked a little, Maeve just nodding a bit.

Simon just slowly got on his 'bike' and nodded for Maeve to get on the one beside him, Simon putting a few tokens into the machine. "This machine looks... weird." Maeve looked over the strange designs of the machine, the machine listing several different kinds of bikes, but also various weapons and other things, on top of a large destroyed landscape.

"Its called Wastelander Rampage. Think a mix of you're standard point to point racer, but with things out to blow you up. You win by making it to the finish with as many supplies in the truck as you get. The game designers at the college took the old machine, which was broken down and remade it. They remapped the boost and special buttons to weapons and sheilds, and made one heck of a nice game with twists out of it." Simon explained.

"I-i see." Maeve stated.

"Plus... they made a silly princess pirate character whose trike has a pirate cannon and umbrella for shields which is entirely hilarious to see played, but also easy to have fun with." Simon smirked.

"You... you're kidding right?" Maeve has to looked to him questioningly before looking to the screen, and sure enough, on the screen were 8 strange characters and their bikes, only to see on the bottom left was a dolphin girl, and sure enough she was dressed up as a pirate and princess, Maeve had to laugh a little looking it over, her bike with two wheels up front, a cannon between the wheels, and a large umbrella on the back with an over-all pink and black color scheme to it. "Okay... I have to try this now." Maeve smiled, taking a few to figure out the controls.

Finally, once she had it, and picked her character, the machine spoke up. "Princess Mira, Scourge of the Sand Seas." The machine spoke up, zooming in on Mira. "Who has my gold?" A jokingly over the top princess like female voice stated before Simon picked his own character. "Billy Bob Joe, The Trucker from What's it called." The machine spoke up a second later, showing Simon having some kind of angry trucker on a four wheeler, the weapon listed for the character just something called a Hat Cannon. "Where's mah trucker hat!" The large tiger character stated firmly, making Maeve laugh a little more as she got ready.

"I don't know what it is about this stupid biker game... but its addicting." Simon smiled as he got ready, Maeve copying him and nodding.

"I can see how it can be stupid, but it sure looks fun." Maeve smiled as she revved the bike a little, copying Simon's actions as the others went about to their own games.

"I sure you enjoy it to. I'm looking for a partner to take the top place on the score board at some point but all these just rage quit too early." Simon smiled. "It gets hard way later on, but for now... we'll just play for fun." He smiled as the game prepared a small intro movie about the course, before starting up, Billy giving a loud cry.

"I need a new trucker hat!" The game yelled out starting off the game, Simon rushing off to catch up with the truck in game, Maeve rushing to catch up to his character.

"Wait up, I'm still new at this." Maeve laughed a little as the game quickly put them into a match up against some bandits, Simon easily able to take them out, but despite Maeve being a rookie and new to the game, she was quickly having fun, doubly so once she learned that her cannonball shot bounced resulting in some hilarious shots and kills in the game. "W-what... did you see that shot!" Maeve gasped out when one shot bounced off the ground, initially missing its target, only to drop clean on the bandit's head, making it flatten out and the bandit just fell off making his bike swerve into a few more bandits.

"Woah... I think I did find my partner for that golden spot on the leader boards." Simon smirked some, moving to help her out even more, letting her lead now.


Simon smiled as he held onto Maeve a bit as they walked home, the long day in the arcade having really made Maeve's day. "Hey... do you mind if we make one more stop before we get home?" Simon asked. "There's one more part to the surprise if you're willing." He smiled a bit. "I..." He blushed some, only to lean up and start to whisper something into ear, making Maeve turn entirely red.

She just stared down at him for a few, biting her lip for a few, still entirely red, but nodding a bit, the idea of such a thing certainly different, but with Simon, not all that bad, she could trust him after all.

"Then we make one stop and then we'll spend the night at my place and I'll make sure you have fun." Simon said, still blushing, but holding her a bit more, rubbing his tail along her back as she rested her head against his some as they walked.

It was a quick walk from then on though, Simon just stopping in at a friends place to get a package, the paper bound small box quickly tucked away into his arms as he returned to Maeve's side and they two quickly walked back to his place.

