The Half Moon Tribe: The Four Moons

Story by Tiberius Rings on SoFurry

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As promised, I am continuing with the story! I hope everyone enjoys what's to come. The introduction of a new character was fun and challenging. If there's enough of a demand I may sit down and write a compendium of names, Gods, places, etc. Until then I'll just trust my reader knows enough or that they trust me well enough to know I'll explain things eventually!

As usual, all characters are copyright to me, Tiberius Rings.

The Half Moon Tribe: The Four Moons

"All right boys, Aces are Wild, as well as Suicide Kings. Don't like 'em then get off the table." I said with a smirk, my wrist workin' my deck of cards like a skilled pro. I flicked 'em left and I flicked 'em right. I was dealing to a table of travelers. One looked to be some kind of monk from some random church, I wasn't sure what. They were always coming here to this little town with all the wild wolves in the wood. The caerns. They were always trying to get them to leave their packs and come to the age of modern society.

I don't like the kingdoms, I don't like knights, and I don't like people who try to make others do what they want.

"C'mon Jacky," said some mercenary at the table. He was a tall man, some kind of dog. Floppy ears, scar across his face. He probably thought it made him look terribly dangerous. I didn't agree. "You need to go easy. Not all of us gamble like you do."

"Not man enough to deal with me?" I asked, smirking. "I'm fifteen years old and you're whining at me about my rules?"

"You're a fifteen year old wolf pup, even if you're scum, you're better scum than most of the people this side of the Eluna Kingdom." The other said. This man was a merchant. Also a dog, he traded in silks, jewels, those kinds of things. He didn't look like he touched a deck of cards in years and that always translated into easy pickin's for me. Heheh. I love a good fool.

"Oh yes, because I've had such a great life." Ya see, my family decided I wasn't worth the trouble and threw me out of our wooden home when I was six. Since then I was traveling, figuring out the world. I got into more trouble than I wanted to admit. Raped twice, but then most people who travel these borderlands near the wild caerns are bound to get into some mess. I learned then that if I don't at least carry a knife I better be able to talk my way out of a problem. You could assume I was angry at the world, but honestly I'm not! That's why I gamble. At least with a deck of cards in my hand I can manipulate a bit of fortune to come my way.

"Stop complainin' and bet, Jents." I said as I put the deck down. What the men hadn't seen was that I had stacked the deck, while shuffling in my favor. No one ever saw me cheat and I never stayed around in a town large enough to get caught. That was my thing. Cheat a few people out of their excess coin, jewels, once a lady's skirt, and then move on to the next town. There I would trade it for anything, stay at the inn, gamble a bit and keep traveling through the borderlands. When I got as far north or south as I could go I would always double back and keep going along. I was hoping one day to get one of those caern people at my card table but they rarely stopped in the towns. They were so weird.

Take for instance their clothing. Me, I wear leather pants, a long sleeve tunic and a nice, warm jacket. HOWEVER! I've heard stories that these caern wolves run around mostly naked, if not completely. A loincloth. A LOINCLOTH. Who could function like that? Especially a teenage boy. I've come to the conclusion that even though I don't like the idea of sex that much my sheath is just not equipped to handle my penis.

I was dealing these cards and playing this crooked game with an erection right now, actually. Again, remember. Fifteen. What teenage boy doesn't get a hardon randomly? I just try to make it go away or something.

I just zoned out as the men gambled. The trick of the game was to make them think they had a couple good cards, and always let them win once in awhile. I saw a few bets go up, especially a little war between the monk and merchant. I kept betting but only matching, not raising. When it got o the point where the price was nice and high I would call, or raise.

This time I called.

"This aces, boys." I said with a grin. They showed me their cards. Two Kings, another two queens. Junk, but these men didn't gamble. Personally I wouldn't have raised the pot that high with only a pair of kings or queens, but then I'm dealing with dogs. Society says they're not as good as wolves, but I say wolves are not as good as wolves. The Kingdom of Eluna, founded by some old wolf, was supposedly an old caern. They established a nobility and made it so really only wolves could function to any degree of success in society. My position wasn't so great. I guess I was unwanted, or an accident, or my Dad was just having way too much fun one evening and didn't realize that he could get my mother pregnant. So I was born, and when eh got tired of caring for some child who didn't fit with his scheme of things, he threw me out!

Oh well, life's not bad now. Now that I know what society can and will do to me, I'd much rather be here then in some classroom learning about this, or that. I'm having WA too much fun stealing. Oh thank god, my erection finally went away. Damn things.

I was pushing the coins and jewels into a pouch when the door to the inn opened up, letting in a blast of the cold, freezing air. I blinked and looked, and saw of all things...those caern wolves! A skinny timber wolf coloring walked in, wearing a black loincloth! He wore bandages on his feet and a leather vest on his chest. I wondered who he was.

He wasn't the only one, too. Another man walked in. This one was BIG. He was tall, muscular, handsome. He wore a bandanna on his head and a smirk on his face. He came armed, too. A big sword was on his back as well as on his waist. I knew now that I Should probably avoid making that one mad. He stepped in and walked up behind the smaller one.

A couple more walked in, just looking just as weird. Their bodies mostly naked and clad in a loincloth of various colors. It was hard to imagine how they were warm, but they were.

What caught my eye was the final one of those people who walked in. He was huge! Taller then the red one with the swords. His fur was completely black and his eyes amber, much like the color of the beads I just won. He wore a red loincloth and no weapon. He stepped in, closed the door behind him, and looked around.

"Slayn," the big black wolf said. "Get us lodging until this blizzard passes."

"Hello," I said, putting my hand on the back of one of the chairs, the one exactly opposite of this Arch character.

Silence. The big male just looked to the side then, his arms now crossed over his chest.

"Uh..." I said, blinking and tilting my head to the side curiously. "Hello?"

Still, silence.

Now, this was making me mad. I knew he could hear and I knew he could understand our language. I'd heard them all talk and understood every word; so what was going on here? I wasn't going to be ignored! I stepped around the table and stood in the path of whatever he was looking at, bending my back a bit so I would be eye level with him.

"I'm Jack. What's your name?"

The only response I got was a huff from his large, black nose. He must have had very powerful lungs because I felt the rush of air pass across my face.

"Insolent whelp," He just said, lowering his hands, putting one palm on the top of his table and drumming his fingers along it.

What? "Excuse me?" I said, still confused. I was being polite. I know, a rarity for me but I was trying to make sure he didn't view me as dinner or something.

The big black wolf was silent for a moment before sighing dramatically. How did I know it was dramatic? I did the same thing when someone was annoying me. He was annoyed? I hadn't even tried to steal from him yet. He must have been bugged about something else entirely.

"Boy," He began, finally looking at me dead in the eyes. "I don't know who of your pack taught you manners, but when you are in the presence of another pack's Alpha, you act with honor. It's also best to be a little bit afraid." He said, baring his teeth. He had a nice set of sharp, white teeth.

