A Prequel to Order

Story by Jette on SoFurry

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A small experiment with a different style of writing.

Strangely enough, it ended up a bit longer than I wanted.

She'd been told to watch herself as she flew through the skies, and observed the wolven den from afar. Her clan's leader told her that the werewolves were known to snatch dragons right out of the sky, but she paid no mind to his warning. How could she? All of his rhetoric about the war against the werewolves being one-sided told her otherwise. Iro always spoke to the masses with a loud voice and his commanders at his side, promising effortless dominance over the werewolves...but something always seemed off about his words. He said they were weak, but he spent far more time sending Aero Dragons to spy than he did planning for battle. Of course, it seemed clearer now that she was bound and gagged with a shred of sunlight to keep her company in her holding cell. She didn't bother to fidget her wings or try to get free, the feeling of being ripped from the sky in the middle of flying at top speed was demoralizing enough.

Suddenly, there was a sound-- that of claw against stone...then everything went white. Zephyr turned away with a grunt, the sunlight burned her eyes, but she forced one to stay open. A blurry dark figure approached her faster than her mind could process and her wings jerked against the bonds. Her claws twitched and she bared her sharp teeth, but the display was utterly in vain. The figure stopped before her and everything had gone dark again.

Her eyes adjusted to the darkness much faster than before, but it didn't matter for long as she felt her body leave the stone floor and walls. Her visitor, a werewolf, pulled her against his chest and carried her out of the darkness and into the light. Immediately, they were surrounded by werewolves and all eyes were on her. They didn't look surprised or curious, but almost expectant. None of them flinched or moved, and despite a near declaration of war from the dragon clan, they didn't show an ounce of anger.

Zephyr didn't bother lying to herself as her captor carried her through the crowd of wolves and into an open space with a single werewolf, though others followed to watch at a distance. That final werewolf, bathed in sunlight with his silvery fur reflecting just enough light to give him look 'dazzling'. His expression was different from the rest, far more stern, almost radiant of his rank amongst his clan. If it wasn't for the elk-hide cape on his back, she was positive that she'd still know he was the leader.

The wolf carrying her let her down and cut her bonds apart. He bowed and backed away into the crowd of other wolves, then, as she stood up, there was silence. Zephyr was sure that anyone else, any of the other Aero Dragons would have tried to fly away, but she couldn't make herself move and that wasn't even the worst part. Edon, the werewolf king, could smell her fear. The look on his face said it all.

"Do you know who I am?" He spoke with a soft, gruff voice as he began to move forward. Her body flinched from his movement, every inch of it but her legs refused to move.

Edon reached out for her body and she couldn't move in time, but when he grabbed her, he wasn't rough or fierce. He took her waist with one hand and her hip with the other, not looking to her eyes as he crept around her body. She took a silent breath, caught between fearful and curious before finally speaking.


He was inspecting her, every portion of her unclothed, golden belly scales to her sky-toned body scales that changed colors as day shifted to night. Currently, they were light blue. He lifted her wings and even looked to her horns, he reached for her neck and she opened her mouth willingly for him to inspect her teeth. Finally, he fell to a knee and knelt down behind her, lifting her tail for further inspection. She gave him a surprise slap with the end of it. "Reflex" she stammered, and he didn't say a single word on the subject.

It was an odd feeling, but strangely comforting the way he treated her. If Iro would have caught any werewolves, their head would have been on a silver platter, their pelt would've been set out to dry, and their body would have been sent down a river, straight into werewolf territory.

Edon rubbed his cheek before standing up straight and going over the details of the war, reminiscing of what the dragons had put them through and some of the basic knowledge he had gained about them. Truthfully, it seemed he knew far more about the dragons than vice-versa, which was unsettling, considering the fact that the dragons seemed to spend far more time spying than anything else. He finished his monologue with a demand.

"We will not be responsible for a mother or father missing their daughter, or a hatchling missing their mother. You will return unharmed, and you can tell them that our forces are split between our home and searching for your scouts, but you will not speak a word of this to anyone--"

Zephyr sighed a premature sigh of relief. She took a soft breath to thank him, then, as the werewolves began to emerge from the forest around her, she realized it wasn't over.

"However...the threat of war left a majority of our warriors to leave home for their families' safety. As their mates cannot, you will be their catalyst for pleasure."

The wolves approached as their leader backed away, his arms crossed. Suddenly, Zephyr's body sprang to life and with a minor lift she began to take to the sky. Just as before, however, it took a single werewolf with a powerful leap of his own to rip her from the sky. She landed with a thud in the middle of the werewolves. The ones that weren't yet erect were getting there, feverishly stroking their deeply reddened cocks as she flailed beneath them.