Once there, Simon gave Maeve a small kiss, before closing and locking the door. "Go on, get washed up and I'll get things ready." He smiled, both of them still red, Maeve still far more so then Simon, but the sergal nodded and started for his bathroom, slowly thinking things over again, wondering if she should say no, Simon making it clear that she always had that right.

She made it to his bathroom and quickly got undressed, looking into his mirror again, only to quickly look away in shyness, before slowly looking at herself a bit more again, reaching over and starting the water only to look over herself a bit more again.

She continued to look herself over in the mirror, once again holding up her breasts a little, before even reaching down and spreading her legs, even her folds some, and her ass a little as she looked herself over, wondering what Simon saw in her, before the mirror fogged over from the steam of the shower, Maeve slowly getting into the warm water, taking her time as she washed up.

She even rubbed her folds a little bit as she did so, making sure to try and get as clean as she could before finally getting out.

She looked herself over once more as she dried off, still just as red as before. She bit her lip a little more again in her shyness, before slowly coming out of the room, entirely nude again, Simon smiling as he was nude himself on the bed, a few things there with him, a small new container of lube, a set of fancy handcuffs, a bunny-bunny tail buttplug, and a few other things.

"You can still say no if this doesn't feel right." Simon smiled, his cock fully out and bobbing a bit, his body clearly really looking forward to this. "Call it a guilty pleasure, but... I just like to take my time... really learn a bit about the body of the girls I like the most... and right now... you really are number one that list." He smiled. "I won't force you into anything." He said, taking his time, giving her plenty of chances to say no.

Maeve was still unsure about it, but finally moved forward again, her clitoral hood slowly lifting and revealing her sex in full. "You.... you'll make sure this... this is fun for me... right?" She asked as she sat down beside him.

"All you have to say is you want out and I'll stop everything. But yes... I promise to take my time and learn what you love the most." He smiled, getting up and giving her a kiss to her cheek.

Maeve just giggled a little a how he teased her some even with the kiss, holding her hips and back lightly, feeling him so caring right now and nodding again. "O-okay." She said softly and kissed his cheek back some.

"Then lay on the bed... on your chest and I'll start." Simon smiled as Maeve did like she was told, the sergal slowly moving over the bed and laying down, her clitoral hood just relaxing a little, covering her folds some, but only just some, Simon lightly spreading her legs a little as she laid down while he crawled over her a bit.

The feline just smiled, teasing her a little even as he worked, just barley rubbing his rod between her butt cheeks a little bit, just enough for her to feel it as he gently took her hands and put them over her ass, before wrapping a nice fluffy cloth band with a few small cut up sponges around her wrists. "Just something to make sure you don't bruise. It will take a while to get use to these as being fun for some people so I want to go easy with you okay?" He smiled, Maeve still just giving a small nod before he put the cuffs on at last.

While she could still clearly feel them against her wrists, the cloth wrap and the sponges made sure that they were not overly tight, but still secured enough as her hands were bound behind her back and underneath her tail, the sergal giving a loud gasp when a band of cloth was applied to the base of her tail and then another clasp was anchored to it making sure that her hands stayed with her tail now.

Simon just smiled and laid over her carefully, rubbing her shoulders some, letting her feel his tip against the very bottom of her folds now, letting his barbs prick and catch lightly on her making her gasp and moan a little. She just teased him a bit back smirking some as her clitoral hood reaching up and rubbing against his tip a little bit.

"There there my over-sized kitten." He teased some, kissing her cheek before getting up, resting on her hips a little bit now, still rubbing over her back. "Now... close your eyes..." He smiled, reaching over and pulling out a blindfold, Maeve blushing harder still, but slowly closing her eyes, a little worried, but wanting so much to trust him as he worked, and finally doing as he said, Simon slowly wrapping her head up with the blindfold, just enough so that she couldn't see. "Remember, if any thing starts to go wrong, just tell me and we'll stop then and there. "Just say the words "end this" and I'll have you out of it in a minute at worst." He said rubbing her shoulders again, helping her relax a bit more before finally giving her neck one more kiss and then getting off of her.