I still didn't flinch.

"What pack?" I said, quirking my brow. "And what's An Alfalfa?"

"Alpha," The big wolf said, growling a bit.



"AL-FAL-FA: " I responded, raising my voice just as high. I really didn't know what an Alfalfa was, but I wanted to know.

The big black wolf slammed his palms onto the table, growling and quickly leaning forward so his muzzle was in my face. I felt a rush of heat swirl around me; as if someone had thrown a fresh log on the fire. It was more than that, though; I could feel hot air being breathed into my lungs. I gripped the chair tighter but didn't flinch as I had that powerful muzzle right in my face.

"I am Alpha of the Half-Moon Tribe, boy, and you are being disrespectful!"

"If you TOLD Me what an Alfalfa was, I'd behave a bit better!" I growled right back, pushing back the instinct to fold my ears back. I had stared a sword in the face, a half naked big black wolf wasn't going to make me pull back. He'd have to try harder than that if he wanted that reaction.

He must have been getting impatient, because his palm shot out and grabbed my wrist.

I winced as he tugged my arm. He WAS strong. It took no effort to drag me around to the front of him. He could easily have crushed my wrist.

"Now, tell me who your--" I cut him off with a right hook right across the muzzle.

I heard someone behind me stumble. I hazarded a glance behind me and saw that one of those tribal wolves had been standing but fell over. Why'd he trip? I looked around and saw all the other tribal wolves standing now, looking stunned. I quickly looked back up at the black wolf, blinking. He was staring down at me, his muzzle open. The inn was oddly silent. Everyone was looking. I had to break the silence.

"Let me go!" I said, growling loudly and tugging my arm out of his grasp. I looked down at the sleeve and straightened it. Everyone was standing still. The wolf who had fallen was getting back up. Finally, the big male began to growl.

I heard those same wolves move then. I looked around and saw them approaching quickly. I reached down to my belt to draw a weapon, one of my knives, but a hand grabbed my wrist. Much smaller and less firm. I looked up to see that brown wolf not only near me but standing in my personal bubble, holding the hand securely so I couldn't draw. He just shook his head. How had he got here so quickly?!

"That would be stupid, pup," He said. Calling me a Pup! He wasn't any taller than me. Well, maybe an inch or two. "Drawing a weapon would mean Arch could kill you and wage war on your whole caern."

"I don't have a caern! A pack, An Alpha! I'm not from the woods. I'm from the cities." I said, pulling my wrist away and looked up to the big blaack wolf, glaring up at him. "Now tell your minions to move away from me or I will draw. I'll die but will you risk their lives?" A gamble. That little brown wolf, Slayn I think, he was fast. He could stop me before I even got a knife out. I just hoped the risk of fighting and potentially losing someone was enough to satisfy the big male in front of me.

Arch, that was his name, grunted and raised a hand. "Everyone, relax. He's no risk to me. Sit back and relax. If he causes problems I'll make sure he pays."

I felt two large palms on my shoulders and found myself worked down into a chair, the one I had been touching earlier. The brown wolf had moved off. Now it was that big red one, holding me down into the chair. The bandanna was cute. I wanted one like that. But he spoke and broke my train of thought. "Mind yourself, pup. We're watching you," He said before moving off, going back to where the brown one had moved off. Finally, it was just me and Arch.

"What do you want, One Wolf?" He said to me, leaning back in his chair and looking bored as well as annoyed.

"One Wolf?" I asked, again confused. Why couldn't they just modernize?! The castle's libraries would surely loan them books of terms to use to get along with our civilization. They were stuck in the past. I wondered what they'd do if they saw a fully armored knight. Those wolves...those wolves could send Arch and his merry little band of annoying protectors running. I hoped.

"It's what we call Wolves who've left their packs. They walk alone." He said to me, sounding so smug and confident.

"I've never had a PACK. No one has packs out here." I explained, sighing. This was going to be a unique concept.

"Wolves don't exist on this side of the Borderlands," He said so matter-of-factly. I saw one of his little minion wolves, this one that robed mage from the side, lean over and whisper into his ear. The robed wolf's companion had also brought a drink for Arch, putting it down on the table in front of him. I watched them whisper and then saw Arch nod, the two going back to the stairs and up into the darkness.

"There's a LOT of us on this side of the woods," I said, grunting in annoyance. Were they really so isolated. "Lord Zane rules these lands, an Empire of all wolves."

"You're confused," Arch said again, sipping his drink. "No wolf exists outside of our wood. To do so is to lose the blessings of the Gods. You're confused. What pack are you from?"

"I'm not from a pack!" I said with a growl, standing up and slamming my palms against the wooden table. "I was born in the Isalia Village, about two months trip west from here. Everyone there is wolves. Zane rules from the capitol city of Fanris. He's also a wolf. Everyone in the castle is a wolf. A non-wolf is forbidden from even entering the castle."

I saw Arch's eye list as he sipped and finally put his mug down. He leaned back, thinking. "Did you say Zane?"

Now I had his attention. Good. "Yes, why?"

"No reason," he said, thinking for a moment. "Does the name Severed Moon mean anything to you, pup?"

"No..." I said. I honestly didn't know what to make of it. I just flicked my tail then and leaned back in my chair, putting my palms on the arms of it. "Why?"

"That's not for a child's ears to hear. Where are your parents?"

"Heh," I said, grinning. "Lets just say I'm not up to snuff for them. I'm on my own, have been for years." I leaned forward, elbows on the table then, smirking. "Making my own way, my own money and being successful."

I saw Arch just blink and stare at me with strong eyes. It surprised me. Surprised me enough that i leaned back. Had leaning on the table offended him?

"YOu are alone? A boy? You are not 18 years, are you?"

"No, but I've been told I could pass for it if I tried." I said with another grin. I liked looking older than I was.

"I see," He said, thinking maybe. Or he was just losing interest. "What did you want from me, boy?"

"Oh, I just wanted to play a game."

"What kind of game?" The big wolf asked me. At least he wasn't totally uninterested. I could have a bit of fun here.

"Poker," I said as I put the deck of cards in front of me. I began to shuffle, cutting the deck in two and then combine the cards by flipping them upwards with my thumbs, putting the two pieces together and then repeating the process. At least until Arch spoke.

"I don't know how to play that game," He said, rolling his eyes. "Don't you want to play with someone else? I won't be any good."

"Well," I said with a smile. "I did want to play poker but that requires two more people and I don't feel like teaching it to your people, and you don't seem like the most social fellow in the inn. How about black jack?"

"Black jack?" Arch asked me, lifting an eye ridge then. "Is it named after you?"

The joke had me grinning but my hand came up and I shook my head, trying to show him a level of innocence. Hey, at least I was innocent of that! "No no," I said. "I don't know who named the game. It's named after the card. You know about cards, right?"