Their claws came from all around, the only sounds she could hear were her own breaths and struggled. She screamed out, muffled by the furry bodies around her, but none of them covered her mouth. Of course they didn't, their leader never would have taken her somewhere that she would have been able to contact anyone else. They forced her wings to fold and pinned her down on her back as she covered her shapely breasts and clenched her legs together, but her attempts were feeble. One of the wolves took to her legs, forcing them to part with his nose along before he delved in with his tongue, touching over her scaly lips, then he force himself inside.

The sensation came like a bolt of lightning to the heart and it spiderwebbed through her being, the gross, icky feeling of that slimy tongue she wanted no part of. Once more, she tried again, screaming out as loud as she can, pleading for someone to find her, but as she took in another breath, one of the wolves mounted her face. She looked up to him and he looked down, smirking, then he forced her jaws open and stuffed himself inside. She gagged at first as he leaned forward and began to hump his face, shutting her eyes as his pubic fur brushed against her nose.

She opened her eyes to show the world a glazed expression as the strong, wolven musk filled her nose. It burned and scratched her throat as she took it down, and even with her palms filled with that werewolf's rough, thick fur, she was powerless to stop him. The feel of wolf between her legs changed for a moment, and there was nothing but a slimy, gross feeling, then she felt the fur between her thighs. There was a grunt and she screamed into pubic fur, gasping for breath only to get more cock and musk. The second wolf began to fuck her, he drove his hips against hers, his cock throbbed and his knot slammed against her slit. Just like before, the world began to glow blurry around her and in a matter of thrusts, she lost track of time. The wolf in her mouth came, leaving her gagging, puking his untimely orgasm onto her own face and breasts, then another took her place. The wolf in her folds came, leaving her own body tingling with an uncertain sense of arousal. As another patient wolf took his place, she finally came, gulping down precum and her pride.

There wasn't a word, and the leader watched patiently, his own arousal showing in the form of a throbbing cock. Wolves that had their turns returned to her body to spill more of their thick, strong-scented seed over her belly and breasts. Once her scales can gone from a clean blue and gold to a sticky, pungent white, they flipped her over. The sky above began to grow darker and her scales had surely changed with it, but no one would ever know as they continued to have her. They took turns until they were completely spent, then they backed away until there was one left, holding her shoulders down to the grass as he pounded her cunt. She came, then came again, but he was unphased, and continued to go until her body had gone limp. Finally, without a sound, he came, filling her womb with his seed before pulling back and standing up. The rest spilled over her back, then he backed away as his cock retreated into its sheath.

Zephyr managed enough strength to turn over, just enough scale showing to reveal midnight blue, then the leader approached. He tossed his cape aside and looked up at the full moon, then he dropped to his knees between her legs. Somehow, she assumed that she wouldn't even be able to feel him. Even though the wolves were relatively mild with their thrusts and drive for pleasure, her loins were sore, her legs had gone numb. She'd never been more wrong in her life.

Edon's first thrust gave her breath she didn't even know that she had, her scream echoed through the night and faded to nothingness eerily in the forest. He was far bigger than he looked from the ground, and he was far stronger than his lack of visible muscle let on. The other wolves watched and waited, some of them masturbating while others seemed to fantasize about another turn. Zephyr came early on with a weakened scream, followed by one of his, far stronger, and more plentiful than the rest, then he went back in. He fucked her in a way that nobody ever had before, and he looked her deep in the eyes the whole time. When he came the second time he shut his eyes and licked his lips, taking a deep breath as his cock throbbed fondly inside of her, then he looked up to the sky at the moon.

A huff of detest left his throat as he pulled out, letting his excess seed spill from her snatch and lazily ooze onto the ground. His cock was still beating, and after only two orgasms, Zephyr was positive that she was in for more, potentially all night long, the way the other wolves looked to her, but Edon stood up and stepped backward. One of his clansman took up his cloak and moved around to Edon's back, fitting it on him before backing away.

"Directly to the west is a hotspring hidden beneath the trees. You won't be seen there. Go and wash yourself off...but do not grow comfortable. You'll be seen me very soon, and when you least expect it." Edon's clan vanished in the forest amidst the shadows, leaving only the two of them bathed in the moonlight. He smirked and turned away, then disappeared in the night.

Zephyr willed her body to move with all of her being, but by the time she'd made it to her hands and knees, she was alone. The only thing she could hear was that haunting sound of the wolven seed dripping from her snout and wings and onto the grass around her. For a long while, she was still, exhausted and defiled, then she forced herself to stand with every ounce of her being. She was sore all over and truthfully, would have almost preferred to rest in the very stuff she was covered with...but her appearance before Iro was expected in a matter of hours. She just hoped her legs would stay standing through it all...