Maeve was a little worried when he got off of her, but just waited, hearing him still nearby, looking over her shoulder a bit trying to see him. Simon just smiled a bit at her, leaning between her legs now and spreading them a bit more, before he leaned forward and gave her folds a few licks, really teasing her clit and outer lips with his tongue, the sergal moving her clitoral hood to the side to let him have full access to her folds as he started.

Maeve gave a very very loud gasp now, shivering and biting into his bed a bit, his sand paper like tongue very new and different, rough without a doubt, but also clearly gentle enough not to really hurt her despite how it really grabbed her flesh just a little bit, just barely pulling her clit along with the movement of his tongue, even pulling her outer lips just a bit as she continued to gasp out with each lick.

Simon just smiled, using his tail to take care of himself a little bit, the sight of the supposedly almighty and immoral predator that was supposed to eat living furs either by catching them or just seducing them and then having them feed themselves to her.

To see her like this though, so vulnerable and gasping out for air out of pleasure and need, doing everything he told her to was very amusing as his cock bobbed a little in need himself, but his tail would have to do for now as he went to licking his tasty treat, spreading her folds with one hand, and running the smooth back end of one of his claws along the edges of her folds slowly, if firmly. Occasionally he would reach up and massage the entirety of her clitoral hood as well.

Maeve could only continue to gasp and moan, getting even needier as her sex started to get wet, her legs tensing a little with each lick or tease of a claw against her flesh.

Simon just laughed a little at his lover, leaning forward and kissing her folds a little, still not penetrating her, even if he spread her wide enough to look inside her nice and still tight pussy, only playing with her outer folds and clit, her clitoral hood flexing and tensing a little bit just like her legs.

"S-simon...." Maeve gasped out a bit, a little worry still in her voice, and while Simon did pay attention to that, he was far more concerned with learning what made her gasp and moan a bit more, leaving her folds now and looking over her ass, grabbing her cheeks and massaging them some, while still spreading her a little.

Although Maeve didn't gasp so much now, her legs still tensed a bit more, her toes curling up tightly as she was toyed with, Simon using a finger to rub her tailhole a little, before leaning up and kissing her left cheek, then kissing it a little further in, Maeve really gasping out now, only to give a very surprised gasping moan when he kissed her tailhole dead on.

"I think I found something." He teased a bit, giving it a very careful and slow lick, Maeve squirming a bit, but unable to move her hand, the cuffs very very tight, meant for submissive predators. While they were usually far stronger then he could even think of needing for anyone he had toyed with before, they would be perfect tonight for his sergal as he kissed her tailhole again, just barely pressing his tongue against her pucker a bit, only to see her giving a small whine, knowing that his feline tongue was rough at times.

He just smiled a bit more as he reached over and got the tube of lube, pulling out a little on his finger. "Now... this is going to get very cold, but trust me on this okay." He smiled, Maeve trying to look back to him, only to give a loud gasp in shock when he pressed his finger over her tailhole with the lube, the gel like material a very sudden chilling experience as he rubbed it around her ass a little, and then started to slowly ease his finger against her tailhole entirely.

Already Maeve was shivering, but she bit her tongue lightly to keep from speaking out, wanting to continue this with Simon, trusting him as he worked with her, her body shivering just a bit from the chill of the lube, even her clitoral hood trying to grab the sheets a bit.

Despite that, Simon still took his time, his other hand returning to her folds lightly, once again no penetrating her but spreading her and teasing her outer lips again. He made sure to pay special attention to things right now though, just barely prodding his finger constantly, but slowly against her tailhole.

She was still tight, tensed and fighting his finger some, but Simon knew to take his time, ease her into it as he finally started to really push his finger into her, only a little bit before pulling back and then trying again, starting to get a little more of his finger into with each prod, until at last his finger just slipped in past the first knuckle, and then after another slow minute of work, past his second knuckle, Simon kissing her cheeks again to tease her.