"Yes," He said, huffing. "We have some and I've played a few hands of our own card games. But it's not something we do a lot. We play other games." He said. I watched Arch put his palms down onto the table. He looked like he was ready to stand. "What are the rules?"

"Simple!" I began. "The object of the game is to get 21. Each card is the value you see on it, Kings, Queens, and Jacks all being worth 10. An Ace is 1 or 11, it's up to you what you pick."

"What happens if I go over?" Arch asked. He picked up quicker than I expected.

"You lose. You will tell me to 'hit you' and I will give you a card. When you feel like you've gotten closer to 21 than I have you stay. When we both stay we show each other our one face-down card. Whoever gets 21 wins." I didn't plan to explain the more complex rules about double downs and other things. Best not to scare a beginner away. Besides, I was cheating and didn't plan to lose.

"What do you want to bet, pup?" Arch growled quietly. "I'll have to get stones from Slayn."

"Oh no," I said with a smirk as I continued to shuffle the cards in my palms. "You can't do that. You can bet whatever you have on you. Even your clothes."

"What...?" He asked, a bit surprised. I had taken an inventory of Arch's belongings. He had his loincloth as well as a belt around his waist with various pockets. I figured they were more utilitarian than holding money. He also had a dagger strapped to his thigh. I wanted the dagger, but to knock this wild wolf down a peg or two would be fun. I intended to clean him out.

"Fine," Arch finally agreed, glaring at me. "But I don't want to play long. I want to go up and sleep soon. You'll bet whatever you have on your person?"

"That's the plan, Archie." I said with a smile. I saw his ears twitch in an obvious sign of annoyance. I also saw a few heads turn towards us when I called this 'Alpha' by something other than his respectable title.

I knew better than to win right away. That was dumb even when I was playing poker with people who knew the game. With black jack it was just Arch and myself. he'd pick up on it quicker. It was best to loose a few hands and walk him through it. As I shuffled the cards in my palms I made sure to stack them in such a way that Arch would end up in the high ground. I dealt.

Arch's face up card was a 10 of Diamonds.

Mine was a 7 of Clubs.

I watched the big wolf check his card. I looked at his face the whole time, trying to figure out if he had any sign of a tell, not that I really needed a tell. He was new to the game and I wasn't exactly being Mr. Honest. I smiled none the less. Something about spending time with this man was relaxing. For a bit I didn't think about where I'd be sleeping tomorrow or if I'd have enough for dinner. No, I didn't plan to rob him blind, but it was comforting. For some strange reason, sitting near this big black wolf was also warmer. Weird.

"I stay," Arch said, looking up at me.

My face down was a Ten of Spades. I knew Arch's face down was a King of Spades. I nodded.

"Me too, boss wolf. Show me whatcha got."

He flipped his card over, revealing the King. My eyes widened a bit and I growled, touching my card and flipping it over. I revealed my hand; I had seventeen and Arch had 20. I sighed.

"You cheated!" I proclaimed, trying to look like a sore loser.

"What?" Arch growled. I could see his hands press onto the top of the table at the comment. His growl was louder than any of the previous ones. I noticed the fur on his neck and over his shoulders rise up, his teeth bared a bit. I could see how sharp they were, how long they were, but not his gums. Fuck. Did I do something wrong? "How dare you, whelp. Insulting MY honor like that." His voice was low but the bass and the calmness of how he said it freaked me out. I wanted to run away but I stood my ground. I had to think of a way out of this.

"I didn't mean it, Arch." I said, holding a hand up.

"ALPHA!" He roared. I felt the physical push of some kind of force erupt from him. I felt the fur on my face and the folds of my clothes flutter backwards. A hand went to my chest, holding it and coughing. The air in my lungs was hot. How did that happen? I coughed it out, looking up at him.

"You are a boy from another pack, even if you don't call yourself by a moon. You will use my rank from now on or I will see to it I punish you for your actions!" HE growled loudly at me, but then pulled whatever it was he was doing back. I took a breath of cool air, coughing. I had been mending a cold, but the heat in my lungs had brought back my coughing.

"Fuck," I said, holding my hand over my muzzle, looking at Arch. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Whatever it is you do, don't do it again."

"Don't act like you can tell me what to do, boy." He said, relaxing in his chair. I could see the fur on his shoulders and neck flatten, his ears not look so rigid, nor his expression so angry. "Will learn your place among your kind. I will see to it. I won, now pay."

I just nodded my head and reached down to my belt, removing it. It had all my money in it but I planned to win it back. I put it on the table, watching as Arch picked it up and put it on the table to his left.

"Now then," Arch said, glaring at me. "You want to play some more? You will use my title and be more respectful. If you insist on being a brat I will leave with what I've won."

Shit. If he left with my belt I was screwed. I just shook my head. "I'll behave. I promise. Please, stay." I was trying to be as nice as possible. I was also trying to figure out what the hell he was doing to me. That heat was unlike anything i'd felt. I coughed again. "Sorry."

The next three hands I let Arch--I mean the Alpha--win. I had only planned on one more but after his little power display, I knew better than to start winning right away. I was also far less talkative, wanting to simply play. I was playing the wounded pup act. However, I was still coughing.

Finally, I began to stack the cards in my favor.

I won a hand. Arch played it coy though. He began to bet my own things he'd won; my shoes, my belt, and my jacket (which I promptly put right back on!). Finally we were back to square one, and I had every intention of cleaning Arch out. He was fixed on this "Honor" stuff, like that existed when you were hungry or sick. If he backed out now, with a few of his wolves watching, he'd look like a fool, or honor-less I suppose. Oh even I was impressed at my cunning! I had to do everything I could not to grin or smirk. I was still looking serious and wounded. Thankfully I was coughing still, it made me look like I was actually still sick.

Finally it was down to the two items I really wanted from Arch; his dagger and his loincloth. I played my hand well, a solid blackjack, which I did have to explain to Arch. He growled but didn't do much else other than pay up and put the dagger on the table, which I quickly picked up and slipped behind me onto a table. I knew I had done very well just by the dagger. One more deal and I would leave with a bit of pride, a weapon, and a disgruntled big black wolf behind me.

The next hand was dealt, and I made it a close one. I dealt myself 19 and made sure Arch felt secure with 18. He was playing conservative. He got very upset when he busted, so I told him to just stay when he felt like he was safe. I was being honest there, of course, because it was how to safely play the game. A lot of new players took that advice as canon law. Good for me.

Arch didn't hit when he got his two cards.

I grinned and flipped my cards over, displaying my 19 with a Jack and Nine of Spades. Spades was my favorite suit of cards. I just knocked my knuckles on the wooden table with a gentle motion and smiled to the big male in front of me.

"I win,"

I just got a stare back from the big wolf. He huffed then and growled. "I will honor this, but remember, boy, you're playing with fire, quite literally."

"Yeah, yeah," I said, putting my chin in my palm. I coughed again but held most of it back. "You can't threaten me. I won fair and square and you're just acting like a sore loser. Now give me the last thing you have."