Although Maeve was still whining a bit, Simon also clearly noted the extra gasps and small moans of pleasure there were there, getting a bit louder as her whines got softer, Maeve still having not told him to stop before he finally pushed down one last time and his entire finger was now in the sergal's tailhole.

"I think I just found a guilty pleasure." Simon teased, flexing his finger lightly inside her, Maeve just whining some, her ears folding back, but not out of pain. Simon could clearly see the large blush on her face and hear the small moan she was giving as he left her folds again. "Just relax as best you can and let me help you enjoy it okay?" He smiled as he got up over her again, his tail still rubbing his cock as he took a bit more lube and shivered himself as he coated his tip and only little bit of his length with the cold gel to help her get use to something bigger in her tailhole before he started to work the plug tail into her.

HE just smiled and grabbed her cheeks a bit firmly again, spreading and massaging them nice and firmly, before teasing his tip against her tailhole, like before only just barely prodding himself into her, his tail squeezing his cock a little to keep him from cumming too soon, wanting her to enjoy herself much more for tonight.

Maeve just continued to gasp out, louder once more as she felt his tip against her tailhole, biting into the bed again and testing some, her tailhole putting up some more resistance, but with the work he already did and the lube, little by little he was making some progress with each small nudge and thrust, his tip started to push into her back door.

She just tensed one last time, before slowly starting to relax again, his tip slowly easing a bit more into her with each small nudge and thrust, until at last, his entire head popped in, Simon holding himself there as he gave a gasp himself, trying not to fill her up so soon, but leaning up and kissing her neck again.

"Enjoying yourself?" He asked, purring loudly himself as he nibbled and teased her neck some, loving the look of her, his gentle plaything that he wanted to enjoy and even more, make sure she enjoyed herself.

Maeve just nodded a little, still panting some, only to slowly feeling him pull out giving a slightly empty whine now, her tailhole still left gaping just a bit before slowly closing again as Simon started to slowly stroke himself with his tail again, reaching over and getting a little bit more lube, this time covering the bunny-tail butt-plug with it. While the tip was smaller then his own, it did have a large rounded teardrop shape to it, and the large part was bigger then his own cock, before thinning out back to the size of the tip again, and then capped with a large fluffy and white bunny tail.

"Here... let me replace that with something better." He smiled, the bunny-tail having a nice strong vibrator in it as well with a remote that Simon just turned on to its lowest setting before teasing her folds with his cock a bit again, making her moan out a little more.

As he teased her folds though, Maeve gasped out heavily and really arched her back a bit once the cold casing of the tail-plug started to press against her tailhole, the lube and casing cold, but the vibe felt great as she felt Simon toy with it against her tailhole, getting a little bit in each time he pressed it against her, making sure to twist and lightly turn it against her flesh a little to make sure she felt it.

Maeve was slowly getting even wetter, her nectar starting to slick up Simon's cock now and even part of his tail that he still had around wrapped around himself, and he could just tell that Maeve was enjoying herself, her clitoral hood once again rubbing him a bit. Little by little, he eased a bit more of the plug into her tailhole, always being careful and only a little bit more with each thrust so that she could adjust to it.

In just a few minutes, his cock was nice and slick from her juices as he finally gave one more push, Maeve gasping out and whining a bit from some pain, but that whine was mostly hidden behind a loud gasp of pleasure, Maeve almost cumming from that, but Simon just pulled away some and let her rest.

"Now now... let's take our time." He teased, Maeve giving a needy whine in response. "I want to see what you love most and what will make you melt the most." He smiled, leaning up and kissing her ear, before giving it a teasing nibble.

"W-what?" She gasped out, her body clearly needy, Maeve whining some at his play. "S-simon.... p-pleas-se?" She whined and begged, and at her words, Simon could only see a gently and oversized, if very needy kitten that was his to play with, not some large beast.

"Fine fine..." He smiled and kissed her ear again, before pushing into her folds a bit hard, a finger on her clit and rubbing her, his other hand toying with the plug and sure enough, in quick fashion, his sergal gasped out and came hard over him, Simon almost cumming himself from all the teasing he was putting himself through as well, but still managed to hold back... for now at least.

Maeve slowly eased herself up a bit, no longer tense as she laid there still bound on the bed, almost drooling a little even. "Someone certainly enjoyed that." Simon laughed a little, just barely easing himself deeper into her folds, using her as a flesh-light a little, but doing his best to stay calm as he teased her, reaching under her chest and grabbing one of her breasts, teasing her nipple a little.

Maeve was just forced to take it all, still tired and even a little dizzy from her strongest orgasm she had, only to feel him starting to play with her even more, her blush returning as she moaned out softly, happy now to be at his mercy and glad that he was so eager to pleasure her like this.

"Now now... you're not allowed to pass out until I'm done." He teased, reaching over and grabbing one of her legs, lifting up and even while he was still inside her folds, turning her over onto her back carefully, before laying her back down entirely, her clitoral hood wrapping around his cock a little.

She just gave a small whine, this time intentionally, acting a little like his pet since she was trusting so much of him now, deep down still a little worried, but that feeling was fading away as he continued to make use of her. "P-p-ple-ease?" She gasped out a bit, in a toying voice, Simon just laughing and purring a little more as he leaned down over her and licked carefully over her chest now, occasionally giving her a few kisses here and there while he worked.

"What a cute little 'bunny' girl." He laughed a little, only to lean up and give her a surprisingly deep and firm kiss, his tongue slipping in to her mouth to play with her, his other hand reaching for the plug remote and turning it up a little bit, even setting it to random so that it would slow down at times, and speed up, but never go pass the current max setting.

Feeling the sudden change in her tailhole though, Maeve gasped out and quickly kissed him back, her hands still bound or she would have hugged or even grabbed him and held him tightly, her legs moving to grabbing him instead.

Simon just let her for now, all through the kiss before finally pulling back and grabbing her legs, and with a little effort, spreading them apart again. "Hey now my little 'bunny.' If you don't behave, I may have to lock these up too." He laughed, teasing her some, even reaching down and pulling her clitoral hood off his cock.

"I... I still ne-need some... ears though." She blushed hard at her own words, Simon smiling.

"Maybe I can find some for you to try out." Simon teased, before leaning back down and licking over one of her nipples, still taking his time as he just barley shifted his cock inside her, more grinding himself inside her as he toyed once more with his sergal, this time learning her curves, using his tongue to explore the feel and bounce of her breasts, his hands moving over her hips and massaging her here and there, only to grin heavily when she tensed heavily, giving a loud gasp once one of his hands found her inner thigh. "Did I find another lovely little spot?" He teased her now.

He didn't even wait for her to respond though, rubbing that small space between her folds and her leg, carefully feeling her out and seeing what really set her off now like before, first with small rubs, then gentle but firm pinches, before finally giving her a a nice slow and firm massage like rub while carefully pressing his fingers down with a small circular motion, making her really cry out.

Even her insides very strongly gripped his cock now as he gasped out a bit himself, feeling her inner walls massage and milk him in return. "I found something!" He grinned, and kissed her nipple once more, focusing a lot on that spot as he still tried to hold himself back, his other hand moving down to grab the plug and gently pull and grind it inside her once more, wanting her to cum again, preferably before he did since he knew now that he couldn't last.

Maeve was just too lost on words now though as she was under his control now though, before she cried out again, cumming even faster then before as she gave a loud almost howl in pleasure, her insides locking hard over him, Simon unable to hold himself back before he gave one more thrust and his barbs locked himself inside Maeve, before painting her insides white.

Simon just barely managed to keep himself still hovering over her as Maeve arched her back hard, before flopping back, fully drooling for a few this time as she was panting some, unable to move now.

Simon just grinned a little, leaning up and giving her one more kiss to her nipples, then to her neck, and finally on her lips. "I think I broke it." He teased some, Maeve only able to gasp a little at the kisses at most. She couldn't even respond as she felt Simon still lightly grinding himself in her a bit. "Definitely broke it." He laughed a bit.