I won't lie that my perversion didn't play into a part of this. Yeah, the idea of sleeping with someone still made me uneasy, but I was curious. A lot of people were. What did a male wolf look like under a loincloth? I was betting on something normal. I knew not to really think anything incredible. I just kept my face placid as I saw Arch stand and go down to the tie of his loincloth. He undid the simple strap then and tug the knot, and then he simply threw the loincloth onto the table.

"There, your payment, pup."

I looked from the loincloth up along the Alpha's naked body. I saw that other wolves had moved in, one having a palm resting on the hilt of a sword. None of them were sitting and all looked between me and the Alpha with trepidation. I figured that if this big black wolf ordered it I would be killed. I finally did get a peek at his groin. Arch was not one to disappoint. His sheath was just as black as the rest of his fur, resting against his stomach loosely. The tube was thick, thicker than mine at least and most of the other wolves I'd seen bathing in rivers and the like. Nestled below them were two rather generous testicles. They weren't adversely big, but they fit his body perfectly. They were a large extension of his large frame. Bigger than a typical male's, he was obviously well endowed but didn't let it get to his head I guessed. He crossed his arms over his chest and looked down at me, grunting.

Flustered, I reached out and snatched up the loincloth, and just made myself grin up at Arch. "Thank you for the clothing donation, Alpha. Now then, I'll be going."

Without a word I stood up and slipped my new things into the small bag I had. I planned to sell everything but the dagger. I needed a new weapon anyway. The knife I had was old and the grip was broken. The dagger was actually very much a godsend. I slipped the deck of cards back into the pouch and then secured it. I was home free. I began to walk toward the door of the inn, coughing a bit but not terribly hard. There was a smaller, worse inn on the other side of town, but the wolves weren't there. I would just spend a little money there and sleep. Sleep sounded good right now, actually.

"Avalon, Renin, restrain him and take the boy up to our floor. Everyone to that floor."


I spun around to see that small, robed wolf holding his staff close to his chest. He was mumbling something. My eyes widened when I saw the tattoos on his face; those intricate lines of power that looked ornamental at first, began to glow. He pointed one hand at me and curled his fingers so only the index and middle were pointed at me.

"Selik's vines." He said gently. I saw the tips of his fingers began to glow a vibrant green. One strand wrapped around my ankles, holding me tightly! The other curled around my arms which effectively made them useless! Pinned to my sides I couldn't do anything. I even began to feel myself fall.

That was until that big red wolf rushed over to catch me. I found myself in those arms, but also saw that speedy little brown wolf standing right next to me, too. Everyone began to move, and I was being carried like a piece of luggage! I managed to look over the big red wolf's shoulder and shout! "Jerry! Stop them!"

"Heh," the bear said as he continued to wipe off his counter, not even looking at me. "Maybe this'll teach you to stop cheating in my Inn, Jacky."

"Damn you!" I growled as I was hauled up the stairs. The trip was dark and close, I even banged my head once on the wall, getting a yelp out of my muzzle when the sharp blast of pain errupted through my skull. I thought that maybe this big wolf had done it on purpose. I heard a door unlock and then open, and finally I was in a room with light! The interior was a whole floor with three bedrooms, the main living room like place near the lockable door. All had fire places thankfully. They were burning brightly. I looked down to see that there was actually rugs on the floor. I heard the door close and feet moving. I heard doors open. Apparently the wolves were turning in for the night.

I groaned when the red wolf dropped me on the ground.

"Renin," Arch said. "You can remove the bindings."

"Yes Alpha," I heard that robed wolf say. In an instant the coiled magic was gone from my body.

I moved to stand, but the moment I did that red wolf held my arms securely. Arch stood in front of me. Another wolf brought him a loincloth and a knife. I watched as Arch slipped on that red loincloth, removing his nakedness from my view.

"You cheated," he said, holding the knife down by his side.

"I didn't cheat." I said back with a growl of my own. I was scared. More scared than I ever thought I would be. I wasn't playing with men who would hurt me, potentially rape me, and then leave me. For all I knew these wolves ate other wolves! There were so many stories floating around about what happened inside the woods. How was I to know what to expect?

Arch sighed and walked over to me. He grabbed my muzzle and held it tightly closed in his hand. "You cheated. Your friend downstairs even admitted you cheated. If I examined your cards, would I find you did something to them so you would win?"

I couldn't talk but I still just glared at Arch, resisting the urge to keep my ears back. I was going to go at this as best I could, even if I got my ass handed to me. I knew I couldn't beat any of the men in here in a fight. One even had magic!

"I can see now that your society doesn't care how bad you are. What laws you break, and how you act in public. I'm appauled by this, but I can't fault a society so unlike ours. HOWEVER!" He said as he squeezed my muzzle tighter. "I can fix this. You are abandoned by your parents, your Alpha. As you are not a man in the eyes of the Gods I will act as your speaker. You are now part of our pack. I will make sure by the time you are an adult you won't act like you did down below."

Arch let go of my muzzle. "WHAT?! I am not going to live in the woods with you!"

"I HAVE SPOKEN!" Arch growled, the rush of heat made everyone in the room wince. He looked over me to Avalon. "Get him out of those clothes and like a real male. Let him keep what he won from me. The rest take, including those cards of his."

"Yes, Alpha." Avalon said. "Slayn, can you help me?"

With a squirm from me, as well as a kick, the brown wolf moved over. I made an effort, still stunned. I had never resisted something so much so recently. The last time I was this desperate to get away was when I had been cornered in an alley and walked away without my virginity. I felt the tugging of my clothes come off, not just my pants. My bag, my shirt, my jacket, pants, boots, everything! The red wolf had pushed me so I stumbled out of my clothes, falling down onto the floor in front of Arch, naked.

"Slayn," Arch said. "Let him borrow one of your loincloth. Put it on him."

I was on all fours, flustered, red, embarrassed. I didn't look up. I could feel the cold air of the room around me, biting into my fur and my flesh. I wanted something to cover up with, something to hide under, something to keep the chilling sensation off my skin. I didn't give them the satisfaction of folding my ears or curling my tail down. I just remained still.

"You look a little thin," Arch said, crouching down in front of me and touching my muzzle so I had to look up, look at him. "When was the last time you ate?"

As Iw as about to answer I felt arms around my waist, tying together the ends of a loincloth. I blinked a bit and looked down. I was wearing a light blue loincloth that fit a bit loosely, but I wasn't entirely naked anymore, even if that's how I felt. I looked back up at Arch, growling. "Why am I dressed this way?! I ate yesterday, you idiot. Now give me my things back!"

"We dress like this because it is how we are. You will adapt." Arch's palm shot out then, slapping me across the muzzle hard enough to let out a crack of noise echo in the floor. "You will remember your place. I am your Alpha, you will never talk to me like that again."