"Just nod your head... do you want me to continue... or do you need some sleep?" Simon asked, only to not get any real response. "Hey now... my toy needs to speak up." He teased, leaning down and kissing her neck a little again. "If you don't tell me you need sleep... I'm not going to stop doing things to you like you told me I could." He teased, toying with the plug again.

She was just too out of it to respond, so Simon decided he might as well really break her for a night, make sure that she enjoyed herself so much. Simon just slowly started to pull himself out, but made sure to grind himself inside Maeve a bit more as he did, letting his barbs really catch on her to see how she reacted, Maeve gasping a bout, strictly out of instinct now as she was toyed with further.

"It looks like I did break you, but you haven't said stop yet." He teased, leaning over and kissing her breasts again, taking his time to explore them again, licking over them, almost cleaning her a bit again with his tongue work, before curling his tongue over one of her nipples, giving a playful bite to her breast even as he didn't let up.

He could only watch as she flexed and tensed, arching her back a bit more, even as she was starting to get a little sore, but couldn't really stop him, and deep down she didn't want him to stop her as she continued to moan out a bit more. It was all she could do now regardless as she was toyed with.

He slowly started to thrust into her again, but made sure to grind harder against her, letting her feel his barbs even more, but still paying attention to make sure he didn't hurt her as he used his species natural features to explore her a bit now, leaning over and licking along her chest now a bit, seeing if she had any other reactions to his tongue work, getting something of a small laugh from when he licked at her ribs some.

He just filed that for future reference though, wanting her to gasp out in pleasure right, turning up the vibe a bit more inside her tailhole, before reaching over and getting a small bullet vibe, turning that on too, and then teasing it to her nipples some, watching as she gasped a little bit more.

He was slowly starting to get a little faster with his thrusts, still a bit needy himself as he moved the vibe down to her folds, pressing it lightly against her urethra just to see how she reacted, gasping out a bit more, but not really as he moved the vibe to her clit and got a good response this time, her clitoral hood curling up and giving him an idea, Simon quickly pushing the vibe into her curling clitoral hood and then watching as she gasped out loudly, the small bit of flesh really gripping it tighter, only to feel so much pleasure out of it.

"Bingo." Simon grinned as he turned up both vibes to max settings now, going back to thrusting moderately hard into her again, loving it as he just watched her struggle in pleasure, before cumming one last time, and finally past out entirely.

Simon just smiled, thrusting a little more inside her, before seing that she was entirely out of it, and pulling himself free. Although he was still very needy now, he could fix that after a few. For now though, he just turned off the vibes, and slowly pulled the bullet vibe free. He then rolled her over and removed the handcuffs and the even pulled the tailplug free.

He smiled, looking over her, putting his toys into a small tray to be cleaned in the morning, before finishing himself off with a flesh-light before covering up with her for the night.


Simon was still purring as he had his arm wrapped around Maeve. It was well into the day before she was starting to move however, the sergal heavily sore, but smiling some as she woke up, leaning back into the body behind her.

"I broke you... I broke you bad enough that you completely fell unconscious." Simon teased, giving her ear a playful nibble.

Maeve just blushed, her tail slowly wrapping around them both again. "R-really?" She gasped out a bit.

"Yep." He teased, wrapping his arms around her chest a bit more, pulling her back. "And I think you wouldn't have had it any other way then being turned into a giant fluffy bunny." He teased, nuzzling her some, Maeve blushing some, but nodding, so happy to be accepted and wanted so much.

"T-thank you." She said softly.


I hope you enjoyed the story.

Metting the Family

Going down the to the final stretch. Now we get some nice surprises and we meet Azuel's family. Disclaimer: This has sex in it if you are adverse sex, or are underage then stop reading now. And go read something else other wise enjoy All characters...

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Dragonslayer? 5

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MIsunderstanding Part 2

Well here we go a new chapter to misunderstanding. Can Felix and Azuel find a way. Sorry for the wait my proofreader wanted to make sure this was done right. Proofreader devilmaycry ~Several minutes ago~ Rosa is having so much fun with...

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