I winced, bringing my palm up to my face and holding it. It hurt but the pain was already fading. I just glared at him but held my tongue. He could easily order everyone around here to come after me, to hurt me, to take my clothes or worse for all I knew. I was a gambling man, I didn't want to fold just yet. I had to live that was for sure. "I'm hungry." I said, still glaring up at him.

"Of course." Arch said and motioned with his hand. A wolf approached my side, bending over and handing me a wooden bowl of fresh stew. The good stuff by the looks of it. Jerry had two pots of stew typically; one being the watered down, older stuff that tasted like lightly flavored water. This stuff was made with milk and other expensive things. I just looked to Arch, quirking my brow at him then but didn't look a gift horse in the mouth. I spooned a large mouthful into my mouth and began to eat, letting the warmth warm me up, for now, not caring about the fact I was mostly naked.

The stew was promptly finished. When you live like me you know not to let food linger in front of you too long. This fact was even more obvious when I saw that all the others were still eating. I just stood up, tugging down the loincloth. I was very aware it could sway easily when I walked and as such I didn't want to flash myself to the group of weird woody wolves. I saw a bedroom and grinned. A nice plush bed, that sounded fine. If they wanted me in here I was going to claim one of those beds. I headed over, only to hear a growl.

"Where are you going?" It was Arch.

"I'm claiming one of the beds. I haven't had a bed in awhile. Why?"

"You're sleeping on the rugs." Arch said as he continued to eat his stew.

"What?! Why?"

"Because I said so. Avalon and Slayn get one room because they're the only couple. The other room is going to be split fairly among everyone else with rotations on guard duty, the sofa, and the bed. I get the other room."

"Why do you get your own bed?" I asked, very upset.

"Because I'm Alpha. I told you not to question my authority again, Jack." I could hear him growl subtly. I had also noticed everyone had stopped eating and just tried not to look at either of us. "Why are you always pushing this? Most boys your age know the simple facts of how a wolf operates."

"I'm not one of you! I told you this! If you realized this you wouldn't be treating me this way!" I was angry again. I walked right in front of Arch and smacked the bowl of stew right out of his hands. "You aren't anything special! You're just the biggest or the strongest and everyone's accepted that, but that doesn't work out here! Out here it takes more than a growl and a flex of your stomach to get people to follow you!"

Maybe smacking the bowl of out his hands wasn't the smartest idea in the world. I saw all of the wolves around us stand up and when I looked back up so did Arch. He stared down at me and put one of his large palms on my shoulder. He just remained quiet as he walked me into the bedroom he had picked as his. When I struggled to get away he just hauled me inside and slammed the door closed....with some kind of force. The room was also blazing hot, too hot for a fire place only. He just pushed me until I stumbled and landed on the bed.

"Why are you being difficult?" He finally asked.

"Why are you?" I asked it back at him!

I stared at Arch for a moment and saw him grinning. He laughed and shook his head, lowering his arms from the crossed position. "You know most of my wolves would pee themselves if they even thought of talking to me like that."

"Why?" I asked, quirking my brow in confusion.

"Because," He began and moved to the bed, sitting down next to me. Still grinning. The bastard. "It's how we are. I'm the authority of our home, of our people. When you challenge that authority it's always treated as a serious matter. At least the people make it that way."

"So you don't mind when I make fun of you, question you, or outright insult you?" Now I was even more confused.

"It doesn't bother me as much as people think it does. What are you going to do, really? You're no threat to anyone. You're just an amusing pup whose acting as if he's a hardened warrior."

"I AM hardened."

"Uh huh," Arch said, grinning and poked the top of my head with a finger, pushing back until my head was against the blankets. He held my head there with the one finger. "If you can sit up I'll admit to everyone you're a hardened warrior."

I just blinked and pushed my palms down onto the bed, trying to sit up. When I began to wiggle downwards Arch laughed. "A warrior doesn't wiggle. They push forward with all their strength. You wiggle away you forfeit."

I growled and just brought my hand up and slapped the bigger wolf's hand, trying to get it off my skull. "Move your hand!"

After a few moments Arch did. I sat up, rubbing my forehead and coughing. That big wolf was grinning brightly, obviously pleased with himself. "Not much of a warrior, huh?"

"Not much for being fair," I said, grunting.

"You cheated me, remember? I figured an honest challenge would be good for you." Arch said.

"Shut up," I said, grunting and coughing, holding my palm over my muzzle.

"Why did you cheat, anyway?"

"When you live like me you know never to leave anything to chance. You gotta control the flow of destiny or you'll end up naked in the snow." I responded, not bothering to look at him.

Arch was silent for the longest time before he spoke. "What happened to you to make you feel like that? Life isn't that cruel."

"I'm sorry," I said, turning to look at him. I could feel my anger building but I controlled myself. "Not everyone is lucky enough to live in some magical forest. Out here life is hard and it's cruel. I'm not asking for sympathy."

"You're going to be living in those magical woods now," He said calmly.

"NO I'M NOT!" I said, growling and leaping to my feet, standing in front of him, pointing my finger right between his eyes. "I don't want to go live with you, or anyone! I've been fine on my own."

Arch just sat there passive looking. It wasn't until he grinned I got mad again.

"What's so funny?!" I shouted!

"You," He said with a mild chuckle. "You seem to be a very dramatic pup."

"Fuck this!" I growled, moving back to the bed and crawled along it, moving to the pillows and the front of the blankets. I had to reach back more than once along the trip to tug down the back flap of my new loincloth. Gods, this thing wasn't going to remain where I wanted it! I had been in the company of these wolves most of the night and I hadn't seen any of them expose themselves. Why was I having so much trouble?! I managed to crawl under the blankets, and like the man I am, I curled up with all the blankets and sheets. I had wrapped myself in a cocoon of warmth.

Arch had watched me the whole time, and when he saw me curl up like that his face just looked perplexed. Yeah, he was probably looking at my butt or something and got a cheap thrill. "Are you serious?" he asked.

"What?" I responded, finally poking my head out from the cocoon.

"You are not sleeping like that," he responded.

"Watch me, Alfalfa." I said back with a sigh and laid back, closing my eyes.

I remained stiff, waiting for Arch to grab the sheets and pull me out. It didn't come. I heard him walking about the room, open something, etc. There was the creek of wood as he walked along the beams that lined the floors. I just relaxed, figuring I had called his bluff. Jack had won!

That was until I felt him prying me out of the blankets.

Surprisingly he wasn't very rough. I had a feeling a barbaric man such as this black wolf could chew a boulder up between his teeth and spit them out without so much as a chipped tooth. He could easily break my arm or rip my head off, literally. When he pulled me out he didn't so much as make me wince. I did squirm, knowing I wasn't going to sleep the way I liked!

"Put me down!" I said, finally free of the blankets. He was holding me against his chest, my legs draped over his arm. I looked up at him, seeing him grin. Why was he always grinning now? Why was he so nice all of a sudden?

"You may be one of the bravest pups I've seen, but I'm still Alpha. You can't have the bed." He told me as he walked toward the fire. I looked down as he crouched down and blinked in surprise at what I saw.

What Arch had done was lay the spare blankets down across the rug in front of the fireplace. There were about four spare pillows too. He had made me a bed? He put me down on the bedding gently, laying me out. I couldn't help but cough, but thank the Gods I did! I was blushing! ME! Jack! I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of seeing me actually touched. No, no. This Alpha needed training.

"You will sleep here. It's not a bed but it's comfortable. When we get home you can have your own bed." He told me. His hands had reached down and undid the loincloth I wore, removing it.

"Hey!" I said, feeling myself naked. I scrambled under the blankets, blushing as I hid my nakedness. I saw Arch simply lay the cloth down next to me, grinning.

"Relax, pup." He told me with a solid smile now. "I'm not going to keep you totally naked. Though I won't deny the view isn't enjoyable."

"Lech," I said with a huff, crossing my arms over my bare chest. The bedding he had laid down was nice and comfortable. Not nearly as nice as the bed, but better than where I would have been sleeping tonight had I not met these wolves. I had been sleeping in the barn outside for the last two nights. It was cold and with the blizzard it must have been freezing in there.

He just grinned. I couldn't resist now. "Why are you so grumpy out there but in here you're only mildly terrible?"

The question made those black ears perk and twitch, then he huffed. That glum, moody expression had crossed his face then. "Is it that noticeable?"

"It is to someone who eats daily by playing cards and cheating people out of their money. Your mood changed."

"It's Slayn and Avalon," He admitted, kneeling there next to my nest of blankets.

"The little brown wolf and the big red one with the swords and bandanna? Last I checked they were your faithful servants willing to march over a cliff for you." I was confused, but hey, I had been confused most of the night. Once more wasn't going to change anything. I just listened, wondering if I was going to get an explanation or just a casual discard.

"When we get home their Joining will happen," Arch admitted.

"What's a Joining?"

"To you, it's when two people become joined together forever. I think the word is marriage? They'll be mates forever." Arch said quietly.

What? Male couples? That was forbidden by Zane. He had changed the laws a long time ago, but before, well before I came into the world and graced everyone with my lovely presence, male couples were treated normally and welcomed. Today it wasn't as common. Hell, Zane gave you money if you mated with another wolf and had pups. Of course he always took the good ones away...

"That's a bad thing?" I asked, still confused.

"It is a wonderful thing," Arch said with a huff. "BUt to me it is hard. I have to do the ceremony."

I looked at Arch for the longest time, quirking a brow and watching his face. When I realized what it was, I laughed! "You like the little one!"

He growled, glaring at me. "He is a beautiful male. He is also one of the few I trust with my life. It is why he carries the rank of Alpha-Strider. He may be the fastest among us but he has proven himself multiple times to me. I was just slow to act and I lost him."

"I see," I said, laughing back and pulling the blankets up to my chest. "You were being stupid and Big Red comes in and sweeps him off his feet. They're in love so much they want to be legally joined and it's pissing you off because you coulda had what they got."

"Eloquently put," Arch said, reaching over and flicking my forehead with a finger. "But mostly right. Slayn had been chasing me for a long time and my inaction sent him into the arms of that warrior."

"So you're torn with what your penis wants and what your heart wants."

I got growled at for that.

"It is more than that. I'm done talking about this topic, too. You need to sleep. Until you get settled in the pack you will be under my official protection. You will behave, too."

"You need to let him go you know," I said, stretching my arms above my head before hiding my hands right back into the warm blankets. "Love is expensive, and it seems worthless. In the end this world is cold and cruel and no one can take that coldness away. You gotta stand on your own two feet or you'll fall. You can't rely on others."

"We'll see how your philosphy of life changes when you see your new home." Arch said.

"I told you I don't want to go!" I looked up at him. Back on this topic. Yay.

"And I'm telling you that you don't have a choice. I spoke of you, you wear the crescent moon of all the wolves. When we get home we will get you one of the tattoos or a necklace. Something so you can wear the moon."

"That's another thing!" I said, sitting up again. "You're the Half Moon, right? Why does everyone here wear crescent moons?"

"All the wolf caern wear the crescent moons. It is a symbol of our true unity under the Gods and respect for the moon itself. We can transcend pack honor to a species honor. In times of need the caerns can come together and defend the lands against dire threats. Our tribe name is just a name, but the moon is universal. After all, the Half Moon is just how the moon looks sometimes."

I didn't say anything. Lost in thought, I didn't notice Arch move to the bed and then slip under the covers. had he gotten naked? Had I not seen? I looked up as Arch laid his head down on the pillow. "You need to sleep, pup. Tomorrow will be better. Just rest." He said it gently of course, but that didn't make the subtle order anymore palpable.

I just crawled into my blankets, making sure I was nice and close to the fire without actually pressing against it. I hadn't been so warm at night in a long while. I was almost glad these wild, weird wolves had grabbed me and decided to drag me with them. Maybe I wouldn't so cold anymore. Bah! I still missed pants. Being a teenager, guess what was happening under the blankets?

I sighed and did my best to ignore it, as well as resisted the urge to cough. Somehow, surprisingly, sleep found me.

When I woke up I was gasping for air, and coughing again. I was on my side with my knees drawn up. My chest was tight and it felt like I was on fire. I managed to lift my head only to see Arch standing there with the robed wolf and a couple in the main room looking in.

"...hasn't stopped coughing for the last hour. I think he's sick. Renin, please look at him." That was from Arch.

"Yes, Alpha." I heard. I also heard footsteps. I managed to roll onto my back just in time to see the robed male looking down at me.

"Are you okay?" He asked, putting his hands on my chest.

"Just peachy. What's wrong with me?" Being sick was serious. In the winter, and with no money, I couldn't really afford medicine. If this was bad I was...well, I was worried I wouldn't see summer. Hell, I was worried I wouldn't see tomorrow. Being sick was terrifying. The small bit of control I had over my life was gone.

I watched as the the robed wolf closed his eyes and focused, then looked up. "Arch," he said.

"What is it? Is he okay?" Arch sounded more than a little concerned.

"There's a lot of heat in his chest. A blackness too. I can't just ask the Gods to undo this one. I need one of those stones Reyna has. There should be one in my bag."

"Good. How long does it take?" Arch asked.

"Five hours to clear him completely. I'll pass out afterward. Probably sleep for a day or two."

"Arch," A voice sounded from the hallway. This voice was a new one. This one was female.

"What is it, Ezia? You know you're supposed to be outside watching."

"I know that, Arch,' The woman said. "But I'm here to report we're being watched by a group of men, wolves, in armor. There's a red crescent moon on their armor right on the chest. More men in armor with the same marking have come into the town since we arrived in the inn."

"Where are they?" Another male's voice sounded. Sounded like Big Red, Avalon.

"They're in the building across the road. They have no candles or fires lit but they're watching from the windows. One warrior came in to check the prices of this place, too."

"How many are there in total?" Arch asked. He had to raise his voice a bit over his coughing. At least I didn't make Arch's job any easier.

"About 12 now. I suspect they're waiting until dawn or more men arrive. I have no idea when that will be, but the blizzard is slowing them down. We should move, Arch."

"Is that your position as the Scout-Alpha?" He asked.

"It is, Alpha. We need to get back until the veil of the woods and head back to the Temple. Apollo's people are watching the borders of this section. We should be safe once we cross the tree line."

"We're a days run to the wood and weeks from the caern."

"Not if we run," another voice said, Slayn.

"We have warriors with us, and a mage." Ezia said. I imagined her looking to the small little brown wolf. "We can't keep up with you. The snow alone can slow us down."

"We have to make due and push forward. If we're in danger or at risk we need to move." Slayn said with another firm tone. He must have been worried.

I sat up, my hand going to my chest, coughing hard. It was hard to breathe but I had to speak. "The red moon?"

I saw the woman. She was taller than me but shorter than most of the people in the room, save for Slayn and Renin. She wore leg muffs around her shins up to her knees and strapped with leather bands to keep them in place. A similar pair rested over his forearms. Across her chest was a tabard to cover her breasts but she too wore a loincloth like the men did. Around her neck was a piece of cloth that could have only been described as a scarf. "Yes, a red crescent moon. Why?"

I coughed, leaning forward as Renin touched my shoulders to get me to lay back. "The red moon symbol is the Emperor's private seal. His personal guard wear them."

Upon hearing that name Arch tensed. "We leave now. Renin, do what you can for him. We'll run as fast as we can. We can make it to the scout outposts. Renin, when we cross the treeline I want you to go as fast as you can back to the caern to fetch Reyna."

"Fetch...Reyna?" Slayn asked, looking perplexed. "She'll kill me if I use those words."

"Just use your head and get her to the Scout outposts nearest to where we are now. She and Renin can work on Jack while we continue." Arch said. He looked over to Avalon. "I will personally carry Jack. You will carry Renin on your back so he can use his magic while we move. Jack could die on this trip, Renin will need every bit of strength he has."

No one questioned Arch. Apparently they knew their duties. Renin was rubbing my chest with some oil and for the first time I could take a deep breath. "How did you..."

Renin smiled as he just applied a second layer of oil right between my pectoral muscles. "This plant extract helps people breathe. I carry some during the cold months because a lot of our people have trouble breathing this time of year. I'm also asking the Gods to keep you safe."

"You can actually talk to the Gods?" I still didn't believe him. I was waiting for this to be just some trick to surprise me or something.

"I'm a Whisperer. We can talk to the Gods. It's how I use magic. I ask the individual Gods for their powers. I'm the only Whisperer The Half Moon has. I know the Full Moon has three though. I can't wait to talk to them when they visit us at the end of the month."

"Renin, is he ready to go?" Arch asked as he walked over, kneeling next to the two of us.

"He is, Alpha. I'll be able to treat him a bit while we move, but I can't use the absorbing stone while in motion. I don't want to hurt him or take part of his life force by mistake." Renin admitted, standing up and moving away and leaving me with the alpha male of the group.

"All right, are you ready? Lay back down and relax."

I did as I was told, not sure what to expect but Arch reached down and bundled more blankets around me. He then slipped his arms under them and hefted me up against his chest. Amazing! He held me with one arm and I wasn't very small. He made sure to wrap some of the blanket over my head so my muzzle poked out.

"I feel silly," I groaned, really! If Arch could see me he'd see a red flush to my ears and face under my fur. I had A) Never been carried anywhere like this and B) I had never thought of needing to ever be carried anywhere like this! I wanted to walk but another eruption of coughing from my chest made me realize it would probably be best to just be the 'good boy' until they healed me.

"Renin, on my back," Avalon said and crouched down, he had passed his pack to one of the other warriors. Slayn was busy looking out the window while Ezia was putting out the fires. Soon the top floor of the room was dark as night. We were all gathered in the darkness, standing in front of the window facing away from the road.

"Aren't we going down the stairs?" I asked, looking up at Arch.

"No. I need you to hold on to my neck, Jack. Tuck your face against my chest and make yourself as loose as possible." Arch told me.

I lifted my arms and slid them around his neck, but relaxed the joints. I did have to comment. "Typically you say this on a third date. We're moving pretty fast, Arch."

He looked down at me and huffed, smirked, and looked forward. "Do you ever stop joking?"

"I do when people stop making it so easy." I just pressed my face close. I could feel Arch actually tighten his grip on me.

I had no warning when Arch ran forward. I looked up and saw the ceiling of the room zooming past me, and then heat. I could feel heat along my back and then...cold! I managed to keep the on eeye open as the ceiling became the snowy sky, and then the sensation of falling took me. I resisted, as Arch had insisted, clenching up and simply clung to him loosely. I saw the flecks of glass and could swear they were tumbling and burning, melting as they fell to the snow where Arch had landed in a crouch, then bounding forward at a run.

Now, if you're never run with someone while being held let me tell you it's not too comfortable. Arch wasn't just running he was sprinting. I had let go of his neck at this point and bounced against his chest sometimes, the cold biting through the blanket and across my exposed face. I just curled back up tighter, coughing hard as the cold air hit my lungs. It was at this moment I knew I was really sick. My coughing hard become worse. I had lost my perception of where the world was around me, focused on the black fur of chest and the edges of the blanket.

I began to shiver. I was getting cold and my coughing was getting worse. I could hear running around me, I supposed it was the other wolves running with us. I didn't look up. I just wanted to sleep. Fear was also starting to make me worry about living. I was leaving a world behind me with medicine and doctors but I couldn't afford anything and I knew as much about medicine as I knew about these wolves. I just closed my eyes and tried to sleep.

"Jack," Arch said through huffing and puffing. "How are you doing?"

"Cold," I just said. I wasn't in the mood to be witty. I just wanted to sleep.

"Hold on," He told me. He was running. What could he do? It was snowing and cold as fuck! I wanted to go back to the inn and curl up in my little spot near the fire. I didn't care it was on the floor, I just wanted to be warm.

I could feel Arch's palms on my back and legs grow hot. Very hot! I winced a bit but he held me still. All of a sudden the intense warmth washed over the whole blanket, making the whole thing nice and warm. I opened my eyes to see red thread where there had been a drab grey. What had Arch done? I didn't care. I was just cold and now I was warming up.

"Jack, please tell me when you're too hot and I'll stop. Just rest." He said calmly.

I nodded and reached up, tugging the edge of the blanket of my face to keep out the biting cold. I still coughed but found it incredibly easy to sleep. The chill was leaving my toes and fingers. I just rested and found peace.

If you're looking for a detailed explanation of the trip you're out of luck. Apparently I had developed a fever and slept most of the way. The few snippets I do remember were being woken up long enough to eat some berries and drink some water. I remember Renin over me and rubbing medicine onto my chest or having me drink some kind of foul tea. I remember some of them looking at me with concerned faces. One of the things I remember most is never being out of Arch's arms. I was held the whole time, sometimes given water by Arch himself. I remember very little as I said. I just slept a whole lot and didn't want want to talk. They insisted on some things but for the life of me I couldn't remember what. All I thought about was my life and if I was going to live or not.

The next thing I remember was being in a plush bed. I opened my eyes and saw a window with sun beaming in but snow on its ledge. I looked around and saw ancient stone making up the walls. There was a fireplace against the far wall. what startled me was an elderly woman's face hovering over my own. She was a wolf but looked so ancient! Her fur had once been silver but over the years she had turned gray and white. She had on thick heavy robes and wore beads in her longer headfur. I wasn't sure what to make of it, but instinct took over.

"Holy shit! You're old!" I said, sitting up quickly.

Her face took on what I can only describe as a 'deadface'. It's what I used a lot in gambling. The next thing I felt with a heavy crack of wood over my head, making my vision flash white and a burst of pain between my ears.

"Ow!" I winced, my hands touching my head.

"And you're a little bit dumber. Pups." She shook her head at me and looked me over. "Can't say much for brains but you're healthy now." Her hand reached down, and I realized I was naked. She tweaked my erection. GOD DAMN THOSE! Why was I on top of the blankets and not under them?! "Eager, too. I haven't had this reaction on a young man in decades!"

I quickly kicked under the blankets, tugging them up and holding them to my chest, flushed hot. "Where' my clothes?! Where's Arch? Shouldn't you be feeding the birds or something, not molesting men?"

"HA!" She said at me, whacking the bed with her staff a few dangerous inches from my toes. "You're about as much a man as I am, pup." She held up her hand, revealing a crystal as black as the darkest winter's night. No light seemed to pass through the stone. "You know what this is?"

"Thats...the infection in my chest, isn't it?" I said gently.

"It's dark magic, Jack." A voice said from the side. Arch was standing next to the bed all of a sudden. It made me jump! He was wearing a fiery red loincloth and of course nothing else. "This infection resembles natural sickness but it's enhanced with dark magic."

"Very dark," the old woman said shaking her hand and pocketing the crystal. "Now then, boy! Tell me what you told Arch here." She swung her staff so the end of her staff slapped him against his stomach. Arch grunted, palms going to his gut and looking to the old woman, growling faintly.

"Reyna... What have I told you about treating me like a pup?"

"When you stop responding like one I may just agree! Until then we got bigger matters. Now then, Jack was it? Tell me. You said the men in the armor. They follow a man named Zane?"

"Yeah, he's the Emperor of a lot of the land outside the woods." I just nodded.

"And you're sure of this. I know you're a bit dim but I need you to be absolutely sure."

I huffed. "I'm sure. I'm about as sure of it as I'm sure you're a wrinkled old bat!"

I saw Arch's eyes widen and managed to curl to the side just in time to avoid being whacked with that staff. When Reyna lifted it up to hit me again Arch caught it in his palm.

"Reyna," Arch began, speaking gently. "He's recovering. Maybe you shouldn't hit him? Tell us about this Zane and why it bugs you. I remember the name from old stories you told me when I first got here."

She huffed, but nodded, sitting on the edge of the bed. Hell no I didn't trust her but I was sure with Arch here he could control the old woman. If not I would just keep pushing her buttons until she stormed out or broke a bone. Then Arch would HAVE to take her away from here.

"A long time ago there were four wolf packs in these woods. The Half Moon, the End Moon, The Full Moon. The Fourth was called the All Moon." She began. "The four packs formed peaceful treaties with one another and for a long time we lived in peace. This was when all the packs were nomadic, ages ago."

"So you were what, 30?" I said.

"Jack!" Arch said at me. "Let her finish."

"Well," she said, glaring at me. "One day All Moon got tired of the limitations. The Gods told us our homes can only be in this side of the Elim Forest. If we left things would happen to us that we could not predict. The All Moon thought the stories were legend, but they crossed the Elim Woods and began to make their home on the other side. When they did they were disgraced by the Gods."

"What happened?" Arch asked.

"They lost the ability to use magic like we do. I'm sure there may be one or two, but it is harder for them. The distinctions of types of wolf would blur, too. They would lose their castes or whole castes would die off, become infertile. I don't really know all the details. A lot of the legend says the All Moon were never what they once were. When they tried to enter the Woods again they became lost as if an Outsider had been brought in."

"Wait," I said and looked between them. "I'm an Outsider."

"You were brought by a Half Moon Tribesman," Arch said gently. "Apparently if you're taken you can come with us."

"The three other packs, seeing another fall, disregarded the name All Moon. Today it is called the Severed Moon and the wolves on the other side of the Wood are obviously the descendants of those wolves. What bothers me is the name Zane."

"Why?" I asked.

"Zane was the name of the Alpha Male for the All Moon when they left. Maybe it's a name passed down, maybe not. But if it is the real Zane or one of his descendants that means his ambition to get back inside the Wood may be alive as well."

"I'll send a strider to Apollo and ask him to watch the border more closely. I'll restrict strider acess from the otherside of the Woods until we have more information."

"Have Apollo poke his nose about into the people on the other side. The leopards wouldn't interest Zane at all. He can be our eyes and ears. I don't want any wolves going across the tree line though. It's too dangerous."

"I agree," Arch said, looking down at me. "Do you know anything else?"

"Just that I'm hungry and naked."

"Jack..." He sighed, rubbing the back of his head.

"What ARE you going to do with the boy, Arch?" Reyna spoke up. "He's not much to look at for a warrior, he's definitely not going to be a mage."

"Until he gets settled he'll be my guest and exempt from a position for now. I don't want to put him to work right away. He barely knows our customs."

"Hey, don't I get a say in this? What if I want to go back to the city?"

"You don't. You're one of us." Arch said strongly. He walked to his dresser and reached out to select a silver bracelet. When he returned he handed it to me. "I want you to wear this for me."

"What for?" I asked, taking it in my palms. I turned it around. I saw the shiny silver gleam in the light of the room, as well as the jeweled ruby moon set into it. I looked up at Arch then. "This is expensive."

"That's my bracelet. Apollo or other high profile people wear it to let others know you're directly linked to me. Just put it on when you go exploring."

I slipped it onto my wrist, watching as the metal shimmered and contracted tightly around my wrist. I hadn't seen much magic until I came to these people, but some of it was actually pretty neat. I looked up to the two wolves then, licking my lips. "Where am I staying?"

"Here, with me," Arch said. "This is my room. When we figure out where you'll be working you'll get somewhere of your own."

"Wonderful," I said with rolled eyes. I was kidding of course. Living with this guy wouldn't be so bad, would it? He was their leader. Maybe...

I could have just a little bit of fun here.

To be continued!